Tuesday March 6 2012 | Week 7
Body monitoring ‘smart pills’
S I N C E 1887
S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010
Starting gun fired on EUSA elections
Wi-fi for everyone!
City council set out to provide wireless internet in all Edinburgh outdoor public spaces>> News P3
Graduate unemployment rises to same level as school leavers Thurston Smalley UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) earlier this month reveal that the rate of unemployment among 21 year-old university graduates is roughly equal to that of 18 year-old school leavers, at 25 per cent and 26 per cent, respectively. The ONS statistics paint a generally bleak picture of the obstacles faced by youth entering the workforce. Unemployment among those aged 16 to 24 reached 1.04 million, or 22.2 per cent, this month. However, the statistics, which also record unemployment at its highest level since 1987, do show that university graduates enter employment more
quickly than school leavers, with only five per cent of degree holders unemployed by age 24. By contrast, seven per cent of A-level and 13 per cent of GCSE school leavers remained unemployed by age 24. The Higher Education Careers Services Unit cautioned against attributing too much significance to the ONS figures on graduate employment as the number of those leaving school with A-levels was lower than the number of those graduating from university. The organisation’s deputy director of research, Charlie Ball, said, “Although the number of young people out of work is historically high, the graduate unemployment rate in this recession has not reached the levels it
did in the 1980s or 1990s.” He also insisted that despite the stagnant job market, most university graduates can still realistically expect to enter employment within six months. In addition, research published by investment firm Skandia projects that today’s university graduates can expect to earn £1.6 million over a 45 year career, while A-level leavers will earn £1 million over a 48 year career and GCSE leavers a mere £783,964 less than half of a university graduate’s expected earnings. Over recent months the coalition government has announced a series of measures designed to combat what Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has called the “ticking time bomb” of
high youth unemployment. Yet these schemes have faced heightened scrutiny in the wake of public criticism of the initiatives and allegations of fraud against the government-sponsored welfare-to-work firm A4e. Separate figures published by the ONS in November 2011 reveal Edinburgh is the third worst affected area in Scotland, with over 35 thousand residents claiming unemployment benefits. Second worst affected area is North Lanarkshire with just under 40 thousand claimants and worst affected is Glasgow with just under 90 thousand.
Sam Bradley
NOMINATIONS FOR the annual Edinburgh University Student’s Association elections have opened. The entry period for candidates who wish to run for any of the positions open during the general election ends on Thursday 15 March. Mike Williamson, the vice president of academic affairs at EUSA, told The Student why he thinks students might run for election, “People should stand for election because they should care about what is happening to higher education. “Locally there are lots of developments which need input from student representatives, from the new Personal Tutor system to curriculum design, but nationally there are all kinds of changes happening that could rip public education apart. “The movement needs people to fight against these changes, and getting involved in your students’ association is one of the most constructive ways to do that.” EUSA sabbatical officers have already posted videos on the organisation’s website detailing campaign techniques and reasons to run for election. Next week’s issue of The Student will contain a full list of the candidates running for election as well as a breakdown of the positions available. During the election, EUSA allocates all candidates an allowance of printing credit so that students running for election can produce publicity materials, but candidates are also allowed to use their own money to pay for publicity. All candidates are required to turn in receipts of publicity-related purchases to EUSA so that candidates are financially accountable. After the end of nominations, the sanctioned period for campaigning will begin. This includes the election debate on 26 March and ends on 29 March – election day. The results are due to be announced in a presentation ceremony that evening.
News: Nicola Sturgeon MSP speaks to the The Student about Scottish independence p3 A proposal with mileage p2