Tuesday October 25 2011 | Week 6
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S i n c e 1887 T h e U K ' s O ld e st S T u d en t N ews pa p er
S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010
Criticism of sports funding changes
Stuck in a rut . . .
University of Edinburgh study reveals Scottish deer are picky when it comes to sex >> News P7
Martyn baker
Lewis Macdonald
Edinburgh Uni refuses to bow to pressure over fees “ Edinburgh stands firm as English universities consider U-turn over £9000 limit Alasdair Drennan THE UNIVERSITY of Edinburgh has refused to bow to increasing pressure to reassess their rest-of-UK (RUK) fees for next year in spite of possible reductions in fees in England. University fees in England for the next academic year could be set to fall following an announcement by the Government that 20,000 university places will only be made available to institutions charging less that £7,500 per year. This means that the University of Edinburgh’s RUK fees, which are al-
ready the highest in the UK, will look even higher in comparison if English institutions agree to reduce their fee proposals. A spokesperson for the University told The Student, “We are awaiting the outcome of discussions in the Scottish Parliament on Higher Education funding. As things stand, there are no plans to change RUK fees.” Robin Parker, president of the National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland stressed that any reduction in English fees should place pressure on Scottish institutions to follow suit. He said, “Fundamentally, it’s wrong for anyone to be paying for their education. The Scottish Government are right to have protected Scottish-domiciled students from the uncertainty and ravages of the market, but they were wrong to give the university principals so much liberty to set fees for students studying in Scotland from the rest-ofthe-UK. “Edinburgh and St Andrews universities must be looking at the situation
We are awaiting the outcome of discussions in the Scottish Parliament. As things stand, there are no plans to change RUK fees.”
Spokesperson, University of Edinburgh
down south with ever more concern, as their £36,000 degrees look all the more out on a limb. If the average fee does indeed come down in England, the more expensive degree cost in Scotland will only look even more out of place.” The move to reduce fees has caused confusion for those currently applying for courses beginning next year. The UCAS deadline for applications to Oxford, Cambridge and for medicine and veterinary medicine has already passed. The Government announced changes to the allocation of places in July even though Universities had set
out the structure for their fees in April. The process for applying for places was announced by the Higher Education Funding Council early last week. The Office for Fair Access (OFFA) announced that 28 universities in England have expressed in interest in reducing their proposed average fees to below £7,500 and eight have already taken steps to do so. OFFA has laid out a process for universities that desire to revise their fees and new proposals must me submitted before 4 November. Universities wishing to revise their fee structure for next year must contact all students who have already applied and inform them of the changes being made and give all students who have applied already the opportunity to choose between the new funding structure or stay with the package that was on offer when they made their application. Continued on page three»
An investigation by The Student has revealed concern over changes to funding of the university’s sports clubs by Edinburgh University Sports Union (EUSU), following cuts to the funding they can distribute. Some clubs expressed concerns that funding seemed to have decreased compared to past years, making them increasingly reliant on contributions from their members and placing limits on the activities that it would be possible for their clubs to take part in. Countering these claims, other clubs said that any increases to their membership fees and reductions in subsidies were down to inflation and increased fuel prices. They also stated that EUSU contributions to club budgets, while a small proportion of the total, were a welcome cushion to their costs throughout the year. For certain sports clubs, a concern that emerged was access to the Centre for Sport and Exercise (CSE)’s fleet of minibuses, cuts to which means that the fleet has been downsized. The cuts have affected those sports clubs whose activities take place outside Edinburgh. Liyen Nhuyen, treasurer of Edinburgh University Mountaineering Club (EUMC), told The Student that as a result “we had to resort to hiring cars from Enterprise, which implies higher costs for us.” Marcus Horgan, former treasurer of the club, said, “We have had a fair amount of wrangling with the SU over the past 12 months and a main problem is the zero transparency available, decisions are made, clubs notified and it is very difficult to raise problems to a level above that of the SU board.” The CSE’s budget lies outside the remit of EUSU, which does negotiate for subsidised prices for CSE facilities for students and sports clubs. Responding to this issue, Tom Redpath, treasurer of EUSU told The Student that there “is a constant negotiation between ourselves and the CSE on all costings” and that “we do pursue and fight on behalf of the clubs to ensure their voice is heard”. Continued on page two»