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Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m

Most Fit Company Awards

Chairman's Column Page 2 Economic Development Page 4 HealthSmart 2015 Page 5 Upcoming Events Page 6 Member Announcements Page 10 Networking Events Page 11 Welcome New Members Page 12 Small Business of the Month Page 12 Ribbon Cuttings Pages 15

Wednesday, October 7

BREAKFAST – 7:30 am-9:00 am EXPO & SCREENINGS – 7:30 am-1:30 pm

Gainesville Civic Center

The Chamber is conducting its annual survey for “Most Fit Company Awards” and judging criteria includes wellness, nutrition and fitness opportunities provided for employees. Presented in three categories: Large (251+ employees), Medium (51-250) and Small (50 or less) companies, Most Fit Company Awards will be presented at the HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast on October 7 at 7:30 am at the Gainesville Civic Center. 2014 Winners included Kipper Tool, Alkermes and Sapa Extrusions. Companies may complete the 2015 Most Fit Company Survey online at GreaterHallChamber.com or contact Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206x111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com Deadline to submit is September 25. Breakfast details, page 5. (L-R): Melinda Gailey, Sapa Extrusions; Meg Nivens; Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO. Sapa Extrusions received the 2014 Most Fit Company Award (large employer) at HealthSmart last year.

The HealthSmart Expo is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC with over 60 wellness exhibitors and FREE Health Screenings for men and women 18 years and older. Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Glucose testing and more. Physicians from The Longstreet Clinic, P.C. will be on hand to review your written screening report and answer your questions. FREE Shuttle Service! No Admission Fee! No Appointment Needed!

• FREE Community Health Screenings HealthSmart 2015 Presented by • Open to the Public • Focus on our Seniors This Year • No Appointments Needed • Physicians On Site • Free Wellness Seminars • 60+ Exhibitors / Limited Booth Space Available! • FREE Shuttle Service

Booth Space Available! Reserve Your Exhibit Space Now! Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com

Focus on Older Adults this Year HealthSmart Expo 2015 will focus on older adults this year with informative seminars and great vendors! Don't miss FREE health screenings, drawings and valuable information. Open to the public and all senior citizens invited! Bring a friend! FREE McDonald's salad to the first 100 Health Screenings!

Save the Date Tuesday, September 8 Small Business Seminar Thursday, September 17 Business After Hours Tuesday, September 29 Marketing Workshop


A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

From the Chairman

Showcasing Careers in Construction


Our theme for 2015-2016 is Developing a Quality Workforce, and our plan of action this year is to increase high school apprenticeships, increase employer presence in schools and promote dual enrollment programs. Next month is National Careers in Construction Month. As the owner of a construction company hiring skilled positions in a competitive labor market, the lack of young people choosing careers in construction is critical issue that hits close to home. My grandfather founded Carroll Daniel Construction Company in 1946, and within four years he had well over 100 employees. In those days, a Master Craftsman was highly regarded and their skills were often passed down from generation to generation. In the 70 years since, we Brian Daniel have lost most of these Masters, and the construction industry has done a Carroll Daniel poor job of attracting and training a new generation of workers to fill these Construction Co. Chairman, Greater Hall skilled positions. Now our industry is scrambling to educate young people Chamber of Commerce about the high paying career opportunities it offers and recruit them to staff our job sites. We have a lot of work to do, but I'm pleased to report that here in Gainesville-Hall County and around our state, we are making some great progress. Our high school construction programs have come a long way from the Shop Class where I made bird houses 25 years ago. HabitatHigh, based at Lanier Charter Career Academy, is a collaborative program with Habitat for Humanity of Hall County that utilizes the skills of high school juniors and seniors on a Habitat construction project. Rodney Presley heads up this program, the only one of its kind in the country. The program started in 2007 and has graduated over 200 students. At Gainesville High School, Darrell Lucas' construction program builds sheds and outbuildings which are for sale to the public. His classes tour commercial construction sites throughout the year, allowing students the opportunity to interact with craftspeople on the site. Gainesville City Schools and Hall County Schools each have programs accredited by the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA) that follow a nationally recognized curriculum teaching Basic Safety, Communication Skills and Introduction to Construction Drawings. Students in these programs learn the fundamentals of high-prized skills like carpentry, masonry, electrical and mechanical work. At the state level, Governor Nathan Deal’s "Go Build Georgia" campaign is designed to educate young people on the value of learning a trade, dispel their misconceptions about the skilled trade industry and inspire them to consider building a career as a skilled tradesman. Much like our newly formed Workforce Development Task Force, the Go Build Georgia program aims to provide better opportunities for craft tradesmen and train more highly skilled employees for businesses. The campaign is part of the Governor's Office of Workforce Development initiative and was created to improve the job training and marketability of Georgia's workforce and drive future economic growth for the state. Tying to both the Go Build Georgia and CEFGA’s Careers in Construction is our local Master Craftsmen... Builders of America program. A part of the Featherbone Communiversity Master Series, in partnership with Lanier Technical College, Master Craftsmen Awards seek to showcase the construction industry and promote to young people and the community the importance of construction jobs in the economy while recognizing those individuals with outstanding skills in their trade. Tradesmen will be honored at the 4th Annual Master Craftsmen Awards Program on Thursday, October 1 at 8:30 a.m. at Featherbone Communiversity (Lanier Technical College Rotunda). There is no charge to attend, and the breakfast/ceremony is open to the public. With State Senator Butch Miller as Master of Ceremonies, the event will include a highlight on each award recipient as well as an interactive panel discussion. The Northeast Georgia award winners – in 11 categories from plumbing to ornamental iron working – will share with attendees, including area students, their success stories. For more information on the Master Craftsmen Awards program or the ceremony on October 1, contact Tim McDonald at Lanier Technical College, 770-533-6991. Email: tmcdonald@laniertech.edu Your Chamber will continue to collaborate with area employers, educators and leaders for talent development. We realize that training and educating our youth is an investment in our future and a critical component of our continued success.

Business Link VOLUME 21 ISSUE 3 McKemie West, Editor • Email: kwest@ghcc.com

greaterhallchamber.com Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

2015-2016 Executive Committee Vice Chair, Marketing and Chairman Communications Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Katie Dubnik Forum Communications Chairman Elect Vice Chair, Membership Lee Hemmer Development The Simpson Company Tony Paramore Gainesville Design Center Treasurer David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Vice Chair, Economic Conditioned Air Systems Development Brian Rochester Vice Chair, Community Rochester & Associates Development Lila Weaver, Brenau University Vice Chair, Education Kristi Barker, Georgia Power Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White Vice Chair, Government LinkPoint Advantage John Breakfield Elizabeth Higgins, Exec Director Breakfield & Associates

Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Immediate Past Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC President & CEO Kit Dunlap Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors 2015-2016 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company Col. James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, Councilman, City of Oakwood Josh Everett, New Leaf Landscape Services Jimbo Floyd, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Tony Funari, Funari Realty Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Will Hicks, Stifel Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelley, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications

Steve McNeilly, Northeast GA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Jeff Reinhardt, MD, The Longstreet Clinic Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Carol Shirley, South State Bank Louis Smith, Northeast Georgia Health System Jody Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe’s Grier Todd, Lanier Islands Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging

Associate Directors 2015-2016 Andy Bangs, Alexander, Almand & Bangs Carolina Diaz, Georgia Power Craig Dowdy, SunTrust Anna Guzman, Jackson EMC Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions

Caroline Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Mike McGraw, PrideStaff Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda Elizabeth Thompson, House Dressing

Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Garrett Wiley, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President

Government Affairs Garrett Wiley, Project Manager South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager

Full Page Ad 4 columns 10x10"

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Economic Development

PFG Milton's Oakwood expands


American Home Products to bring 210 new jobs to Gainesville American Home Products, LLC (AHP), the holding company for The Louver Shop and Danmer Custom Window Coverings, announced it will consolidate its East Coast and portions of its West Coast operations to a new location in Gainesville-Hall County including its corporate headquarters and manufacturing operations. The company anticipates employing 210 at the new location with an $8 million capital investment in land, building and equipment. Danmer and The Louver Shop are industry leaders in the window covering business and have been manufacturing quality products “Made in America” since 1972.

Officials break ground for an expansion at PFG Milton's in Oakwood. (L-R): Representative Carl Rogers, 29th Georgia House District; Danny Berry, President, Performance Foodservice Milton's; Dave Flitman, President & CEO, Performance Foodservice; Senator Butch Miller, 49th Georgia Senate District; Lamar Scroggs, Mayor of Oakwood.

Performance Food Group, Inc. (PFG) is expanding its PFG Milton’s food distribution facility in Oakwood with a 174,000-square foot building on 43 acres adjacent to the current operation at 3501 Old Oakwood Road. The new building will feature a freezer, meat cutting operation and fleet operations. The project is scheduled for completion in 2016. PFG Milton’s currently employs over 500 people at the Oakwood location and expects to hire a substantial number of people over the next two years. The company will make a significant investment in the land, building and equipment. PFG Milton’s distributes fresh meats and produce, dry groceries, frozen and refrigerated products and restaurant supplies. Customers include local and multi-chain restaurants, country clubs, daycare centers, hospitals, schools, nursing homes and correctional facilities primarily located in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and South Carolina. The company traces its history back to 1961 when it began as the Blue Ribbon Packing Company before becoming Milton’s Institutional Foods a year later. It was acquired by PFG in 1995.

The company recently completed the acquisition of a 300,000-square-foot building in Gainesville Industrial Park South at 1215 Palmour Drive in Gainesville. The building, unoccupied since 2009, includes 270,000-square-feet of manufacturing space and nearly 30,000-square-feet of office and administrative space. Jim Tortorelli, Co-CEO of AHP said, “We are excited to begin the renovations on the new home for our manufacturing and corporate offices. The core values of our organization are to recruit, hire and train motivated and inspired people so that we can deliver the best possible customer experience. Those priorities and values have led us to Gainesville-Hall County where I believe we can achieve and exceed our goals. We greatly appreciate the support of the community, the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and the Gainesville and Hall County Development Authority. We are truly excited about the opportunity to have a new future in Gainesville- Hall County’s business community.” The company will be making capital improvements to the building to install new production lines, and AHP expects to begin production in late 2015 and complete the consolidation of the West Coast operations in 2016. louvershop.com

Workforce Development

PFG delivers over 150,000 food and food-related products to more than 150,000 independent and national chain restaurants, schools, hotels, health care facilities and other institutions. PFG operates one of the nation’s largest private truck fleets, as well as 68 distribution centers and 11 Merchant’s Mart locations across the U.S., employing over 12,000 people nationwide. pfgc.com

2040 Regional Transportation Plan The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO) has adopted a new transportation plan and launched a new website. The GHMPO is the intergovernmental transportation planning body for Hall County and its municipalities and a portion of western Jackson County. GHMPO recently adopted the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, which includes approximately $1.5 billion in transportation infrastructure investments in the region over the next 25 years. The projects are broken down into three tiers and are made up of the following: • • • • • • •

22 roadway widenings 6 intersection improvements 5 bridges 3 roadway operation projects 2 new freeway interchanges Bicycle and pedestrian projects Transit projects

For the full report or more information on the GHMPO, visit ghmpo.org

Workforce Development is a top priority among area employers and with our schools as well. As our educators strive to get students “Life Ready,” Chestatee High School Principal Suzanne Jarrard asked the Greater Hall Chamber to facilitate an employer panel discussion. With representatives from healthcare, manufacturing, public service and tourism, panelists discussed student skills needed for the workplace and included Loren Funk, COO, The Longstreet Clinic; Michael Otterbach, VP Manufacturing, Marel Stork; Chad Black, Hall County Deputy Fire Chief, and Sandra Simon-Grindy, Director, Human Resources, Lanier Islands. Following the panel discussion, all 80 Chestatee High educators participated in on site industry tours of ZF Gainesville and IMS Gear Georgia. Facilitating opportunities for teachers outside the classroom and in the workplace is one of the goals of the Chamber’s Workforce Development Initiative. To get involved, contact Shelley Davis, VP Existing Industry, 770-532-6206 x 108. Email: sdavis@ghcc.com

HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast

His published work includes articles the New York Times, Scientific American Mind, and even a chapter on sexuality co-authored with the noted TV and radio personality Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Dr. Agronin’s most recent book is entitled How We Age: A Doctor’s Journey into the Heart of Growing Old. A geriatric psychiatrist nationally recognized for his clinical acumen and research in psychiatry, Dr. Agronin will present "The Fountain of Age: Seeking the Positive Potential of Aging." In this program, he will present an exploration of the aging process and a positive perspective on how certain strengths such as wisdom, creativity, and maturing emotions can increase not in spite of age, but because of it. The HealthSmart Breakfast is $10 Chamber members, and $20 Non-Members. Reservations are required. For Breakfast Reservations, contact Megan Martin, 770-5326206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com

Free Wellness Seminars at Expo The Chamber's HealthSmart Interactive Wellness Expo presented by CIGNA is Wednesday, October 7 at the Gainesville Civic Center. The HealthSmart Expo is FREE and open to the public and will feature free wellness seminars:

Medicare Demystified 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. – Presented by Chuck Chaput, Partner, MCUSA Consulting. Medigap, Medicare Advantage, Part B, C and D – what does it all mean? Chuck will break down all the confusing terms and processes into easily understandable steps you can take to be sure you make the best decisions for your healthcare needs during the upcoming Open Enrollment period. *Seminar is educational in nature; no specific Medicare plans will be discussed Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food 12:00 a.m. - 12:45 a.m. – Presented by Caroline Black Lewallen, Agritourism & Marketing Coordinator, Jaemor Farms. In this day in age when consumers are more curious about their food than ever before, Caroline loves speaking with people about their food – and the farmer who grew it. How much about your food do you really know? Join us to learn about farmers in our community and the food they grow.

Health Screenings • No Admission Fee • Free Seminars • Shuttle Service Details: 770-532-6206 / GreaterHallChamber.com


wisdom comes from experience From start-up ventures to industry leaders, Morton Vardeman & Carlson has been helping companies grow and thrive for more than 40 years. Our strategic marketing expertise is reflected in the success of firms and industries across the region and around the world. With experience comes wisdom, led by a team of professionals who are recognized leaders in communications strategies.


President 2 columns CAREER – More than 35 years 4.4167• x10"

as a writer and public relations counsel. Former Atlanta JournalConstitution reporter and editor. Worked personally with U.S. President Gerald Ford on writing of his memoirs as part of Reader’s Digest editorial team. Author of his own book – On Eagle’s Wings.

• COMMUNITY– Current president of The Arts Council. Former president of Gainesville Rotary Club, chairman of Greater Hall Chamber, and trustee of Leadership Georgia. Gainesville-Hall County Young Man of Year in 1995. Recognized with 2001 Eagle Award for service to Eagle Ranch. • EDUCATION – Graduate of Gainesville High School and University of Georgia, journalism degree. STRATEGIC MARKETING | ADVERTISING | PUBLIC RELATIONS


September 1, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Fit Fifty Beyond for the Boomer Generation 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. – Presented by Mike Lowe, Certified Personal Trainer & Georgia Licensed Health & Life Agent. Mike is a unique and exciting speaker who inspires people to strive for excellence and reach for their peak performance. Mike’s free educational workshops are designed for those who will probably never go to a fitness center, but can learn how to develop a home exercise program that is easy, inexpensive and very effective for both men and women fifty and older.


Community Development

The HealthSmart Kickoff Breakfast, sponsored by AEON, is Wednesday, October 7 from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. The Breakfast kicks off the HealthSmart Wellness Expo and will include the presentation of 2015 Most Fit Company Awards. HealthSmart 2015 focuses on our older adults. Breakfast guest speaker is Marc Agronin, M.D. Dr. Agronin is a graduate of Harvard University and Yale Marc E. Agronin, M.D. Vice President of Behavioral Medical School, is a board-certified geriatric psychiatrist Health & Clinical Research and Vice President of Behavioral Health and Clinical at the Miami Jewish Health Research at the Miami Jewish Health Systems, home to Florida’s largest nursing home. Systems in Florida


Meetings & Events

SEPTEMBER 2015 Wednesday, September 2 Healthcare Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber Tuesday, September 8 Small Business Seminar "Maximize Your Business & Personal Success" with Jeff Smith of ActionCOACH Atlanta 7:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. – Lanier Tech MDC Tuesday, September 8 Youth Leadership Assessment Program 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Riverside Military Academy Tuesday, September 8 Ambassadors Council 3:45 p.m. - 2 Dog Cafe in Gainesville Wednesday, September 9 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. In & Out Deli at Piedmont Tractor 1780 MLK Jr. Blvd in Gainesville Friday, September 10 Economic Development Council 7:30 a.m. – Chamber Tuesday, September 15 South Hall Business Coalition "18th Annual Petit Le Mans Update" 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Road Atlanta

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday, September 16 Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber


Wednesday, September 16 Lunch 'n Learn 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Flowery Branch Train Deport

Wednesday, September 23 Leadership Hall County 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Montara Farm Wednesday, September 23 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Hardee's of Oakwood Thursday, September 24 Chamber Board of Directors 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Chattahoochee Country Club Sponsored by AT&T Tuesday, September 29 South Hall Marketing Workshop "Building an Agile Marketing Plan" 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. University of North Georgia Gainesville Martha Nesbitt Building, Room 3110 OCTOBER 2015 Tuesday, October 6 South Hall Business Coalition E-SPLOST Overview 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Lanier Charter Career Academy

Thursday, September 17 Business After Hours Sponsored by Buford Corn Maze 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

The Chamber's South Hall Business Coalition meeting in August featured an Economic Development update by Tim Evans, Chamber Vice President of Economic Develop with breakfast sponsored by Funari Realty at Houndstooth Grill in Braselton. (L-R): Tim Evans, Chamber; Geoff Lee, Road Atlanta; Abbye Love, Tracy Jordan and Brenda Branch, Funari Realty (breakfast sponsor); Kait Poncsak, Red Clay Interactive (event co-sponsor); Chamber South Hall Council Chair Andy Kalinauskas, Conditioned Air Systems. The next Coalition meeting is Tuesday, September 15 at Road Atlanta with an update on the 18th Annual Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda (Sept 30-Oct 3). Monthly Coalition meetings are sponsored by Milton Martin Honda and Red Clay Interactive. $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Light breakfast included. Reservations: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com

Wednesday, October 7 HealthSmart Expo 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. – HealthSmart Expo with FREE Health Screenings & Seminars Gainesville Civic Center Thursday, October 22 Business After Hours 5:00 p.m.. - 7:00 p.m. – Brenau University NOVEMBER 2015

Thursday, September 17 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Chamber

Coalition to Meet at Road Atlanta

Tuesday, November 17 Industry Appreciation Luncheon Industry of the Year Awards 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Chattahoochee Country Club Events online: GreaterHallChamber.com

Thank You Chamber Event Sponsors AT&T • Buford Corn Maze • Gainesville Parks & Recreation Highland Mountain Beverage • Jacobs Media • Lanier Islands McDonald's • Milton Martin Honda • Milton Martin Toyota Peach State Bank • Red Clay Interactive • Road Atlanta Signs by Tomorrow • The Times University of North Georgia • WSI Digital Rainmakers

1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"


Four classes. Ten hours. It all comes down to this.


he 18th Annual Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda is a true test of man and machine and on Saturday, October 3rd, the biggest names in sportscar racing will take to the 12 challenging turns of Road Atlanta in the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship and Tequila Patrón North American Endurance Cup season finales. The battle into the night will feature entries from four different classes: Prototype, Prototype Challenge, GT Le Mans and GT Daytona.

The Prototype class has seen wins from VisitFlorida.com Racing, Action Express, and Wayne Taylor Racing, while the GTLM class has seen teams like Corvette and BMW on the top step of the podium. With the wide range of manufacturers in the GTD class and the spec cars in the Prototype Challenge class, this year’s Petit Le Mans is sure to be an epic showdown to the checkered flag.


The event includes 4 other feature races and numerous off-track activities for the entire family! Open Paddock / Grid Walk / Vendor Village / Kids Zone / Autograph Session / Sports Bar: Club Patrón

Follow Me… …to one of the most recognized road courses in the world. To the premier endurance event in North America. To the season finale and the ultimate battle for the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship.

Daytona Prototypes, Le Mans Prototypes (LMP2) and the revolutionary DeltaWing make up the premier category of TUDOR Championship competition. As the fastest and most technologically-advanced cars on the racetrack, watch closely for the heated battles between Mazda, Chevrolet, Ford and more.

Podium Club by Road Atlanta presented

Enjoy the 18th Annual Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda from the all-new Podium Club at Road Atlanta, an exclusive hospitality designed to make this weekend unforgettable. The all-inclusive trackside location offers food and drinks and a great viewing location on Saturday, October 3rd, from which to relax, network, and enjoy the on-track fight for the championship. The Podium Club is the ideal place to entertain corporate and team guests, bring families, and meet with friends in a comfortable setting with private restrooms, a meeting room and a driver Q&A session. Purchase your space in the Podium Club at roadatlanta.com before it sells out!

At Road Atlanta, the fan experience is like no other. Fans come for the incredible racing, but there is so much more to do at Petit Le Mans than get immersed in the on-track action. From a pre-race grid and paddock that’s open to all fans, to a driver autograph session where you can meet all the stars of the series, to a special kids zone with face painting and inflatables, there’s never a shortage of activity at Petit Le Mans. Make sure to shop in Vendor Village for racing memorabilia or grab a cold beverage at the sports bar or Club Patrón. Join in the four-day Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda celebration and see for yourself what the buzz is about!

TICKETS NOW ON SALE 800-849-7223 RoadAtlanta.com

Hurry! Deadline for Advance Ticket Price is 9/25/14 at 5:00PM EST Our multi-purpose motor sports facility is situated on 750 park-like acres in the rolling hills of Northeast Georgia. • 2.54-mile, 12-turn world class road course • Host to major events like Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda, Drift Atlanta, and The Mitty

Feature Races at Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda

While the 10-hour Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda is the main event during the race weekend, it’s not the only ontrack action spectators will get to experience. During the course of the four-day event, four additional racing series will duke it out on Road Atlanta’s 2.54-mile circuit. Witness the excitement from multiple single-make series and street stock racing alike as they mix it up and compete for top honors at one of America’s most celebrated road courses. • • • •

Continental Tire SportsCar Challenge Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo Cooper Tire Prototype Lites Battery Tender Mazda MX-5 Cup presented by BF Goodrich

• Family friendly atmosphere: Kids 12 & under are


Follow me to Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda.


The Prototype Challenge class showcases identical, opencockpit race cars that utilize spec engines, tires and fuel. These cars can reach top speeds of around 175 miles per hour.


As the top GT class of cars on the track, these beasts of the road feature some of the best teams, cars and drivers from across the world. With big names like Corvette, Porsche and BMW fighting for the top spot in the GTLM class, this category is sure to put on a good show.


free at all events

Featuring slightly less modified production cars than the GTLM class and a number of different manufacturers, this is the most diverse class in the TUDOR Championship. Look out for great battles between Porsche, Viper, Audi, Ferrari and more.

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Member Announcements



• Counte Cooley, president of Georgia Powder Coating (GPC), announced the company was named one of the best finishing shops in North America by Products Finishing magazine after an extensive benchmarking survey. Since 1999, Gainesville-based GBC has provided commercial and architectural high specification powder coating services for government agencies, architectural companies and industrial operations. Powder coat paint is beneficial for metal parts and products exposed to harsher conditions such as moisture and chemicals. georgiapowdercoating.com • Anslee Wilson, owner of A Helping Hand Home Care, announced that the company received both the "Best of Home Care Provider of Choice" and "Employer of Choice" awards from Home Care Pulse. Awarded to only the top ranking home care providers and based on client and caregiver satisfaction scores, A Helping Hand Home Care is now ranked among a small handful of home care providers across the country who have proven their ability to provide an exceptional working experience to employees, and the highest quality care to clients. ahelpinghandga.com • Decorated war hero, author, and television host Colonel Oliver North will share his insights on heroism and community at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County's Future for Kids Gala on Tuesday, October 13 at the Gainesville Civic Center. Details: Joyce Wilson, 770-532-8102. Email: bgchc_joyce@bellsouth.net • Enjoy the 18th Annual Petit Le Mans powered by Mazda (Sept 30-Oct 3) from the all-new Podium Club at Road Atlanta, an exclusive hospitality including all-inclusive track side location, food and drinks. The Podium Club is an ideal place to entertain corporate guests, families and friends in a comfortable setting with private restrooms, a meeting room and a driver Q&A session. roadatlanta.com • Matthew A. Hazzard, MD, has joined The Longstreet Clinic, PC's Department of Neurosurgery. He completed residency training in neurological surgery at Duke University. Hazzard is board eligible with the American Board of Neurological Surgery and specializes in the latest technology and minimally invasive techniques to diagnose and treat many diseases and injuries of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Hazzard is welcoming new patients at offices in Gainesville and Braselton. 770533-7288. longstreetclinic.com/neurosurgery • Jim Walters and the late Wilbur Ramsey were honored by Riverside Military Academy as 2015 recipients of the Sandy Beaver Entrepreneurial Leadership Award. Walters, President & CEO of Walters

Management Company in Gainesville, is a long-time Chamber supporter and known for his business acumen, philanthropy, and board leadership. He currently serves on the Brenau University Board and the Georgia Ports Authority. • Exhibit space is now available for the Chamber's HealthSmart Expo on Wednesday, October 7 from 7:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. Exhibits are $350 Chamber Member; $500 Non-Member; $100 Non-Profit Table. The HealthSmart Expo is free and open to the public and will feature over 60 wellness exhibitors, FREE wellness seminars and FREE Community Health Screenings! Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com • The 24th Annual Medical Center Open is Thursday, October 1 (rain date is October 8) at the Chicopee Woods Golf Course. The tournament will benefit the Medical Association of Georgia Foundation's Think About It Campaign. Register online at TheMedicalCenterFoundation.org/golf • Sign your company up for the Chamber's Most Fit Company contest. (Deadline to enter is September 25.) Awards will be presented at the at the HealthSmart Breakfast on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:30 a.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. To enter, contact Amanda Lewis, 770-5326206 x 111 or complete the survey online: surveymonkey.com/r/BFT9M6Z • Atlanta Botanical Garden Gainesville’s Wine in the Woodlands is September 24, 6-9pm. Come experience the new Nature Connects Exhibit (Legos) and the garden after hours. $8/No charge for ABG members. Details: Makayla Richards, 404-8884762. atlantabotanicalgarden.com • BGW Dental Group is offering a whitening trays/bleach procedure for $75 ($350 value) with all proceeds in September to benefit Addi Strong/CURE Childhood Cancer. 770-532-4555. bgwdentalgroup.com • The Chamber's 7th Annual Industry Appreciation Luncheon and 2015 Industry of the Year Awards Program is Thursday, November 17 at 11:30 a.m. at the Chattahoochee Country Club. The awards program honors area existing industries based on economic impact, workforce excellence and corporate responsibility. Details: Shelley Davis, 770-532-6206 x 108. Email: sdavis@ghcc.com • University of North Georgia recently opened its new campus in Blue Ridge to expand higher education options in the region. Establishment of the Blue Ridge Campus comes in response to a need for access to higher education that was identified through UNG's Regional Education and Economic Development Task Force,

a group of more than 100 business, education, government and community leaders from northeast Georgia. ung.edu • Braselton’s Main Street board and Downtown Development Authority recently unveiled its new logo that focuses on a historic store building with a park bench, lamppost and greenery. Cindy Phillips, chair of the Downtown Authority, said, "the logo is a combination of old and new, which is what Braselton represents." downtownbraselton.com • 12th Annual Art in the Square in Downtown Gainesville is Saturday and Sunday, September 19-20, 10 am-5 pm. Over 120 artists from the Southeast will display fine art, oil paintings, pottery, handmade jewelry and other crafts. Enjoy live demonstrations, plein air painting, raku pottery firings, chainsaw art, photography, recycled birdhouses, and much more! artinthesquarega.com • Master Craftsmen–Builders of America is a Featherbone Communiversity Master Series Program in partnership with Lanier Technical College. Nominations for 2015 Master Craftsmen Awards are open through September 4. Awards in 11 trade skills will be presented on October 1 at 8:30 a.m. at Featherbone Communiversity. The program, free and open to the public,

will feature State Senator Butch Miller and focus on the importance of construction jobs while recognizing individuals with outstanding skills in their trade. Tim McDonald, Lanier Tech, 770-533-6991. Email: tmcdonald@laniertech.edu • Thank You HealthSmart 2015 Sponsors! Title Sponsor: CIGNA. Breakfast: AEON Clinical Laboratories. Platinum: Aetna Medicare/Coventry Healthcare, Gainesville Eye Associates, The Longstreet Clinic, Northeast Georgia Health System. Gold: Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic. Silver: McDonald's, Northeast Georgia Physicians Group, UnitedHealthcare. Media: Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Jacobs Media Corporation, The Times. Shuttle: Milton Martin Honda • Full Media, an Internet marketing and website development firm, introduces Project IMPACT to benefit a local, non-profit organization. Based on nominations and applications, Full Media will identify one non-profit who will receive a custom designed, fully-responsive custom website at no cost. Deadline to apply is September 17. Apply at fullmedia.com/project-impact

GOT NEWS? Email: kwest@ghcc.com

1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"

Owners Rodney and Kendra Miller and Tina and Jerome Beggs have brought a touch of country to the city with their Buford Corn Maze, located off I-985/Exit 8 on Friendship Road in South Hall County. Come to Business After Hours from 5:007:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17 and check out all the activities at the Corn Maze while learning about this thriving agritourism business. Now in its seventh season, Buford Corn Maze attracts 30,000 visitors a year, giving them a taste of farm life through fun activities. The maze this year is sponsored by Nationwide Insurance and uses the company’s logo as the maze design! Open from September to November, the Buford Corn Maze features a five-acre corn maze, hayrides, Haunted Forest, along with a corn box play area, face painting, pony rides, bounce house, jumping pillow and farm animals. Details: 678-835-7198 or visit BufordCornMaze.com

Chamber Member Networking

Small Business Development Prize winners at the recent Small Business Seminar (L-R): Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones, and Tommy Edge, Mobile Fleet Solutions, with seminar coordinator Dede Gossage, GetToItToday. “Securing Creative Financing for Small Business” was the topic of discussion at the seminar with representatives from South State Bank, Small Business Access Partners, Delta Community Credit Union and Georgia Mountains Regional Commission. Be sure to attend the Small Business Seminar on Tuesday, September 8 with Jeff Smith, ActionCOACH Atlanta. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com

For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing financial solutions and personalized service to individual investors. For For decades, decades, Edward Edward Jones Jones has has been been committed committed You can rely on us for: to to providing providing financial financial solutions solutions and and personalized personalized service to individual investors. • Convenience service to individual investors. Locations in the community and face-to-face You You can can rely rely on on us us for: for: meetings at your convenience • Convenience • Convenience Locations in the community and face-to-face • A Quality-focused Investment Philosophy Locationsat inyour the community and face-to-face meetings convenience A long-term approach that focuses on quality Our thoughts with the brave men • A Quality-focused Investment Philosophy meetings at yourare convenience investments and diversification A long-term approach on quality and women servingthat ourfocuses country and • A Quality-focused Investment Philosophy investments and diversification • Highly Personal Service the ones who servedthat before them. A long-term approach focuses on quality • Highly Personal Service Investment guidance tailored to your investmentsguidance and diversification Investment tailored to your individual needs individual needs • Highly Personal Service www.edwardjones.com Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS® Investment to your Call or visit guidance today. tailored Financial Advisor individual needs

Our thoughts are with the brave men and women serving our country and the ones who served before them.

Beth Baldwin


Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS®

3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Rick Kimpling Gainesville, GA 30506 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Beth Baldwin .Call or visit today. . 770-536-2031 Financial Advisor . 439 Green Street Financial Northwest Advisor 64 North Brooks Street Unit B Gainesville, GAGreen 30501Street Northwest Cleveland, GA Bridge 30528Rd Ste 22 439 3630 Thompson Beth Baldwin Rick Kimpling 770-534-1220 Gainesville, GA 30501 706-865-0933

1/2 Page Ad

2 columns Financial Gainesville, GAAdvisor 30506 4.4167 x10" 770-534-1220 Reneigh AAMS® 439 GreenSatterfield, Street Northwest 64 North Brooks Street Unit B 770-536-2031 Financial Advisor .


Gainesville, GA 30501 Financial Advisor

Cleveland, GA 30528 770-534-1220 706-865-0933 3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Gainesville, GA 30506 AAMS® Reneigh Satterfield, 770-536-2031 MKT-3673-A-AD ® .

Financial Advisor .

Rick Kimpling, AAMS

Member SIPC

Financial Advisor 3630 Thompson Bridgeare Rd Ste 22 the Our thoughts with brave men Gainesville, GA 30506 64 North Brooks Street Unit B and women serving our country and 770-536-2031 Cleveland, GA 30528 the ones who served before them. Member SIPC 706-865-0933


Member SIPC

Member SIPC Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS®

Financial ® Advisor Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS .

3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Gainesville, GA 30506 3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 770-536-2031

Financial Advisor

Gainesville, GA 30506 770-536-2031

September 1, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Thank you Hope Chiropractic and Panera Bread for sponsoring Business Before Hours! (L-R): Shannon Taylor, Panera Bread; Dr. Bryan Butler and Dr. Marjorie Butler, HOPE Chiropractic. Don't miss more great networking at Business After Hours on Thursday, September 17 at BGW Dental Group and Business Before Hours on Friday, December 4 at Milton Martin Toyota's new facility in Oakwood.

Commitment. We Understand Commitment.


Membership Development

Buford Corn Maze to Host Business After Hours

We Understand

11 MKT-3673-A-AD

Member SIPC

Small Business

South Hall Marketing Workshop

– Building An Agile Marketing Plan–

Wash Yer Duds Laundromat

Developing a marketing plan can be difficult for small businesses due to the need to change to meet market needs and a changing environment. Join us for a Marketing Workshop on September 29 as Nick Kastner from the Mike Cottrell College of Business explores the basics of an agile marketing plan and how small businesses can learn to make quicker decisions based on their business strategy. Kastner, a former digital marketing executive, serves as marketing manager and adjunct instructor for the Mike Cottrell College of Business at UNG. Door prizes include 4 tickets (valued at $50 each) to UNG Mike Cottrell College of Business StartItUp entrepreneurship conference on October 20 featuring apparel designer and BusinessWeek’s #1 Entrepreneur Under 25, Johnny “Cupcakes” Earle, as well as Zagat’s youngest ever entrepreneur honoree, Beau Shell (9-year-old “Lil Ice Cream Dude”). Register now for the Chamber's South Hall Marketing Workshop on Tuesday, September 29, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the University of North Georgia Gainesville, Martha Nesbitt Building, Room 3110. $15 Chamber Members; $30 Non-Members. Includes Lunch. Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com

Welcome New Members! (770) 287-1500 -Medical / Surgeon gainesvillesurgerycenter.com

(706) 693-2554 -Employment Agency hiredynamics.com

Beth Truelove Gainesville, GA (678) 316-2389 -Individual Member

Georgia Firearms & Security Training Academy Rodney Smith 5216 Koni Cove Oakwood, GA 30566 (770) 530-5630 -Firearm Training gafasta.com

Lee B. Dempsey State Farm Agency / Lee Dempsey 2234 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30502 (770) 297-4722 -Insurance statefarm.com

Foresight Dr. Jonathan Woody 195 King Avenue Athens, GA 30606 (706) 549-8306 -Medical gasurgery.com

Georgia Mechanical, Inc. Jeff Dale 5148 Carson Court Buford, GA 30518 (770) 614-9214 -Heating & Air georgiamechanical.com

Mad Union David Fairbairn 210 Washington Street, NW Gainesville, GA 30501 (888) 412-0876 -Marketing, Website Design, IT Services madunion.com

Gainesville Surgery Center Andy Whitener 1945 Beverly Road Gainesville, GA 30501

Hire Dynamics Courtney Jenkins 80 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2 Pendergrass, GA 30567

Join the Chamber and enjoy a variety of benefits. Kara Tate, 770-532-6206 x 116 Email: ktate@ghcc.com

ADP Aleksandr Leykind 5680 New Northside Dr, NW Atlanta, GA 30519 (646) 637-7510 -Business Services adp.com

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Small Business of the Month

ADDING YEARS TO LIFE & LIFE TO YEARS Serving Northeast Georgia Since 1967

Biz Card Ad


12 Dr. Denise Funk • Dr. Chris Potter

984 Thompson Bridge Rd • Gainesville, GA 30501 770-532-1217 • www.vetamc.com

Carol Durden, Manager of Wash Yer Duds Laundromat, Small Business of the Month.

Owner Randy Harvey and Manager Carol Durden celebrated Wash Yer Duds Laundromat's fifth anniversary in July. The state-of-the-art laundromat offers a clean, friendly environment. The extra large facility is clean, well-lit, staffed and filled with new equipment possessing modern technology with 92 high efficiency washers and 80 dryers. The 40 pound capacity washers can handle your largest laundry items. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No quarters needed – these machines are operated with a laundry card loaded with the desired amount of funds from their easy to use kiosk. Do it yourself or take advantage of their drop-off laundry service. 1125 McEver Road, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-533-9929. facebook.com/pages/ Wash-Yer-Duds

If you're a business with 10 or less employees, consider joining the Chamber's Small Business Alliance, an initiative to increase the voice of the small business community at the Georgia Capitol with updates on legislation that affects small businesses. Free Chamber Benefit! Garrett Wiley, 770-532-6206 x 110. Email: gwiley@ghcc.com

1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"

Maximize Your Business Success

Small Business

As a small business owner, I've learned the value of the Greater Hall Chamber and take full advantage of its resources and services. If you are not already a Chamber member, I encourage you to join. If you are a member, be sure to attend one of the upcoming programs – specifically, the Small Business Seminar on Tuesday, September 8 presented by my friend and business coach Jeff Smith. Attending may be one of the best decisions you'll ever make to maximize your business and personal success. When I first became acquainted with Jeff Smith, my business was pretty much in the doldrums in 2009. The recession had hit, and we had customers closing their doors, consolidating, and just plain going away. A friend of mine told me about Jeff Smith and his business coaching firm. I said that I didn't need a coach, because I figured that would be a sign of weakness to hire one. I hired Jeff anyway, and he had me working on cutting costs, setting goals, planning and growing the business. I never looked back. Lane Jones CEO, Highland Beverage Service

With Jeff's guidance, I was able to change the direction of the business while completely changing my mindset. That was a real task, especially when you consider that we were down around $300,000 in recurring annual revenue that just went away in 2009. I was able to survive without letting anyone go, but relinquished a salary for myself for about 18 months The first thing that Jeff did was tell me that I needed to pay myself, and I have not skipped a beat since then. We have grown about 9 to 12% each year since then. The two years of being coached paid dividends that continue to pay off. I have not been coached in about three years, but Jeff and I are still friends. He is coming at my request bringing a great program on September 8th. You will be both captivated and motivated while coming up with a plan for yourself and/or your business. This seminar is free to Chamber members, and only $15 for nonmembers. Either way, it is a bargain.

Small Business Success Seminar Tuesday, September 8

7:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lanier Tech MDC at Featherbone Communiversity Jeff Smith of ActionCOACH Atlanta, a business and executive coaching firm, will help you to shift your strategies and develop your own amazing plan to create massive results in your business and personal life. No charge for Chamber Members ($15 Non-Member). Sponsored by Highland Mountain Beverage, Jacobs Media, Signs By Tomorrow and WSI Digital Rainmakers. Registration: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com Online: greaterhallchamber.com

2 columns 4.4167 x10"

September 1, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Lane Jones is CEO of Highland Mountain Beverage Services and Mountain Valley Water Atlanta. Lane is a graduate of the University of Georgia Terry College of Business with a BS/Marketing and Management and started Lane's Coffee Service in 1981. In 1989, he started The Bottled Water Source. In 2010, the coffee and water companies were combined into Highland Mountain Beverage Service, Inc. A long-time Chamber supporter, Lane and his company received the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award. He currently serves on the Chamber Board of Directors and is a past chairman of the Chamber's Small Business Council. He is active in the Kiwanis, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, March of Dimes and the Southeastern Bottled Water Association. He received the Focus Award from Action Coach Atlanta, and American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Hero of Hope 2010.

1/2 Page Ad


Key Economic Indicators

Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue, gives instructions to Leadership class members prior to a Dragon Boat race as part of the Lake Lanier program. The program also included a tour of Buford Dam by the Corps of Engineers, a cruise around Lanier Islands on a houseboat, and an overview by Georgia's DNR Divisions at Clarks Bridge park on wildlife and lake safety. Thank you program and meal sponsors: AT&T, Lanier Islands and McDonald's.

Youth Leadership Kickoff

Greater Hall County Area Jobless Employment Rates Hall County


July. 2015

5.3 Previous Month

Gainesville City



June 2015


5 5.4




Gwinnett Jackson Ga Mountains State of Georgia

5.6 5.1 5.5 6.1


12-Month High


Sept 2014 2


One Year Ago

July 2014

The Norton Agency Key Economic Retail Sales Indicators 2 columns $ 255,925,699 4.4167 x 10 J












5.3 Updated 08/17


Hall County

Latest July 2015

All 70 members of the Youth Leadership class attended an orientation in August at the Gainesville Civic Center, sponsored by Gainesville Parks and Recreation.

September 1, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce




Previous Month (available)

One Year Ago

Jun 2015

July 2014

Partners in Education Lyman Hall Elementary Students (L-R): Anna Stauffer, Katrina Turk and Luke Loureiro with Principal Robert Wilson and Kimberly Cobb and Chuck Carter, Regions. Kimberly Cobb serves on the Governance Council for Lyman Hall, and Regions recently presented the school with $1,500 for its general fund. Bank associates enjoy a strong partnership with the school and participate in several activities – reading to students, teaching financial literacy classes, contributing to service projects, like collecting for food drives. Principal, Robert Wilson said, “Our school is a very caring place to work. Our kids and staff are like family, and we enjoy giving back to others and to our community. Through Partners in Education, our students are learning the value of servant leadership, and we appreciate their involvement. Lyman Hall partners include Jackson EMC, Regions, Village at Deaton Creek and Cresswind at Lake Lanier. lhes.hallco.org/web








Cherokee Dawson

100’s millions of dollars

Leadership • Education

Leadership Hall County

Hall County retail sales figures are estimated from the 1% sales tax collected for Hall. For example, $11 million in tax revenue represents J retail sales of approximately $100 million.










2015 Updated 08/17

Housing Permits Issued - Hall County


July 2015 79 Previous Month

One Year Ago

2015 Total

June 2015

July 2014





2014 YTD

Area Permits County Barrow Dawson Gwinnett Forsyth Hall Jackson

July 2015 20 7 188 239 79 7

July 2014 33 10 159 165 57 14

June 2015 24 13 241 220 75 22

Total 2014 286 108 2,531 2,662 581 107

2015 YTD 198 57 1,094 1,213 385 99

Avg Total Price 2015

Avg Price

Homes Sold and Closed and Average Price of Home July 2015

Avg Price

July 2014

Avg Price

June 2015

Avg Price

Total 2014

























































Updated 08/17

Data compiled by the Norton Agency. For additional information or other data products, please call: Tommy Howard 770-718-5204

The Norton Agency thoward@nortonnorthga.com

The Power To Perform

The Gardens at the Quinlan

Just People, Inc.

Fajitas Taco Truck

-An extension of the galleries with outdoor exhibition, classroom and event space.

-“Just” People, Inc. is a private not for profit agency that provides a wide variety of support services to adults with developmental disabilities.

Georgia Firearms & Training

Owner Angel Retana, cuts ribbon for Fajitas Taco Truck, 1210-F Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville. 770-534-7222. myfajitas.com -Mix of traditional Tex Mex, West Coast Mexican plus REAL Mexico City recipes with flavors from local farmers market and butchers.

• Syfan Logistics including freight management • Syfan Expedited • Syfan Dedicated

-GAFASTA provides presentations and firearms training classes from NRA basic pistol safety to response to active shooter.

Page Ad 2 IN A ROW! 1/24 columns

Syfan Logistics Named9"Again x5" to Top 100 3PL List For the second year in a row, Syfan Logistics has been named one of the Top 100 Third-Party Logistics companies in America by Inbound Logistics magazine. Founded in 2011, Syfan Logistics earned a place on the Top 100 list last year for the first time. “Our team takes a lot of pride in the service we provide our customers,” says Syfan Logistics CEO Jim Syfan. “Recognition like this means a lot to us, and we thank our professional staff, our carrier partners and our loyal shipper customers for making it happen.” Inbound Logistics is the leading trade magazine targeted toward business logistics and supply chain managers.


SyfanLogistics.com | 855.287.8485 | 770.287.8485 | Gainesville, GA

0149 Syfan - BizLink Top 100 ad_9x5.indd 2

September 1, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Syfan Services

Rodney Smith cuts ribbon for Georgia Firearms & Training Academy (GAFASTA) that is currently housed at Oakwood Baptist Church. 770-530-5630. gafasta.com

Ribbon Cuttings

Kyle Ivey, Community Development, and Becky Dowling, Founder and Director, cut ribbon for "Just People" located at 1412 Oakbrook Drive in Norcross. Gainesville location coming soon! 770-441-1188. justpeople.org

Quinlan Garden, an outdoor gallery and event space funded by the Starlet Rhodes Jones Foundation, is now open at the Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 514 Green Street in Gainesville. 770536-2575. qvac.org

8/10/15 12:16 PM

Back Page Ad 10 x 7.5

Home Loans from your Hometown Bank. If you are in the market to buy or refinance a home, look to Peach State Bank. Led by two highly experienced mortgage lenders, Angela Drew-Morris and Mickey Hyder, our Mortgage Department offers unparalleled expertise, products and competitive rates. Best of all, we offer hometown knowledge and local decision-making. At Peach State, we’d like to be the first to say, “Welcome home. And thanks for growing home with Peach State Bank.” 325 Washington St SW | Gainesville, GA 30501 | 770-536-1100 | PeachStateBank.com

UpcomingChamber Chamber Events Upcoming Events Tuesday, September 8 Workshop Small Business Marketing Small Business Seminar14 Tuesday, February "Maximize Your Business Marketing Trendsand Personal Success" Presented by Gordon Sawyer 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. – The Oaks at 7:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. LanierTech Charter Career Academy Lanier MDC

Business After 15 Hours Tuesday, September Thursday, February 16 South Hall Business Coalition 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. "Petit Le Mans Update" Luna's Restaurant 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 200 Main Street Road Atlanta – 5300 Winder Hunt Tower in Downtown Gainesville Highway in Braselton

Wednesday, 16 Arbor September Day Celebration Lunch 'nFriday, LearnFebruary 17 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 10:00p.m. a.m. Flowery Branch Train Depot Frances Meadows Center

Safe & Green Regional Thursday, September 17Assembly BusinessFriday, AfterFebruary Hours 24 8:00 a.m. - Corn 12:00 p.m. Sponsor: Buford Maze Georgia Mountains 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Center 4470 Bennett Road in Buford Annual Transportation Forum Wednesday, March 14 Tuesday, September 29p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 Marketing Workshop Gainesville State College

"Building Agile Plan" Joban Fair andMarketing Career Expo 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 28 University of North Georgia 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Gainesville / Martha Nesbitt Georgia Mountains Center Building, Room 3110 Get Details & Register Online: Wednesday, October 7 greaterhallchamber.com HealthSmart Expo 7:30 -9:00 a.m. Kickoff Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Expo with FREE Health Screenings and FREE Wellness Seminars Gainesville Civic Center



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