Issue 2, Winter 2016

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February 20, 2015

Volume 120

Issue 2

Interview with Professor Laura Sullivan By Becca Roughton Staff Writer Kettering University has recently had the honor of having one of its professors be appointed to the Flint Water Interagency Coordinating Committee (FWICC), a recently established committee of proactive individuals set to help aid with the Flint Water Crisis. Dr. Laura Sullivan, a mechanical engineering professor, has been working for years to better Flint, and now she has been given the opportunity to make a great impact regarding the Flint Water Crisis. I had the opportunity to sit down with her and discuss her appointment, her current work, and her hopes for the future. During the interview Sullivan explained her position and what it does to aid in the Flint Water Crisis. She explained that her job is to help different depart-

What’s Inside

ments and groups communicate and work together, and then report what progress is being made on a weekly basis. This includes joining together governmental groups, such as local members of the Environmental Protection Agency, to activist groups and other potentially impactful groups. An example of this includes the recent initiative to reach out to the plumbers of Flint. “Nobody had talked to until [late January],” Sullivan stated. If it weren’t for the FWICC and Dr. Sullivan, getting help from some of Flint’s most knowledgeable people regarding the city’s plumbing may never had happened. This ability to help different groups come together is key to helping in the crisis, and is what Professor Sullivan contributes. “It isn’t so much about tech expertise,” she explained. “What I have to offer is that I have been Photo Courtesy of KetteringCommunications

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Movie Review

Kagle Update Distributing Water

Dr Tackett Cancer Research


The Madness of Deadpool

Making Waves

NBA News

NBA Season Updates


Art Center Reception


Discovery of Gravitational Waves


Film Festival Review

By Jacob Hankerd Online Editor

By Adam Lecznar Editor-In-Chief

By Juwan Jamison Student Submission Writer

Cancer. A word that is often tossed around, and has touched almost anyone you could talk to. There are many different kinds of cancers, and unfortunately not many solutions. One of Kettering’s staff, Dr. Ronald Tackett, recently gave a lecture on a possible way to treat specific cancers. The title of the lecture was “Treating big problems with small things”. The lecture covered much of the physics and biology involved in the treatment, as well as the background of how it developed and a timeline of where it’s headed. To start the lecture off, Tackett gave thanks to the many people who have worked with him on this research project, including, but not limited to; Professors Vaishnava, Rablau, Kumon, and Wong. He also has a student assistant, and the group works with many outside companies. Tackett himself began work on the project back in 2006 with Prem Vaishnava while he was in grad school. In order to get a better understanding of what the science means, we can start with information on the purpose of the treatment. The most basic idea of the treatment is derived from the intrinsic difference in properties between cancer cells and human cells. A human body cell is able to withstand temperatures of 45-50⁰, albeit a limited amount of time, whereas a cancer cell is not able to survive these conditions, and will die off. However, while it is reason for hope, there are limitations to this treatment. First and foremost, it can mostly only be targeted at tumors that grow on the brain. The research currently is focused on Glioblastoma multiforme. This is because of the many electrical impulses that can be effected while

Students, faculty, and members of the Flint community were invited to Kettering’s Humanities Art Center on Tuesday, February 2nd to take part in the opening reception of the newest art exhibit to be seen at the school, titled “Identity & Image.” Stephanie James, Curator and Educator for the Mott-Warsh Collection, welcomed all guests in attendance to begin the reception. “I’m so thrilled to see so many people here discovering this space,” James said. “This space is a bit more restrictive than other spaces where we’ve held exhibits, but we were glad to see Liberal Arts professors include this in their curriculum. This exhibition has been a collaboration between Kettering professors and the Mott-Warsh Foundation.” The Mott-Warsh Collection was started in 2001 by Mary Ann Mott. It features primarily African American Art from the post-WWII era to the present day, and contains over 600 works. James had been contacted by Regina Schreck, Curator of Kettering’s Humanities Arts Center. “We’ve been doing small exhibits at Kettering’s Innovation Center since 2012,” James commented in regard to how the exhibit was brought to Kettering. “I first met Karen Wilkinson a few years ago and we talked about opportunities to do things like this. When Regina came on board, we started discussing this exhibit.” “Identity and Image” features 22 pieces selected from the Mott-Warsh Collection, each of which deals with the identity of African Americans in today’s society.

Crowded cities of the world have turned methods of transportation into a competition. The majority of people opt to travel by car, but a growing number of are choosing to ride bikes instead. The ongoing disagreements between those who support integrating bike lanes onto roads and those who don’t have even led to deaths in certain places. Some cities have erased bike lanes in favor of more space for drivers, further discouraging cycling. This creates nothing but needless accidents and deaths, and is often more expensive than it was to paint the bike lanes in the first place. The support for cars and their road space is powered by politicians who take bribes from automakers, oil businesses, construction companies, and other groups that benefit from overcrowding traffic. Cyclists, on the other hand, only have the support of their local community and the few who choose not to waste hours in traffic. Society itself is to blame for this situation – people have a belief that cars are a necessity and that the only way to improve traffic is to make more space for cars. In reality, this harms society and only benefits those who are making money. The infrastructure needs to change in these cities in order to actually improve the situation rather than extending the problems and making things worse. These are all points made by the documentary Bikes vs. Cars, directed by Fredrik Gertten, and shown at the McKinnon Theater on the 29th of January during the Global Issues Film Festival. In cities where roads are overpopulated by cars, people are realizing that there are more efficient

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Announcements Art Center

Film Festival

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“Identity is a central theme to artists in the 20th and 21st centuries, especially African American artists,” James explained. “Our aim is to place these works in venues that receive great diversity in foot traffic.” James then welcomed Kettering University President Robert McMahan to speak about the exhibit; McMahan has been known to support initiatives like this at Kettering. “This is a magnificent exhibit. It really shows how artists can challenge preconceived notions,” McMahan said. “Our desire is to nurture the artistic side as well as the technical side of our students. Kettering has this amazing history of innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs. They are artists, too. There is a very strong correlation between STEM and the liberal arts. Free expression and creativity that are required of technological fields are fostered here.” Also in attendance were two members of the Greater Flint Arts Council, Tanya Lane and Greg Fiedler, as well as Kettering’s Provost James Zhang. Two Kettering students in attendance received gift certificates to Einstein’s Bagels, and 10 one-year memberships to the Greater Flint Arts Council were handed out to students interested in displaying a piece of art and attending special events.

forms of transportation. Many people take buses, many ride bikes, and many simply walk. The problem with cycling, though, is that it works most efficiently on roads – sidewalks have many obstacles such as other people, and there often isn’t a sidewalk parallel to a road. This causes the real problem, because drivers do not want to share driving space or give the right of way to cyclists. They become angered while they sit in a jam and watch cyclists ride through them one after another. Drivers believe they own the road, which very often leads to ‘hit and run’ incidents or even preventable deaths. The film investigates this kind of situation in cities like Los Angeles, New York City, London, and São Paulo. In London, many drivers have a hate to-

February 20, 2016

ward cyclists, and many cyclists fear cars. The hate often comes from cyclists who don’t pay attention and don’t follow traffic rules. The fear comes from drivers who don’t give right of way and are aggressive. Many bike incidents here are caused by lorrie (bus) drivers that simply can’t see a biker next to them, which is also common in São Paulo, though reckless driving is the main culprit here. In the majority of cities, road infrastructure simply was not designed to include cars and bikes. In 2012, 14 cyclists were killed in London, 18 in New York City, and 52 in São Paulo. In Los Angeles, there were over 600 accidents between cars and bikes. It is not all downhill around the world for cyclists – many cities have started instituting a more biker-friendly system, and some cities have built their entire infrastructure with cycling in mind. São Paulo has had many protests for changing the city, and these have started to pay off – a new biking lane called ‘Red Lane’ was built on one of the busiest roads in the city, and since 2012, the distance of bikededicated lanes increased from just over 40 miles to over 250 miles. New York City has started many bike-path projects, and Detroit has almost completed a 20 million dollar project to create a bike trail throughout midtown along with several others in the heart of the city. Copenhagen is currently leading the world with a great network design for cyclists. Transport via bicycle accounts for 45 percent of the city’s population – the roads have just as much priority for bikes as they do for cars. Bikepaths sprawl completely throughout the rest of the city. This level of biking cuts down noise and air pollution by a vast margin compared to similarly sized cities. Biking is becoming more and more popular as a mode of transportation and the war between drivers and cyclists is needless.

Submissions Policy


Technician Adam Lecznar


Megan Cox

L ayout Editor

Gabrielle Feeny

Copy Editor

Jacob Hankerd

Online Editor

Bryan Boyse

Distribution Editor

Staff writers Ciro Napoletano Jacob Watt Jordan Mayer Robert Lyman Rebecca Roughton

Faculty Advisor Christine Levecq Special Thanks To Betsy Homsher

The Technician encourages any interested students to attend staff meetings. Meetings for Winter 2016 will be each Monday and Thursday over the lunch hour in The Technician office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center above the Sunrise Café. Student submissions are encouraged and will be published if their material is in the public interest. Submissions or letters to the editor from faculty and administrative entities will be published if space is available. The Technician reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for brevity and clarity. Anonymous submissions are rarely published and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Individuals wishing to publish anonymously should consult the Editor-in-chief. The deadline for the upcoming issue of The Technician is 6th Tuesday at 6pm. Expected distribution is 7th Monday. Send submissions to

February 20, 2016

Sullivan Continued from Front Page working with all of the activists.” Indeed, Professor Sullivan has been an active contributor with assisting the community’s water issues before lead was even discovered. Dr. Sullivan elaborated on her first brush with helping Flint’s water, which began early in 2015 when Engineers Without Borders was tasked with assisting households so that they could afford“usable water” to do tasks such as flush toilets in order to lessen the number of foreclosures. It was during this effort over the next few weeks that groups of concerned citizens, including professor Sullivan, became aware that their drinking water was not coming back with safe testing results. However, it would be a long time before their concerns were taken seriously, Dr. Sullivan recounts. “We felt deflated” she stated, referring to the Department of Environmental Quality’s disconcern that she and other activists were met with after reporting that the water was unsafe. Despite this, the determined people of Flint, Dr. Sullivan included, pressed on. After a significant effort, the water issues of Flint became known, and now have reached national coverage. Following the declaration of a state of emergency in Flint, Professor Sullivan was selected by the mayor to be appointed by the governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, to the committee. When I asked what she thinks she has to offer to help, Dr. Sullivan stated “I have the potential to build back some trust.” Through her works of joining together groups and helping facilitate communications between them, Dr. Sullivan explained that even groups who may have been distrustful of each other were able to come together to work on solving this common problem. Turning distrust into cooperation and understanding is a vital part of the entire project, as she elaborates that “there has to be a possibility that [the citizens of Flint] will listen to someone who will say ‘it’s okay, you can drink the water.... For a water supply to work, it has to move.” Without the townspeople of Flint using the water once it becomes safe, stagnation of the supply because civilians don’t use it due to their distrust of the water supply would cause the supply to fail. Despite the focus on the water when discussing the crisis, Dr. Sullivan went on to discuss the importance to look beyond, past lead-filled water. “It’s more than just fixing water,” she said. “It’s about helping people.” Throughout my time with her, Dr. Sullivan impressed upon me the importance of working with the citizens to have them help the city out of this issue. She discussed that in areas of poverty and instability, both of which are found in Flint, a trend has been noticed that citizens can begin to feel helpless when crisis strikes. This helplessness hinders motivation and progress towards a solution. “I think that maybe…[the people of Flint] thought no one was listening,” Sullivan expressed. Given the difficulties getting the findings that indicated poisoned water acknowledged initially, this is an understandable feeling. “I didn’t want us to be victims

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Campus News anymore--didn’t want people to say ‘look at these poor people!’ I wanted us to be rescuers.” Professor Sulivan continued then, saying “the number one need is for people to feel listened to. Number two is to feel like they can do something.” This is where the goals of FWICC come into play, as she said “over and over again, it’s been about stirring up what people know and facilitating discussion.” It is this discussion that will hopefully keep the townspeople of Flint invested in working to be their own rescuers and their own problem solvers. When asked about what she thought students at Kettering University could do to help, Professor Sullivan had much to say. “One thing I’m hoping students will get involved in is the CPA, which wants to go to houses with a plumber and a student to analyze the pipes and create a map recording this information. The student would assist by collecting 10-15 samples of water for the EPA to test.” Should this become an option for Kettering students, it would be constituted as a work study program that would require a morning or two a week, she went on to explain. Another opportunity includes a potential competition where students would design a creative way to solve logistics problems regarding the optimization of helping distribute water to civilians in need. Above all, though, Dr. Sullivan expressed her hope of students helping civilians come up with solutions for themselves. “What if the students at Kettering are a part of history? Not just as talented and creative problem-solvers, but servants and compassionate people who could sit in a room of quarreling, frustrated people and could listen and become a team,” she concluded. One of the key points Dr. Sullivan imparted on me was the need for people to be positive and hopeful during this crisis. She recounted a time where even after the governour had apologized, citizens Continued on Page 7

Kagle Water Distribution By Hunter Kostal Kagle Submission Writer Kagle Leadership Initiatives is a collection of programs at Kettering. Generously funded by Robert Kagle (1978), it is overseen by Cristina Reed and Charlene Harris and run by students. The main focus of the programs is the mental growth and development of Flint high school students. Students from Kettering who are accepted into the program become either a tutor or a mentor. Tutors host weekly tutoring sessions on campus for students in the surrounding area, while mentors are similar to a Big Brother or Sister. These mentors are paired with a local high school student to help them grow and develop as a person. Mentors make sure that the high schoolers grow in all aspects and are responsible for exposing their mentees to cultural, career, philanthropic, and social experiences. In addition to meeting these specific types of experiences, the pairs are required to attend a group meeting on the third Saturday of each month for roughly six hours. Here they have conversations spanning many topics, such as Civic Duty (voting), the arts, physical activities, and service projects. Most recently, the group participated in making blankets and scarves for Project Linus, which gives blankets to children who are critically ill. Following this morning service session, they trekked across town to The Red Cross, where they aided workers in the inventorying and distribution of water and water filters to combat the current lead issue. While this program focuses on the growth and development of the high school students, the mentors grow and change as well, proving this to be a mutually beneficial relationship

Members of the Flint community work with Kettering students to help distribute water donated to the city of Flint. Photo courtesy of Kettering OCmmunications

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The Technician

Through The Camera Lens

February 20, 2016

Top: Kettering University's A-Tournament basketball victors, the Jumpmen, pose for the camera after a hard-fought win. Left: Kettering students Reed Paskvan and Ian Lasher participate in Innovation Quest in the Great Court. Students have the opportunity to win prizes by competing in Innovation Quest every Wednesday during lunch. Bottom: Kettering University President Robert McMahan stands below a screen displaying Kettering University's new website for its online education system.

February 20 2016

The Technician

Kettering In Pictures

Top: General Determination poses with a prospective Kettering student during a recent Prep for Success event. Bottom: The statue of General Determination is seen in the foreground of Kettering's Campus Center and Residence Hall in the evening after a light snowfall.

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February 20, 2016

The Technician

Scientists Discover Gravitational Waves By Gabrielle Feeny Copy Editor By now you must’ve heard the news – gravitational waves have been detected, confirming the last prediction of the theory of general relativity proposed by Einstein in 1916. As he worked out the equations for this theory, he realized that distortions in spacetime could be caused by massive objects, much like how a weight at the center of a trampoline would press it down and cause anything near the edge to be pulled toward it. Gravitational waves, among other phenomena anticipated by this warping, have been confirmed and act as evidence for it. So what exactly are gravitational waves? They have been described as ripples in the curvature of space-time, and were first discovered by scientists at LIGO (the Laser Interferometer GravitationalWave Observatory) on September 14th of 2015. The source happened to be the collision of two black holes, from which waves were produced during the final fraction of a second before they merged into one. While the existence of gravitational waves was initially demonstrated in the 1970s and 80s, this is the first time we have been able to observe the waves themselves. How were the waves observed? Both of the LIGO detectors consist of a two-and-a-half-mile long, Lshaped interferometer. Laser light is split into two beams and travels back and forth down four foot diameter tubes, at the ends of which a mirror is situated. Using the beams, the distance between mirrors can be monitored. According to the theory of general relativity, when a gravitational wave passes by the detector, this distance will change infinitesimally; a change in length less than one-ten-thousandth of a proton’s diameter can be detected. This amazing development has introduced an entirely new field of astronomy: gravitational wave astronomy. As well as opening new pathways of discovery, it is also represents an incredible technological advancement. Hopefully it will inspire organizations such as the National Science Foundation to fund more long-term projects, and more advancements in scientific studies can be made


2016 Detroit Auto Show Recap By Nicholas Sowa Student Submission Writer The 2016 North American International Auto Show marked the 59th anniversary of the event in its current form, and the 51st year that the event has taken place at COBO Center in Detroit, MI. What began as a show at which auto manufacturers could actually sell cars to the public has now become a place where the biggest and best in the industry showcase their newest technology. When a manufacturer hopes to make an impact with the next big thing, it is likely that it will be announced and displayed at the NAIAS. With the 2016 show came the announcement of 25 completely new or redesigned automobiles scheduled for production within the next model year, in addition to seven all new concept vehicles. Several of those models highlighted extensive efforts to increase fuel economy. Manufacturers most commonly achieve this by downsizing engines and reducing weight where possible. The auto show morphed into a much more commercially based event than when

manufacturers such as Ford go to great lengths to display cross-sectional models of entire vehicles as well as engines. The vehicle display of the NAIAS occupied much of the main level of COBO Center, but there were additional displays on the lower level near the tunnel that leads to Joe Louis Arena. The lower level displays often consist of smaller manufacturers, or more niche interests such as Harley Davidson and DUB wheels. Several colleges and universities displayed booths here highlighting their technical programs. Among these schools were the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan State University, and Kettering University. Kettering’s display highlighted the SAE formula, Baja, and snowmobile vehicles, making it the most prominent single display out of the colleges present. Personal show highlights this year included public display of new vehicles such as the Ford Focus RS, Ford GT, and fourth-generation Mazda Miata. Having previously owned a first-generation Miata, I was eager to get a closer look at the newest mx-5 offering from Mazda. I attended the show with my girlfriend who is very much a ‘non car person,’ who stated, “You can buy me an Audi. I like that blue one.” She was pointing at a $140,000 RS7, so I guess the Audi display was effective to some degree.

Why Kettering Should Have a Third Sorority A Brief Manifesto By Eddie Schodowski Student Submission Writer Engineering school is tough It’s isolating when you’re the only girl in the classroom

it began, with the sole intention of many displays being to catch the eye of show attendees regardless of whether or not they identified as a ‘car-person.’ The more show-goers a manufacturer can turn into buyers, the more successful the show display is. The displays at the NAIAS ranged from being very simple in layout to much more extravagant. In years previous, Ford and FCA (Chrysler group) showed off elaborate displays, spread over a large area with many vehicles. At any of the displays, several show representatives were available to explain basic features of the product. Due to the background of these representatives being mostly non-technical, more technically-minded attendees of the public show could get mildly frustrated when asking detailed technical questions to the show representatives. Attending the private or corporate show days offered a better opportunity to discuss more of those details with development engineers. To reach a happy medium between those who attend to just see the new shiny cars and those who go to see new technology,

Having the support of a group of women is an effective way to get through Kettering Current sorority options are great, but there are only two and allows for only so much cultural diversity. It’s hard to get the support you need if you fall in-between the two and then don’t go Greek Demand is not static. If another sorority were differentiated and created, it would very likely create new demand from women who ordinarily would not consider Greek life because they fell in-between the existing two. This is the premise of Blue Ocean Strategy A final note: if you’re a guy reading this and bring up Instant Princess Syndrome in conversation, stop making women at Kettering uncomfortable and start supporting them. They’ll be more powerful than you could imagine, so help them become stronger now — wouldn’t you want the same?

February 20, 2016

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moving downward into the abdominal area, limiting its range of effectiveness. There is also an issue in keeping track of the temperature of the area, but can be countered by using an optic fiber spectrometer. Currently this research is about 1-3 years away from beginning human trials. While this may seem like a long time at the moment, it is very close in comparison to the amount of time that has already been spent on this project. From here the science was now being covered, and he started with basic magnetism. There are three types of magnetism; diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism. With this research, the focus will remain on ferromagnetism. This is due to ferromagnetic properties, and how it differs from the others in its saturation magnetism and remnant magnetism levels (For ferromagnetism the levels are much higher). However, the nanoparticles would still need to be superparamagnetic in order to be usable in this kind of treatment. Superparamagnetism is a behavior where the magnetic moment of the particles are reversed thermally, so that it aligns with the direction of the magnetic field around the particle. When it comes to injecting the particles into the human body, there are few preemptive precautions that have to take place. First, the nanoparticles would need to be coated in a substance known as dextran. This is basically a coating of water that helps to avoid side effects. Next, the particles would need to be suspended in a ferrofluid, helping to magnetize the particles. This ferrofluid would then need to be injected directly into the tumor. Following this, a solenoid would be used to apply a 15-50mT (milliTesla) alternating magnetic field. Doing this then causes the nanoparticles to begin vibrating, which in turn heats the surrounding area. The energy absorption in the cancer cells can be described by two mechanisms; Neel and Brownian. These differ in dependence, where Neel is nanoparticle dependent, but Brownian is carrier fluid dependent. Along with this process comes some very important details. A large concern is improving the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of the injected substances. Improving this would decrease the amount of time and danger involved in this treatment process. There is also additional research being put into “smart” particles that would possibly monitor/control temperature. As this project continues to be researched and moves forward, there is much to be hopeful. The project is within a few years of moving on to the human trials. There are also organizations in Germany that already use this treatment technique on diseases such as GBM, brain cancers, and prostate cancers. They have seen positive results and give us reason to believe we will see these results as well (This company is known as Magforce nanotech, LLC.). Look forward to what the future of this holds, as it is a huge development in medicine and science.

“weren’t ready to stop being angry.” While agreeing that they were justified in their anger, she felt something needed to change for people to be the most productive.“Anger, jealousy, and rage have energy, but it is like a fire--it will burn away and leave nothing. Hope, optimism and positive thinking may not have as much energy, but they will carrying on further.” After expressing the importance of recalling all of the good that has happened, Dr. Sullivan shared positive, hope-inspiring experiences she has witnessed. In one example, she described to me a rally where a very engaged and concerned activist, despite how much she put into helping the town, did not own a coat. Another caring person gave her his, creating an atmosphere of generosity and appreciation. She went on to describe “the faces of people when you deliver water to them,” referring to the work she’s done getting safe water to homes that do not have any. A final, personal example she expressed was in addition to his encouragement and support of her work, President McMahan has offered plenty of assistance with handling both her work as a professor and member of the FWICC. “He has continually expressed his care, often saying to me ‘make sure you take care of yourself ””. It is these positive moments and the accomplishments of getting to where the committee is now that Dr. Sullivan expressed would provide the energy to continue on. Our interview ended with a final question from me, asking if Dr. Sullivan had any advice or words of encouragement for the students at Kettering. Her response was as follows: “Each step along my path, I got into something I wasn’t certain I’d be able to do. If you can reflect on that little miracle, no problem, no catastrophe is unsolvable...If you’re apart of a solution for Flint, there’s nothing you can’t solve.” Professor Ronald Tackett presents on his research of using magnetism to combat cancer in Kettering University's Academic Building. The lecture was attended by students and faculty to learn more about Tackett's research, which he had been conducting with other faculty members since 2006.

Kettering Greek Life 2016 Service Saturday Schedule All Events Will Begin at 9:00 A.M in Kettering University's Great Court

Saturday, February 27 Saturday, March 12 Saturday, April 9 Saturday, May 14 Saturday, June 11 Saturday, July 9 Saturday, August 13 Saturday, September 10 Saturday, October 1 Saturday, November 12

Pre Med Club Silent Auction Monday, February 22 Tuesday, February 23 Thursday, February 25 Friday, February 26 Held in the Great Court each day from 12:20 to 1:20 Please stop by and auction on items! There will be a sheet for each item where you can write what you are willing to pay and your contact information (IE e-mail or cell phone number). The auction will close Friday at 1:20. Winners will be contacted by 2:30 to come and pick up prizes. Winners will have some paperwork to fill out and will need to bring either cash or a check. Checks should be made out to Kettering University. If winners are not heard from by 4 p.m. the prize will be given to the next highest bidder. Items to be auctioned include a 32 inch 1080 p Smart TV , beats headphones and lots of gift cards and donated items. There will be a "Guess how many" game where you can pay to guess and the person that guesses the closest without going over will win a prize. Pre Med Club will also have a jar and will be accepting general donations. For any questions or to donate items, please contact Megan VanLuven at or by calling 810-223-7335. Please invite everyone you know!

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February 20, 2016

The Technician

Deadpool Movie Review By Ciro Napoletano Staff Writer As one of, if not the, most anticipated superhero movies in the last few years, the Deadpool movie had an unrealistically high bar set for it and managed to, in my opinion, hit nearly every mark with flying colors. From the main cast’s performances, to the writing and plot, to the beautiful action sequences and hilarious jokes, Deadpool is everything that the public was expecting and more. In this movie, Ryan Reynolds renews his role as “The Merc with a Mouth” and does so in spectacular fashion. His acting and emotion is great throughout the entire film, so much so that you can even see his expressions through his suit. The supporting cast isn’t too shabby either, with Brianna Hildebrand (playing Negasonic Teenage Warhead) giving a great performance and Morena Baccarin (who played Vanessa, Deadpool’s love interest) having amazing on-screen chemistry with Ryan Reynolds. When it comes to the action and comedy of the movie, I found that it had struck the nail on the head in terms of finding the perfect balance. Although the movie was given an R-rating, it still manages to keep a light-hearted tone through all the gore, sex, and violence with its quick quips and witty jokes. The dialogue and interactions between Deadpool and the other characters creates an environment of craziness and utter insanity that perfectly embodies the Deadpool character. The action sequences also

were masterfully choreographed while still being able to sprinkle in enough humor to make you forget that he was slaying dozens of enemies and laugh at the scene. Overall, although I loved this movie and thought it was made to near perfection, it did have its shortcomings. In the middle act of the movie, the fast pace that the movie had set early on slowed to a crawl as the action ceased and Deadpool’s origin story set in. This lull in the pace seemed to contradict what the movie had previously set itself up for and I wish they would’ve found a way to keep the pace during this portion or had cut it down in length and summarized it more. Another fault of the film was that one of the main villains, Angeldust, wasn’t given the best

treatment from the writing team as she wasn’t given much of an actual character but was just more of a one-note, “I’m super strong,” type role that wasn’t appealing and seemed to not give the character what she deserved. As a whole, I think Deadpool is a movie that is deserving of its current high praise and was a great change of pace from the typical superhero movies we are accustomed to today. With its wit, charm, and willingness to push boundaries, it has singlehandedly created a whole new dynamic for what a superhero movie can be and I personally can’t wait for the madness to continue in the upcoming sequel.

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