September 15, 2019
Volume 139
Issue 3
An open letter to Kettering about the Citizens of Flint Sydney Shirah Distribution Editor The use of the term “Flintoid” is a common one on the campus of Kettering. It is used by the students of Kettering to refer to the citizens of the city of Flint. They use this term to separate themselves from the citizens — a rude name for a separate group of people. The students also have a bad name around town for harassing the citizens, i.e. heckling and yelling at them. There are Kettering students that have been robbed or have been the victims of an attempted robberies by, what most assume to be, citizens of Flint. They are harassed at gas stations and on the street by random people. The students are easy targets because it is a
What’s Inside
A vintage postcard depicts the famous Flint "Vehicle City" arch. Photo Courtesy of
The Best Mexican Cuisine
A Poll of the Populace3
The Fauna of the Kettering Biome Elise Atkinson Staff Writer G’day mates! This is staff writer and part time Kettering Zoologist, Elise Atkinson, bringing you a comprehensive guide to the fauna that exist in the rare biome that is Kettering University. While all of the students are of the same genus, there are many different species here with their own interesting quirks. Below is a look into my personal notes on several of the species that call Kettering home. Make sure to tag yourselves! Literally put on a sign with your species name. You are helping my research immensely. Engineerus Farmus: This species was born tinkering on tractors. They can be identified on sight by their plaid shirts tucked in, belts, and jeans. Most likely of all the species to want to blow stuff up. Great people to have in your D. Eddy or K. Eddy MECH groups. Practical knowledge 1,000,000,000%. They know 102 uses for duct tape. Engineerus Vroomvroomus: Who needs therapy when you can just drive very fast and listen to loud music? This species wants the speed limit to be 80mph so they can drive 90mph. 20% of their brain is dedicated for their nostalgia for the iconic direct-to-dvd movie Hot Wheels: World Race. Probably has named their car or something. May own a motorcycle partly so they can park in random spots around Kettering and never have to fight for a parking spot. Engineerus Beefus: A species defined by their very large muscles; their Continued on Page 7
IT Chapter Two A Movie Review: Know before you go!
Advice from Tod A Comic, too!
Renaissance Fair 2019 Pebbles Benavides Staff Writer HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Yes, it’s that time of yearthe time to get dressed up in ye old costumes and drink a hearty pint of ale while betting away your life savings on the top jousting knight in town. That’s right, the Renaissance Festival is back in town (or Ren Faire for short). The Ren Faire is a great place to relax and get away from the modern amenities of life, all the while avoiding the black plague and typhoid fever. Although the cost of most things are fairly expensive, it is a great place to people watch and there are many activities planned throughout the day for everyone to enjoy. You can really go ahead and do whatever you want, whether it’s eating a chicken leg, practicing archery, or even getting married. Costumes are very common and cheerfully encouraged, but not necessary. They needn’t be medieval, either. You can cosplay as any character or person you’d like, and you’re sure to get a few admiringly turned eyes. The Marketplace is my favorite part of the event. What’s more fun than spending more money after spending money on entry fees? Although it isn’t one central area, there are many shops spread out across the entire plot that the Ren Faire resides. You can purchase a large arrangement of items. Paintings, pottery, jewelry, kilts, backpacks, glass stuff, tunics, oils, furniture, and even weapons- you name it, really. Continued on Page 2
good bet that they came from nice areas where being robbed or harassed on the street wasn't a common occurrence so they probably won't be prepared for it. Unfortunately for both groups, the good people have been introduced to the bad ones before they were able to give each other a real chance. There is a large disconnect where neither group is comfortable around the other, and it’s completely understandable. If you don’t feel comfortable somewhere or in a situation, you don’t have to stay there. But, it is never acceptable to treat the people who make you feel uncomfortable as less than human. While you feel that way because they are around, it’s not their fault. No one is responsible for the way you feel but you.
Super Picross! New 20x25 Puzzle!
Living Healthy at the Rec Center Emma Mucciante Staff Writer A survey of 2000 people by Inc. Magazine revealed that the top three New Year’s resolutions were to diet or eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight, with 71%, 65%, and 54% of people, respectively. But as everyone knows, almost no one actually follows through on their New Year’s Resolutions. People want to be healthy in their diet and exercise habits, but they overwhelming are dissatisfied with their own choices not to eat healthy or go to the gym. Why is that? There is simply too much pressure to be good at healthy living before they try to do it in public. Here at Kettering, we have the resources to help that! At our very own Connie and Jim John Recreation Center there are a multitude of events for students to get started on a healthier lifestyle! From clubs to classes to intramural sports, there is something for everyone to try out. One of the clubs, Road Runners, gets together to run a mile each Monday at the track in the Rec Center, and cheers on everyone, no matter how fast they can run. There are multiple yoga classes, a Zumba class, and this term, a self defense class that meet every week. No experience is necessary for any of these classes, and the instructors emphasize working out as hard as you can, but not pushing past your personal limits. If you want to try out a healthier lifestyle, check out any of the Rec Center Classes! Take one small step, no matter how active you are or what your body looks like, and see how your confidence will grow! Everyone can do it! Stay tuned for new classes being offered next term!
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September 15, 2019
The Technician
Campus News Ren Faire Continued from Front Page
There are lots of activities around for kids to enjoy (and youthful adults), too. Many stage shows will take place randomly throughout the day, there are a few rides to catch, playgrounds to be conquered, and an assortment of games to play. Speaking of money, let’s talk about technical details. The price of one ticket for a STUDENT (WHICH WE ARE) is $21.95. Seniors and kids have a relatively cheaper admittance, and you can even get one for your dog, if you want. Season passes are available for an even more expensive price if you’re really into it. At that point, I’d hope you’d be better at spelling Renaissance than I am. The Ren Faire is open on the weekends for the rest of the month of September, and on Festival Friday on the 27th. At 12600 Dixie Hwy., Holly, MI 48442, it awaits your royal arrival for a weekend of guaranteed fun and excitement!
The Robot Honor Society's New Inductees Each year, the Robot Honor Society inducts a maximum of 1% of the total student body per section. It is the purpose of the Society to recognize and honor those students and other individuals who have provided direction and leadership to the Kettering University student body in extracurricular activities. Candidates for membership are selected on the basis of leadership in extracurricular activities, scholarship, and character. The 3 ideals all Robots must uphold are: leadership which is creative, service that transcends self, and citizenship that demonstrates responsibility. The following 6 students are the newest initiates for 2019. There is also one Honorary Member, selected from faculty and staff to recognize their hard work that goes above and be-
day you may express congratulations as you see them around campus dressed in their uniforms and holding the doors for students coming into the Academic Building and the Mott Center. Timo Budiono Senior 1 Dual Major: Industrial Engineering and Computer Science Minor: Statistics Notable Roles AAA President KSG Vice President Compass Leader Tour Guide
Alpha Pi Mu (IE) Upsilon Pi Epsilon (CS) Leadership that is creative I was able to apply my creativity early in my time at Kettering as the PR Chair for KSG Campus Activities Council. I created the Facebook page for the council, which is still currently used and allowed us to get our events in the hands of more students. When founding a new club in Asian American Association my
Katie Gillies
Assistant Editor
Nathan Schleh
L ayout Editor
Robert Lyman
Copy Editor
Sydney Shirah
Distribution Editor
Jered Baker
Online Editor
sophomore year, the hardest part was finding a way to work towards my goal of increasing awareness of Asian culture in a way that captivated students. While participating in chopstick challenges, map trivia, or writing names in Chinese, students enjoyed their time but also got a taste of different Asian traditions. Moving forward I aim to continue applying this mindset
Staff writers Elise Atkinson Rachael Gotterson Katie Bolinger Jordan Carley Pebbles Benavides Nicholas Haley Emma Mucciante
While on campus, I have worked with NSBE and their sev-
pactful were the house construction projects I assisted on for H4H in local Flint communities. I am grateful to have been involved in other local projects with SAGE like the hoop house. SAGE also gave me the opportunity to spend a week at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota both serving and learning from the Lakota people. Most recently, I also spent time leading as part of COMPASS as an orientation leader. Knowing that I was able to impart advice to new students and make them feel welcome on campus made the time worthwhile and even enjoyable. Citizenship that Demonstrates Responsibility While I was the President of AAA and chair member for NSBE, I felt a moral responsibility outside of the club. I took the chance to make a difference by leading discussions and speaking in front of our student body and faculty at our #OneKettering gathering. These events allowed me to grow as a person and demonstrate my responsibility to increasing the morality of my campus. Kathryn Cesiel Kathryn
truly enjoyed her time at Kettering University. She is a Senior III from Rochester Hills, Michigan, majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering, and she co-ops with General Motors Engineering. She is grateful for the many wonderful opportunities Kettering has made possible for her, and she feels it is important to give back to the university in return through her leadership, service and citizenship. During her time on campus, Kathryn has
Submissions Policy
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering)
Service that transcends self
served as the Safety Team Lead for the Kettering AutoDrive
Notable Honors
Preston Buszka
which will open in Winter 2020.
for Humanity, food banks, and Hope for Soap. The most im-
initiated 10th Tuesday, September 17th. All throughout that
gineers – a professional engineering society for Asian students,
eral community outreach opportunities – including Habitat
Emily Poirier Submission Writer
yond their job description. Each of the 7 new members will be
as I create a chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and En-
Faculty Advisor Dave Watson Special Thanks To Betsy Homsher, Cheyenne Chapman, and Myra Lumpkin
The Technician encourages any interested students to attend staff meetings. Meetings for Winter 2020 will be each Monday and Thursday over the lunch hour in The Technician office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center above the Sunrise Café. Student submissions are encouraged and will be published if their material is in the public interest. Submissions or letters to the editor from faculty and administrative entities will be published if space is available. The Technician reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for brevity and clarity. Anonymous submissions are rarely published and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Individuals wishing to publish anonymously should consult the Editor-in-Chief. The deadline for the upcoming issue of The Technician is 2nd Thursday at 12:20 pm, during the Winter 2020 term. Expected distribution is 4th Tuesday. Send submissions to
Month, DD, September 15,YYYY 2019
Page 3
The Technician
Campus News
Challenge Team, Alpha Phi Director of Philanthropy and Aca-
ing Investment Club, National Society for Black Engineers,
ty as well as the Kettering Community. She enjoys interacting
demic Chairman, Vice-President of the Panhellenic Council,
Alpha Phi Omega, Student Alumni Council, Multicultural
with senior patients through the Hospital Elder Life Program
a COMPASS Orientation Crew member, a Kettering Stu-
Representative for Kettering Student Government and men-
at Hurley Medical Center and attends Flint Calvary Method-
dent Government Representative, Treasurer of the Society
tor for Kagle Leadership Initiatives, Robotics Summer Camps
ist Church. On campus, Kira is an active member of Alpha Chi
of Hispanic Engineers, and more. She always strives to make
and Academically Interested Minds.
Sigma and Premed Club. She is the current president of the
improvements for the benefit of the students and the univer-
Kettering chapter of the National Chemistry Honors Society
sity through each leadership position she holds. Kathryn has
Leadership that is creative
(Gamma Sigma Epsilon) and the secretary of Chemical En-
also enjoyed taking part in Kettering’s Study Abroad program,
Summer 2018, I was presented with the opportunity to be
gineering Club. Kira is also enjoys helping with Kettering re-
and she had a wonderful experience this past spring studying
one of four mentors for a series of Robotics camps. We had to
cruitment events and is very involved in the campus Christian
in southern Germany.
think of creative ways to bridge the age gap in the activities that
group, Cru where she leads a women’s Bible study and plays on
we planned for the campers; these included: tie-dye, banana
the worship team for weekly meetings. Emily Poirier
Kathryn goes above and beyond through community service
boat trips, movie trips and even a trip to Frankenmuth Aerial
both on and off campus. On campus and in the surrounding
Park. That same semester, after not being considered for Robot
Emily is a senior
Flint community, you will see Kathryn volunteering at the lo-
Keys, I took this as fuel for my leadership pursuits. This led to
3 Mechanical Engi-
cal food bank, the Crim Festival of races, with Habitat for Hu-
new and creative ideas brought forward as the International
neering student with
manity, or participating in Greek Philanthropy events such as
Club President. Fast forward a year, and I have found a creative
a Bioengineering Ap-
Lambda Chi All-Night Volleyball or Fiji’s Steven Root Com-
means to further my passion for finance and investing by being
petition each year. Off campus and during work term, you will
a founding member of Kettering Investment Club.
Throughout her time
see her volunteering at FIRST Robotics competitions, rolling
at Kettering she was
up her sleeves to work at TeamGM Care’s service events, and
Service that transcends self
able to hold a variety
marketing Kettering to prospective students at high schools
Often I consider myself as a servant leader. Since most of my
of positions on cam-
and science fairs. Her co-op employer, GM, has also involved
University life has been made possible through the kind hearts
pus and get involved
her as a top co-op representative at several events to market to
of scholarship donors, I see it as my way of paying it forward.
in several clubs and
and recruit new students. She also participates in job fair inter-
Although I was placed in Wisconsin for my fall co-op semes-
other opportunities, in addition to holding three work study
views and has helped plan GM events on campus.
ter while being a Kagle leader, I still made an effort to make
positions in the CILE and CETL offices and as a Sports Of-
it to the fortnightly meeting by driving 7 hours roundtrip to
ficial. She has participated in intramural sports every term and
Her dedication to leading and serving the Kettering com-
make a difference in these students lives. As the past president
has five championships under her belt! She was a member of
munity has been recognized by several organizations. She was
of Kettering’s International Club, undoubtedly I can say that I
the COMPASS Orientation Crew for 3 years, including be-
voted the Kettering Greek Officer of the Year by the Greek
have made an extra effort into serving the international student
ing the Director for her third year. She has been a Women's
community and has been awarded thirteen prestigious merit
body. Before graduation, a service initiative that I would love
Peer Mentor for three years as well. Emily is an active member
scholarships while at Kettering from many organizations in-
to take on is to build a relationship with an elderly home.
in Cornhole Club, Pre-Med Club, Aquaneers, and the Society
cluding Kettering University, Alpha Phi Fraternity, Society of
of Women Engineers. Throughout her time on SWE, she has
Automotive Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers and
Citizenship that Demonstrates Responsibility
held the positions of Secretary, Vice President, and President.
the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Kathryn has received
While at Kettering, I have been able to identify with several
She was also one of thirty women selected internationally to
the highest scholarship awarded nationally by the Alpha Phi
communities, namely the Flint and Minority community as
serve as SWE Future Leader (SWEFL) for the 17-18 school
fraternity organization. She was also the recipient of the Ket-
well as still being a Jamaican citizen. As a part of the Flint com-
year and represented Kettering at 3 annual conferences.
tering James Throop Scholarship, awarded to the student ma-
munity, I have been actively contributing to the betterment of
joring in both mechanical and electrical engineering, having
the city. Furthermore, as a minority student, I have made it my
On campus, she is also a member of Greek life in the Alpha
the highest G.P.A. Kathryn has also been selected for mem-
duty to uplift others by going into pre-college institutions to
Phi -- Iota Epsilon chapter. Through Alpha Phi she has held
bership in five honor organizations in addition to Robots, in-
talk about STEM as well as being a mentor for other minority
positions such as Music Chair, Vice President of Marketing,
cluding Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society. Kathryn’s dad
students. Lastly, as a Jamaican citizen, I hold myself responsible
Vice President of Risk Management, and Chaplain. Being an
is her biggest role model. Gregory Cesiel is a Kettering Uni-
for helping others to afford the opportunity to study overseas.
Alpha Phi has also enabled her to hold the Treasurer position
versity alumnus and is also a Robot and a member of Tau Beta
I have been able to do this through being a mentor and making
on the Panhellenic Council. In addition, this past summer she
Pi. Kathryn is pleased to follow in his footsteps and make him
contributions to Jamaican Aim Alumni Association Scholar-
was able to serve as a research assistant, contributing to a bio-
engineering research project with Dr. Theresa Atkinson. She is Kira Miller
Brandon Gurrell
a four-time Dean's List student and has been inducted into five
Kira Miller is a
honor societies in addition to the Robot Honor Society. First,
Rho Lambda, the National Panhellenic Recognition Society,
neering and Bio-
on which she has served as Treasurer and is now President.
Engineering major with a
chemistry dual de-
Second, Pi Tau Sigma, the National Mechanical Engineering
minor in Business and Ap-
gree in her senior
Honor Society, which she is now the Vice President of. Third-
plied and Computational
year at Kettering
ly, Order of Omega, the National All-Greek Honor Society,
Mathematics. As I near
in which she is the Vice President of currently. Fourth, the
the end of my tenure at
co-ops with Corn-
newly reinstated Kappa Mu Epsilon, the Mathematical Honor
Kettering, I am happy to
ing Life Sciences in
Society. Lastly, Gamma Sigma Alpha, the National Academic
say I have participated and
Kennebunk, Maine
Greek Honor Society. Kettering has also given her experience
contributed in a meaning-
where she works in
and training in several areas including being CPR and TIPS
ful way to the following
manufacturing en-
certified, presenting awareness and information on Title 9 to
clubs/organizations: In-
gineering. While in Maine, she volunteers through her local
several groups in the student body, and even being a featured
ternational Club, Ketter-
church and Preble Street Soup Kitchen. In 2018, Kira enjoyed
poet in the The Art of Poetry Gallery Exhibit. Emily has also
traveling to Guatemala on a week-long mission trip to teach
been given the chance to teach a seminar on salary negotiation
health and hygiene classes for children and help renovate the
to her fellow STRUTS scholars (Support Through Robotics
team’s host church. This May, she enjoyed spending two weeks
for Underserved Talented Students). Through her extracur-
in Lima, Peru on a medical mission trip conducted by Ohio
ricular activities and other Kettering events, she has also put
University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.
in over 40 hours of community service each and every year she
My name is Brandon Gurrell,
Follow us on Facebook for updates and Breaking News! www.facebo m/TheKU Techn ici an
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has been a student! Emily is unbelievably proud of her accomDuring school terms, Kira is involved in the Flint Communi-
Continued on Page 3
Page 4
September 15, 2019
The Technician
Campus News Robot Inductees Continued from Page 3 plishments and cannot wait to share her Robot initiation with her biggest role model in life: her mom. Mariah Titsworth Mariah
works to be a leader of others and the community. She is continuously couraging
to find and take on leadership roles in their lives in order to encourage them to reach their full potential and to inspire others. She achieves this through her involvement in many leadership organizations on campus, such as President of the Order of Omega, Service Coordinator of Pi Tau Sigma, Standard’s Chair on the Panhellenic Council, Director of Programming and Watchcare for Alpha Phi, Secretary of Rho Lambda, and a Multicultural Representative on Kettering’s Student Government. In order to have the positions that she current holds in each of these organizations, she was nominated by her peers. In these organizations, she strives to further develop them by making others on campus aware of their values by her membership of positions on the executive board. This concept can be seen in
member at the MSU Fame Flint Medical Conference in 2018
ing dedication to students. Upon learning she had been elected
and by Mariah at the 2018 Kettering University Homecoming
an honorary Robot, Jennifer demonstrated her usual humility
Facility and Student Poster Session. The members of the team
by saying “Kettering University has so many wonderful, tal-
plan to provide further information to local hospitals and doc-
ented and extraordinary students it is hard to pass up the op-
tors’ offices about the risk that women have when driving with
portunity to help them succeed with an idea, vision or attempt
unsafe conditions especially when pregnant. Mariah has also
to better the student body. I am honored to be held in such
been greatly involved in Greek Life through her membership
high praise.”
in the sorority Alpha Phi. Through this organization she has held the positions of Co-Director of Recruitment Operations, Vice President of Risk Management, Vice President of Finance, and Director of Programming and Watchcare. These positions have given her the opportunity to attend leadership conferences, to implement new processes with in her organization, and to help grow the Greek community in general. Along with her community and campus involvement, Mariah is a member of professional engineering organizations such as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). In SHPE she has held the positions
Attention Kettering University: We need your help in settling the debate between which Mexican support the Make a Wish Foundations and to increase memRestaurant is superior: La Familia or La Azteca! The bership involvement and retention. Technician is conducting a survey of you, the students, faculty, and staff of Kettering University to As seen through the many actions that Mariah has been a see what you have to say in regards to both La Familpart of through her involvement in many organizations on ia and La Azteca. So, scan the QR Code below or campus, she can be seen as a person of great leadership. She follow this link: only strives herself to be the best that she can be, but she w4Kpd6 and tell us what you think who you think also encourages others to further develop themselves from takshould be the “People's Choice.” ing on leadership roles. Overall, Mariah exemplifies the strong
leadership skills, academic excellence, and community involvement that make her a member of the Robot Society. Jennifer Windle Jennifer Windle, the Administrative Specialist for the
Year. She not only showcased great passion towards her own
VP of Student Life and Dean
position, but she actively assists other members to ensure new
of Students, has been with
events were planned to continue to bring the student body to-
Kettering University for seven
gether. Along with her current roles, Mariah is also a member
years. A large part of her role
of a number of other organizations on campus. In addition to
here at Kettering is to coor-
her current roles in Order of Omega, Pi Tau Sigma, Robot So-
dinate student events, town
ciety, and Rho Lambda, she is also a member of the honor soci-
excellence, and a great amount of campus and community involvement. Since her freshman year, Mariah has been involved in many leadership opportunities on campus that have shaped her into the well-rounded person she is today. Previously, Mariah has participated in Kettering Emerging Leaders, where she was among the initial group of students to complete a leadership course and conduct a needs drive for a local elementary school. Mariah has also been involved with being a student mentor for the Co-Op Professional Development sessions. These are meetings held once a school term for underclassmen to talk about their experiences from their recent work term and have an opportunity to receive advice on how to address issues at their Co-Op from a student mentor and faculty advisor. She is also a member of Kettering University’s Pre Med Club, where she is able to share her knowledge of Bioengineering with the Pre Med students to provide a different perspective to approaching injuries to the human body. Through this organization she also participates in learning simulators at Central Michigan University Learning Hospital, in order to increase her knowledge of basic medical practices to be able to assist in a time of crisis. She has also been involved with on campus research, where she helped conduct data analysis of the injuries of pregnant women in vehicle collisions based on the routing of the seat belt. The results of the study were presented by a team
her involvement she has helped create philanthropy events to
tering University Student Government Senate Member of the
these organizations include strong leadership skills, academic
Preston Buszka Editor-in-Chief
of secretary, treasurer, vice president, and president. Through
action this past year when Mariah was recognized as the Ket-
eties Gamma Sigma Alpha and Tau Beta Pi. Requirements for
Calling all Kettering Foodies, Critics and Purveyors of Cuisine!
halls, conferences, Breakfast with the President, and others. Jennifer coordinates activities and travel for student organizations such as SWE and Model UN and assists students in starting new programs such as Disability Matters and Sexual Assault Support Services. She hosts three movies each term to give students a break from studying.
Scan the QR Code to visit The Technician's Survey to determine the best local Mexican Restaurant!
Other responsibilities include assisting her Student Life colleagues with orientation and convocation in July and October and Welcome Week activities each term. Jennifer also works on the annual Honors Banquet and volunteers at Commencement. In other words, she can be found at nearly all campuswide events throughout the year. Jennifer takes great pride in her role at Kettering and excels in enriching students’ Kettering experiences, going well beyond what’s expected. As the mother of two alumni, Brian ‘16 [Chemical Engineering] and Nicole ‘17 [Biochemistry], Jennifer has unique insights into Kettering experiences. She excels at enriching them through her very hard work and unwaver-
A Message from SWE Club Meeting Announcement
September 15, 2019
Page 5
The Technician
Through the Lens: Memes & Tod, too! Ask Tod Sydney Shirah Distribution Editor
A Practicing Procrastinator asks: “Tod, Hello I am a Kettering University student currently living in the campus dorms. Unfortunately without my parents around it has been hard for me to make myself do my homework in a timely manner. I keep procrastinating, ultimately making the entire homework experience more painful. How do I gain the discipline to keep up with my homework over time instead of rushing to do it just before the deadline? Please help Tod!”
Top Left: "Asiago Basil," by Katie Bolinger Bottom Left: Submission Curtsey of Devin Molyn Bottom Right: Tod very pleased that someone asked him a question. You can too by sending an email to! Photo Courtesy of Jered Baker
It’s perfectly alright to be having difficulties right now. In order to help yourself know how much time is left on the assignment, you can put deadlines of assignments in your phone’s calendar and then schedule times between when you get the assignment to when it's due to work on it and any other studying you might need for your classes. Now, I know that didn't answer your question. The only way to gain the discipline to keep up with homework is to have the motivation to do homework which usually comes after you have seen how important it is for your classes. I hope I’ve helped and I hope you do well. -Tod Regular submission policy applies. Send questions to
Page 6
The Technician
Month, September DD, 15,YYYY 2019
The Technician Mondays & Thursdays @ 12:20 P.M. Campus Center 3rd Floor, next to Student Life
Zumba Classes Wednesday Nights @ 7:30 P.M. Recreation Center 3rd Floor
Yoga Classes Classic Yoga, Friday Afternoons @ 12:30 P.M. Power Yoga, Monday Nights @ 5:30 P.M. Recreation Center 3rd Floor
Fit Board Aquatics Monday & Wednesday @ 6:30 P.M. Recreation Center Pool
Reading Day Wednesday September 25, 2019 Late Night Breakfast @ 10:00 P.M. CC Sunset Room
Final Exams Thursday September 26, 2019 to Saturday September 28, 2019
HELP WANTED! Section Editors, Staff Writers & Photographers, and more Positions Open! Do you like writing, taking pictures, making comics, or creating puzzles? Do you have a knack for asking questions and have a healthy interest in the things that go on at Kettering? Do you want to make a difference in today's media atmosphere? Do you want to practice your journalistic ability? Do you want to hold people and organizations accountable for their statements and actions? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, then The Technician is right for you! (Even if you didn’t, you should still consider it, read on for more) At The Technician, it is our responsibility to the students, faculty, staff, and campus at large to report on the news, events, clubs, changes, and more, affecting the students, faculty, staff, and campus at large of Kettering University. This may not be for everyone, but all are encouraged to join us during the lunch common hour every Monday and Thursday or submit content to us at, no matter the experience. Having your work published in the newspaper is a great achievement and working on the newspaper is just part of the wonderful experience one earns at Kettering. Call us!
Picross Solutions From Issue 2 of Summer 2019
Page 7
The Technician
Engineerus Femalus: A species once thought to only exist in legend, recent evidence seems to lend support for them. Indeed in my 19 years of Kettering Zoology I have seen one. She follows me. I see her in the inky blackness of my computer screen before I boot it up. I see her in the corner of my eye in a freshly cleaned trophy case. Even now I see her warped and stretched in the metallic coating on my pen. Given all this evidence I can only conclude that I am haunted. There is no other conclusion than this one. Engineerus Gamus (Video Game Variant): This species seem to be nocturnal as they will commonly stay up until 2am gaming. Don’t look for them in your 8:00 AMs because they will not be there. This species is very tribalistic with three leaders, Sony, Nintendo, and X-box. Watches new game announcement livestreams. Sans is in Smash. Engineerus Mathicus: A species with the rare power to understand and even like the derivation of equations immediately instead of two years later. (How???) Probably participated in the Math Olympiad and got more than zero questions correct. Engineerus Leadershipus: Adequate communication skills compared to the entire human population; God-like communication skills compared to the Kettering population. This species knows everything going on at Kettering. Their greatest pleasure in life is to watch other people’s drama unfold. Their habitat is any event that can be described as a leadership opportunity. Their coefficient of friction must be zero because they are just so smooth. Engineerus Tookroboticsinhighschoolicus: This species only emotion is longing for the bygone days of highschool robotics. In fact they decided on Kettering because they went to robotics competitions here.
From the second Edition 1) Who is Kettering University named after? b) Charles Kettering
2) When did Kettering take ownership of the Atwood Stadium? c) Kettering took ownership of and renovated the historic Atwood Stadium in 2014. Students contribute to the community with Service SaturKettering is hard. People are hard. That’s why I’m so days and projects.
glad people fit neatly into easily quantifiable boxes.
This is the last edition of The Technician this term. Take care readers. Brush your teeth at least once a day. Eat a fruit or a vegetable. Watch Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimention on Blu-ray. This is staff writer Elise Atkinson signing out. See you in January.
3) When did GMI (General Motors Institute) become Kettering? b) It became an independent institution in 1982 called GMI Engineering and Management Institute. The school became Kettering University on Jan. 1, 1998, to honor the man who helped start it and to reflect that GM no longer was the school's only corporate partner. 4) What decade were the Recreation Center, C.S. Mott Engineering and Science Center, and Campus Village Apartments constructed? b) 90’s
By Elise Atkinson 5) What did Charles Kettering invent? a) Delco ignition system - a type of inductive discharge ignition system. Over time, this system was used extensively by all automobile and truck manufacturers until the development of capacitor discharge ignition systems in the 1960s.
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Engineerus Weebus: This species is the most likely to have their credit card information leaked on the internet after a shady cosplay purchase. They definitely have bought manga instead of just reading it online for free. They have an interesting language structure that involves referring to their companions with Japanese honorifics. When asked the secret keyword ‘What is your favorite anime?’ they will spontaneously combust. Has spent too much money on .pngs of anime girls.
Jordan Carley Staff Writer
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main habitat is the Rec center. They can be identified by their strange habit of always wearing shorts and sandals no matter the temperature. Definitely not the kind of nerd that would get beat up in an early 2000s high school rom-com. Carnivorous.
Kettering Trivia Answers
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Continued from Front Page
They still go back and help their old Robotics team. Eternally haunted by the sound of Darude Sandstorm. Engineerus Computericus: One time in their childhood they used Windows Task Manager to stop a computer from going on the fritz and now they are powerful enough to hack the entire government. They can play Half-Life 3 on a calculator. 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the normal baseline due to their burning hatred of the Windows operating system. 00101110 00101110 00101110 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01110100 01101001 01110011 01100110 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100010 01110010 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100011 01101011
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The Fauna of the Kettering Biome
September 15, 2019
Page 8
September 15, 2019
The Technician
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Entertainment News
Super Picross Nathan Schleh Layout Editor
It Chapter Two: A Review
The main theme of coming of age returns once more, now with the main cast being adults, and how they reflect on the past and how they overcome Nicholas Haley their weaknesses by being together, something the Staff Writer film takes what seems to be a long time to go over. Coming off the heels of the massively success- At 2 hours and 50 minutes long, much of the film is ful Chapter 1 back in 2017, It: Chapter Two can be them confronting their past, although it may seem best described as a solid sequel, with the same hor- to be a drag after a while. ror, drama, and lore being explored throughout the Being much longer than the first film, many parts movie. in this movie shows the same challenges faced by the In 2016, 27 years after the original film’s setting, It original cast, which seems to be unnecessary since returns more powerful than ever to haunt the town we’ve already seen the original and could’ve been of Derry, Maine, causing the original cast to return, faster. The scares in this, while on par with the first now middle-aged, to finally put an end to it’s ter- movie, sometimes are just there to solely put the auror. Although they’ve all changed since 1989, they dience on edge for a brief moment while not driving progressively confront their old fears once again as the plot forward that much, and the film relies a lot on jumpscares, something the audience can quickly adults if they wish to put an end to It. grow bored of. The young cast returns from the first film during In conclusion, the cast do once again a great job on flashback sequences, where they once again do a very good job at portraying their old struggles jux- portraying their conflicts, both internal and extertapositioning with the adult cast, blending nal, and the way they progress throughout the film. in seamlessly with the adult cast when tran- The familiar scares return, being a major component sitioning to and from flashback sequences. of the film, but can be seen as a bit tame compared The adult cast also do a good job not only to the first movie, while not subtle, still managed to portraying what the young actors become, mix in horror with a coming of age story but how It affects their adult life as well, as Rating: 7/10 if the large time lapse has not affected them personally. Bill Skarsgård returns as It, once again performing a phenomenal job at portraying the titular villain, back with new
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15 x 15 Puzzle by Nathan Schleh
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scares and challenges for the Losers Club to face.
20 x 25 Puzzle courtesy of Nintendo