The Official Newsletter for the Hamilton Mill Community Association

Ph: 678.546.3737
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Email: maureen@shabenandassociates.com
Property Manager: Maureen Murphy
(for after-hours common area maintenance emergencies)
Shaben Main Office: 770.271.2252
After Hours Emergency: 770.271.2252
P.O. Box 3189 Suwanee, GA 30024-0989
Email: hmillevents@gmail.com
You are welcome to contact the Activities Office for information on planned events or to RSVP for an event.
Activities Director, Angela Pavlichek 770.235.8627
Ph: 770.945.6452
Ph: 770.945.4653
Ph: 770.513.5700
Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk.
All mailboxes must be the same as a CommunityWide Standard: STYLE 311K
• Sign Kwik 770.623.1669
• Mailbox Maven, Kathy Ramatowski: 678.551.8591
• Addresses of Distinction: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com
These are resources only,no recommendations or assurances are made by theAssociation.
Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to good-standing residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.
For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/ gwinnett/Departments PUBLIC
If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770.513.5100 to report your lost pet or if a dangerous pet is running loose.

Jerry Hanes Vice
Jay Tinkoff Treasurer: Allison Heusel Secretary: Valerie Visintainer Member at Large: Allan Tucker
Large: Jason Bone
Large: Patrick Lackey
Beautiful spring weather is the perfect time to be thinking about home improvements and catching up on exterior maintenance. New landscaping, tree removal, painting, and replacement of fencing, windows, decks and roofs have become commonplace as our community reaches the 25-year mark. This necessary maintenance to your home is essential for keeping our neighborhood beautiful and to retaining property values. Before undertaking a project, please review the Hamilton Mill Community Association Modification and Maintenance Rules document at HMILL.com and submit a Modification Request Form. All new exterior projects require approval from the Modification Committee which ensures a cohesive, Hometown appeal for our community.
Just a few reminders when considering modifications to the exterior of your home:
• Be prepared: Modification requests must include a site plan, a detailed description of work, a list of materials, pictures if applicable and any other information specifically required by the Covenants and/or Design Guidelines. Both are available on HMILL.com.
• Plan ahead: Modification Committee has up to 30 days from receipt of application to make a decision but tries it’s best to reduce the review process timeframe. Incomplete applications will cause delays.
• The Modification Committee reviews aesthetics ONLY and is not responsible for design, choice of materials or compliance with city/ state/county regulations.
• NO work should begin without prior approval. A fine of $500 will be imposed for violations.
• Submit all documentation to Property Management using the drop box at 1669 Hamiliton Mill Parkway, Dacula or email to maureen@ shabenandassociates.com.
Also, be sure you are receiving HOA correspondence and Newsletters via email by logging into HMILL.com and going to Resident Info to verify your contact information. Please contact Property Management at 678-546-3737 for any questions concerning modifications to your home.
Thank you!

Practices will begin on Monday, May 13 after school (transitioning to mornings once school gets out). The team swims five meets against nearby teams. This year, Hamilton Mill will host three home meets on May 30, June 13, and June 27 (all Thursday nights). All practices and home meets are at the Lakeview pool.

Swimmers must be able to swim at least 1 length of the pool without assistance. Practice is offered every day, with no minimum or maximum attendance requirements.
The team also has a small Guppies program for swimmers that can swim more than halfway across the pool but may not have the stamina to complete the lap. This program’s goal is to introduce swimmers to competitive (and fun!) swimming and be able to grow and swim in the meets by the end of the season. The overall goal of the Hammerheads is to provide a fun experience of competitive swimming at the grass roots level. Our coaches, Head Coach Amy Smith, and Assistant Coaches Joni Graves and Anna Smith, have been with the team for years and bring an incredible combination of experienced coaching, teaching, and most importantly, FUN!!!
Registration is still open at https://hamiltonmill.swimtopia.com. If you have any questions, please email hmsthammerheads@gmail.com. A representative from from the Board will respond as soon as possible. We can’t wait to see you at the pool!
Make it for MOM

Day Craft
Sunday, May 5 - FR EE
Drop-In Hours: 1 - 4pm
ring the kids to the L akeview Clubhouse to c reate a special gift to give to Mom or Grandma on Mother ’ s Day, c omplete with g ift bag an d c ard!
For a sneak peek of the gift, visit hmill.com

a secret! Please R SVP to the Ac tivities Director

Every day of life matters, especially as we get older. And our goal is to help you get the most out of each day. Whether that’s taking advantage of personalized fitness programs, on-site beauty salon and spa, specialized memory care, or our extensive social calendar and entertainment, there’s something to engage with everyone.
“Active Lifestyle means giving my mind, body and soul the respect and care it deserves.”
Estelle Allen

Auguste Escoffier

A Sample Menu

LPSaturday, May 11
10 am ~ 1 pm
Millview Pool


Saturday, May 18
11 am ~ 2 pm Lakeview

William Evora
My level 2 player of the month is William Evora. He has been playing with an injured left wrist and continued working on his game. He has shown dedication and improvement in understanding of the game. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
We have groups and levels for all players!! All programs are billed monthly.
Level 1
Little Tennis
Ages: 5–8
Monday & Wednesday 4:00pm-5:00pm
Little Tennis Emphasizes:
Level 2.5
Level 2
Ages: 9+
Monday & Wednesday 5:00pm-6:30pm
Level 2 Emphasizes:
Intermediate-Advanced Ages: 9+
Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm Level 2.5 Emphasizes:
High Performance
High School / Advanced / College Prep
Ages: Skill Based Monday - Thursday
Contact Shop for more info
Tennis Racquet

Try out new Demos and New Racquets. New Shoes now available in the shop. We also have gift certificates available!
LiveBall Tennis Monday: 9:30am – 10:30am Fast-paced cardio-based doubles game. This game is a cross between Matchplay and Cardio Tennis.
Strategy of the Week
Tuesday: 9:30am – 10:30am
Fast-paced tennis drills to keep your heart pumping.
Cardio Tennis Wednesday: 9:30am – 10:30am
This clinic focuses on one doubles strategy per week.
Stroke of the Week
Friday: 9:30am – 10:30am Beginner
Friday: 10:30am - 11:30am Advanced
This clinic focuses on one stroke or idea per week.
Pre-registration is required or all Drop-in Clinics. All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per clinic.

Contact the shop to connect with one of our highly experienced tennis or pickleball pros and work on those problem areas or develop a new shot!!
New to pickleball? We’ve got the courses you need. Build court confidence, develop technique, and prepare for Social Play!
Intro to Pickleball classes are open to all firsttime players, as well as players returning from a prolonged hiatus.
Wear sneakers and comfortable clothes.
Thursday: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Pre-registration is required for all Drop-in Clinics. All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per clinic.
Mixture of drills to improve your level of play!
Beginner: Thursday 10:00am – 11:00am
7:00pm – 8:00pm

The Ball Machine is here and available to rent!! Call or email the shop to reserve your time today!!
@Hamiltonmill.Tennis @TennisAtHamiltonMill
Hamilton Mill Tennis Shop
Milltennis@bellsouth.net 770-945-6452
Grove Carmona
Director: Tennis / Pickleball Grovo.hmiltennis@gmail.com 678-982-1938
Dailo Faria


Hamilton Mill League
Playing on the Soccer Field
• Matches on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm
• Summer League: June 4 through July 23
• Player Fees

(Hamilton Mill guest rules: 2 guests per 4-5 person team)
REGULAR $60.00 per player + 6.0% Tax/Fees
LATE $65.00 per player + 6.0% Tax/Fee
• Registration Dates
REGULAR RATE: deadline May 15
LATE RATE: deadline May 28
peachstatecornhole.com/hamilton -mill

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1812 Bakers Mill

Congratulation to our Graduates

Wren Nicol
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Dearest Wren! The joy you bring to our lives is beyond measure! You throw yourself into life with abandon which is wonderful to see. Go run hard after wherever your heart leads you, knowing that success is what YOU say it is.
Love, Dad, Mom & Grace
University of Georgia- Morehead Honors College
Jacob Donat
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations, Jacob! You work very hard at everything you set your mind to and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished. You did it!
Love, Dad, Mom, Ryan, and Lauren
Gwinnett Technical College
Caden Abbott
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations, Caden, on graduating as a Honor Graduate of Mill Creek and as a Varsity Lacrosse athlete. We are excited that you are attending University of the Cumberlands and majoring in Business while playing collegiate lacrosse. We are so, so proud of you and all your hard work! Love you! Mom & Dad
University of the Cumberlands
Ellie Brown
Mountain View High School
We are immensely proud of the hard work and dedication you’ve put into this journey. May your future be filled with continued success and fulfillment!
Love, Dad, Lauren, Sophia, Ila, and James
Georgia Southern University

Savannah Fulks
Peachtree Ridge High School
Congratulations Savannah! We are so proud of you! God has amazing plans for your life. Trust in Him, serve and honor Him, and He will direct you! We celebrate you and are so excited for your next chapter.
We love you very much!
Dad, Mom, C.J., Grammy, and Nonnie
Mercer University bound
Mallory McBrayer
Mill Creek High School
We are so proud of you Mallory! War Eagle! We love you!
Dad, Mom and Amelia
Auburn University
Isabelle Hardin
Hebron Christian Academy
Congratulations Isabelle! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what your future holds.
Love, Mom and Dad
University of North Georgia
Cole Nester
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations on your graduation! It fills our hearts with joy to watch you grow up into the man you are today. We are excited to see where this journey takes you and can’t wait to witness all the fantastic things you will accomplish. We love you so much and believe in you!
Mom and Dad
Liberty University
Class of 2024

Paul Henry Dalrymple
Mill Creek High School
There has been no greater joy for us than being your parents. Enjoy every moment of what is ahead and believe in your dreams, because we believe in you. Keep your goals set high and work hard to achieve them. Know we are always here for you and love you very much. Love, Mom and Dad
Middle Georgia State University
Ethan Chalk
North Gwinnett High School
We are so proud of you! We know that God has His hand on you, guiding your future steps.
Love - Mom, Dad, and Alex
Samford University

Connor Diaz
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. We cannot wait to see what your future holds.
Love you!
Mom, Chris and Garrett
Kennesaw State University
Haley Hogan
Hebron Christian Academy
Congratulations Haley your family and friends are so proud of you! “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars!”
Haley will be attending University of Alabama

Luke Harrel
Mill Creek High School
We are proud of your hard work and excited for your future.
Love, Mom, Dad and Isabelle
University of Georgia
Raymond Chita, Jr.
Archer High School
I plan to pursue an undergraduate degree in Psychology and then proceed to Medical School where I will earn a Doctor of Medicine (DO) degree in Osteopathic Medicine, with Residency training in Psychiatry.
Kennesaw State University

HudaMarie Azzi
Mill Creek High School
HudaMarie, you have made us so proud of the young lady you have blossomed into. We are so blessed to have you as our daughter. You have love, compassion, consideration and support for all those around you and your conversation is a delight. May you always be blessed with God, family and love in your life.
Georgia Gwinnett College
Hunter Palmer
Hebron Christian Academy
Congratulations on your high school graduation! We are so very proud of you and look forward to seeing what the future holds as you chase your dreams!
We love you!
Dad, Mom and Danny
Oxford College at Emory University
Congratulation to our Graduates

Summer Cunningham
Mill Creek High School
Summer, Congratulations on your graduation with honors! We are beyond proud of the incredible young woman you have become and inspire to be in life! It has been awesome watching you grow, learn and thrive in academics, journalism, sports, friendships and your faith! Love, Mom, Dad, Noah, Chloe and Evan
Georgia Southern University Honors College
Emma Zino
Mill Creek High School
We couldn’t be more proud of you. We have loved watching you grow into the person you are today.
Georgia Southern University

Giselle Rodriguez
Mill Creek High School
Giselle, kind, passionate, determined, intelligent and beautiful are just some of the words that describe you. We are so proud of your achievements and of the young lady you’ve become. Don’t forget to smell the roses while you embark on this chapter. Love, Papi, mami, Aziel & baby
Georgia State University
Brooke Mackenzie Hudson
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Brooke! We are incredibly proud of your hard work, determination, and many achievements throughout your academic journey. You have shown incredible perseverance, dedication, and leadership, and we have no doubt that you will continue to accomplish great things in life. All our love, Mom & Dad
University of Georgia

Adelaine Dunnington
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Adelaine! You’ve worked so hard. We’re very proud of the person you are becoming! Praying for you as you begin your adventure at GA Southern. One More Time!
Love, Mom, Dad, Patrick, Hunter & Corinne
Georgia Southern University
Jessica Zino
Mill Creek High School
We are amazed by all you have accomplished. Through it all, you pushed yourself to achieve greatness, and you did
Coker University

Brynlee Keys
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations, Brynlee! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. We can’t wait to see what your future holds. Go reach for the stars!
Love, Mom, Dad and Annalee
Western Carolina University
Austin McFall
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Austin on your graduation from High School! We wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your life. We hope it is filled with nothing but happiness for you. You have made us so proud and we cant wait to see what the future brings! We love you so much, Mom, Dad and Ella
Georgia State University
Class of 2024

Sarah Farley
Hebron Christian Academy
Sarah, Your dad and I are beyond proud of the young lady you have become and the example of Christ you extend to others. Keep walking in biblical truth and keep your eyes focused on the Lord. He will keep your path straight! We look forward to seeing all of the ways the Lord blesses your life!
Georgia College & State University
Davis Ryan
Mill Creek High School
We are so proud of all of your accomplishments, Davis, but more importantly, we are proud of who you are! We can’t wait to see what God has in store for your life. Big things ahead! Love, Mother, Father, and the brothers
Georgia Tech

Ryan Leibrecht
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! That’s our boy! Thank you for being everything we could have asked for in a son. We are beyond proud of you and excited to see what your future holds. Always remember how much you are loved.
Mom, Dad and Katie UGA
Kayla White
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Kayla! We are so proud of the beautiful, intelligent, and fearless young lady you have become. We can’t wait to see all of the things that you will accomplish in life. Continue to stay true to yourself and never give up. Love Always, Mom, Dad and Dezmyn
Kennesaw State University bound

Preston Oys
Hebron Christian Academy
Congratulations, Preston!
We are so proud of you! Keep racing, keep training and the sky is the limit! Excited to see what God has in store for your future. Enjoy your years at Ga. Southern...but not too much!!!
Love, Dad, Mom, Amelia and Wesley
Georgia Southern University
Kendall Cropp
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations on your graduation, Kendall! Here’s to your bright future filled with endless possibilities!
We are so proud of you! Dream BIG! With love and admiration, Mom, Dad, Caroline, and Lilly Kate
University of Tennessee

Jaylen Micheal Cristal
Mill Creek High School
You have made us so very proud! Every day, you bring so much joy and laughter to our family and everyone you meet. Your kindness and caring spirit are a testimony of God’s love within you! Our prayer of protection will be with you always. You Are Incredible! WE LOVE YOU, JAYLEN! Dad, Mom, Lauren, and Brandon.
Natalie Rose Cochran
Mill Creek High School
Dear Natalie,
Congratulations on your high school graduation. Although, we will miss you tremendously next year we are excited for this next chapter in your life. Always know you have our love and support. We are proud of you.
Love, Mom, Dad, Kevin & Katelyn
University of South Carolina
Congratulation to our Graduates

Mekayla Ashley Shaw
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology
Congratulations Mekayla, we’re so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard these past few years attending GSMST, completing 2 internships, volunteering at the hospital & working part-time!! Your motivation and dedication are praise worthy!! We know you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Love,Your Family
Berry College
Owen Rogers
Mill Creek High School
We love you and we are so proud of you!
Dad, Mom, and Aven

Dylan Armstrong
Mill Creek High School
Watching you grow into the amazing young man you are today has been an incredible privilege and honor. May you continue to chase your dreams and never lose sight of the amazing potential you hold within. We’re incredibly proud of all you’ve achieved – congratulations!
We love you so much, Mom and Dad
Georgia College and State University
AJ Giordani
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations AJ for your hard work! We wish you success in your next adventure in life. W’ell be here to cheer you on. Remember, you can’t fail if you don’t quit.
With Love, Mom, Dad, Justido & Benny
Georgia State University

Natalie Marie Ross
Hebron Christian Academy
Congrats Nat! We can’t believe this time has come…graduation from high school and moving away to college! We are proud of you, and know this is just the beginning of an exciting life of learning and growth. Stick to your values and keep working towards your dreams.
Love, Dad, Mom, and Nicholas
Georgia College and State University
Samantha Stinson
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations on all your accomplishments. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see whatbyour future holds for you in Florida. Never lose sight of your goals and remain open to new experiences and desires. All of our love from mom, dad, Josh, Emma Grace, and Lyndsey.
University of South Florida
Ansley Bell
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Ansley ! We are so proud of you. Remember to always follow your dreams and ask God for guidance.
Love, Mom, Dad and Connor
Auburn University

Sara Samuel
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Sara on your graduation & your acceptance into Georgia Tech! We are immensely proud of your dedication & achievements. As you embark on this exciting journey, remember we believe in your potential for greater success. Always cheering you on.
Love, Mom, Dad, Nick
Georgia Institute of Technology
Class of 2024

Chase Coy
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations, Chase! On the field, and off the field, we couldn’t be more proud of you. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart. We’ll always be here cheering you on.
Much Love, Mom, Dad, Tatem, Sailor & Luna
Men’s Lacrosse Scholarship at Belmont Abbey College
Madi Roemler
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! We are proud of you beyond measure! You are a perfect balance of compassionate, creative, and analytical. No obstacle is too big because of your perseverance and faith; we can’t wait to see you chase your dreams. We love you big!
Love, Mom, Dad, Izzy, & Will
Georgia College & State University
Kendall Wilson
Mill Creek High School
We cannot believe you are already graduating. We are very proud of you. May you reach the highest peak of success and stay forever happy!
Campbell University- Lacrosse
Robert Lau
Mill Creek High School
The whole Ohana is proud of all the accomplishments you have achieved during your high school years and we look forward to seeing how you make your mark in the world going forward. We love you beyond words.
Georgia Tech

Levi Roach
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! We are so very proud of all your hard work and dedication. We excited for the next chapter in your life. We know you will succeed in all that you do.
Love Dad, Mom , and Mackenzie
Berry College
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! We are immensely proud of you! You are a perfect balance of humility, kindness, and assertiveness. Your faith and natural curiosity will lead you down the path of discovery; we can’t wait to see where it takes you. We love you big!
Love, Mom, Dad, Madi, & Will
University of Georgia
Katheryn Wilson
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations! We know that you have the strength to conquer anything that comes your way!
Eastern Michigan- Lacrosse
Grace Fisher
Sora High School
Congratulations, Grace! Wherever you let your true light shine, you illuminate the way for others. We always feel proud of you, and look forward to seeing where life may lead you!
With much love, Mom & Dad
Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
Congratulation to our Graduates

Evie Beadles
Hebron Christian Academy
Evie, we love you and are so proud of you! May you continue to seek the Lord in all you do!
Georgia College and State University

Elan Baugham
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Elan! We are so proud of your academic success and the young man you’ve become. Know that we’re always here for you and to keep God first. We love you and look forward to seeing you soar!
Kennesaw State University
Madison Hendricks
Mill Creek High School
We are proud of all you’ve accomplished - it’s a testament to your hard work and dedication. Embrace the moment - the next chapter is full of endless possibilities!!
We love you, Mom, Dad & Allan
Florida College
Charlie Youmans
North Gwinnett High School, Honor Graduate
Charlie-we are so grateful that God allowed us to be your parents. You love the Lord, are compassionate, quick witted, intelligent, and are a light to so many with your big heart. We know there are so many great things that God has in store for you! Don’t forget Jeremiah 33:3.
We love you so much! Mom and Dad
University of Georgia Bound

Loan Hoang
The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Ai Loan, we will never have enough words to say how proud we are of all that you have done. You worked hard, you played hard, baby girl! May God continue to shine His light, to guide you and to protect you. Love you forever, Dad, Mom, Nyny, Gia, Emi, Bowser & Jojo
Georgia Tech
Hailey Gross
Mill Creek High School
We cannot wait to see where life takes you! Do great things, and never forget: it’s green until it’s red.
We are cheering you on! We love you! Mom, Dad, Riley, Mattie and Lulu
University of Georgia
Blakely Schroer
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Blakely!
We are so proud of you could not be more excited for you and your next adventure.
GO DAWGS! We love you! Mom, Dad, Madison, Julia and Emery
University of Georgia
Brendan Howe
Gwinnett Online Campus
Brendan, we are all so proud of you! Wherever your life takes you, remember that your family is ALWAYS right by your side. Love from Mom, Esrik, Patrick, Granny and Papa Bob.
Get a job and take classes at Georgia Gwinnett College
Class of 2024

Dorian Olsen
Mill Creek High School
Dorian we are so proud of you and happy that we watched you grow from diapers to cap and gown. You have approached everything with compassion and humor. These traits will serve you well as you enter adulthood. We will always be there for you whatever the future holds. Love you now and forever -Your Family
Athens Technical College
Elligrace Mitchell
Mill Creek High School
We love and are so proud of you! Excited for your journey to continue in ATHENS!!!
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. PSALM 62:1
Janal Fitch
Mill Creek High School
Behind you, are the high school memories, before you are all of your dreams, around you are all who love you, and within you is all the strength that you need to do anything you want.
Congratulations, we love you so very much!
Jacksonville State
Amelia Jemal
Hebron Christian Academy
Congratulations Amelia! We are so proud of your accomplishments! I am so thankful to be your mom and can’t wait to see where God takes you next. Always Trust God and stay True to yourself. You are destined to succeed and we will always be there to support you. We love you!
Mom & Isabella
Georgia Tech bound

Nate Van Sant
Mill Creek High School
We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds. You can do anything you set your mind to.
We love you, Dad, Mom, and Lily
University of North Georgia
Megan Coffey
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations, Megan! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Have fun at Georgia Tech. You are going to do amazing things.
Love, Matthew, Piper, Mom and Dad
Georgia Tech
Sarah Woody
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Sarah! You’ve always had the determination and ability to reach your goals while staying true to yourself. We are immensely proud of you and so excited as you follow your dreams at SWU! Enjoy every moment, make amazing memories, and always believe in yourself! Love You!
Dad, Mom, and Rachel
Major in Forensic Science and Playing Softball for Southern Wesleyan University
Nick Perdew
Mill Creek High School
We’re so proud of your accomplishments and successes and we can’t wait to see all that your bright future will bring. Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the word and do good!
Love, Mom, Scott & Nash
Georgia College & State University, biology major, pre-veterinary medicine program
Congratulation to our Graduates

Alyssa Larence
Mill Creek High School
Alyssa we are extremely proud of the young lady you have become! As you begin this next chapter, remember that your future is what you make of it, so explore new endeavors! Your faith will help guide you every step of the way! We love you forever Smiley!!!
Dad, Mom, and Ainsley
Attending Georgia College and State university in the fall to major in Public relations/mass communications.
Ruth Stoia
Mill Creek High School
Way to go, RuthE! So very well done!! Your parents & family are so very (couldn’t be more) proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished in HS!!! May God continue to bless and guide you as you embark into the collegiate chapter of your life. “Draw near[er] to God and He will draw near[er] to you!”
University of Georgia
Benjamin Brandstetter
Mill Creek High School
We are so proud of Benjamin! An Honor Graduate, Captain of the Mill Creek Cross Country team, Track team member, and an active member of numerous school clubs. Benjamin is excited to attend Georgia Tech, Mechanical Engineering.
Georgia Tech
Katie Patria
Mill Creek High School
“I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.”
- Newton D. Baker
Congratulations on your graduation, Katie! Dream BIG! We love you!
Dad, Mom, and Taylor
University of Georgia Bound

Carson Dooley
Mill Creek High School
Words can’t express how proud we’re of you! We will be cheering you on every step of the way on your new journey. Always believe in yourself, have fun, and don’t do stupid stuff. We love you with all of our heart and will miss you more than you can imagine.
Love, Mom, Dad, Weller and CoCo.
Kennesaw State University
Breannah Harris
Georgia Cyber Academy
Congratulations, Breannah, on your graduation! May God bless you abundantly as you start anew. Trust in God’s plan for your life. Remember, with faith in God, no dream is too big, no obstacle too great. We’re here, praying, and loving you beyond words. Mom, Dad, Braxten, and Braylen.
Kennesaw State University
Matthew Patch
Jackson County High School -Honor Grad
Congratulations Matthew!
We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Continue to work hard and do amazing things! We love you!
Dad, Mom, Zac and Elissa Grace
University of Alabama
Grace Pierro
Mill Creek High School
Grace, Congratulations on your graduation, our amazing Grace ! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off. We are incredibly proud of the person you’ve become and excited for the bright future ahead of you. Keep shining!
Georgia College State University
Class of 2024

Kialah Sanders
Mill Creek High School
Although the journey has been long, you finally made it to the finish line! We’re extremely proud of the beautiful, ambitious and intelligent young lady you’ve become. We can’t wait to see what the next chapter of life has in store! With all of the love in the world- Mom, Dad, Little Bro & Sis
Kennesaw State University
Morgan Fox
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Morgan!
We are so proud of your accomplishments, how much you have overcome, and how much you have stretched yourself. You have a passion for justice in the world and a drive to do your part to make the world a better place. We can’t wait to see what you do in this next chapter of your life!
Attend UNG - Majoring in Political Science
Rilee Dominick
Hebron Christain Academy
Rilee - We love you and couldn’t be more proud of you. We can’t wait to see how the Lord uses all of your gifts! Love , Mom, Dad and Mallori
Georgia College and State University , Majoring in Graphic Sign and Business

Christian Maschas
Mill Creek High School
Christian, we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what comes next in your life. Love Mom and Dad.
UNG Bound

Morgan Martin
Mill Creek High School
Congratulations Morgan! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!
Georgia Southern
Eli Carrillo de Albornoz
Mill Creek High School
Eli, We are so proud of the incredible young man that you have become. You have added so much love and happiness to our lives. We cannot wait to see where the future takes you as you follow your dreams. Continue to smile, be joyful, and a friend to all. Love, Mama, Dada and Caleb Jeremiah 29:11
Gwinnett Technical College
Aaron Thompson Jr
Mill Creek High School
Never stop believing in yourself. You’ve already proven that nothing can stand in your way when it comes to accomplishing your dreams. Chasing a dream requires hard work, passion, and many sacrifices. We can’t wait to see you accomplish everything your heart desires. We love you so much!!
Butler College

May 18, at dusk
Movies Under the Stars, a FREE, family-friendly feature showing at the Town Green on select Saturdays this summer.
May 19, noon to 4 p.m.
The Braselton Bridal & Wedding Expo will be held at the Braselton Civic Center. Plan your special day at this free, one-stop-shop event.
Fridays, 4 to 7 p.m. Dig in at the Farmers Market for fresh produce, artisanal and homemade goods.
Friday and Saturday Trolley
Hop aboard the Braselton Trolley for a fun, fare-free ride around town, or book a trolley tour on select Saturdays. Shop, dine & play downtown, and leave the driving to us.