The Technician Spring 2012 1st Edition

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April 25, 2012 | Volume 110 | Edition 1B Budget pg. 2

Campus News pg. 3

Campus Life pgs. 4-5

Beyond Kettering pg. 6 Entertainment pg. 7

by Matt Gessler, Editor-in-Chief

Celebrate Kettering

The highly anticipated Celebrate Kettering event, which included the inauguration of President McMahan, came and went last Friday. Around 600 people participated in the celebration according to Dawn Hibbard of Kettering Public Relations. The daylong event consisted of a keynote from one of GM’s top executives, a research and innovation showcase, President McMahan’s inauguration, a dinner reception, and a student festival. The overall idea behind the event, besides the inauguration of course, was to acknowledge all of the achievements that Kettering students and faculty have already made or are currently in the progress of making. The event kicked off with lunch and a keynote address by Mary Barra, the senior vice president of Global Product Development at General Motors, who also happens to be a 1985 Kettering graduate. During the keynote Mary offered encouraging words in regards to the current and future direction of the university. She mentioned that her co-op

by Ryan Dontje, Copy Editor

As many students may have noticed over the past three weeks of class, security around our beloved university has been significantly tightened. These have taken the form of locked doors around all of campus and, of course, the parking restrictions that we have all come to know and love. For anyone unclear on what these new restrictions entail, I’ll detail them a little more below. The doors on most of the buildings around campus are now locked all day, every day, and can only be accessed with a valid student ID. The only doors not fitting this description is the front door of the Campus Center, which is unlocked from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, and the Recreation Center, which is open during its normal hours. Parking rules are much more strict now, with the most significant changes being made to the parking rules for the Campus Center. No faculty, staff, or students may park in the U-shaped lot in front of the Campus Center on Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., as this lot is now reserved for visitors to Kettering. Additionally, any visitors to the university must register their vehicle with Campus Safety or face the risk of being towed. You may have also noticed the new green parking spots in front of the Campus Center. These are now reserved for 15-minute parking. Again, anyone who violates this restriction runs the risk of being cited by Campus Safety or towed. Further, the lot next to the Campus Center lot is now designated as the Fleet Lot, and

experience was extremely valuable, and that she thinks Kettering is on the right track in keeping it a key part of the education experience. During the question and answer portion of the talk, Mary gave some advice to students when asked what she thought they should be looking for in terms of skills needed to be competitive. Her response included logical problem solving, the ability to adapt to change, communication, leadership, and, although not really a skill, she stressed the importance of having passion for your work and doing what you love. Following the initial keynote and question and answer session, Mary announced the donation of an essentially brand new Chevy Impala from GM to Kettering for use by campus safety. This Impala, which also happens to have the police cruiser package, should provide campus safety officers with a slightly more official and intimidating method of transportation when compared to the current mini-van. Kettering has already made its own mark on the car by adding

Security Update no faculty, staff, or student parking is allowed. Lot 1 (aka the Landing Strip), is now available for overnight parking. The same lift in restriction is now in effect for Lot 2 as well. Lot 3 (behind Thompson Hall/Rec Center) still allows for overnight parking with a parking permit, with the exception of the first six rows December 1st through March 31st for snow removal purposes. This describes the more significant changes

a light rack and Kettering Campus Safety logos. The lunch and keynote address was followed by a research and innovation showcase in the Campus Center. At the showcase, several professors and students used posters to present current projects from essentially every academic department of the university. Hundreds of attendees were able to catch up on the cool things that Kettering faculty members and students are doing as they walked around the numerous posters spread throughout the third floor of the Campus Center. Everyone may not have been able to understand all of the technical details being presented, but that did not seem to deter interest. The showcase also included two innovation challenges, in which event participants had the ability to challenge their creative and innovative sides while competing for one of several cash prizes totaling $600. Following the showcase came the main event of the evening, President McMahan’s inauguration as the seventh president of Kettering University.

continued on page 3...

photos courtesy of Ryan Dontje

to security around campus. Keep in mind that the new parking policies are being more heavily enforced, and while fines and citations have been happening since April 9th, the possibility of being towed became a very real one staring April 23rd. Anyone with further questions can check the Campus Safety section of the Kettering website for more information and a full explanation of the new security measures.

Interest Rate of Subsidized Loans Set to Double

by Matt Gessler, Editor-in-Chief

There is a good chance that paying for college is about to get more expensive for a majority of students in the United States. If uncontested, starting on July 1st of this year, the interest rate for Federal Subsidized Loans will double. The interest rate for any subsidized loan dispersed before July 1st will remain at the current rate of 3.4%, but any subsidized loan taken out after that date will carry an interest rate of 6.8%. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the total student loan debt currently exceeds one trillion dollars, putting it over the total U.S. credit card debt. FinAid. org estimates that the average student loan debt for college graduates at $23,186. Doubling the

interest rate for a large portion of this debt is certainly not going to help students. Like most recent cuts in federal spending, the reasoning behind this interest rate hike stems from reducing the federal budget deficit. Mark Kantrowitz of estimated the cost for retaining the current interest rate at $5.6 billion. Congressional representatives will soon have to decide between working more towards balancing the budget, or investing in education. To encourage retaining the current interest rate, last month, over 130,000 students delivered letters to congressional leaders urging them to stop the increase.

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Kettering University - The Technician April 25, 2012

Financial Update by Matt Gessler, Editor-in-Chief

Spring 2012 Budget

Athletics Budget Requested Granted Aquaneers $6,189 $6,189 Cliffhangers $4,006 $3,856 Golf Club $5,660 $5,660 Martial Arts Club $2,000 $2,000 Outdoors Club $6,120 $6,120 Fencing Club $600 $600 Kettnetic Thunder Ultimate Team $2,080 $2,080 Athletics Total $26,655 $26,505 Activites Budget Asian American Association (AAA) Black Unity Congress (BUC) Dance Club Firebirds Green Engineers Grill Club International Club Off‐Road Club Paintball Club Pre‐Med Club Physics Club KLUG Model UN KU Robotics Chemical Engineering Club Kettering Allies Activities Total


KSG Budget Student Senate Finance Council Academic Council Operations Council KSG Total

Requested Granted $3,808 $3,808 $1,340 $1,340 $780 $780 $8,947 $8,920 $14,875 $14,848

Communications Budget Technician WKUF Communications Total Overall Total

Kettnetic Thunder Ultimate Team

Fencing Club

Aquaneers Outdoors Club Cliffhangers




$3,250 $1,580 $5,900 $1,010 $1,750 $3,800 $2,810 $3,840 $750 $1,329 $366 $1,230 $1,275

$1,776 $1,580 $4,150 $550 $1,450 $1,825 $2,750 $3,840 $480 $1,209 $341 $1,040 $1,125

$650 $550 $31,600

$650 $400 $24,744

Martial Arts Club

Chemical Engineering Club

Golf Club

Activities Spending ($24,744) Kettering Allies

KU Robotics

Physics Club

Asian American Association (AAA)

Black Unity Congress (BUC)


Dance Club

Pre‐Med Club

Paintball Club


Off‐Road Club

Grill Club

Green Engineers

International Club

KSG Spending ($14,848) Student Senate

Operations Council

Finance Council

Requested Granted $1,721.58 $1,667.58 $2,655.00 $2,584.00 $4,376.58 $4,251.58

Academic Council

$77,506.58 $70,348.58

Technician Staff

Editor-in-Chief: Matt Gessler

Layout Editor: Chris Sanocki

Copy Editor: Ryan Dontje

Staff: Tom Gale Jon Crombe Ryan Dontje Ashwin Chacko Benjamin Archangeli Nick Koprowicz

Advisors: Betsy Homsher Christine Levecq

Athletics Spending ($26,505)

Submission Policy

The Technician welcomes submissions from Kettering University students, faculty, and staff as long as writers identify themselves and their affiliation with the University and provide contact information. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Technician staff or of Kettering University. We reserve the right to edit for length. Kettering University is a private institution; as such, it need not extend freedom of speech protection as described in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Submissions must be sent electronically to


The Technician is published triweekly by the students of Kettering University and financed, in part, by the Kettering University Student Activities Fee.

Submission Deadlines 2nd Edition - May 9, 2012 3rd Edition - May 30, 2012

Meetings are Thursdays at 12:20PM in the Technician Office

Kettering University - The Technician

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April 25, 2012

Campus News Communications Spending ($4,251.58)

Tuition Changes Technician


Overall Spending ($70,348.58) Communications




...continued from page 1 During the event, which drew a crowd large enough to fill the reserved section of the Recreation Center, several speakers discussed the past and future of Kettering and Flint. The range of speakers was somewhat wide, including: the Provost, the President of Baker College of Flint, the president of the board of trustees, Kettering Student Government presidents, the president of the Kettering alumni association, the mayor of Flint, a Michigan Senator, the District Chief of Staff for a U.S. congressman, and Kettering faculty and staff representatives Mixed between accolades for President McMahan and Kettering, the mayor of Flint, Dwayne Walling, gave mention to current and upcoming projects relating to the future of Flint and Kettering. First he mentioned the Kettering gateway and the restoration of the land surrounding the university which as many know, is already underway. Next, the mayor mentioned renovations for housing around campus, which, in addition to the other improvements included in the Kettering gateway project, will lead to the Kettering campus and surrounding areas becoming “the epicenter of Flint’s transformation”. When President McMahan finally got his time at the podium, he discussed the future of Kettering extensively. Probably most notable for students was the presented vision for Kettering by 2019, which included things such

by Chris Sanocki, staff

There is a change upcoming in the next school year for Kettering tuition. Unfortunately, yes, tuition is going up to about $17,000 a term, but there is an upside. The current fees students pay every semester are going away. Also, the large one-time fees, such as the thesis fees, graduation fee, and orientation fee, will now be spread out over the student’s entire college career instead of all at once. Along with eliminating fees, Kettering has made it easier for students to budget for tuition by fixing the tuition rate for 10 terms. This means that the tuition cost of the first term for incoming freshmen will be the same for all of their other terms provided that they do not exceed 10 terms. This will also apply to current students as their tuition will be fixed at the current rate for their remaining terms, up to their tenth academic term. The calculation of the student’s tenth term will include the number of terms previously completed. The fixed tuition rate and removal of fees goes into effect July 1st of this year, so be prepared for the increased tuition, but be grateful for the fixed tuition and fee removal.

Celebrate Kettering as new classrooms, a new student center, and an updated residence hall. McMahan also gave

four principles for the university. A brief summary of these principles includes: increasing the size of degree programs, creating a Kettering “brand” regionally, nationally, and internationally, becoming a primary force in the revitalization of Flint and Michigan, and focusing on the culture of giving and philanthropy. Following the inauguration, all attendees were invited to a dinner reception, despite the previous RSVP requirement. The wait for food was a bit long, but in the end seemed worth it, because the food was actually pretty good. After the main course, everyone was invited back to the third floor of the Campus Center for dessert and coffee. As this was the last event for everyone excluding students, most people made their exit at this time.

After the reception came the student festival. The event, which was solely for students and their guests, included several entertaining challenges and activities including tricycle and potato sack races, moon-bounce boxing, an inflatable obstacle course and Velcro wall, and a tower building challenge to name a few. Students were also treated with pizza, snow cones, and various prize raffles throughout the event. The festival appeared to be Kettering’s way of “celebrating students” in a more fun and informal way than the other Celebrate Kettering events. The student festival concluded the daylong Celebrate Kettering event. Overall, everything seemed to go well. Several interesting, inspiring, and flattering speeches were given without any major hitch. The various events had a decent amount of attendees, and the timing followed the previously announced schedule (with the inauguration impressively starting at exactly 4pm). The members of the inauguration committee should be able to consider the event a success. In case you’re concerned about how the university paid for all of the events previously mentioned, fear not, they did not use your tuition money. As mentioned during the inauguration, the event had several corporate and individual sponsors to help cover the costs.

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Kettering University - The Technician April 25, 2012

Campus Life

by Amy Allison

Model United Nations

Seven Kettering University students participated in the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) competition Feb. 16-19 in Boston, Mass. The Kettering group – Nurudeen Huthman, Ana Toumblian, Kemoy Smith, Jason Gui, Chris Gauthier, Timothy Hartman and Amy Allison along with faculty adviser Dr. Michael Callahan, Professor of History and the current Frances Willson Thompson Professor of Leadership Studies at Kettering – represented the Kingdom of Cambodia, immersing themselves in the culture, politics, religion, history and foreign relations of Cambodia in preparation for the event. “Meeting hundreds of kids from all over the world was amazing, I’m 100 percent sure I was surrounded by future politicians, Presidents and Prime Ministers and that in itself is incredible,” said Allison, the incoming president of Kettering’s Model U.N. Club and a freshman Mechanical Engineering major from Ortonville, Mich. “The committee meetings were very educational as I was able to see everyone and their corresponding country in action. The nightly social events were always an absolute blast. But most importantly, being with a great team and a wonderful advisor enhanced the trip substantially.” A unique part of the trip was the fact that the Kettering delegation consisted of students with engineering educational backgrounds while many of the other students studied things like political science, international business or other fields more directly related to the Model U.N. experience. “Engineering students were definitely the minority population at this conference,” said Huthman, the current club president and a senior electrical engineering major from Lagos, Nigeria. “However, because of the analytical mind of an engineer we were able to break down the various aspects of the problem and develop solutions that not only solved the problem, but were agreeable to most caucuses in the committees.” “To troubleshoot through problems that are as sticky as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, thinking analytically, like we’ve been trained to do as engineers, is the best way to go about it,” Allison said. “We didn’t come from Liberal Arts schools like the majority of the kids in attendance at HNMUN, but as engineers we brought a new perspective to the table and that was an accessory that only an engineer could provide.”

The students worked with more than 3,000 other students from 40 different countries at the competition, which required the use of skills such as debating, diplomacy, working within a committee, networking and problem-solving.

Hartman and Gauthier were a part of a committee that discussed the Revision of the Geneva Conventions in the Role of War. Gui and Allison were a part of a committee that discussed the roles of Hezbollah and Hamas within the Israeli and Palestinian conflict as well as possible solutions. Smith and Huthman served as delegates in the Historical General Assembly, discussing the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and whether or not the U.N. should take action. Toumblian worked in the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific committee. “The opportunity to meet and deliberate with like minded students from different parts of the world was a big highlight for me,” Huthman said. “I like to say that because of my participation at the Model UN conference in Boston I have made a lot of international friends and can travel to numerous cities around the world with the comfort that I will have a bed to crash on or at least a couch for free!” Huthman started Kettering’s Model U.N. Club in 2010 after he attended the Harvard conference with other Kettering students. He enjoyed the experience so much that he decided that Kettering needed its own club, so he helped start one. “I proceeded, with the help of numerous parties, to start the KSG sponsored model United Nations Club on campus,” Huthman said. “I would not call it my brainchild but it is certainly one of the clubs I am most passionate about on campus due to my interest in solving world problems and understanding how one can use the current diplomatic system to be successful at implementing sustainable global solutions to problems facing the people of the world.”

Allison notes that the club and the Harvard competition are both great preparation for students. “I think the world is extremely globalized,” she said. “I know that if I want to be successful in any career that I need to think globally, network globally and experience the world. This MUN conference gave me the perfect opportunity to do all of this.” The event wasn’t just rewarding from the perspective of students, either. “I think attending the Harvard National Model United Nations conference in Boston was one of the best experiences I have had as a professor at Kettering,” Callahan said. “It was an excellent opportunity for our students to collaborate with other future leaders in developing innovative solutions to complex global problems. It was also a unique chance for them to forge friendships with students from more than 40 different nations and network with peers attending some of the best universities in the world. HNMUN is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious conference of its kind. It was vital that Kettering students were there to demonstrate how important it is to have individuals with a strong knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math like themselves engaged in the debates if we ever hope to resolve the wide range of societal and developmental challenges we face as an international community. I was proud of our delegation. They did something good for themselves, Kettering University, and the future of the larger world.” Students interested in international relations, world cultures, global networking or solving problems are welcome to attend the club’s weekly meetings, which are on Mondays starting on April 2. For information, e-mail Amy Allison at

Kettering Memes of the Month by Nick Koprowicz, staff

Kettering University - The Technician

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April 25, 2012

Campus Life

Student Festival Picture Collage All photos provided by Ryan Dontje

by Josh Miller

“The Cliffhangers” is the rock climbing club on campus. They make trips twice a week to very large, very nice, indoor climbing gyms. It is a great form of exercise for anyone and everyone. Routes, the sets of hand and foot holds going up the wall, range in difficulty from very easy to very hard! “If you can climb a step-ladder, you can start rock climbing”, is a phrase commonly used by club president Josh Miller. On Memorial Day weekend, the club will travel to West Virginia to experience outdoor climbing. This is the same time and same place as the Outdoors Club’s Whitewater Rafting trip. Many club members do both rock climbing and rafting while in West Virginia. Rock climbing has many health benefits. Club events are typically 2-5 hours long, so climbers spend an extended amount of time exercising versus the 1 hour of traditional gym workouts. Rock climbing promotes flexibility. It also increases balance since time spent “on the wall” is largely on your toes and sprawled across the wall. For the think-geek, rock climbing incorpo-

Cliffhangers rates a lot of statics and bio-mechanics. Higher difficulty rock climbing requires knowledge of these two topics as well as leverage! The sport

photo of the Cliffhangers group from their Facebook

requires a lot of thinking to determine the most efficient way to go up the wall. It is a different breed of activity. It’s not a “you vs them” sport, it’s a “you vs you” challenge. With a friend on the other end of your rope, ready to catch you, the only things in your way are small rocks and your own mindset. It’s a personal sport

Kettering Fine & Performing Arts by Ashwin Chacko, staff

Ever wanted a creative outlet for your mind? Ever think that Kettering is getting too technical and monotonous for you? Did you ever participate in band, choir, dance, or similar programs in high school or just want to try something new? If you answered any of those questions with a ‘yes’, ‘uh-huh!’ or ‘affirmative’, the Kettering University ‘Fine & Performing Arts’ program might be something to look into. The ‘Fine & Performing Arts’ program was introduced to Kettering about a year and a half ago (approx. fall ’10) and has experienced some healthy student involvement and interest. As a collaborative effort between the Flint Institute of Arts, the Flint Institute of Music, and Kettering University, this welcome introduction to the Kettering campus has been able to provide the students of the university with the following programs on campus: Voice Lessons - 8 week sessions (by appointment only) Kettering Band - 8 week sessions (meetings during 2nd-10th Thursdays in the International Room from 7-9 p.m. instruments not provided) Choir – 8 week sessions (meetings during 2nd-10th Thursdays in the Women’s Resource Center from 7-9 p.m) Individual Piano Lessons – By Appointment only

Along with the opportunities to explore new creative outlets, the program also features some well respected names in the industry. Glen Holcomb, who is the Artistic Director and Instructor for the program, is a regular performer at a variety of recitals in the Metro Detroit and Flint area, as well as a performing member of the ‘St. Cecilia Society’. Ina Yoon, who is the Artistic Accompanist and Instructor for the program, regularly performs in the US and Korea. She has studied with prominent pianists such as Louis Nagel, Steven Glaser, and Panayis Lyras. She is also currently one of the members of the “Davanti Trio”, a chamber music ensemble in residence with the Flint Symphony Orchestra. All of these programs are available to students at Kettering, free of cost. The programs that require appointments can be scheduled through Debbie Stewart, who can be reached at The Fine & Performing Arts program at Kettering has the potential to bring very drastic and positive changes to the Kettering Campus, and it is quite exciting to see what other activities might be made available, through the program, in the near future.

about overcoming obstacles, both literal and metaphorical. The Cliffhangers also hold events on campus. When the weather is nice, they set up a slack-line in front of the Campus Center after classes. Slack-lining is a more relaxed activity where the participant walks across a “slack” rope. It’s a fun balancing act! And new this term, the club has started hosting group workouts in the Rec Center. These workouts are tailored for rock climbing and help new-comers and experienced climbers alike gain strength and endurance. Also new this term, the club has begun fundraising efforts in a push to build a rock wall on campus. Aware of the time constraints the average Kettering student has, the Cliffhangers have been collaborating with President McMahan to find a place on campus to build a rock climbing wall. And they need your help! The club will be taking the campaign schoolwide in coming weeks so look around for the Cliffhangers!

WKUF Concerts by Ryan Dontje, Copy Editor

There’s plenty going on with WKUF’s concert series in the coming term. First, on April 27th (4th Friday), Bass N1xx1N, one of Michigan’s best electronic groups, will be playing a live show in BJ’s Lounge starting at 9pm and running until 1am. Doors open at 8:30 and everyone is invited! Food and drink will be provided by Student Life. Join us Friday for a fun filled night of electronic music! The fun doesn’t stop there, however. On May 11th (6th Friday), WKUF is hosting Free Will! That’s right, Michigan’s best alternative/ hard rock band will be at Kettering playing a live show. Like previous shows, doors open at 8:30 and food and drink is provided by Student Life. Both shows will be broadcast live over 94.3 WKUF-LP for those who can’t be there, but would still like to listen. Any questions about either show can be directed to wkuf@kettering. edu or (810) 762-9725. Hope to see you there!

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Kettering University - The Technician April 25, 2012

Beyond Kettering by Benjamin Archangeli, staff

Spring in Flint

The weather is getting warmer, the days longer, the creatures are emerging from hibernation—Flint is awakening! As summer is approaching there are ample opportunities to be part of the larger, Flint community while you study. Listed below are businesses and events that I have personally enjoyed during my time here at Kettering. I encourage everyone to venture out, enjoy the weather, meet some people (Flint loves Kettering students), and be part of Flint! Art Walk The second Friday of each month businesses and galleries in the downtown area feature local artists, entertainment, food and beverages. The event is organized by the Greater Flints Arts Council (GFAC), which has a gallery on the south end of Saginaw St. next door to Halo Burger. The next Art Walk is Friday, May 11th from 6 to 9pm. Find Flint Art Walk on Facebook or visit for more information.

photo courtesy of GFAC

Jazz Walk Similar to Art Walk, Jazz Walk is a monthly event organized by the GFAC. Jazz Walk is held on the fourth Thursday of the month. Musicians will be playing at various clubs in the downtown area, each playing for an hour and a

half. The next Jazz Walk is Thursday, May 24th from 5 to 11pm. Check out for more information on both the Jazz Walk and Art Walk. Social Cycling Flint Social Cycling Flint is a group of bike enthusiast that hosts a weekly ride promoting the growing bike culture in Flint. Typically they ride the Flint River Trail (about 20 miles) on Thursday evenings starting at the Flat Lot by Buckham Alley. Join the Social Cycling Flint group on Facebook to learn more. The Flint Farmers Market As the weather warms the Farmers Market has much more to offer—fresh fruits and veggies, tasty treats, and live entertainment. The Flint Farmers Market is located on E Boulevard Dr. off of E 5th Ave, just north of U of M Flint’s campus, and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm, and Saturdays from 8am to 5pm. Visit www.FlintFarmersMarket. com for more information.

Planetarium, and Whiting Theater visit www. Technician Photo Contest: $25 Prize! The Technician staff would like to challenge current students to capture the emerging beauty of Flint and submit the picture to premiere in the 2nd issue of the term. The Technician staff will select the winning photo based on originality, creativeness, quality, and theme. In addition to having your photo in the Technician, you will also receive a $25 cash card! Join the event on Facebook to submit the photo or email it to

General Information Sources is the home of MLive Media Group which owns the Flint Journal and other media outlets throughout Michigan. The website is a great source for finding event schedules or learning about developments in Flint and Michigan. is Genesee County’s portal for events. They have a calendar that includes all types of events and links to The Flint event webCultural Center sites—a very The Culgood place to tural Center is start. the epicenter of The Flint Flint’s art and photo courtesy of The Flint Farmer’s Market Public Library entertainment scene. The Flint Institute of Arts (FIA) shows in- is a great place to talk to community members dependent films every weekend in their theater, that participate in all the events I’ve listed. The shows are at 7:30pm Friday and Saturday and library is located on the corner of Crapo and 2pm on Sunday for $5. To check the weekend Kearsley St. and is part of the Cultural Center movie list visit campus. The librarians are friendly and very html. For a comprehensive list of events and knowledgeable about everything happening exhibitions at the FIA, Sloan Museum, Longway in Flint.

Obamacare: An Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

by Nick Koprowicz, staff

A week before the spring term began, an important event occurred in our country that promises to shape the election season over this coming year. March 26th marked the beginning of a three day session in the Supreme Court over the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, informally referred to as "Obamacare". The PPACA was lauded as one of the cornerstones of President Obama's administration, bringing the kind of change and hope upon which he built his platform in the 2008 election. Immediately met with controversy, the act was signed in by the President on March 23, 2010. Obamacare had numerous immediate effects, such as allowing dependents to remain on their parents' insurance plans until they reached 26 years of age. Additionally, there were several benchmark dates that would gradually introduce the bill to the American public. One enormous benchmark date of the act is set as January 1, 2014. On this date, the bill will prohibit insurers from discrimination based on pre-existing medical conditions, penalize employers (employing over 50 persons) who do not offer health care to their employees, and also penalize all Americans who are not covered by health care insurance with a minimum fee of $95. By 2016, this minimum would rise to $695. Finally, extreme subsidies would be introduced in an effort to provide health care protection for Americans living at or near the poverty level.

More than the other sections of the bill, the provisions set to take effect in 2014 have been met with resistance. The conservatives decried the bill as invasive socialism that would damage the fabric of the American unity. In the Senate, the bill passed 60-39, with all members of the Democratic party voting for the bill, and all members of the Republican party voting against. To date, 28 states have filed lawsuits against the action on the grounds that the bill violates their rights as states. After a mixture of District Court rulings, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. The Court decided to hear three days of arguments, two hours each day. Typically, the court allows an hour total. One half hour is allotted for pre-prepared arguments from each side. That the Supreme Court decided to allot six times the normal amount was a testament to the gravity of the issues argued. On the first day of oral arguments, March 26th, the courts heard arguments concerning whether or not they would be able to issue any ruling at all on the act due to the fact that it had not yet come into full enactment. The Anti-Injunction Act prevents courts from hearing suits attempting to block a tax before that tax has been enacted, and protesters of the bill believed this might apply to the penalties aimed at encouraging people to seek health coverage. In arguments that came down to semantics,

the Justices hinted that they would rule that the Anti-Injunction Act did not prevent the Court from hearing the case as the PPACA does not levy a tax, but rather issues a penalty. The remaining two days of argument were aimed at arguing the actual bill itself. Day 2 argued the constitutionality of the entire bill on the grounds that the bill oversteps congressional rights to regulate interstate commerce. Additionally, the Justices expressed concern that this overstep would open up a dangerous precedent for Congress to issue penalties or levy taxes for goods in the private sector in much more invasive ways. In essence, allowing this bill could potentially give congress the ability to penalize Americans for buying or not buying goods. The PPACA is a bill drafted for all the right reasons. However, unfortunate wording and potentially over-reaching allocations of power have made what was the cornerstone of the Obama administration a controversial hot topic. The implications of the bill are highly individual. For students such as those at Kettering, being able to remain on parent's coverage could be a highly beneficial incentive. In the end though, the question is one not of ethics or benefits, but rather of constitutionality. For this, the Supreme Court recognized the gravity of the situation and their decision will become an immensely important topic during the election cycle this year.

Kettering University - The Technician

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April 25, 2012


Logic Puzzles

by Rebeccah MacKinnon, Staff

Murder in the Morning Bunchy, the rabid squirrel, was woken late one Sunday morning by his friend, Ana, who called him sobbing about her husband being murdered. Upon arriving on the scene, she told him what had happened: “I returned home from my usual Sunday morning walk and found my husband here, dead!” she exclaimed, distraught. “I called you right away. Thank you for coming so quickly. It looks as if he was stabbed a hundred times!” “Forty-six, actually,” mused the squirrel as he examined the body. “Who was in the house when this happened?” Ana gestured behind her to the staff with her tearstained handkerchief, anxiously standing in the doorway and observing the gruesome scene before them. “Where were you all at the time of the murder?” asked Bunchy. He gathered the following information: Max, the butler, was walking the dog. Aubrie, the maid, was getting the mail. Harold, the chef, was preparing brunch. Alex, the gardener, was mowing the lawn. After hearing this, Bunchy pulled out his handcuffs and arrested the murderer. Who is the murderer, and how did Bunchy know?


Sta obeduac nicc iqik, udq obeduac inndib. Eh ec vzch teyd hrd aikc. Iu sta aik niccdc, I udq aik ibbexsc. Hrd emnsbhiuh hreul ec hs miyd eh mdiueulozt: I mdiueulozt obedua sb I mdiueulozt aik. ~ Aitie Timi For puzzle solutions visit or visit the Technician’s Facebook page.

Movie Review Cabin in the Woods

by Ryan Dontje, Copy Editor

Photo Courtesy of

This has proven to be a difficult movie to review. I’d like to give a full review, laying out every detail and twist, but that would spoil the surprise, which is ultimately what makes Cabin in the Woods so great. Director Drew Goddard and writer Joss Whedon have created something special, and you owe it to yourself to experience it, preferably with as little information going in as possible. Goddard and Whedon have constructed a clever film that manages to be funny and horrifying at the same time, and all while turning the typical horror tropes upside down and making something fresh and new. The story starts as typical horror movie fare, five friends head to a remote cabin in the woods for a carefree weekend getaway. This is the only conventional horror component, and the story soon takes a turn into areas that were totally unexpected. It’s a smart mix of stereotypes and cliches that never really feels like a cliche itself. I don’t want to spoil too much, but the story is exceptionally clever and is one filled with developments you’ll probably never see coming. The same clever attitude extends to the film’s cast of characters. The doomed teens all feel realistic and have a great chemistry with one another. They all manage to fit into specific horror movie archetypes, but the purpose for this is cleverly unveiled through the course of the film. Specific mention has to be given to what is probably the best “stoner” character I’ve ever seen in films. Naturally, he is the funniest character in the movie, but he also proves to be one of the most capable in terms of level thinking and survival skills. He’s portrayed in a very natural feeling manner, while retaining the sharp wit and excellent dialog that Whedon’s characters are known for. Goddard and Whedon have managed to create a cast that feels unique and mature, and the film succeeds because of it. I mentioned earlier that this is a really difficult film to review, and that really speaks to just how unpredictable Cabin in the Woods really is. Classic horror tropes are used in new and interesting ways, creating a story that not only satirizes the typical horror movie, but uses its elements to create a story that cleverly deconstructs the entire genre. There are also a ton of really neat throwbacks to other horror classics sprinkled throughout the movie’s 95 minute running time. To give them all away would be doing a great disservice to all of the clever nods that the film slips in and to be honest, I’m not even sure I saw all of them myself. From the film’s title referencing classics like Evil Dead, to references to Hellraiser, The Hills Have Eyes, and even Aliens, there are plenty of small allusions for fans to pick up, especially in repeated viewings. Overall, Cabin in the Woods is a film experience unlike anything else and you should definitely check it out, especially if you’re a fan of the horror genre. But, do yourself a favor, don’t read any more about it, and just get to a theater and experience it for yourself. You’ll have treated yourself to one of the most unique theatrical experiences in years.

photo Courtesy of

The Flint Crepe Company

by Benjamin Archangeli, Staff

Hip. Progressive. Entrepreneurial. The Flint Crepe Company is cool. The first thing you’ll notice when walking up to the counter is the absence of a cash register—instead just an iPad sitting in a stand. They are using the Square for all credit transactions. The Square is a booming startup technology that allows individuals and businesses to collect payments via a free card reader and app. Much like the Square, the Flint Crepe Company is rapidly gaining notoriety and praise, but rather for its fantastic food and coffee beverages, and involvement in the community. The Flint Crepe Company started in 2009 as a mobile food cart, serving the Flint Farmer’s Market, local festivals, and events. In September 2011, after receiving much positive feedback, they moved to a permanent storefront on Saginaw St. next door to

Blackstone’s Pub; visible by a bright red road bike mounted above the doors. Since their opening they have had steady business and taken an active part in the downtown culture by opening their doors to Art Walk and regularly hosting live music. For those new to crepes, it is equivalent to a thin and spongy pancake. The main batter ingredients are flour, milk, and eggs, which is cooked on a large, circular griddle. To serve, a filling is placed inside, and the crepe is folded around. There are two varieties of crepes, savory and sweet; the savory being more traditional to its French heritage. Savory crepes start around $6-8. The sweet crepes are a bit cheaper, but are very rich. All ingredients are sourced locally from Michigan; a chalk board spanning the height of the wall proudly displays all of the

suppliers. The owners took no shortcuts in quality, evident in every bite. Some of the ingredients are available for sale, such as the non-pasteurized milk, berry jam, honey, and fresh sauerkraut. I highly encourage a visit to the Flint Crepe Company. When inside, enjoying a crepe or espresso, you forget that you are in Flint. It wasn’t until after my dinner, telling all my friends about my visit, it donned on me—with more and more places like the Flint Crepe Company, I can stop trying to forget I’m in Flint. The Flint Crepe Company is located at 555 Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48503. Contact them at flintcrepe@gmail. com or “Like” them on Facebook. Hours are from 7am to 10pm Monday through Saturday and they have indoor and outdoor seating.

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