September/October 2022 Issue LXI

Sales, Service & Rental 4324 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, GA 30566 470-252-5622 Free Pickup & Delivery forResidentsCresswind

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Sue Garcia (
The Waterfall is a of Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times.
Administrative Assistant
newsletter. Professional advice
Community Association Manager Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler: Catherine.Kleinedler@fsresidential.com770-536-3300
City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878
Please visit our website www.cresswindatll.comat
TABLE OF CONTENTS Helpful PresidentNumbers ’s View Lifestyle Director Kitti’s CommunityCornerNewsNewResidentsCommitteesat Cresswind List, Reports Clubs at List,CresswindSchedules, Calendars Activities: What’s Happening Scrapbook
The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in their community.
Helpful Numbers: Emergency 911
If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact: Maggie
The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in their community. This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profit. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month.
First Service: Residential (After Hours: 1-877-411-1165)
Maggie Maggie.shay@fsresidential.comShay
The Club
The Times.
HOA Staff

Gary Hulion: Gary.Hulion@fsresidential.com770-536-3300
Peggy Siewert: Guest Services
Director of Customer Service, Ryan Carroll Office: 770-287-5693, Cell: gacustomercare@kolter.com770-503-5418
24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1-888-745-4733
Spectrum: 1-888-345-7139
As the official newsletter of the Cresswind Community
advertise in The Waterfall, contact The Times
Sales and Service: 770-963-0305
Heidi Anderson: Guest Services
Catherine (Kitti)
This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other
Peggy Siewert: Guest Services
Elijah Carr
As the official newsletter of the Cresswind Community
Kolter Homes, LLC
Justin justinb.smith@fsresidential.comSmith
Justin Smith: Maintenance
Helpful Numbers
The Club
like to contribute to its contents, please contact:
Judy True (
770 536 3300
EMC Security System
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 3
Darlene Carr: 770 536 Darlene.Carr@fsresidential.com3300
First Services Regional Director
Liberty Utilities: 855-216-6305
Lifestyle Director
First Service Residential: (After Hours 1-877-411-1165)
Darlene Darlene.Carr@fsresidential.comCarr
Compliance & Contracts Manager

Compliments to Paul Brown for The Waterfall cover photo.
Community Association General Manager
Traci Broccoli : Guest Services
Heidi Anderson: Guest Services Maintenance

To -
Please visit our website at
TABLE OF CONTENTS HOA Board Message 4 Kitti’s Corner ................................................. 6 Committee Corner 8 Scrapbook ..................................................... 18 Weekly Fitness Schedule 20 What’s Happening ......................................... 26
Administrative Assistant
The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1 888 745 4733 Sales and Service: 770 963 0305
Helpful Numbers: Emergency: 911 City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878
Eleanor Whalen (
Spectrum: 1 888 345 7139
New Home Warranty
Patricia Elliot: Guest Services
A fine of $50.00 per day for fifteen (15) days and then $100.00 per day until the violation is cured. In addition, the Association may enforce compliance by exercising selfhelp to correct the issue or violation. That is, bringing a Lot or exterior of the house into compliance with the terms of the Governing Documents. Further, a Specific Assessment will be levied to cover all costs incurred in exercising self-help, including attorney’s fees.
If you attended the Town Hall meeting on July 27 you heard a brief discussion regarding unauthorized/ unapproved exterior improvements/changes to residences. Unfortunately, several unauthorized improvements have been implemented by residents over the last several years. In some cases, these improvements were minor, but there have been some extreme cases where the “improvement” has resulted in property damage to the intended home or neighboring homes or has infringed on common property. Examples of these unauthorized improvements include landscape installations that altered the drainage pattern resulting in flooding of the neighboring property; installation of stairs on slopes between neighboring homes on common property; installation of stone edging around flower beds that resulted in blocked drainage; and removal of trees on common property and/or watershed property resulting in fines to the resident by the Army Corps of Engineers.TheAmendment to Community Charter dated April 11, 2022, Article 9 Architectural Standards Section 1 paragraph 4 states:
This Article covers both hardscape and landscape improvements. Some may say “it’s my yard and I can do what I want”. The fact is, we have chosen to live in an HOA environment; therefore, we must all follow the established rules and regulations. They have been put in place to benefit us all.
Policy Resolution 4-2021 Violation Notice and Hearing Procedures and Schedule states residents can be sanctioned for implementing unauthorized or unapproved exterior improvements. Not only may the resident be required to return the location to the pre-improvement condition, but they may also be subject to:
Page 4 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 HOA BOARD MESSAGE
Cresswind Lake Lanier is a beautiful place, not only physically, but because we have wonderful people who live here. Two of the primary ways we keep our community and our homes looking so beautiful is via our Residential Design Guidelines and our Exterior Improvement Request (EIR) process. The EIR process records, controls, and approves any exterior improvements that we make on our properties. This form is submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and/or the Landscape Committee (LAN) for all improvements to residential property.Many may question why it is important to monitor and control exterior improvements. The simple answers are to maintain our property values, retain the aesthetics of Cresswind, and for the safety and well-being of our residents. Our governing documents, including the Community Charter, Design Guidelines, and the Rules and Regulations establish requirements regarding how our homes and their exteriors are to be maintained. These guidelines benefit us all.
No Improvements or activities, as described in this Article shall be placed, erected, installed, or made upon any Lot except in compliance with this Article, and with the prior written approval of the ARC or the LAN for landscaping.
In 2021 it became much easier for residents to submit external improvement requests that involved both hardscape and landscape components. Previously residents had to submit separate requests. Now the entire project can be submitted using one form, the Exterior Improvement Request form (EIR-1). This form is available on the Cresswind website. Please ensure adequate time for the applicable committee (ARC or LAN) to review your request. Do not start your project until you have received written approval to do so.
We all play a role in keeping Cresswind at Lake Lanier beautiful. DO YOUR PART, DON’T START your project without approval!
with AutoPay; plus taxes & fees. Find out more at T- That’s not an introductory rate, it’s our everyday price. Our phone plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data. Plus, when you join you’ll get two free smartphones on us, with 24 monthly bill credits. Switch today. During congestion, customers on this plan may notice speeds lower than other customers and further reduction if using >50GB/mo., due to data prioritization. Video typically streams at DVD quality (480p). Tethering at max 3G speeds. Unlimited on our US network; see details for roaming & international usage. Unlimited talk & text features for direct communications between 2 people; others may cost extra. Limited-time offers; subject to change. Postpaid only. Credit approval, deposit, support charges may be required. Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling $3.49 per voice line ($0.50 for RPF & $2.99 for TRF) applies; taxes/fees approx. 10-33% of bill. Without AutoPay, $5 more/line/mo. May not be reflected on 1st bill. Free Smartphones: For well-qualified customers; plus tax. Contact us before canceling service to continue remaining bill credits, or credits stop & balance on required finance agreements are due (e.g.$299.99 - OnePlus Nord N10 5G). Tax on pre-credit price due at sale. Qualifying credit & new line for each phone required. If you have cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. Up to $300 via bill credits; must be active and in good standing to receive credits; allow 2 bill cycles. Max 12/account. May not be combinable with some offers or discounts. Coverage not available in some areas. Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended, terminated, or restricted for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our network or ability to provide quality service to other users, or significant roaming. On-device usage is prioritized over tethering usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on device. See for details. See Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision) at for additional information. T-Mobile, the T logo, Magenta and the magenta color are registered trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG. © 2022 T-Mobile USA, Inc.

18,540 items was divided up for delivery to McEver Elementary and Gainesville Elementary schools this week. Cresswinders you ROCK!! Thank you doesn’t say enough. The generosity shown by so many of you is heartwarming. This will put smiles on the faces of many children and teachers alike. And a special thanks to Maggie, Traci, and the residents who sorted, counted, divvied up, and packed up all these donations for transport to the schools. Take a look at these pictures!! And thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Looking around at the stack of folders, packs of pencils, and boxes of crayons too numerous to count, I am overwhelmed, though not surprised, by the generosity of Cresswind residents during the Back-to-School drive for the students at McEver Elementary and Gainesville Elementary. All of these new school supplies also bring back memories of my 37 beginnings of a new school year during my teaching days. I know I am dating myself, but a lesson plan book filled with blank pages or a grade book waiting for new class rosters brought me such excitement and high hopes for the school year ahead. They represented a new beginning. A chance to improve or do differently that which I had done so many times before.
Page 6 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
But fresh starts don’t have to be so monumental. Every day is an opportunity to do something different, or to do something better. It is a chance to see Life and all that comes with it in a different way. While there is comfort in what is known, there is unsettlement and anticipation in venturing away from one’s customary patterns of being. I think that is what creates the spark in life, regardless of one’s stage of life.
364, 168, 51
start fresh, to try something new, or to go in a different direction. Moving to a new community, switching jobs, or retiring, and meeting new people are changes all Cresswinders have experienced. Remember the excitement and apprehension around these life changing events?
. . . no that is not the new gate Thosecode.are the numbers scissors,notebooks,compositionof
September marks the last quarter of the year. That sounds like a perfect time for a fresh start. I hope each of you finds a way to add a little spark (and sparkle) to your day.
People usually recognize January 1 as the proverbial “fresh start” or new beginning. We all know about resolutions and their success. But there are so many other opportunities in life to
and boxes of tissue respectively that were collected in our “Back to School” drive. A total of roughly

The ARC Member reviews and evaluates the request in accordance with the Rules & Regulations and the
If the project were to be denied, the Homeowner may modify their project plan or submit an appeal to have the project revisited by the ARC and HOA Board.
Page 8 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 COMMITTEE CORNER
We have many individuals here in Cresswind that are willing to assist you in your time of need. If you need assistance, we are here for you. The CARE Committee maintains support for any of our resident’s needing assistance during a time of crisis. We can set up a Meal Train, come and visit, take and retrieve trash & recycle bins, pick up mail (especially for those in Phase III). We have a list of medical equipment which residents have and are willing to
Remember to notify the Front Office when your project is complete, so (1) we can meet with you to inspect the improvement for compliance with the project approval notice, and (2) release the security deposit (if applicable).
Joan Leyton Pete Cabrelli Tom Minnich John Stevens
The Homeowner submits the EIR-1 request to the HOA Front Office.
The ARC Member may contact the Homeowner to schedule a visit to discuss the request.
loan on a short-term basis for your recovery period (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) We have a list of various facilities in the greater Gainesville area that may be needed for recovery (rehab, memory care, assisted living, long term nursing care). We also have a list of organizations that provide skilled in-home care. This information is available and comes with no recommendations by the Committee.
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
The ARC Chairperson forwards the EIR-1 form and the recommendation to all ARC members for their review and vote.
The ARC Chairperson forwards the final approval or denial to the HOA Front Office and the homeowner is notified accordingly.
The HOA Front Office forwards the EIR-1 form to the ARC Chairperson.

Submitted by: Louis McClure
If you need assistance or if you would like to volunteer to be part of the CARE Committee to assist our neighbors, please contact Mary Quisenberry.
The ARC Chairperson assigns the request to one of the nine ARC Members.
Please remember that any changes to the exterior of a residence requires ARC approval in advance of starting the work. This includes any modification, alteration, or addition of ornamentation of any type or size to your home. Unapproved items will be requested to be removed by the Community Manager.
general principles of Cresswind’s aesthetics.
The ARC has a maximum time limit of 60 days to complete the review from the time the Exterior Improvement Request (EIR) form is submitted. The ARC strives to complete the review of projects within 1-2 weeks however, depending on the volume of requests during peak periods, this time may be extended. Again, please do not proceed until you have received written approval from the community manager.
The ARC Member forwards the requests to the ARC Chairperson with a recommendation for approval or denial.
Are your drawers, closets and other storage areas overflowing with “stuff”? Do you have piles of papers you plan to sort through but never do? Are your closets full of clothes and shoes you no longer wear? At worst, a houseful of clutter can create falling hazards and contribute to poor indoor air quality, which can be especially dangerous for older adults. But even the kind of clutter that seems benign—including items passed down from our parents and grandparents that we keep for sentimental reasons—may be adding undue stress to our lives. If you’re looking to clear the clutter in your home, join us for “Rightsizing: Dealing with Sentimental Clutter” at 1 p.m. September 29th in the Cresswind Club Ballroom. During the free
The Health & Fitness Committee is hoping by the time you read this issue of the Waterfall that a Pilates Mat class will have already been added to the schedule. Karin Carlson, a Cresswind resident, is a certified Pilates instructor with many years of teaching and sharing her knowledge of Pilates. She offers her expertise to further enhance your exercise experience.
Submitted By: Laurie Solomon
presentation, University of Georgia professors and extension specialists Pamela Turner and Diane Bales will discuss ways to hold cherished memories close without crowding your space and provide tips on creating a clutter balance “rightsized” to your current life.
The Pilates Mat class integrates specific exercises to strengthen and train the small muscles which support the larger ones that impact our daily activities. Individuals who suffer with back pain gravitate towards Pilates Mat workouts.
Pilates exercise can build in difficulty, but every exercise can be modified to increase or decrease the level of challenge. Chairs can be utilized if getting up and down off the floor is problematic. The exercises are always practiced with centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow. The Health & Fitness Committee always welcomes questions and feedback from our residents. We are committed to enhancing the health and well-being of our community.
For a complete list of upcoming Education Committee Programs, log into and click on the “Lifestyle” drop-down menu, then “Committees” “Education Committee” and “Upcoming Events”. Have an idea for a program topic? Contact co-chairs Betsy Robertson at (334) 740-7926 or, or Tim Roth at (678) 481-9852 or
Developing an awareness of what constitutes the core of the body helps to relieve many body issues. The method integrates specific exercises to strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles. Proper breathing and the mechanics of respiration are crucial elements of the program. As with all physical activity there is discipline and concentration involved. As Joseph Pilates said, “Above all, learn how to breathe correctly”.
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 9 COMMITTEE CORNER
Joseph Pilates was a sickly child who turned to exercise and athletics to battle his issues. The main aim of the method he developed was to condition the deeper supporting muscles of the body to improve posture, balance, and coordination.
Submitted by: Education Committee
Planting Bulbs: Spring flowering bulbs must be planted in the next couple of months. Decide where plants will go. Take a tour around the yard and imagine what various areas will look like in spring. Note what colors and heights you will need. As soon as bulbs are available in the garden center display, they
Flower beds: Replace faded summer annuals with cold tolerant substitutes like pansies, kale, and mums. They will survive a light frost and keep your planters bright and colorful. It is a tough time to be picking flowers. Do you use the warm season flowers or wait about a month for the cool season plants? If you are like me, you cannot to be without some color so it’s another round of the warm season flowers. Now is the time to get mums. They will be colorful and cheery, flowering until frozen out later this fall. Don’t forget to give the planting site good preparation. The soil may be a bit worn out so work in lots of organic matter. Soak newly planted mums and fall annuals to settle the soil.

Tree and shrub care: Now is a good time to do the final trimming of the year. There may also be lots of dead wood in the trees and shrubs that needs to be trimmed out too. Shrubs should be getting their fall feeding soon. This is the last feeding of the year, and a balanced fertilizer is fine. In the Fall, a good rule of thumb is to cut back about 1/3 – don’t cut too much, and don’t cut too late. Do it now so your new growth gets established (aka ‘hardens off’) before a cold wind has a chance to damage it.
can be planted in the garden. Remove shabby annuals and plant bulbs. Leave the area bare or set hardy mums or kale over the bulbs for a spot of fall color. When deciding what bulbs to plant, keep these things in mind: small bulbs are unobtrusive and will be out of the way early. Smaller things should be placed at the front so that they will not be hidden. Larger, taller kinds will last longer, and the leaves will need to be tolerated until as late as June. Taller tulips or Daffodils can go to the back where their leaves will be hidden by other developing foliage. If squirrels have found the bulb garden, cover it with a piece of chicken wire. Take it at the edges so the squirrels will be unable to get under it or pull it away. Plant some spring-flowering bulbs in pots to enjoy over the winter If you intend to force early blooming for the holidays, put your bulbs in the refrigerator now.
Container gardens: Many container gardens are now fading rapidly. If you have only one plant in the container, you may only need to refill the pot or bowls with new flowers. But if the container had several plantings or problems, it’s best to change out the soil. Any good loose potting soil will do. You can plant a container of one flower type or create a little garden. Perhaps a tall flower or two in the middle would look good with some lower growing selections along the sides. Many gardeners now like to add herbs to their plantings and allow them to creep down the sides.
Weed control: Do not give up on weed control even where the garden is empty. Many of the garden weeds make seeds in the fall. If they get a chance, they will drop seeds, providing plenty of weeds next year. Continue to weed until late fall.

Page 10 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 COMMITTEE CORNER
September is a good time to take inventory of your landscape needs and make a project list. Remember to file a EIR-1 Form if your project includes tree and shrub installation and/or removal, redesign of existing landscape, addition or expansion of new flower beds, installation of/change to pavers, rocks, edging, dry creek beds, sidewalks, drainage or erosion control. You can download the EIR-1 form from the Cresswind website. Here are some spots that may need a little attention.
Rose Bushes: As the weather cools from the heat of summer, the rose flowers are larger and deeper colored. Since you spend less time in the garden at this time of the year, cut some of these blooms for indoor use. Landscape roses can be planted all fall. It is an excellent time for planting. It is too late however to plant hybrid tea-type roses because there is insufficient time for them to become established before winter.
Plan to Attract and Assist Birds: After the big freeze earlier this year, it’s even more important to help provide for birds whose habitat and food sources are still growing back. This month starts the migration of hummingbirds, Orioles, Flycatchers, Warblers, and Buntings. Have a clean water source too (like a fountain or birdbath) so they can stop for a drink. They are part of the garden and should always welcome visitors. Get the scum out of the birdbaths with a strong stream of water and a little scrubbing. It’s my opinion birds like the clean water too.

By: Linda Furgerson
Houseplants: Bring houseplants indoors before the nights get too cool. Prepare for Christmas color! Place poinsettias and Christmas cactus indoors where they will receive 10 hours of bright light (and 14 hours of total darkness) each day. A Christmas cactus will need a cool spot (50-60 degrees), while poinsettias are OK at 65-72 degrees.Asplants are being moved indoors, trim them to shape. Remove any damaged or broken stems. Pull off yellow leaves and leaves with holes or spots. If you had placed houseplants outdoors for the spring and summer months, move the plants indoors now if you haven’t already. If possible, do this gradually, moving them first to an unheated porch. As the days shorten, reduce the frequency of watering houseplants. They will not dry out as fast because they are not growing much. Keep the plants on the dry side, watering just to keep them from wilting.

So please make sure you know your cholesterol numbers and talk to your doctors and health care providers about how you can reduce your risk for developing heart disease.

A l l i s o n Du p o n t , M D M a r k E L e i m b a ch , M D J J ef f r ey M a rs h a l l , M D C i n d y L G r i n e s , M D H ea th er W es tm o rel an d , M D 404 962 northsidecvi.com6000

1276 Jesse Jewell Pkwy. Gainesville, GA 30501
3) Triglycerides are fatty compounds that are elevated in people with poor diets that are high in saturated fats, overweight, or have diabetes. Ideally, triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL.
Food that is high in saturated and trans fat, including meat, poultry, full-fat dairy products, and certain oils like coconut and palm oil, all increase the cholesterol in the body. In addition, there are other risk factors that affect cholesterol, including being overweight, being sedentary with no exercise, getting older, and smoking.

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US and worldwide. Over 600,000 Americans die from heart disease every year. However, there are many things that we can do to prevent developing heart disease. One of the major risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol, which leads to buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart, brain, and other organs. This plaque can obstruct flow to our vital organs, and when it suddenly clots and completely closes the heart or brain arteries, heart attacks and strokes

is a type of fat that is made by the liver and is absorbed by the body from the foods we eat. There are 3 important parts of cholesterol:

Total cholesterol has the 3 components above along with some others, and the typical goal for total cholesterol should be less than 200 or 160, depending on the levels of the above components.
Pradyumna “Prad” Tummala MD, FSCAI, FACC
1255 Friendship Rd. Ste. Braselton,240 GA 30517
It is important for all adults > 20 years old to have their cholesterol measured. It is also important to understand that quite often, people who look and feel healthy, eat healthily, and are even athletic, can have high cholesterol because of their genetics. High cholesterol can run in the family, because of genetic variants of proteins in the liver—and it is important to control the cholesterol with a combination of a heart-healthy diet and sometimes medications, in order to prevent the development of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), heart attacks, and strokes.

Cholesterol: Just the facts

1) LDL or low-density lipoprotein (L is for “lousy” and the “lower” the better): This cholesterol is directly related to development of plaque in the arteries. LDL level less than 100 mg /dL is ideal for preventing heart disease.
2) HDL or high-density lipoprotein (H is for “healthy” and the “higher” the better): This part of cholesterol helps remove LDL from the plaques in the arteries. Low HDL is a major risk factor for developing heart attacks. Cigarette smoking, being overweight, and being sedentary are 3 modifiable risk factors that lower the HDL and increase risk. Goal for HDL is at least 50 mg/dL, and ideally greater than 60.
13 Convenient Locations from Atlanta to North Georgia Gainesville

By Sue Joninas Carol Byess Spurlock Sweet Magnolia Drive Rebecca Fleming Cresswind Parkway Lois Larrabee Way
3003 Scarlet Oak Lane Lois
Submitted by: David Rames
• Prior to the above change, the Trails Club met in March, and voted on new leadership as; David Rames – President, Paula Burzotta – Vice President, and Mark Nestle – Secretary. Finally, we would like to thank Bruce Cattanach, who has led the Trails Club for many years. Through his leadership, the club has maintained Cresswind’s six trails. Bruce began the current system of ‘Trail Leaders’ who take ownership to monitor/manage each trail, coordinated the ‘Lumberjacks’ team who clean-up after storms and address other trail damage, and launched development of our newest Hummingbird Trail. Thank you for your many years of leadership, Bruce.
The Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents with all of them being resales. Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering their support to new residents. We let the residents know they can call us, and we will help them in any way we can. The Welcome Committee has taken over doing tours for new residents in the clubhouse as well as outside of the clubhouse. We will be holding a New Resident Orientation in November for all new residents since August 2022. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact Sue Joninas at We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind! Committee News
John and Kathi Hartlieb 3355 Indian Hawthorne Thomas and Judith Orashan 3414 Cresswind Parkway David and Candy Sidlosky 3733 Golden Leaf Point Hugh and Gloria O’Neal 3527 Locust Cove Road Harold “Hal” and Tamara Quick 3132 White Magnolia Chase Dan and
• Per the July 28, 2022 HOA Board meeting, the Trails Club will transition to the Trails and Pathways Committee. The change is in recognition of the trails as a community amenity asset and need for more formal oversight of maintenance and improvements of the aging trails. Since the primary function of the Club has been volunteers’ work to maintain the trails, the Board will appoint the group as a new Committee, with current trails leadership as committee members. The Committee will report to the HOA Board on all matters related to trail maintenance and development.
3964 Bloomfield
Robert and
If you are new to Cresswind or would like more information about our trails, please see the Trails Map. (Go to the main Cresswind site > Lifestyle > Hiking Map.) In addition, David welcomes anyone interested in joining the Club/Committee, or to give feedback about the trails to contact him at
Several new efforts are being planned to improve our trails for better accessibility and safety. These include more/improved steps, bridge repairs, wider paths (where appropriate), and better hiking experiences. We are also planning a new website and overall better communication and activities to highlight the work of the Committee, promote trails usage, and provide additional information on our hiking resources.

We are delighted to announce several important changes within the Cresswind Trails Club—now the Trails and Pathways Committee.
John and
Page 12 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 COMMITTEE CORNER
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 13 COMMUNITY NEWS

Get the Peace of Mind You Deserve Today
If you are not a resident vendor but know of a vendor that you would like to see here, please invite them to contact Maggie. If you have any questions, please email Lifestyle Director Maggie Shay at or call the office at Needed.
We are looking for craft, food, artist vendors for our Holiday Market Place on Saturday, November 5th from 10am-3pm in the Clubhouse.

One of the most stressful issues as you age is how to pay for healthcare. As your partners in aging, our team is ready to assist you in securing the healthcare you or your loved ones need while preserving your family assets. We are ready to help you with:

770-536-3300.Cresswind at Lake Lanier Annual Holiday Market Place Vendors

Page 14 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
Ready to begin planning? | 678-971-4971 | 1730 Thompson Bridge Road | Gainesville, GA 30501 Estate Planning including Health Care Directives Medicaid Planning to cover the cost of In-Home Caregivers or Nursing Home Placement Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension and More • • • • Contact us to schedule your initial consultation.
Cresswind at Lake Lanier ExpertResidentRealtor!and SOLD! Resale Home Buying Opportunities NOW in CRESSWIND !!! GassmanVickie Call or Text 678-749-4928 678.425.1988 Call me for your Private Tour of this Active Adult, 55+ TODAY!Community SOLD! UNDER CONTRACT 3562 Black Cherry Point 3558 Black Cherry Point 3426 Cresswind Parkway Letme elpyou when you’re ready toBuyorSell! LONGSTREET CLINIC BREAST CENTER Because every moment matters You are busy, and making time for yourself can be nearly impossible. That’s why from screenings to personalized care planning, we have designed an expedited multispecialty approach to breast care. With the most advanced breast health technology and expert team sharing one location, we can provide prompt and speci c paths for care with answers you need and results you can trust. Call 678-506-7161 today to schedule LONGSTREET CLINIC BREAST CENTER September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 15

PREVENTATIVE | RESTORATIVE PEDIATRIC | COSMETIC | EMERGENCY SPECIALTY DENTAL SERVICE -Organized by date and time -Securely -Ideal-Easy-Preprintedsealedremindersforliquids&inhalerstoopenfortravel&everydayuse JUST WATERADD Sam Pull Morning Wednesday Mar 06 8:00 AM 1 BABY ASPIRIN 81 MG Dr. Reid Lot 8098J Exp 18 Dec GLIMEPIRIDE 4 MG Lot QD0V Exp Oct 20 RAMIPRIL 2.5 MG Dr. Vinson Lot H097N Exp 18 Nov Filled March 05 1 of 1 770-532-6253 Managing your medications has never been easier. Start Today! 935 Green St NE • Gainesville IN HOME OR RESPITEMEDICATIONLIGHTCAREGIVINGFACILITYHOUSEKEEPINGREMINDERSCOMPANIONSHIPERRANDSANDHOLIDAYCARE Dedicated to Providing the Best Referrals In-Home Health Care. (470) 572-8012 (770) &Gainesville,hearttoheartpcs@gmail.comwww.h2hpcs.com561-0430GA30501SurroundingAreas Page 16 The WATERFALL September/October 2022

North American Life Plans, LLC Life | Health | Medicare | Long-Term Care PACIFIC COAST SALES & SERVICE. FOOD & NON FOOD BROKER. 949-291-9767 P. 3756 Golden Leaf Pt SW Gainesville, Ga 30504 Jerry Volante NORTH AMERICAN LIFE PLANS Health/Medicare/Life Insurance License GA # 3011484 License CA # 0I15992 License FL # W452356 jerryvolante@yahoo.com949-291-9767 CRESSWIND RESIDENT Call me at 949-291-9767 for personalized service today! Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing. I can help you find the Medicare plan that’s right for you and your budget.Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing. I can help you find the Medicare plan that’s right for you and your budget. Need an affordable Medicare plan that’s in step with your life? I Can Help! Call me at 949-291-9767 for personalized service today! Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing. I can help you find the Medicare plan that’s right for you and your budget. Need an affordable Medicare plan that’s in step with your life? I Can Help! Call me at 949-291-9767 for personalized service today! JERRY VOLANTE Licensed Sales Agent 949-291-9767, TTY jerryvolante@yahoo.com711 I’m JERRY VOLANTE a licensed sales agent in GAINESVILLE Ga 30504. When it comes to Medicare, it’s important to consider all of your options. What works well for your neighbor may not be the best fit for you. I know the ins and outs of Medicare, and I’m ready to answer your questions and help you find a plan that fits your needs. Take advantage of my knowledge and experience to: • Take the confusion out of Medicare • Get help comparing plans • Receive one-on-one service • Make enrolling in a plan easier Get the right coverage, local resources and care, to help you age actively and live the life you love. 949-291-9767 P. 3756 Golden Leaf Pt SW Gainesville, Ga 30504 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT & ADVANTAGE PLANS Life • Health • Long-Term Care • Dental and Vision Plans • Critical Illness and Accident Call me at 949-291-9767 for personalized service today! Are you turning 65? Have Medicare questions? I have answers. Call 770-535-2001TodayToMakeanAppointment 20% OFF SNS nails with Abby! 10% OFF ANY REPAIR Cannot be combined with any other offer and must be preseented at the timeof sale. (470) Gainesville,354-0299GA No Service Call Fees

Page 18 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 SCRAPBOOK

September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 19 SCRAPBOOK

9:00-9:55AM $ Yoga with
Check > Lifestyle > Fitness for more details.
News November/December 2021 The WATERFALL Page 17
Gym equipment instruction 3-4pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. rsvP at Front desk. Paid Check for more details.
TIME sunday mondayTuesday 12:0010:009:008:3011:001:002:003:006:30
2:45PM-4:15PM Intro to Cardio Line Choreography3-4PMDance
Wednesday ThursdayFriday saturday
Georgia Room
Traditional2-3PMLine Dance
9:00-9:55AM $ Yoga with Carmen
9:00-9:55AM $ Yoga with Intro9:45AM-11:15AMCarmentoCardioLineDance
Page 20 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
Indoor Pool
RapidWater8:30-9:30AMAerobics8:30-9:30AMRhythms SCHEDULE
Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. NOISY DOOR? GARAGE DOOR OR OPENER SERVICE FREE INSTALLATION! 10 WITHANYROLLERSREPAIRSAFETYTUNE-UP1/2HPBeltDriveOpener FREE ONLY $29 SAVE $110 $69 OFF470-204-1980TWOSHOWROOMS IN GEORGIA! NO TRIP CHARGE EVER! 24 Hour Garage Door Service, because you have a choice! Demetria N. Hill, Owner 770-250-0958 • Respite Services & Community Services OPEN 7 DAYS A 10AM-7PMWEEK 300 NORTHSIDE DRIVE GAINESVILLE, GA 30501 OFF ANY 10%ITEM excludes itemsmarkdownspreviousandmarkedfirm Follow us on Facebook merchandiseforInstagramandupdatesandnew September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 21

Page 22 The WATERFALL September/October 2022


Trusted REALTOR ® since 2004 925-366-7467 Dahlia Model • 2 Bed / 2 Bath Den, Enclosed Back Porch & Fabulous Yard Ashford Model • 2 Bed/2Bath Beautiful Private Yard & Covered Porch Welcome New Neighbor’sThe Dohn’s If you are thinking of buying or selling in Cresswind, I’d love to help you make your move! Visit my website to see available homes in your area - SOLD! SOLD! SOLD!SOLD! Welcome New Neighbor’sThe O’Neils Welcome New NeighborsThe McCauley’s Welcome New Neighbor’sThe Hartleib’s FORSALE FORSALE Care Managers perform detailed assessments and prepare care plans to put the right things in place for Seniors. We are Advocates, Organizers and Supporters. We can help lift the heaviness of caregiving and stop problems from multiplying. Dana CertifiedChapman,Geriatric Care Manager Officeswww.premiercmga.com678-316-7207inFloweryBranch&Atlanta Overwhelmed with the care needs of your parent or spouse? Service When It Fits Your Schedule! ✓ Broken Spring Replacement ✓ Annual Maintenance ✓ Door Silencing Packages ✓ Garage Door Repair ✓ Opener Repair ✓ Cable & Roller Replacement ✓ Certified Technicians ✓ 20 years Experience HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! 770-965-8973 HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! $20 Off! Page 24 The WATERFALL September/October 2022

NAPAAUTOFITNESS.NET(678)971-1701 2800 Browns Bridge Rd, Gainesville Air Conditioning ■ Brakes Check Engine Light Diagnostics Diesel Service ■ Glass/Window Service Fleets ■ Oil Change Preventive Tune-UpTransmissionRadiatorMaintenanceServiceRepair ■ Wheel Alignment AUTO FITNESS Family Owned Since 2014 SERVICES TO KEEP YOU SAFER ON THE ROAD CoulterGarrett

ABC Men’s
Clogging – Beginner, Intermediate Dance Rhythms
Neighborhood Bands Small UkuleleBandsClub
Pottery – Cone 5/6 Exchange Adv.
Tuesday Club
Musical Clubs
Wendy’s Choreography
Artist’s FriendsCreativeCornerFunoftheAlphabetMake&TakeCrafts
Page 26 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
Performing Arts Technical Team Scene Actors Guild (SAG) Variety Show Club
Bourbon Cabinet Club
CIC Investment Club Community Flag Club Cooking Club
Cresswind LL Community Fund Garden
Rapid Rhythms Dance Club
Sports & Games Clubs
Billiards – Ladies, Men’s Bocce Club Bowling Golf:FishingLeagueClubLadies&MenKayakClubPickleballClubPingPongClubSports&Games
Lake Lanier Bouncers
Texas Hold ‘em - Ladies
The staff and homeowners at Cresswind at Lake Lanier know that one of the best ways to learn more about an interest you already have or to make friends is to band together in the spirit of common experience. Our residents eagerly get involved in establishing their own interest groups. Do you like stamp collecting, photography, orchids or antique cars? Clubs are born from having a common interest! Below are a number of clubs that are already active at Cresswind at Lake Lanier. Join one of these or start your own. Yes, we have all the clubs you would expect and MORE! Visit the Cresswind website for additional information on Clubs.
Card Game Clubs Bridge Bunco-LadiesClubs
Cover to Cover Book Club In the Stacks
Performing Arts Clubs
Dance Clubs
Line Dance – Traditional Club Line Dance - Cardio Club
See Cresswind Website for details.
Book Clubs
Tennis Club Trails Club (Committee)
Religious & Bible Study Clubs
Structures and Surfaces in Clay Watercolor Painting Writers in the Wind
Travel Clubs RV TravelClubClub
Bourbon Tasting Club
Jazz Club
Cresswind Neighborhood Theater Cresswind Performing Arts Club
Special Interest Clubs
Cresswind Community Chorus
InvestmentGenealogyClubClubClub:The Falls Ladies Luncheon Club Living ScotchModelMartiniStylishlyClubsRailroadClubLoversAtCresswindSocialSinglesSpanishClubTequilaClubVeteransClubVolunteerConnectionWineTasting
Monday Clubs, 2nd, 3rd Book BookBookBabesBudsWorms
Arts & Crafts Clubs
Ballroom Dance Club
Reading between the Wines Theatre Goers Book Club
Hand & Foot Canasta Clubs Mah Jongg Men’s Card Club Mexican Train Club Mixed Card RubberPokerPinochleClubPokenoClubsBridgeRummikubSambaClub
Cresswind Storytellers Club Liar’s Club
of starting a discussion group around the Biblical TV series The Chosen. Please contact Joanne Randall if you have an interest in viewing and discussing the series in a group setting. Contact Joanne at“ForthewordofGod is alive and active…” (Heb 4:12 NIV)
Jacquie Waldron
Julie julie.cottingham1@gmail.comCottingham
Zona Buchen
Group meets Fridays from 10-11 in the Georgia Room and are also studying Matthew. They begin with a time of prayer from 9:30-10:00. Dave Dittmeier
Submitted by: Paul Capal
Group meets Thursdays from 4-5pm in the Savannah Room. They will be studying the Book of Matthew. The first Thursday of the month is devoted to Intercessory Prayer.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servants of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17 NIV)
Group meets in the Savannah Room in 6-week stints. Meg Bohn
Dave Dittmeier at
Carol Malarney
Marilyn Young
Pat Hilger
If you are interested in joining one of these groups, the points of contact are:
Janet Nelson
Donna Brown
Great Pine Couples Bible Study meets in the Savannah Room every other Tuesday at 7:00 pm, you do not need to live on Great Pines to participate. Joanne Randall, Mark & Susan Hopkins
Lynne Tryon
Joyce Allen
The Cresswind Bowling Club completed the 2022 summer season on August 3rd. Congratulations to all 15 teams that participated in the summer session at Station 300. The Cresswind Bowling Club will be moving back to Stars and Strikes in Buford for the 2022/23 season and held a kickoff meeting on Wednesday, August 10th to go over the upcoming season and to organize rosters and teams. If you
A new Women’s Bible Study group has begun and is doing “The Whiteboard Bible” by Allen Jackson, pastor of World Outreach Church. It is an overview of the entire Bible with DVD and study guide. This is being led by Lisa Phifer and Lydia Khameneh. Also, several ladies are in the exploratory stage
Groups meet in a resident’s home. (Note: They took the summer off and will reconvene in the fall.)
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 27
Diane Denniston and/or Jami Dittmeier
Cathy Koenig
There are several couples Bible Study groups meeting throughout the community in homes.
The Bible Study Clubs held a Non-denominational Service in July. The guest speaker was world renowned classical guitarist, Rodrigo Rodriquez, who shared his personal testimony and provided worship music.

In July, our members truly had a fabulous day at SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film. We not only had the opportunity to see the fashion world of Christian Siriano (Project Runway winner) but as a bonus “The Sneaker Masks by Freehand Profit”. Afterwards, we headed over to Toscano Ristorante Italiano Restaurant in Atlantic Station for a delicious lunch!

The CIC Investment Club invites all Cresswind residents to a Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, from 11am-1pm sponsored by Jeffrey Sulka, Financial Advisor at Edward Jones. Gregory Davis, Associate Managing Director in the Financial Institutions and Advisor Division of MFS Fund Distribution, Inc., will provide a program on Capital Market Insights as we navigate through these volatile financial times. Registration will be required for this event. Watch for sign up information in the Daily Update to make reservations.
You’ve read our articles in the Waterfall or may have seen our notes in the Daily Update or our announcements of meetings on Cresswind Neighbors Facebook, but what exactly is Genealogy?? Merriam-Webster provides the following definition of genealogy1.anaccount of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms, 2. regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor or older form: PEDIGREE, 3. the study of family ancestral lines, 4. an account of the origin and historical development of That’ssomething.whatthe Genealogy Club is all about… tracing our respective family trees and learning about our ancestors. It is an interesting, although sometimes frustrating, pursuit. If you’re interested in your family history, come join over 100 of your neighbors who enjoy the 4th Wednesday of every other month January – October at 7:00pm in the Georgia Room. Still want more information, contact one of the facilitators: ~Howie Mueller ~Dave Dittmeier
Living Stylishly continues to enjoy our summer days with some fun activities. Club members had a great time at our June outing to Lakewood 400 Antique Market in Cumming. This large market features unique home and garden decor, art, jewelry, and classic antiques/ collectibles. After our shopping spree, we divided up and had lunch at either Tam’s Tupelo or Tam’s Backstage Restaurants.
Submitted by: Bobbie Kopkin
You might be a genealogist if…… are thrilled to discover a “black sheep’ in the family.
If you are interested in the CIC Investment Club, we invite you to join us as a guest. The club meets on the first Monday of the month from 1-3pm in the Clubhouse kitchen except for holidays when meetings move to the second Monday. Membership is limited to 30 residents who all actively participate in the research, evaluation, and investing opportunities of the club. Please contact Len Greco, President, at or Cathy Hoskinson, Vice President, at to attend a meeting and learn more about the club.
would like to be on a team or sub for the upcoming season, we can find you a team or put your name on the sub list. We are a handicap league, so all skill levels can compete evenly. Board contact information can be found using the link on the Cresswind at Lake Lanier website under clubs.
Submitted By: Cathy Hoskinson
The second annual CREATIVE SPACES event will take place October 7 and 8, Friday and Saturday, from 10 am until 2 pm. Last year’s showing was successful and fun for attendees. This year we will have THIRTEEN Cresswind homes open for sharing their adventures into the visual arts. There will be painters in many mediums, custom woodwork, wood sculptures, pottery of many varieties, specialized wind chimes, domestic crafts like knitting, Santa gourds, jewelry and many more surprises. We have an incredible amount of talent here and seeing it and the spaces where it is created is a delightful experience. This event is well timed for picking up unusual Christmas gifts also. A few photos are attached so you can see what delights you may expect. CREATIVE SPACES is brought to you by the Artists Corner Art group. Follow the daily emails for more details. Call Diana Thurmon at 678-481-7644 with questions.
Page 28 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
Submitted by: Diana Thurmon
Come join the Ping Pong Club on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons from 3pm-6pm in the Lanier Room for open play. For those still working we have Monday evening from 7pm-8pm. From: article.
Novice training with Sep Khameneh has been well attended also. Thank you, Sep, for offering training to all Cresswind residents. We are looking forward to seeing these new folks on the courts! Our HOA has scheduled the replacement of the torn windscreens on all of the courts as well as the repair of the gates. This will enhance play of both Pickleball and Tennis. Coming up in October is our annual Reed Financial Tournament and Dinner. Club Members should watch their emails for notices of Leagues and Scrambles in the fall when the weather has cooled down a bit. As always, we continue to offer our thanks to Specialty Orthopedics and Northeast Georgia Health Systems for their support of the Pickleball club and our various activities.
Improves balance. When you play ping pong, the ball usually moves fairly quickly. This means players often have to rapidly change direction in order to successfully make their next move. This type of movement is great for working on your balance, which is incredibly important for seniors. Seniors who play regularly often see improvements in balance, which can prevent future falls.
Submitted By: Steve Gould
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 29
Ping pong (or table tennis as it is sometimes called) isn’t just a game you see in the offices of tech startups or in bars. The nature of the game makes it especially great for seniors. Let’s take a look at the many mental and physical benefits ping pong has for seniors.
Keeps reflexes sharp. Ping pong is a fast-paced game and players need to be able to react quickly. Regular practice ensures players are able to improve manual dexterity and keep those reflexes sharp. Fast reflexes are important beyond the ping pong table – a quick reaction time makes all the difference in trying to recover from a stumble and could prevent a fall.
Works up a sweat. Ping pong is a great form of sneaky exercise. What makes it so sneaky? When you’re playing a game with friends, you likely don’t think of it as exercise, but it really does burn calories! In fact, a 150-pound person can burn more than 250 calories in an hour of playing ping pong.
Submitted by: Jerry Worlock
Submitted By: Brenda Newman
It has been a hot summer, but there is still a lot of action going on at the Pickleball courts! We are beating the midday heat by scheduling open play hours early in the day and in the evening. These open play sessions have been very well attended. Just a quick reminder that tennis courts 1-3 are available for overflow Pickleball play when they are empty. They can also be reserved for Pickleball, but only after 7pm on the night prior to your reservation. There are plenty of opportunities for our 300 members to get playing time on the courts.
We are really excited about our October event! Living Stylishly will be co-sponsoring with the Ladies Luncheon Club an exciting Fashion Show and catered luncheon. Come see the latest styles that we have selected specifically for our Cresswind ladies. So put on your best fall outfit, bring your favorite beverage and plan on enjoying a fabulous afternoon with your friends. We look forward to having our members join us for all these special events!
Stimulates your brain in different ways. Many of your favorite activities only work your brain in one or two specific ways at a time. (Think quiet activities like reading, crossword puzzles, or watching a movie.) With ping pong, several parts of your brain are activated all at once. For example, when you anticipate the next shot, you’re actively thinking about strategy, which activates the prefrontal cortex. When you’re moving around, the physical exercise lights up another part of your brain – the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that retains long-term memories. A quick game of ping pong is a great way to wake up your brain.
Keeps you social. Ping pong isn’t a game that you can really play on your own – you need a buddy! When you find a group to play with, it provides a fun way for seniors to socialize and get some exercise while you’re at it.
Congratulations to Malcom Sutter, winner of the Cresswind 2022 Omaha Championship. The Poker Club plays three times a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6 to 9:30 PM. If interested, please
Improves hand-eye coordination. Many seniors experience some changes in their hand-eye coordination as they get older. This is a natural part of the aging process, but there are definitely ways to keep those movements sharp. In table tennis, players need to focus on where the ball is at all times and move with it. Regular practice keeps the mind sharp and keeps hand-eye coordination in good shape.

Page 30 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
4th Week Hold’em Hold’em Tournament Omaha KILL
“Cresswind Random Acts of Kindness placed the “Butterfly Blessings” in my front yard. This is very timely since tomorrow will be one year since I closed on my Cresswind home. […]” This random act of kindness is what Cresswind is all about! Thank you!

1st Week HORSE Hold’em Tournament Pineapple Omaha
5th Week HORSE Tour. Hold’em Omaha Tour.
Submitted by: Sheran Connolly
The Quilting club has made a Quilt of Valor and donated to a Veteran. The club also donates quilts to other organizations, groups, and hospitals. Come join us on Thursday at 1:00 pm in the Arts & Crafts room to learn or just watch us work our magic. We have fabric and sewing machines so you can have as much fun as we have. Contact Jonnie Grimm for additional information.
By Ken and Priscilla Stockwell
Under the cover of darkness (usually) and moving stealthily through the shadows, members of the CLL RAOK team continue to randomly “deliver” Butterfly Blessings to our CLL friends and neighbors. The Mission: To help build and support a community culture where “neighbors care about neighbors”. RAOK team members are committed to “planting the message” of hope, kindness, compassion, and belonging throughout our Cresswind community while at the same time striving to remain anonymous. Of course, motion-detecting front door video cameras sometimes make completing the RAOK mission undetected a bit of a challenge. But so far, RAOK Butterfly Blessings continue
*(T) Tournament
The Outer Banks provided opportunities for fun and exploration to include viewing of light houses, a beach ride on a Humvee to see wild horses and a visit to the Wright Brothers Memorial near Kitty Hawk. In May/June, the Stockwell’s (Ken and Priscilla, Dennis and Nancy) traveled in their RVs for 6 weeks. They had adventures starting in Carlsbad Caverns followed by travel to Santa Fe, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Las Vegas, Moab, and Breckenridge. There were many hikes and bike riding. The western US looks so beautiful from an RV!!!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
• September 10 – September 18, 2022: Memphis,
3rd Week HORSE Hold’em Tournament Crazy Omaha

The RV Club traveled to Savannah, Charleston and Cape Hatteras in April/ May were experienced by our Cresswind RV travelers. The most historic spot in Georgia was said to be the “Pirates House”, an inn opened in 1753 for seafarers and a meeting point for bloodthirsty pirates and sailors from the Seven Seas. Lunch at the “Pirates House” was fabulous as we discussed what our lives would have looked like in the 1700’s (the food was fabulous).

Another adventure was a stroll through the Middleton Place Museum in Charleston. Members of the Middleton family were instrumental in founding the United States and tearing it apart during the civil war. Arthur Middleton was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. In the Middleton house, virtually all objects on display belonged to the Middleton family which informed us about the lives of all the people, free, and enslaved. We were able to walk through the homes of the enslaved located on the Middleton property. The Middleton stories paint a rich picture of our shared past and demonstrated that they all made immeasurable contribution to our nation.
Additional trips planned for the fall, including:
to (mostly) arrive and fly away “on magic wings”. Many of our CLL neighbors have shared with the RAOK team via email their surprise, delight, and gratitude after discovering that Butterfly Blessings have been planted in their front shrub bed. And many have promised to “carry forward” in their everyday actions with CLL friends and neighbors the tenets and “message” shared with them as receivers of CLL RAOK Butterfly Blessings. Share your thoughts and words with the RAOK team by emailing them to: raokindness2021@
2nd Week Hold’em Hold’em Tournament Omaha September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 31
900 M c Ev E r r oad Gain E svill E , G a 30504 770-531-0430 • “From windows to walls, we’ve got you covered!” coll E ction • Custom Window Treatments • Custom Bedding & Headboards • Shutters, Blinds & Shades • Wallpaper • Upholstery • DesignServingServicesNorth Georgia for 35 plus years Counseling Appointments Now Available • THEWINGSCENTER.ORG

Life restoration and the renewal of families are the driving passions of The Wings Center counseling staff, who provide outpatient counseling services and training to couples, families, individuals and organizations. counselors deliver the highest standards of mental health care in a compassionate, confidential, and personal manner for children, adolescents, and adults. more information and to inquire about an appointment, visit
The Wings Center is now accepting clients for its outpatient counseling practice.

share food with those in need at a time of fasting.
Rosh Hashanah begins sunset on Sunday, September 25th and Yom Kippur begins as sunset on Tuesday, October 4th. Information will be forwarded to members when the holiday is approaching about services at Shalom B’harim synagogue as well as services at Deaton Creek for those Shalom Club members who are interested in attending services for the holidays.
Submitted by: Elaine Vetter
The Sports and Games held its Summer Bingo on August 2nd. We had a good crowd and fun was had by all. Debbie and Chuck Bridwell called the numbers

In Shalom Club News, we’re happy to share a fun program we had in June. Our Shavuot brunch was well attended with a delicious brunch -- thanks for all the treats everyone! We appreciated Sandy Barmak, Cindy Halperin and Sydell Kalnitz coordinating the food. We enjoyed a guest speaker, Paul Weiss, an Emory University professor who shared wonderful information about the meaning of the holiday of Shavuot and some interesting historical facts.
Submitted by: Miriam Rosenberg
TN / Arkansas
If you’d like more information about the Shalom Club, reach out to Miriam Rosenberg (grammycooks716@ 954-501-9249 or Karen Walters (karsuew@ 301-461-1900.
Our volunteer spirit continues with helping pack boxes at the Good Samaritan Food Bank, and we challenged our artistic skills with an evening of bowl painting for the North Georgia Food Bank fundraiser which is held yearly in September.
The fall schedule is filling up and we’re looking forward to more fun activities. If you are single and would like to get involved, have ideas on how we can connect and/or want more information please access our link on the Cresswind website and share your contact information. We’d love to have you join us.
Temperatures were too high for walks and hikes, but we did have monthly bowling, lunch bunch and mingles. Several day trips included tubing on the Chattahoochee in Helen, and a bus ride to three (3) different wineries in North Georgia.
• October 13 – October 18, 2022: Gatlinburg, TN
We are always looking for new neighbors to join in the fun, so if you have an RV, (or are shopping for one!) and are inclined to spend some time with your fellow travelers, please let us know. Whether it is a longer planned trip, or simply a “pop up” trip for a few days at one of our many Lake Lanier parks, we always have a great time together. Come join the group for an experience you will not soon forget! Visit our web site at or email us at Our web site has the detailed upcoming trip details.

Page 32 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
Summertime and the living is easy – or should I say BUSY! Between family vacations and Cresswind activities it was a fun filled couple months, but Social Singles still managed to fit a few extra events into the schedule. We had a wonderful evening at our Beach/Luau Party in August where everyone enjoyed a BBQ meal and lots of fun “beachie” games.
Submitted by: Dan Skeels
Our next program is “happy hour” on Friday, September 30th 5-7 pm to toast the “New Year”. Beverages will be provided – bring happy hour food to share. We hope to see new and old members join us for this upcoming program.
Sandy Barmak has generously offered to collect nonperishable food items at her home (3232 Black Gum Ln) for a local charity, Good News at Noon. This organization provides meals to those in need daily. She will be collecting these items between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Sept. 25- Oct. 5). It is traditional to
Mark your calendars for the annual Cresswind Storytelling Showcase
Once upon a time...
Please come to our next Storytelling Session (there are no dues) to have fun and experience a variety of stories from the Cresswind Storytellers. You don’t have to tell a story — just come and listen.
September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 33 WHAT’S HAPPENING
Come listen to a wide variety of adult stories from your Cresswind neighbors
Contact Diane ( added to our distribution list. For more info about the Storytelling
Once upon a time...
Tickets go on sale 9/26
Come listen to a wide variety of adult stories from your Cresswind neighbors

The Cresswind Storytelling Club meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 3:00pm
Tickets go on sale 9/26

Mark your calendars for the annual Cresswind Storytelling Showcase
The Cresswind Storytelling Club meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 3:00pm in the Club House Ballroom.

Page 34 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
Submitted by: Sandy Barmak
looking for 4-5 people to add to and/or replace members leaving the Sports and Games club. Get your friends together to join. Responsibilities include the promotion of and leading the four (4) Bingo nights each year, attend quarterly meetings, and support additional Sport and Games activities such as basketball, fantasy football, mini golf, etc. Contact Dan Skeels at
Our summer weather sure was steamy leading to early morning tennis play to avoid extreme heat. We are hoping that Fall brings cooler temperatures for all of our planned
Our competitive tennis teams are just beginning their Fall play. Dan Skeels, and his Silverball team play on Monday mornings against other
Submitted by: Debbie Aery
Later this year, we will begin our search for interested members who might be thinking about being on the 2023 Travel Board. So, begin thinking about this joining the board. Please be sure to pay your $5.00 membership dues in order to go on our CTC trips if you have not done so!!! Join us in the Clubhouse each month as we present more trips and give away four (4) Gift Certificates to four (4) lucky winners. Come travel with us!!!

Here we are three quarters through 2022!! There have been some ups and downs over the past 9 months, but we will continue striving to make CTC the most exciting and fun club in Cresswind. I like reporting highlights of our trips but since our publication deadline is August 1st, we will share more on the Braves game and the Kentucky Blue Grass trip in the future. In June, the Gwinnett Stripers game was lots of fun and enjoyed by CTC members, friends, and family. The firecracker display was an awesome added event after the game. In July, our trip to Mary Mac’s Tea Room for a good southern style meal was enjoyable; then on to the Fox Theatre to see the Blue ManTheGroup.remaining three months of 2022 are: In October hopefully you can join us for a classic casino experience to the Harrah’s Cherokee Casino. We are completing the trip details and will announce the date soon. In November make plans for the Tate House tour and Winery sampling trip. The Tate House is a historic Mansion completed in 1928. As soon as all details are set, we will publish the date of the fun-filled daytrip adventure. December ends the year with a Christmas trip to Nashville, Tennessee, December 13 – 16. More info coming soon.
You can stay informed about all tennis events by checking our website, cwtennis. You can also contact our president, Sandy Barmak at
communities in the area. Just email him if you want to participate. The ladies USTA 3.0 55+ team will begin in early October, also playing on Monday mornings. If you would like to join the league contact Debbie Cortjens, Our Fall Resident Mixed Doubles league is also in action on Friday mornings. We thank the captains of our two teams, Gerry Cieply, Mary Hensien, Greg Hilger and Lisa Lievense for their leadership in creating a fun morning of tennis for all involved. Come out and cheer for our Cresswind tennis players.

and gave out the FABULOUS PRIZES. The next Bingo events are scheduled for November NEEDED:VOLUNTEERS1st.Weare
activities.Manymembers enjoyed our Breakfast at Wimbledon social in the Crow’s Nest. We ate strawberries and cream while watching Djokovic defeat Kyrgios in 4 sets to win his 7th Wimbledon title. The next event was the Women’s Final at the US Open Tennis Tournament on September 10th. We got together to schmooze, drink, and nibble as we watched some competitive tennis. Watch for information about our October 22nd Round Robin Social. Our Men’s evening doubles play, led by Roger Otto and Danny Brown saw active participation this summer. They plan to continue playing through the Fall with even greater participation expected with cooler weather. If you are interested in participating and being on the reservation list, please contact either Roger, or Danny,,BillPapciakandhis expert volunteers held several clinics over the summer. It was great to see new people coming out and joining our tennis club. These clinics are the perfect way to refresh your skills, improve your strokes and polish your game. The clinics are open to the entire Cresswind community. After participating in a clinic, we hope you will come out and practice on our multiple open play days which are posted on the bulletin board near Court 1 and on our website.


September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 35
Subscribe to local at, including ePaper daily email and option for print delivery.

Please contact Wendy O’Hanlon, at golfgirl2011@ if you wish to participate and for a list of specific details for our event. Because we don’t want the show to last too long, there will be a limit on the number of dances we can showcase. The deadline for submitting your information to Wendy is October 1, 2022.
The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre is gearing up for their Fall production which is It’s a Wonderful Life: A 1940 Radio Show. This is the classic a classic holiday favorite as it would be presented in the golden age of radio in the 1940’s. We will take you to one of the most popular radio stations in the nation, WBFR in Manhattan, and watch them deliver theatre of the mind. All the classic characters will be there to include George and Mary Bailey as well as Clarence Oddbody, the angel looking to get his wings. We will also have a troupe of actors playing over 40 characters as well as live sound effects to enhance the magic. The shows are November 17-19 at 7PM. Tickets are $15. Keep an eye on the Daily Update and our webpage at for more information.
Submitted by: Wendy O’Hanlon
New members will be welcome to join the almost 100 current members. There is no audition required, just a desire to sing great music with your Cresswind neighbors. The cost is only $20 a season to be a part of the chorus. This partially covers the cost of the purchase of music, printing, and accompaniment CDs. The Holiday Music Celebration will be the three nights of December 8-10. Then the Spring Music Spectacular will be in April of 2023.
The clubs of CPAC are gearing up to end 2022 with a bang! The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre will be presenting It’s a Wonderful Life: A 1940 Radio Show. The performances are November 17-19 at 7PM. This will be followed up by the Cresswind Chorus as the present their annual Holiday Music Celebration December 8-10. Keep an eye on your Daily Update as well as our webpage ( upcoming-events) for more information. As a sneak peak, get ready for a fun January 2023 as The Liars Club will be back as well as a new presentation: Dance Showcase. This will feature the dance and motion classes within Cresswind as well as some specialCPACguests.isgearing up to present a wide variety of shows and presentations for 2023 that will keep the community entertained. You can always find more information by going to our website www. We can always be contacted at
It’s an exciting new season for the Cresswind Community Chorus which began in the fall of 2014 and has given multiple concerts throughout the past eight years. Monday, September 12, at 3:00 pm will be the Chorus Kickoff Party in the ballroom. All the new music for the fall will be introduced. Plus, there will be lots of fun, games, and goodies.
Did you know that the Cresswind Performing Arts Club (CPAC) has a new group? It is called Art in Motion, Dance & More. Cresswind offers many forms of dance, along with the art of Tai Chi taught by Cheryl Vassiliadis. This new group includes most of the dance and Tai Chi classes taught at Cresswind.
Art In Motion, Dance & More will showcase their talents January 26 and 27, 2023. Wendy, along with her CPAC liaison Debbie Seymour, are currently organizing our first ever dance showcase featuring our professional instructors as well as Cardio Line Dance, Traditional Line Dance, Choreography, Ballet, Clogging, Ballroom, and Tai Chi fan form.
Page 36 The WATERFALL September/October 2022
more front row seats and a more intimate experience than any other indoor CPAC show with “U” shaped seating around the 28-foot by 18-foot dance floor.
Do you have a hidden dance talent and have a desire to perform? You do not have to be active in one of our clubs or classes to participate. Our most important requirement is your availability from January 24 through January 28 for tech night, dress rehearsals, and performances. We may offer a Saturday performance if the Thursday and Friday shows sellout. We are excited to offer our audience
Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta 770-963-9961CallTodayforFREEOnsiteEstimate WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta ALL FORMS OF FENCING: CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PICKET & WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE ALUMINUM & STEEL PVC & CHAIN LINK POOL GATEESTATEENCLOSURESGATES&AUTOMATION Previous Awards 2016 — 20102012, Find Us On Facebook We strive to create “customers for life” and believe that each patient deserves the extra care and attention that we would want for our own family members.Mike Martin, dds Ben Martin dMd 770-534-3350 • 4328 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, • Find Us On Facebook Dr. Ben Martin and Dr. Mike Martin wouldbelieve“customers Welcoming new patients Monday through Saturday appointments Healthy Smiles for

Mike Martin, dds Ben Martin,

dmd September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 37

Submitted by: Marilyn Young

Submitted by: Heidi Anderson
Looking forward to some fun late summer reading? Then get ready for the next meeting of the Theatre-Goers Book Club on September 20th at 3 PM in the Crow’s Nest, by purchasing or downloading the play script “Almost Maine”, nine short plays that explore love and loss in a remote, mythical almost-town called Almost, Maine, and the backdrop of the “highly excitable” northern lights. Then join the group for some lively discussion and review. But wait, there’s more! The next and last meeting of the year is on November 15th, reviewing “It’s A Wonderful Life Radio Play” which, coincidentally, is the Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre’s event on November 17 thruFor19th!more

information about this play-lovers group, including how to download or purchase your scripts, see the Cresswind Performing Arts Club web page:
The newly formed Karaoke Group met for the first time on Monday, July 18th at 7:00 p.m. We had a great crowd and lots of great singers as well as a great listening audience. We will meet every third Monday to sing, listen, and have fun. Like to sing, have a favorite song? This is the place for you! Not a singer but love to listen and enjoy a fun evening with neighbors and friends? This is the place for you! Come join us and look for updates and announcements in the daily and from CPAC. Also check out our webpage at We look forward to seeing you and let that inner star come out for an evening!
Golf Tournament Benefits First Responders Free Golf Day & Local Seniors! Golfer & Non-Golfer Donations Appreciated -
The Cresswind
Thank You Cresswind for Your “Giving Spirit” Your Donations and Volunteer Support to Gainesville-Hall County Local Seniors in Need. Making a Difference Every Day!

Make A Difference In Someone's Life...And In Yours!
August was HELP ME PLEASE (HMP) Volunteer Appreciation Month!
Me Please Volunteers! Homecoming Celebration Wednesday September 21st
To enhance the lives of adults primarily 55 and older through charitable, educational, medical-health related, and cultural opportunities exclusively in

We celebrated with two Evening Boat Outings on the Lake for all HMP volunteers and other activities and recognition. HMP Volunteer Daily Project Work Raised Donations of $40,000 in 2021 and will surpass that amount this year by Helping You, our Neighbors! You Help 3:00 – 4:30 on the Pavilion and Green & Non-Members Bring Your Rah! Rah! Rah! go to Community Fund Mission Gainesville Hall
County. To donate, get information, or to become a member go to The Cresswind LL Community Fund is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Donations can be either General or Restricted to a specific program, are tax deductible by law and in compliance with IRS regulations. * Spirit of Cresswind, Cresswind Community Fund, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, HELP THE HUNGRY, HELP Me Please and Cresswind LL Community Fund are service marks of Cresswind LL Community Fund, Inc.Page 38 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 WHAT’S HAPPENING
Grants to Organizations Serving Local Seniors in Need Through July 2022 $64,000 Your Donations and Grants have now exceeded $500,000 to help local seniors in need since 2016! Thank You for Your Giving Spirit!

Golf Tournament Benefits First Responders Free Golf Day & Local Seniors! Golfer & Non-Golfer Donations Appreciated - go to

To enhance the lives of adults primarily 55 and older through charitable, educational, medical-health related, and cultural opportunities exclusively in Gainesville & Hall County

The Cresswind LL Community Fund is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Donations can be either General or Restricted to a specific program, are tax deductible by law and in compliance with IRS regulations. * Spirit of Cresswind, Cresswind Community Fund, Grandparents Raising

The Cresswind Community Fund Mission
4222 McEver Road Oakwood, GA www.medicaremanofgeorgia.com770-532-190030566MedicareManofGeorgia • Medicare Supplemental and Advantage Plans • Medicare Prescription Drug Plans • Senior Dental and Life Programs • Car and Home Owners Insurance • Life and Health Insurance • Hospital Indemnity Plans • Cancer Plans Servicing all of the State of Georgia. Robinrobint@tis-ga.comAgentTempleton Your Local Trusted Source for over 25 years, making Medicare Insurance easy to understand and apply for. September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 39 WHAT’S HAPPENING
To donate, get information, or to become a member go to
but not least…I want to say how grateful and appreciative I am to have participated in yet another COVID vaccination event with those who include service-to-others in “how we Cresswind”. Thank you all…!!
Once again to the question of, “What will it take to get through this COVID crisis”, I suggest that the community of CLL continues to offer a partial yet critical answer, “It will take ALL of us”.
May 12th, thirty CLL resident-volunteers graciously gave their time and skills to the task of providing nearly 290 CLL friends and neighbors a COVID Booster shot right here in our own community. The individual and collective diligence of our CLL residentvolunteers helped move our fellow-residents through the various Event Stations safely and efficiently.
Page 40 The WATERFALL September/October 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
the injections. Our own Dr. Zach Taylor headed up this DPH effort and deserves a ‘hearty thank you’ for helping to make this all Likewise,happen.
Submitted By: John Stevens
a great big ‘thank you’ needs to go to the First Service Staff, especially to Kitti, Darlene, Elijah, and others who put in time and effort behind the scenes to provide the physical resources needed to pull this off without a hitch, to include table/chair set-up & take-down, copiers, bottled water, and office supplies, etc. Please give each of them a personal “Thank you” when you seeAndthem.last
A tremendous amount of appreciation and recognition needs to also go to our local Department of Public Health staff who provided both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and enabled our own medically licensed CLL resident-volunteers to deliver

3720 McEver Road • Oakwood, GA 30566 770.718.9942 Seniors 65 & over, Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers, & Firemen Receive a 10% discount EVERY dayAutoApprovedRepair Free InspectionBrakeExpires:03/10/2022 10% Off Any Service Up to $100 off Expires: 03/10/2022 COURTESY TRANSPORTATION Member Feeling like you much in taxes Contact your financial learn about investing strategies Feeling like you paid much in taxes this year? Contact your financial advisor today learn about investing strategies that Member SIPC Feeling like you paid too much in taxes this year? Contact your financial advisor today to learn about investing strategies that could Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC® Financial Advisor 958 Mcever Road Ext Suite Gainesville,A5 GA 30504-3976 770-533-9965 FAP-1942M-A-AD Member SIPC Feeling like you paid too much in taxes this year? Contact your financial advisor today to learn about investing strategies that could benefit you. Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC® Financial Advisor 958 Mcever Road Ext Suite Gainesville,A5 GA 30504-3976 770-533-9965 Consignments!AcceptingNow Antiques, Collectibles, Retro, Vintage and more Tuesday – Friday 10am to www.2oldcrows.store6pm2oldcrowsgainesville2oldcrowsstore Check out our “Project Patio” behind the main store. 804 Washington St, NW, Gainesville – 470-870-CROW (2769) 20% discount on your purchase with this ad. Thru Dec 31, 2022. Expires 10/31/2022 Expires 10/31/2022 September/October 2022 The WATERFALL Page 41

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