The Challenge Issue 1

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October 1, 2010

Varsity football dominates by Tory Weeks sports editor

The varsity football team kicked off this season to a great start blasting the first three teams they played by a combined score of 1089 in favor of the Chiefs. They are off to the best start since 2004. Despite suffering a 43-0 loss to Apollo last Friday, the varsity team is still improving on the season. “We’ve been working well together for a long time, so our chemistry is really good, and I feel we can go undefeated,” said Connor Hustead, junior. In the first game against Flagstaff, seven different players scored for the team with Connor Hustead, junior, steam-rolling through the Eagles defense with nine carries for 160 yards and three touchdowns. Other scores are credited to Jake Stiak, senior, Kani Benoit, sophomore, James Matthews, senior, Keith Lillie, senior, and two defensive scores as both Troy Custer, junior, and Robby Barnes, junior, each returned interceptions to the house. Eric Wagner, sophomore, and Payton Calderon, senior, both had seven combined extra points, finishing off the Eagles with a score of 61-6. “We have good team unity this year,” said Brannon Mack, senior. In the next game for the Chiefs, they headed to Buckeye where they would eat Hawk for dinner.

The defense continued their dominating streak as they shut out their opponent for a second game in a row. Barnes made it look easy as he stole two more interceptions. Offensively, it took a while for the Chiefs to get it going, scoring only once before the half on a touchdown run by Hustead. In the second half of the game, Vinny Marin, junior, converted on two touchdown passes, both of them going out to Stiak. Benoit also scored on a spectacular touchdown. The game ended in a 31-0 triumph by the Chiefs. In the Chief ’s next home game against McClintock, the Chiefs busted out of the gates and scored on the first drive of the game. Hustead lead off the drive on a 36 yard pass to the left that set up a three yard dive to the left following behind his linemen Kyle Whiting, junior, and Chris Livermore, junior, into the end zone and putting up six points on the board. The next touchdown went for 28 yards by Hustead. He would later score again run from one yard out. Benoit would score the fourth and final touchdown of the night for the Chiefs leading them all the way down the field and would score. The final score of the game ended in a 28-3 victory. None of this would be awarded to the Chiefs if it wasn’t for their big offensive linemen consisting of Livermore, Whiting, Dylan Callaway, senior, Brannon Mack, senior, and Jacob Molina, sophomore.

PHOTO By adam caskie

Kani Benoit, sophomore, stares out into the field as the defense does their job at shutting down the McClintock offense. Benoit would later get in and score.

Cross country strides for success by taylor rivers staff writer

With high hopes for the season, the cross country team set some lofty goals. Both girl and boys made a goal for qualifying for state this season. With a new young team there is potential for going to state, according to junior, Kent Morrissey. Both teams worked hard to train for each meet, according to Carl Riney, head cross country coach.

The team practices one to two hours a day, everyday, lifting weights and running distances. With the girls maintaining record of 3-1 and the boys with a record of 4-0, the teams show their hard work and determination through their scores. Both teams out scored their opponents from Desert Edge, Cortez, Paradise Valley, and Sierra Linda. “Running is fun to do with people and having a good time”, says freshman, Kelsey Struckmeyer.

Laughter keeps badminton team on track by kat hall

ensures in practice they work on skills to improve their game. In practice, they work to better angle shots Quickly she runs for the birdie, then to the alleys and improve their footwork in shuffles her feet. Only the countless hours of hopes of making state. practice and hard work determine the win. With long practice hours, the team has With this school’s 3-4 record, the badminlearned to do more than ton team spends over play the game. two hours every pracWe all get along, Every partner tice trying to improve crack jokes, we’re bonds in their own their skills. way and can talk to This is a difficult always making each each other about what task due to the team’s other laugh. they need to work on, game schedule. Their -Linda Nguyen, freshman according to Durna schedule consists of Alakbarova, senior. one practice day and Horine said, the team’s best quality is three game days. Friday, the team holds chalcamaraderie. lenge matches to fight for ranking positions. “We all get along, crack jokes, we’re always According to Karen Horine, head badminmaking each other laugh,” said Linda Nguyen, ton coach and P.E. teacher, working on skill freshman. development is difficult because the days are Throughout the years the team grew by compressed. This schedule requires the girls one or two players a year. This year 14 new to work harder during their practice. Horine staff writer

players joined, doubling the size of the team. “This year differed from other years because there’s a lot more girls,” said Horine. According to Ashlie Hess, sophomore, the real fun is singing on the bus to away games. Kennedy Martinez, sophomore, said she enjoys smashing the shuttlecock at the opposing team. The players contribute more than just time to the team, but effort as well. They will be holding another fund raiser by selling Jack-in-the-Box tacos during the homecoming festival, Oct., 8. In a matter of a season they have formed an abundance of friendships, according to Zia Tyree, freshman. The team has bonded with more than just the players. Their coach has guided them through success. When Horine was asked to tell how she felt about her team, she responded, “I love my girls.”

PHOTO BY kat hall

While at badminton practice, Torri Wilke, junior, gets the birdie out of the netting.

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Kailee Weiler

Do you prefer serving or hitting? Serving, I feel like I’ve perfected it. Who do you look forward to playing the most? Greenway, because they’re our biggest rivals. How do you prepare for the games? I listen to music that gets me pumped up.

Connor Hustead Why did you pick number 20? I’ve had it since I was in the fifth grade so I stuck with it. What are your pre-game rituals? cooling down and then when I get on the field, I get pumped up. What’s the highest amount of touchdowns you’ve scored? I’ve scored four touchdowns so far.

Torri Wilke

What position do you prefer, server or receiver? Receiver, because I like to smash it. How do you get pumped up for a match? My partner Jessica and I have a ritual where we jump around and shout “camel.” What do you do in your spare time besides badminton? I like to hang out with friends.

Tyler Lowy

What’s your stance on speedos and skull caps in swim? I wear them both. And if you’re a man, you wear them. What’s your swim record? I’ve placed in the top three in the majority of my events. What’s your favorite event? Breast stroke. What is your fastest time in that event? 1:07

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