Issue 3, Summer 2018

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September 9, 2018

Volume 132

Issue 3

Kettering Behind The Scenes: Rec Services Preston Buszka Assistant Editor Note from the writer: Kettering BTS goes behind the scenes (hence the name) of various departments and services at Kettering University to see how they function, what they do and more. If you have any comments, questions, or would like to suggest a department, please feel free to email us at

Kettering University has a unique Recreation Services Department compared to other colleges: ours is entirely free to our students, faculty, and staff. At most other colleges it costs money to visit their recreation center or participate in programs or activities, so we have a unique situation. I conducted two interviews on a Tuesday afternoon with members of the Recreational Staff. I started with Nathan Deane, Facility Manager of the Connie & Jim John Recre-

What’s Inside

ation Center. He took me on a tour of the Rec Center, and I found out some interesting things about its features and amenities. There are various lockers available all around the facility, most of which require one to bring their lock; however, one can rent a locker in the locker room for $15.00 a term. Restrooms are located through the facility. The locker room also features showers and a steam room. Near the locker rooms,

Rec Center

Greek Societies

Event Dates & Times

Thoughts on a Copy: A GoPrint Review Katie Gillies Submission Writer Disclaimer: This article has been modified from its original submission to conform to the standards of The Technician. I created a survey to see how students felt about the GoPrint system. Out of the 38 polls I received back, 92.1% disliked the GoPrint system. Many students believe that GoPrint is less efficient and a hassle to use. They feel this way because the system requires them to log in to release their documents. One respondent said, “It is really confusing. It seems to [require] unnecessary steps to accomplish the same goal as the previous term. I do not feel like the GoPrint system is more efficient.” It generally seems to take longer for the entire printing process as a whole because of the steps that have been added into the process. The new printing system has brought new challenges to the student body that use the printers available on campus. One of the most common comments made was about how the extra step makes the process more difficult. Another common response was that the old system was more straightforward and more user-friendly. Some of the struggles that students have faced with the new printing system are: - GoPrint not putting a balance on the students account to print in color - Students not being able to print straight from emails received from professors - Not being able to enter the print-

Photo Courtesy of Preston Buszka

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Through the Lens

Campus Honor Societies



Pictures of Life on Campus

er into one’s personal computer - Not being able to find GoPrint on a computer - Time management problems due to the Kettering cloud loading slowly However, not all of the students dislike the new way of printing. 7.9% of the students polled said that they prefer the new system. These students made positive comments such as, “It makes paying for colored prints convenient and easy.” Some students like how the interface looks and how they cannot accidentally print someone else’s stuff. The new printing system does offer some benefits that go unseen such as a convenient payment system and being able to print from anywhere on campus. After being asked about which system the students preferred, 86.8% said that they would prefer the old printing system or that the new system gets modified. In the students’ opinion, Kettering should switch back to the old system because it is easier for the students to use. Regarding time



The Staff and Alumni of Kettering 8

Convention Reflections Jerico Markel Editor in Chief Disclaimer: The Technician is Greek neutral. This particular article entails an editorialized reflection on Beta Theta Pi’s 179th General Convention. The Technician does not endorse Beta Theta Pi nor does Beta Theta Pi endorse The Technician. This article is being printed for the benefit of the community.

management, the old system allowed students to print quickly. The old system gave the students flexibility when it came to their own time and having to manage their schedules. One respondent said, “I have heard many say, ‘If you need to print anything from the library, give yourself at least a half hour.’ That led me to not wanting to use them.” Another benefit of the old system was that you had total control of the printer when it was your

This year Beta Theta Pi held its 179th General Convention in Norfolk, Virginia. Being the broke college student I am, I carpooled there with two of my brothers and spent a grand total of 26 hours on the road between August 2-5th. Needless to say by the time we arrived in Norfolk I was already running on double shots of espresso. My high coffee intake continued throughout the entire weekend. There is a particular reason I decided to write a reflection for this convention and not Beta’s 178th (I climbed a mountain with Adam L. in Utah at that one), that reason being that a proposal for substance free housing was on the ballot for the 179th. This proposal had long been in the works but recent tragedies (Penn State being a prime example) had accelerated it greatly. This is where the real fun starts. If there is one thing that seems to get fraternity men upset it is the removal of alcohol from the chapter house. Substance free covers far more than just alcohol but it was only alcohol that I heard complaints about. Both sides were hotly contested as while the majority of Beta chapters were registered as “dry” in actuality they were not. Our Chapter President (our delegate for the 179th) received

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The Technician

Campus news

BTS: Rec Services Continued from Front Page is Equipment Issue (if it is not open, equipment is available at the front desk). They have almost anything one can think of. If they don’t, one can put in a suggestion. Upstairs in the Group Exercise Room is an industrial-strength air-conditioner, in the event you get too hot. Also, they have a heater, if the A/C did its job too well. The Cardio Room has recently updated flat screen TVs, and the whole facility has a full cable suite. The Rec features a six-lane lap pool in addition to a hot tub. The main concourse has a three-lane one-eighth mile track. Additionally, there are three racquetball courts, a squash court, two tennis courts, four basketball courts, and also Badminton courts. Near the courts on the bottom level is the large Weight Room, with multiple pieces of equipment to choose from. Patrons can borrow towels for use in the facility. A reminder to please return the towels before you leave. Also, only use the emergency exits in the event of an emergency. After speaking with Nate, I after that interviewed

The Technician Mondays & Thursdays @ 12:20 p.m. Campus Center 3rd Floor

Zumba Classes Monday Nights @ 8:15 p.m. Recreation Center 3rd Floor

Yoga Classes Tuesday Nights @ 7:00 p.m. Thursday Nights @ 6:30p.m. Recreation Center 3rd Floor

Kettering Entrepreneur Society Thursdays @ 8:00 KES Room, 5th Floor CC


Technician Jerico Markel


Preston Buszka

Assistant Editor

Adam Lezcnar

Copy Editor

Nathan Schleh

L ayout Editor

Robert Lyman

Distribution Editor

Mike Rumancik, Assistant Director of Recreation Services at Kettering University. We talked at length about the programs and services offered by Recreation Services. He oversees all club and intramural sports and any events at Kettering Park. Speaking of, Intramural Sports are open to any student, staff, or faculty member. Additionally, multiple club sports are available. There are numerous facilities at Kettering, like Kettering Park (which includes Harris Fields). There is a pavilion, sand volleyball courts, and also football/soccer and softball fields. On a separate note, congratulations on your one-year

September 9, 2018

Thoughts on a Copy Continued from Page 3

turn to release your documents. Most of the time one could select their materials and print without the hassle of having to sort through papers in an attempt to find theirs. A student from the survey said, “When using the old printing system, it was much easier to print and grab only your documents.” The old system allowed students to have control of the printing atmosphere so that there was rarely a substantial jumbled up mess at the printer. The GoPrint system comes with many benefits, but the hassle outweighs them. The old printing system should be reimplemented to help the students do their work more efficiently. By reimplementing the old printing systems, students would be able to have more control of their printing and the amount of time they Image Courtesy of anniversary with us Mike! An spend printing. interesting fact about Mike: he Kettering should attended the California University of Pennsylvania, use the old printing system because it is which is California University, but in western Penn- more convenient for the students. sylvania. A point Mike wanted to make was that Recreation Services is not just the Connie & Jim John Recreation Center; we have Atwood Stadium, Kettering Park, Harris Fields, Intramural Sports, The Technician encourages any interested stuand Club Sports. Don’t limit yourself to what is in dents to attend staff meetings. Meetings for Winthe Rec Center itself; there are many more things. ter 2018 will be each Monday and Thursday over Also, it's all entirely free. He reiterated that many the lunch hour in The Technician office, located times, that it's all free. Mike also mentioned that on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center above the for Equipment Issue, one merely needs to surrender Sunrise Café. Student submissions are encouraged their KCard and then they can use whatever they and will be published if their material is in the check out, and can get their ID back once they republic interest. turn it. Checked out equipment can be used at any Submissions or letters to the editor from facof our facilities. Zumba, Yoga, and Strength trainulty and administrative entities will be published ing classes are available for free as well, with our if space is available. The Technician reserves the own Personal Trainer. Mike pointed out that there right to edit any and all submissions for brevity are employment opportunities at The Rec, emphaand clarity. Anonymous submissions are rarely published Continued on Page 3 and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Individuals wishing to publish anonymously should consult the Editor-in-chief. Faculty Advisor The deadline for the upcoming issue of The TechRebecah Pulsifer nician is 3rd Thursday at 6pm, during the Winter Staff writers 2019 term. Expected distribution is 4th Tuesday. Rebecca Roughton Special Thanks To Jakob Hankerd Betsy Homsher Send submissions to

Submissions Policy

& Myra Lumpkin

September 9, 2018

BTS: Rec Center Continued from Page 2 sizing that we are always looking for lifeguards (see positions chart). Now, we mentioned multiple times Intramural Sports, but have yet to explain what it is really. Mike describes it well, saying that it is an opportunity for Kettering students, faculty, and staff to create teams and play in leagues against other Kettering students, faculty, and staff for multiple weeks at a time, or even partake in one-day tournaments. Did you know it’s free? It’s true; it's entirely free. Mike strongly suggests that all take advantage of it! There are different leagues for every skill level (depending on the sport). Usually, there is A-Tourney -- Very athletic and competitive league, R-Tourney -- Relaxed and beginner league, Women's League -Woman Participants, and a Thompson Hall League -- Only residents of Thompson Hall may partake. The Rec uses for our Intramural Sports Program here at Kettering and is required to participate (information for can be found in The Rec). In a concluding statement, Mike wanted to give a special shout-out to Jennifer Briggs for achieving Employee of the Month for July! Congratulations! Disclaimer: Assuming you don’t break anything, the use and participation in Kettering University's Recreation Services, in its entirety, is entirely free to students, faculty, and staff. However, one of the persons above can bring a guest to the Recreation Center for only $6 for a day pass. Visit the Connie & Jim John Recreation Center, located next to Thompson Hall, or online at recreation-services. You can contact them by phone at 810-7629732.

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The Technician

Campus News Sports per Term Weeks may vary and are weather permitting Summer 18’ Sports Name Soccer Softball Wiffle Ball Home Run Derby* Flag Football Dodgeball Sand Volleyball* Table Tennis* Badminton*

Week # 1 1 4 5 5 7 9 9

Winter 18’ Sports (Tenitive) Name Week # Basketball 1 Futsol 1 Table Tennis* 4 Badminton* 4 Volleyball 5 Innertube Water Polo 5 Basketball Skills* TBD Floor Hockey League WIP

(TBD denotes week(s) to be determined) (WIP denotes event(s) are forming or are work in progress. Inform The Rec of Intrest) (* denotes a non-league one day event)

Employment Opportunities in Recreations Services: Recreation Center Staff: Recreation Assistant: $9.25/$9.40 per hour Lifeguards: $10.00 per hour Facility Manager: $10.20 per hour Intramural Sports Staff: Sports Supervisor: $10.20 per hour 1st Year Official: $9.85 per hour 2nd Year Official: $10.60 per hour 3rd Year Official: $11.35 per hour Atwood Stadium Assistant: $9.35 per hour Regular Recreation Center Hours of Operation Monday & Wednesday: 6:30 AM - 12:00 AM Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30 AM - 12:00 AM Friday: 6:30 AM - 9:00 PM Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Pool Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday: 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM & 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM Friday: 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM & 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Sunday: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM **Call to Confirm -- Visit The Rec for details on the Pool Closure Alert System Zumba in Group Exercise Room @ The Rec (Free) Monday & Wednesday: 8:15 PM Yoga in Group Exercise Room @ The Rec (Free) Tuesdays: 7:00 PM Thursdays: 6:30 PM Powerlifting Competition Second and Tenth Saturday Inquire to Recreation Services

Preston’s Perspective Preston Buszka Assistant Editor Note from the writer: Welcome back, Preston Buszka here. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email us at So close, yet so far. As the academic term comes to an end with the work term approaching, I merely have a few things left I would like to talk about. Minor Problems… Oh dear, it appears we’ve encountered a minor problem: scheduling the coming term and possibly adding minors. At Kettering University, we have thirteen degree programs (with various concentrations) and twenty-two minors (to date). Additionally, a Pre-Med course of study is offered. That is many things to choose from! Fortunately, the catalog goes over what precisely each major or minor will require in terms of class/credit. The excellent staff in the Academic Success Center would love to help you be successful, and one can schedule an appointment or walk-in. One could also speak with their departmental advisor to see what is best as well. Both can help you decide what classes or electives you should take to satisfy both your major or even a minor (or two). Don’t be afraid to ask. On a separate but similar note, be aware that one does not just take the classes for a minor and suddenly have a minor, one must inform the Office of The Registrar so that your transcript can be updated. Visit for more details about course requirements, or see the Academic Success Center (AB 3-322, academicsuccess@, 810-762-9775) or the Office of The Registrar (AB 3309,, 810-762-7476) The End Is Near! As I mentioned, the academic term soon ends. I wish everyone good luck on their finals, and I hope everyone has had a good semester. I know everyone is tired, as it has been a long eleven weeks, but we have to finish strong and keep on pushing. Just think, in no time, we’ll all be off to work term (apologies to C-Section, hang in there…). I understand that the end of the term can be stressful, so I have some solutions to alleviate some of your worries hopefully. In regards to exams, as long as you put the effort in, study, and work hard, that’s all that matters. If you don’t do well, after working hard like that, know that there was nothing more you could do; you did everything possible to set yourself up for success. If you don’t put any effort in and flunk, then that is entirely your problem. If you live in the residence hall, don’t panic about moving out. I know there are 7:30 AM exams that Saturday morning, but the excellent staff of Thompson Hall is reasonable, as long as you cooperate and are respectful. Safe travels to all, and to all, goodnight. Apologies to My Dad But wait, there's more! In the second edition of “Preston Perspective,” I said “Hi Mom!” in the section on what one can do in their free time. I wanted to formally apologize to my father for not including him at the time, by saying “Hi Dad!” now. Also, a Continued on Page 5

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The Technician

Greek Societies

Getting To Know The Non-Social Greeks Preston Buszka Assistant Editor Kettering University has thirteen Non-Social Greek Organizations on campus. The goal of this article is to provide some background information on all of them so that students and members of the Kettering community can find out a little more about them. If you are not already aware, The Technician featured all of the Social Greek Organizations in their article in Volume 130, Issue 1. Feel free to check them out as well; however, this article is exclusively for the Greek Professional Organizations, Service Organizations, and Honor Societies. Non-Social Greek organizations are very different from their social counterpart, as academics and professional standing play a significant part in one’s eligibility to join. Disclaimer: The Technician is Greek Neutral, and is not sponsored or endorsed by any Greek Organization, Council, or Person, nor does The Technician sponsor or endorse any specific Organization, Council, or Person. We hope that this information will be of value to all of our readers. Service Organizations Organization Name: Alpha Phi Omega ~Currently Chartering~ President: Natalie George, geor8864@kettering. edu Recruitment: Kegan McQueen, Advisors: Lauri Bombard & Myra Lumpkin ( Membership Requirements: Attend one chapter meeting (Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in CC Room A), one service event, and pay the membership fee of $36 Description: Alpha Phi Omega is a community Service Fraternity that was founded in the values of Leadership, Service, and Friendship. In all of the events we do, we focus on encouraging our members to become leaders in the community and at school, to serve and do good for the community, and also very important, to have fun and make new friends while doing those things. We are currently in the process of chartering at Kettering, meaning that we are setting the foundation for the future of Kettering's one chapter between both A and B section. For people interested in joining a new community that is growing immensely and wants to become a leader and founding member, then please look into APO and see what you can do to help us become an official chapter of this fantastic International Service Organization. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie George, President. Information Courtesy of Natalie George

cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above Description: Sigma Alpha Chi is a Kettering University scholastic honor society founded in 1970 to recognize high scholarship among business majors at Kettering. Information Courtesy of Kenneth Williams Physics Honor Societies Organization Name: Sigma Pi Sigma Advisors: Ronald Kumon, Membership Requirements: Membership is by invitation only based on the several requirements. One must be Junior or Senior standing, as well as have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. One must have completed of at least four physics courses that count toward the physics B.S. degree (excluding PHYS-115, 225, 499), and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher for all physics courses. Students must stand in the top 1/3 of one’s graduating class. Prospective members must have demonstrated service to the Physics Department (e.g., active membership in the Physics Club, Physics Supplemental Instruction leader, Physics tutor, etc.). Description: Sigma Pi Sigma exists to honor outstanding scholarship in physics; to encourage interest in physics among students at all levels; to promote an attitude of service of its members towards their fellow students, colleagues, and the public; to provide a fellowship of persons who have excelled in physics. Information Courtesy of Ronald Kumon Mechanical Engineering Honor Societies Organization Name: Pi Tau Sigma Chapter Name: Delta Chi President: Collin Smalley, smal3856@kettering. edu Vice President: Brennen Gleason, Advisors: Raghu Echempati ( & Paul Zang ( Membership Requirements: BSME students (Can be dual degree) and must occupy the top 25% of first-term juniors, top 33% of Junior 2, Upper 35% from Senior 1 and on. Description: In addition to academic success, Pi Tau Sigma also prides itself on community service, integrity, and leadership. Pi Tau Sigma allows members the opportunity to volunteer their intellectual abilities to further advance local communities in addition to more traditional service roles. We are actively looking to redefine our position as one of the most significant honors societies on campus with over 51 active A-Section members, with more prospective candidates joining each term. Information Courtesy of Collin Smalley

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both the academic and exemplary character requirements, be elected by members of a collegiate chapter and attend an initiation ceremony to become a member. Undergraduate students: You must be in the top 1/8th of your junior class or top 1/5th of your senior class. The second requirement of exemplary character is detailed in our Eligibility Code. Each chapter has its method for determining whether a candidate meets this requirement. Usually requires an interview or some activity such as participating in a project. One’s exemplary character is defined before the election. Description: The Tau Beta Pi Association was founded at Lehigh University in 1885 by Edward Higginson Williams Jr. It was to mark fittingly those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges. Tau Beta Pi Vision is to make extraordinary contributions to create a better world. Their mission as the only honor society for engineers in all disciplines, Tau Beta Pi: Recognizes academic and professional excellence rooted in personal integrity, Promotes a well-rounded education essential for success, Provides opportunities for leadership development and promotes lifelong learning, Cultivates a community of dedicated high achievers. Their creed is "Integrity and excellence in engineering." Information Courtesy of Mark Thompson Chemistry Honor Societies Organization Name: Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society Chapter Name: Eta Beta Chapter President: ~ Position Vacant ~ Advisors: Lihua Wang, Membership Requirements: It is open for students who major in chemistry and related majors and has completed Organic II with a cumulative overall GPA and a cumulated chemistry GPA of B or above. Description: Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The first fraternity was created to promote academic excellence and undergraduate research scholarship in chemistry. In 1931 the fraternity went co-ed and became an honor society. Today there are over seventy active Gamma Sigma Epsilon chapters throughout the United States. The Society is governed by a National Executive Council of elected officers and meets in biannual conventions for governance, fellowship, and scientific exchange. Information Courtesy of Lihua Wang

Honor Societies Organization Name: IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Engineering Honor Societies Chapter Name: Theta Epsilon Organization Name: Tau Beta Pi President: Dylan Brewer, brew4934@kettering. Chapter Name: Michigan Zeta President: Andrew Brumar, brum3758@kettering. edu Vice President: Hannah Moore, moor4249@ketedu Vice President: Chris Chapin, chap4148@ketter- Scholastic Honor Societies Advisors: Allan Taylor, Organization Name: Sigma Alpha Chi Membership Requirements: This Honor Society Advisors: Kenneth Williams, kwilliams@ketter- Advisors: Mark Thompson (mthompso@ketteris by invite only; ECE Students qualify if they are & Diane Peters ( in the top 1/4 of the junior class or top 1/3 or their Membership Requirements: Senor Status with a Membership Requirements: You must meet

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The Technician

Greek Societies

senior class Description: Eta Kappa Nu or IEEE-HKN is the official international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEEHKN is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing individual excellence in education and meritorious work, in professional practice, and in any of the areas within the IEEE-designated fields of interest. It is representative of the students of the ECE department among all students, staff, faculty, and the community. Information Courtesy of Allan Taylor

tributions to organizations under Section 501(C)3 or the corresponding section of any future internal revenue code. Information Courtesy of Pete Gheresus

Organization Name: Gamma Sigma Alpha Chapter Name: Delta Zeta President: Derek Gee, Advisors: Cheyenne Chapman, Membership Requirements: 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA, Be in your Junior or senior term, be a member of a fraternity or a sorority Description: Gamma Sigma Alpha recognizes Organization Name: Alpha Pi Mu Association Chapter Name: Kettering Chapter, Alpha Pi Mu those fraternity men and sorority women who have consistently excelled in the area of Academic ExAssociation President: Alex Swapp, cellence. This prestigious honor society serves as a Advisors: Pete Gheresus, beacon for all Greeks to strive for academic success Membership Requirements: Third-year students and encourages the pursuit of higher knowledge who have maintained an average scholastic grade amongst all students at Kettering. Information Courtesy of Cheyenne Chapman in the upper one-fifth of the industrial engineering class of which they are a member shall be eligible for active membership. Fourth-year students who Organization Name: Order of Omega have maintained an average scholastic grade in the Chapter Name: Eta Eta upper one-third of the industrial engineering class President: Hunter Kostal, kost0913@kettering. of which they are a member shall be eligible for ac- edu tive membership. Active membership shall be open Advisors: Cheyenne Chapman, cchapman@ketto graduate students, provided they are in good and regular standing and candidates for a graduate de- Membership Requirements: 3.5 or higher cumugree in an industrial engineering or equivalent en- lative GPA, Be in your Junior or senior term, be a gineering curriculum. Masters degree students must member of a fraternity or a sorority have completed at least one-third of the program reDescription: The Order of Omega is an underquirements and rank in the upper one-half of their graduate Greek society recognizing "fraternity men class. Doctoral degree students must have a written and women who have attained a high standard of recommendation from the head of the department leadership in inter-fraternity activities." – Order of of industrial engineering or a member of the faculty Omega designated by the department head. All students Information Courtesy of Cheyenne Chapman who meet the scholarship requirements should also exhibit positive characteristics of leadership, ethicalOrganization Name: Rho Lambda ity, sociability and widespread interest. Participation President: Maddy Martin, mart4693@kettering. in any other fraternity or society shall not exclude a edu student from active membership. Advisors: Cheyenne Chapman, cchapman@ketDescription: The purpose of the Alpha Pi Mu Association is to serve as the industrial engineerMembership Requirements: A candidate must ing honor society as well as to confer recognition be a regularly enrolled, full-time undergraduate stuupon the student of industrial engineering who dent in the university. With an overall grade point has shown exceptional academic interests and abiliaverage of a 2.50 (on a 4.0 scale). Only active memties in the field of industrial engineering. They also bers in their junior or senior year are eligible. They work to encourage participation in those activities must have been initiated, productive members of which may be beneficial to the profession of industheir sorority for at least two full academic terms trial engineering and also help wherever possible any or semesters. A transfer student will be available for movement which will advance the best interest of membership after one term or semester on the uniindustrial engineering education. Additionally, they versity or college campus. work to unify further the student body of the deDescription: The purpose of Rho Lambda is to partment of industrial engineering in presenting its honor those women within the sorority community needs and ideas to the faculty, and to create a closer who have exhibited the highest qualities of leaderstudent-faculty relationship by periodically bringship and service to their Greek community and ing together the thoughts and needs of both. Furtheir sorority. They are women who have furthered thermore, they work to assist and cooperate with all the ideals and principles of the Greek community organizations and persons working for the interests throughout their years of sorority affiliation. – Rho of industrial engineering, work to benefit its memLambda bers by the association and experience that can come Information Courtesy of Cheyenne Chapman from bringing together a group with similar interests, objectives, and abilities. A key goal of theirs is to promote the professional development and Organization Name: Upsilon Pi Epsilon welfare of its members. They exist exclusively for Chapter Name: Michigan Epsilon educational and scientific purposes, including dis- President: ~ Position Vacant ~ Advisors: Jim Huggins,

Membership Requirements: Students qualify for membership as Junior II's with a 3.5 GPA, and in the top third of their graduating class, amongst only CS Majors Description: Upsilon Pi Epsilon is an international computer science honor society. Its mission is to recognize academic excellence in computer science. Information Courtesy of Jim Huggins Professional Organizations Organization Name: Alpha Chi Sigma Chapter Name: Delta Mu President: Mckensie Winn, winn4923@kettering. edu Recruitment: Jessica Stanley, stan5777@kettering. edu Advisors: Chris Dewberry, cdewberry@kettering. edu Membership Requirements: Someone must intend on pursuing or making some branch of pure or applied chemistry his or her life work. Typically, this is a CHEM, BIOCHEM, and CHME major or minor that has completed or is currently in their 2nd chemistry course. Description: Alpha Chi Sigma is the national professional chemistry fraternity. It has the following objectives: To bind its members with a tie of real and lasting friendship, To strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession, and To aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives Information Courtesy of Chris Dewberry

Preston's Perspective Continued from Page 3 shout out to my Aunt Dianne, as well as my Grandmother, Grandfather, Nana, and even my Brother, HI GUYS! To my family at large: HOWDY! (There, is everyone happy now? Yes? Good. Love you guys!) I hope you’ve enjoyed the third edition of my column, thank you for choosing The Technician. We appreciate your readership. As always, feel free to write us at! P.S. On the topic of readership, would you mind filling out this survey for us, please? It could be worth your while…

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The Technician

Through the Lens

Top: Students participate in Diversity Week walk.

Right: President McMahan with his ladder. Image courtesy of Nathan Schleh

Bottom: Photo of Senior Class at this years Senior Barbecue All other images courtesy of Kettering Facebook

September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018

The Technician

Through the Lens

Top: President McMahan speaking to the seniors at the Senior Barbecue Image courtesy of Nathan Schleh

Middle: "Dunder Miffin Paper Company" Powder Puff team from this years Wellness Week.

Right: Our Kettering Bulldog being himself.

Bottom: The "Michael Scott Paper Company", winners from the Wellness Week Powder Puff game. All other images courtesy of Kettering Facebook

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Interview with the Chaplain Preston Buszka Assistant Editor I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Lonnie Brown over the phone one August afternoon about his job as the Chaplain of Kettering University. We talked about the weekly event he hosts at 7:00 PM in the Reflection Room of the Campus Center (5th Floor), called “Let’s Talk.” During these meetings, he gives students the opportunity to come and hear some principles of a spiritual nature that relates to their academics, their vocation, and their circumstances. One does not have to have a problem to come; one can just share their own heart and also receive these principles. According to Dr. Image Courtesy of Brown, “principles are permanent rules of instruction, that require the commitment to follow, and are indispensable to one’s ever-changing life. They are not theoretical or fluid; they stay constant with time, and are required for success.” Dr. Brown went on to say, “Life is full of principles, and life is choice driven. Given that you are making the right choice and supporting them with the right principle, one should see a full and productive life.” Dr. Brown mentioned that in the event of the death of a member of the faculty or student body, he is here to support their families and the community spiritually in the best way he can, within the scope of the university, such as spiritual support in prayer. I asked Dr. Brown how long he has been the Chaplain and he said, “This is the fourth year, I believe. Time flies when I’m having fun, and it might be the fifth.” I asked him to provide more details about himself and some interesting facts, and he told me that he is an ordained minister and a pastor in this area (his church is The Kingdom of Heaven Ministries) and that he is also an author, lecturer, conference keynote speaker, recording artist, and counselor. The chaplain is on campus during “Let’s Talk,” but is otherwise available as needed; for example, in the event of tragedy or assisting with grief. He can be reached at Some additional resources on campus are Rickey Brown (rbrown@, of OMSI) and Venetia Petteway (, of Co-op & Experien-

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The Technician


tial Education). They are on campus as conduits to connect members in the community in need of the Chaplain and are here to help. I asked him for a closing remark about his position, and I was pleasantly surprised with his response. “It is an honor to be able to serve the student body, particularly those with spiritual foundation and basis, to have them know that [The Office of The Chaplain] is available to support them, is quite an honor to be filled by me,” he said. “I consider myself extremely privileged. [We have] a great group of students, faculty, and staff, and of course the president, with special thanks to Betsy Homsher as well, being the brainchild for this and creating the opportunity for that. I am just honored to be able to serve.” For more information on The Office of the Chaplain, visit or contact them by

Convention Reflections Continued from Front Page multiple papers trying to persuade him to vote for or against. Some of these essays were rather amusing. There was a particular author that claimed to be in a high stress engineering program (I scoff at this) and rambled on about how data can be skewed, then proceeded to skew the data himself. Genus, right? Anyways there was a lot of discourse at the 179th about this proposal. Thankfully the Kettering Delta Eta-A chapter of Beta Theta Pi was already substance free so the outcome of the vote did not particularly affect us. That said I do have a thought on this subject. My most prominent thought is that you can be a dry chapter and still have a drinking culture. The Delta Eta-A here at Kettering is a prime example of this. Our house is dry. Our events are dry. We do not allow underage drinking even outside of official events. We always have a safe man (or three) when we go to a bar. Once, after a night out with some of my brothers I had to be helped up the stairs of my apartment (coordination was difficult that evening). So our DDs do earn their keep at times. The specific point I’m trying to make is that you can have a drinking culture and still have a substance free chapter house. Yet most of the Betas I spoke to at the 179th that were against the substance free proposal couldn’t accept this thought of mine. Perhaps I’m wrong. Or maybe Kettering is just an outlier. Either way the proposal passed so look forward to all Beta houses being substance free within the next two years. An additional note I would like to make: While I personally do not approve of underage drinking or the “misuse” of alcohol I am not a higher being, the law, or your parents. If you have a wet chapter house that is fine with me. There is a reason choices exist and a reason I joined one of the three dry houses on campus. Thank you for entertaining yourself with my rambling reflection on Beta’s 179th.

Alumni Interview Preston Buszka Assistant Editor I contacted an Alumna of Kettering University (GMI Engineering and Management Institute, at the time) recently to ask her about her time here. I interviewed Beth Hatsios, formerly Beth Chapman, of the 1995 graduating class. She graduated from BSection with BA in Mechanical Engineering with a Manufacturing specialty. One of my questions was if she had any tips or suggestions for first-year students and new students. She responded with some tips: - Make sure you don't skip class. It's easy to do when you don't have Mom or Dad forcing you out of bed in the morning (or after a nap). - Don't pull an all-nighter to study for a big test. Sleep deprivation doesn't help brain function. Getting enough sleep is difficult in college but still is important. - Take good notes. I used to rewrite my notes when I was studying, and that helped me to retain what I had learned.

Beth Chapman Circa 1995 Photo Submitted - Exercise - it is good stress relief. They built the fitness center in time for me to graduate in it, but I never got to use it. Take advantage of that facility! - Get involved. There are so many ways to get involved, whether it is joining a club, fraternity, or working part-time. - Use a planner, paper or digital - whatever works for you. Being good at time management is vital in the real world, and having reminders, a calendar, to do list, etc. is so important, especially with the rigorous schedule maintained at Kettering. - Be social and make friends - studying is much more fun in groups. I went on to ask what she remembered the most from her time at GMI, in which she responded: “The thing I remember most about Kettering was always being busy. In addition to going to classes, labs, and studying, I was involved in student sections of SAE, SME, and SWE. I was also in the ΑΓΔ (Alpha Gamma Delta) Fraternity (which was only B section). I remember having many great Profs, includ-

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ing Reggie Bell, and Doc K.” I inquired to her about the thesis requirement here at Kettering, and she said: “[…]start thinking about it as soon as your first work term. Talk to a graduate at your work and ask for pointers. Pick a topic that interests you and has a small enough scale that it can be completed during your senior year. There is always something at your Co-op job that will make for a great thesis project. Mine was optimizing metal inserts in thermoplastic air induction applications lots of torque to failure testing.” I also asked Beth what some of her favorite memories of college here was, and she said: “Some of my best memories of Kettering were study sessions with friends, sunbathing and studying between classes on

Beth Hastsios Circa 2018 Photo Submitted the "beach" in Spring, Greek life and dance parties at the Fraternity houses, and getting a break from school every 6 months. I also remember when the Capitol Theatre in downtown Flint was a nightclub owned by 20-year-olds with no business sense - I think it only made it a year before it closed, but was fun while it was open! I posted an inquiry as to our excellent faculty here, and she said that word of mouth is always best in deciding a class. I concluded our interview with a simple question: “How did you make the most out of your education?” and she had an excellent answer: “After graduation, I was offered a job at my Co-op, Ford Motor Company. During my Co-op, I worked mainly at Rawsonville Plant and spent most of my time in manufacturing engineering, which I loved. I was able to troubleshoot build and equipment issues, work with suppliers to design equipment to build components and do product design of air induction components. Shortly after I graduated, I moved to the Engineering offices in Dearborn and spent most of my time on product design and program management in Suspension. I worked there until about 11 years ago when I left to raise my family. Kettering (GMI) prepared me for my career at Ford. Recently I have become the Treasurer and Administrator for a local travel soccer club. The time management, organizational, and accounting skills that I learned in undergrad, grad school, and in my career at Ford are still being applied at my current job.”

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He comes by the book she searches for but is unable to give it to her before he succumbs to the cold. The movie loves to revel in audacity as it follows The Night is Short Walk on Girl Review the various characters. Each of them is unique, over the top, and entirely eccentric. And because they are Adam Lecznar presented as such, it is believable when all of them Copy Editor become connected. Beyond the story and characA lot can happen in a single night. Though that ters, the animation of the movie transitions between statement is not false by any means, there is still a standard and psychedelic, especially in the fourth limit to how much activity a single night can hold. act. Add to this the musical score, which plays well But visionary director Masaaki Yuasa, in his recent with comedy sketches to improve the effect, and film Night is Short Walk on Girl, chronicles a night of revelry and youthful wonder that could only take place in dreams. Yuasa’s film follows the antics of a college girl, known only as the Black-Haired Girl, as she traverses the landscape of Kyoto in search of adulthood. For her, this equates to drinking lots of the movie creates a Photo Courtesy of alcohol, which she puts down better than complete package the most seasoned bar hoppers despite supof zany wackiness posedly having never drunk before. The Black-Haired Girl’s night starts at a school- in the name of personal fulfillment by the characmate’s wedding reception, and from there lunges ters. And it does this without going off the deep end wholeheartedly into the surprisingly jovial Kyoto by giving audiences a lesson in debauchery and pronight scene. Along the way, she encounters numer- fanity, as many contemporary comedies like to do. Through all this craziness, which some describe ous eccentric and lively people. These people include the likes of Mr. Toudo, a man trying to desperately as a fever dream, there is meaning. The movie does to pay off his debts to elderly loan shark Li Bai after try to say something to the viewer. The idea of fate losing his business to a rogue typhoon, the party girl is touched on a lot. The Upperclassman, while atRyouko Haruki, former sage Seitarou Higuchi, and tempting to grow closer to the Black-Haired Girl by Don Underwear, a student who refuses to change encountering her frequently, paradoxically dismisses his underwear until he is reunited with his true love it as chance each time despite wanting her to think (it’s been a year). All along the way the Black-Haired it is fate. Don Underwear also searches for his ‘fated Girl “coincidentally” crosses path with her upper- person,’ taking the initiative to find her like the Upclassman, known only by that title, who happens to perclassman. But only the Black-Haired Girl is genuinely guided by fate, letting her path be laid before have a monster crush on her. In essence, this movie by Yuasa is a romantic com- her even as she travels it at breakneck speed. Another important observation is the ways by edy about the Upperclassman pursuing the BlackHaired Girl through a night of merry-making and which the Upperclassman pursues the Black-Haired celebration, trying desperately to affirm that the two Girl. He indeed does like her, but his goal of mainare tied by fate. But beyond that simple premise is taining close proximity to her puts him dangerously much more. Throughout the movie, the Upperclass- near stalker behavior. He is not a evil character, but man attempts to catch up to the Black-Haired Girl, nor is he perfect. And this makes him relatable to but nobody is able to do that. The Black-Haired the viewer because in him they can see part of themGirl always looks ahead, pulled by her own whim- selves. Like the hopelessly romantic Peter from Mrs. sies. Compared to all those around her, The Black- Dalloway and the fruitless love affairs he envisions Haired Girl moves at a different pace, as evidenced within a moment, the Upperclassman embodies a part of the viewer that hopes only for someone to by the speed of her wristwatch. After drinking her fill, which includes out-drink- feel for them. In this movie, Yuasa presents the audience with ing Li Bai, The Black-Haired Girl soldiers on to a summertime used book market in search of her fa- the kind of grasping, hopeful, doubtful feelings vorite childhood book, which the Upperclassman that come in times of youth, while also showing the accidentally reminded her of, before being roped joy and revelry of exploring and experiencing new into a guerilla musical performance at the universi- things and meeting new people. Like Yuasa himself, ty’s school festival. Rounding out the night she visits the movie traverses its own route to its end, along all of the people she encountered, who have come the way displaying all kinds of incredible lunacy, down with a deathly cold alongside the entire popu- much like the Black-Haired Girl who keeps on walklation of Kyoto. As the girl continues on her journey, ing through the night. so too does the Upperclassman strive for his goal. Continued on page 11

Night of Your Life

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The Kettering Robot Society Robot Society Update

Beenish Ali Submission Writer The Kettering University- Robot Society is an exclusive honor society that recognizes students from the top one percent of the student body. Throughout their time at the university, these students have demonstrated outstanding leadership, citizenship, and service to the Kettering community. Since its commencement in 1927, approximately 1,200 Robots have been initiated. This year, six students from A-section and two honorary staff members were selected to be initiated into the prestigious society. Together, Beenish Ali, Noah Beauchamp, Danny Gurizzian, Hunter Kostal, Eric Rickabaugh, and Reece Troia, have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time towards demonstrating service and leadership in various organizations on campus and within the Flint community. Additionally, honorary members Sheila Adams Cowes and Stephanie Jones have left a positive impact on students as they have continuously worked to develop an innovative, diverse, and prosperous campus. Here is more about your 2018 Robot Society initiates. Student Initiates Eric Rickabaugh Creative leadership, service beyond self, and commitment to community are all important to Eric Rickabaugh. He truly learned these qualities through various experiences he has been through since becoming a student at Kettering. He was able to learn the art of creative leadership as a Kettering University representative at the University Innovation Fellows (UIF) leadership training program. Since returning, he worked to increase interdisciplinary teamwork by planning a Create-a-thon, where small groups of students from different majors spent twenty-four hours working intensely to brainstorm and design a mockup of a solution to an open-ended scenario. Furthermore, as President of the Kettering Entrepreneur Society (KES), Eric encouraged students who might be intimidated by the idea of entrepreneurship to create a new invention or solve a problem. Furthermore, with service to the community, Eric is a University Innovation Guide, mentoring students from two other universities through the UIF program. On the Kettering University campus, he has recently created Disability Matters. This group encourages students and faculty with disabilities and without disabilities to come together and share their experiences inside and outside the classroom. Eric’s goal is for this community within the university setting to become a model for other universities in the future. Throughout his time at Kettering, Eric has truly found the areas he is passionate about and has worked to see them flourish. Hunter Kostal Hunter Kostal is a highly active member in the Greek community. As a member of Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji), he has served on his chapter’s cabinet as a Junior. Additionally, he has been an active participant on the Inter-Fraternity Council since his sophomore year. Within the Inter-Fraternity Council,

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he has served on various leadership positions such as Scholarship Chairman, Secretary, and President. Furthermore, he has gone on to be the president for Order of Omega for the past two years, while also being nominated as Greek “Man of the Year” two years in a row. Outside of Greek Life, for the past three years, Hunter has been a part of Kagle Leadership Initiatives. Within this organization, he mentored various Flint high school students. Hunter additionally is an active member of the Aquaneers and Cliffhangers club and has even held the position of Treasurer for a year. That being said, Hunter is dedicated to academics as he has also been initiated as a member of the Pi Tau Sigma, the mechanical engineering honor society. Overall, Hunter is a very well rounded leader that has been has been dedicated to making an impact on any organization he joins. Beenish Ali Beenish Ali’s growth as a leader has matured through her experiences and involvement at Ket-

Reece Troia Reece Troia’s time at Kettering can be highlighted through his involvement and contribution to campus organizations, the Kettering student body, and community. Not only has he been inducted into Kettering’s Order of Omega and Tau Beta Pi honor societies, he is currently the President of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Kettering University, and has held a significant position each year of membership. He has taken the lead on renovation efforts of the house, while also improving relations with other organizations on and off campus. He has also played a significant role in drastically increasing the chapter service hours since his time as the Community Service Chair. Furthermore, community service is something that Reece has taken pride in as he has been a member of Orientation Compass Crew, one of the first members of and VP of Service for the Alpha Phi Omega Petitioning Group, and a leader for Kagle Leadership Initiatives. Reece feels that his

tering and other various communities. At the university, she has taken on several leadership roles in which she could not only interact with various students but also identify and act upon any necessary changes that the student body felt were important. Furthermore, she has held positions such as Administrator of Kettering Student Government Finance Council, Vice President of Distributive Education Clubs of America, Secretary of International Club, Historian of National Society of Black Engineers, and more. As a fellow of Kettering LEADERS, she has continuously been working with the Dean for the School of Management to reestablish the school through three pillars: alumni, honors, and service. Outside of school and during her co-op, she takes part in her co-op company’s young professionals program. In Lear Young Professionals, Beenish has served on the Development Committee and Co-op Relations Program, both groups that work to foster a better work environment for up and coming professionals. Furthermore, Beenish finds it important to give back to her hometown. She is part of the Troy Women’s Association and has volunteered time to the City of Troy through various service projects. Overall, Beenish’s involvement in all these organizations, on and off campus, have demonstrated her commitment and passion to see communities strengthened.

biggest contributions have been towards the current and future student body. He served as a class representative on KSG for three years and planned many events for students to take part in as well as vote on campus-wide issues and was a voice for students. Additionally, in his roles as a campus tour guide, CILE mentor, orientation leader, and Kagle leader, he has been able to help guide younger students using what he has learned to be successful throughout the years and encourage them to put their best foot forward. Danny Gurizzian Danny Gurizzian’s experience at Kettering can be summed up into one word, “transformative.” It has been through his relentless efforts and dedication toward various organizations that he has been able to have had such an impactful time here at Kettering. During his junior year, Danny and a fellow Robot set out to start a Habitat for Humanity chapter on campus. Starting out with nothing, a year and a half later the organization has grown to over 100 members, raised $700 for Habitat for Humanity Genesee County, and helped finish renovating a house on University Ave. Furthermore, this journey has opened up opportunities for Danny as he assumes his role on the Board of Directors of Genesee County’s Habitat for Humanity and as the President for Kettering’s chapter. Outside of his commitment to the community, Danny can be seen working to

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Robot Society Update Continued from Page 9 meet the needs of Kettering’s student body. He has taken part in various organizations including President of the Student Alumni Council, External Vice President of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, Director of the Kettering’s Student Government Academic Council, and a Kettering LEADERS fellow. Danny has also earned various honors such as admittance to Order of Omega, Pi Tau Sigma, and now Robot Society. Through his various experiences on campus, Danny not only had a “transformative” time at Kettering but also took part in making a transformation to this university. Noah Beauchamp Throughout Noah Beauchamp’s time here at Kettering, he has continuously focused his efforts on leadership, service, and citizenship both inside and outside of the classroom. In the classroom, Noah has been a proficient student that has gone on to share this knowledge with others through Supplemental Instruction Leader (SIL), peer tutoring, and private tutoring. During his time with the Academic Success Center, he has had the opportunity to influence over 100 students on 30 different courses. Outside the classroom, he has dedicated his time to a variety of organization on campus. During his time at Kettering, he has been involved in 14 different clubs and organizations, including 3 academic honor societies (Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, and Sigma Pi Sigma), Kettering Student Government (Finance Council and Vice President), Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, and many more. But the organization that has highlighted Noah’s efforts to make an impact on campus was the Student Alumni Council. With his relentless efforts, and help from several other current and graduated Robots, he diversified what SAC is and offered several new events for students to interact with one another and with several successful alumni. Noah’s time here at Kettering has truly shown the hard work and dedication he is willing to put forth to see the university succeed. Honorary Members Stephanie Jones Stephanie Jones was born and raised in Flint Michigan where she graduated from Northern High School. During her senior year in high school, she worked as a co-op student at General Motors Institute (GMI) currently Kettering University. She has been at Kettering University since 1986 and has worked in various divisions such as the Admissions Department, the President’s Office and the Office of Multicultural Student Initiatives where she

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Campus News presently serves an Associate Director. Stephanie is proud to be a part of a team at Kettering University who does their best to ensure that the students of color, successfully navigate through Kettering and graduates. Furthermore, Stephanie has worked with the AIM (Academically Interested Minds) Pre-College Summer program for over 25 years. The five-week AIM program offers rising high school seniors from across the world, a real college experience and exposes them to careers in the STEM fields. She believes those of us who pursue careers in the educational arena, do so hoping that we will have a positive impact on the lives and careers of students. For the past three years, Stephanie has helped to develop various diversity initiatives on campus for the Kettering students. She often works with NSBE, BUC, SHPE, AAA, International Club and KSG’s multicultural student representative in coordinating Diversity Week activities. Sheila Adams Cowes

KSG Election Results Preston Buszka Assistant Editor This past summer term, the position of President and Vice President were up for election for the Kettering Student Government. Matthew Medlin and Elizabeth Crawford both ran for President. Additionally, Timo Budiono and Kyle Redies both ran for Vice President. After a tough race, Elizabeth Crawford and Timo Budiono came out as the winners. Congratulations to our newly elected President and Vice President! The following is their candidate pictures and biographies:

Photo of Elizabeth Crawford, Courtesy of KSG

Sheila Adams Cowes has worked at Kettering University for fifteen years and is the Director of Enrollment Events and Visitor Relations. Her team is responsible for the prospective family visit experience. This includes daily and customized tours managed by the Welcome Center and many on-campus recruiting events such as the Discover Open Houses, Prep for Success programs and the Bulldog Preview Days. Approximately 30 students work within her department throughout the year as callers and tour guides. She notes the most rewarding part of her career is working with so many amazing Kettering students. She sees students develop and flourish during their time at Kettering. She also enjoys partnering with our prospective families. Selecting a college can be an overwhelming experience, so having the opportunity to help ease their concerns about the process and engage in how Kettering University can help their student reach their goals is very rewarding. She is truly grateful to be an honorary member of the Robot Society. “I am blown away by the level of leadership, service, and citizenship that many of our current Kettering University students demonstrate throughout their time on campus and especially by those students selected as Robot Society members.” Article Images Submitted by Kettering Robot Society

“Kettering Student Government is supposed to represent the wants and needs of the entire student body. In my year at Kettering University, I have been on two different student government councils and I am happy to report that I feel we have done a good job at representing the students. Our councils have done a good job, but as President, I hope to do a great job at being the representative of the student body.” - Elizabeth Crawford “Kettering lives matter. In high school, I was a part of a Student Council that was limited due to micromanagement from advisors…but at Kettering, I will be able to utilize the independence we have gained to acPhoto of Timo Budiono, curately reflect the Courtesy of KSG needs and wants of my fellow peers. With increased communication across all student functions, I will push for the change that the student body desires and maintain the high standards we hold to create a community at Kettering that is both productive and enjoyable.” – Timo Budiono

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Puzzles Crossword Solution Sudoku


Summer Farewell Jerico Markel Editor in Chief It is, sadly, now the end of summer. Lectures are winding down, work on final projects/papers is ramping up, and Michigan has turned off the heat. A lot has happened in the past two months, some of it good, some of it bad. Most of us will soon be leaving this school, either for co-ops or as a graduate. Some of us will stay face another term of classes. Whatever you may be doing and wherever you may be going I wish you good fortune in the days ahead. Picross Courtesy of Nintendo

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