The Waterfall July/August 2023

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July/August 2023 Issue LXI
Sales, Service & Rental 4324 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, GA 30566 470-252-5622 Free Pickup & Delivery for Cresswind Residents

HOA Staff

Helpful Numbers


First Services Regional Director

Gary Hulion: 770-536-3300

Community Association General Manager

Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler

Lifestyle Director

Community Association Manager



Helpful Numbers

President’s View

Maggie Carr

Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler: 770-536-3300

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

Lifestyle Director

Kitti’s Corner

Darlene Carr

Darlene Carr: 770-536- 3300

Community News

Compliance & Contracts Manager

The Club

Justin Smith


Patricia Elliot: Guest Services

New Residents Committees at Cresswind List, Reports

The Club

Heidi Anderson: Guest Services

Peggy Siewert: Guest Services

Lisa Jacobs: Guest Services

Justin Smith: Maintenance


New Home Warranty

Clubs at Cresswind List, Schedules, Calendars

Activities: What’s Happening Scrapbook

Elijah Carr

Kolter Homes, LLC

Director of Customer Service, Ryan Carroll

As the official newsletter of the Cresswind Community

Office: 770-287-5693, Cell: 770-503-5418

Helpful Numbers:

Emergency: 911 City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878

Liberty Utilities: 855-216-6305

EMC Security System

The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in their community.

24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1-888-745-4733

Spectrum: 1-888-345-7139

Sales and Service: 770-963-0305

First Service: Residential (After Hours: 1-877-411-1165)

24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1-888-745-4733

Helpful Numbers:

Sales and Service: 770-963-0305

Emergency 911

City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878

This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month.

Liberty Utilities: 855-216-6305

Please visit our website at

Spectrum: 1-888-345-7139

First Service Residential: (After Hours 1-877-411-1165)

Please visit our website at

If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact:

Sue Garcia (

Eleanor Whalen (

Judy True (

Compliments to Paul Brown for The Waterfall cover photo.

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 3
Peggy Siewert: Guest Services
Heidi Anderson: Guest Services
HOA Board Message ..................................... 4 July & August Events ..................................... 6 Committee Updates ....................................... 8 Community Scrapbook 15 Weekly Fitness Schedule .............................. 16 Club Listing .................................................... 22 What’s Happening 23 As the official newsletter of the Cresswind Community The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in their community. This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profit. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month. If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact: Maggie Carr Angie McClure To advertise in The Waterfall, contact The Times - The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
Cover photo by Louise Dunn


Hi neighbors. We’re reaching the mid-point of ‘23. It’s always fun driving to the Clubhouse. You’ll see folks packing the Pickleball Courts. At the Clubhouse people soaking up the sunshine poolside. Indoor Pool 2.0 is coming soon. Pool and card tables are always busy. And you can’t beat driving just a few minutes to see great dinner shows like the recent Altos Production. Or the short drive down to the Marina to get in your kayak or boat and enjoy beautiful Lake Lanier. Coffee with the gang upstairs weekdays and kickin’ back at the Crow’s Nest Friday nights. We have clubs for everything. Want to learn to dance the night away? We have a club for that. Like your Martini shaken, not stirred. We have a club for that.

While enjoying all the fun we hear folks talking about going on vacation. Here at Cresswind we go on vacation from vacation!

OK, nuts and bolts time. The HOA Board has approved the Traffic and Road Usage Committee (TRUC). If there’s one thing that impacts each and every one of us here, it’s our roads and sidewalks. We all use them - cars and trucks, golf carts, bikes, and walking. Add delivery and service trucks to the mix and it’s always busy. One of the first things you’ll see is the Speed Indicator Sign starting to move to different locations around Cresswind. The initial installation has provided a ton of data and bottom line, it works. People see it and they slow down. The sign also measures the number of vehicles that come and go here.

The TRU Committee members will be announced shortly. They’ll be busy. How do you get around Cresswind? What’s working? What might work better? Nope, one size doesn’t fit all but ultimately, we just want it to be as safe as possible.

When we move here, we’re asked to read the Cresswind Community Charter. Here’s a great reminder why we ask you to do that:

Article 4/Section 10 of the Charter. You can read it again on the Cresswind Website under “Our Community” Governing Documents.

Yeah, I know, it’s filled with a fair amount of legal gobbledygook, but it clearly outlines our responsibilities as a community and individuals. It’s all about awareness. It’s all about personal responsibility. It’s all about what we do best here at Cresswind; look out for each other. Which leads us to how we get in and out of Cresswind. The Gates. Your Board has been studying this for quite some time. Remember, we are not a “Gated” Community. We are a “Limited Access” Community. There’s a difference.

Gates are mechanical. Mechanical things break from time to time. As I mentioned a while ago, it would be neat if we could just run down to Home Depot for spare parts. Of course, we could spend the money, your money, and just have spare parts on hand. But we may never need those spare parts. Plus, the challenge of where we store them and if we store them too long, the warranty runs out. It’s always something.

Frustrating? You bet. Maybe it would be best to just leave the gates open during daylight hours. Maybe. Should it be just residents who use the Montgomery Gate? Should various trucks and service vehicles only use the main gate? But that will add to traffic on Cresswind Parkway. To keypad or not to keypad? That is the question. Actually, one of many questions. So put on your thinking caps friends. We’ll be working on solutions that best impact the most of us, most of the time. We want you to be part of the conversation.

Questions? Comments? Reach out to your HOA Board. It’s where you get the facts. It’s where you get answers. It’s whereas as a community we’ll come up with solutions. OK, I’m going to go have some fun. Safely of course.

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 5
Page 6 The WATERFALL July/August 2023 Events J U L Y A N D A U G U S T J U L Y 4 T H P A R A D E A N D P I C N I C J U L Y 1 4 T H C R E S S W I N D C A R S H O W J U L Y 2 0 T H N A T I O N A L F O R T U N E C O O K I E D A Y J U L Y 2 1 S T - 2 2 N DG R A N D P A R E N T S W E E K E N D ! AUGUST 5TH BRING A DIP, TAKE A DIP POOL PARTY A U G U S T 1 1 T H C O M E D Y N I G H T A U G U S T 2 8 T H N A T I O N A L R E D W I N E D A Y A U G U S T 3 1 S T F A M I L Y F E U D G A M E S H O W


This might be a good opportunity to review some rules for our community. I know the Rules and Regulations is not the most often read book in the community! So just as a reminder . . .

• Golf carts must be driven on the roads. Never on the sidewalks.

• Pets must be kept on a controlled leash or in a fenced area when outside. There was an incident where a dog was on a leash in a garage, but when another dog walked by, the dog pulled free and bit the dog that was walking by. I have also seen dogs lying out in the yard or on the driveway with no leash on at all, although the resident was in the immediate vicinity. This is not a safe practice. And this rule applies to cats too.

• Parking on the street overnight requires a permit from the HOA office.

• Residents are welcome to use the amenities for gatherings etc. either formally with a club or individually as space allows. All areas must be returned to their original state when finished and trash removed, if necessary.

• Residents are required to wear their name tags to the clubhouse and all HOA activities.

• Children’s hours at the pools for those 4 years and older are 10AM - 3 PM weekends and federal holidays and 11AM - 3 PM weekdays.

• All changes to the exterior appearance of your home require an approved EIR before beginning the project.

• Owners are responsible for replacing any diseased or dead sod, plants, shrubs, or flowers on their property.

• Cresswind residents shall obey posted speed limits, traffic signs, give the right of way in a traffic circle (round-a-bout), and be both courteous and cautious when operating a motor vehicle in our community.

I know you have all heard these many times before, but it never hurts to hear them again.

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 7


Cresswind has been dealing with surface water management and drainage issues since its inception. Your Board of Directors, (BOD), recently outlined the responsibilities of each homeowner to capture and resolve surface water running from their home or lot to the next lot.

The BOD tasked your Architectural Review Committee (ARC), to review homeowner’s plans to ensure the aesthetics of your finished project meet community guidelines. As a result, surface water management plans require ARC approval and should be submitted using form EIR-1.

Although our primary purpose is to review and approve the aesthetics of your finished project, we do want to be part of solutions wherever possible. To that end, we are compiling a list of topics each homeowner should consider when developing their plan to deal with surface water runoff and drainage. So far, we have identified five (5) considerations that should be part of any plan submitted:

1. Divert water flows away from steep areas.

2. Slow down fast-moving water.

3. Spread it out.

4. Soak it in.

5. Do no harm to your neighbors or HOA common areas.

Each of those considerations sounds simple on paper but they become more difficult when put into practice due to narrow, steep spaces, and Georgia red clay between homes here in Cresswind.

Steep slopes present bigger challenges because of the difficulties of stabilizing soils and safely managing runoff.

Steep slopes, with a grade of 15% or greater, make it even more problematic. For comparison, think about a road trip you have taken through any steep mountain pass. Federal law requires interstate highways to have a maximum grade of just 6% percent, while state highways are a different story. Pennsylvania maintains a highway with a 14.5-degree slope, and California is even steeper with one highway at a whopping 26-degree grade. We have measured one home, here in Cresswind, with a 21% grade on their side yard and another with a 17% grade on one side of their home. These severe situations make considering numbers 1 through 5 above even more important.

There are some obvious remedies to be considered during your planning including underground piping, pop-ups drain, collection boxes, terracing, swales, dry riverbeds & rain gardens. Unfortunately, each of these choices comes with additional considerations. Your ARC members are ready to discuss these options, so give us a call.

The ARC also recommends that you obtain professional assistance with project planning, particularly if there is visual evidence of existing drainage or erosion problems. That assistance can come from one of the many landscapers available, or in the case of severe problems, a surface water management/erosion control specialist or even a professional engineer.

Please feel free to reach out to any of your ARC members at the earliest point in your planning process. We are here to help and remember; “Cooperation & Collaboration” - the steps you take to manage runoff from your property will combine with the efforts of your neighbors to reduce flooding and erosion damage in our community!


Welcome Committee News

Do you remember when you first moved to Cresswind? Perhaps you had questions like:

• How do I get tickets for these amazing events I hear about?

• Where do I go to buy groceries?

• What day is garbage day?

• How can I learn more about this place I just moved into?

Were you a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out all that the community has to offer and the best way to “Cresswind”?

The Cresswind Welcome Committee is here to help new residents navigate the best way to “Cresswind”. The Welcome Committee has

Steven, Kim and Brynn Fallona 3531 Locust Cove Edwin “Ted” Thomas 3751 Golden Leaf Point

Lisa Briggs 3667 Majestic Oak Drive


a new team that was formed in April. Their goals include meeting with new neighbors to show them the ropes and hosting a New Homeowner Orientation. Our new neighbors will learn about the Cresswind website, Facebook page, committees, and clubs, etc. Welcome Committee members are also helpful in providing information about the area.

If you have been in Cresswind for a while, but still feel like you’d like someone to show you the ropes, please reach out to Sandy St George at, and one of our awesome committee members will be happy to re-welcome you!

Mike Parker, Sandy Parker and Dewdrop McGee 3951 Great Pine Drive

Ronald and Barbara Norvell 4043 Lavender Point

Trey Wilson 3188 Willow Creek Drive

Bob Kuehfus and Jan Pearson 3217 Black Gum Lane

Julie James and Spencer Rosen 3934 Sweet Magnolia Drive

Joyce Moore 3635 Cresswind Parkway


Stephen and Dawn Siebold 3316 Indian Hawthorne Ridge




We have many individuals here in Cresswind that are willing to assist you in your time of need. If you need assistance, we are here for you. The CARE Committee maintains support for any of our resident’s needing assistance during a time of crisis. We can set up a Meal Train, come and visit, take and retrieve trash & recycle bins, pick up mail (especially for those in Phase III). We have a list of medical equipment which residents have and are willing to loan on a short-term basis for your recovery period (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) We have a list of various facilities in the greater Gainesville area that may be needed for recovery (rehab, memory care, assisted living, long term nursing care). We also have a list of organizations that provide skilled in-home care. This information is available and

comes with no recommendations by the Committee. If you need assistance or if you would like to volunteer to be part of the CARE Committee to assist our neighbors, please contact Mary Quisenberry.

We have many individuals here in Cresswind that are willing you need assistance, we are here for you. The CARE Committee our resident’s needing assistance during a time of crisis. visit, take and retrieve trash & recycle bins, pick up mail have a list of medical equipment which residents have basis for your recovery period (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, facilities in the greater Gainesville area that may be needed assisted living, long term nursing care). We also have a in-home care. This information is available and comes Committee.

If you volunteer assist Quisenberry.

Kevin Pearson and Rachel Berhannan 3365 Sweet Plum Trace
Zuccolo and Sonja Maxwell 3696 Majestic Oak Drive John and Kathy Crawford 3734 Cypresswood Point



In March 2022, the Cresswind Board of Directors requested the Rules and Regulations Committee (CRRC) to update the Cresswind Rules and Regulations Manual. The objectives of this update included: elimination of rules that no longer apply or are unenforceable; identify and correct rules conflicting with other Governing Documents; eliminate any terminology referencing developer/ Kolter; standardize terms, acronyms, and formats; eliminate rules applying only to clubs, ensure manual is always current, reduce size of manual, and deliver a document that is more user friendly. Many of these objectives were addressed by taking a deep dive into the 150+ page manual and eliminating outdated and unenforceable rules, inconsistencies, and club-specific regulations. To ensure rules were accurate and current, CRRC members met with the Board of Directors, FirstService Residential (FSR), and the committees who have ownership of various community rules (Architectural Review Committee (ARC), Landscape Committee (LAN), Marina Committee). To identify and eliminate any rule conflicts, the manual was reviewed against other Cresswind Governing Documents, including our Charter (76 pages), four Charter Amendments, and the 40 Board of Directors Resolutions enacted since 2020. And with the cooperation of the Committees, Board of Directors, and FSR; a methodology was devised to ensure the Manual will stay current.

On April 27th, the Board of Directors approved the new Cresswind Rules and Regulations Manual to be the single source rules document for residents. All of the rules have been updated. The elimination of club-only rules; the reduction of the manual down to100 pages; and enabling active links to committee pages, Board of Directors resolutions and the Charter, results in a more user-friendly manual. Check out the new manual by going to Governing Documents on the Cresswind LLC website.

Since 2020 the Cresswind Board of Directors has issued 40 Resolutions. Though all residents can access each of these resolutions via the Cresswind LLC website, we think a review of select resolutions

in the Waterfall will be beneficial to the community.

Resolution #4-2022 Pond Inspection Resolution was approved on November 17, 2022. We have twenty-one retention and detention ponds within the community boundaries. It is our responsibility to operate, maintain and repair any portions of any surface water management system located within the Community. The primary purpose of Resolution #4-2022 is to enact a pond inspection program that prudently ensures the integrity of the community’s ponds and that associated control structures are maintained in satisfactory condition. With this resolution, ponds are to be inspected semi-annually and after major storm events by the Community Association Manager, and biennially by a licensed professional. The objectives of the inspections conducted by the Community Association Manager are to help ensure the inside of the ponds and along the outside fences are mowed at least three times a year, inspect inlets and outlets to ensure good condition and no erosion, remove debris that may have accumulated, look for any seepage, remove obstructions, and ensure fences and gates are in good conditions.

The objective of the biennial inspection includes inspecting the structural integrity, determine if there is enough vegetation to prevent erosion, determine if inlet/outlet pipes are in need of repair, determine if the pond is draining correctly, inspect concrete walls for cracks and damage, ensure the emergency overflow is free of debris and sediment, and check for signs of hydrocarbon build up. Retention and detention ponds are critical to our community’s water drainage management system. The pond inspection plan laid out in this resolution helps ensure our drainage management system is meeting the needs of our community and complies with the City of Gainesville laws and ordinances. To maintain system efficacy and avoid any additional expenses to the HOA, residents are not to dispose of any trash, including yard clippings or trimmings, into the pond areas.


Submitted by: Lynne

The Trails and Pathways Committee invites you to enjoy our new website and new maps that are now available. From the Cresswind website, go to: Our Community > Committees >Trails and Pathways Committee > Website. Here you can read about the Committee and our Trails via: News, Maps, a Photo Gallery, and Hiking Resources.

We hope you have been enjoying the beautiful spring and summer weather. When you are hiking our Trails, you will spot many special blooms, perhaps including these tiny gems:

As always, we appreciate that you are respectful and safe on the Trails. Use of sturdy shoes and a walking stick is encouraged, especially when leaves, pine needles, water, and other elements cover portions of the Trails.

In addition, we are pleased to welcome our community’s new Hiking Club! Please contact Paula Burzotta, or Whit Adams, to join. For comments and questions, please contact Dave Rames,

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925-366-7467 3966 Great Pine Dr. 3 bed / 3 baths plus Flex Room Finished Terrace Level, Screened Porch, Gas Fireplace, Wood Views 3217 Black Gum Lane 3318 Sweet Plum Trace 3 bed / 3 bath Cypress Model with Finished Terrace Level Hickory Model with Unfinished Terrace Level If you are thinking of buying or selling in Cresswind, I’d love to help you make your move! Visit my website to see available homes in your area - 10900 Crabapple Rd, Roswell GA 30075 404-876-4901 FORSALE SOLD SOLD COMING SOON


The Education Committee Brings in New Vision and Looking for Volunteers. I would first like to tip my hat to all the Education Committee members – past and present – as they truly have a heart for community and service! These members have reached out to neighbors, friends, and community leaders to find valuable programs that benefit all of our lives. Presenters in the Ballroom have ranged from a panel of heart surgeons with the latest technological breakthroughs to getting Bruneau University Bulli programs taught here in the Savanah room.

There have been so many beneficial presentations it would take pages to write about. That being said, a new vision is rolling off the assembly line, and it’s going to be big. If you have read the latest Cress-

wind Updates from Maggie, our committee is hosting a 501c3 (non-profit) Expo this September 30th from 10 to 1 pm. It will host a wide range of non-profit groups that serve our most vulnerable and people in need. The general focus will be on Children & Youth, Seniors, Physical & Mental Health, Environmental, Diversity, Homeless, Animal Rescue, and Veterans. I’m sure if you have interest and time and want to support something that tugs on your heart there will be a group for you. Sandee Gorham is leading our vision and is hoping to supply forty-five tables/booths!

There is also talk of doing another Expo in the future that will host civic and profit organizations as well, such as travel, Quinlan Art institute, and Gainesville Parks

and Recreation just to name a few of the possibilities.

In addition to these Expos, we will be hosting a wide range of presentations from “How to Prevent Stroke” to vacation train trips and river travel. Given this ambitious plan to host these great programs and presenters, we could use photographers, a graphics person to put bells and whistles on our promotions, and an audio/visual person to help the presenters. Just a couple of hours a month could go a long way – a lot of hands make a light load. Please come to our monthly meetings held the third Friday of the month at 11:00 am in the Savanah Room. This is a great way to make wonderful friends inside and outside of our Cresswind community.


There’s something about the gently winding, tree-lined streets of Cresswind that makes me nostalgic for those barefoot summer days of watermelon cuttings and seed spitting contests among the trees in my grandmother’s yard. For you transplants, that’s an old southern tradition. The original developers may not have been nostalgic when they included trees in their plan for what is now Cresswind, but they certainly realized their importance. Trees enhance the beauty, harmony, and serenity of our community and, consequently, help to maintain the value of our property.

The developers included items in governing documents to assure that Cresswind maintained the woodland aspect of much of the property it is built upon. They agreed to allow unimproved common areas that were clear-cut during construction to revert to a natural, undisturbed woodland status. They also stipulated in the Residential Design Guidelines that each front lawn should have at least one island with a tree and a minimum of five shrubs. Limitations are placed on the size, location, and variety of trees for several reasons.

• Larger trees can become too large for the neighborhood and its small yards.

• Trees can become a safety or liability issue if they split or topple during storms.

• The canopy of a mature tree planted too close to the property line may overhang a neighbor’s property.

• Some trees have intrusive root systems that may invade or ruin foundations, water lines, or sidewalks.

Complete rules governing the planting and removal of trees can be found in the Rules and

Regulations Manual, Chapter 5-4 (On the website go to Resources and then Documents) and in the pamphlet What You Need to Know about Landscaping in Cresswind (On the website go to Our Community then Committees then Landscape Committee then scroll down to Documents and Forms).

Since early spring, the Landscape Committee has received many EIR-1 applications for the removal and/or replacement of street trees, those in front yard islands. Although our goal is to maintain a streetscape with a tree in every front yard, there sometimes are legitimate reasons for removing a tree. For example, the tree may be dying or invasive. In any case, the tree should be replaced with one less susceptible to weather or disease damage or with a less invasive root system.

How can you tell if your tree is dying and needs to be replaced? Don’t give up on it just because it looks a little wonky. John Akins, an arborist and owner of Tree Care Solutions, recommends looking for symptoms of stress like leaf color changes, significant leaf curling, and browning of limbs. However, it is normal for many larger trees to use natural selection to choose limbs to die out. If a large limb on your tree appears dead but has leaves on the end of it, it’s still alive. If not, consult an arborist for options.

Some tree varieties have “runner” roots that grow horizontally at the surface of the ground. These roots may cause damage to structures or water and drainage systems. For this reason, Akins advises against planting many varieties of cherry or maple trees. Other trees that produce runner roots are willows, American elms, and river birches. It’s

a good idea to research a tree’s habits before you plant it.

Akins recommends tree-form camellias, crape myrtles, or dogwoods, although dogwoods are understory trees and perform better with some shade. If you choose a crape myrtle, he begs you not to commit “crape murder.” We’ve all seen crape myrtles that have been victims of an apparent chain-saw massacre. Their trunks have been sliced through horizontally, leaving nothing but stumps. Doing this won’t kill your tree, but it will make it less vigorous and more susceptible to disease and damage. Instead, he suggests you step back from your tree and look at it through a V you form with your hands. Anything outside the V should be pruned out. Notice the word prune. Prune and trim are not the same thing. To prune is to remove dead, diseased, or broken branches or those that cross or rub each other in order to improve plant fullness and health. To trim is to cut away overgrown areas at the surface of the tree or shrub in order to maintain its pleasing shape. Cresswind has many manicured shrubs that have been trimmed into geometric forms.

As we enter the hottest months of the year, don’t forget that your trees, like your other plants, will need extra water. A drought stressed tree is more susceptible to damage from insects and disease. According to Walter Reeves and Erica Glasener in Month-By-Month Gardening, Georgia, the minimum requirement for a tree during drought is 15 gallons of water per inch of diameter four feet above the ground. For optimal results, water that amount twice a week. Your tree will thank you with some refreshing shade.

Page 14 The WATERFALL July/August 2023
Page 16 The WATERFALL July/August 2023 JULY/AUGUST 2023 SCHEDULE Check > Lifestyle > Fitness for more details. ONGOING WEEKLY SPORTS & FITNESS SCHEDULE Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta 770-963-9961 Call Today for FREE Onsite Estimate $10 OFF Expires 3/31/19 WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta ALL FORMS OF FENCING: CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PICKET & WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE ALUMINUM & STEEL PVC & CHAIN LINK POOL ENCLOSURES ESTATE GATES & GATE AUTOMATION Previous Awards 2016 — 2012, 2010 Call today for a free on-site estimate! Carrie’s s enior s ervi C es Semi-Retired Nurse of 39 Years can your errands for you and help out at home. Gainesville, GA 334-596-5562 Providing Personal Assistance to Seniors - Pick up and grocery shopping - Shopping - Laundry - Prescriptions - Sitting - Meal Prep - Pet Care help - Transportation to Appointments
July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 17 Your Cresswind at Lake Lanier ExpertResident and Realtor! SOLD! Resale Home Buying Opportunities NOW in CRESSWIND !!! Vickie Gassman Call or Text 678-749-4928 678.425.1988 Call me for your Private Tour of this Active Adult, 55+ Community TODAY! SOLD! UNDER CONTRACT 3562 Black Cherry Point 3558 Black Cherry Point 3426 Cresswind Parkway Let mehelpyou when you’re ready toBuyorSell !
WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS SOCIAL SECURITY PLANNING • TAX STRATEGIES ESTATE PLANNING • PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE GAINESVILLE, GA 230 Main Street SW Gainesville, GA 30501 CUMMING, GA 410 Peachtree Pkwy Bldg. 400, Suite 4245 Cumming, GA 30041 ATHENS, GA 1551 Jennings Mill Road Suite 2600-D Watkinsville, GA 30677 (770) 535-5000 • Advisory services offered through Moore’s Wealth Advisory, A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC. Insurance products and services offered through Moore’s Wealth Management. Advisory, Services Network, LLC and Moore’s Wealth Management are not affiliated. Let Our Family Serve Yours

Withdrawing from Retirement Accounts, Where to Turn to First

Retirement knowledge and information often revolves around saving and preparing for your future, but when the retirement years actually come and the savings you’ve spent decades accumulating need to be spent, how does one begin?

The following will give a general outline of which accounts to start with and what accounts to use as a follow up.


Cash incurs growth at a much lower rate than does most any other holding. Whether it’s cash in a savings account or a cash holding in an investment account, beyond your emergency fund (6 months of expenses), cash should be the first place you pull income from for your retirement years.

Taxable Investment Accounts

Individual, revocable trusts, and joint accounts should be your next stop for income in your retirement years.

Sourcing income from your taxable investment accounts will assist with reducing tax liability as they will be taxed at capital gains rates (given they are

held for more than one year) and will come from accounts that historically grow at a slower rate than do other forms of retirement accounts (accounts that are tax-deferred).

Social Security

Turning on your social security income is a great way to protect your remaining nest-egg and begin sourcing income from a social welfare program you’ve been paying into for your entire working life, but this decision isn’t as simple as the first two.

Before turning on your social security benefits, consider if waiting will dramatically increase your expected monthly income or not. If you are past the age of 70, this won’t apply. If you are around the age of 62, waiting could mean a larger payout in the future.

Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts

Traditional IRA, 457, SEP IRA, 401(k), and 403(b) accounts are taxed once withdrawals begin to be made. Withdrawals can be voluntary as a form of retirement income or they may be required depending on your age as a yearly required minimum distribution


This material is provided as a courtesy and for educational purposes only. Please consult your investment professional, legal or tax advisor for specific information pertaining to your situation.

All information contained herein is derived from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. All views/opinions expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views/opinions held by Advisory Services Network, LLC.

This article may contain links to articles or other information that may be on a third-party website. Advisory Services Network, LLC is not responsible for and does not control, adopt, or endorse any content contained on any third-party website.

Advisory Services Network, LLC does not provide tax advice. The tax information contained herein is general and is not exhaustive by nature. Federal and state laws are complex and constantly changing. You should always consult your own legal or tax professional for information concerning your individual situation.

(RMD). It’s usually best to wait to withdraw from these accounts for as long as possible to avoid the tax liability.

Roth IRA Accounts

With tax-free growth and qualified withdrawals also being tax-free (for beneficiaries as well), Roth IRAs are of the most tax-efficient savings vehicles available to investors. Allowing these the most time to accumulate, like your tax-deferred accounts, is always a good choice. And leaving these accounts untouched throughout your retirement can mean more money for your loved ones as RMD’s have been done away with (via the SECURE 2.0 Act) and withdrawals after your passing can be deferred for up to 10 years.

Like most tax-related retirement advice, there is no one size fits all. This is why speaking with an advisory firm can develop a retirement roadmap that is unique to you and can be a great step towards protecting your future. For assistance in making these decisions or to schedule a complimentary financial review with Moore’s Wealth Management, click here or call our office at 770-535-5000, where a staff-member is awaiting your call Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM.

Page 20 The WATERFALL July/August 2023 Contact us 770-378-8526 - Driveways / Extensions - Patios - Sidewalks - Retaining Walls - Install - Evaluate - Repair Evaluations start at $75 High Profile Landscape Services Irrigation Concrete
July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 21 Thinking of Selling Your Home? Call Drew and Terri Representing Buyers and Sellers in North Georgia for 25 years Sweet Magnolia Drive Lavender Pt. 848 Jesse Jewell Pkwy SW Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 495-5050 770-883-0177 DREW LEEUWENBURG 678-478-6045 TERRI OLSON Email: SOLD SOLD


For additional information, please visit the Cresswind website at:

Arts & Crafts Clubs

Artist’s Corner

Make & Take Crafts


Pottery – Cone 5/6 Exchange Adv.


Writers in the Wind

Book Clubs

Monday Clubs

Tuesday Club

ABC Men’s

Between the Stacks

Book Babes

Book Buds

Book Worms

Cover to Cover Book Club

Reading between the Wines Theatre Goers Book Club

Card Game Clubs


Bunco - Ladies

Hand & Foot Canasta

Mah Jongg

Mexican Train

Mixed Card Club



Poker Clubs

Rubber Bridge


Samba Club

Texas Hold ‘em - Ladies

Dance Clubs


Ballroom Dance

Clogging – Beginner, Intermediate

Hulu Dance Club

Hulu Club

Line Dance – Beginner, Cardio

Wendy’s Choreography

Performing Arts Clubs

Art in Motion: Dance & More

Cresswind Community Chorus

Cresswind Performing Arts Club

Cresswind Neighborhood Theater

Jazz Band Club

Karaoke Club

Liars Club

Neighborhood Bands

Performing Arts Technical Team

Small Bands

Storytelling Club

Ukulele Club

Variety Show Club

Sports & Games Clubs

Billiards – Ladies & Men

Bocce Club

Bowling League

Fishing Club

Golf: Ladies & Men

Kayak Club

Pickleball Club

Ping Pong Club

Sports & Games

Tai Chi: For Everyone, Advance

Tennis Club

Travel Clubs

RV Club

Travel Club

Religious & Bible Study Clubs


Ladies Men’s

Shalom Club

The Way

Special Interest Clubs

Bourbon Cabinet Club

Bourbon Tasting Club

CIC Investment Club

Community Flag Club

Cooking Club

Cresswind LL Community Fund

Dinner Club

Garden Club

Genealogy Club

Hiking Club

International Missions Club

Investment Club: The Falls

Ladies Luncheon Club

Living Stylishly

Martini Clubs

Model Railroad Club

Parkinson’s Support Group

Scotch Lovers At Cresswind

Social Singles

Spanish Club

Tequila Club

Veterans Club

Volunteer Connection

Wine Tasting

See Cresswind Website for details.

Page 22 The WATERFALL July/August 2023


Submitted by: Dave Dittmeier

The ABC Men’s Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm in the clubhouse library. We only read and discuss non-fiction books. Recently we read “Two Souls Indivisible” which was about how two Vietnam POWs, one white and one black, formed an unexpected friendship that saved them both. We also read “Joe, The Slave Who Became an Alamo Legend”. The ABCs is open to any Cresswind male who may be interested in reading and discussing non-fiction books. More info? Contact Dave Dittmeier DaDittmeier@ (PS > ABC stands for Annuitants, Bibliophiles and Curmudgeons)


Submitted by: Diane Thurmon

Paintings in progress at Artists Corner in the Arts & Crafts Room every Tuesday from 9:00 am to Noon. We have folks working in several mediums on their own projects with camaraderie and helpful advice always available. No particular level of expertise necessary, just the desire to create for creativity’s sake. Come on down and check it out!


1. It Guards You Against False Teachings: We should look at false teaching as a disease; it is a deadly virus that seeks to infect and contaminate individuals and even entire congregations. Likewise, we should see the truth that is God’s Word as the vaccination or cure that will stop its spread and eradicate the damage it causes spiritually to your life.

2. It Increases Your Level of Discernment: The more we deliberately expose ourselves to God’s Word, the more His Word will be able take root in our lives.

3. It Is Able to Make You Wise unto Salvation: Bible study will help to reinforce the truth that Christ is to be the focal point of our faith. What must be understood is that Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of the Bible.

4. It Keeps You from Wrongly Dividing the Word: If Scripture can be rightly divided, then surely it can also be wrongly divided—and none of us want to be that one who does such a thing. As we study His Word, the Holy Spirit, who superintended the writing of the Word, will guide us into truth.

5. It Will Bless You When Its Principles Are Kept and Applied: The Word of God will never be able to accomplish its desired effect in our lives unless we apply to our lives what we have received.

If you feel led to study the Bible on a regular basis, there are many opportunities here in Cresswind. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, the points of contact are:


Meets Thursdays from 4-5pm in the Savannah Room. The first Thursday of the month is devoted to Intercessory Prayer.

Diane Denniston and/or Jami Dittmeier


Meets Fridays from 10-11 in the Georgia Room. They begin with a time of prayer from 9:30-10:00. Dave Dittmeier


Meets in the Savannah Room in 6-week increments. Meg Bohn


Couples Bible studies meet in private home throughout the community.

Joanne Randall


The In-Home Women’s Bible Study meets in a resident’s home. Jacquie Waldron

“For the word of God is alive and active…” (Heb 4:12 NIV)



Julie Cottingham


Joyce Allen


Lynne Tryon


Zona Buchen


Dave Dittmeier at


Pat Hilger


Cathy Koenig


Donna Brown


Carol Malarney

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 23 WHAT’S HAPPENING



Janet Nelson


Marilyn Young


Have you ever sipped a bourbon and wondered? What is there to wonder about you ask? Well, there is a lot that goes into the only true whiskey made in the USA. The industry that developed in Kentucky in the 18th century has blossomed into a multi-billion-dollar industry that in 1964 was decreed by the U.S. Congress as a “distinctive product of the United States”. Bourbon sold in the U.S. must be produced in the country from at least 51% corn and stored in a new container of charred oak. But there is much more to learn; and therefore, the mission of the Bourbon Tasting Club on Lake Lanier is to inform, educate, and experience America’s contribution to the world of alcoholic beverages.

This photo from our most recent tasting event highlights the presentations that each member prepares for the tasting. Usually, three (3) members coordinate their efforts to select bourbons that offer a combination of mash bill, aging, history, proof, marketing, and many other features that make bourbon unique. Our goal is simply to wonder more, challenge our personal taste preferences, and enjoy the companionship of fellow “bourbonista’s.”

We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month. While there is a waiting list for membership, we usually have room for guests to join a meeting. To join the wait list and to be advised of future meetings, please send an email to


The Cresswind Bowling League began the Summer Season on May 24th for 10 consecutive Wednesdays and will wrap up on July 26th. We

will have our kickoff meeting for the 2023/24 Season on Wednesday August 2nd at 10:00 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. We will review the Summer Season, try to answer any questions, and organize the teams for the coming season. The 2023/24 Season will be at Stars and Strikes in Buford beginning with the first session starting on Wednesday, September 6th at 9:45 am and every Wednesday thereafter for 14 weeks. There is no scheduled bowling during the week of Thanksgiving and the last two weeks of December. The second session will begin on Wednesday, January 6, 2024, for 14 consecutive Wednesdays and end on April 3rd. There will be a roll off on April 10th between the first and second session winners to determine the overall season champion. We are a handicapped non-sanctioned league, so no need to worry about having not bowled for years or having a lower average. We encourage any Cresswind resident interested in bowling either full time or as a sub to attend this meeting. If you cannot attend, please contact one of the Bowling League board members. Information can be found on the website under clubs.


There are many opportunities for playing and learning how to play cards. Additional information on card groups can be found on the Cresswind website or in Maggie’s Daily Update.

BUNCO CLUB – LADIES 4th Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Crow’s Nest

BRIDGE EDUCATION CLUB has two groups: Tuesday Morning Computer 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm and Thursday Afternoon Education 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB is comprised of five nonsanctioned duplicate bridge sessions each month; two afternoon sessions and three evening sessions. Duplicate is a competitive form of Bridge. Afternoon Sessions 2nd & 4th Tuesdays - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Reservations Required. Evening Sessions – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursdays - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Reservations Required.

RUBBER BRIDGE CLUB plays on Fridays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Card Room of the Clubhouse.

CANASTA CLUB Mondays 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Crow’s Nest

HAND & FOOT CANASTA Mondays 5:30 – 8:00 pm, 3rd Floor, Card Room

LADIES TEXAS HOLD ‘EM CLUB Wednesdays 6:00 – 9:30 pm, 3rd Floor Lobby

MAH JONGG CLUB is fun, competitive, and sociable, but the game requires strategy as well as knowledge of rules and procedures. To play with the groups here at Cresswind, it is necessary that you know how to play this game. Mah Jongg classes are offered throughout the year; contact Eleanor Whalen if you are interested in attending the next scheduled class. We play Sunday, Monday, & Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm 3rd Floor, Card Room.

MEXICAN TRAIN CLUB – 2nd Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00

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July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 25

pm, Crow’s Nest

MIXED CARDS CLUB – Thursdays 1:30 – 4:30 pm, Billiard Room

POKENO CARD CLUB plays every Sunday night at 5:30 7:45 pm in the Crow’s Nest. Pokeno is an easy poker/ keno type game. We play with pennies and nickels. Come and watch, you will want to play. Contact Sheran Connolly or Lois Worlock for additional information.

PINOCHLE CLUB - Saturdays 1:00 – 5:00 pm, 3rd Floor, Card Room

POKER CLUB, LADIES - 3rd Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm Crow’s Nest

POKER CLUB - Submitted by: Jerry Worlock

Bob Smyth is the 2023 Cresswind

Omaha Champion. The Poker Club plays on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights from 6:00 – 10:00 pm on the 1st floor at the end of the gym. If interested in playing contact

RUMMIKUB CLUB: All residents are invited to come play Rummikub every Friday at 12:30 – 3:30 pm in the Crow’s Nest. Rummikub is an easy tile game based on the card game Rummy. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play — we will teach you! So come join us! If you have any questions, please contact Laura Martin at qnmartin118@

SAMBA CLUB: Come join us in a relaxed setting to play Samba. We play every Friday. If you have ever played Canasta or Hand and Foot, this is just another variation. We are happy to teach you. What a fun way to make new friends! We only play 3 games, the 4th is optional, so we are usually through at about 3:00 pm. No commitments, just show up before 12:30 in the Billiards Room. Come a few minutes earlier for some social time! If you have never played cards and want to learn, or just have questions, contact me. All residents welcome!


Submitted By: Louise Dunn

The stock market is at a midpoint for the year. Earnings and profit margins for many companies show a slowing in growth. Surprises and volatility seem to be the norm. The stock market continues to be highly influenced by the economy, political, and geopolitical events. Artificial intelligence, electrical vehicles, and managing debt are drivers for many investments. Despite these challenges including management of the debt ceiling, some sectors of the market offer opportunities for future growth. Predictions about the economy and stocks abound, however, how does one decide which stocks to buy, hold, or perhaps sell?

Many of us struggle with questions about how to maintain and promote income growth. The CIC Investment Club members share their expertise and experiences to help make

informed decisions about investments through monthly presentations. There are several long-term members as well as newer members. All CIC members take part in offering suggestions for stocks and in voting on stocks for the club. Club membership is limited to 30. A wait list is available for interested residents if there are no openings.

We invite you to join us as a guest to learn more about the Cresswind Investment Club. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse kitchen. Please contact Len Greco at or Cathy Hoskinson at if you would like to attend.


Thank you to Doug Geganto and volunteer group that faithfully place American flags on the holidays. A wonderful display of patriotism.


Submitted by: Doug Geganto

Four times a year

Cresswind residents are part of the celebration and demonstration of our patriotism and love for our country. These are the four national holidays when the 55 members of the Flag Club place over 1500 flags along every street in Cresswind.

The Flag Club began before Kolter purchased the bankrupt Levitt Community. John Burkhart, an early resident, began placing flags in front of all occupied homes. As the community began to grow, he enlisted assistance from several residents in both Phases 1 and 2 to place flags for Memorial Day, July 4th, and Veteran’s Day. He continued to lead the Flag group until 2015 when he stepped down because of illness. Randy Garcia stepped up to lead the group until a permanent leader could be found. In 2016 Randy asked to step down and requested that a new leader be found to take over the group. Finding a new leader got a little complicated as some high-strung personalities had a disagreement about who would take over the flag group. It was at this point that I volunteered to lead the group as long as it would continue to have its own identity. Eventually we were required to become a club if we wanted to continue to place flags in the community. I have proudly led the club since then.

So, what do we do? The most notable is the placement of American Flags on Memorial Day, July 4th, September 11th, and Veteran’s Day. In addition, residents may notice the service flags on the flagpole celebrating the birthdays of each branch of our Armed

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Forces. The club is also responsible for buying, maintaining, and replacing the community flag when it begins to show signs of fading and wear. When residents turn in American flags to the office that they’ve replaced I will be called to pick them up; I make a monthly trip to the American Legion to drop them off so that they can be honorably and properly retired. Please do not discard your old flag in the garbage, drop it off at the office. Our flag not only represents our country, but it also represents and honors the millions of Americans who have sacrificed their lives for our country.

Throughout the year I repair flags that have broken sticks so they can be reused. I average over a hundred repairs each year. Flags that can no longer be used are placed with the flags designated to go to the American Legion. Unfortunately, we lose flags every year, these usually disappear after each holiday or after the first responder parades, we’ve done. I use repaired flags and new flags to replace our losses. Flags are usually placed one to two days before the holiday and picked back up the day after the holiday. Please do not pick up or remove a flag or flags before a club member comes by to retrieve them.

The Flag Club has no dues and is always looking for volunteers to assist us. We need residents who can fill

in when a member is not available to place their flags. Lastly, we are not supported by the HOA and rely on donations from the community to support the club. If you’re interested in joining us or donating, please contact me at

“I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty and freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it’s marked by the blood of those who died defending it.” John Thune US Senator from South Dakota


Submitted: Lance Haney

We are offering a FREE outdoor exercise class for all Cresswind residents! That’s right!...FREE! Exercises


The purpose of the Cresswind Parkinson’s Support Group is to be a vehicle for learning, sharing, and support group for members dealing with Parkinson’s.

Since its inception, the group has hosted many experts in the field. For example, Kevin Peterson with the Neuromodulation Division of Abbott Laboratories gave a presentation on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). DBS uses a small device placed under the skin of the chest. It sends signals through leads to an area in the brain that controls movement. To give relief, these signals block some of the brain messages that cause the movement symptoms of Essential Tremor and Parkinson’s. One of our members who has had the procedure gave a demonstration of his tremors with his device turned on and with it turned off. The difference was amazing.

One of the symptoms of Parkinson’s Diseases is a softening of the voice and a lack of articulation. Therefore, on July 19 in a joint meeting with the group from Lanier Village Estates, our guests will be representatives from the UGA Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education. They will set up stations to assess members’ speech and communication needs. This special joint meeting will be held at Grace Episcopal Church and will include lunch. If you plan to attend this meeting, please confirm your reservation for lunch by emailing Bob Goldmann at bob. or Delores Diaz at Space is limited.

The Parkinson’s Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm in the Cresswind Ballroom. Visitors are always welcome.

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 27

include bending and reaching for flexibility, pulling, and carrying for strength, digging and watering for mobility. And as a special bonus, you will get your steps! Come to the Cresswind Community Garden any Friday at 9:00 am or 2:00 pm for our Volunteer Project Days. A garden as large as ours…and as beautiful as ours…is only possible through the efforts of many volunteers doing a little bit for just a little while. Come join us in the fresh air for a good time and a good cause!

It is now prime Monarch Butterfly season, and you can come to the Garden anytime to check in on the Monarch caterpillars, chrysalises, and butterflies. We have a whole Monarch Butterfly Education Station where you can read about Monarch metamorphosis, “host” and nectar plants, the Monarch’s plight and how you can help. It’s a great learning experience for anyone…grandkids too! Watch Cresswind at LL Community Garden and Cresswind at LL Neighbors Facebook pages for announcements on when we will be doing the Monarch Butterfly releases. We love to have you and grandchildren join us for those, and to come enjoy the beauty of the Garden and Serenity Garden trails anytime!

It is never too early to think about what kind of SCARECCROW to create and enter in our Community Garden Scarecrow Contest in October! Lots of items are around in stores, yard sales, basements, and attics, which might not be available later…and grandkids with free time too! Go ahead and start planning and setting aside some supplies. We expect this year’s contest to be our biggest and best ever!

Get Cresswind Community Garden Club news and helpful tips for home gardening also. Become a Friendof-the-Garden. You can volunteer, donate, and be invited to take part in all Garden Club activities and events. Just email us at to be added to the contact list. Want to rent a garden box at the Community Garden? Contact Susan Dodd at to get on the waiting list. Join us on Facebook at Cresswind at LL Community Garden.


Submitted by: Robin Foster

The Cooking Club continues to stay busy offering the members opportunities to socialize, learn, and enjoy delicious food through our events, cooking school, and socials. We hope you have taken an opportunity to attend or volunteer for at least one of these fun activities. The weather for the Cinco De Mayo event, partnered with Lifestyle on May 5th, unfortunately did not cooperate and the band could not continue. Thank you to those who stayed to enjoy the delicious taco meal and to the volunteers who helped make that meal possible. An appreciation party was held for Cinco de Mayo volunteers on May 15th. The May 16th Social provided some social time for members and an opportunity to volunteer for

the Fish Fry that occurred on June 10th. For this event, hosted by members Andrea Marra and Carol Mason, members enjoyed fried fish, coleslaw, baked beans, corn muffins, and dessert along with music provided by the band TwisteD HipsterZ. A Volunteer Appreciation for Fish Fry volunteers was held on June 18th.

The Cooking School provided field trip opportunities to visit the Green Box Mushroom Farm on April 29th and the Mountain Fresh Dairy Farm on May 23rd. If you were unable to attend these trips but would be interested let us know so we can organize another trip. Local chef Trace Peters, owner of Plant Based, prepared plant-based dishes for the attendees and instructed them on using plants to prepare meals. The Five Guys Brunch returned June 25th for another fabulous meal. Check your email in the near future for the July Tools and Techniques Cooking School class on InstaPots, with a Mexican theme, with hosts Rich St. George and Gerry Cieply. Future Cooking Club events may include a Chili Cook-Off and an Oktoberfest as well as other Cooking School classes to include a Wine and Appetizer Pairing and Sous Vide. Cooking School Volunteers were honored for all their hard work and dedication with an appreciation party on June 24th. They served chicken skewers, vegetable egg rolls, meatballs with sauce, mini quiches, watermelon & mozzarella skewers, spanakopita, brownies, and wine sangria.

Support your club by attending events, social events, and volunteering. We hope to see you at the next event.


Genealogy is a curiosity for most, a hobby for many and an obsession for others. What motivates people to spend time researching their ancestors? Some people have very specific reasons for tracing their family tree. Others jump into family history research without giving it much thought.

Knowing why people research their ancestors can be a source of inspiration and support for genealogists. This can be particularly important when the inevitable roadblocks and brick walls become a factor. Tracing family roots back through generations can help a person connect more deeply with a sense of self by learning about their family’s past—where they came from, who they were, what they did, the trials they overcame, the accomplishments they achieved, the dreams they had.

In the Genealogy Club we address these issues and more. The Genealogy Club meets the 4th Wednesday of every other month February – October at 7:00 pm in the Georgia Room. Want more information? Contact one of the facilitators ~Howie Mueller, ~Dave Dittmeier DaDit-

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July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 29
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Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/27/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust

* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 06/05/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bankissued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).

* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/27/2023. CDs offered by Edward (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with



July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 31 FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. APY* APY* APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/27/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). , CFP®, AAMS™, CRPC™ Gainesville, GA 30504-3976 1-year 4.85% 4.50% 5.05% 6-month FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. APY* APY* APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/27/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). , CFP®, AAMS™, 958 Mcever Road Ext Gainesville, GA 30504-3976 4.85% 18-month 4.50% 5.05% 6-month Compare our Bank-issued, FDIC-insured 1-year 4.85% 4.50% 5.05% 6-month > | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured APY* APY* APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/27/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please CRPC™ 958 Mcever Road Ext Gainesville, GA 30504-3976 4.85% 4.50% 5.05% 6-month FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today.
Bank-issued, FDIC-insured
advisor today.
Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, AAMS™, CRPC™ Financial Advisor 958 Mcever Road Ext Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504-3976 770-533-9965 1-year 4.85% 4.50% 5.05% 6-month FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. % % % APY* APY* APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 06/05/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). , CFP®, AAMS™, CRPC™ 1-year 5.25 5.15 5.40 6-month All Service Salon CALL TODAY 770-535-2001 104 CARRINGTON PARK DR GAINESVILLE Hairstyles for the entire family Color Specialist Full Body Waxing Nails Service When It Fits Your Schedule! ✓ Broken Spring Replacement ✓ Annual Maintenance ✓ Door Silencing Packages ✓ Garage Door Repair ✓ Opener Repair ✓ Cable & Roller Replacement ✓ Certified Technicians ✓ 20 years Experience HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! 770-965-8973 Present Coupon for $20 Off! HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! $20 Off!

You might be a genealogist if……’d rather do genealogy than visit with friends.


Submitted By: Gregg Pike

The Cresswind Ping Pong Club continues Open Play on Tuesday’s from 3PM-6PM and Thursday’s from 3PM5:30PM in the Lanier Room. We also have a time slot on Monday’s from 7PM-8PM for people who still work. Everyone is invited to come try your hand at Ping Pong. There are no fees required to become a member of the Ping Pong Club. Tables are stored in the Lanier Room and paddles and balls are kept in the back closet in a storage bin. Look for announcements about upcoming events such as instructional clinics and drop-in tournaments. Contact Gregg Pike or Kim Miller for information or questions about the Ping Pong Club.


Submitted by: Karen Silverthorn

Dinner Club resumed with a lovely spring themed dinner in April. We had a total of 6 host homes and 48 participants. Of those attending, 15 couples were returning Club members and 9 couples/pairs experienced the dining experience for the first time.

Next Dinner Club dinners are planned for Saturday, October 7th and Saturday, November 4th, 2023…. mark your calendars now!

This is how Cresswind’s Dinner Club works: members gather four times a year in different Cresswind homes to enjoy outstanding multi-course meals. The menu and recipes are preset and emailed to participants in advance of each dinner. There are always a total of 4 couples/ pairs at each host home all using the same recipes and making the same courses. Singles are welcome provided they find another single to pair with. Each couple/pair is assigned part of the meal to shop for and prepare. All food and beverage costs (average $45 - $65 per couple/ pair) are shared equally among participants at each house at the end of the meal.

Anyone can join the Dinner Club at any time of the

year. “Joining” just means that your name will be added to the evite list. There are no annual fees or commitment to attend any of the 4 dinners per year. If you are interested in joining or getting the guidelines, email the coordinator directly - Karen Silverthorn, silk3349@

Our mission is a simple one - to enjoy a delicious gourmet meal while meeting new neighbors around an elegant dinner table. Every meal is an adventure!


Submitted by: Richard St George

The Cresswind Performing Arts Club has been busy presenting some great entertainment for the community BY the community.

The Cresswind Chorus put on a terrific Spring Spectacular that was well received…as usual!

The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre was busy putting on THE ALTOS: LIKE THE SOPRANOS ONLY LOWER to FOUR sold out audiences! This was a great dinner theatre, and we all had a lot of fun doing it.

Your favorite neighborhood band OUT PAST NINE put on a terrific show for the City of Gainesville as part of their Blue Sky Concert series. We had a full square downtown with MANY Cresswind residents attending. They are now off on their world tour so be looking for their documentary GOING PAST OUT PAST NINE coming to HBO.

We also had the opportunity to bring in two outside groups that entertained the community. We hosted The Lanier Chamber Singers as well as the Southern Journey Band perform to sold out shows! A great night was had by all! We are not slowing down now, here are the coming events:

• AUGUST 19: The CPAC Performing Arts Fair

• AUGUST 24 & 25: The Summer Hummers

• SEPTEMBER 21 & 22: The Variety Show

• OCTOBER 12 & 13: The Storytellers Showcase


• DECEMBER 7-9: Chorus Holiday Celebration

We also have our monthly meetings to include:

• Storytellers Meeting: The third Thursday of every month

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• Karaoke: The third Monday of every month

• Theatre-Goers Book Club: Every other month on Tuesday

You can always see what is going on with CPAC by going to our website at We can also be contacted at


The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre (CNT) has just completed a sold-out dinner theatre performance of THE ALTOS: LIKE THE SOPRANOS ONLY LOWER. It was a crazy night because of the crazy ALTO family. Thanks to all that came and helped us ‘mourn’ for Tony Alto by dressing appropriately and acting with some decorum. We are sorry the family did not.

They are now gearing up for their fall show called FOUR OLD BROADS by Leslie Kimbell and directed by Rich St George!

Retired burlesque queen Beatrice Shelton needs a vacation. A Sassy Seniors Cruise through the Caribbean may be just the ticket if she can convince, Eaddy Mae Clayton, to stop praying and go with her. Things have not been very pleasant at Magnolia Place Assisted Living since Nurse Pat Jones began working there. The newest resident, Imogene Fletcher, is suddenly losing her memory. Maude Jenkins is obsessed with her favorite soap opera and planning her funeral. Sam Smith, retired Elvis impersonator, keeps trying to bed every woman in the building. Hilarity ensues as Imogene goes undercover and Maude enters the Miss Magnolia Senior Citizen Pageant. If they can solve the mystery, they may make it to the cruise ship after all. Keep an eye on your Daily Update for auditions and performance information.


Submitted by: Chuck Bridwell

The Cresswind Chorus SUMMER HUMMERS had a blockbuster world premiere last summer with a show that was sold out and people going crazy to get in. Therefore, there will be two performances this summer on Thursday and Friday, August 24 & 25.

This talented 30-voice men’s chorus under the direction of Richard Petty assisted by Chuck Bridwell will present an all-new show featuring an entertaining mix of great old favorite songs like “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “In the Good Old Summertime,” “Beach

Boys Medley,” “Blowing in the Wind,” “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” “Up on the Roof” and many more. Tickets are $15 and will go on sale in early August.


Submitted by: Wayne Blum

Looking for something to do on Friday, July 15th? Well come on out to Hiawassee, GA to see Out Past Nine perform on the town square! This will be our third appearance for the fine folks of Hiawassee. They must like us…they keep asking us back!!

So, you say Hiawassee is a little out of the way? Maybe too far to drive? Well, have no fear we’re coming here! Yes, to Cresswind clubhouse or patio/lawn if the weather permits. We will be performing on Friday, September 8th. Our plan is to have several new songs for your listening and dancing enjoyment!

Did I mention we now have a Facebook page courtesy of Rich St George. Check it out! When you search for it, please use “Out Past Nine” (Out Past 9 is another band located in N.Y.).

We’d like to thank all those Cresswind neighbors and friends who came to support us this past May 31st in Gainesville and again at Twin Lakes on June 17th. Hope to see you either in Hiawassee or here at the Cresswind clubhouse!


Submitted by: Nancy Evans

Variety Show #10 coming

September 21 & 22!! The Variety Show is a two-night event featuring our own talented Cresswind neighbors showcasing their many talents. These acts include vocal performance, dancing, skits, juggling, instrumental acts, and much more. Information will be posted about those who might want to be a part of this event and how to sign up as a performer. Mark your calendars for September 21 & 22 as you won’t want to miss this show!


Submitted By: Heide Anderson

The Karaoke Club had a great turn-out last month. You never know what may happen or who may show up. It’s always a fun evening for everyone. We meet every third Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Ballroom. You can request your favorite song(s) to sing and/or just enjoy listening to your neighbors and friends singing their favorite tunes. No cost, BYOB and come join us for a lot of laughs and fun! We hope

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 33 WHAT’S HAPPENING

to see you there!


Submitted by: Bert Emma


Planning and practice have begun for our 2023 Storytelling Showcase – Once Upon a Time V. Cresswind residents will present their stories of rebirth, adventure, tribute to grandparents, and much more on October 12th and 13th.

Here is a picture of our Storytellers and Listeners from our last session where we heard stories of love, our proudest moments, handling adversity, supporting the quarterback, moving the chains and more.

Our guiding theme for June was the “Silver Lining”. All of us remember reluctantly doing something that we later learned had a silver lining. So come tell a story or just come listen to the stories of others. The guiding theme is only a suggestion, and you can tell any story you would like to.

THANKS to all who attend our monthly meetings - your support is greatly appreciated. Our monthly Storytelling sessions are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:00pm in the Ballroom and usually include 8 stories and as many or more members just listening. These sessions are mini storytelling events. We would love for you to join our sessions to listen to or tell a story, there are no dues. Please come to the next sessions of the Cresswind Storytellers on Thursday July 20th at 3:00 PM in the Ballroom. You will have FUN!


Submitted by: Paul Burzotta

The Cresswind Hiking Club 2023 Begins! As the “Trail and Pathways Committee” continues to maintain Cresswind’s own nature trails, the new “Cresswind Hiking Club” is helping by simply hiking the trails (which keeps the trails free from overgrowth and safer hiking condition) and not to mention, beautiful foliage, good exercise, fresh air, and yes, it is certainly good for our souls! So, come reconnect with nature, it’s in your backyard living in Cresswind!

The Cresswind Hiking Club is a new club to Cresswind this year. After completing all of the Cresswind Trails since the beginning of 2023, last month we ventured offsite to Chicopee Woods Preserve in Gainesville. We hiked about 2.5 miles out of the 12+ miles provided by this private, pristine preserve.

The Cresswind Hiking Club meets the first Sunday of each month at 3:00 pm next to Marina Drive, by the dumpster near the poolside clubhouse parking lot. (Unless announced otherwise ~ like possible offsite trail excursion)

1. No dues to join, but we do and will continue to need help, like any club I suppose.

2. Anyone interested in becoming part of this club, please contact Whit Adams at to be placed on group email list.

Anyone with questions or concerns and/or has an interest in organizing a group hike within Cresswind or preferably, OFFSITE, please contact Paula Burzotta: pkburzotta@gmail. com. Any unusual or unexpected conditions or concerns, wildlife behavior, wasp habitats, etc. please call Paula Burzotta and she will contact the President of the Trails and Pathways Committee, David Rames, if need be.

As always, bring extra water, your walking sticks, closed shoes with traction, and/or anything else you need for a 45 min- hour and ½ hike. (Bug off, sunscreen, etc.) Reminder, you need to carry what you bring.

Thanks! Paula Burzotta and Whit Adams

A HUGE THANK YOU to all Cresswind residents, past, present and future, including Cresswind Staff (Kitti), HOA Board members, neighbors, dedicated hikers, and nature lovers alike, who helped to make it possible for the muchneeded Committee and a short time later we were able to announce that the new “Cresswind Hiking Club” was born - January 2023.


Submitted by: Dave McIntee

The Men’s Golf League of Cresswind has been in full swing since mid-March while enjoying lots of cooler than normal latespring days. We continue to play Chicopee Golf Club each Tuesday morning except for the last Tuesday of the month when we visit one of the many North Georgia golf courses. More than 40 golfers are playing each

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week. We currently have 108 golfers registered.

Our format is an 18-hole shot gun beginning at 9am sharp, being ready to play at 8:45. We play by “Q’s Rules” which offer ~slight modifications~ from the R&A/ USGA Rules of Golf. Q Rules are intended to speed play and keep it fun. Winter rules apply all year. Scoring is reported and tracked throughout the season. The current Quota’s and Handicaps are found on our website. https://genebram.wixsite. com/cllmensgolf/about-3

In the last week of May, we had a Scramble format event at the Hampton Golf Club. We had a beautiful day, and equally important, we all had a lot of fun! Our tentative away-schedule is as follows:

• June - Chestatee

• July - Traditions in Brazelton

• August - Chimney’s in Winder

Our annual tournament will begin in September and go into October. We will play as a group until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Commissioner Rod Quisenberry (“Q”) and Official Scorer Dave Wilson continue to do an amazing job. Rod is in his 9th season leading our group. He is looking to turn over the reins to an interested successor. Rod would like to hear from you.

All registrations must be in by Saturday midnight, so be sure to update your attendance status in the Sign-Up Genius mobile app. For new players interested in joining the group, please contact Rod Quisenberry (“Q”) at to receive an invitation to the app.

On Tuesday’s, please don’t be a no-show. If something prevents you from playing, please text Q as soon as you know you can’t make it, including the morning of play. Tee times at all courses are at a premium and we want to be respectful to course managers. Q’s cell is 680-770-0397.


Submitted by: Julie Philpott

Kayakers have begun to enjoy time on the lake this spring and several Saturday group paddles have been taken since mid-April. As the temperature rises this summer, we will switch to leaving the dock a little earlier on Saturday mornings to beat the heat and congestion of the other watercraft. Everyone is welcome to join in these group paddles and kayak club members are at the dock to help assist getting your kayak in the water.

This spring the Club has installed new tie down straps to more safely secure kayaks stored in the vertical racks. These storage racks are available to our membership and are awarded through a lottery on a semi-annual basis. This June we held the second half of the year’s lottery. This gives every member a chance to store their boat at the marina for at least six months.

A group of dedicated kayakers got together to Clean the Cove. This involves shore access for our cove and the neighboring cove. We usually do this in March in conjunction with the Lake Lanier Association and the Chattahoochee River Keepers Sweep the Hooch, but we pushed it back due to bad weather. We also began sunset and full moon paddles to end our days. Look for more information on future paddles. Join the kayak club to get updates!


Submitted by: Julie Philpott

The new Missions Club was formed in January 2023. In February, we held our first meeting to gather information for involvement locally in Hall County and Internationally. This social club of Cresswind Christians will fellowship together while being involved with local and world-wide missions. We will hold meetings and events to entertain and fundraise for charities.

During our second meeting in April, we learned about the Ukrainian family that has moved to the United States because some Cresswind residents invested their time and talents to make this move possible. In June, our meeting was Hot Dogs for Honduras event to support medical/surgical care at a mission hospital in Honduras.

On August 6th will be a White Elephant Bingo event to benefit Water@Work Ministries. Then our last meeting for 2023 will be an October music event. Stay tuned for more information!

To receive updated information and join our club, which has no member dues, contact


Submitted by: Bill Edmondson

Our club members are preparing for our next modular layout exhibition in the Clubhouse this summer. Grandparents weekend is scheduled for July 22, and we wanted to exhibit and operate our trains for all children attending. Club members will load in and assemble our layout Friday, July 21 in the

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Lanier Room. We will be operating trains for all to observe throughout the day on Saturday, July 22, and disassembly and haul-out will occur Sunday, July 23. Admission is free, and you may enter through the 1st floor interior hallway or the double doors facing the pool area.

We also had an active spring with our latest general club meeting held at Bob Edmond’s home. Bob shared many ideas and procedures for modelling scenery which helped many of us and allowed a complete review of his home HO layout (photos attached).

We are looking forward to gathering this July with all members and Cresswinders for Grandparents weekend. See you there…Keep SAFE. “ALL ABOARD!”


Submitted by: Cassie Caton

We have now entered the heat of the summer, and we hope you are finding ways to get out and play pickleball in the “cool” of the day. Our club has grown to over 300 members, and we are making sure there are many ways to participate in this wildly popular sport.

On April 6th our Cresswind LL team brought home first place medals for winning the Club Wars Division 5 at Cresswind Twin Lakes (CWTL). (Winners pictured in this article). The annual Clay Myers tournament was held in mid-April with over 100 players and volunteers participating! In May, the first annual TriCresswind King of the Court Scrambles were held at CWTL. Folks from CW Peachtree City, CW Twin Lakes, and CW Lake Lanier came together for a fun day of Pickleball, with lunch provided by Dr. Krynetskiy of Specialty Orthopedics. In early June we hosted an NGHS sponsored day of Scrambles, with a Mellow Mushroom pizza lunch for all to enjoy! Thanks to NGHS, we are also purchasing two new benches with awnings that will provide additional shade on the courts. Look for these to arrive by summer’s end. THANK YOU, Northeast Georgia Health System!!

This Spring we offered a Mixed Doubles Flex league and had 26 teams competing in 3 divisions. Lots of neighbors meeting neighbor on the courts! It was a great experiment that will hopefully lead to more partner-based leagues in the future.

In addition to regularly offered Novice Training (led by Jim Snell) and skill focused Drills (led by Sep Khameneh), the club

is looking into bringing a more intensive Pickleball Camp here in the fall that would be led by pro-coach Mark Price.

Not yet a member? Visit Pickleball Club website (www. for information on joining the club, current Open Play hours and all other things Pickleball!


Submitted by: Sheran Connolly

The Quilt Group has finished the donation of a Veteran Quilt of Valor - this picture does not do it justice. We are now working on the Raffle Quilt for the Fall Festival. Come and join us every Thursday at 1:00 pm in the Arts and Crafts room. We like having people stop in just to watch the process of making a quilt, you might become a permanent member!


Submitted By: Ken and Priscilla Stockwell

In April, five (5) Cresswind RVs traveled to Orange Beach, Alabama. Our newest members – Suzanne and Bob Edmond – experienced what we Cresswind folks do on an RV trip. Orange Beach is a small city on Alabama’s Gulf Coast. It is known as a water sports hub located near the State Park beaches. We all obtained bikes (some were e-bikes) and rode 15 miles round trip for a picnic on the beach. The view was gorgeous! The trails were outstanding and included a view of an alligator and even a bald eagle family.

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 37 WHAT’S HAPPENING

We made new RV friends from Athens, GA and Arizona. The ladies shopped at the outlets and at The Wharf, a shopping area with an amphitheater. Several of the men played golf and others went to an antique car show at The Wharf. Together we experienced catching a “throwed roll” at Lamberts Café and the eating of ice cream at Stacey’s Olde Tyme Soda Fountain. Several of us were “medical” so went to Holmes Medical Museum. This museum displays historic medical artifacts in a former hospital that functioned from 1936 – 1958.

Evenings were spent outside our RVs with a warm fire playing “corn hole” or in the clubhouse playing card games. Our newest RV member - Bob – won his first game of “Right Left Center” – his prize of $12 (all quarters) can go a long way. Suzanne mentioned that he was to use this money to do his laundry.

One evening Sonya and Al Pileggi purchased fresh shrimp at a local market and we all gathered in the clubhouse for a “Potluck Shrimp Dinner”. The shrimp was fabulous, and the sides were delicious. Another outing was eating together at Oso’s at Bear Point Harbor where many boats were docked.

The Stockwells are returning to Orange Beach in April 2024. We would love to have Cresswind RV Folks join us. Our dates are April 8th to May 6th. There is still so much more to do in Orange Beach!

We are always looking for new neighbors to join in the fun, so if you have an RV, (or are shopping for one!) and are inclined to spend some time with your fellow travelers, please let us know through Facebook – Cresswind RV Club group. We are looking for another couple to join the Pileggi’s in planning trips. This requires at least 4 people or 2 couples. Come join the group for an experience you will not soon forget! Again, the primary means of communication at present is through Facebook – Cresswind RV Club.


Submitted by: Miriam Rosenberg

The Shalom Club cancelled our May program for the holiday of Shavuot to be cautious as there were increases in COVID in our neighborhood. We will be holding a planning committee meeting over the next few months to plan our activities for the upcoming year. We will kick things off in September ringing in the new year in late September.

We hope that the Greater Gainesville community and our Shalom club members and Cresswind neighbors will join us for a timely program on Sunday, October 15th 2-4 pm at the Gainesville Civic Center. Join Shalom B’harim and the Gainesville community for a multimedia presentation into the long and tragic history of antisemitism led by Mr. Brendan Murphy, an educator at The Marist School. Among his many awards and honors, Mr. Murphy has received the Outstanding Educator Award from, Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. More details will be shared as the event approaches.

As always, if you’d like more information about the Shalom Club, reach out to Miriam Rosenberg (grammycooks716@ 954-501-9249 or Karen Walters (karsuew@ 301-461-1900.


Submitted By: Barbara Hillick

If you are not a member of the Cresswind Social Singles, we do not want you to miss another one of our great events. Not one but three wineries were visited by the group recently. Cenita Vineyards and Winery, Yonah Mountain Vineyards and Creekstone Winery were included in the trip. These are all outstanding wineries with Yonah Mountain earning the reputation of offering wines closest to those produced in Napa. People in the group said this was one of the best tours they have been on and can’t wait for a repeat a little later in the season.

A cookout with over 60 members was held at the poolside. It was a great way to meet new people and spend time with friends. There were several new members who were introduced to everyone. If you are new to Cresswind or have not been active in Social Singles, you are missing a lot of fun.

Miniature golf, trivia, bingo, and other game nights are being planned. Bowling, group lunches and dinners, movie and theatre events are enjoyed by members. For

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those interested in more active pursuits, many members participate in kayaking, hiking and walks in the Gainesville area. Many members volunteer with charities and the club donates proceeds from various activities to food banks.

We don’t want you to miss an opportunity to have fun, so we hope to meet you soon. You can be as active in the club as you want. If you are ready to join or just want more information about the club, please access the link on the Cresswind website and share your contact information. We are looking forward to meeting you!


Submitted by: Dan Skeel

Sports and Games held their second Bingo night of 2023 on June 6th at 7:00PM. As always it was a fun-filled evening with fabulous prizes and snacks. We had restaurant gift cards for Bingo winners and raffle drawings for the fabulous prizes. We had a Grand Prize drawing for a restaurant gift card. Jeff Sulka of Edwards Jones supplied ice cream treats at the break. Our next Bingo will be August 29th at 7:00PM. Tickets will go on sale a few weeks before in the lobby. Dates and times will be in Daily Update.

Hard to believe our Fantasy Football Signup Meeting and ensuing Draft Day are just about two months away! Hopefully you will all want to play again. With that in mind I am announcing both dates so you can put them on your calendars and hold them open. Signup Meeting: Sunday, August 6, approximately 2pm. Draft Day: Sunday, August 27, approximately 2pm.


Submitted by: Cheryl Vassiliadis


Submitted by: Sandy

Our competitive league tennis teams had a highly active spring season. Men’s Silverball, captained by Dan Skeels, kept the courts busy on Monday mornings. Two men’s teams represented Cresswind in the new Hall County men’s senior USTA 55+ league. They played on Wednesday mornings and Bill Papciak and John Ulam captained the teams. The women’s USTA 3.0 55+ league led by Debbie Cortjens and Cindy Halperin also played their home games on Mondays. No sooner had this league finished their season than the women’s USTA 3.0 65+ took to the courts on Friday mornings under the leadership of Cindy Halperin and Shirley Osterloh.

The Men’s Round Robin doubles resumed play on June 7th, playing Wednesday evenings from 6-8. They plan to continue throughout the fall. If you want to be on the list to be invited to play, email Roger Otto, or Danny Brown, Each week you will get an email asking if you are available to play. It is important to respond to be sure there are an equal number of players.

The Advanced Tai Chi Class performed at Cresswind Twin Lakes in Hoschton for World Tai Chi Day. Demonstrations included the Yang-Style 24 Movement Set, 32 Movement Sword Form and the powerful Tai Chi Fan Form. Both of the Tai Chi classes met outside by the pavilion to celebrate World Tai Chi Day in our community as a way to showcase “One World…One Breath”.

The Ballet Group performs at Lanier Village Estates as a part of a Dance Showcase. This group has also performed at the Gainesville Senior Center.

The rain held out and we had a great turnout of Cresswind Tennis players for our first Mixed Doubles Round Robin social on May 6th. Everyone enjoyed the friendly competition and the chance to play tennis with new partners. Thank you to our social committee chairs, Jane and Ed Erkes for organizing the event. It was great to hang around after playing and mix and mingle while enjoying a tasty lunch provided by the CLL Tennis Club. Watch your emails and check out the website for upcoming social events.

A special shout out to Roger Otto for his hard work in organizing our resident mixed doubles league. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, and more matches were rained out than played. Hopefully we will have better luck when our fall league begins. If anyone is interested in being captain of a team, let Roger know,

ALL Cresswind residents are invited to take advantage of the free clinics offered by the Cresswind Tennis Club. These are offered three times a month by Bill Papciak and his team of dedicated and expert instructors. Whether you are just returning to tennis or playing often, there is always something new to learn. Participants are divided into 3

July/August 2023 The WATERFALL Page 39

courts depending on your level. Come on out, meet other tennis players, learn new skills, and improve your game. Clinics dates and times are posted on our website and in the Daily Update.

For more information on Tennis Club events, be sure to check out our website, cwtennis. You may also contact our President Danny Brown at, if you have questions or want to get involved. Check out the times for Open Play and come out and join us on the courts.


For the next 7 months, the Community Travel Club is working on some fun and exciting trips for our members. We currently have 405 Members onboard. If you see trips on the website, you will enjoy going on, we gladly allow you to join our membership for only $5.00.

In May, we traveled to the Gwinnett Stripers Baseball game. Even though on the chilly side that evening, it was a fun occasion as we celebrated “Salute our Veterans” night with Fireworks after the game.

Unfortunately, this article is being submitted before our Jekyll Island trip. So, we definitely will share news and pictures from this multi-day trip when we return. On July 19, we are all set for a day trip to Chattanooga. We will arrive in Tennessee ready to enjoy lunch at Mayor’s Mansion. Following lunch, we will load the Southern Belle Riverboat for a cruise. And finally, an exploration of the Tennessee Aquarium. Seats are still available.

August 26 is our trip to Mercedes Benz Stadium to watch the Atlanta United Soccer team. Before we go inside, there is a pre-party planned for us which includes music, TV’s, outdoor games, drink tickets and of course a full BBQ meal. We have opened this trip up to Friends and Family.

September 7 the Atlanta Braves game against the St. Louis Cardinals is a must see. We will travel by bus to Truist Park which previously was SunTrust Stadium. Tickets have been purchased and our seats are on Terrace Reserve Level behind 1st Base. This trip has also been opened to Friends and Family.

For the last 3 months of 2023, we will be announcing these trips in greater detail as we finalize them. Our General Meetings are held at 4:00 pm on the first Thursday of each month in the Ballroom. We will continue drawing (4) $50.00 Gift Certificates each month. Come travel with us!!!



The Veterans Club is happy to announce that we are increasing our Scholarship Program. In 2024, we will be giving three $3,000 scholarships – two (2) to Veterans who attend UNG, Gainesville Campus, and one (1) to a Cadet who attends UNG, Dahlonega Campus. These scholarships

are based on financial need and the recipients must be in good standing with UGA requirements.

It’s What We Do: In support of our local food pantries, we gave a total of $2,500 to two food pantries in Gainesville ($2,000 to Good News at Noon and $500 to the VFW). These two organizations serve our local Veterans in many ways.

We helped a homeless Veteran who lived in a tent under one of the bridges in Gainesville for months. He had lost his job and his home six months prior. We put him in a motel for 8 nights, he also received $500 in gift cards for groceries, and a bicycle for transportation. We referred him to other organizations for extended help. Thank you to the Cresswind Community Fund, the VFW (Post 8452) and St. Vincent de Paul for stepping in to help this Veteran. As of today, this Veteran has a full-time job as an assistant superintendent, and he has moved into an apartment.

During this quarter, we gave out two bicycles to local Veterans for transportation to/from work. Please reach out to the Veterans Club if you are interested in donating a bicycle for our Bicycle for Vets program.


• July 18th at 4:00 pm - Our next general meeting. Every Cresswind Veterans Club member should attend this meeting, to hear about eligible VA benefits for Veterans, to include homecare, elderly care, and transportation.

• August 1st - Veterans Club Membership Appreciation Day on the Clubhouse green. Hotdogs/Burgers, drinks, other goodies, plus entertainment (DJ / Cornhole) for your enjoyment.

• August 15th - Guest speaker on WWII – the Italian Resistance Fighters.

Watch for more information in the daily updates and Veterans Club emails. Thank you for your continued support! Check out Veterans Club at https://www.cresswindveterans. org/.


Submitted by: Lisa Giblin

Interested in impacting the literacy results in Hall County? If yes, there are volunteer opportunities with Ferst Readers. We can provide quality age-specific books to children from ages birth to 5 years old, delivered monthly free of charge. Included with each book is a parent newsletter in English and Spanish guiding the parent through the book’s message.

The need for this effort is based on the fact that Sixty Eight percent of Hall County children are reading below grade level. Fifty percent of our families are not self-sufficient and in need of public assistance and Sixty percent of children ages 3-4 in Hall County did not attend pre-school.

As Volunteers, our role is to secure funds, register new children into the program and seek opportunities to read to the children. If you are interested, please contact Lisa Giblin at Your support will be greatly appreciated. Ferst Readers can positively impact future results for our community.

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August is HELP ME PLEASE Volunteer Recognition

Cresswind You Are Amazing! Thank You for Your “Cresswind Giving Spirit” Donations and Volunteer Support to Gainesville-Hall County Local Seniors in Need!

Cresswind You Are Amazing! Thank You for Your “Cresswind Giving Spirit” with Donations and Volunteer Support to Gainesville

Cresswind You Are Amazing! Thank You for Your “Cresswind Giving Spirit” with Donations and Volunteer Support to Gainesville

for Your Giving and Generosity to our HELP THE HUNGRY ended in June! We exceeded our Goal by raising $18,000.00 in Donations

Thank You for Your Giving and Generosity to our that ended in June! We exceeded our Goal b


Thank You for Your Giving and Generosity to our that ended in June! We exceeded our Goal b


Watch for Your Invitation in your Community Fund Member Message

Watch for Your Invitation




Watch for Your Invitation in your Community Fund

August we Celebrate the Hard Work and Neighborly Giving of our Help Me Please Volunteers. Thank Them and You for Your Donations! Watch for Special activities and recognition!

In August we Celebrate the Hard Work and Neighborly Giving of our Help Me Please Volunteers. We Thank Them and You for Your Donations! Watch for Special activities and recognition!


August is HELP

August is HELP ME PLEASE Volunteer Recognition

In August we Celebrate the Hard Work and Neighborly Giving of our Help Me Please Volunteers.

We Thank Them and You for Your Donations! Watch for Special activities and recognition!

To donate, get information, or to become a member go to

Community Fund Mission: To enhance the lives of adults primarily 55 and older through charitable, educational, medical-health related, and cultural opportunities in exclusively Gainesville & Hall County

*The Spirit of Cresswind, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, HELP THE HUNGRY, HELP Me Please and Cresswind LL Community Fund are service marks of Cresswind LL Community Fund, Inc. The Cresswind LL Community Fund is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Donations can be either General or Restricted to a specific program, are tax deductible by law and in compliance with IRS regulations. Copyright © 2023 The Cresswind LL Community Fund, Inc. All rights reserved.

July/August 2023 Page 41
In August we Celebrate the Hard Work and Neighborly Giving of our Help Me Please We Thank Them and You
Donations! Watch for Special activities and
for Your


In the last five+ years, I was diagnosed with three different types of cancer -- prostrate, melanoma, and multiple myeloma. Thankfully I am in remission. The following is how the Cresswind lifestyle contributed to my recovery and feeling healthier at 71 than at any time since I stopped playing hockey at 28! As I look back on the last ten years living at Cresswind, I can think of four major factors that contributed to me feeling as great as I do today! They are:

• The Cresswind clubhouse amenities and fitness activities

• Excellent medical care in the community

• Support from my Cresswind friends and family

• Nutrition

When my wife and I first came to Cresswind to look at homes 10 years ago, the decision to buy was easy once we saw the fitness center and the pools. The fitness center at the clubhouse is my sanctuary. It’s my home away from home. I am proud to say that I am there five mornings a week at 4 am running on the treadmill, pedaling on a bike, or pumping iron! This has contributed to a weight loss of 110 pounds.

Living at Cresswind, we are also very fortunate to have access to excellent medical care. In speaking to other cancer patients across the country, it reaffirms that I have received the best care possible. My hematologist, urologist, primary care, and dentist are all located within

five miles from home. If I need specialized care, my oncologist and other cancer specialists are located 40 miles south at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

Another contributing factor to my good health is all the wonderful support I’ve received from our Cresswind friends and my family. It’s so easy to make a Cresswind connection through neighborhood block parties, social clubs, sport activities, education programs, or even at the dog park. When I returned from my cancer treatment in Atlanta, hanging on our garage door was a “welcome home” banner signed by our dear Cresswind friends. It brought me to tears.

And of course, my wife, Susan, who has been my sole caregiver throughout all three of my cancer journeys. Her strength and patience are something to behold, and I am forever grateful.

And last, but certainly not least, is good nutrition. When Susan and I went on our first date 27 years ago, this subject came up. I mentioned how horrendous my eating habits had become in the last 15 years as a bachelor. She asked me if I even knew what the four major food groups were. I said sure “It’s pizza, Chinese food, Bud Light, and Ben and Jerry’s!” Fast forward and it’s fruits and veggies at every meal! And now it’s my turn to help my wife reach her fitness and weight management goals. To read more of my story, simply type Keith Guernsey in your Amazon search window where you will find all five (soon to be six!) of my books.

Page 42 The WATERFALL July/August 2023


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