thisInsideIssueSeptember TennisAnnual2022MeetingforChildrenUpcomingEventsGarageSaleandmuchmore!461217Windermere LeafletThe

At Northside Hospital Cardiovascular you’re at the heart of everything we do. Our team of Georgia’s leading cardiologists are with you from the very start. Offering full service cardiovascular care, the expertise you need and the exceptional care you deserve. Trust your heart to NCVI. • General Cardiology • Interventional - Structural Heart • Pre-Surgery Evaluation/ CardiacCummingClearance 2000 Howard Farm Dr. Suite 450 Cumming, GA 30041 Dahlonega 70 Mountain Dr. Suite B Dahlonega, GA 30533 Dawsonville 81 Northside Dawson Dr. Suite Dawsonville,305GA 30534 • Patients call (404) 962-6000 CHRISTOPHER LEACH MD, FSCAI, FACC KASHYAP “TIKU” PATEL MD, FACC HEATHER WESTMORELANDB. MD, FACC S. STEVEN WANG MD, PHD LOCATIONSSERVICES•Cardio-Obstetrics•Cardio-Oncology•CongestiveHeartFailure•Electrophysiology • In-Office Imaging - ECG - Echocardiogram - Stress Testing - Vascular Studies

The Windermere Leaflet is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Windermere Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services. Magazine design by Chelsea Sunshine. Contacts BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jon Lyman | President | Rebecca Paterson | Vice-President | George Aubrey | Treasurer | Amy Morrison | Secretary | Scott Tanner | Member at Large | John Q Vaughn | Member at Large | Paul Valcheff | Member at Large | COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Michèl Krahn | Tennis | Rebecca Paterson | ARC | Kristin McAfee | Social | Betty Aubrey | Pool | George Aubrey | Finance | OFFICE INFORMATION Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am 5 pm Address: 4444 Front Nine Drive, Cumming GA 30041 Stacy Maguire | Activities Office 678-455-7708 ext. 2 | Seth Daugherty | Association Manager 678-455-7708 ext. 3 | After-Hours Emergency | 678-624-9453 ext. 2 TENNIS OFFICE Bobby Schindler | Tennis Director 770-598-8378 | OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS BOARD REMINDERS AMENITY CARD REPLACEMENT Windermere Amenity Cards are available to residents in good standing. Please stop by the clubhouse during office hours. Replacement cards are $10 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. LOST PET/ANIMAL DISTURBANCES Please contact Forsyth County Animal Control at 770-781-2138 to report your lost pet or if you see animals roaming free and not on a leash, especially if you deem that animal to be aggressive in any FORSYTH CO. jmharkins@forsythco.comToSTREET770-781-2222NON-EMERGENCYPOLICE(24hr)MAINTENANCEreportaproblemwithstreet,curborsidewalk,contactJessicaHarkins: STREET LIGHT OUTAGE Sawnee EMC|REPLACE/REPAIRProject|770-535-0036www.mymailboxproject.comFORSYTHCO.WATERDEPT.770-781-2160 COMMUNITY NEWS Become a 2022 Sponsor Today! Are you interested in advertisingyour business within your community? CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR NEW PROGRAM! The earlier you sign up, the better the deal! For more details, please contact Jennifer Goodin at or 678-480-4121. A special thank you to our 2022 Event Sponsors! Our sponsors help make our great events possible! Please support these businesses when you can! List Buy Market yourhome withme Liliana McGaughey 770.256.2576 IRT-1948J-A Member SIPC Brad Kluesner Financial Advisor 40 Technology Pkwy S Ste Peachtree205 Corners, GA 678-389-462730092 www.WindermereCommunity.netWindermere Leaflet September 2022 3

In accordance with Article II, Section 2.3 of the Bylaws for Windermere Homeowners Association, the Annual Homeowners Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Oc tober 20, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the Windermere Lodge located at 4444 Front Nine Drive, Cumming, GA. Representatives for the Board will be present to discuss all aspects of the Association.
The Bylaws state, in order to hold a meeting and conduct business of the Association, there must be a quorum present. A quorum is the number of homes represented either in person or by proxy. The required quorum to attend this meeting and allow for the election of directors is one tenth (1/10th) of the homes. If the quorum for the annual meeting is not met, the Association must recall the meeting until quorum is established. In recalling the meeting, until quorum requirements are met, the Association incurs additional administrative costs. Your attendance or proxy will help fulfill the quorum requirements. You may recall several years ago we instituted an electronic voting system. Feedback continues to be overwhelmingly positive so we will be using it again for this election cycle as well. No paper proxies will be accepted. If a resident does not have a computer, they may use a neighbor’s computer, go to the Library on Old Atlanta Road, or use a computer in the Lodge.
HOW IT WILL WORK: September 12th- First mailer sent out September 26th first reminder sent via email
2022 ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE TO ALL HOMEOWNERS www.WindermereCommunity.net4 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
October 10th second and final reminder sent via email October 17th voting/proxy submission close at 5pm

G E T T I P S F O R B U Y I N G O R S E L L I N G A H O M E .

Please watch this
your wet court,
Reps, Reps and more Reps Please sign-up for all drills ahead of time on the Playtomic app www.WindermereCommunity.net6 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
TennisForChildren offers professionally developed lesson plans created by our USPTA certified founder, Shaun Boyce and are updated with the latest ideas focused on helping young players start on their tennis pathway. coaches are not only certified instructors capable of working with all ages and levels, but we are also mentors with years of experience working with young children and beginner tennis players. Group classes are on Wednesdays throughout the year. Bobby at & FOR YOUR RAINY-DAY RELIEF
Lady’s Open Drills Thursday
Please remember there are multiple tools at our courts to help dry your courts. They each serve a specific purpose, so in order to extend the life of these tools, use accordingly. Upon arriving at please use a roller or pull squeegee to spread out the large amounts of BATT be used once the water has been dispersed to help the in a more efficient manner. quick video on the proper way use the BATT up on the inside of the fence when have finished using
Adult Open Drills Friday
Join any time! Windermere 12 and Under Junior Academy Classes are Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00-6:30 PM. Players can attend one or two days a week. Payments and commitment are requested at the beginning of each month. This will allow us to staff each class properly and assure all students are grouped with their appropriate level. Please contact Coach
Our for pricing and further details. Fall Schedule Start: 6 & Under (minimum 4 years old) - 3:45PM $69/month 8 & Under - 4:15PM $89/month 10 & Under - 5:00PM $109/month To learn more You can also reach Coach Shaun directly via email at or text 678.221.4191 SQUEEGEES
towels are to
towel here: Please and BATT towels back
col lected water. The
Monday 9:00am-10:30am 6:30pm-8:00pm 9:00am-10:30am 10:45am-12:00pm
Adult Open Drills Friday

NEED TO RESERVE A COURT? The reservation system we have been using the last few years has been bought out and absorbed by another online application. Beginning in July, we transitioned from to a new app called Playtomic. We are still working with the new vendor on the transition, so be on the lookout for information on the weekly e-mail updates from Bobby and on the Windermere Tennis Facebook page. Please ensure that your contact information on the association website ( is updated to include email addresses and cell phone numbers, as this is required information to register for the Playtomic app. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS! TENNIS NEWS Click here to like our facebookWindermereHOApage! Thinking About Selling Your Home? PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS. Amenity Cards: the amenity access cards should be given to the buyer at closing from seller. If not, the buyer or seller may purchase them from the association for $25 per card (maximum of 2 cards). Do you need a closing letter? What should the For Sale sign look like? How much are the fees? www.WindermereCommunity.netWindermere Leaflet September 2022 7

Windermere Residents, IRT-1848G-A Member SIPC
· A courtesy letter is sent. 14 days are given for corrective action.
f the issue is still not resolved, a fine letter is issued and the owner is fined $25 per day until the issue is resolved.
If the HOA receives communication from a home owner that they are taking care of the compliance issue, and a plan is made, than no further action is taken in regards to a fine or letters sent. We under stand not all issues can be resolved in that 14 day time period and we can certainly grant extensions if Weneeded.appreciate your cooperation in keeping Winder mere a beautiful place to live! Windermere Management Team.
· If the issue is not corrected, a warning of fine letter is sent giving the owner 14 additional days to correct the issue.
Financial Advisor 40 Technology Pkwy S Ste Peachtree205 Corners, GA 678-389-462730092 www.WindermereCommunity.net8 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
Home Improvements/Exterior modifications of the home are regulated and approved by the Archi tectural Review Committee (ARC). The committee meets on the First Tuesday of the month to discuss areas of concerns, owner appeals, and any updates needed to the ARC standards and guidelines. All exterior modifications, including in the back yard, do require prior approval from the ARC. This includes new roofs, house painting, landscape and hardscape improvements, windows, doors, enclos ing decks, etc. Modifications completed without ap proval are subject to fines and you may be required to “fix” the issue which may be very expensive so please remit a modification form. We strive to get all requests turned around in two weeks. If you are planning to make any modification to your home, please CLICK HERE to find the application and the full guidelines for Windermere. On the other side of the home improvement area is Compliance. Although this is not necessarily a “friendly” area of communication, we want to en sure that owners are complying with the Covenants and upholding the community standard. This is very important to maintain the home values and market ability of the community. Did you know, on a weekly basis, the HOA conducts neighborhood drive throughs? The staff is tasked in conducting these in spections to ensure that the expected standards set by the community are met. Additionally, we receive reports from homeowners via the website or phone calls. Once we receive a violation of compliance the process typically goes as follows:
We hope everyone is having a great summer. We just wanted to send out a couple reminders on the ARC and covenant enforcement process.
Brad Kluesner

COMMUNITY NEWS Ladies Wine Club! Meets 1st Thursday of the month (every other month). Wine club next meeting is Thursday, August 4th at 6:30pm at the Clubhouse Please contact Maria Carney at to RSVP! Ladies Bridge: Meets every Thursday at the Lodge and would love to welcome new members! Contact Beryl Deal at 678-807-7276! Couples Bridge: Meets every 3rd Saturday at the Lodge. Contact Sandy Stahl at 770-597-8237! Ladies Bunco Club: Meets 1st Thursday of the month (every other month- opposite Wine Club). Bunco next meeting is Thursday, September 1 Bring your own beverage and a small snack to share! Each player will also need to bring 10 $1 dollar bills! Please contact Kristin McAfee at 925-998-1973 to RSVP! Windermere Clubs! What if you could use our money to maximize the value of your home? Homes in the neighborhood are getting older. If you want to sell for the most money possible, you need to update before you list. We can front you the money for things like painting, flooring, staging, and repairs through the Compass Concierge Program. You simply pay it back at closing. No fees. No Dozensinterest.ofour sellers have used Compass Concierge - including some of your neighbors - and doubled the return on their Whatinvestment.doyou have to lose? Top 10 Team in North Atlanta 678.744.8206 | sherryandcorealestate.cominfo@sherryandcorealestate.com404.668.6621 purposesinformationalforintendedishereinpresentedmaterialAlllaws.OpportunityHousingEqualbyabidesandbrokerestatereallicensedaisCompass Nonotice.withoutwithdrawalorsale,condition,price,inchangesomissions,errors,tosubjectisbutreliabledeemedsourcesfromcompiledisInformationonly. alreadypropertysolicittointendednotisThisapproximate.arefootagessquareandmeasurementsAlldescription.anyofaccuracythetoasmadeisstatement brokerage.estaterealofrealmtheoutsideadviceprofessionalotheroraccountinglegal,asconstruedbeshallhereinNothinglisted. www.WindermereCommunity.netWindermere Leaflet September 2022 9

Fall Maintenance Sunday, October 16th 3-5pm Fall Festival We are bringing the event back to the large field! Join us for a fun afternoon of rides, activities, games & more! More details to come! www.WindermereCommunity.net10 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
TREE CARE – Due to the age and size of the ma jority of the trees in the community, many owners may have bare spots in the Bermuda turf due to a lack of sunlight. Removing some of the low hanging branches on the tree in addition to selectively prun ing may help the turf with additional sunlight. For those owners with street trees, please ensure they are not encroaching into the street, blocking street signs or streetlight poles. We suggest you consult a professional tree care company when it comes to tree pruning and overall tree care. We would like to welcome Lexie Crowson to the Windermere team as our new compliance coordi nator. Please give Lexie a warm welcome to the Windermere family. Please continue to utilize the Report a Violation system to report any compliance concerns and we will investigate and issue the ap propriate notices. Click here to report a violation.
As many residents are aware, we have a compliance coordinator that drives the community three times a week to ensure all homes are being maintained to the community standard. One area of focus is spe cifically landscape maintenance and tree care. Here are a few tips and reminders on landscape and tree care.
LANDSCAPE - Please ensure the lawn is mowed regularly (weekly during the growing season) and edged along the sidewalk and driveway. The ma jority of homeowners have a professional company to treat the lawn for weeds. We highly recommend you hiring a professional company if you have not already. Most smaller landscape companies do not have a chemical license to apply the proper chemicals to keep the lawn weed free year round. Weed control needs to be a proactive approach. If you use pine straw for ground cover, it needs to be installed twice a year as it breaks down relatively quickly. Pruning of bushes are as needed. If you have some older larger plant material around the house, an option in lieu of replacement would be to perform a hard prune in fall/winter on the plant material to significantly reduce the size of the plant. Please consult a professional before hard pruning as it would only apply to certain type of plants.

with assistants, hands-on academics, STEM, and frequent in-house field trips. Private non-parochial education for 770-664-7764 SACS, GAC, AND NAEYC Accredited TODAY! Private non-parochial education Nurturing environment featuring outstanding teachers, small class sizes with assistants, hands-on academics, STEM, and frequent in-house field trips. Private non-parochial education for infants through 8th SUMMERgrade.CAMPNOWOPEN! 5380 Faircrof t Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30005 770-664-7764 SACS, GAC, AND NAEYC Accredited Set Up A TODAY!Tour

UPCOMING EVENTS! www.WindermereCommunity.net12 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet

Saturdays 9/3, 9/10,9/17,9/24 10am to 10pm Sunday 9/11,9/18,9/25 11am to 8pm
Saturday 10/1 10am to 10pm Sunday 10/2 11am to 8pm No in Only one at
guards seated
guard to watch over pool, clean and lock up
night. No lifeguard breaks. POOL OCTOBERCLOSES2ND We offer online ordering, curbside pickup and delivery powered by DoorDash and UberEATS. REVISED HOURS OF OPERATION: M - Th 11:30 AM - 8:00 PM F - Sa 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM | Su 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM We're all in this together and we appreciate your support of Alessio's! www.WindermereCommunity.netWindermere Leaflet September 2022 13
Friday 9/30 10am to 10 pm
Friday 9/2 12pm to 10pm Sunday 9/4 11am to 9pm
Friday 9/9,9/16,9/23 4:45pm to 10pm
POOL NEWS POOL PARTIES Please contact the activities office to schedule your pool party. Please click here to access the party agreement. Note parties are available during the following time slots 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM or 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM * All parties must take place during guarded hours ONLY. * No parties will be held during Swim Meets, So cial Events, or Holidays (high volume days). AMENITIES ACCESS CARDS / POOL STICKERS Access cards with 2022 sticker must be used by residents for admittance to the pool area. 2022 stickers may be obtained in person at the Lodge by the adult homeowner or resident. No children, nan nies, or other family members may obtain stickers. You are asked to read and familiarize yourself with the Pool Rules in the Pool Info Packet and bring the signed Acknowledgement form and your two access cards with you when you pick up your sticker. Ame nities access cards are available to residents who are current on their HOA dues and fees. COMMENTS OR FEEDBACK Comments and feedback regarding the pool are welcome at any time and should be directed to Seth Daugherty, Windermere Property Manager, at 678 455-7708, Ext 3 or seth.daugherty@fsresidential. com. We ask that specific complaints or problems be reported with full details to the Property Manag er as soon as possible so that the problem or situa tion may be promptly addressed. LIFEGUARD SCHEDULE
FALL BREAK 9/26-9/29 4:45pm to 8pm*
Monday 9/5**Labor Day 10am to 9pm Monday-Thursday 9/6,9/7,9/8,9/12, 9/13,9/14,9/15,9/ 19,9/20,9/21,9/22 4:45pm to 8pm*

26 5 COMMUNITY CALENDAR 23 29 22 25 LODGE CLOSED 19 24 2730 21 28 18 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 FALL BREAK FALL BREAK FALL BREAK FALL BREAK FALL BREAK 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 Finance TennisMeetingCommittee2PMCommitteeMeeting6PMARCCommitteeMeeting7PM Couples6:30PMBridge Live Music at 5PM-8PMpool S M T W T F S PoolMeetingCommittee6PM Newgate BOD 6PM Labor Day Bridge LandscapeWindermere12:30PMBOD7PMBridge12:30PM-3:330PMComm.Meeting4PMWineClub6PM September 2022 Couples6PMBridge Music2PM-4PMBingo–Pool SAVE THE DATES! SANTA PHOTOS- NOVEMBER 12-13 with In & Out Photo HOLIDAY CELEBRATION- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 www.WindermereCommunity.net14 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
GEORGIA MEDICAL CLINIC Venkat Ramesh Rangaraj, MD CMD Board Certified in Internal Medicine Services offered: General Primary care Chronic Disease 678-456-8463AcceptingOnImmigrationPreventativeGeriatricManagementcareMen’shealthcarePhysicalssiteX-rayavailablemostinsurances4415Front Nine Dr #600, Cumming, GA 30041 Now Accepting new patients Call now for Appointments We are here for all your preventative and Healthcare needs 12/1/21, 7:58 AM Apollo Spine and Pain Center_half.jpg / PRP injections

I recently got several bites on my left foot while at a hot, outdoor baby shower. Was baffled at first as to what type of creature attacked me, but I concluded later that it was flea Fleabites.bites are small, raised, red bumps on your skin that are firm to the touch. They occur when fleas drink your blood and inject saliva into your bloodstream. They are extremely itchy and the skin around each bite may become sore or painful.
Susan Hartsfield Tanner
Windermere Pet bulldawgsusan@yahoo.com678-755-2931Sitter
www.WindermereCommunity.net16 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet
There are more than 2500 flea species in the world and more than 300 species in the U.S. Their bites rarely cause lasting harm.... mostly they just cause mild annoyance and irritation for a short period. Just refrain from scratching them a lot. This can further damage the skin and potentially cause a bacterial infection.
On dogs, cats and other animals, fleas live around the ears, neck, back and belly. Once inside your home, they may jump off an infested animal and hide in carpet, furniture, bedding and cracks in the floor. They much prefer animals over people yet they don’t stay as long on our bodies. A furry creature is their preference!
Fleas are tiny, wingless insects. They have flat bodies and are either black or brown. They have 6 legs with strong claws on the tip of their legs that allow them to hold onto a host while their mouthparts pierce your skin and feed on your blood. Their hind legs are longer and stronger than the others allowing them to jump over 12 inches!
It’s very important to examine your pets from time to time. If they are scratching more than normal and restless, this could mean fleas have landed. And if he has fleas, you will most likely be bitten as well. Options for flea treatment on pets are a flea comb, flea shampoo, medicine (over the counter oral or topical), wash his bedding and vacuum. And definitely consult your Here’svet!to hoping you will NOT encounter the annoying flea situation!!
Fleas are most active when the weather is warm. They prefer cool, damp areas with lots of shade. They live around trees, leaves, tall grass and shrubs. They hop onto animals or people as they walk by these particular areas.

Windermere will provide the Garage Sale signs at the main entrance monument of each neighborhood. We will advertise the neighborhood sale in the classified section of the AJC and Forsyth County News. Please do not place signs in your yard, however we do encourage those participating to place a balloon on your mailbox. We do not advertise specific addresses; therefore, we suggest that you place additional advertisement to draw traffic to your home. Fall Garage Sale SATURDAY ONLY! OCTOBER 8 (8:00AM – 3:00PM) Do you have some things that you just don’t need or want anymore? If so, get ready for Windermere’s Annual Fall Garage Sale! Eye Care For You Dr. Bharti Bathija-Lala, O.D. Quality eye care and personal attention are our focus at Eye Care For You. We offer PREVENTATIVE and ROUTINE EYE EXAMS, and a COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF EYE CARE SERVICES for your whole family. • Treatment of Eye-Related Problems & Disorders • Contact Lens Evaluation, Consultation and Fitting • Eye Glasses & More! Monday–Friday 8:30am–4:30pm • Saturday 9:00am–3:00pm Office is closed one Saturday per month. www.eyecareforyougeorgia.com770-887-1404 3830 Windermere Parkway, Suite 301, Cumming, GA 30041 (Located in Windermere Professional Park) NEW PATIENT DISCOUNT 20% PrescriptionOFFGlasses (Exclusions Apply) We participate with VSP, Aetna, Bluecross (BCBS), Cigna, Coventry, Avesis, Superior Vision, VBA, EyeMed, Optum (Spectera), Medicare/Medicaid. Check with our staff if you have other types of coverage. In honor of September 7th being national mouth guard day , we are offering a complimentary 3D scan and $50 off of a mouth guard. restr ct ons apply,cal or deta ls call today 470 253 1747 Expires 9 29 2022 www.WindermereCommunity.netWindermere Leaflet September 2022 17

COMMUNITY NEWS Call, click, or visit today. 1-800-xfinity | xFiWiFiMakexfinitystores.comxfinity.comyourin-homeevenbetterwithComplete. Advanced Security Block unknown or dangerous sources from remotely accessing your smart devices, like home cameras connected to your home network. Unlimited data That means no overages — and more of doing what you love online. Because with WiFi this good, you’ll have unlimited reasons to use it. Whole Home WiFi We will automatically evaluate your network performance to help ensure the most WiFi coverage throughout your home. Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Residential customers only. Limited to xFi Complete. Xfinity xFi and xFi Complete available to Xfinity Internet service customers with a compatible xFi Gateway. Pricing subject to change. Taxes and other fees extra, and subject to change. All devices must be returned when service ends. © 2021 Comcast. All rights reserved. Lodge & Fitness Center Please read all posted signs before entering the gym. Although we have increased gym cleaning by our professional cleaning company to 3 times per week, as a courtesy to other residents of your community, please remember to always clean equipment before/after usage, and employ social distancing. Lastly, please limit your work out to no more than 2 hours when others are wanting to use the facility. OPEN cleaningExcept24/7forMonday,WednesdayandFridaysfrom9am-11am A Brand New Season of Family Fun Awaits From the sprawling fairways of the golf course to socially distanced dining both indoors and out, our warm community of Members offers you total peace of mind so you can improve your golf game and stay safe while having fun this summer. Become a Member and swing into summer fun! Matt Nalley, 470.266.8876, James Malone, 470.302.0783, © ClubCorp USA, Inc. All rights reserved. www.WindermereCommunity.net18 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet

documentation to
Contact us at •As
1.02 Submittals (a) Process A three-step process
Approval in 5-7 Days once a completed from is submitted - $50 fee payable at the time of submission. At the discretion of the Association Manager, certain projects may not be permitted to be rushed. Applications may be submitted at any time, with an average processing time of 14 business days. Please plan ahead for all projects, including holiday and birthday gifts. Failure to receive prior approval for any and all projects is subject to sanctions for violation including unapproved modification fines starting at $200. Please contact us at windermereactivities@ if you do not receive a decision letter.
Section 1.01 Modifications Requiring Approval
Ensure all required documentation including but not limited to: (paint samples, roof shingles, plat/survey site, materials lists, renderings, etc.) are included with your application. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in the application not being accepted or delays in the processing time. require prior approval from the Association. a reminder,theARC Request process is outlined below.
form (ii) Gather required supporting documentation (iii) Submit Application and
Every structure or thing which is placed, erected, or installed upon any Unit and all improvements or other work (including staking, clearing, excavation, grading, and other site work, exterior alterations of existing improvements, or planting or removal of landscaping) which takes place within Windermere, must be in compliance with the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines. New construction or any change or modification that is visible from the outside of a residence is subject to these guidelines and the authority and approval of the ARC.
Section as follows: online Application Modification supporting the Property Manager MANAGER no fees the standard review process for ARC However, per the Financial Policies and Procedures Applications to the Architectural Review Committee for changes, alterations, additions, or deletions to property by delinquent homeowners will not be considered until all obligations for that individual property are resolved. Certain projects such as but not limited to, an addition to a residence, new construction and pool/courtyard additions may require review from a licensed architect. These types of projects shall be subject to additional review fees as determined by the Board or their designee. The property owner will receive notification of additional fees once an application has been submitted and all fees must be paid prior to starting the review process. Fees are payable via check or money order.
ARC REQUESTS Does your home need some work?Are you thinking about...renovating?Notsureif your project needs approval? Most projects that are performed to a home or lot
If you wish to expedite the standard review process for your ARC Application which would not require review by a licensed architect rush fees will be charged as follows:
Approval in 2-4 Days once a complete form is submitted - $100 fee payable at the time of submission.
COMMUNITY NEWS LODGE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm | Closed Saturday and Sunday Gym Closed every Wednesday from 9am-11am for Deep Cleaning PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ACCESS CARD IS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO LODGE. We will be onsite Monday-Friday to assist you. Should you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Visit our website www.windermerecommunity.netCLICK HERE TO CHECK AVAILABILITY The primary purpose of the Amenities within Windermere are to promote fellowship among property owners. The use of the facility is generally intended to be limited to owners, their families and their personal guests. The Lodge is generally available for rental for private events by Windermere owners Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) and Weekends (Friday-Sunday). For complete details regarding rental time slots and fees please see the Rental Contract on our contractuponfirstReservationswww.windermerecommunity.netwebsitearetakenonafirstcome,servebasis.Thereservationoccursthereceiptofallfeesandasignedagreement.Verbalholdswillnotbeacceptedunderanycircumstances. The Lodge at Windermere 2022 LODGE RENTALS Book your party today at the Lodge! Completed agreements and full payment is required at time of booking. No dates can be penciled in. CARDSACCESSAREREQUIREDFORENTRYTOLODGE www.WindermereCommunity.net20 September 2022 Windermere Leaflet

Stephanie Cole Patterson & Meriellen Cole Arenz M 7 70 316 3110 | O 404 668 6621 ColeTeamRealEstate com The Cole Team Loves Winder mere We’ve been there since the beginning Proud resident, neighbor, and sponsor since 2003. Over 200 Windermere homes sold to happy families Your neighborhood experts. O U R R E C E N T A C T I V I T Y 3330 Spencer Street Just Sold 1450 Edenham Lane Sold 1609 Heathrow Drive Sold 3335 Spencer Street Sold 1411 Elgin Way Sold 5430 Landsdowne Court Sold 2072 Windermere Xing Sold 8660 Amsbury Way Sold Compass s a icensed real estate broker Al materia s ntended for informat onal purposes only and is comp led from sources deemed reliab e but is sub ect to errors om ss ons changes in pr ce condition sale or withdrawal w thout not ce No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (includ ng square footage) This is not ntended to so ic t property a ready l sted No financial or ega advice prov ded Equa Housing Opportun ty Photos may be virtua ly staged or d g tal y enhanced and may not reflect actual property cond t ons Hear from some of Windermere’s newest neighbors about their experience buying & selling