Issue 1, Summer 2018

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July 29, 2018

Volume 130

Issue 1

Updates on the Campus Master Plan Robert Lyman Distribution Editor Well, here we are: we’ve made it through the first half of 2018. It’s been an interesting year on campus - Thompson Hall was evacuated, the water main needed emergency repairs, the list goes on. None of that was on anyone’s plan for how this year was going to go. Speaking of plans, you might ask, isn’t there a big plan for the University as a whole? Of course there is, so let’s have another look at it. For those of you who aren’t aware, the Campus Master Plan is the result of a long process that the University underwent a few years back that was geared toward making the student experience better. Surveys were taken, metrics were studied, and interviews were conducted. The university looked at us students and how we spend our time here –

What’s Inside


Jerico Markel Editor in Chief A newspaper does not run solely on the news. In fact modern day small papers cannot run solely on the news. While The Technician doesn’t have to worry about turning out a profit, it does still need to fill its pages with content. Presently most of that content comes from the staff, who put in a lot of time to seek out events across the Kettering and Flint community and then turn that into a 300, 500, or even 1800 word article. And the other content? The pictures, puzzles, and… memes? (Yes we have memes now) Well that also comes from the staff. Now I’m not saying this is a bad thing, in fact I’m very grateful to my entire staff for putting in the time and energy to make this paper what it is, but I personally feel that if this paper is to truly prosper then it must have the voice of those outside the organization. It needs the voice of my fellow students, fellow Greeks, the professors, the regular Kettering staff members, even the parents of students at this University. The Technician likes to call itself the ‘Student Voice of Kettering.’ But The Technician extends even beyond that. Do one of the professors have some cool research going on that they want people to know about? Is there a student with a hobby that they greatly enjoy and wish to share? Maybe someone’s mother knows a really great recipe? Or perhaps a Greek house wants to highlight some recent community service? All of these are valid things to publish. All of these represent a part of the people that make up the Ket-

Photo Courtesy of Kettering Communications

Continued on Page 2

Who Are They?

The Value of Submissions

Continued on Page 2

what we’re doing, what classes we’re taking, etc. It also looked at what classes are being offered, the technical requirements for each of those classes, and the laboratory requirements for each class with


Kettering Art

Some Interviews

Gilbert McCann


And Some Memes


Clubs: Do's & Don’ts

Got Merch?

Preston Buszka Online Editor

Preston Buszka Online Editor

Kettering University has over 15 different clubs recognized by the Kettering Student Government (KSG). Anyone can start a club by filing a request with the Operations Council of The KSG. After they fulfill the necessary procedures and requirements, they may stand before the Finance Council and request an operating budget. Once all conditions of The Operations and The Finance Council are met, then they are a club! This can all be found out directly in the KSG Constitution. However, the Constitution does spell out some pretty clear instructions and requirements for being a club on campus. Failure to comply with said rules can result in severe consequences. As an example, if a club fails to submit their budget for the next term before the deadline, they are subject to not get one the next term. Another example is failing to abide by the advertising requirements for campus-wide events. Clubs are subject to budget sanctions for non-compliance. The Do's and Don’ts are simple: Do follow the rules, Don’t not follow the rules, or else.

Did you know Kettering has a Merchandise Store? Now you might be thinking about Kettering’s CStore. If you are, then you are 75% of the way there. If you are thinking about the new online Kettering Bulldog Wear store, then you are spot on, 100%! (If you were not thinking about either, you will, unfortunately, have to retake the class.) All jokes aside, one can view the new online store at They have (almost) anything you can think of. They have 25 different categories, with even more subcategories to choose from! They offer

Disclaimer: The content of the preceding article was created with information available at the time through public hearing(s), campus information, or informal interview. For up to date information, please contact the KSG.

Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka occasional sales so check back often. They also are continually adding new items, so don’t forget to go back and browse every once in a while.

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The Technician

News & Opinions The Value of Submissions Continued from Front Page

tering experience. But to publish these things people need to submit them. If there are students that want more Sudoku then they need to inform The Technician so we can add it. This actually did happen, which is why you will find Sudoku on the back page. Now I’ve heard one individual mention that they don’t want to write anything for submission because they don’t want to join the club. Let me make this clear: joining the staff and writing an article for submission are two separate things. You can submit things on a regular basis and still not be a part of the staff. We don’t put your name on the club roster unless you ask us too. With that being said there is an email address in this paper and on the banner in the Great Court that you can send submissions to. I look forward to hearing more from the people that make up this Kettering Community.

The Technician Mondays & Thursdays @ 12:20 p.m. Campus Center 3rd Floor

Zumba Classes Monday Nights @ 8:15p.m. Recreation Center 3rd Floor

Yoga Classes Thursday Nights @ 7:00 p.m. Recreation Center 3rd Floor

Kettering Entrepreneur Society Thursdays @ 8:00 KES Room, 5th Floor CC


Technician Jerico Markel


Nathan Schleh

L ayout Editor

Adam Lezcnar

Copy Editor

Preston’s Perspective Preston Buszka Online Editor Note from the writer: Hello there College Land! Starting in this edition, I hope to have a reoccurring column that chronologies my observations and perspective as an incoming freshman, and through my whole college career. I hope to be able to tell fun stories and even answer the questions of others. Feel free to email me at Firstly I’d like to welcome you to my humble column. Feel free to take a load off and relax as I talk about some cool things that happened at Kettering over Orientation (Week Zero). Camp COMPASS: As an incoming freshman, one has the opportunity to apply to attend Camp COMPASS. (COMPASS stands for Campus Orientation Meetings to Prepare for Academic and Social Success if you were wondering). It is open to both A-Section and B-Section students! This 2.5-day camp features basic camp fundamentals with more! The only cons were the price tag, $185/ person, and that it was only open to the first 45 applicants (Don’t worry, if you weren’t selected, you got a refund). The camp went sort of like this: You arrive at Kettering on Monday and get to move in (way earlier than everyone else!) and then take a bus (coach) ride to camp (don’t forget dinner money!). Then you move into the clubhouse (it has separate dormitory-style rooms for each gender). After, you do some fundamental get to know each other activities, which continue into the next day. In the morning, the camp then split into two groups, and then they primarily did continual name learning and then also team building, with tons of fun activates and games! After lunch, the split groups either went rock wall climbing or went on the high-ropes course. The climbing and ropes course was especially fun as it was indoors, so we were out of the heat! The next morning post-breakfast we continued to do separate group activates and then were put to the test as now teams having to, together, navigate an advanced obstacle course. Like the previous day, after lunch, we then did the opposite afternoon activity and then enjoyed a hearty meal on the way back to Kettering. Mixed into the days of fun was time for the pool, hiking, playing games, getting to meet new people and learn more about each other, as well as volleyball, to only name a few. In the end, it was well worth it as I made many friends and I had a blast, buzzing around like a busy bee amongst other things. Orientation Days: Boy we were busy. From the people that brought you Camp COMPASS, orientation was pretty cool. Winning fun prizes the first day to the various informational sessions showed the vast awesomeness Kettering University offers to its students. Getting to know my unit was particularly appreciated since we will live together for the next

Preston Buszka

Online Editor

Robert Lyman

Distribution Editor

Staff writers Rebecca R. Jacob H.

Faculty Advisor Rebecah Pulsifer Special Thanks To Betsy Homsher & Debbie Stewart

July 29, 2018

ten weeks. Of course, the Alcohol Awareness seminar might not be easy to swallow for some, but after a while, you get used to it. Mike Greeny brought up many excellent points about being safe while having fun, like to watch your friends back, and to pace yourself. Watch out for Alcohol Poisoning. You can save a life! We also learned some vital information on the various departments on campus like Residence Life, Dining Services, and Campus Safety, to name a few. Now, of course, one of the best sessions, in my opinion, was the Dating Doctor. David Coleman turned something very awkward into up-to-date information through humor. We know you were paying attention. In the event you weren’t, I understand. There were many sessions, and sometimes its just not your preferred cup of tea. On a different note, working in the local community was fun. What exciting things did you find? Furthermore, let’s be serious, the Hypnotist was pretty funny, and really, he probably got more out of it than we did. On a final note, Mock Rock and the Unit Olympics were especially cool as we got to work as a newly formed team, barely knowing each other, to perform feats beyond any of our capacities. Dorm Life: Now, Thompson Hall may not look big from the outside, but believe me, it is. Considering I frequent the fourth floor, let’s say the leg muscles are getting their money’s worth. Nonetheless, all of the units are cool. Shout out to the RAs who do so much for us in the background and ahead of time to make our living there even better. Did you know we have a bunch of cool things to do in there? There are lounges practically on every corner and intersection, if not a printing lab. They all have Wi-Fi and usually TVs, Whiteboards, and more. Let’s not forget the front desk, where you can borrow a bunch of movies, games, and even whole consoles! Worst case, you can play pool with some friends or ping pong while you wait for your laundry to finish in the basement. I hope you’ve enjoyed the first installment of my column. Questions, comments, or suggestions: email me

Submissions Policy The Technician encourages any interested students to attend meetings. Meetings for Summer 2018 will be each Monday/Thursday during the lunch hour in The Technician office, located on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center above the Sunrise Café. Student submissions are encouraged and will be published if their material is in the public interest. Submissions or letters to the Editor from faculty and administrative entities will be published if space is available. The Technician reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for brevity and clarity. Anonymous submissions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Individuals wishing to publish anonymously should consult the Editor-in-chief. The deadline for the upcoming issue of The Technician is 6th Thursday at 11:59pm. Expected distribution is 7th Tuesday. Send submissions to

July 29, 2018

Campus News

is finished, Thompson Hall will be torn down and replaced with grass. With that done, campus will have “turned” to face the river and Downtown, rathContinued from Front Page er than wherever it’s facing now. The next major construction in the way of housing a lab. After compiling all this information, Ketterwill be Greek Village, which will be built along Bluff ing University President Dr. Robert McMahan and Street and stretch along the “corridor,” which begins many other people involved in the Master Planning behind Campus Village and follows the river all the process came up with a decade-long plan, which we way to Downtown. It will be a sprawl of complexes are now in the middle of executing. Let’s take some across the street from campus where fraternities and time to go over what exactly that entails, in detail. For starters, let’s talk about Greek Life. On average, about 17% of students at colleges and universities across the US are Greek. Here at Kettering, that number is much higher - around 40%. Students here, more so than students elsewhere, are looking for a structured social experience. As Dr. McMahan puts it, “It’s the college experience on steroids.” Our semesters are only twothirds the length of those of other schools, so in order to fit the same “college experience” into our time here, we have to compensate by somehow condensing more stuff into the time we have. Students also wanted more space for social interaction, so the first thing to do was renovate the library and build more D-Spaces. We’ve done nearly all we can do with the facilities we currently have, so that brings us to the first new thing in the Master Plan: the Learning Commons. The Learning Commons is what architects call a “hybrid building” due to its more open-concept and freeform design. It is significant because it will be the first building on campus to be funded entirely through philanthropy. It sororities can house themselves – thus moving the will be built just North of the Rec Center, across the center of Greek life a lot closer to campus and makBeach from the CC, and will feature a new media ing it easier for more students to see the benefits of commons area, a brand-new library, and new din- Greek life and get involved. ing services. There won’t be any need for the SunThe Greek Village will be available for the houses rise Cafe in the Campus Center anymore once the to move into, but such moves won’t be forced – the building is finished, so once the Learning Commons complex will simply be another option available to is finished, the space that is currently occupied by them. One of the advantages of being closer to camErnie’s will be remodeled into more gathering space pus for fraternities and sororities is readily apparent for students. Concept sketches of the new building in that they won’t have to drive to class and that they show a lot of glass for letting in natural light, and a will be right across the street from the people they new covered walkway will connect the new building are trying to recruit. The advantage for the Univerto the CC through a wall in BJ’s Lounge in much sity is that Campus Security will be able to patrol the same way that Thompson Hall is connected to the Greek Village, ensuring a decline in vandalism the CC. We need a total of $55M in donations to or theft in the parking lots of Greek housing, which build the Learning Commons, nearly all of which has become increasingly problematic in recent years. we now have, and construction is expected to begin There are some drawbacks, of course, such as leaving this year. behind the historied halls of their current residencOnce the Learning Commons is completed, the es, but that’s a decision for each house to make. next step is to build a new residence hall. ThompThat’s a lot of talk about housing improvements, son Hall is showing its age, but still technically func- isn’t it? What about classroom space and upgrades tions for what the university needs from it - for now. to those facilities? Worry not, my fellow nerds: new A new building is coming: it may not be here before academic buildings are in the works as well. These most of us graduate, but it’s on its way. The new new buildings will be built across the street from residence hall will be built on what is currently Lot the Mott Center, near Chevy Commons. And with 3 - the parking deck behind Thompson Hall and the those buildings will come the end of the days of Rec Center - and will have different wings with dif- dodging traffic while running to class, as an indoor ferent modes of housing; singles, doubles, and suites bridge that crosses over Chevrolet Avenue will be arethe modes currently planned. The grassy area by built along with them. the river across the driveway from Lot 3 will become Now, what’s the deal with the GM Mobility Rethe new student parking lot, and when the new hall search Center (that large blacktopped area behind

Master Plan

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The Technician

a gate with a partially-constructed building next to it)? Well, first of all, that’s a proving ground for autonomous cars - or at least it will be when it’s finished. The pad and the track, which have both been finished, are built to racetrack specs: flat to ⅛” for every 10’ and on a 1-degree incline. Soon, the observation and control building, complete with its own 5G-LTE coverage, will be finished. Speaking of 5G, Kettering already has several towers in place, ready to go, for when the new standard of data, which will

Photo Courtesy of Jerico Markel be nearly ten times faster than 4G, is ready. All these upgrades for denizens of the physical plane are all fine and good, but what about the tech? I’ve heard a few complaints about it KUCloud. Actually, more than a few. But, to quote Dr. McMahan at the Breakfast with the President on March 1, “Students have a tendency to complain to themselves, rather than to the people whose job it is to listen to student complaints.” All the same, the KUCloud has been a bit slow during peak times recently. This occurred because student adoption of it happened faster than anticipated. Admittedly it was a bit pushed (what with all the computers in the Library being run by it now), but the metrics were a bit behind. Fear not, though: new racks are on the way, as well as a $400,000 supercomputing cluster thanks to a recent grant from the National Science Foundation. The NSF-MRI grant of $395,975 will facilitate the purchase of the KUHPC - the Kettering University High-Performance Computing cluster, which will give a considerable boost to computation-intensive and data-intensive research on campus, lifting the load of computations off of the current infrastructure and allowing more power to be used to run the KU-Cloud (among other things). With so much in the works, it’s hard to keep track of it all sometimes, but such is life at an institution such as Kettering. Stay tuned for more updates about the Campus Master Plan as more projects are completed around campus.

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The Technician

Greek Organizations

Getting To Know The Greeks Preston Buszka Online Editor Kettering University has eleven Fraternal and two Sorority Social Greek Organizations on campus. The goal of this article is to provide some background information on all of them, so that prospective students can get to know them a little better ahead of time so that one can also take the content and compare side-to-side the various organizations and see which is best for them. There are different classifications of “Greek Organizations” on campus: there are Social Organizations, Professional Organizations, and Service Organizations, to name a few. This article will be focusing on the Social Organizations. Two overarching Councils oversee the various Fraternities and Sororities: The Inter-fraternity Council, which governs all men’s Fraternities, under the North American Inter-fraternity Conference, and The Pan-Hellenic Council, which regulates all women’s sororities, under The National Pan-Hellenic Conference. During the beginning of the Semester, the Fraternities have various “Rush” events, in which they spark interest to others and show what they are. After, the Greek Organizations may offer respective students a Bid, which acknowledges interest in having them join their organization. At which time, students can file an Intent Card and then become a Pledge/Associate/New Member. After that, they will initiate as a Full Member. Disclaimer: The Technician is Greek Neutral, and is not sponsored or endorsed by any Greek Organization, Council, or Person, nor does The Technician sponsor or endorse any specific Organization, Council, or Person. We hope that this information will be of value to all of our readers. Pan-Hellenic Council Organization Name: Alpha Phi - ΑΦ Chapter Name: Iota Epsilon President: Gabby Feeny, Recruitment Chair: Ellen Hoffman, hoff3892@ Membership Requirements: 2.75 GPA, 10 Hours of Community Service/Term, Attend Mandatory Organizational Events Description: Alpha Phi beliefs are that of sisterhood, loyalty, character, scholarship, and service. They work hard to have the best support system. Alpha Phi holds multiple philanthropy and community service events all year, with various leadership and scholarship opportunities. Information Courtesy of Maddy Martin. Organization Name: Alpha Sigma Alpha - ΑΣA Chapter Name: Delta Nu "A" President: Megan Cox, Recruitment Chair: Bethany Schira, schi3814@ Membership Requirements: 2.80 GPA Description: Alpha Sigma Alpha has four Aims:

July 29, 2018

Organization Name: Phi Delta Theta - ΦΔΘ Physical, Social, Intellectual, and Spiritual. Each Chapter Name: Michigan Delta person gets the chance to determine what they want President: Mitchell Willing, will4505@kettering. to do. edu Information Courtesy of Kendall Klingler. Recruitment Chair: Austin Guilbault, guil9416@ Inter-fraternity Council Membership Requirements: 3.00 GPA, Obtain 12 Organization Name: Beta Theta Pi- BΘΠ Phi Points, through volunteerism, blood donation, Chapter Name: Delta Eta - "A" President: Trevor Montour, mont0309@ketter- or philanthropy donation Description: Phi Delta Theta's values are Recruitment Chair: Conner Wallace, wall8402@ ship, Sound Learning, and Moral Rectitude. These values drive their organization, no matter where Membership Requirements: 3.00 GPA, 10 Hours they are. They like to think of themselves as a big family, whether it is playing board games or playing of Philanthropy/Term Description: Beta Theta Pi is an academically fo- with their drones. They emphasize their core values cused fraternity. They have five values: mutual assis- in everyday life. One of the dry fraternities. They are tance, intellectual development, trust, integrity, and also very proud of their infamous Grilled Cheeses. responsible conduct. They are one of the dry fra- According to their spokesperson, they are the best ternities. Their goal is to develop Men of Principle. around but will have to be independently verified by They reside in Campus Village, just across the street The Technician at a later time. Information Courtesy of Mitchell Willing. from the Campus Center. Information Courtesy of Jerico Markel. Organization Name: Phi Gamma Delta – “FIJI” Chapter Name: Alpha Gamma Organization Name: Delta Chi - ΔΧ President: Aaron Loew, Chapter Name: Delta Chi "Kettering A" Recruitment Chair: Adam Garza, garz9486@ketPresident & Recruitment Chair: Andrew Brumar, Membership Requirements: 2.70 GPA Membership Requirements: 2.70 GPA Description: FIJI's members are quite diverse: Description: Delta Chi's values are to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and from varying backgrounds to majors. Their values assist in the acquisition of a sound education. They are friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and exlike to do a lot of community outreach. They also en- cellence. Information Courtesy of Adam Garza. joy having Nerf battles and play with their extensive collection of board games. They are also the proud Organization Name: Pi Kappa Alpha – ΠΚΑ owners of a Minecraft Server if you are interested. Chapter Name: Zeta Alpha "A" They are one of the dry fraternities. President: Reece Troia, Information Courtesy of Adam Calvaneso. Recruitment Chair: Adam McNeil, mcne7916@ Organization Name: Delta Tau Delta - ΔΤΔ Membership Requirements: 2.50 GPA Chapter Name: Epsilon Iota "A" Description: Pi Kappa Alpha has four main PilPresident: Hunter Hull, Recruitment Chair: Daniel Boyle, boyl8780@ lars: Scholar, Leader, Athlete, and Gentlemen. They have different leadership positions in KSG to hole Club, amongst others. Membership Requirements: 2.75 GPA Information Courtesy of Nathan Deane. Description: Delta Tau Delta prides themselves on doing well and excelling at everything. They Organization Name: Sigma Alpha Epsilon – ΣΑΕ especially pride themselves on academics as well Chapter Name: Sigma Alpha Epsilon "A-Section" as athletics. Delta Tau Delta likes to bring in new President: Bart Zervoudakis, zerv4509@kettermembers through various rush events like meeting with current members, being the largest fraternity Recruitment Chair: Andrew Gomez, gome0522@ currently (Winter 2018). Delta Tau Delta enjoys getting extra involved on campus, especially in vari- Membership Requirements: 2.50 GPA ous student leadership positions in clubs or be it the Description: Sigma Alpha Epsilon's creed is a True student government. Gentleman, who strives to put their best selves forInformation Courtesy of Mitchell Weiser. ward and to improve themselves through their collegiate experience and on continually. Organization Name: Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Information Courtesy of Stephen Rose. Chapter Name: Lambda Epsilon President: Alec Johnson, john4963@kettering. Organization Name: Sigma Chi – ΣΧ edu Chapter Name: Zeta Theta "A" Recruitment Chair: Jonathan Webster, President: Sarth Patel, Recruitment Chair: Trevor Bennett, benn7288@ Membership Requirements: 2.50 GPA Description: Lambda Chi Alpha works to pro- Membership Requirements: 2.70 GPA, Must mote leaders and men to be the best they can be. meet the following standards: be of good character, Information Courtesy of Jonathan Webster. a congenial disposition, a student of fair ability, am-

July 29, 2018

The Technician

Kettering Art

Getting To Know The Greeks Continued from Page 4

Heavy Metal Gilbert McCann

Page 5

reception focused on sharing an important message with the collective. The theme of each speech was the importance of art in engineering fields. Regina Schreck, the curator at Kettering University’s art gallery, was the first to speak. She shared warm thoughts about John Perkins, and spoke briefly on his behalf due to him not being in attendance. She continued by giving credit to those who made the exhibit possible, such as Natalie Morath from GM Design Archive and Special Collections, who had originally contacted Schreck. Upon being asked how she managed to select the pictures to showcase from the entirety of John Perkins’ work, she explained that the important aspects were providing a variety of different pieces. Another important detail she looked for was ones that packed a “visual punch,” especially in their usage of color and dynamic positions. “I’ve had mechanical engineering students come in to look,” Schreck shared. According to her story, they marveled at the design process and work, stating that they “don’t do [design] like this,” instead using computer aided design programs. Seeing the old-fashioned design was an incredible experience to them. “John is an infusion of the arts and technical skills of his engineering,” Schreck spoke adamantly. This sentiment of the duality between artist and engineer would then be shared by the succeeding speakers. Greg Miller, the Director of Special Collections and University Archives followed Schreck, once again giving thanks and credit to the representatives of General Motors, Kettering University’s rep-

Rebecca Roughton bitious purpose, possess a moral compass, high sense Staff Writer of honor, and hold high self responsibly This term, Kettering University is celebrating John Description: Sigma Chi's fundamental beliefs are: Perkins of the class of 1964 by displaying his incredfriendship, justice, and learning. They put a considible artwork on the fourth floor of the Academic erable emphasis on philanthropy, family, and their Building in the art gallery. On Thursday, February coursework. 2nd, the University hosted an art reception for the Information Courtesy of Jacob Janowiak. exhibit, which discussed John Perkins history and the importance of the harmony between art and enOrganization Name: Sigma Nu – ΣΝ gineering. Chapter Name: Eta Mu The gallery was abuzz with many faces, some faPresident: Andrew Damiani, dami5041@kettermiliar to the school, some from the Flint ty, and others from even further. In addition, many Recruitment Chair: Alex Lozano, loza9495@ketkinds of people were seen, some being students, ers being faculty, and staff, others being representaMembership Requirements: 2.50 GPA, Must tives of General Motors, and even some commupresent the qualities and traits of a Brother, a gentlenity members. With pieces of Perkins’ past proudly man, who embodies the beliefs as such, and who are hanging on the wall, chatter flowed from comments themselves on the art to Perkins’ history. Description: Sigma Nu’s main tenant are Love, From his childhood, John Perkins adored drawing Honor, Truth, and Anti-Hazing. Sigma Nu prides cars. Some of his earliest pieces shown in the gallery itself on its belief that hazing is not the way to go, not are from the time he was just beginning elementary only because it is against campus policy, but because school. His love for drawing existing and new car deit is against their moral beliefs. Sigma Nu has sevsigns would follow him as he grew. eral members currently that like cars and computers “Even in my teenage years, I just kept drawing. I if you're interested. Sigma Nu maintains a studious would be inside drawing cars while the other kids outlook on college, working together and helping were playing outside,” Perkins shared. the brothers complete their homework. They enjoy With a push from his father going bowling as a fraternity often, as well as watchto seek out further education ing movies. that could provide Perkins with Information Courtesy of Andrew Damiani. desired skills for the workplace, Perkins attended Kettering UniOrganization Name: Theta Xi – ΘΞ versity (then General Motors Chapter Name: Kappa Sigma Institute) from the years 1959 President: Richard Gamble, gamb1398@ketteruntil 1964. During this time, he co-oped for his first two years at Recruitment Chair: Austin Gillim, gill8297@ketOldsmobile in Lansing, a familiar location, as both his father and Membership Requirements: 2.70 GPA, Must be uncle worked at that location. of a good quality character After two years at Oldsmobile, Description: Theta Xi focuses on brotherhood he presented a portfolio of his deand relationships with oneself, as well as other fratersigns to the General Motors Denities and the school, and also the community. They sign staff, who were so impressed like to work on service and philanthropy events for with Perkins’ work that they told Photo Courtesy of Rebecca Roughton multiple sclerosis. him he “could come to work next Monday,” according to Perkins. For Perkins’ thesis resentatives, and John Perkins himself. Greg Miller project he designed a bus, which is one of the first himself worked with these people to acquire the art pieces and set up the exhibit. pieces seen upon entering the exhibit. Finally, the University’s provost, Dr. James Zhang, Post Kettering, Perkins continued to work with the General Motors Design Staff in the Cadillac shared with the crowd his own takeaways on the imStudio in Warren. Then, in 1968, four years later, he portance of the exhibit. Highlighting the art classes Kettering University offers, Dr. Zhang stressed the The Technician will be hosting an Open Forum moved to Pontiac Studios to work on sporty vehiimportance of flexibility in work and diversification on August 20th from 6:30pm-7:30pm. During this cles. Here, he designed anything from the full body of skills as qualities for the working engineer to posevent attendees may ask the Editor in Chief and any of the car to smaller details, like wheels and bumsess. other staff present about the activities of The Techni- pers. The gallery is located on the fourth floor of the Perkins would continue to work for General Mocian or questions on any related topics. tors for the entirety of his career before retiring in Academic Building and is open from 10 am to 3pm 1999. He is quoted by Pardeep Toor to have said “I Monday-Friday. Perkins’ pieces will be showcased Hung Da and refreshments will be provided. look back fondly on having such a wonderful ca- until March 17th. Students of all majors and years are encouraged to stop by for a visit. The location for the Open Forum will be an- reer because I was following my dream...I was doing something I loved as a profession.” nounced via flyer and on The Technician banner. After exploring a bit of John Perkins’ history, the

7th Week Campus-wide

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The Technician

LITE & AIM Interviews

The Future is Bright with the Girls from LITE! Preston Buszka Online Editor Kettering University has a summer program that allows high school girls (primarily juniors) to come to campus and attend classes taught by Kettering’s very own professors, similar to what regular college student’s experience. A LITE version, one could say. They also have other non-curricular activities on the weekends. I interviewed two students from LITE, in the lobby Thompson Hall.

July 29, 2018

into pursuing a degree in Information Technology and has been looking at several colleges from around the state, including our own Kettering University.

rising high school seniors.” P: “Do you only do classes?” A: “No, we have classes Monday through Thursday, and on Fridays, we have a company tour. Our Rhianna Lucas classes are generally from 9-3:30, like a regular school Preston: “What have you liked the most so far in day. We are in the same classes as the regular college the LITE Program?” students with the same professors.” Rhianna: “The Sustainable Engineering Class. In Ashani attends Groves High School in Beverly the class, we are doing a big project on the different Hills, MI. Her college aspirations are to become a stages of a product. As various groups, we choose a Dermatologist, and she plans to major in chemistry current product, and then we work towards a more and biology. She is currently looking at several exsustainable replacement.” ceptional post-secondary education opportunities, P: “Do you like living in [Thompson Hall]?” including our own Kettering University. R: “It takes some time to get used to, for sure.” P: “For LITE, is there a scholarship you could win, similar to the AIM Program?” R: “No, it’s not a competition. It’s to give everyone the experience to see what it’s like to be a student at Kettering. In the end, [Kettering] gives you money back as a sort of scholarship towards Kettering, based on your performance.” Rhianna is from Morris, Michigan, and attends Morris High School. She is taking advantage of the LITE Program’s learning experiences as her High School course offerings are limited. Rhianna is looking into obtaining a masters degree but is unsure of what to get it in as of yet. She is also pondering whether she will or will not dual major, and in what. Rhianna is looking into a few colleges from around the country, at this time. For more information on LITE, visit https://www.

Pictured from Left: Rhianna Lucas, Courtney Stone Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka Courtney Stone Preston: “What is [LITE] all about?” Courtney: “It’s introducing girls into different fields they can pursue, such as sustainable engineering, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, and other similar fields.” P: “What does LITE stand for?” C: “It stands for Lives Improved Through Engineering.” P: “What kinds of classes and activities do you do?” C: “We do a lot of lectures and group activities, where we might have to build certain things. We do similar college classes [to regular students], but just toned down, so we understand them better.” P: “Does it cost any money to participate in the LITE Program?” C: “Yes, it costs $1,500, but that includes living on campus, going to classes, and going on various extracurricular and non-curricular activities. All of our meals are covered by that cost, so it works out well.” P: “Have you been enjoying your classes so far?” C: “They are very fun, and we have done all sorts of activities. They try to immerse you in different activities so that it’s not a boring lecture for the whole day.” Courtney is going to be a senior at Lake Orion High School. She is involved with their diving team as well as their robotics team. She was elated to be able to come to the LITE Program, as her parents are both alumni of Kettering. Courtney is looking

Trying to AIM High Preston Buszka Online Editor In case you weren’t aware, Kettering offers a 5-week summer camp that allows new high school seniors to come to campus and attend regular college classes, just like any other college kid, with some other activities thrown into the mix. I ran into some of the AIM Students in BJ’s Lounge one evening and conducted some interviews.

Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka Ashani Jewell of Southfield, MI. Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka Preston: “What is the AIM Program all about?” Ashani: “It is called Academically Interested Minds, and we take college courses centered on the natural sciences and business, and we get to see what happens in these classes. It’s a great opportunity for

Marissa Curry of Maryland Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka Preston: “I heard that there is a scholarship, could you tell me a little more about that?” Marissa: “You can win a full-ride, half-ride, thirdride, fourth-ride, etc. When my Dad told me about this opportunity, and after I was accepted, I got really excited to come!” P: “Does it cost any money to participate in the AIM Program?” M: “Yes, it costs $500.” P: “Tell me a little bit about your classes so far.” M: “We had some different lessons, like in math and also in the computer lab where we coded some stuff.” P: “Is it fun living in the Dorms?” M: “Yes, it’s really fun. I got to decorate my room, and it was really cool.” Marissa attends St. Vincent Pallotti High School in Laurel, MD. Her future college aspirations include Kettering University and possibly JohnHopkins. She plans to leverage a local program in Maryland that allows students to attend community college for two years and then transfer those credits to another university. For more information on AIM, visit https://www. or contact the Office of Multicultural Student Initiatives.

July 29, 2018

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The Technician

Entertainment Crossword

Picross How To Play Introduction Tutorial: solving a picross puzzle - 1 First of all here is what a picross puzzle looks like. Here we have a 5 by 5 puzzle. There are several numbers on the left side and above the puzzle. Each sequence of numbers in front of a line or above a column indicates how many squares have to be blackend in this line or columns. For instance, the 3 above the first column indicates that 3 squares have to be blackened, one after the other. Step one Tutorial: solving a picross puzzle - 2 First we will blacken the easiest squares. Take a look at the two 5 on the left side of the puzzle. The indicate that you must blacken five squares on each line. As the puzzle is 5 by 5 squares, you have to blacken each square of those two lines! Full line Tutorial: solving a picross puzzle - 3 Now take a look at the first line. The number sequence is 2 2, that means that there are two series of two squares, those series being separated by AT LEAST one empty square. Let's do some maths: we have 2+1+2 (at least one empty square between the two series) = 5 squares (it's a minimum). This line being exactly 5 squares long, there is only one solution: 2 black squares at the beginning of the line and 2 black squares at the end.

Your Ad Here! Seriously. We will put your ad in this paper. Contact us at Or stop by on Monday/ Thursday during the lunch hour to talk about it.

4th Week Scavenger Hunt The Technician is hosting a Scavenger Hunt from July 30th thru August 3rd. Participants must locate the blue Technician stands around campus and take a selfie with the stand. Additionally participants will have a chance to get a shot of members of The Technician staff reading the paper in the Library and the Sunset Cafe.

Column Tu t o r i a l : solving a picross puzzle - 4 Let's deal with columns! We have 2 columns with a 3 on top. Those columns already have three black squares. Thus, those columns are good and we can check the other squares in it. Beginning of a column / line Tutorial: solving a picross puzzle - 5 Then we have 2 columns with a 4 and three black square in each one. We just need to blacken the fourth square to find the solution for those columns. Solving the puzzle Tu t o r i a l : solving a picross puzzle 6 Now you can take care of the last squares! Congratulations! You just solved your first picross puzzle! Now you can try to solve as much picross puzzles as you can!

Picross instructions retrieved from on January 27th 2018

Practice Puzzle

One point is awarded for each selfie with a stand and each different member of the staff you capture on camera. The person with the most points shall receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Images are to be submitted to or

Solution on back

Page 8

July 29, 2018

The Technician

Entertainment Easy


Picross Practice puzzle solution


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