Crumbl cookie A sweet treat for everyone Local business expands with fourth location September/October 2022 Try this dessert for Halloween PLUS: Use these valuable resources to battle inflation | Learn what it takes to embrace change | Legal expert talks about navigating windy roads of north Georgia carefully

Servingand With this coupon. Not valid with other offers NEW PATIENT Take Home Smile Consultation by With this coupon. Not valid with other offers FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase Full Mouth Set of 15% OFF for established With this coupon. Not valid with other offers • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505 Serving Dawson County for over 35 Years HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22.With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. 754 Serving Dawson HorseMillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not NEW Take Smile Consultation With this coupon. Not IMPLANT Full Mouth 15% for established With this coupon. Not With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. IMPLANT CONSULTATION Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22.other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. PATIENT Home Whitening Kit & Consultation by iTero ($250 value)CONSULTATION • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GACreekShoal this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22.FREE15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22.With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. ServingDawsonCountyandNorthGeorgiaforover35Years! 754 Serving Dawson HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid NEW Take Smile Consultation With this coupon. Not valid IMPLANT with Full Mouth 15% OFF for established With this coupon. Not validWith this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • Horse Shoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505 Serving Dawson County for over 35 Years HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. 9/30/22 9/30/22 Exhibitions • Quilt Shows Art Gift Shop • Concerts • Festivals Classes for Adults & Children Tues-Fri 10am-4pm • Sat 12-4pm 334 Highway 9 North, Dawsonville, GA 30534 706.216.ARTS (2787) To receive Bowen event eblast, email

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 KristiADVERTISINGGROUPEricaEDITORJonesPUBLISHERStephanieWoodySALESMANAGERTimAndersonSALESBryant,DavidSmithsonPHOTOGRAPHYAlsupPhotography,EnvatoManuscripts, artwork, photography, inquir ies and submitted materials are welcome. No part of this publication may be repro duced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permis sion in writing from Metro Market Media Inc. Although every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy of published materials, Metro Mar ket Media cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. Dawson Living reserves the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. Ac ceptance of advertising does not mean or imply the services or product is endorsed or recommended by Dawson Living. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jennifer Colosimo, Sudie Crouch CREATIVE SERVICES Chelsea Sunshine, Claudette Keeley, April DAWSONSeymourLIVING A Division of Dawson County News Dawsonville, GA A Metro Market Media Inc. www.dawsonnews.comproperty /dawsonnews @dawsoncountynews @dawsonnews 4 Crumbl Cookie 8 Halloween Traditions 9 These Windy Roads 10 Tasty Halloween Treat 12 Embracing Change 15 Layering Your Bank Accounts 4 September/October 2022 3 CONTENTS

Jeffreys is a self-proclaimed lover Crumbl Cookies thriving with fourth location
4 September/October 2022 SPONSORED CONTENT
Story by Jennifer Colosimo Photos by Vicki Alsup Photography Soft, pillowy buttercream frosting, crunchy toffee bits, chewy gooey brownie bites, frosted strawberry pop tarts, sprinkles even. Each on giant, made-fresh cookies, all in one box. Well — that’s not entirely true.
Crumbl Cookies opened its Dawsonville location, a fourth for the franchise, in March.
There are more than 100 hundred flavors circulating through Crumbl Cookie’s weekly menu, and the aforementioned were just a handful of the features on the menu when I spoke to co-owner Lance Jeffreys. It’s a surprise which tasty treats will make it to the new menu each Sunday, but one thing is absolutely certain — they’re never a disappointment. There’s even better news. Jeffreys and his long-time friend and business partner, James Griffin, the guys who brought Crumbl Cookies to Cumming, Alpharetta, and Athens, opened up another location in Dawsonville this spring.It’severything you already love — or maybe everything you will, if you haven’t tried them yet — but in a new, modern storefront with two dressing stations and a rarely seen cozy Crumbl patio.With friendly faces, a phenomenal aroma, and something sugary for everyone to love (just ask my kiddos), it’s well worth a visit … or maybe a new weekly“Weroutine.absolutely love this market,” said Jeffreys, on choosing Dawsonville as the location for the new store. “James and I are both from small towns, and the people are here like that, so friendly and welcoming. It’s funny, James calls Dawsonville, ‘Awesomeville,’ because everyone’s so nice and friendly here. The community really is awesome, and they’ve been willing to embrace us.
How This Cookie Crumbl(es)
“We knew it was a place that was growing and thriving. We are excited to be part of that.”

September/October 2022 5 SPONSORED CONTENT
“[The menu] works to our advantage,” Jeffreys admitted.
of sugar, so getting into the cookie business seems like a pleasant twist of fate. As soon as he and Griffin stepped into a Crumbl Cookies (in Arizona), they were awed. They knew they wanted to bring that to Georgia. Now, with four locations under their belt, they doesn’t miss a flavor — it’s part of the job to taste test the product, of course — and Jeffreys is entertained by the seemingly celebrity status that owning a Crumble carries.“My daughter wears Crumbl merchandise to school all the time,” he said. “It’s a big deal. She even works at the Cumming store. Our family loves it.”
“Customers who love a cookie know it’s only there until Saturday, and then it’s gone.“You don’t know when it’s going to return, so they might come back again that week just to have it. But then, when the next menu rolls out, customers get excited all over again to come back and try a new one.” Something else to get excited about is the introduction of the new mystery cookie flavor. Every store gets to choose a mystery flavor each month.
Aside from its fresh face, the Dawsonville store also introduces the new 6-pack purchasing option, which (finally) lets you take home one of every flavor, if you want. And believe me, you Previously,want. life’s hardest decision was possibly choosing which flavors to limit to the 4-pack boxes, or which single cookie (gasp!) to select.
James Griffin and Lance Jeffreys opened a fourth location of Crumbl Cookies in Dawson County earlier this year. The company is known for its unique specialty cookie flavors and ever-rotating cookie menu.
“I love how excited people are to try the cookies, and I love that sometimes, when they’re leaving, people will stop
Luckily, that stress is no longer. You have the flexibility and freedom to fill a signature bright pink box with whatever six cookies you choose, or still opt for the original single, fourpack or party pack, as well. Of course, no matter what size box you want, you can always choose to includechocolatethe chip cookie,theonlycookie available week-to-week. Otherwise, the menu changes every week to reveal five newInflavors.theweeks I spent “reporting” for this story, I indulged in the Chocolate Mallow Cupcake cookie, a Fruit Pizza sugar cookie served chilled, the Chocolate Crumb Cake cookie dusted in Oreos, and something that resembled a cinnamon roll on steroids.

“So many people have so much stress and anxiety and there are so many hard decisions in life, so I love the fact that when they come through our door, they can forget about what’s going on in the world, all the anger, the madness, the stress, and they can just think about something that’s going to bring them joy. And knowing that the joy is that experience of choosing and eating a cookie, I just love that. We get to be a part of what brings people joy.” That joy is reciprocated. Dawsonville’s store opening was the biggest the duo had ever had, and the community has been so friendly, that Jeffreys jokes he might just want to move out there.
and eat them in our lobby, because they just can’t wait,” said Jeffreys. “I love that, because that’s me.
When cookies aren’t enough (is that a thing?), they also serve ice cream by the pint, available in different flavors like Brownie Fudge, Raspberry Cheesecake and Peanut Butter Brittle, to name a few, that rotate in and out quarterly.“Myfavorite thing to see is watching a customer try the cookies for the first time,” said Jeffreys. “They just light up and get so excited. I do, too, though. For me, it’s like the first time, every time.”
Another reason to love Crumbl (read: drop what you’re doing and go get some, now) is because of how these cookies are served — warm, toppings not put on until you order it.
The dreamy aroma of those size-of-yourhigh-five cookies accompanies the mini catering cookies that you can order in sets of 50 for parties and special occasions. Catering orders get to select their flavors from the weekly menu and the set menu, which includes the elusive frosted sugar cookie that many still claim as a favorite. The Dawsonville store also offers convenient mobile ordering, curbside service and the aforementioned patio seating, because, as Jeffreys mentioned, sometimes it’s just too hard to wait.
“It’s really important that the cookies are as fresh as they can possibly be,” said Jeffreys. “We never keep a cookie longer than two hours, which, actually, really isn’t a problem. You go to any other cookie store, their dough is made somewhere else, and it’s frozen and shipped in. Here, we make everything in the store; we even melt the chocolate that we drizzle on top of the cookies. “Freshness is a key ingredient, and when you walk into the store, you can smell it.”
● 6 September/October 2022 SPONSORED CONTENT
When it comes to these cookies, let’s just plan on it being lots of times.

Find your Crumbl today! Where:ALPHARETTA4190Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Contact: (470) 281-9209 Online:,Cumming,GA 30041 Contact: (470) 239-1986 Online:,Dawsonville, GA 30534 Contact: (706) 350-5553 Facebook: Crumbl Cookies (Dawsonville, GA) Where:ATHENS196 Alps Rd, Athens, GA 30606 Contact: (706) 389-5894 Facebook: Crumbl Cookies (Athens, GA) Visit for more information #CrumblCookies September/October 2022 7 SPONSORED CONTENT

The Celts believed Samhain’s overlap with the spirit world made it the best time to divine the future. It may be this belief and the apple’s symbolic links to fertility that eventually brought forth a courting ritual that involved bobbing for apples. In some versions of the tradition, the apple would have the name of a male suitor on it. If the woman bobbing for the apple was able to bite into it on the first try, the love would last. If she succeeded on the second try, the courtship would begin, but the romance would fade. Three attempts meant the pair were not a match.
Halloween Costumes Historians trace Halloween’s roots to the Celtic festival of Samhain, during which the Celts believed the dead returned to the earth. Since these ghosts were often thought to cause mischief, some Celts set out food to placate them, while others wore disguises to confuse them, hide from them or scare them off.
............................. 8 September/October 2022 HALLOWEEN
Costumed villagers would often play out pranks themselves, attributing their “mischief” to the spirits.
WhileJack-o’-Lanternsseveralorigintheories exist, many link this tradition to the Irish myth of Stingy Jack, an evil spirit forced to roam the earth for eternity with just a piece of coal to light his way, which he carried in a carved-out turnip. Storytellers referred to Jack’s specter as “Jack of the Lantern,” eventually becoming “Jack O’Lantern.” To ward off Stingy Jack and other unwelcome spirits, people made their own versions of his lantern using turnips or potatoes, and eventually pumpkins, carved with frightening faces and placed near windows or doors.
“guising” in England and Europe during the Middle Ages are believed to be the precursors of the trick-or-treating tradition we know today. In souling, poor children would go from door to door offering prayers to help save the souls of dearly departed relatives in exchange for food or money. In guising, young people would go from door to door costumed as spirits to perform a song, joke or other “trick” in exchange for their “treat.”
Bobbing for Apples
A peek at the history behind some Halloween habits we know and love!

Center for Disease Control and Prevention also recognizes how traumatic brain injury, concussion, and orthopedic injuries can be caused by motorsports and can interfere with a normal life. It has been said that there are between 1.8 and 3.8 million concussions occurring in sports and recreational activities every year. With the exceptions of motorcycles, people who ride, do not have any government regulations requiring the wearing of helmets. Parents should make certain that before children ride on a bike, or in fourwheelers that they wear a helmet. Before anyone operates a vehicle, they should be properly trained.
com to WIN CALL ME! 404-892-0700
As an assessment of brain injury often requires the use of specialist and specific testing. Brain injuries are serious and vary from person to person. People in Georgia should be aware of the dangers of road vehicles are often not covered by insurance, it is vital that people riding in them speak to their insurance agent to see what their insurance will cover. Sad, but true many people do not properly insure themselves with adequate insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage and medical pay coverage are essential when riding in these Georgia mountains. ●
By Steven Leibel
In North Georgia we are home to many winding and curvy roads which attract people to visit in four-wheelers, jeeps, bicycles, and motorcycles. Many young people especially children love to ride in or operate these types of adventurous vehicles. Although many people think they will never get injured, many outdoor driving activities lead to physical injury. Often times brain injuries can occur from forceful hits to the head even when wearing a helmet. When children are involved in four-wheeling, motorcycles, road bikes and other activity many will get injured. Included are injuries involving brain trauma. As an example, my office is handling a case where a young girl was riding in a four-wheeler. When it overturned with her in it, she suffered traumatic injuries including a brain injury. The Mayo Clinic states that a “TBI is a traumatic injury to the brain that usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body.” A type of brain injury is a concussion. Additional problems can result from a concussion, including attention deficits, loss of hearing, and cognitive malfunctions. As these injuries linger, personality disorders and other changes can become evident. Legendary racecar driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr., disclosed that he had concussions, not fractures, that forced him to retire. When interviewed he acknowledged that concussions could cause cognitive and memory issues.The

1 cup whole milk
1 cup boiling water
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour (see cook’s note)
Black Magic Cake
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
10 September/October 2022 RECIPE CORNER
1 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder (or any cocoa powder if on hand)
2 large eggs
3/4 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder, sifted 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 or more candy spiders or two candy eyes for decorating
Cooking spray
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
For the cake: Position an oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 350 F. Line the bottom of two 9-inch round cake pans with parchment and crease the parchment and the sides of the pans with oil. Stir together the cocoa powder and boiling water in a small bowl and let sit to bloom for 5 minutes (this step intensifies the chocolate flavor in the cake). Whisk together the granulated sugar, flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Whisk together the bloomed cocoa, oil, milk, eggs, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Pour the cocoa mixture into the sugar mixture and stir until smooth (the batter will be thin). Divide the batter evenly between the prepared cake pans. Bake until the cakes bounce back when pressed in the middle and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool completely in the pans on a rack. For the filling and frosting: Heat the cream in a double boiler over low heat, whisking occasionally, until it begins to steam. Whisk in the cocoa powder, chocolate, espresso powder, vanilla, and salt until the mixture is smooth, about 2 minutes. Whisk in the butter until melted. Whisk in the confectioners’ sugar until incorporated. Let the frosting
2/3 cup vegetable oil, plus more for greasing the baking pans
Sweet treats are on display come Halloween. People hosting Halloween parties or bringing items over to others’ homes for the holiday may need to scare up some new ideas for Chocolatedessert.never goes out of style and is right at home on Halloween. This recipe for ‘Black Magic Cake,’ courtesy of The Food Network, is decadently rich. Don’t let all that chocolate frighten you. Drizzle as much melted marshmallow as necessary to brighten up the flavor. Turn into a mummy face or transform the top of the cake into a spiderweb instead.
1 teaspoon fine salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon espresso powder
Pinch fine salt
1/3 cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted
2Decoration:cupsmini marshmallows (about 4 ounces)
A magical dessert for Halloween gatherings
2 cups granulated sugar
Filling and Frosting: 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
8 to 10 servings

September/October 2022 11
Put one cake, bottom-side up, on a serving plate or cake stand. Spread about 1 cup of the frosting over the top but not all the way down the side. Top with the other cake, bottom-side up, and frost the top and sides with the remaining frosting.Forthe spider web or mummy decoration: Microwave the marshmallows in a microwave-safe medium bowl until they swell and are soft enough to stir, about 1 minute. Let sit a few minutes until cool enough to touch. Spray your hands with cooking spray. For a spider web, pick up a tablespoon-sized blob of the melted marshmallow and stretch it over and around the cake; repeat so that the strings of marshmallow crisscross one another in many directions. Continue until you have what looks like a spiderweb. For a mummy, stretch the marshmallow so that all the strings on the top of the cake run in the same direction, leaving a small gap between strings for the mummy’s eyes to peak out. Garnish with a candy spider or several candy spiders for the web cake or candy eyes for the mummy cake.
Cook’s note: The candy directions are a nice touch, but the cake will be fun and delicious without them as well. When measuring flour, spoon it into a dry measuring cup and level off the Semi-homemadeexcess.
tip: Purchase a premade chocolate cake and use the decoration to make the mummy or spiderweb only.

by Sudie Crouch Health & wellness columnist Whether we like it or not, change is oftenI’minevitable.thefirstto admit I am not a big fan of Mychange.mother used to say it was because I was like a cat and cats notoriously hate any change to their routine.Maybe so. But I find it is more a matter of control or the lack thereof in certain situations.Ifindthere are two types of change that we encounter. How we deal with either type can greatly impact how we feel on the other side of the situation.
12 September/October 2022 LIFESTYLE

1) Identify what is happening in your life. Reflection is key here. Are you experiencing an unexpected change or needing to create a change? By September/October 2022 13
Here’s five tips to help us embrace change and learn how to deal with it.
ending are two changes that come to mind that fall under this category and can be quite upsetting.Thesechanges can throw us off balance and make us feel like we are going through a horrible upheaval, and sometimes, we Interestinglyare.enough, a positive flip of those two – beginning a new relationship or job – can be just as stressful.Unexpected
The first kind of change is the unexpected change –those occurrences that we feel like happen to us or are out of our realm
There are times we know something needs to change or move, shift – whatever you call it. You just feel stuck. We know we need to make a change in our lives somehow, but we don’t know what that may be. Are you operating out of fear or power?
second type of change is the one we initiate.
If you don’t know if you are operating out of fear or power, ask yourself what you would tell your closest friend to do in the same situation. Would it be empowering? Or would it be hiding in the fear? So how can you be empowered in the face of these two forms of change?
events in our lives are definitely sources of change but what about those times when we need to get out of aThatrut?
Anytime we encounter change, we either get paralyzed by the fear of facing it, or we can use it as an opportunity to find our power. Of course, unexpected change can cause you to feel powerless and defeated at times. Even initiated change can make you feel that way – you will have moments of self-doubt and fear. It’s normal. And it is normal to want to hide in that fear, but it will not help you move forward in life or on your path until you are able to find your own inner strength and resolve to face the change.

3) Don’t focus on blame. Trying to blame someone else may make you feel better about the situation, but you also are giving your power away. Own your mistakes that may have brought you to this point in time. In fact, own your mistakes every day. It helps you strengthen your character and can help you grow in the midst of change.
looking at what is really happening, you can see the steps you need to take. If the change is unexpected, can you identify any signs that precipitated the event that could help helped you prepare? If you are needing to create a change, what is the outcome you are seeking? Take some time to really reflect on this and be honest with yourself. Create some actionable steps you can take and focus on the outcome you hope to have.
4) Be adaptable.
Change doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. When we recognize it is a part of life, we can learn how to embrace it and navigate it from a more empowered position that can hopefully put us closer to our desired outcomes.
One technique -- Appreciative Inquiry – can be quite helpful in embracing change. It is the process of identifying and focusing on the things that work well with the intention of identifying the positive traits that were present, so you modify and apply in other areas. Similar to the Law of Attraction, by focusing on what is going right and working, you start to see there are more good/positive things than negative. I often use this with my coaching clients after they have identified an area of concern or what they need to change. Using this technique is quite helpful whether you are dealing with unexpected change or change you are creating.
● 14 September/October 2022 LIFESTYLE
5) Allow the change to process. Change happens on its own timetable sometimes. Sure, those unexpected changes may feel like they are happening quickly but how we respond to them may not be immediate. In fact, it may be helpful to try to wait until we are able to think it through somewhat before we make any definite moves. Same goes with those changes we initiate: allow time for things to happen. I always recommend a ‘marinating’ period, or a time frame to think about the change fully before taking any big steps.
2) Take inventory of what is going right in your life.
Before you say, “Easier said than done!” think about what being adaptable means. When you are adaptable, you are open to change. You are flexible, not rigid, in the outcomes. You are able to see there may be many solutions to the situation that change presents.

Primary Purpose: To store your money in a secure location so you can use it to pay periodic expenses that are expected over the next 2 to 6 months. This is also where many store their emergency fund. While these accounts typically pay only a modest amount of interest, their safety and reliability make savings accounts a great choice for stashing cash you want available sometime within the next 12 months. This is often also your overdraft buffer in case your checking account gets overdrawn.
The checking account: 30 days of funds
For years, savings and checking accounts provided very little in the way of interest income. In our current inflationary times, however, interest rates are on the rise. What is also on the rise is the comeback of traditional banking products. Here is a review of how your bank accounts traditionally work together as a team to provide you the best security and value for your money.
Action Item: Review your bank’s alternatives for longer-term savings. Pay attention to interest rates and how often they adjust with the market. If CD’s are your bank’s strength, consider building a ladder of expiration dates to make your money more available. On high-yield accounts, the interest rate often increases with higher balances, so know what products these are. It’s also a good idea to talk to your banker to review your options. When you’re trying to decide where to keep your money, there are also tax ramifications to consider. So keep this in mind as you review how your bank accounts work together as a team. ●
The recent run of inflation is causing many people to rethink how to save and where to spend. Here is a recap of the traditional role of how your bank accounts work together to provide a valued resource to handle your funds. Layering Your Bank Accounts Time for the classic banking approach to make a comeback?
By Christine Hinton
Action Item: Determine what your 30-day cash needs are and limit the available cash in your checking account to this amount. Also consider setting up a link to another account. Most banks allow this so you do not have overdraft fees. Consider looking for a checking account that also allows an automatic sweep function of excess funds into a higher-interest savings account.
Primary Purpose: Checking accounts enable financial transactions. So store enough money here to pay immediate expenses. With checking accounts, you’re allowed numerous withdrawals and unlimited deposits. The tradeoff for having an account where cash is available at a moment’s notice is usually a much lower (or practically non-existent) interest rate.
Basic savings account: 2 to 6 months of funds
Action Item: Calculate your anticipated periodic expenses over the next 6 months, and limit the cash in your savings account to this amount. You don’t want the balances too high, as you can typically get better interest in other bank products AND if a thief gets access to your debit card, you can limit the damage they do if this savings account is linked to your checking account. Higher-interest bank accounts: Lots of choices
Primary Purpose: There are several types of bank accounts for storing your money beyond what you need for short-term expenses. High-yield savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit (CD’s) all provide at least 10x the interest return compared to a regular savings account. But in return for a higher interest rate, there are rules that govern how long you need to leave your money untouched in these accounts.

FREECHOCOLATECHIP COOKIE Receive one free cookie per person. show this email at register to redeem. 405 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 120, Cumming, GA 30041 Only valid at Crumbl Cumming, GA FREECHOCOLATECHIP COOKIE FREECHOCOLATECHIP COOKIE Receive one free cookie per person. show this email at register to redeem. 405 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 120, Cumming, GA 30041 Only valid at Crumbl Cumming, GA Receive one free cookie per coupon, per person. Show this offer at the register to redeem. Offer expires 9.30.22. Valid at CRUMBL CUMMING, ALPHARETTA and DAWSONVILLE 4190 Old Milton Parkway, Suite 2L Alpharetta, GA 30005