A SUPPLEMENT OF HelpingSeniorsSeniorsSummer2022

Rechargeable solution with portable charger

GENERAL MANAGER Norman Baggs GROUP PUBLISHER Stephanie Woody ADVERTISING SALES Jessica Shirley, Megan Smarz, Jenna Wellborn CREATIVE SERVICES Claudette Keeley, April Seymour, Chelsea Sunshine HEALTHY HALL, A PRODUCT OF THE TIMES 345 Green St. | Gainesville, GA 30501 770-532-1234 A Metro Market Media Inc. property Manuscripts, artwork, photography, inquiries and submitted materials are welcome. No part of this pub lication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includ ing photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Metro Market Media Inc. Although every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy of published materials, Metro Market Media cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. Healthy Hall reserves the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. Acceptance of advertising does not mean or imply the services or product is endorsed or recommended by Healthy Hall. Summer 2022 ON THE COVER: Seniors Helping Seniors Outdoor Treatment Space My Joints Hurt Hearing QuestionLossfor the Pharmacist Senior MedicinalLivingBenefits of Laughter, Computer Eye Strain1413121110984 Cover Photo by Altura Social SUMMER 2022 | 3


COVER STORY for the client as well, as it allows them to stay in their home and maintain a certain level of autonomy and independence. It also gives them a sense of belonging and helps them to stay active and have a happier, healthier life, which can help ward off depression, as it keeps the family together. Having someone that can come in to help, whether it’s for a few hours a day or even just a few times a week can help lessen the stress and provide some much needed support to the family, while also providing a source of connection for the senior.As Boggs explains, it allows adult children to maintain their role as the child, rather than changing the dynamics by becoming the caregiver and having to perform some tasks that may be embarrassing for their parent to have their adult child do. “Seeing a parent or loved-one decline is tough. Having to be a primary caregiver makes that experience much more difficult,” Boggs said. “Relationships will become strained, and identities can become lost; you don’t really feel like their child when you are changing their diaper. We want to give people options so that the care-receiver maintains as much independence, dignity and retains as high a quality of life as possible. And their family and loved-ones spend quality time with the care-receiver rather than hustling to meet their basic needs.”Having that level of care and help can go beyond just providing companionship and caregiving. Since many adults of the Sandwich Generation find themselves juggling so many demands of family, caregiving, and career, having this layer of support can help reduce the feelings of guilt while also providing some much needed peace of mind.
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To find out more about the services offered or how you can pursue a meaningful career with Seniors Helping Seniors, visit: https://seniorshelpingseniors.com/ ♦
“I strive for our team to come in and make a difference and be a breath of fresh air,” Boggs said. “This job is one where we come with our heart.”

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Photo Courtesy of Northeast Georgia Health System
The garden was made possible through the Change Grants program, which is funded by donations to NGHS’ employee giving club, WATCH. Change Grants allow employees to request funding for improvement ideas that are focused on the NGHS patient, visitor or employee experience.
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To learn more about how NGHS employees are impacting the lives of others through their ideas and generous gifts, visit nghs. com/WATCH. ♦ TREATMENT SPACE IMPROVES THERAPY FOR GAINESVILLE PATIENTS
“The impact for our patients is huge,” said Jessica Smith, a physical therapist with the Rehabilitation Institute. “With the addition of the ReGain Mobility Garden, our patients can practice walking on sand before going on a beach trip or try walking on gravel before visiting their relative’s home. The real-world application is beneficial for a faster recovery and an all-around more enjoyable care experience.”
GAINESVILLE, Ga. – Rehabilitation patients at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville can now exercise in a garden - complete with different surfaces to practice walking, benches, flower beds and outdoor games - instead of a parking lot. The ReGain Mobility Garden's outdoor track was inspired and funded by Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) employees.

Osteoarthritis is commonly known as a “wear and tear” disease associated with joint inflammation. It is the most common form of arthritis. Cartilage is a cushion that is found in between our joints which prevents our joint bones from rubbing against each other. In osteoarthritis, cartilage is degenerating due to overuse activities. Bones rubbing against each other can cause inflammation in your joints leading to pain and swelling. Some of the most affected joints can include knees, wrists, fingers and hips, to name a few. Osteoarthritis can present like Rheumatoid arthritis; however, it is not the same thing. Osteoarthritis is typically caused by overuse activities while rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an underlying autoimmune disease. The treatment for both is very different; therefore, it is important to get evaluated by a physician to make sure your joint pain is correctly diagnosed.
SUMMER 2022 | 9
Joint pain is the most common presenting symptom. Your joints may feel stiff by the end of the day. You may also experience your joints cracking throughout the day which can be very uncomfortable. It is also common to have difficulty with certain tasks such as opening jars and gripping door handles. You’ll also notice feelings of being tired, achy all over, and unmotivated to move around because of the pain.
♦ Photo
It is important to note that many of the treatments for osteoarthritis are also ways to prevent osteoarthritis! One of the main risk factors for osteoarthritis is obesity, since excess weight puts pressure on your joints. To help manage your weight, practice regular aerobic exercise like walking or swimming, and remember to eat a healthy diet that is low in fat, cholesterol, and salt. For some, physical or occupational therapy may also be needed on a regular basis to help strengthen muscles around the joint pain.
Osteoarthritis affects approximately 27 million Americans every year. Since osteoarthritis usually occurs slowly, it most commonly affects adults 55 and older. People who have physically demanding jobs are more prone to developing osteoarthritis as well. Osteoarthritis can be more prevalent in women who have undergone menopause as women are affected more than men in general. Certain injuries can also predispose you to developing osteoarthritis over the years.
As a primary care physician, I see a lot of patients with the complaint of joint pain. Sometimes the patient has had the pain for only a few days and other times it has been present for years. Joint pain can be very debilitating and can prevent you from carrying out normal daily tasks. There are many causes for joint pain, ranging from musculoskeletal issues to autoimmune diseases. A common joint pain condition is osteoarthritis. In this article, I will talk about osteoarthritis, provide guidance on what can be done to help with symptoms, and when it is an appropriate time to see a provider for evaluation.
HOW DO WE TREAT OSTEOARTHRITIS? Unfortunately, there is no cure for osteoarthritis. However, there are ways to help reduce joint pain symptoms and prevent the disease from further progression. Let’s first discuss how we can treat ongoing osteoarthritis. Treatment is focused primarily on pain relief. The first medication to try would be acetaminophen (Tylenol). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAID) is also helpful (Ibuprofen and Aleve) as well as some over the counter topical gels that can provide relief. If these medications are not helping, it would be a good time to be evaluated by a provider. The provider will likely ask you about the nature of your pain, do a physical exam to see how severe the joint pain is, and may be able to prescribe a stronger medication to help. While medications such as Tylenol and NSAIDs can be helpful in reducing pain, there can also be some disadvantages to taking too much of these medications such as abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, and long-term liver damage. If you are requiring daily Tylenol use for pain relief, it would be a good time to see a provider for further management options. Another alternative would be steroid injections in the affected joint which provide relief for three to six months. Physical therapy can also be beneficial to help strengthen muscles around the painful joints. A last resort treatment option is joint replacement surgery. Be sure to discuss these options along with risks and benefits with your provider to find the right fit for you.
Early intervention is key to improving your quality of life with osteoarthritis. If you have joint pain that prevents you from carrying out everyday tasks, it may be a good time to see your primary care doctor for evaluation. Before going to your appointment, check out the following website for more information on osteoarthritis and learn what to expect at your doctor’s osteoarthritis.htmhttps://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/Osteoarthritisappointment.(CDC.gov): Courtesy of Northeast Georgia Health System
Sarika Chowdhry, MD NGMC Family Medicine Resident Physician

• Meniere’s disease is an inner ear problem of unknown origins. It usually starts in people between the ages of 30 and 50. Dizziness and ringing of the ear are common, and hearing loss comes and goes. Some loss can become permanent.
• Otosclerosis, which is a middle ear disease, can make it difficult for the tiny bones in the middle ear to move. Surgery can correct the problem.
HEARING LOSS: By learning about what impacts hearing loss, people can make changes to prevent damage.
• Impacted earwax also can cause hearing problems.
• Aging is a common cause of hearing loss that may not be reversible. Age-related hearing loss is called presbycusis and is marked by muffled or unclear speech. Treatment with assistive hearing devices can help improve hearing.
• Damage to the inner ear can result from prolonged exposure to loud noises, states the Mayo Clinic. These noises cause wear and tear on the hairs or nerve cells in the cochlea that send sound signals to the brain. When these hairs or nerve cells are damaged or missing, electrical signals aren’t transmitted as efficiently, and hearing loss occurs. Using hearing protection and turning down the volume can help.
• Malformation of the outer ear, ear canal or middle ear structure can impact hearing as well. SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS
• Viruses and diseases as well as family history also may play a role in SNHL. In some instances, hearing loss may be the result of a combination of factors. Anyone finding their hearing has become less acute should visit with an audiologist. One resource to visit is www.asha.org/profind. The doctor can then prescribe a treatment plan to help improve hearing. ♦
• Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear in which fluid accumulation can interfere with the movement of the eardrum and ossicles.
• Trauma to the ear or head may impact hearing. Wearing protective gear during sports or other activities can protect against neurological damage that may cause hearing loss.
Hearing loss is quite common and can impact people’s lives in profound ways. Although there are some treatments that can improve one’s ability to hear and communicate, many people are interested in learning about the ways they may be able to prevent hearing loss in the first place. Medical experts from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association advise that hearing loss can be caused by different factors. Learning about these causes can help individuals make smart decisions at a young age to prevent future hearing loss when possible. In certain circumstances, hearing loss may be unavoidable. In such instances, audiologists, or doctors specializing in hearing, can help.
Sensorineural hearing loss, or SNHL, occurs due to problems of the inner ear. It is often referred to as nerve-related hearing loss.
Conductive hearing loss refers to problems with the ear canal, ear drum or middle ear and its bones, states the Hearing Loss Association of America. Some of the causes of conductive hearing loss include:
• Fluid in the middle ear may obstruct hearing.
10 | SUMMER 2022

To help men and women make the best decisions regarding their healthcare, the National Institute on Aging advises people to ask their physicians these questions when being prescribed a new medicine.
• When should I stop taking the medicine?
• Can I expect any side effects? What should I do if I have a problem?
A 2017 survey from Consumer Reports found that 55 percent of people living in the United States take a prescription medicine. The survey also found that those who take prescription drugs use an average of four such medications. That figure might alarm some people, especially aging men and women whose bodies might be more susceptible to conditions that are often treated with medication.
• Will this medicine cause problems if I am taking other medicines?
• How much medicine should I take?
When discussing medications with a physician, it’s imperative that men and women be forthcoming about any other medicines they might be taking under the guidance of other doctors. In addition, men and women should tell their physicians about any over-the-counter medicines or vitamins and supplements they are taking. Sharing such information can prevent potentially serious complications from arising. Medicine saves lives every day. Smart patients can help medicine do its job by learning about their medications and discussing them openly and honestly with their physicians.
• What does 'as needed' mean?
• Will I need a refill, and how do I arrange that?
• Should I take the medicine on its own or with food? Should I avoid certain foods and beverages when taking this medicine?
• What should I do if I forget to take my medicine?
• Can I safely operate a motor vehicle while taking this medication?
There’s no denying that prescription drugs can save lives. But men and women have a right to explore their options when doctors prescribe them medications, and asking the right questions when doctors suggest medication can help men and women decide if prescription medicine is their best option.
• How many times a day should I take the medicine, and at what times should I take it?
• If the prescription instructions say the medicine must be taken four times a day, does that mean four times in 24 hours or four times during the daytime?
Though few people may want to take medicine each day, prescription drugs prolong lives and help people manage conditions that might otherwise make it difficult to live life to the fullest.
• What is the name of the medicine, and why am I taking it?
• How long will it take this medicine to work?
• Which medical condition does this medicine treat?

Housing needs may change as adults grow older and their children move out. Adults nearing retirement may want to reduce their cost of living and could find a big house is more than they need at this stage in life. According to the financial management resource The Motley Fool, in 2019 48 percent of seniors planned to downsize, while 52 percent wanted to remain in their existing homes. A lower cost of living could be the primary motivator to sell, but less house to maintain and the extra free time that comes with fewer chores can be powerful motivators as well. Many adults age 50 and older consider adult communities when seeking to downsize their homes. Senior home options are categorized based on the level of care they provide. “Active adult living” is a relatively new option that reflects a growing desire for residences that afford aging adults a chance to downsize their homes and engage in their favorite activities. Active adult living, leisure living or active adult communities include single-family homes, townhouses, condominiums, and other housing options within a community that offers an array of amenities and services. According to Retirement Living, residents in active adult communities enjoy country club settings with amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, golf courses, exercise centers, walking trails, computer labs, hobby centers, and even onsite restaurants. Active adult living communities may provide transportation options and have their own travel clubs. Though active adult residences do not typically provide medical services, many communities are conveniently located close to local shopping centers and complexes, ensuring that the doctor’s office is not that far away.
Other features of active living covered by homeowner’s association fees include outdoor maintenance like landscaping, snow removal and sanitation services. Security, internet service and cable also may be included in the monthly fees. Active communities emulate the benefits afforded by allinclusive vacations, where day-to-day details are handled by management so residents can focus on fun and leisure. Unlike general neighborhoods, seniors may appreciate active living communities because they have access to an array of services within the community. Some promote a resort vacation feeling, while others may focus on sports or cultural life.
What’s more, since age is restricted, residents know that many people in these communities have shared experiences. Active adult communities also are amenable to adults who like to travel. Residents get the peace of mind to lock up their homes and leave knowing lawns will still be mowed and shrubs trimmed, removing signs that the residence is unoccupied. This is an ideal situation for a snowbird who spends time in a different location for part of the year. Active adult living is the relatively new kid on the block for senior communities, filling an important niche for independent retirees and near-retirees. ♦
12 | SUMMER 2022

According to a 2010 study published in the journal Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine, laughter has shown physiological, psychological, social, spiritual, and quality-of-life benefits.
Laughter may indeed be the best medicine, or at least a highly effective one.
Although authors of the study noted the need for more data, they concluded that laughter has positive and quantifiable effects on certain aspects of health.

According to The Vision Council, nearly 60 percent of individuals who routinely use computers and digital devices experience symptoms of computer eye strain. The health care experts at Cedars Sinai note that computer eye strain symptoms can include dry eyes, headache, blurred vision and eye twitching. Despite the prevalence of computer eye strain, office workers and others who spend long periods of time at their computers can take steps to reduce their risk.
UPGRADE YOUR TECH. All About Vision notes that flat-panel LED screens with anti-reflective surfaces are preferable to computer screens with cathode ray tubes, which can cause an imperceptible flicker of images that contributes to computer eye strain. A large display screen, whether it’s a desktop computer or a monitor connected to a laptop, also can reduce risk for computer eye strain. Computer eye strain can make workdays difficult for office workers. Individuals who think they might be dealing with eye strain can try various strategies to prevent it or reduce its severity. ♦
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Cedars Sinai recommends individuals concerned about computer eye strain create a better work environment to reduce their risk. The online vision health and wellness resource All About Vision notes that eye strain is often a byproduct of excessively bright light. That light could be natural light coming in through a window or from interior lighting that is harsh on the eyes. If exterior light is making your office excessively bright, close drapes, shades or blinds to keep that light out. Excessively bright lighting fixtures can be remedied by using fewer light bulbs or fluorescent tubes or replacing existing bulbs with lower intensity alternatives. All About Vision also notes that some individuals find floor lamps that employ soft white light from LED bulbs are less taxing on their eyes than overhead fluorescent lighting.
Cedars Sinai notes that uncorrected vision problems are a major cause of computer eye strain. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends individuals get a complete eye exam once in their 20s, twice in their 30s and then again when they turn 40. A comprehensive eye exam at 40 is necessary because the AAO notes that this is when early signs of disease or changes in vision may appear. Diseases or changes can contribute to computer eye strain, among other issues. After conducting a comprehensive eye exam, ophthalmologists will then tell patients how often they should have their vision tested, and individuals should heed this advice and keep appointments.
Workplace hazards are a part of life for people in various professions. Office workers might not consider themselves vulnerable to injury when they’re at work, but individuals who spent much of their day staring at a computer screen are at risk of developing computer eye strain.