Campus Through the Years Prof. Bell and Doc K Speak Their Minds
MARCH 20, 2012
Looking Back, Looking Forward
The President's Vision Fixed Tuition for Kettering
A Letter from the Editor-in-chief As Kettering begins to look towards its centennial in 2019, talk of the school’s future has once again dominated campus conversations. For this very special retro edition of The Technician Magazine, we embarked on a mission to look back at the history of Kettering out of the belief that we must not lose sight of where we have come from when planning where we must go. Our inspiration for layout comes from The Technician newspapers of the 1970s, but our goal was not purely sentimental. Kettering University stands at a critical crossroads. Having weathered the storm of the recession, we are now poised to take advantage of a rising economy, especially the rapid rise of the automotive industry, to grow the university and seize the opportunity to make changes that will propel Kettering well into its next century. When we look to our past, we find stories of academic excellence, technological leadership, and high standards of excellence in all facets of university life, standards we must strive to uphold today. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who has helped The Technician report on the term’s developments, and to everyone who assisted us in generating new content. This term, we welcomed Rebeccah MacKinnon to the paper as our Online Editor, a position she has graciously agreed to fill over her work term in the summer. Additionally, I would like to thank Matthew White and Kaitlin Solovey, Assistant Editor and Layout Editor, respectively, for their enormous contributions to not just the magazine, but to the newspaper as a whole. This term has seen some of the best writing and teamwork that The Technician has seen in recent years, and I am optimistic that the positive precedent we have set for the newspaper will continue to be upheld. We welcome contributions from members of the Kettering community, and I look forward to working with members of The Technician staff, Kettering students, faculty, and staff, and members of the Flint community to make The Technician a stronger, more vibrant presence on campus and in the community in the years ahead. Thank you.
Robert Hayes Editor-in-chief
The Technician Magazine
What’s Inside
Technician Magazine
Page 2
Page 12
A Letter from the Editor-in-chief
Reliving Photos of the Past
Page 4
Headlines from The Technician's Past Gmi Future Uncertain Snow Storm Closes Gmi Twelve Week Sections Pass! Krib is Here
Page 6
Campus Through the Years
Page 14
The President's Vision Page 15
The Technician's Vision Page 16
Fixed Tuition for Kettering Can You See Yourself Here? Linking Together with A ∑ A
Page 17 Page 8
Professor Bell on His Time at Kettering
Faculty Profiles Page 18
Age of Technology
Page 9
Doc K Looks Back on Gmi Page 10
From Student to Faculty Page 11
Res Life Changes Presidential Turnover
Page 19
Melancholy March
Ed ito r-i n-Ch i e f R ob er t Hayes A s s i sta n t Ed ito r Matt he w W hite L ayo u t Ed ito r K a it l in S ol ov e y C o p y Ed ito r Ty l er Van Ec k D i st r i bu t i o n Ed ito r A l an Xi a O n l i n e Ed ito r R eb ecc a h MacK innon P h oto g r a p h e r s Matt he w Hol l and Jos eph Ste vens on Sta ff Wr it e r s De v in Ar yan Er in B oys e Domini c Jand ra in Ad l a i Mi l bit z John O l i ver Mar i an Sw a g l er Facu lt y Advi s o r Dr. Chr ist ine Le vecq Sta ff Advi s o r B et s y Homsher
Page 20
The Technician Staff
T h e Te chni cian Ketter ing’s Stud en t Voi ce
Page 22
The Daily Bulldog Fixing the Ratio Kettering Memes
E-ma i l us at: atec hni c i an@ketter ing.ed u Onl ine at: bul l d o gs.ketter ing.ed u/tec hni c i an and hetec hni c i an © T h e Te ch ni c ia n, 2012
Headlines from The Technician's Past Below are selected articles drawn from The Technician issues from the past.
From The Technician, August 26, 1981 By Katie Evans and Tricia Sing
Friday August 21, 1981, President Cottingham addressed the employees and students at GMI in separate meetings. The emergency meeting was announced to the student body at 12:00 noon and scheduled for 12:45 PM. A statement issued by David C. Collier, Vice President of General Motors Institute, with a post script by Dr. Cottingham, was passed out during the noon hour. Collier’s state-
ment reads: “In line with continuing studies of all its operations, GM is considering alternatives to its operation of the General Motors Institute in Flint. We are seeking less costly and perhaps more effective ways of recruiting and training engineers and other professionals. Under any alternative, the cooperative program involving the current exceptionally qualified student body will be maintained so the students can complete their undergraduate education. GM remains committed to recruit high school graduates. Whether the institute will
continue to operate independently of GM and how soon GM would begin to phase out its relationship are still to be decided.” Dr. Cottingham stated that “…the statement assures the student body that the institute will be here for the length of your educational program.” The President emphasized that the students understood that their relationship with GM had not changed, that they were all GMI and GM co-operative students, and that his expectation was, that having done their job properly, they would be offered jobs at GM.
From The Technician, April 11, 1975 By Jim Spychalski
Nature sure fooled us. April Fool’s Day was bright and sunny; it looked as if the hassles and frustrations of winter were behind us. Then it started. Snow fell all day Wednesday the 2nd and by Thursday morning a record blanket paralyzed Flint. The anticipated announcement of suspended classes at GMI was verified by local radio announcements. For only the third time in the history of the Institute, GMI was closed due to inclement weather. The first closing of Tech, as recalled by then-stu-
The Technician Magazine
dent Dean Cenko was on account of the 1947 flood. Dean Cenko remarked that the school was shut down for two or three days as the melting snows forced the Flint River above flood stage. The second closing occurred more recently, back in late March-early April of 1967, when GMI was closed for one day because of snow. No one can recall the exact date, but consequences can be viewed by paging through the ’67 Reflector. Buried cars, high drifts, and halted instruction were among the scenes pictured. The snow that fell on April’s sec-
ond day this year surprised everyone. Having removed the studded snow tires by April 1st, as required by law, many motorists were left stranded as they attempted to get home. Commuter students had no hope of reaching Tech and this I’m sure influenced the decision to close for the day. Some students spent the day studying, others partied. But one thing will be remembered by most; they were part of nature’s on April fool that gave us an extra day’s freedom from Tech and an excuse for profs to load-up on the homework.
Headlines from The Technician's Past
From The Technician, March 31, 1978
On Monday, March 20 the GMI Board of Trustees announced their decision to implement a twelve week calendar beginning in the fall of 1979. Mr. Jack Newcombe, the chairman of the Board’s Calendar Task Force, made the presentation of the proposed change to 12-Week Sections. The report, which will be available for students to read, included four points of view – faculty, students, plants, and the administration. The students’ viewpoints were represented in the surveys that many of us took at our plants, input from student groups, and also
the A-Section election polls. The student opinions – which included the fact that many students wanted 12-Week sections – were equally weighted with the faculty and administration positions. The actual implementation procedures have not yet been decided, or even proposed. A GMI. Presidential Task Force – tentatively comprised of the two GMTE presidents, two other students, three faculty members, and two administrators – will be given the responsibility of making recommendations on all aspects of the changeover. Some of the anticipated problems have already been discussed, such as student budgeting and the mechanics
of transition, but no decisions have been made. Another item of interest on the Board’s agenda was the report on the quality of the GMI Student body. Dr. Cottingham would like to formally present this information at an Ex-Officio meeting soon, but as a preview of the report showed the quality of entering students and our graduates, as measured by national test scores (SAT, ACT, GMAT). These measurements were compared to 42 other key engineering schools, including MIT, Cincinnati, and Purdue. We should no longer use the nickname “Little Purdue” – our quality of entering students is better than theirs!
From The Technician, February 6, 1976 By Glenn Johnson
Last Friday, January 20, 1976, marked a special day for a precious few in the Radio Club. On this date, at approximately 1:15 P.M., Bob Cmil became the first “legal” school-sanctioned DJ for the GMI radio station KRIB. This was merely a test run to check to make sure all equipment was running smoothly. This past Wednesday, KRIB had its first official sign-on and will now be operating on a continuing basis at 550 on your AM radio dial. This is a very
small station, running on carrier current and can be picked up only within the dorm. However, to keep this dream come true a reality is going take student involvement. John Michallski, in charge of the radio station, stressed the need for student involvement by those students who are really sincere in giving as much input into the station as they can. Head of DJ staff, Glenn Johnson, urges fellow classmates who have some free time on a regular basis to be a DJ for 5-6 hours a week. The programming staff needs help too.
General Motors Institute logos courtesy of Kettering Communications
Campus Through the Years Robert Hayes The mainstay of the Kettering University campus is no doubt the Academic Building. At over 300,000 square feet, the building houses most of Kettering’s classrooms, many academic departments, and some administration. Built in 1926, the Academic Building initially only included the wings of classrooms along University Avenue and Chevrolet Avenue. As gmi grew, space became tighter and tighter, causing the Academic Building to be expanded no less than six times. These include the addition of the old gym, the center hallway, the library, and the most obvious expansion, the “2½ floor,” current home to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. The Academic Building was the only building on campus for forty years, and had to include all functions of the school, including the bookstore, cafeteria, and all
Campus Center under construction, 1966
administration. In 1963, however, the campus began to grow. Dr. Harold “Dusty” Rodes led the school to acquire the 34 acres of land across University Avenue from the Academic, a move which paved the way for the construction of facilities that would allow the school to expand and provide a place for students to live on campus. This expansion was scheduled to be completed by Kettering’s 50th Anniversary celebrations in 1969. Kettering’s most distinctive building was born from this: the dramaticallydesigned Campus Center. Tarapata-
Academic Building, 1927
The Technician Magazine
McMahon Associates was hired as the architectural lead on the program. Groundbreaking for the Campus Center took place in 1966. Thompson Hall was another addition during this expansion. Then named the Men’s Residence Hall, it was later renamed after Frances Willson Thompson in 1986. Further campus enhancement came in 1995 with the opening of the Connie and Jim John Recreation Center. The Recreation Center provides an outlet for athletic energy on campus and became former Kettering President Jim John’s self-professed greatest accomplishment
Guy Cowing, Albert Sobey, and Paul McGrath ‘31 review the expansion of the Academic Building
Provost Simpson Campus Through On the Future the Years of Kettering 1919: Copeman Building Rented 7,800 sq. ft., 2nd floor 1920: St. Michael’s Rented 5,000 sq. ft., 1st and 2nd floors 1923: Industrial Bank Building Rented 25,000 sq. ft., 8th floor 1926: Gmit (ab) Building Built 56,400 sq. ft. 1954: AB Expansion Added 85,000 sq. ft. 1969: Campus Center and Dorms Built 438 rooms in Thompson Hall Deneen Munerance ‘87, Mrs. Thompson, and Dr. Cottingham rededicate Thompson Hall in 1986
1995: Recreation Center Built 70,000 sq. ft.
during his tenure at Kettering. The newest building on campus is the The newest academic building, the C.S. 9,000 square foot Innovation Center located off campus on Bluff Street. Opened 2004: Mott Center in 2010, it is Kettering’s investment in the Built 129,000 sq. ft. future of business development in the region. The Center holds six wet and dry 2010: Innovation Center research laboratories and plays host to Built 9,000 sq. ft. developing companies, including Swedish Biogas International. The Innovation Center is also the first Leadership in EnThe gm facility that became the Mott Center ergy and Environmental Design (leed) The Innovation Center Mott Engineering & Science Center, certified building in Genesee County. Photo courtesy of All other photos are courtesy of the opened in 2004 at a cost of $43 million. Kettering Communications Originally built as a General Motors Scharchburg Archives manufacturing building in 1940, the center was renamed for the Flint philanthropist Charles Stewart Mott after severe rehabilitation that included the addition of the third floor. The center hosts classrooms and offices for the Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry Departments as well as world-class lab facilities, including the crash safety center and fuel cell laboratories, that make the Mott the highlight of Kettering’s campus.
Professor Bell on His Time at Kettering Robert Hayes and Kaitlin Solovey
the entire suite of offices was still only granted one telephone extension. Besides those changes, Professor Bell was also witness to the divestiture of General Motors Institute from General Motors. Bell was admittedly skeptical of gmi future without gm, but he now believes “it [the separation] has become the best thing to happen to this school.”He likens the situation here during the transition to a life or death experience for the school and believes that it represented “the school’s largest existential threat.” Bell credits former president Dr. William Cottingham for the school’s survival, saying “he was a hero.” Bell even drew comparisons between Cottingham’s position guiding gmi out of gm’s hands to the task faced by the captain of the Titanic. Bell believes that Cottingham’s replacement, Dr. Jim John, was “an act of nature,” noting his credentials and the changes he brought to Kettering. Though he was not well-appreciated, Dr. John led the charge behind the creation of the Recreation Center among other large scale changes on campus. Perhaps some of Dr. John’s lack of appreciation could stem from his leadership style, Bell proposed. “He just made decisions without asking for input from anyone.” Praise for Dr. John’s successor, Dr. Stanley Liberty, was less gushing. Noting the challenging economy facing Dr. Liberty, Bell believes he “did
Almost every student on campus has had the opportunity to be considered a professor’s favorite student. Professor Reginald Bell of the Chemistry Department is by far one of the best known Prof. G. Reginald Bell Photo courtesy of professors on Kettering Communications campus, both for his classes where many things are lit on fire and for his many favorite students (read: every student he has ever had). He is also the faculty member who has worked at Kettering the longest: he’s been here since 1963. The biggest change Professor Bell has noticed in his time here is the curriculum. Faculty used to have little say in the curriculum, whereas now they’re much more involved. Kettering’s new majors are a point of pride for Bell, as he noted “there are so many more majors now, some that even ten years ago would have been unthinkable!” Bell has also noticed how Kettering’s facilities have expanded. When he arrived on campus, all of the professors from the chemistry department had desks in a single room “and we only had one phone to share between us.” Prof. Bell’s students celebrate their favorite professor It wasn’t until the 1970s that gmi granted by wearing matching Bell-themed shirts in 2009. professors their own offices. Even then, Photo courtesy of Kettering Communications
The Technician Magazine
as good a job as could be expected, under the circumstances.” Looking forward, Professor Bell suggests that new majors should follow the lead of the Chemical Engineering program, one of the highlights of Bell’s career. He is impressed with the rapid growth of the program and the worldclass lab facilities Kettering has thrown together within the past three years. In his opinion, if another major shows the same potential for growth, Kettering should certainly make efforts to add the program. When asked how Kettering could boost admissions, Bell admits that for years he didn’t understand why Kettering wasn’t buried under a sea of applications. Recent interactions with prospective students’ families led Bell to a realization – “parents just don’t understand co-ops!” He suggests that the prospect of full-time co-op may frighten potential students and their parents if they don’t understand the program. As he notes, “parents are being much more attentive to their children at the high school level” than ever before. In response to this issue, Professor Bell spent much of the last Admitted Students Program explaining to new students and their parents exactly what Kettering’s coop program entails and how it adds enormous value to the college experience. He said with emphasis, “Students need to know that if Kettering is the right school for you, you can’t afford to go anywhere else!”, capturing the essence of why he has spent almost half a century teaching here and nowhere else.
Doc K Looks Back on Gmi Robert Hayes and Kaitlin Solovey
Dr. Henry Kowalski has been a fixture on campus for decades. As Kettering’s longest-serving Mechanical Engineering professor, Doc K has taught generations of budding engiDr. Henry Kowalski neers, conducted Photo courtesy of Kettering Communications research on mechanical systems, and been a driving force behind the development of carbon-fiber suspension components for the 3rd generation Chevrolet Corvette. While Kowalski may have been teaching here for almost fifty years, he notes little change with the students that pass through his doors. “Students are just as pragmatic now as they ever were,” he believes, though he notes that technology has shaped interactions with students, Google now being students’ primary research tool and wristwatches being all but removed from campus. Additionally, Kowalski believes that students have not become more competitive, but that the type of competition has changed. “Competition among students used to depend on which division of General Motors they worked for,” he remembers. “Students at Cadillac used to act more distinguished, but the advanced research departments at the Warren Technical Center were always the most desired sponsor.” Furthermore, Kowalski is a huge proponent of the Kettering crib system, pointing out
Doc K Looks Back on Gmi says. “We have to engage new partners for our students,” especially in Kettering’s newer majors. He points to Walmart and Macy’s as examples of companies who search for undergraduate interns, but have yet to come knocking on Kettering’s door. New majors could play a part in that growth as well. As Kowalski noted, “civil engineering, nursing, other engineering majors, [and] really anything that requires internships or co-ops” should be considered as prime avenues for Kettering to expand. Kowalski also believes that the City of Flint could one day become a key part of Kettering’s appeal. “We can’t forget them,” he notes. “Flint has a great opportunity to become a college town. We have excellent community colleges and two great teaching hospitals.” What Flint obviously does need, however, is security. Another problem Kowalski sees with Kettering’s relationship with the community is Kettering itself. “We haven’t expressed to the residents what we could do for them. People in Flint need to be proud of Kettering, and we need to show them that we can be a productive partner as well.”
that in the past, it was an absolute necessity. “Some professors want to disband the crib system, but it is essential for our learning paradigm,” he believes. When asked about the greatest change he has seen at the school, he was quick to reply: “faculty.” Commenting on changes away from the purely industrial focus of General Motors Institute, Kowalski believes that faculty members nowadays seem out of touch with the priorities of their students. “We’ve always had excellent students,” he said, but “by the time you [students] are on your way out of here, you know what the hell you want to do with your career” due to the experiences of co-op. Students will prioritize their attention to classes accordingly. “Some faculty members expect you to strive for the best in every class, but you know what you need and what you don’t need.” As for changes in administration, Kowalski is quick to point to Kettering’s two former presidents as demonstrative of how Kettering may have struggled so heavily over the past years. “They didn’t understand the culture,” he said. “They tried to change us, because they didn’t learn why we were the way we were.” Relations with alumni were similarly stagnant during those years, according to Kowalski, saying that “they [the administration] only looked at alumni as donors —we should see them as [co-op] sponsors for our students.” Kettering’s new president, Dr. Robert McMahan, on the other hand, offers “a breath of fresh air” in Kowalski’s opinion. “He came in and really tried to understand our heritage,” a promising first start in Doc. K.’s mind. Looking to the future, Kowalski sees broad potential for Kettering to grow. Doc K with Kettering student Michael Pedigo during an explosion demonstration in 2009. “We never advertised aggressively,” he Photo courtesy of Kettering Communications
From Student to Faculty Robert Hayes
Most mechanical engineering students may recognize Dr. Jeffrey Hargrove as a fixture in the Mott Center teaching Mechatronics and Heat Transfer classes. However, what most students may not know is that Dr. Hargrove arrived on campus in 1982 as an electrical engineering student at a time Dr. Jeff Hargrove Photo courtesy of of great change Kettering Communications on campus. General Motors had just divorced General Motors Institute, though Hargrove is quick to point out that the school “had the same faculty, still followed the same fundamental model, and General Motors was still the only co-op employer.” While the years may not have changed Kettering’s educational model, Hargrove has observed changes in the social environment, such as more extracurricular activities, as the environment at Kettering has become more flexible. “In the 1980s, if you didn’t put in the time, you couldn’t survive. We had very few activities outside of the academics—it wasn’t at all flexible.” The school has also become much less cutthroat. Hargrove noted that “back at that time, everyone that came here knew that their potential for advancement was in to executive leadership at General Motors, and every other student could one day be in competition with one another for the same position.”
The Technician Magazine
Kettering’s reputation has changed as then, you’d take gmi over mit.” Ketterwell. “One of my professors noted that ing’s reputation has not maintained that our electrical engineering program ri- allure over the years, as Hargrove chalvaled mit’s. We made ourselves desirable lenges people to “find someone today with absolute academic excellence. We who would come to Kettering over mit. were the program to be in,” said Har- It would be much more difficult.” grove. Getting in to gmi was more diffiOutside of gmi, Hargrove went to cult as well, as Hargrove remembers “we work for General Motors before pursuused to accept only 500–600 of almost ing graduate education. In 1989, one of 4,000 applicants.” He further notes that his old professors approached him to “students had to obtain a co-op sponsor ask if he would be interested in joining before ever setting foot on campus.” a new Masters of Science in EngineerLooking to the future, Hargrove sees ing program, an offer he immediately acpotential for Kettering if the university cepted. He was later approached by gmi returns to its roots: being renowned for and asked to teach a statics lecture due academic excellence and producing pre- to a faculty shortage. After this first taste pared graduates. “We need to find the of teaching, Hargrove took advice from level of quality that will make students another Kettering landmark, Dr. Henry across the country wish they could come “Doc. K” Kowalski, who advised him to here. If we continue to be viewed as just pursue a Ph.D., saying that “you cannot another good choice, we will struggle. imagine the doors that will open for you.” We need to be seen as the choice.” He The rest, as they say, is history. Harbelieves our alumni speak to the excel- grove joined Kettering’s mechanical engilence of the school, and are a clear sign to neering department seventeen years ago. industry that we are still leading the way Today, his career fulfillment comes both in co-operative education. “We produce from teaching undergraduates and his reprofessionals,” he notes. “We have com- search. A huge proponent of research on panies that express preference for our campus, Hargrove notes that for him, “regrads, and graduate schools look for Ket- search allows us to do things that affect tering grads. We need to keep that up.” humanity in the long run, something that When asked if he would attend Ketter- can move technology forward.” ing today as an undergraduate, Hargrove is more reserved: “Under the circumstances I faced in 1981, I would absolutely go to Kettering.” Back then, he noted “if you got an acceptance letter from General Motors Institute, it would be exceptionally foolish to go anywhere else.” He Dr. Hargrove measures clinical trial participant Nathalie Droncompares the gmi of the chat’s sensitivity to pain stimuli as part of his research at Kettering. 1980s to mit, noting “back Photo courtesy of Kettering Communications
Res Life Changes
Essentially, students who had participated in high school robotics programs would have the option to live in the same unit as other robotics students to develop a tight-knit community. With assistance from Dr. Henry Kowalski of the Rebeccah MacKinnon Mechanical Engineering Department, One of the many changes this cam- these students could become the basis of pus has undergone in the recent past a mentorship program for robotics prois in Residence Hall Staff. Katie Bosio grams in the area. “Robotics is a unique replaced Antonio Riggs as Director of niche we can take advantage of,” said Residence Life at the end of Spring term Bosio. last year. Since then, she has changed For more information about Bosio, many things in the dorms to make them see The Technician’s profile on her from more comfortable for the students living Summer 2011, Edition 1. there. One of her proudest accomplishments is renovating Thompson Hall’s kitchen, making it much more usable for students who wish to have an alternative to the Sunrise Room. She has also replaced furniture in the lobby, redone piping in Matthew White the bathrooms, expanded the selection In almost one hundred years, Kettering of video games and movies through the Residence Hall Association (rha), and University has seen only seven men rise expanded Thompson Hall’s presence in to the challenge of leading a engineersocial networks by creating Twitter and ing school unlike so many others. The first, Major Albert Sobey, brought the Facebook accounts for the dorms. These are not the only changes in school from its origins in 1919 all the way store for Thompson Hall. One of the through its incorporation as a college big changes coming is in the room res- in 1945 until his departure in 1950. The ervation method. Bosio recently had a next three presidents; Cowing, Rodes, new, web-based room selection software and Cottingham, continued gmi’s tradiimplemented that should streamline tion of excellence even through the rough the housing application process, espe- times of the divestiture. In 1991, Dr. James John assumed cially for upperclassmen. Other planned changes include fixing the roof to reopen the presidency of gmi Engineering & the fourth floor, getting a new laundry Management Institute. As part of his system, getting new micro-fridges, and plan for the school, Dr. John drew upon potentially developing a robotics living- the vision of Charles Kettering, an invenlearning community within Thompson tor and proponent of cooperative education. January 1998 marked the end of Hall. “Doc K approached me with the idea,” gmi emi and the beginning of Kettering said Bosio of the robotics community. University.
Presidential Turnover
Provost Simpson Res On Lifethe Changes Future of Kettering Although the name change is very visible to students today, so are Dr. John’s more concrete ambitions. Dr. John, as his wife would say, liked to build. To provide students with a place to unwind after difficult classes, Dr. John built the recreation center. The C.S. Mott Engineering & Science Center is another construction undertaken during Dr. John’s tenure. Although it seems to be merely adjacent to campus, the Campus Village Apartments were also part of Dr. John’s master plan for the Kettering campus. Academics were also a focus for Dr. John, with the University expanding its undergraduate programs and extending international opportunities to students. After his departure in 2005, the Board of Trustees selected Dr. Stan Liberty to be the sixth president of the University. As the economy took a turn for the worst, Dr. Liberty helped to keep the University at its previous levels of excellence. The Innovation Center was completed under his tenure, as well as the Miller Labs in the Mott Center. The University added new majors and minors and opened an mba program. Dr. Liberty, himself a musician, incorporated arts into the Kettering community through partnerships with local organizations. Just last year, Dr. Robert McMahan assumed the presidency from Dr. Liberty. His work so far has focused on listening to students and other constituents, but the changes are coming. He has already implemented changes to campus safety and tuition. Dr. McMahan is also embracing the same sort of “building” enthusiasm Dr. John had, imagining not just what the University is now, but where it will expand to and how the programs will evolve to take better advantage of that space.
Reliving Photos of the Past Far left: Devin Aryan ‘15 and Matthew White ‘15 play pool in the Campus Center Original (Below): Playing pool in the Campus Center (1969)
Far right: Ray Hyder ‘15 studying on the steps of the Academic Building Original (Right): Tim Cooney ‘84 studying on the steps of the Academic Building (1984)
Far left: Prof. Reg Bell works with students Robert Hayes ‘14 and Kaitlin Solovey ‘16 Original (Left): Prof. Reg Bell works with students(1979)
Historical photographs courtesy of the Scharchburg Archives
The Technician Magazine
Left: Robert Hayes ‘14 and Tyler Garavaglia ‘15 in front of the Academic Building (2012) Original (Above): Don Young ‘83, left, and Dennis Fox in front of the Academic Building (1982)
Far left: Kaitlin Solovey ‘16 studies in front of the Campus Center Original (Left): Catching some rays while studying in front of the Campus Center (1975)
Left: Students leaving the Academic Building Original (Above): Pi Kappa Alpha members leaving the Academic Building (1974)
The President's Vision Matthew White Dr. Robert McMahan is certainly not a hands-off president. By the end of his first academic term, most of the student body had seen him walking around campus. Some of them had talked to him over lunch in Ernie's. For Dr. McMahan, the most important part of the way forward is understanding the reasons for change and feelings of the staff, faculty, and students regarding that change. After receiving feedback from many different groups and venues, Dr. McMahan has begun to make real changes on campus. A rash of break-ins and other incidents over Fall term led to the doors of the Academic Building being locked all day long, now accessible only with proper id. Doors around the outside of the Campus Center are now also locked with id access. Security is of great concern to students, a sentiment that Dr. McMahan has reacted to in a strong way. One of the most important changes so far has been the fixed tuition implemented last week. In talking with families of current and prospective students, costs were consistently a point of hesitation. In a meeting, one parent likened it to buying a car that would be used and paid for over five years. Instead of knowing the price, however, only a year's installment would be revealed at a time, with each installment being of an increasing price. This variance makes it impossible to budget for such a large expense as college tuition.
The Technician Magazine
Students also disliked the myriad of fees associated with college life, especially the thesis fee. Dr. McMahan also expressed a dislike for the fee, calling it a "get out fee." After running a variety of financial models, the President came up with a plan to present to the Board of Trustees. The Board is a formidable organization to present to, says Dr. McMahan. They are very detail-oriented and have years of experience in major corporations. A plan as significant as changing the funding source of the University came under incredible scrutiny. After doing some more analysis, the Board unanimously approved a plan that removed most additional costs and left tuition stable throughout the normal duration of a Kettering education. Changes like this are just a small part of the way forward. Dr. McMahan cautions, however, that change ought to be undertaken not because it is different, but because it evolves the University in a way that is respectful to its origins and culture. To that end, he is continuing to solicit feedback and discussing options with the different constituencies that they would affect. Making the campus a more vibrant and attractive place is one of Dr. McMahan’s goals. When he looks out at the beach, he sees a student center that fits nicely within the typical “quad” campus design. The building, he says, would contain dining options, electronic resources, recreation facilities, study rooms, and conferencing facilities. From the building would be walkways that extend back to the Recreation Center, forward to University Avenue, and around to the bulldog. Dr. McMahan also envisions a fountain in the middle of the area. He is quick to note, however, that General Determination would not be moved. He
recognizes that the bulldog is an essential part of campus culture. Across the street from the Campus Center is Eli’s Corner Grocery. While the lease for the lot is up for renewal soon, the President has made no decision on what might be there in the future. Right now, groups, including the owner of Eli’s, are creating proposals that will help Dr. McMahan to determine the best use of the property. Other changes Dr. McMahan is contemplating include adding additional degree programs where they make sense within the University’s mission. Certain majors jump out as obvious because they exist at the crossroads of existing programs of because they complement the University's position as a stem university. An example is biology, which the President described as a “foundational science.” A program like this could draw in new students that were never considering Kettering before and would require only incremental changes to our faculty and facilities. The process to create a new major, however, is no simple undertaking. After doing research and creating the curriculum, the Board of Trustees must approve the degree offering. Such changes, however, are being actively investigated as the University looks towards its centennial. The goal of Dr. McMahan’s changes is simple—to put the University in the best position for growth and success in the future. Working with students, faculty, and staff, Dr. McMahan hopes to make changes that most positively impact the school and the student life. When students of this graduating class come back in five years, the President hopes, they will see a much different and stronger University.
The Technician's Vision An Editorial As Kettering begins to approach its 100th anniversary in 2019, President McMahan is compiling a vision statement that he believes will serve as a guide for the University as it nears its centennial. While the visioning process has taken the spotlight on campus, The Technician believes that undue emphasis is being placed on long-term planning. Shorterterm changes can still be made that can have a significant impact on this school, changes that should not be ignored. Over the course of preparing for this retro edition of The Technician Magazine, we heard many stories of Kettering’s former glory in decades past. While the stewardship of General Motors is long behind us, some of the reputation attached to General Motors Institute seems to have been left behind as well. General Motors Institute was renowned across the country as one of the premier schools for engineering and management. While Kettering’s programs have retained their world-class status, our reputation certainly has not. The 1998 name change to Kettering University was a necessary step to clearly separate the future of the university from that of General Motors Corporation, but fourteen years later, the Kettering University brand is underrepresented. Even within Michigan, many high school students graduate without hearing Kettering University’s name; fewer still learn of the caliber of programs
offered here. This is simply unacceptable. Kettering University boasts undergraduate engineering, science, and business co-operative education programs that are on par with other high-caliber institutions. From their very first semester, Kettering students are presented with an amazing opportunity to dive straight into their majors, both in school with world-class facilities and at their co-op jobs, where they partner with industry-leading companies. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to be immediately immersed in their chosen fields, which can help students quickly identify whether their interests align with their major. Unfortunately, this experience is not adequately marketed to incoming students. Kettering’s co-operative education model is unique among co-op universities and should assuage the concerns of today’s parents, many of whom express undue concern over their children’s long-term success. Our co-op model has resulted in an exceptionally high employment rate for graduates entering their field of study. The lack of a Kettering table at traditional college fairs seems a great disservice to the reputation of our University. While students are treated to worldclass laboratories and exceptional instruction from distinguished faculty, campus life falls unfortunately short. Though Thompson Hall has been a campus fixture since 1969, it has sadly fallen by the wayside, having been eclipsed in quality by off-campus apartments and severely undercut in price by rental housing near campus. While functional, Thompson Hall has an uninviting atmosphere that serves as a deterrent for students seeking the comforts of home on campus and falls significantly short of housing
The Technician's Vision options offered by Kettering’s competition. On-campus food service also leaves much to be desired. While Sodexo is normally a reputable food service provider, at Kettering, they provide unexceptional food at exceptionally high prices, leading to a high level of student dissatisfaction. On the plus side, Kettering seems to be aware of these flaws and is working to correct them. In admissions, Karen Full and her team are working to increase Kettering’s name recognition across the country and preliminary data for the class of 2017 suggest their approach is working. Increasing numbers of prospective students have toured campus in recent weeks and the Admitted Students Program has been a rousing success, both of which are promising signs of things to come. Thompson Hall is undergoing renovations, with the roof on schedule to be repaired by the start of the next academic year; more improvements to student rooms are in the pipeline. Sodexo is even stepping up their game, attempting to offer higher-quality food, especially on weekends. We believe that as the University looks to the future, these seemingly minute changes should not be overlooked. While giant sweeping changes to curricula and facilities may seem required to prepare Kettering for growth, these small alterations could have a dramatic effect not only on campus, but on Kettering’s reputation nationwide. We believe that it is entirely possible for Kettering to regain the glory it once held as General Motors Institute and to lead engineering education into another prosperous century of leadership in co-operative education.
Fixed Tuition for Kettering Rebeccah MacKinnon Kettering students received quite a surprise in their e-mail yesterday in the form of an announcement from President McMahan. After consulting with the Board of Trustees, Kettering will officially be switching to a fixed-rate, guaranteed tuition plan starting with the 2012–2013 academic year, which will also remove fees that students have been complaining about for years. What does this mean for the students? Essentially, as long as a student remains in good academic standing and makes normal progress to their degree, tuition will not increase during their time at Kettering for up to 10 terms. A constant tuition rate will make it much easier for new students to plan for college expenses and keep a constant cost of education. Additionally, all academic fees have been removed, including thesis fees. Any student who has already paid a thesis fee and will enroll in classes in the 2012–2013 academic year will receive a statement from the Financial Aid Office in the near future detailing any credits that will be awarded for fees already paid. This news was met with much rejoicing. Kettering not only made their current students very happy with this decision (after all, who doesn’t want a cheaper college education?), but also prospective students who are attempting to decide where they can afford to attend with uncertain tuition increases over the years. No crazy fees or increasing tuition: a great step forward for Kettering.
The Technician Magazine
Can You See Yourself Here? Katie Bosio Residence Life Residence Life has now gone online with housing applications. Current students are encouraged to apply for Thompson Hall housing now so they can make their request for a specific unit or room before freshman students are assigned to rooms. In addition to benefits like close proximity to campus, a consolidated living expenses bill, and a newly-remodeled kitchen, new additions for the coming school year include new micro-fridges in all student rooms, an updated washer/ dryer system, and, ideally, the reopening of the 4th floor. To apply for housing for the 2012–2013 school year, go to the MyHousing site ( and login with the same username and password used for e-mail and Blackboard. Click “Login to ApplyOnline,” select the appropriate application for the next school term, and read the housing contract. Lastly, fill out the “Personal Preferences” section of questions, which includes normal living preferences and emergency contact information. Choosing a meal plan can also be done here, but it is optional. Any students who wish to review their information can do so by logging back into MyHousing, and the finalized housing information will be sent after June 1 via Kettering e-mail. Applications should be submitted by June 1, 2012 in order to avoid conflicting with the incoming freshmen. Questions, comments, and other concerns are welcomed at reslife@kettering. edu.
Linking Together with A ∑ A Marian Swagler Every other year, Alpha Sigma Alpha holds their Linking Together with aΣa “Link Sale”. The purpose of the Link Sale is to raise money for both aΣa and another organization’s philanthropic endeavours. In 2010, Delta Tau Delta contributed the most with $852, followed by Pi Kappa Alpha with $521, and Sigma Chi at $42.25. Proceeds totaled $1,539.
Photo courtesy of aΣa
This year, the houses were prepared. Some had been saving up the past 2 years! Only at Kettering would someone stay up past midnight calculating how to win while still profiting! Donation collection ended at exactly 1:20pm on 9th Thursday. Blank checks were held at the ready for one final donation. In the end, Delta Chi donated the most at $1,250. Sigma Chi followed at $1,006, and Delta Tau Delta placed 3rd with $728. Proceeds amounted to $3,470.50! This was more than double the amount collected the previous time the Link Sale was held. $1,870.25 will be donated to The V Foundation, which is Delta Chi’s national philanthropy, and the other $1,870.25 will be split between Alpha Sigma Alpha’s two national philanthropies, the S. June Smith Center and the Special Olympics.
Faculty Profiles
Dr. Joe Salacuse
am quite proud of the program and its future look bright. Also, my work on the Resource Committee and with Professor of Mathematics members of the Faculty Senate in helpHometown: ing to get Kettering back on track—I am quite proud of our Institution, and Niagara its future looks very bright. Falls, New Restaurant: Lucca’s Chop House York (high-end), Ruggero’s (Italian), The Time at Hollywood Diner (other) Kettering: Pet peeve: Do the homework! 27 years Color: Black as in Impala, Cadillac, Favorite and Mark viii class: The Current cell phone: I have never class I hapowned one: I don’t want people calling pen to be Calculator: Maple teaching at Embarrassing moment: Losing the the time golden gloves in Buffalo, ny; it is not First/current/favorite car: Impala, Ca- that easy to be Rocky Marciano dillac sts, toss-up between the Lincoln Nicknames: Gmi Joe (my license plate) Mark viii and my current caddy and whatever students may call me; I Biggest accomplishment: Personally, would rather not know getting my wife to marry me—we all Movie: Goodfellas get lucky now and then. Professionally, Don’t leave home without it: My .357 my work with other members of the (only kidding, for now) mathematics Faculty in creating the Sanity: I talk to myself Mathematics Program at Kettering—I
Beverage: A good brandy (vsop), Bushmills Irish Whisky, a good Italian (red) wine Work before Kettering: I held a number of post-doc positions: University of Guelph (Canada), Cornell, National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Science and Technology). My prior non-academic position was on the section gang of the Penn-Central Railroad in Niagara Fall. My main duty was swinging a spike mall; I decided there must be an easier way to make a living First job: Dish and tray washer in my high school cafeteria. Yes, in the “old days” we used to have trays. Opinion on cafeteria: I like the salads; they should give the trays back Research: Classical Statistical Mechanics Dissertation: The Statistical Thermodynamics of Polydisperse Systems; I am pleased to say that the paper based upon this work has been cited approximately 200 times.
Dr. Kathryn Svinarich
Favorite sport to play: Shooting Favorite sport to watch/team: Gymnastics What do you do on your non-teaching term: Cook a lot and focus on being a wife and mom Favorite beverage: Tea Companies worked for before Kettering: Came straight here from grad school First job: Worked at my grandfather’s canvas tent repair store Opinion on our cafeteria food: I never go; I bring my own lunch Favorite TV show: West Wing What was your dissertation on: Elastic properties of thin metals with laser pulses
First/current/favorite car: I don’t drive, but I’ve always liked the Suburban Music listened to/favorite: Classical, especially Vivaldi Favorite restaurant in Flint: Bangkok Associate Professor of Physics Peppers Favorite food: Fresh foods Hometown: Pet peeve: Not living up to their potenFlint, Mi tial GraduFavorite book: The Jack Ryan series by ate school: Tom Clancy Wayne State Current cell phone: An ancient lg University First calculator: A 4-function calculaLength of time at Ketter- tor, though my favorite was the hp41c Favorite movie: The Muppet Movie ing: 20 years Favorite class I don’t leave home without my ___: Sunglasses to teach: Electricity and Magnetism Sanity: Yoga (Phys 2) Ideal vacation: Hiking or mountain Biggest accomplishment: Juggling climbing personal and professional life
Age of Technology Devin Aryan Technology has become an integral part of society. From automobiles to microwave ovens, cell phones to Bluray, people use technology without even thinking about its origins or where it was forty years ago. Even if one were to consider how far technology has advanced, such thought doesn’t occur every day. In a world where technology caters to our every need, one should realize what life would be like without such conveniences. Behind the major headlines of the 1970s, commercial technologies were readying themselves for an explosion into the future. In 1970, the Datapoint 2200 hit shelves. While it was intended to simply be a cost-effective terminal for connecting mainframes, the business sector viewed it as a personal computer, and thus it became so. Pocket calculators were commercialized in the 70s as well, with the first ones released in Japan in 1970 and spreading worldwide quickly after.
In 1971, Computer Space, a coin operated arcade system, became the first commercially sold video game. Also in 1971, ibm became the first company to commercial-
The Technician Magazine
ize the floppy disk and the first e-mail transmission took place. 1973 saw the first voice mail system, as well as the first cell phone call. The late 1970s also witnessed the microwave oven and the vcr becoming common household items. Meanwhile, electronics boomed during the 1980s. Video games had become a major industry by 1982, but when personal computers exploded onto the scene, there was a major crash in the industry. It essentially ceased to exist until Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985, which would lead Nintendo to claim 90% of the American videogame market by 1989. The Game Boy was released in 1989. Personal computers also boomed in this decade, especially with the 1982 release of the Commodore 64, which was later given the title of best-selling computer model of all time. Apple released the first Macintosh computer in '84, the Macintosh 128k, which was the first commercially successful computer to use a graphical user interface and a mouse. The music industry was also greatly impacted by the increased popularity from the release of the Walkman and boombox. With the overall good state of the economy in the 1990s, electronic technology hit the forefront of the economy and revolutionized the market. On August 6, 1991, the World Wide Web got a public face, revolutionizing the American way of life. To aid the integration of the internet into people’s lives, faster internet connections quickly became available. E-mail became popular, as did instant messaging
with aim being one of the first programs to use this concept. E-commerce websites were born, and E-commerce only companies, such as Amazon, grew rapidly. Mpman, the first mp3 player, was released in 1998. Apple introduced the iMac, which began the company’s growth into the forefront of the technology industry. Cd-rom drives became standard for computers along with the cd burner. Along the same lines, the dvd-format was developed and popularized. Pagers became popular, though they were beginning to be replaced by mobile phones. Finally, the music industry was heavily affected by the massive popularity that the portable cd player accumulated. As for videogames, Sony entered the field with the PlayStation, and Sega’s hold on the industry began to wane. In addition,
Pokémania hit the worldwide scene with the original release of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green in Japan. The esrb rating system was introduced as well. Electronic technology continued to boom in the 2000s as it solidified its importance in most peoples’ lives. The internet continued to grow rapidly and became wirelessly accessible by more devices than just computers by the end of the decade. E-mail became a standard form of written communication. Music downloads, data compression, and file
sharing became massively popular. The usb Flash Drive replaced the Floppy disk. Online websites and search engines, such as Amazon, Google, MySpace, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Facebook, became massively popular in the public sphere. Digital cameras essentially replaced more expensive film cameras. Photo resolution also increased and face recognition software began to be implemented in most devices with digital cameras by the end of the decade. Graphics cards advanced tremendously and flat panel displays for televisions replaced the cathode ray tubes. Dvr technologies became widely popular while the dvd and Blu-ray formats replaced vcr technology. High definition television became popular in the second half of the decade. Mobile phones, texting, and smartphones gained major popularity through the decade. In videogames, the PlayStation 2 became the best-selling console of all time while the market hit the 7th generation with the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the Wii game consoles. In addition, the shooter genre gained massive popularity. With the exponential growth rate of technology, where will the world be two decades from now? What new technologies will become an everyday idea for the people of 2037? Will social networking websites continue to be popular, or will they be replaced by something else? Should the phrase be “technology has come so far,” or “technology has just begun”? Before humanity goes speeding into the next big trend, though, one should take a moment to look back and ponder what the world has seen thus far, for there was a time before hd television and Facebook, just as there will be a time after. Photos courtesy of Wikipedia
Melancholy March Devin Aryan For video games, this March has not been too exciting. Though it had a few major hits, the month has otherwise passed fairly quietly. It began with a bang, however, with the March 6 release of Mass Effect 3. The game allows the player to import saved files from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to alter how the final chapter plays out. It is considered to be better overall than the previous two, being a more in-depth rpg and having a multiplayer mode. Contributing to the bang and bringing out the fighter in all of us, Street Fighter X Tekken also beat its way into the market on March 6. Being Capcom’s version of crossover between two popular series, Street Fighter X Tekken includes characters from both Street Fighter and Tekken with the fights utilizing Street Fighter mechanics. By allowing the control of two characters and having battles in a tag team format, the game plays like most Street Fighter games, though a few new mechanics were added. With NamcoBandai’s version of the crossover, Tekken X Street Fighter, in development, a 2012 release could mean the two games dominate the genre for the year. March 11 hosted the release of Mario Party 9. While it is the first game in the series to be developed by a company other than Hudson Soft, the game is very similar to past Mario Party games. One of the new features, however, is the inclusion of a final boss at the end of every game. Receiving positive reviews, Mario
Age of Technology Party 9 is a great family game. March 13 was the release date for Tales of Graces ƒ. Being the 12th mothership title for the series, and the newest to North America, Tales of Graces ƒ is actually an enhanced PS3 port of the Wii game Tales of Graces, which was released in Japan only. Being a part of the jrpg genre, the game received great reviews from Japanese reviewers, earning the title of best rated game within the series until the 13th mothership title was released. As it is one of the rivals of the Final Fantasy series in Japan, rpg lovers of all kinds should get this game. The final game generating a lot of talk is Kid Icarus: Uprising, which will be released on March 23. This is considered the third game in the series; however, it’s the first in made in 19 years. Featuring two game modes, flight and ground combat, the game seems to be really well done. With the added decision of fighting in a melee style or ranged attack style, the game seems to really encourage playing within one’s own comfort zone. March had its share of major titles, but it’s nothing too special. March did, however, wrap up Q1 of 2012, sending us into Q2 with a surprisingly low count of confirmed and finished games. The heavy hitters, for now, are Prototype 2, Sorcery, and Darksiders II. Hopefully the industry will quickly get more games announced as Q2 gets underway. Only time will tell, however, so look forward to it.
The Technician Staff
Robert Hayes just finished his first year as Editor-in-chief of The Technician. He also contributes a regular automotive column and was previously Online Editor. Though most of his time is spent obsessing over his new Focus and reading automotive news, Robert manages to divide the rest of his time between The Technician and his Mechanical Engineering studies.
Kaitlin Solovey is a Computer Science major who claims to hail from Battle Creek, Michigan. She currently serves as The Technician's absolutely fantastic Layout Editor. She enjoys shopping, and can be found over work term in the Renaissance Center working for gm OnStar. She is also awesome.
Tyler Van Eck is The Technician’s Copy Editor. He is also on a horse.
Devin Aryan is a Technician staff member that does nothing useful whatsoever. He sits around and eats all the food, wasting space and air. He’s a Chemical Engineer that needs to be disposed off. You might see him lounging around, playing video games, and eating someone else’s food.
Matthew White has been escalating his journalism career ever since he walked on to Kettering's campus. He's interviewed two sitting presidents, the Board, and a handful of other people. His newest adventure as Assistant Editor was covering the visit of Mitt Romney. While on work term, he works at a daycare for developers.
The Technician Magazine
Rebeccah MacKinnon is The Technician’s resident bisectional student from Randolph, Massachusetts. While not bouncing around campus in her adorable squirrel hat or rambling about math to an uninterested eic, she’s posting the paper to the interwebz in her position as Online Editor. Also, she has green hair at the moment. Dominic Jandrain is full of empty promises about getting articles written on time. Interested in things. Hobbies include activities. Does not excel at socializing.
The Technician Staff
John Oliver joined The Technician early in the Winter 2011 term and has followed various stories, reporting on jobs and Kettering Student Government. Also, he’s hilarious.
Adlai Milbitz is a Senior II Mechanical Engineer from Denton, Texas. He assists The Technician with special reports and also contributes occasional photographs.
Alan Xia is a Freshman II and The Technician’s diligent Distribution Editor.
Erin Boyse is a freshman, and proud to be one of the few Business majors here. This is her first term as part of The Technician. She enjoys reading, being with friends, and long walks on the beach.
Dr. Christine Levecq is an assistant professor of Liberal Studies and the The Technician’s faculty advisor. She provides input on the content and style of the paper to further perfect the publication.
Joseph Stevenson is a freshman, and a top-notch photographer for The Technician. His work usually graces the center spread of the newspaper.
Matthew Holland occasionally finds a good picture, so The Technician publishes it. Marian Swagler is a junior and an occasional contributor to The Technician.
Betsy Homsher is the Dean of Students and The Technician’s staff advisor. She provides input to keep the paper as an organization running effectively.
The Daily Bulldog “All the news that’s fit to print, some that isn’t, and more besides”
Fixing the Ratio By Dominic Jandrain Investigative Journalist
were to be given scholarships, a board in the art of sandwich-making, watches of students was formed to select appli- Pokémon, and has an insatiable desire
In the never-ending quest for admis- cants based on interviews and physical to “study”. The questionnaire format was sions, Kettering's administration had be- attractiveness. However, the problem of discarded after no applicants passed. gun an elaborate attempt to improve the “Kettering goggles” proved to be quite The issue was finally solved when a disappointing male-to-female ratio on difficult to overcome, with all applicants team of computer science professors crecampus. While the administration had receiving perfect ratings from all board ated a program that analyzed the Faceknown about the stressed and depressed members. In an attempt to solve the issue, book pages of applicants. The program masses of lonely guys for some time, the
the Board of Normal Males (bnm) was
analyzed images of applicants for symme-
decision to bring in more females was fi- formed from students from other colleg- try and other features that males biologinally made after several bad evaluations es that would judge applicants' physical cally respond to. The program also anafrom co-op employers. It had become ap- attractiveness objectively. lyzes status posts and comments from the parent that co-op students were unable to interact with women in the workplace
It was then suggested that, since the
profile to determine estimations of iq,
Kettering students no longer had any ability to withstand extreme awkward-
without bringing the atmospheric awk- input in the process, applicants fill out ness, and the like. wardness levels above the osha recom- a questionnaire based on their interests, The selection process has proven a great mended limit of 8.3 Trekkies. hobbies, favorite movies, and the like to success so far, with the female-to-male raSince this revelation, several liberal find young women with qualities cur- tio of admitted students already at a restudies majors have been added to the rent students looked for. The results from cord high. Facilities Management has becurriculum and the admissions depart- these questionnaires were then compared gun preparing for the change by actually ment has begun marketing to girls show- with ratings from the bnm to find the removing urinals from the women's resting disinterest in academics. The admin- ideal young women for Kettering. rooms in Thompson Hall. The number istration believes that the decision will Male Kettering students were polled of sororities on campus is also likely to lead to better student morale, improved
in order to determine which qualities
increase in the near future, as well as the
performance in the workplace, and in- they looked for in a partner. The results similarities between Kettering sororities creased admissions. showed that not only did the students be- and sororities as represented in pop culIn order to attract prospective female lieve that the most important quality in a ture. If the program is successful, Ketterstudents, several new scholarships are
woman is physical attractiveness, but also ing admissions will increase considerably,
now being offered to female applicants that they strongly prefer a woman that and potentially make Kettering the most rated to be compatible with nerds. In or- plays video games, drinks exclusively en- applied-to co-op engineering school in der to determine which female applicants ergy drinks and Mountain Dew, is skilled the universe.
The Technician Magazine
Kettering Memes
The Daily Bulldog medium is not inherently limited to the
By Dominic Jandrain and Tyler Van Eck Investigative Reporters
Internet. Some souls even think of the
Since the inception of the Texas
them” instead of that meme’s meaning in
term strictly as “images with captions on
A&Memes Facebook page, university a particular context. Although these peostudents everywhere have scrambled to
ple are wrong in their definitions, when
demonstrate that they, too, can use In- they post a picture on Facebook that is sanity Wolf, Socially Awkward Penguin, shared and altered by multiple people, and their comrades-in-arms as inside
they have still technically shared a meme.
jokes, something more than just run-of-
Naturally, the University Memes pages
the-mill content. Of course, not everyone tend to attract people who are unclear on
900 people, or roughly the undergradu-
understands the joke, but the new level of
ate portion of A-section, began following
the meaning or proper usage of a meme.
personality adds a nice touch and at the When these people try to make their own very least, it is a prime source of procras- memes, they often produce hilariously tination.
the page within a week’s time. Contrary to the typical measure of
terrible results, which are funny in their meme misuse found on other pages, own way. Even though they simply didn't though, Kettering students once again know any better, this has, of course, led excel in the proper usage of these memes. to people arguing on the internet; a topic All entries found under the Photos secwe should all be familiar with by now.
tion can be appropriated and recognized
People on the internet just love pointing
without fail, and not a single meme was
out that they know something that some- abused in the process. Credit for this proone else doesn't, like why the internet ficiency can be given to the Liberal Studfinds Xzibit amusing, or what the various
ies department, which has increased their
wolves on different colored backgrounds level of intervention with students to the stand for. It must be admitted, though, point where it has become another major that these people can hardly be blamed
selling point of the University. After all,
after seeing the horrible misuse of some- who doesn’t know the reference behind Forever Alone Guy captioned with “Sething so familiar to them. The term “meme” was coined by Rich-
Kettering, of course, is not exempt
cret innermost machine is hasn’t retardi-
cal?” ard Dawkins (from “memetic mutation”) from this tidal wave. In the never-ending to define an idea, behavior or style that quest to prove their mastery of culture All memes are courtesy of the Kettering spreads from person to person within a and current-generation social critique, Memes Facebook page. culture via non-genetic means. The term Kettering students scrambled to assemtoday is commonly used interchangeably ble their own University Memes page. with “internet meme,” though the meme’s It grew explosively in a short period of time, but later growth stagnated; about