August 21, 2016
Volume 120
McMahan Hosts Town Hall
Issue 1
By Robert Lyman Staff Writer On Fifth Tuesday (August 9), nearly 100 students gathered in BJ’s during lunch for free food. Oh, yeah. There was a town hall, too. All kidding aside, students new and old had gathered to hear Kettering University President Dr. Robert McMahan speak about the Campus Master Plan, the proposed Greek Village, the recent changes to Title IX, and Campus Safety. Instead, Dr. McMahan announced that he had no agenda, no presentation, and no talking points. He wanted to spend the entire time answering our questions. The first question was about the Greek Village, and off we went. In case you haven’t heard about the Campus Master Plan, let me explain a little. Kettering underwent
What’s Inside
a Master Planning process a few years ago. They looked at students and how we went through our time here – what we were doing, what classes we Continued on Page 3
Modern Video Games Cultural Impact
Juno Satellite Continues Its Journey By Gabby Feeny Copy Editor Five years ago on August 5th, spacecraft Juno was launched by NASA on a mission to orbit and further study the planet Jupiter. This past Fourth of July, many science enthusiasts were able to celebrate not only our Independence Day, but also the success of Juno’s arrival at its destination.
By July 31st, Juno will have reached its farthest point in Jupiter’s orbit, known as “apojove.” By then, Jupiter’s gravity will take hold of the spacecraft, and it will begin falling back toward the planet, this time passing it with its scientific instruments ready to collect data. Through Juno, NASA intends to learn more about Jupiter’s formation, focusing on its deep structure, atmospheric circulation, and the high-energy physics of its magnetic field. This is the first time we have ever gotten this close to our neighborhood gas giant, and it is definitely something to be proud of.
Photo Courtesy of KetteringCommunications
Movie Review Suicide Squad
Student Opportunities
New Professors Han
McMahan Unveils Corporate Partner Wall By Adam Lecznar Editor In Chief Many changes have taken place at Kettering over the past five years, and many more, larger changes are to come in the next five years. Yet not all of the changes have to be large. Some come in the form of new furniture, a projector screen in the Sunset Room of the Campus Center, or even a milkshake machine. T h e s e small changes and additions may not seem like much, but their impact on the school can be tremendous. One of the most recent changes that did not take much effort but added a lot of meaning is the new Corporate Partner Wall. Located in the Great Court, the Corporate Partner Wall lists all of the Cooperative Education partners for whom Kettering students work. Being located in the Great Court of the Campus Center, which is a sort of central location for the entire campus, this area makes it clear to any students, faculty
Meteor Showers Visible From Earth By Gabby Feeny Copy Editor If you happened to look up at night recently, you may have seen a burst of light streaking across the sky. Instead of a plane or flying saucer, however, that burst of light was likely a meteor. From July 17th to August 24th, Earth was passing through the dust and debris left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle. Named after those who discovered it, Swift-Tuttle is the cause of the annual Perseid meteor shower. With a nucleus 16 miles wide, it is the largest solar system object to pass close to Earth repeatedly (every 133 years). It last passed in 1992, and scientists were pretty concerned it’d be headed straight for us in 2126 until more precise calculations were made. When we watch a meteor shower, we’re seeing pieces of comet debris heat up as they enter the atmosphere, traveling at about 37 miles every second. They burn up in a streak of light, appearing to be “shooting stars.” The Perseid meteors are about the size of a grain of sand – too small to reach the ground and earn the title of meteorite. If you were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the shower, you can thank our neighbor Jupiter for causing the particles of debris to concentrate in front of Earth’s path. This caused the Perseids to be in outburst, so instead of seeing 80 meteors an hour, the rate approached 200 meteors an hour. Didn’t get to see the Perseids because of clouds, light pollution, or general obliviousness? Don’t fret – they’ll be back again next Summer.
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Corporate Partners Continued from Front Page and guests that Kettering has a wide range of corporate partners, and that they are a major part of the Kettering Community. Over the past year, the Corporate Partner Wall, which had previously been displayed on both the North and South walls of the Great Court and displayed a few logos from select partners, was consolidated to sit on only the North Wall, with the full list of partners hanging alongside the logos of select companies. This term, Kettering invited students, faculty, guests, and representatives from corporate partners to a reception that officially unveiled the new wall. At the reception, guests were invited to refreshments and to view the wall before being addressed by Kettering University President Dr. Robert McMahan. “Good afternoon and thanks for everyone joining us today to officially dedicate our new Corporate Partner Wall,” Mr. McMahan began as he addressed the gathered crowd. “Throughout our history, our partnering relationships with hundreds of leading companies over a wide range of industries have allowed us to provide foundational experiences for our students that perfectly complement the rigor and theory learned in our classrooms and labs.” Mr. McMahan highlighted the impacts these partnerships have had not just on students, but on the
university as a whole. “What we have produced as a result is a legacy of incredibly successful graduates who go on to be global leaders and innovators in their respective fields,” he explained. “But our relationships with corporate partners provide more than just Co-Op opportunities for our students. Donations and gifts from companies result in scholarships and in one-of-a-kind equipment in our labs, and enhance our ability to create dynamic spaces throughout the campus.” Indeed, gifts and donations from corporate partners to Kettering have helped the university establish the FIRST Robotics Community Center in the Academic Building, previously an empty space, and continue work in the mobility center and proving ground that will run along Chevrolet Avenue. “This wall allows us to acknowledge the immense impact our partners make on our students and our campus,” said Mr. McMahan, who also took time to acknowledge the corporate partners who had done the most to support Kettering University. Companies with their logos appearing on the wall represent Tier One and Tier Two corporate partners. Tier One partners are those which have given more than $1,000,000 in support and have employed Kettering students for over 10 years. Tier Two corporate partners are those which have given
August 21, 2016
more than $500,000 in support and have employed Kettering students for more than 10 years. These companies are also included in the full list of 550 corporate partners which appears next to the logos. “This wall highlights a core component of Kettering’s unique and highly successful education model,” continued Mr. McMahan. “We’re proud to underline the roles these companies play in partnership with our faculty and staff in shaping the careers and accomplishments of our graduates.” The new wall, alongside the new Faculty Wall of Honor which sits opposite it in the space that was opened up for it, help the Great Court of the Campus Center represent the combination of corporate experience and classroom theory which helps Kettering create top-tier students. They easily convey to guests, as they enter the Great Court, that Kettering takes pride not only in its students, but also in the faculty and the partnerships that make the Kettering Community stand out.
Submissions Policy
Technician Adam Lecznar
Megan Cox
L ayout Editor
Gabrielle Feeny
Copy Editor
Jacob Hankerd
Online Editor
Bryan Boyse
Distribution Editor
Staff writers Ciro Napoletano Jacob Watt Jordan Mayer Robert Lyman Rebecca Roughton
Faculty Advisor Christine Levecq Special Thanks To Betsy Homsher & Debbie Stewart
The Technician encourages any interested students to attend staff meetings. Meetings for Winter 2016 will be each Monday and Thursday over the lunch hour in The Technician office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center above the Sunrise Café. Student submissions are encouraged and will be published if their material is in the public interest. Submissions or letters to the editor from faculty and administrative entities will be published if space is available. The Technician reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for brevity and clarity. Anonymous submissions are rarely published and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Individuals wishing to publish anonymously should consult the Editor-in-chief. The deadline for the upcoming issue of The Technician is 6th Tuesday at 6pm. Expected distribution is 7th Monday. Send submissions to
August 21, 2016
Town Hall Continued from Front Page were taking, etc. They also looked at what classes were offered, the technical requirements for each, and the laboratory requirements for each class with a lab. They then came up with a plan to improve Kettering’s campus infrastructure over the next ten years. Dr. McMahan said there was a kind of “campfire story” notion that students wanted an unstructured, flexible social experience when they were at school, much like the time spent during work term. During their planning, they found that the opposite was actually true. 40% of the student body here at Kettering is Greek. Compare this to the 17% you see at other universities, and you already have a strong case for a structured social experience. Dr. McMahan called it the “college experience, on steroids” and went on to explain how the new campus would help that: students want more space for social interaction, so Kettering renovated the library, greatly expanded the library’s hours, and added new d-spaces. And that’s just the here and now. The first new building in the Campus Master Plan is the Learning Commons, which is what architecture calls a “hybrid building” due to its more open concept and freeform design. This new building will sit a few feet North of the Recreation Center, across the Beach from the CC, and will feature a new media commons area, a brand new library, and a new cafeteria. There won’t be any need for Ernie’s to stay in the CC anymore once the building is finished, so that space will be remodeled into more gathering space for students. Concept sketches of the new building show a lot of glass for letting in natural light, and a covered walkway will connect the new building to the CC through a wall in BJ’s. The Learning Commons is expected to be open within three years.
The Technician
Campus News The next thing that will be changed is the on-campus housing: Thompson Hall will be torn down, and a new dorm, with both singles and suites, will be built in its place. This announcement was met with applause by all gathered, likely due to the admittedly terrible Wifi coverage in the old building. More grassy areas will be placed around the new dorm and along the Flint River so that the campus “turns” to face the river rather than wherever it’s facing now. These new grassy areas will also create a “corridor” along the river, which the campus can expand down, eventually connecting with downtown. But the question was about Greek Village, right? Well, this new “corridor,” which follows the river East from behind Campus Village toward downtown, will be where the Greek Village will be located. The Village itself will be a sprawl of complexes across the street from campus where both fraternities and sororities can house themselves – thus moving the center of Greek life a lot closer to Campus, making it easier for more students to see the benefits of Greek life and get involved. The Greek Village will be available for the houses to move into, but such moves won’t be forced – the complex will simply be another option available to the Greek houses. The main advantage of being closer to campus for the students is readily apparent – you won’t have to drive to class, and you’ll be right across the street from the people you’re trying to recruit. The advantage for the University is that Campus Security will be able to patrol the Greek Village, ensuring a decline in vandalism or theft in the parking lots of Greek housing. So that’s housing well and covered, but what about schooling? Not to worry, new academic buildings are in the works as well. These new buildings will be located across the street from Mott, right where Chevy in the Hole used to be. And with them will come the end of being run over as you run to class – there will be an indoor bridge that runs over Chevrolet Avenue, too.
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But those are long-term plans. What about the short term? What are the current students, especially Seniors, likely to see in their time here? For starters, a new shuttle/trolley service is scheduled to start running soon – as in before-the-end-ofterm soon. The service will circulate between Kettering, Mott Community College, and downtown Flint, and will supposedly be free for students of both colleges. Another, possibly more exciting development is the proving ground. This open-to-students blacktopped expanse, when finished, will be built to racetrack specifications: flat to an eighth of an inch per ten feet, at a 1-degree incline, and will have an actual test track, complete with a hill and ramp. The entire proving ground will be covered in the new FifthGeneration Long Term Evolution (yes indeed, boys and girls, that’s 5G LTE) cellular network, many towers for which Kettering already has in place. This new standard of data, which is not currently available, but in the works, will be approximately ten times faster than 4G, and will allow controllerdevice communications to operate with extreme reductions in latency. A new building housing the library and cafeteria all in the same place, new dorms, new academic buildings, the Greek Village, and a completed proving ground: all things that some or others of us have been wanting to see for a while. In ten years, it will all be here. It’s too bad we can’t all take seven minors so we’ll be able to enjoy all of the new facilities.
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Through The Camera Lens
August 21, 2016
Top: Kettering Professor Girma Tewolde works with students participants in a Computer Engineering Summer Camp held at Kettering University Bottom: Kettering University Students Jace Chris Stokes and Muhammad Ghias traveled to California in March 2016 to participate in the University Innovation Fellows program. The trip included entrepreneurship workshops, tours of Google facilities and the opportunity to meet students from around the country who shared similar goals and ideas..
August 21, 2016
The Technician
Kettering In Pictures
Top: The participants in Kettering University's 2016 AIM Summer Camp thank the members of the Kettering Community for welcoming them to campus and giving them the opportunity to learn about STEM fields firsthand. The students posed with the statue of General Determination a few days before the returned home. Bottom: Kettering University students, as well as prospective students and graduating seniors, participate in the Summer 2016 Career Fair at Kettering University. Held in the Recreation Center on Campus, this fair helps students find Co-Op Positions at many different companies.
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Maybe Video Games Aren't So Bad Elija Fry Submission Writer Videogames. As a kid, your mother limited you to two hours a day. But, admit it, you still played your handheld late into the night anyway. Now, as you read this, generations of consoles and computers come to mind, each improving on the last. Fast forward to today and the graphics are much better, the sounds are more immersive, the worlds are extremely lifelike, and the possibilities are endless. Videogames are cultural fascinations; truly, they are works of art. Much like movies, they recruit top level visual artists and voice actors to create seamless sensory experiences. Yet these programs do more than just entertain us, they help to shape the future by unboxing the realms of possibility and opening new ways of thinking. They are a reflection of what we view as the dangers to society, and the values and morals involved with being human. As a culture, America is by far one of the most steeped into video games. The US spends $25.3 billion a year on them, almost 7 times more than any other western nation. These games have impacted our culture in ways never thought possible, starting as simple distractions from daily life, and growing over the years to worlds we live on through the screen and think and talk about with friends and family. The list of the top ten most popular videogames made in America from IMDb shows a singular pattern – a simulated, yet damaged reality. Civilization is threatened by wars, disease, or the result of years of wars and disease. Each of the ten games require the player to kill other people or beings in order to progress, bringing up the muddy issue of situational ethics. In America, many parents are alarmed by the widespread growth of violent videogames. Yet, these same parents do not stop to consider that this generation has known nothing but constant wars. This is all we know. We have accepted the inevitability of learning to fight for a higher cause, or to at least try to survive where others might have failed. We have a sense of inevitable doom lurking over us, looking us up and down and wondering what to send at us next. It is the uncertainty of war that make us feel vulnerable, and games make the wars seem winnable. Real American values like grit and courage in the face of danger come through in American games like Call of Duty, Destiny, The Last of Us, and Fallout 4, where to save oneself and others, one must eliminate threats to yourself and allies. There is a strong sense of individualism throughout the games – most play in the first or third person, controlling only one character. The player is focused on the success and well-being of that character, and the entire game revolves around them. While valuing individualism with awards and medals, people are also practicing selfless actions in dangerous circumstances, and are rewarded for it. This is especially true in multiplayer games such as Overwatch that have a
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The Technician
strong cooperative aspect. It teaches that teamwork is essential, and that communication skills are valued just as much as response time. These games reinforce core American ideals by challenging us with seemingly impossible obstacles, and then strengthening our resolution when we pass the test. Subconscious details like labelling a game as “Action” or “Adventure” instead of “War Simulation” or “Apocalyptic Survival” or making all enemies aliens goes a long way toward making war seem like an acceptable way of dealing with major problems between large groups of people. However, war and death are most often dealt by an even hand. The players see the very real consequences of war: devastation, loss of civility, and loss of humanity for both sides. For example, in the widely popular zombie apocalypse genre such as in The Last of Us, humans that fail to survive become mindless vicious beasts, serving only to eliminate the rest of surviving humanity. These games tap into the fact that the loss of humanity is revolting, even more so than death. Both death and the prospect of losing oneself do more to discourage wars and violence than anything else, since we are forced to deal with the ugly aftermath of bad choices from a simulated past. While playing a game a long time might give us a quick trigger finger, seeing the ugly mess compared to our easy existence is a hard deterrent toward even getting close to making the same mistakes the world made in the game. Americans have produced video games that mimic and exaggerate our problems. Since we have been constantly fighting for decades, game developers have zeroed in on the threat of war, have made us feel better about being in wars by letting us experience a small part of it, but have also shown the bad for what it is. These types of games have directly impacted our national identity over the years, making us more aware of real issues, and forcing us to confront problems of our day. Stories of fictional characters and tough decisions teach us to question things we take for granted, and value the food we eat and the air we breathe. We are taught to be selfless, yet to be self-sufficient; to be impulsive, yet to be cautious. As millions mash buttons, they are taking part in a learning process with a work of art: an art that makes us think in new ways, and consider what it means to be human and American. These are the current trends in videogames; as the American culture evolves so will videogames. Who knows what we will see next.
Yoga at Kettering Becca Roughton Staff Writer Forget about just skipping leg day, when was the last time you took time to work on your balance, posture, and flexibility? If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably a blush followed by an embarrassingly long “ummm.” Sound like you? If so, consider attending a yoga class at Kettering’s Recreation Center. The class is structured and taught in such a way that whether the attendee is brand new to yoga or more experienced, they will be able to get plenty out of their time spent. This is because the exercises set the bar at a basic level, and then offer opportunities for the participants to intensify the exercise if they feel they are capable. Class sizes tend to be around ten people and the instructor. There is no commitment meeting-to-meeting; however the classes vary in what they will utilize and focus on during each session, meaning that each class is a unique experience. Like many of the fitness programs, the yoga program is free to any Kettering students, and is available both Monday and Wednesday at 7 pm in the exercise room on the second floor of the Recreation Center. The class is taught by instructor Lois Schneider of the Yoga Loft, a facility located in downtown Flint. The style of yoga taught is Hatha, which in a general style of yoga. Several different poses are utilized, and both breathing and postures are emphasized. The general flow of the class is very relaxed and slow paced, which allows the students to be careful of their form. The exercises practiced in class focus on various areas to improve. Some exercises are more geared towards strengthening the muscle of particular muscle groups, whereas others will have you hold a stretch for a length of time to increase your flexibility. In many of the classes, there may be portions purely devoted to relaxation, as well. This makes the class ideal for people wanting to exercise without the risk of straining certain problem areas, such as the knees. You don’t need to bend over backwards to find a good yoga class, because if your schedule is flexible from 7-8 on Wednesdays, yoga to try the lessons! If you’re still saying “omm…,” meditate a bit on it, but I’ll bet yoganna have a great time. Good luck finding your inner peace!
August 21, 2016
Welcoming Dr. Suicide Squad Hee Seok Han to Movie Review & Kettering Analysis By Jacob Hankerd Online Editor, Public Relations This term the math department is welcoming a brand new professor to teach the Math 101 class, also known as Calculus I. The new professor is Doctor Hee Seok Nam, who hails from South Korea. Dr. Nam is in his first term of teaching here at Kettering, but is not new to teaching by any means. By 2000 Professor Nam had a BS, an MS, and a PhD in Mathematics, and he taught in South Korea from 2002 to 2008. Following this, he worked as a TA at the University of Iowa for two years while working on his MS in Actuarial Science. Then he worked at both William Penn University and Washburn University, until he moved to be a part-time lecturer at the University of Kansas. That was last year, and now this professor is here teaching our freshmen. As the SI leader for Professor Nam’s class, I can say that he truly cares about the students he teaches. He is always looking for ways to improve his teaching methods and asking what complaints there are. He then strives to correct any issue he finds. While his grading is tough, he is a fair professor who can adjust to give students proper opportunities. One key to success in his class a student is likely to find is doing not only the assigned Webassign homework, but also the review homework that Dr. Nam lists from the book (which is optional). This work is vital to understanding many of the new concepts that freshmen will learn in their first college math course, as well as helping to adjust to the new college life that will require studying.
Technician Open Student Forum An opportunity for students and faculty to come speak with Technician Staff and suggest future topics or have their questions answered.
Thursday, August 25, 2016 7:00 P.M. AB Room 2-225 Food will be Provided All are welcome!
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By Adam Lecznar Editor -In-Chief Warning: Potential Spoilers On Wednesday, August 10, Kettering students convoyed from campus to RAVE Cinemas on Corruna Rd. to get a chance to see the DC Extended Universe’s newest film, Suicide Squad. As a spin on Bulldog Movie Nights, Kettering Student Government had provided each Kettering student the opportunity to see the movie in theaters rather than in the Sunset lounge, free-of-charge, so long as they had their Student ID. In addition, students were treated to free popcorn and soda while they enjoyed the movie. Yet despite all of the free food and drinks and soft theater chairs, students left the theater with mixed feelings. That was where I saw Suicide Squad for the second time, and came out of the theater with clearer thoughts on the movie. Adapted from a little known comic from the DC Universe, Suicide Squad tells the story of a bunch of misfit villains and how they manage to save the world. The titular main characters and villain protagonists include Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang & El Diablo. Brought together by the manipulative Amanda Waller, a government intelligence officer, this ragtag bunch of bandits are sent on a mission to save a high priority target who is trapped in a city under attack from an ancient witch known as “Enchantress” that Waller tried to control as part of her initiative, dubbed Task Force X. With micro-explosives embedded in their necks, the group has no choice but to follow the orders of Waller and her underling Colonel Rick Flag, who is also the lover of Dr. Jane Moone, an archaeologist the “Enchantress” possesses. This mission leads them through the city and eventually to an encounter with “Enchantress,” whose doomsday machine they destroy to wind up saving the world. If that summary sounds complicated, the movie itself won’t be any simpler on first watch. The film has many issues, one of the most obvious being pacing. The movie makes numerous time jumps as the rising action occurs, making
it unclear how much time has passed and what has transpired between two scenes immediately following one another. One of the most egregious examples of this takes place when “Enchantress” and her newly awakened brother “Incubus” begin their attack on Midway City. It takes 24 hours for Task Force X to be launched, if not more, after the attack starts, yet the transition from the initial attack and Task Force X being unloaded and debriefed takes only a couple seconds with hardly any explanation. Some attribute this to discrepancies between the director’s intention and those of the producers at Warner Bros. The movie also suffers from sloppy exposition early, in which notable characters like Deadshot and Harley Quinn were given nearly complete backstories that took minutes to present and others like Diablo and Captain Boomerang were given only seconds. The former, however, is justified because it plays into character development later on. Despite these shortfalls, the movie still did have some high points. Characters that were meant to be unlikable are genuinely unlikable. Amanda Waller, the prime example, is not meant to be someone audiences can empathize with. She knows what she’s doing is morally wrong but doesn’t care, and it stands out in the way Viola Davis portrays her mannerisms and attitude very well to create a character we can all hate together. Even her obsession with Meta-Humans comes through in some subtle places, as it’s the reason she stays behind in Midway City and ends up being the target Task Force X rescues. Other characters undergo very good character development. Deadshot, portrayed well by Will Smith, is given a reason to fight: his daughter. It is made clear that the only thing that phases him is his daughter, which is why it’s alright for him to decide to help Flag stop Enchantress even after he has been freed. He wants Continued on Page 8
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Squad Continued from Page 7 to prove to his daughter that he’s not just a mercenary, but that her father saved the world. In addition, Diablo, the pyrokinetic gangbanger turned pacifist, experiences good character growth when he comes to terms with the fact that he killed his own family and has to fight to keep the bonds he’s made with Task Force X. He embraces his gift and transforms into a flaming skeleton demon to fight “Incubus.” He also is able to overcome illusions “Enchantress” places on him and the others, and wakes them up for the final fight. Instead of fighting for himself, he is now fighting for others. Still, other characters are not so lucky. Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang do not have much to offer, being relegated to background characters that don’t do much or get anything out of it. In a movie about villains with their own agenda, Boomerang’s being money, that might be alright, but it would be nice to learn more about Croc aside from the fact that he is big and strong. In addition, some moments, like Diablo sacrificing himself to defeat “Incubus” with an explosive - which also killed a marine that nobody acknowledged - felt hollow and rushed. Nobody mourned them after the fight was finished, not even the softening Deadshot. A point of contention in this movie is Jared Leto’s portrayal of the Joker. Much different from Heath Ledger’s rendition in The Dark Knight, this version gives us a more unstable clown who could do almost anything without warning. Apparently intended to have much more screentime, the Joker’s arc is short but pivotal as he rescues Harley by disabling her neck bomb with the help of a scientist he captured. Shortly after, the chopper he hijacked crashes and he is pre-
sumed dead by Harley, who fell out and onto a roof just in time. In the end he returns - who would have thought? - and busts Harley out of prison, where she and the others were put by the somehow breathing Waller, even after they saved the world. If nothing else, this could be a good setup for subsequent movies featuring the pair. Finally, the film does drop some subtle symbolism as Will Smith again showcases his talent in a touching scene where Deadshot is helping his daughter learn basic trigonometry. Before he is taken back to prison at the end of his visit, his daughter compares hypotenuses to the distance a bullet travels when Deadshot shoots someone. A little shocked because he doesn’t want his daughter to think of him like that, but still happy to see her, he explains that she is correct, but in real life there are a lot of variables like wind resistance and even the curvature of the Earth. But he repeats, “in life there’s a lot of variables.” In this little phrase one could find huge meaning, but
it’s tucked away and difficult to find inside the action and troubles of the rest of the film. In summary, the film makes much more sense on the second viewing, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. But because the pacing is less of an issue because you know where the exposition will lead, a viewer should be able to take more acute note of not only the issues but the positive aspects of the movie. Hidden in a below average film, tucked behind all the glam and fluorescent colors and promise of raunchy villainous fun, one can see some interesting characters and the potential for a much better film. We as an audience can at least see that there is something that can lead into future DCEU movies, which will hopefully fare better overall as the studio matures and learns to work with Warner Bros. Pictures to create high quality DC comic book adaptations. There is still hope.