Grant & ScholarshipRecipients 2013–2014
Chapter & Individual Grant Recipients It is the distinct privilege of Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation to announce the chapters and individuals who received grants during the 2013–2014 Fiscal Year. Theta Foundation had the honor to help provide 18 collegians and alumnae and three chapters with the opportunities to pursue non-degree educational, leadership, and service-learning programs. Receiving $26,480 in support from our Named Grant Endowment Funds, grant recipients participated in leadership workshops, professional development, and service projects. These experiential learning opportunities helped strengthen Thetas and non-Thetas alike and helped Theta women grow as leaders in service, academia, their professions, and their communities and campuses. These leading women join the longstanding tradition of Thetas who are exceeding expectations and, in Founder Hannah Fitch Shaw’s words, “accomplishing the great work of life.” We invite you to join us in congratulating them on their incredible efforts to promote the widest influence for good.
Alumnae Chapter Founders Award Denver Alumnae Chapter
Carryl Wischmeyer Krohne Sophie R. Koff
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Brittany N. Scancarella
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Houston Alumnae Chapter Sarah C. Borgatti Emily Ehrlich Hammer
Alpha Phi/Tulane University Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Amanda Smith Crawford Caitlyn R. Ngam
Eta Theta/Univ. of Central Florida Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Jeanne Ross Miller Alpha/DePauw University Christina E. Alexander Amanda G. Barton
Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University Alpha Rho/Univ. of South Dakota
Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve Kerry Gilroy
Eta Xi/Quinnipiac University
Yianna E. Kappas
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Serena L. Lomonico
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Shannon M. Morris
Beta Nu/Florida State University
Laura A. Navarro
Beta Rho/Duke University
Suzanne F. Pappenhagen
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University
Kylie Saunders
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Laura R. Stilwell
Zeta Mu/MIT
Jessica J. Valdez
Eta Iota/Univ. of San Diego
Nancy France Brie M. Dorsey
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Quarter 1 Sarah Borgatti
Alpha Phi/Tulane University
Scholarly research at the Britten-Pears Foundation’s Archives Sarah studied primary source materials at the archives of the Britten-Pears Foundation, where she examined the collection of composer Benjamin Britten’s correspondence and personal papers for material pertaining to his opera Peter Grimes. Her research formed part of the core arguments of her thesis for her Master’s Degree in Musicology from Tufts University. “This experience has deepened my commitment to support Theta in all the ways I can, but it has also made me value my Kappa Alpha Theta membership in general and the work of Theta Foundation in particular by showing me firsthand one of the many ways in which Theta really is for a lifetime.”
increase student engagement on college campuses. Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation has supported me previously in my educational endeavors, and this Theta grant provided me with the opportunity to add to my story that Theta is for a lifetime.”
Serena Lomonico Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Galapagos National Park Volunteer Program Theta Foundation awarded Serena a grant to participate in the Galapagos National Park Volunteer Program to conduct research in fisheries and ecosystem monitoring. “I often feel like my interests as a marine biologist and passion for work in fisheries management are slightly rare for a woman, and even within my group of closest friends. To have Theta supporting my interests and work, especially in a new place, meant so much to me!”
Emily Hammer
Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University
Collaborative Educational Programs for the Americas Consortium Leadership Conference Emily presented findings from her work as a PhD candidate at the Collaborative Educational Programs for the Americas Consortium Leadership Conference.
Jessica Valdez
Eta Iota/Univ. of San Diego
Amazon Community and Indigenous Health The purpose of this month-long program was to provide healthcare to rural and indigenous communities in Puyo, Ecuador. Jessica assisted and observed clinical work as well as learned traditional medicine from the jungle and rural communities in the Amazon basin. “Going on this program to Ecuador was such an incredible, beautiful journey that I will always hold dear to my heart. It taught me so much about myself and the world that we live in, and I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to even attend. I am so honored and blessed that I have Theta to support me in all of my endeavors. I feel so proud to be a part of an organization that cares so much for all of its members and will help them to achieve their absolute best so that they may truly make a difference in this world.”
“As a doctoral candidate, the CEPA conference provided me with the opportunity to hear a consortium of leaders in the field of education, discuss new methods for delivery, course reform, and most importantly how to 3
Quarter 2 Amanda Crawford
Eta Theta/Univ. of Central Florida
Gallup Strengths Coaching Kit The Strengths Coaching Kit is a resource for coaches and professionals who work with the StrengthsFinder system to help individuals discover, develop, and integrate their strengths into their daily personal and professional lives. “The coaching kit provided me with a plethora of resources and support to continue in my own growth with strengths-based leadership. I was able to facilitate three-hour training to a group of support personnel who have been selected to participate in Citrus County Schools Support Leadership Academy. In the past I have provided training to groups of people, but now I will be able to provide support and coaching to each individual who has attended group training.”
Brie Dorsey
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
UCLA Extension Marketing Certificate Brie began her career in marketing as the Vice President of Public Relations for the Delta Chapter at the University of Illinois. She has since gained 12 years of experience, working for some of the top names in entertainment and media. The UCLA
Extension program in Marketing will supplement her undergraduate degree with training in the developing areas of new media, social media, and web analytics. “To me, Theta’s focus has always been on creating strong, well-rounded women that reach the peaks of their own potential, both in scholastics and in life. The women in this Fraternity are leaders in their professions and in their communities, and I have always done my best to embody that standard in my personal life. I have asked for the help of this sisterhood to clear my path towards professional success so that I can continue to represent myself and Theta with pride.”
Kerry Gilroy
Eta Xi/Quinnipiac University
Quinnipiac University Occupational/Physical Therapy Trip in Nicaragua (O.P.T.I.O.N) Sponsored by the Albert Schweitzer Institute at Quinnipiac, the O.P.T.I.O.N. program allows students to give occupational and physical therapy services to people in Leon, Nicaragua, who do not otherwise have access to a local facility. Services include providing in-home treatment to children with cerebral palsy and teaching children how to use wheelchairs. “Theta has always been something near and dear to me ever since I have joined. It brought me closer to so many friends, and so many friends became my sisters. I never thought it was possible to feel supported by so many people before. Being able to go on this trip with the help of Theta Foundation made me realize how lucky I am to be part of such a special organization. I am so honored to have been able to represent Theta while in Nicaragua, 4
and now that I am home I constantly reflect on the fact that the trip would not have been possible without Theta.”
Brittany Scancarella Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors Annual Meeting As an aspiring director of fraternity/sorority life, Brittany attended the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) Annual Meeting. AFA brings together professionals in higher education who advise fraternal organizations to focus on relevant topics, trends, and issues. “Receiving the Theta Foundation grant, and knowing the entire time that I was able to have this incredible experience due to the generous support of my sisters, made me feel the same way I did as a little girl seeing my family in the audience at one of my school plays. I was able to share with those who I met that my Fraternity believed in me so much that my sisters physically sent me to the conference. The tangible act of my presence there and ability to contribute to the conversations that administrators, universities, and fraternal organizations are all having for the benefit of students was made possible through Theta Love alone. That is a very powerful thing to have in your mind.”
Quarter 3 Christina Alexander
Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University
Global Medical Brigades Vanderbilt University, Ghana The Global Medical Brigades program allowed students to volunteer in a health clinic in Ghana to distribute medical prescriptions and aid. Theta Foundation’s grant helped Christina participate and gain experience toward her goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. “From this grant, I was able to help over 500 patients in the rural Ghanaian village named Egyankwaa. I also educated each patient about healthy lifestyle changes. Finally, I helped construct two latrines for the community. I am so thankful that Theta Foundation made this possible.”
Sophie Koff
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
33rd Annual Conference on The First Year Experience As a Graduate Residential Coordinator for First Year Residential Experience, Sophie worked with first-year students closely. Attending the Annual Conference on The First Year Experience allowed her to gain knowledge related to her work supporting students during this unique time in their collegiate careers.
“I would like to sincerely thank the donors who made this opportunity possible. Without the support from Theta Foundation, I would never have been able to come up with the funding to pursue conferences and other professional development opportunities. I am so appreciative of all the support I have received from Theta Foundation. Your generosity has really shown me just how true the statement ‘Theta is for a lifetime’ is.”
Caitlyn Ngam
Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Soft Power Health Volunteers with Soft Power Health assisted with health education programs at a local clinic and in the field. Caitlyn was a field leader for the Malaria Education and Prevention, Family Planning, and Nutritional programs for Ugandans. “By participating in this program, I will learn more about global public health. This will enable me to pursue additional education and encourage a career change I am passionate about. During my four months as a volunteer, I hope to make a difference in the lives and healthcare choices of the individuals that I help educate.”
Eta Pi Chapter at Case Western Reserve Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte Members of Eta Pi ventured to Charlotte, North Carolina, to work as a team and help build homes through Habitat for Humanity for those who are less fortunate. “This program provided nothing but positive experiences. We watched as our teamwork and leadership developed from day one on the work site to the last day. In the beginning, building a simple scaffold 5
was nearly impossible and incredibly frustrating, but by the end we had learned how to work with each other, how to designate people to be the voice of the effort, and who was best at what. We learned how to be more active listeners and how to help each other out by listening to one another’s needs when we were engaging in strenuous work.”
Denver Alumnae Chapter Officer Leadership Workshop and School Book Program Theta Foundation’s grant to the Denver Alumnae Chapter allowed twelve chapter officers to participate in a StrengthsFinder workshop. Identifying chapter leaders’ strengths will benefit the chapter, but will also be more broadly useful in their professions and through their community involvement. The grant also helped the chapter establish two book rooms at Alsup Elementary School, a Title 1 school with approximately 85% of the students in the school receiving free and reduced lunch. The two book rooms added 32 fiction and non-fiction books for the students’ use.
Quarter 4 Amanda Barton
Alpha Rho/Univ. of South Dakota
Applied Behavior Analysis Online The Florida Institute of Technology Applied Behavior Analysis program is designed for individuals working to obtain the certification of Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Amanda is pursuing the program to supplement her graduate training in school psychology. “When I first joined Kappa Alpha Theta I never dreamed of doing anything more than a bachelor’s degree. Being around the high caliber of women who are [Thetas] helped me to raise the bar for the expectations I hold for myself. Consequently, due to the encouraging effects of my sisters I decided to pursue and obtain a higher degree. While I am now of alumna status, the bar has not been lowered. I still have high expectations for myself and so do my sisters. Completing this certification would help me reach another goal that I would not have were it not for my membership in Kappa Alpha Theta.”
Johnnye Kappas
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Introduction to Strengths-Based Education The Introduction to StrengthsBased Education course introduces K-12 and higher education educators and education leaders to strengthsbased education pedagogy and practice and emphasizes specific student outcomes associated with strengths-based implementation. Johnnye intends to use the knowledge in her work advising college-aged students.
“Kappa Alpha Theta’s mission aligns perfectly with StrengthsFinder’s purpose. As Thetas we strive for our members to reach their fullest potential. StrengthsFinder encourages everyone to ‘do what you do best every day.’ The similarities are so simple. If a member of Theta is trying to reach her fullest potential, what better way to achieve this than by improving what you already do best? StrengthsFinder takes what comes naturally to us and identifies it in a way that we can understand and recognize. At that point, it is our responsibility to use these traits to achieve our fullest potential and become true Leading Women.”
Shannon Morris
Beta Nu/Florida State University
Seeds of Hope The mission of Seeds of Hope is to support indigenous children living in extreme poverty and to provide vocational training for children without economic means. It supplements traditional school through education, recreation, and daily nutritious meals. Shannon served as a school tutor in Peru. “The mission of this trip attests to Kappa Alpha Theta’s promise to create the widest influence for good and commit to love. I will be promoting the values that Theta women live by farther than my local community. This program also relates to CASA in that it is helping children who are in situations out of their control. Many of the children at Seeds of Hope face hardships like split families, extreme poverty, and abusive situations but can have hope of a positive future if they can finish their education. As I have seen through the CASA mentors, one person can brighten a child’s future. Through this trip I will satisfy my intellectual curiosity, commit to serving the children, and lead my chapter by setting an example for serving others. Through this I hope to see personal growth and further embody the four points of the kite.” 6
Laura Navarro
Beta Rho/Duke University
Wilderness First Responder, Wilderness Medical Institute The Wilderness First Responder course is an eighty hour participation-based course designed to provide students with the skills to make critical medical decisions in the wilderness and to manage medical emergencies. Laura’s participation supplemented her previous training and helped her gain experience toward obtaining her Wilderness First Responder certification. ”I am extremely grateful to Theta Foundation for their support that allowed me to achieve a long-standing goal. I truly appreciate that Theta Foundation and Kappa Alpha Theta in general is so accepting of all kinds of goals and seeks to support members in pursuing their passions, whatever they may be. I have not encountered many people who have Wilderness Medicine certifications, and it is very unique that Theta is so supportive of each member fulfilling her highest potential as a leader in the world.”
Suzanne Pappenhagen
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University
Learning Through Listening and Working with the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Suzanne volunteered with Tree of Life, a relief agency working with the Lakota people to provide both physical and emotional support. She also met with Lakota Studies and Human Services Professors at Sinte Gleska University to learn
more about trauma and its psychological impacts as part of her academic endeavor to research the effects of transgenerational trauma. “I have always known on some level that Theta is an international organization that goes well beyond my own chapter, but it didn’t hit me how powerful of a thing this is until this trip. It is hard to see Theta outside of your own chapter when that is the only experience that you have had. This has truly showed me how our values extend so widely to touch the hearts of people that we don’t even know. Without Theta Foundation I would not have been able to have this life-changing experience, and that is something I will be eternally grateful for and hope to pay it forward later in life to support other sisters to follow their own passions.”
Kylie Saunders
Delta Phi/Clemson University
SPLASH (Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene) Practicum SPLASH is a project that provides improved access to safe drinking water, access to sanitation, and hygiene education and promotion in over 600 schools of Zambia’s Eastern Province. Kylie is helping SPLASH develop a Menstrual Hygiene Management program. “I was born to help people. I have an innate passion for others, especially through public health. Going in to the global public health field is not something that people do for money. It is something that people do when they truly want to make a difference in the world. By teaching people healthy or proper behaviors, one can prevent them from getting life-altering or deadly diseases. Participating in this program will help to open the gate to my future career in this field. I am truly excited to not only improve my technical skills, but to also improve upon
myself as a person so I can make the biggest impact possible on the world. “To me, being a Theta always meant being true to myself and helping others. This is exactly what this practicum would allow me to do.”
Laura Stilwell
Zeta Mu/MIT
GlobeMed at MIT - GROW Internship Program Laura is participating in the GlobeMed at MIT - GROW Internship Program in Togo. Her focus is developing and field-testing modules created on a mobile application that allows community health workers (CHWs) to collect patient data during home visits. “Hope Through Health and GlobeMed at MIT are challenging the standard of healthcare in Togo. As a result, through this program, I will truly have the opportunity to ‘make a difference in the world.’ Currently in Togo, the public health infrastructure is nonexistent. Thousands of people die each year from treatable diseases simply because they do not have the means to purchase medication or visit a doctor. Hope Through Health believes health is a basic human right and that a patient should not be denied care simply because they cannot pay. As a result, they are aiming to expand their subsidized and often free services to include child and maternal health and hope to have 90,000 patients in their system by 2018. But before they can expand, they first need to develop data management practices that are sustainable and scalable, which is why this project is so important.”
Alpha Chapter at DePauw University “Embracing Real Beauty” by speaker Stacy Nadeau Unrealistic body images invade the lives of all women. To help address this issue, the Alpha Chapter intends to work in collaboration with the campus women’s center to invite all women at DePauw University to a presentation by speaker Stacy Nadeau, one of the original models for Dove’s campaign for “Real Beauty.”
Scholarship Recipients Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation’s scholarships honor recipients’ academic and scholarly achievements, commitment to community, and genuine dedication to Theta. Established by individuals and college and alumnae chapters who believe in Theta women, Theta Foundation scholarships exemplify the support the bonds of sisterhood can provide throughout life’s endeavors. Theta Foundation has the pleasure and privilege of announcing the 247 collegian and alumnae scholarship recipients who received $594,375 in Theta Foundation scholarship support for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. It is our hope—and mission—that Theta Foundation scholarships will help these women reach their fullest potential and make a difference in the world. We invite you to join us in congratulating them on their incredible accomplishments and on their future academic and professional success.
Safina Adatia Beta Psi/McGill University
Carly R. Allen Gamma/Butler University
Jennifer M. Allison Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa
Cameran Ambler Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Katie Marie Anderson Alpha/DePauw University
Kristin P. Anderson Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa
Maggie Anderson Alpha/DePauw University
Andrea A. Antoniou Alpha/DePauw University
Anne Ward Arbegust Epsilon Eta/Centre College
Kristen Michelle Arredondo Delta Epsilon/ Arizona State University
Amelia Grace Ayers Epsilon Iota/Westminster College
Nicole Baqai Omicron/ Univ. of Southern California
Leslye D. Barth Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University
Margaret S. Barton Delta Chi/Univ. of Virginia
Taylor Beaham Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Kelsey Belden Alpha Omicron/ Univ. of Oklahoma
Rhiannon Elizabeth Bell Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond
Kathryn A. Bergamini Gamma/Butler University
Allison Christine Berryhill Eta Iota/Univ. of San Diego
Carroll T. Bible Alpha/DePauw University
Aimee E. Bidegainberry Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Daria Bisharah Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Jessica Bixby Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Jenna Lea Blunt Beta Omicron/Univ. of Iowa
Mary Ann Bonet Epsilon Upsilon/ Columbia University
Heather C. Boni Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho
Laura Brabham Delta Phi/Clemson University
Kiely Bridge Chi/Syracuse University
Madeline L. Briere Alpha/DePauw University
Katherine E. Broecker Alpha/DePauw University
Allison Brown Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Elizabeth M. Brown Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Sarah Kathleen Buedel Gamma/Butler University
Yuliya Buslovich Alpha Phi/Tulane University
Jennifer Cage Beta Iota/Univ. of Colorado
Erin I. Canino Zeta Theta/Cal Polytechnic State University
Lena A. Carlson Zeta Sigma/ Ohio Northern University
Kylie C. Christensen Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Kirsten Marie Cleary Psi/Univ. of Wisconsin
Jasmine L. Coatie Gamma/Butler University
Danielle Cole Eta Omega/ Saint Louis University
Brenna T. Congeni Alpha Gamma/ Ohio State University
Serafina Congeni Alpha Gamma/ Ohio State University
Christina Cook Gamma Upsilon/ Miami University
Nikki J. Cooper Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Hanna Corey Gamma/Butler University
Linnea Corey Gamma/Butler University
Katie E. Cox Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Katherine Creelman Beta Chi/Univ. of Alberta
Claire Cronenweth Zeta Omega/ Loyola Marymount University
Emily Joan Crowley Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Madeline Ann Cullins Alpha Theta/ Univ. of Texas-Austin
Samantha Margrit Cummins Gamma Zeta/ Univ. of Connecticut
Coreen Davis Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Jaclyn M. Demeter Gamma/Butler University
Colleen M. Dermody Beta Kappa/Drake University
Victoria Gilman Diamond Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Abby C. Dorman Gamma Phi/ Texas Tech University
Emily Drewry Tau/Northwestern University
Megan N. Duffy Beta Rho/Duke University
Tiffany Duong Alpha Theta/ Univ. of Texas-Austin
Laura Eisenbeis Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Elizabeth Anne Elliott Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Anastasia Evanoff Zeta Xi/~
Lindsay Evans Delta Phi/Clemson University
Lauren Brownson Farwell Zeta Omega/ Loyola Marymount University
Sarah Emilie Faulkner Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Anna Elizabeth Ferrell Delta Kappa/ Louisiana State University
Arianna Nicole Fisher Eta/Univ. of Michigan
Emily Harrison Fletcher Tau/Northwestern University
Sarah Fletcher Zeta Phi/Pepperdine University
Kelli Fontana Beta Nu/Florida State University
Jennifer Pellow Ford Alpha Omicron/ Univ. of Oklahoma
Paige Michelle Foreman Alpha Rho/Univ. of South Dakota
Katherine L. Foster Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Nancy Milligan Frick Alpha/DePauw University
Miriam Furst Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Nicole Galanti Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Chandler Gann Eta Phi/Belmont University
Kelly Maire Geisleman Gamma/Butler University
Founders Memorial Scholarship Recipient
Emily Gemp Alpha Theta/ Univ. of Texas-Austin
Cassandra Jane Gergen Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Rachel L. German Alpha/DePauw University
Loryn N. Goebel Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Margaret Anne Grady Alpha/DePauw University
Abby Greenhaw Gamma Tau/Univ. of Tulsa
Allison L. Gritzman Gamma/Butler University
Justine Q. Gullia Beta Sigma/ Southern Methodist University
Megan Leigh Haggerty Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond
Karina A. Hamamouche Gamma/Butler University
Robin Ann Hamilton Eta Mu/Occidental College
Summer Hammeras Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Margaret S. Harrison Eta Phi/Belmont University
Evangeline Healy Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Jordan Faith Hendrickson Gamma Tau/Univ. of Tulsa
Anna Elizabeth Herrington Epsilon Zeta/Univ. of Mississippi
Lauren Hodge Gamma/Butler University
Christine Anne Hodges Alpha Nu/Univ. of Montana
Athena K. Holevas Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Krista M. Holliman Delta Eta/ Kansas State University
Callie T. Holloway-Louch Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Molly Beatrice Hopkins Alpha Psi/Lawrence University
Caroline W. Houser Alpha Nu/Univ. of Montana
Sara Yasmin Howard Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Samantha Hubner Eta Phi/Belmont University
Abigail Huth Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond
Margaret James Ioannacci Alpha/DePauw University
Allison L. Isaac Gamma/Butler University
Janelle S. Jarvis Gamma Chi/ Fresno State University
Alaina Elizabeth Jessen Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Katharine Mary Jobko Alpha Gamma/ Ohio State University
Claire Evans Johnson Gamma Delta/Univ. of Georgia
Claire Johnson Alpha/DePauw University
Krista Annalise Johnson Beta Iota/Univ. of Colorado
Kelly Joy Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Megan Karbowski Alpha/DePauw University
Madison K. Keene Gamma Phi/ Texas Tech University
Illianna Keith Delta Epsilon/ Arizona State University
Taryn R. Kellams Gamma/Butler University
Claire Kelley Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Darryl M. Kerby Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho
Courtney R. Kiley Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Wendy E. Kissko Gamma Phi/ Texas Tech University
Emily L. Klimisch Rho/Univ. of Nebraska
Noemie Kloucek Zeta Omicron/ Wake Forest University
Katherine Claire Koonce Epsilon Iota/Westminster College
Kimberly Anne Kraska Gamma/Butler University
Megan Elizabeth Lamb Eta Phi/Belmont University
Lauren Lambrecht Gamma/Butler University
Hannah K. Larson Beta/Indiana University
Megan Lawlor Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Ruthie C. Leeth Gamma/Butler University
Andrea Marie Levy Gamma/Butler University
Shannon I. Lindamood Delta Omicron/Univ. of Alabama
Michaela Locke Theta Iota/~
Mattie E. Loder Delta Eta/ Kansas State University
Sara S. Long Beta Zeta/ Oklahoma State University
Lauray MacElhern Beta Eta/Univ. of Pennsylvania
Sabrina Jasmin Martinez Zeta Upsilon/ Univ. of Texas-Dallas
Abigail Ann Maynard Gamma Psi/ Texas Christian University
Megan Marie McConnell Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Rachel Quinn McFarland Gamma/Butler University
Gabrielle Mele-Algus Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Zoe A. Merrill Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Laura Lacci Michelotti Beta/Indiana University
Anna M. Mihelich Gamma/Butler University
Emily Milbauer Gamma Zeta/ Univ. of Connecticut
Ariel E. Morelock Alpha/DePauw University
Madeline Joy Moyer Alpha/DePauw University
Natalie King Munger Alpha Lambda/ Univ. of Washington
Lara M. Naanouh Alpha/DePauw University
Constance Neale Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Julia M. Nee Alpha Beta/Swarthmore College
Grace Neuses Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Shannon Nocon Alpha Xi/Univ. of Oregon
Christine F. Norris Alpha/DePauw University
Ashley Ann Lozier Norton Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Rebecca Novak Mu/Allegheny College
Lisa Novinsky Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Szasha Ozard Omega/UC Berkeley
Resham Parikh Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine
Stephanie L. Patterson Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Rachel C. Paul Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Lauren Payne Gamma Iota/Univ. of Kentucky
Rebecca Pettigrew Zeta Sigma/ Ohio Northern University
Lyndsey C. Pickett Gamma Iota/Univ. of Kentucky
Laura Poletti Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Sarah Pontius Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Claire W. Porte Beta Lambda/ College of William & Mary
Catherine Elizabeth Porter Delta Omicron/Univ. of Alabama
Catherine Page Price Delta Omega/Texas A & M
Robin L. Rainey Alpha Omicron/ Univ. of Oklahoma
Nicole Mary Raucci Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Alexandra N. Rawlings Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Jessica Kiefer Redden Gamma/Butler University
Kathryn Wilkie Reynolds Beta Tau/Denison University
Rebecca Anne Richards Beta Rho/Duke University
Samantha M. Rinke Beta Pi/ Michigan State University
Lindsay Robb Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Wendy Davidson Rock Delta Kappa/ Louisiana State University
Kelly Roden Gamma/Butler University
Gina Roitman Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Rachael Rosenthal Beta Nu/Florida State University
Eileen I. Roteta Delta Zeta/Emory University
Lauren O. Rump Gamma deuteron/ Ohio Wesleyan University
Leissan Rustemovna Sadykova Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Dolapo A. Sangokoya Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Nicole D. Sansone Zeta Zeta/Colgate University (D)
Kylie Saunders Delta Phi/Clemson University
Megan Downey Schreeg Nu/Hanover College
Jocelyne B. Scott Epsilon Pi/Bucknell University
Whitney Scott Delta Theta/Univ. of Florida
Elizabeth Ann Seegers Alpha/DePauw University
Alyssa A. Self Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Founders Memorial Scholarship Recipient
Lindsay Catherine Shake Alpha/DePauw University
Anne N. Shelton Gamma/Butler University
Elizabeth Grace Shevlin Delta Phi/Clemson University
Rachel Gerstein Silvia Eta Theta/Univ. of Central Florida
Mira Catherine Singhal Gamma deuteron/ Ohio Wesleyan University
Kathleen J. Smith Alpha Tau/Univ. of Cincinnati
Mackenzie Smith Beta Zeta/ Oklahoma State University
Shannon Smith Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Kelsey Lynne Smoot Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Karen M. Soltow Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Jenna L. Spegele Epsilon Zeta/Univ. of Mississippi
Rachel S. Spetrino Gamma deuteron/ Ohio Wesleyan University
Caroline Helveston Sprunger Alpha/DePauw University
Alexis E. Steger Gamma Theta/ Carnegie Mellon University
Marina K. Steinhauer Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Ashley E. Steinkamp Alpha/DePauw University
Shelby Port Stoner Alpha Lambda/ Univ. of Washington
Sara Emily Stride Beta Epsilon/ Oregon State University
Emily Jane Sturn Gamma Nu/North Dakota State
Alisa Anping Suen Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Elizabeth W. Sullo Zeta Tau/Univ. of Delaware
Leslie Freischlag Tarble Gamma/Butler University
Maggie K. Thomas Delta Phi/Clemson University
Abby Nicole Thompson Alpha/DePauw University
Rebecca Russell Thompson Pi/Albion College
Tracy A. Thompson Alpha/DePauw University
Christina Tiongson Epsilon Pi/Bucknell University
Erin Kinkade Troxell Gamma/Butler University
Stephanie Tsoi Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Lauren E. Tuttle Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Katherine A. Vaky Alpha/DePauw University
Sienna VanGelder Beta Delta/Univ. of Arizona
Alana M. Victor Omicron/ Univ. of Southern California
Valerie Viens Beta Psi/McGill University
Rachel Von Luehrte Eta Omega/ Saint Louis University
Kenzie Wahl Beta Zeta/ Oklahoma State University
Kelsey Lynne Walker Delta Omega/Texas A & M
Amanda Nicole Waltos Eta Omega/ Saint Louis University
Molly J. Wascher Zeta Sigma/ Ohio Northern University
Kate M. Webb Gamma/Butler University
Andrea J. Weber Gamma Nu/North Dakota State
Sarah Webster Beta Kappa/Drake University
Lauren Weinstein Psi/Univ. of Wisconsin
Evelyn Vogel Werckenthien Gamma/Butler University
Blair Morgan Wigney Zeta Omega/ Loyola Marymount University
Marta Witko Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Olivia Grace Wolfe Gamma/Butler University
Margaret L. Wolfred Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Heather Huazi Yan Omega/UC Berkeley
Daniela Maria Yuschenkoff Zeta Mu/MIT
Alexandra Hunter Zenoff Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins University
Katrina A. Ziegenhirt Omega/UC Berkeley
Heather Victoria Zisk Gamma Zeta/ Univ. of Connecticut
2014 AWARD
Alice Lee Lund Christine Anne Hodges
$1,025 Alpha Nu/Univ. of Montana
Alice Neal Clarkson
2014 AWARD
Sarah Fletcher
Zeta Phi/Pepperdine University
Miriam Furst
Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Robin Ann Hamilton
Eta Mu/Occidental College
2014 AWARD
Claribel Reed Smith
Lisa Novinsky
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Zoe A. Merrill
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Sarah Pontius
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Colleen Byrne $2,825
Margaret S. Harrison
Eta Phi/Belmont University
Elizabeth Anne Elliott
Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Jordan Faith Hendrickson
Gamma Tau/Univ. of Tulsa
Marina K. Steinhauer
Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Kelly Joy
Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Courtney R. Kiley
Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Dallas Alumnae Chapter $2,000
Megan Elizabeth Lamb
Eta Phi/Belmont University
Chandler Gann
Eta Phi/Belmont University
Sabrina Jasmin Martinez
Zeta Upsilon/Univ. of Texas-Dallas
Madison K. Keene
Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University
Gabrielle Mele-Algus
Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Natalie King Munger
Alpha Lambda/Univ. of Washington
Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Justine Q. Gullia
Beta Sigma/Southern Methodist University
Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Diane Forst Stephens $1,550
Gamma Iota/Univ. of Kentucky
Abby Nicole Thompson
Alpha/DePauw University
Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern University
Shannon I. Lindamood
Delta Omicron/Univ. of Alabama
Alice Wilkey Poynter Kathryn A. Bergamini
Gamma/Butler University
Alpha Chi Chapter Constance Neale
$1,075 Alpha Chi/Purdue University
$1,075 Stephanie L. Patterson Rachel C. Paul
Alpha Gamma Chapter/Catharine Frear
Lauren Payne $1,000 Rebecca Pettigrew Catherine Elizabeth Porter Alpha Mu College Chapter $1,050 Katharine Mary Jobko
Alpha Gamma/Ohio State University
Cassandra Jane Gergen
Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Delta Omicron/Univ. of Alabama
Dinah Hampton McClymonds $1,325
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Alexandra N. Rawlings $2,575 Kathryn Wilkie Reynolds Samantha Hubner Eta Phi/Belmont University $1,575 Samantha M. Rinke
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Dorothy Barbieri Memorial $1,050
Beta Tau/Denison University
Kiely Bridge
Chi/Syracuse University
Beta Pi/Michigan State University
Claire Evans Johnson
Gamma Delta/Univ. of Georgia $1,000 Leissan Rustemovna Sadykova Megan Downey Schreeg
Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Jennifer Cage
Beta Iota/Univ. of Colorado
Alyssa A. Self Epsilon Zeta/Univ. of Mississippi $1,325 Karen M. Soltow Shelby Port Stoner Anne Ehrenhardt Nolting $1,525
Alpha Epsilon/Brown University
Dorothy Whitehurst Heard $4,025
Kylie Saunders
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Alpha Lambda/Univ. of Washington
Emily Jane Sturn Alpha/DePauw University $1,525 Alisa Anping Suen Anne Sadler Budill $1,125 Rebecca Russell Thompson Shannon Smith Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve $1,125 Stephanie Tsoi
Gamma Nu/North Dakota State
Darryl M. Kerby
Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho
Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Rhiannon Elizabeth Bell
Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond
Lauren E. Tuttle
Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Laura Brabham
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Mattie E. Loder
Delta Eta/Kansas State University
Kathleen J. Smith
Alpha Tau/Univ. of Cincinnati
Cameran Ambler
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Aimee E. Bidegainberry
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Nikki J. Cooper
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Summer Hammeras
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Evangeline Healy
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Nicole Mary Raucci
Denver Alumnae Chapter $1,700
Ann Wright Hart/Nashville Alumnae Chapter
Anne Collins Mackey Memorial
Jenna L. Spegele
Margaret Anne Grady
Artye Beosemeyer Welch
Dolapo A. Sangokoya
Sienna VanGelder
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles $1,650 Amanda Nicole Waltos Molly J. Wascher Beta Chapter Most Noble Woman $1,275
Nu/Hanover College Zeta Nu/UC Davis
$1,500 $5,000
Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Pi/Albion College
Beta Delta/Univ. of Arizona Eta Omega/Saint Louis University
Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern University
Andrea J. Weber Beta/Indiana University $1,275 Heather Huazi Yan Beta Eta Chapter $3,725 Daniela Maria Yuschenkoff
Gamma Nu/North Dakota State
Omega/UC Berkeley
Zeta Mu/MIT
Lauray MacElhern
Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins University
Hannah K. Larson
Beta Eta/Univ. of Pennsylvania
Alexandra Hunter Zenoff
Katrina A. Ziegenhirt
Beta Iota Chapter
Omega/UC Berkeley
Beta Iota/Univ. of Colorado
Beta Phi Baer-Buell Claire W. Porte
Beta Lambda/College of William & Mary
Samantha Margrit Cummins
Gamma Zeta/Univ. of Connecticut
Elizabeth (Bessie) Ferguson McNair $1,300
Ellen Bowers Hofstead $8,725
Gamma Zeta/Univ. of Connecticut
Esther and Charles Mlynek $23,575
$1,200 Callie T. Holloway-Louch Gina Roitman Betty Baur Lambert/Fairfield County, CT Alumnae Chapter $1,475 Krista Annalise Johnson
Heather Victoria Zisk
Dorothy Devenish $1,400
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara
Florence Abernathy Waldrop $1,400
Kelsey Lynne Walker Delta Omega/Texas A & M $1,400 Betty Black Hatchett $2,125
Betty B. and James B. Lambert
Safina Adatia
Beta Psi/McGill University
Kristen Michelle Arredondo
Delta Epsilon/Arizona State University
Margaret S. Barton
Delta Chi/Univ. of Virginia
Heather C. Boni
Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho
Allison Brown
Beta Mu/Univ. of Nevada
Elizabeth M. Brown
Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Erin I. Canino
Zeta Theta/Cal Polytechnic State University
Lena A. Carlson
Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern University
Kylie C. Christensen
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Brenna T. Congeni
Alpha Gamma/Ohio State University
Madeline Ann Cullins
Alpha Theta/Univ. of Texas-Austin
Samantha Margrit Cummins
Gamma Zeta/Univ. of Connecticut
Victoria Gilman Diamond
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Laura Eisenbeis
Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Elizabeth Anne Elliott
Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Lauren Brownson Farwell
Zeta Omega/Loyola Marymount University
Sarah Emilie Faulkner
Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Florence Benner Wylie Zeta Rho/UC San Diego $2,125 Laura Poletti
Coreen Davis
Betty MacDonough Memorial
Maggie K. Thomas
Lindsay Robb
Megan Leigh Haggerty
Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond
Christine F. Norris
Alpha/DePauw University
Loryn N. Goebel
Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Alana M. Victor
Omicron/Univ. of Southern California
Alpha Omicron/Univ. of Oklahoma
Founders Memorial Scholarship – Bettie Locke Hamilton $12,000
Eta Sigma/Chapman University $1,100 Rebecca Anne Richards
Carol Green Wilson
Founders Memorial Scholarship – Alice Allen Brant $12,000
Delta Phi/Clemson University $1,025 Robin L. Rainey
Cardelucci Family
Alpha Chi/Purdue University
Beta Rho/Duke University
Founders Memorial Scholarship – Bettie Tipton Lindsey $12,000 Alaina Elizabeth Jessen
Kappa/Univ. of Kansas
Catherine Tillotson McCord $1,300 Founders Memorial Scholarship – Hannah Fitch Shaw $12,000
Anastasia Evanoff Zeta Xi/~ $12,000 Cecil Ruth King Eidson and Robert Ansel Eidson $1,025 Frances Strickland/Agnes Wright Strickland $1,425
Krista M. Holliman Delta Eta/Kansas State University $1,425 Christa McCluggage $1,500 Gamma Chapter $1,900
Jaclyn M. Demeter Gamma/Butler University $1,900
Gamma Phi Chapter
2014 AWARD
2014 AWARD
Katherine Sharpless Coyle Graduate
Abby C. Dorman
Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University
Jessica Bixby
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Katherine Claire Koonce
Epsilon Iota/Westminster College
Janelle S. Jarvis
Gamma Chi/Fresno State University
Rachel Von Luehrte
Eta Omega/Saint Louis University
Nancy Milligan Frick
Alpha/DePauw University
Lauren Brownson Farwell
Zeta Omega/Loyola Marymount University
$7,700 $3,450
Martin and Roslyn Cooper
2014 AWARD
Grace Neuses
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Christina Tiongson
Epsilon Pi/Bucknell University
Emily Milbauer
Gamma Zeta/Univ. of Connecticut
Samantha Margrit Cummins Gamma Zeta/Univ. of Connecticut $4,250 Gamma Upsilon Chapter $1,625 Marty Smith White/Portland Alumnae Chapter $2,600 Kathleen M. Markey $1,025 Christina Cook Gamma Upsilon/Miami University $1,625 Shannon Nocon Alpha Xi/Univ. of Oregon $1,000 Jennifer M. Allison Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa $1,025 Sara Emily Stride Beta Epsilon/Oregon State University $1,600 Harriet Fowler Brown/Kansas City Alumnae Chapter $3,700 Kelly T. Lawrence $1,175 Danielle Cole Eta Omega/Saint Louis University $1,400 Mary Alice Horn Memorial $2,225 $1,175
Kimberly Orlin/Omega Chapter $1,525 Mary and John Dengler $2,075 Harriett D. and C. Hollis Hull $1,000 Katrina A. Ziegenhirt Omega/UC Berkeley $1,525 Krista M. Holliman Delta Eta/Kansas State University $2,075 Jocelyne B. Scott Epsilon Pi/Bucknell University $1,000 L. Pearle Green $1,600 Mary Frances Bowles Couper $1,925 Helen Edwards Woodward $1,675 Michaela Locke Theta Iota/~ $1,600 Megan N. Duffy Beta Rho/Duke University $1,925 Alexis E. Steger Gamma Theta/Carnegie Mellon University $1,675 Laurie McGregor Connor $1,050 Mary Jane Parker Beach $1,400 Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter $1,375 Mira Catherine Singhal Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University $1,050 Rebecca Novak Mu/Allegheny College $1,400 Kristin P. Anderson Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa $1,375 Leslie M. Wilson $1,000 Mary L. Hinkle $2,000 Ines Abbott McCrary $1,000 Caroline W. Houser Alpha Nu/Univ. of Montana $1,000 Lauren Brownson Farwell Zeta Omega/Loyola Marymount University $2,000 Kenzie Wahl Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State University $1,000 Linda Moran Schmidt $4,150 Mary Margaret Perry McDonald $1,150 Isabel Hanford Olmstead $2,225 Jennifer Pellow Ford Alpha Omicron/Univ. of Oklahoma $2,750 Kylie Saunders Delta Phi/Clemson University $1,150 Megan Marie McConnell Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles $2,225 Catherine Page Price Delta Omega/Texas A & M $1,400 Mary Rees Gilliatt $3,150 Isabel McKenney Gates $3,475 Louise Johnson Miller/Jean Johnson Smith Graduate $8,150 Abigail Huth Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond $1,650 $4,650
Melissa (Lissa) Luton Bradford/Nashville Alumnae Chapter $4,175 Jane Brokaw Gallup $1,000 Lucile Moore Garrett $2,575 Marina K. Steinhauer Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri $4,175 Emily Jane Sturn Gamma Nu/North Dakota State $1,000 Abby Greenhaw Gamma Tau/Univ. of Tulsa $2,575 Molly Muntzel Smith $1,050 Jane Cooksey Cassel $1,350 Lyn Stewart Simensen $1,000 Resham Parikh Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine $1,050 Valerie Viens Beta Psi/McGill University $1,350 Rachel Gerstein Silvia Eta Theta/Univ. of Central Florida $1,000 Morna Elizabeth Dusenbury Memorial $3,000 Janet Paine Peters $1,725 Madeline Reynolds Adams and Family $1,000 Yuliya Buslovich Alpha Phi/Tulane University $3,000 Karen M. Soltow Zeta Nu/UC Davis $1,725 Anne Ward Arbegust Epsilon Eta/Centre College $1,000 Muriel Anderson Steed $1,275 Jeanne Ross Miller $3,025 Margaret (Margie) Mills Ruckert $1,450 Szasha Ozard Omega/UC Berkeley $1,275 Amanda Nicole Waltos Eta Omega/Saint Louis University $3,025 Taylor Beaham Kappa/Univ. of Kansas $1,450 Nancy Cochran Abbey $1,925 Jenny Adams Crain $1,000 Margaret Killen Banta Graduate $1,850 Abigail Ann Maynard Gamma Psi/Texas Christian University $1,925 Tiffany Duong Alpha Theta/Univ. of Texas-Austin $1,000 Arianna Nicole Fisher Eta/Univ. of Michigan $1,850 Nancy France Alumna $2,350 Jill Morrison Memorial $1,000 Margaret Killen Banta Undergraduate $2,275 Ashley Ann Lozier Norton Delta/Univ. of Illinois $2,350 Anna Elizabeth Herrington Epsilon Zeta/Univ. of Mississippi $1,000 Molly Beatrice Hopkins Alpha Psi/Lawrence University $2,275 Nancy France Undergraduate $2,350 Joan Wagner Essex $1,000 Margery Dick Miller Memorial $4,525 Megan Lawlor Delta/Univ. of Illinois $2,350 Lyndsey C. Pickett Gamma Iota/Univ. of Kentucky $1,000 Wendy E. Kissko Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University $3,225 Nancynell Swaffield Bogdanovich Graduate $1,750 Lauray MacElhern Beta Eta/Univ. of Pennsylvania $1,300 Josephine Brossard Stansfield Memorial $1,875 Megan Marie McConnell Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles $1,750 Mariam M. Morrison/Delta Sigma $1,625 Elizabeth Grace Shevlin Delta Phi/Clemson University $1,875 Norma Anderson Jorgensen $1,000 Emily Harrison Fletcher Tau/Northwestern University $1,625 Joyce Anne Vitelli Memorial $7,700 Anne N. Shelton Gamma/Butler University $1,000 Marie Anderson Fitz $1,025 Heather C. Boni Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho $7,700 Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter $1,725 Colleen M. Dermody Beta Kappa/Drake University $1,025 Joyce Ault Cordon $1,400 Kelsey Belden Alpha Omicron/Univ. of Oklahoma $1,725 Marilyn Chesher Lynch $2,075 Katherine Creelman Beta Chi/Univ. of Alberta $1,400 Omicron Chapter $1,075 Wendy Davidson Rock Delta Kappa/Louisiana State University $2,075 Judy Camp Sauer $1,325 Nicole Baqai Omicron/Univ. of Southern California $1,075 Marilynn Mitchell and Beta Nus of the Fifties $1,325 Leslye D. Barth Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University $1,325 Opal Marshall McCelvey $1,000 Kelli Fontana Beta Nu/Florida State University $1,325 Julie Itin Hawlik Memorial $1,100 Emily Gemp Alpha Theta/Univ. of Texas-Austin $1,000 Marjorie Crane Schnacke Memorial $1,175 Robin Ann Hamilton Eta Mu/Occidental College $1,100 Pasadena Alumnae Chapter $1,600 Loryn N. Goebel Kappa/Univ. of Kansas $1,175 June Longworth Hardy $2,500 Stephanie L. Patterson Eta Sigma/Chapman University $1,600 Martha DuMars Davis $1,125 Andrea J. Weber Gamma Nu/North Dakota State $2,500 Pauline Snoke Jackson Memorial $1,675 Mattie E. Loder Delta Eta/Kansas State University $1,125 Kahla Roberts Latta/St. Louis Alumnae Chapter $1,975 Laura Lacci Michelotti Beta/Indiana University $1,675 Martha Wilson Clotworthy $1,125 Amelia Grace Ayers Epsilon Iota/Westminster College $1,975 Abby Greenhaw
Gamma Tau/Univ. of Tulsa
Andrea J. Weber
Serafina Congeni
Gamma Nu/North Dakota State
Alpha Gamma/Ohio State University
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter Memorial
2014 AWARD
$2,850 $2,850
2014 AWARD
Elizabeth W. Sullo
Zeta Tau/Univ. of Delaware
Anne Ward Arbegust
Epsilon Eta/Centre College
Lauren Weinstein
Psi/Univ. of Wisconsin
Katherine Creelman
Beta Chi/Univ. of Alberta
Nicole Galanti
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Rachael Rosenthal
Beta Nu/Florida State University
Athena K. Holevas
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Christina Tiongson
Epsilon Pi/Bucknell University
Blair Morgan Wigney
Zeta Omega/Loyola Marymount University
Marta Witko
Alpha Mu/Univ. of Missouri
Daria Bisharah Zeta Nu/UC Davis $2,000 Psi Chapter $1,075 $1,075
Illianna Keith Delta Epsilon/Arizona State University $2,000 Reece $13,675 Noemie Kloucek Zeta Omicron/Wake Forest University $2,000 $2,000 $1,800
Virginia M. Sorenson
2014 AWARD
Elizabeth Grace Shevlin
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Katie E. Cox
Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve
Lauren O. Rump
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University
Carly R. Allen
Gamma/Butler University
Virginia Martin McCune Memorial $1,500
Virginia Speidel Edwards $1,475
Vivian Stevenson Delbrook $43,925
Claire Kelley
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Megan Lawlor
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Kelsey Lynne Smoot
Delta/Univ. of Illinois
Maggie Anderson
Alpha/DePauw University
Andrea A. Antoniou
Alpha/DePauw University
Jenna Lea Blunt
Beta Omicron/Univ. of Iowa
Carroll T. Bible
Alpha/DePauw University
Lauren Hodge Gamma/Butler University $1,250 Suzanne Nichols Lynn/Atlanta Alumnae Chapter $1,750
Madeline L. Briere
Alpha/DePauw University
Eileen I. Roteta
Delta Zeta/Emory University
Katherine E. Broecker
Alpha/DePauw University
Nancy Milligan Frick
Alpha/DePauw University
Rachel L. German
Alpha/DePauw University
Emily Drewry
Tau/Northwestern University
Margaret James Ioannacci
Alpha/DePauw University
Ruthie C. Leeth Gamma/Butler University $1,800 Theta Charity Antiques Show of Houston Alumnae $2,500
Claire Johnson
Alpha/DePauw University
Coreen Davis
Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Megan Karbowski
Alpha/DePauw University
Shannon I. Lindamood
Delta Omicron/Univ. of Alabama
Ariel E. Morelock
Alpha/DePauw University
Madeline Joy Moyer
Alpha/DePauw University
Lara M. Naanouh
Alpha/DePauw University
Jennifer M. Allison
Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa
Kelly Roden
Gamma/Butler University
Elizabeth Ann Seegers
Alpha/DePauw University
Amelia Grace Ayers
Epsilon Iota/Westminster College
Anne N. Shelton
Gamma/Butler University
Kirsten Marie Cleary
Psi/Univ. of Wisconsin
Leslie Freischlag Tarble
Gamma/Butler University
Paige Michelle Foreman
Alpha Rho/Univ. of South Dakota
Erin Kinkade Troxell
Gamma/Butler University
Darryl M. Kerby
Beta Theta/Univ. of Idaho
Kate M. Webb
Gamma/Butler University
Emily L. Klimisch
Rho/Univ. of Nebraska
Evelyn Vogel Werckenthien
Gamma/Butler University
Lisa Novinsky
Lambda/Univ. of Vermont
Olivia Grace Wolfe
Gamma/Butler University
Emily Joan Crowley
Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles
Kathryn A. Bergamini Gamma/Butler University $2,250 Sarah Kathleen Buedel Gamma/Butler University $2,000 Sophia Scholar, Elise Lipscomb Ferguson $1,900 Rose Fraser Jacobson $1,100 Jasmine L. Coatie Gamma/Butler University $1,500 Mary Ann Bonet Epsilon Upsilon/Columbia University $1,900 Julia M. Nee Alpha Beta/Swarthmore College $1,100 Hanna Corey Gamma/Butler University $1,250 Sue Farrell Supple $1,900 Linnea Corey Gamma/Butler University $1,250 Ruth Elizabeth Southworth $35,450 Jessica Bixby Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles $1,900 Kelly Maire Geisleman Gamma/Butler University $1,800 Katie Marie Anderson Alpha/DePauw University $3,000 Susan Byers Patrick $1,000 Allison L. Gritzman Gamma/Butler University $2,000
Lindsay Catherine Shake
Alpha/DePauw University
Caroline Helveston Sprunger
Alpha/DePauw University
Ashley E. Steinkamp
Alpha/DePauw University
Tracy A. Thompson
Alpha/DePauw University
Katherine A. Vaky
Alpha/DePauw University
Sara S. Long
Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State University
Gamma/Butler University
Allison L. Isaac
Gamma/Butler University
Taryn R. Kellams Gamma/Butler University $1,500 Tau Chapter $1,575 Kimberly Anne Kraska Gamma/Butler University $1,275 Lauren Lambrecht
Gamma/Butler University
Andrea Marie Levy
Gamma/Butler University
Rachel Quinn McFarland
Gamma/Butler University
Anna M. Mihelich Gamma/Butler University $1,500 Theta Link $18,000 Jessica Kiefer Redden Gamma/Butler University $2,000
Lyndsey C. Pickett Gamma Iota/Univ. of Kentucky $2,000 Laura Poletti Alpha Chi/Purdue University $1,775 Ruth Hill Wilber $1,700
Waters-Cardelucci Family $1,025
Lindsay Robb
Eta Sigma/Chapman University
Alexis E. Steger
Gamma Theta/Carnegie Mellon University
Laura Brabham
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Rachel S. Spetrino
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University
Katherine L. Foster
Zeta Nu/UC Davis
Wendy E. Kissko
Gamma Phi/Texas Tech University
Sara Yasmin Howard
Zeta Rho/UC San Diego
Nicole D. Sansone
Zeta Zeta/Colgate University (D)
Kathleen J. Smith Alpha Tau/Univ. of Cincinnati $1,050 Ruth Rabbe Hager $1,175 Rhiannon Elizabeth Bell
Karina A. Hamamouche
Willa Haverstick Dial $1,575
Epsilon Psi/Univ. of Richmond $1,175 Theta Volunteer $1,700 Zeta Nu Chapter $1,150 Ruth Robie Lacy/Rosemary Longino $2,350 Jennifer M. Allison
Eta Tau/Univ. of Tampa $2,350 Zeta Rho Chapter $1,100 Virginia Bryant Shilstone $2,025 Ruth Shoemaker/Betty Shoemaker Hage $1,450 Lauren O. Rump
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University $1,450 Zeta Zeta Chapter Class of 1989 $9,150 Virginia Burns Boynton $5,425 Sallie Bidez Memorial $2,425 Lindsay Evans
Delta Phi/Clemson University
Allison Christine Berryhill
Eta Iota/Univ. of San Diego
Mira Catherine Singhal
Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan University
Emily L. Klimisch
Rho/Univ. of Nebraska
Whitney Scott
Delta Theta/Univ. of Florida
Mackenzie Smith
Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State University
Virginia Chain Schmid $1,600 Sally Cowan Reinhold $1,400 Virginia Ford Hood $2,200 Sarah Morrison $1,375 Kenzie Wahl Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State University $1,200 Seattle Alumnae Chapter $1,325 Virginia Hindman Freeman $6,525 Claire Cronenweth Zeta Omega/Loyola Marymount University $1,325 Anna Elizabeth Ferrell Delta Kappa/Louisiana State University $4,500 Sharon Cirese Gassett Memorial $2,000 Abigail Ann Maynard Gamma Psi/Texas Christian University $2,025 Whitney Scott Delta Theta/Univ. of Florida $2,000 Virginia Lauderdale Grimm $2,125 Shirley Shields Smith $2,475 Sarah Webster Beta Kappa/Drake University $2,125 Margaret L. Wolfred
Alpha Chi/Purdue University $2,475
Cover photos courtesy of Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve; Christina Alexander, Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University; Serena Lomonico, Beta Xi/UC Los Angeles; Jessica Valdez, Eta Iota/Univ. of San Diego; and the Denver Alumnae Chapter.
FIND US ONLINE: Twitter: @ThetaFoundation
8740 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 1.800.KAO.1870