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The Technician April 29, 2014
Campus Updates by Amy Allison, staff
Modelcurrent UN country foreign policy.”
Members of the Kettering University Model The conference presented Kettering stuUnited Nations (MUN) club participated in the dents with an opportunity to interact, network 60th session of the Harvard National Model and develop friendships with aspiring leaders United Nations (HNMUN) conference in Febru- from all over the world. The group enjoyed ary at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. debates and negotiations, as well as developThe Kettering team consisted of eight stu- ing pages of actionable items written to resolve dents (Michael Graham, Janna VanOvermeer, many global issues that were discussed. Nurudeen Huthman, Hilary White, Jonathan “Nothing can prepare you for the experiDickson, Sharna-Kay Dobney, Jeff Li and Saheb ence of being in a room with thousands of Kapoor) and faculty advisor Michael Callahan, students who plan to do this kind of work for professor of history at Kettering University. a living,” Huthman said. “The atmosphere surThe team was asrounding the signed to repreconference sent the countries was that of of Nepal and Serenthusiasm, bia. The delegapolitical option represented timism, pasthese countries in sion for probspecific commitlem solving tees such as the and negotiaHistorical General tion. This conAssembly, Legal ference also Committee and demonstrated Special Political the continued and Decolonizaimportance of tion committees. the fusion of Topics discussed engineering ranged from cytechniques Courtesy of Kettering Communications ber security and and the social cyber defense, preventing narcotics trafficking, sciences in the development of a better world multinational corporations and international for all its inhabitants.” law, sustainable transport, sustainable agriThe HNMUN conference was founded in culture and a comprehensive nuclear weapons 1955, 10 years after the creation of the United test ban treaty. Nations. It is the oldest and largest conference The Kettering delegation prepared for the of its kind, with more than 3,000 students and conference by studying the history, culture, faculty from more than 40 countries particieconomics, politics and foreign policy of both pating. HNMUN and conferences of its kind nations so as to best represent them at the con- provide a simulation of how the United Nations ference. Apart from solving world problems, tackles world issues. This was the third time a delegates were involved in social events with group of delegates from Kettering University other delegations. Particular highlights of the participated. social events included the cocktail hour where Currently, the Kettering University Model Kettering student Sharna-Kay Dobney pre- U.N. Club only exists in B-section. For more insented cultural items from her native country, formation about joining or starting an A-section Jamaica. Another highlight was the free round club, contact club president Amy Allison at trip ticket to Europe won by Kettering’s Hilary White in a drawing entered by all of the confer“We’d like to extend a thank you of expoence’s attendees. nential proportions to all our sponsors,” Huth“As a delegation, we were tasked with rep- man said. “This invaluable experience would resenting the people of Nepal and Serbia just not have been possible without the Kettering as their own nationals would represent them Student Government, Student Life, the Liberal at the United Nations headquarters in New Studies Department, Office of Multicultural York,” said Nurudeen Huthman, a graduate Student Initiatives, Provost Robert Simpson student majoring in Electrical and Computer and President Robert McMahan. We’d also like Engineering. “Individual delegates then stud- to say a very special thank you and appreciaied their committee topics in the context of the tion to our faculty advisor, Professor Callahan, countries they represented to properly prepare for taking the time to help with our position them for debate, allowing them to develop their papers, arguments and providing his wealth of own ideas for solutions as well as understand knowledge throughout the conference.”
Technician Staff
Editor-in-Chief: Jackson Coloske
Layout Editor: Andrea Lewis
Staff: Assistant Editor: Melissa Mikolowski Laura Correa Amy Allison Andrew Kraemer Copy Editor: Chloe Hauxwell Adam Ezell Aubrey King Advisors: Betsy Homsher Christine Levecq
Submission Policy
The Technician welcomes submissions from Kettering University students, faculty, and staff as long as writers identify themselves and their affiliation with the University and provide contact information. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Technician staff or of Kettering University. We reserve the right to edit for length. Kettering University is a private institution; as such, it need not extend freedom of speech protection as described in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Submissions must be sent electronically to btechnician@
Multicultural Committee
by Akeem Sulaimon, guest contributor
As a student at Kettering University, I have the opportunity to be part of a culturally diverse community. As multicultural representative, my job, along with representing the minorities at the school, is to help fellow students see and learn from the cultural experiences around them while enhancing communication with the multicultural/international student body. The multicultural committee is a branch of KSG created to better support the multicultural student body. One of the many perks of being part of the multicultural committee is being able to participate in the planning of Diversity Week, a great event for all of the student body. The purpose of Diversity Week is to remind the student body of the many different cultures that they are surrounded by on a daily basis, while also providing a better understanding and appreciation of diversity. If you have any ideas, events, or culture you would like to be present during Diversity Week, please contact Being part of the multicultural committee means supporting and representing the student body as a whole to make Diversity week a better experience for all.
“Cribs” and Ethical Conduct
by Andrew Rapin, guest contributor
According to Kettering University’s student handbook cheating is defined as “intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise” (p. 47). Cribs, old tests and assignments used for study aids, are a temptation for both students and faculty to engage in intentional or unintentional unethical behavior through the misuse of these study aids. The institutionalization of cribs through widespread use and acceptance by students, faculty, and administration has fostered a system that proves to be detrimental to the academic experience at Kettering. The system allows students, depending on their methods of use, to achieve high grades without developing a comprehensive understanding of course material. The support and maintenance of this system through the actions of students, faculty, and administration is unethical because of the shortcuts it allows members of this community to take. An examination of cribs through the views of students and faculty, publications about cheating and its effects on professionalism, general principles of ethics, and the Kettering Code of Ethics demonstrates the unethical nature of cribs. Continued on Page 6...
The Technician is published triweekly by the students of Kettering University and financed, in part, by the Kettering University Student Activities Fee.
Submission Deadlines 6th Wednesday 9th Wednesday
Meetings are Wednesdays at 12:20pm in the Technician Office
The Technician
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April 29, 2014
Entertainment Onion Horoscopes
Aries- Your last hope of finding true and unconditional love ends this week when your ideal mate is executed by the State of Texas for unspeakable crimes against humanity. Taurus- This week’s revelations will be especially mortifying for you, seeing as you’ve been insisting for years that life is not some sort of big pie-eating contest. Gemini- When the moment of truth you’ve been praying for all these years will finally arrives, you’ll reject it out of hand rather than admit that it’s all been the cat’s fault. Cancer- You’ll suddenly be torn away from your friends and cast out of the only home you’ve ever known by the authorities, who insist your sentence is over and you’re free to go. Leo- Just as you’ve always suspected, it is in fact a felony to use your particular method of “getting girls.” Virgo- Next week will be a time of magical romance and unending joy for you, thanks to your boundless talent for self-delusion. Libra- You’re going to need a lot of epsom salts and lip balm this week. No, honestly, you can trust us. This isn’t like the time with the horse laxatives. Scorpio- Someday you might learn that it is indeed possible to take a fun thing too far, but not before next week’s experimentation with autoerotic asphyxiation. Sagittarius- Your combined proclivities towards paranoia and depression combine when you start to think a race of alien lizardpeople are controlling life’s lowest echelons from behind the scenes. Capricorn- In a wacky horoscopic mixup, you’ll encounter a mysterious stranger who takes you on a journey over water just as you’re trying to start new projects at work. Aquarius- Keep extra apples and bandages around the house next week, as your lover seems to be going through a William Tell phase. Pisces- There will be nothing you can do to avert the disaster of next week, although there will be plenty that a reasonably bright and competent person could do.
Alternate Text: I’m really worried Christopher Nolan will kill a man dressed like a bat in his next movie. (The man will be dressed like a bat, I mean. Christopher Nolan won’t be, probably.) Source: