The Official Newsletter for the Hamilton Mill Community Association

Ph: 678.546.3737
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Email: maureen@shabenandassociates.com
Property Manager: Maureen Murphy
(forafter-hourscommonareamaintenanceemergencies) Shaben Main Office: 770.271.2252
After Hours Emergency: 770.271.2252
P.O. Box 3189 Suwanee, GA 30024-0989
Email: hmillevents@gmail.com
You are welcome to contact the Activities Office for information on planned events or to RSVP for an event.
Activities Director, Angela Pavlichek
TENNIS SHOP Ph: 770.945.6452 milltennis@bellsouth.net
HAMILTON MILL COUNTRY CLUB Ph: 770.945.4653 www.hamiltonmillcc.com
Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk.
All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide
Standard: STYLE 311K
• Sign Kwik 770.623.1669
• Mailbox Maven, Kathy Ramatowski: 678.551.8591
• Addresses of Distinction: 770.436.6198
Theseareresourcesonly,norecommendationsorassurances aremadebytheAssociation.
Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to goodstanding residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.
............................................................... 911
Police Headquarters .................................. 770.513.5000
Non Emergency ......................................... 770.513.5700
Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail .................................... 770.619.6500
County Courthouse .................................... 770.822.8000
Dacula City Hall ......................................... 770.963.7451
Dacula Post Office ..................................... 770.962.4390
Poison Control ............................................ 404.616.9000
Fire Headquarters....................................... 678.518.5018
Station 18 ................................................... 678.518.5018
Tag Office .................................................. 770.822.8801
Drivers License Services .............................. 770.995.6855
Property Tax ................................................ 770.822.8800
Voter Registration ....................................... 770.226.7210
Animal Control ........................................... 770.339.3200
Gwinnett Senior Services ............................ 770.822.8850
Gwinnett Co. Solid Waste Mgnt .................. 770.822.7141
Water Resources ........................................ 678.376.6700
Buford Gas ................................................. 770.945.6761
Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage .............. 770.963.6166
Charter Communications .......................... 678.410.9362
AT&T ........................................................... 800.436.8638
Direct Satellite/Dish Network ....................... 678.714.1495
For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/ Departments
Puckett’s Mill Elementary School 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org
Osborne Middle School ............................. 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org
Millcreek High School 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org
Dacula High School ................................... 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org
Hebron Christian Academy ........................ 770.962.9250
Dacula Classical Academy 678.377.0080
Oak Hill Classical School 770.338.7945
Sugar Hill Christian Academy ..................... 678.745.4121
Greater Atlanta Christian ............................ 770.243.2258
Gwinnett Medical Center ........................... 678.312.1000
ChoiceOne Urgent Care - Hamilton Mill .............. 470.326.7300
Northeast Georgia Medical Center 770.219.9000
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta .................. 404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care ................. 770.848.6195
If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770.513.5100 to report your lost pet or if a dangerous pet is running loose.
1991 REGALVIEW Landing
Finished 6 5 0 2002 $1,150,000 1,150,000 8/15/2022 6,463 3
3600 GLENAIREVIEW Court Finished 5 5 0 2005 $879,000 914,000 7/11/2022 5,826 4
3225 Town Manor Circle Finished 6 4 1 1997 $945,000 905,000 8/17/2022 7,246 1
1978 Regalview Landing Unfinished 5 4 1 2003 $847,500 890,000 6/30/2022 4,640 2 2521 Floral Valley Drive Finished 5 5 0 2004 $825,000 880,000 6/17/2022 5,734 1 1598 Mulberry Lake Drive Finished 6 4 1 2000 $860,000 867,500 6/21/2022 5,645 4
3370 Greenside Court Finished 5 5 0 2000 $859,900 821,490 6/27/2022 5,615 54
1424 Millmoore Terrace Finished 5 4 0 1999 $775,000 800,000 7/8/2022 4,258 15 2465 Millwater Crossing Finished 6 5 0 1998 $775,000 789,000 8/6/2022 4,687 13 3800 Greenside Court Finished 6 5 0 2002 $800,000 785,000 8/25/2022 5,293 14 2662 Floral Valley Drive Unfinished 4 3 0 2004 $725,000 710,000 8/18/2022 3,629 39
3495 Millwater Crossing Finished 5 4 1 2001 $658,900 680,000 6/22/2022 3,204 4 3465 Millwater Crossing Finished 5 3 0 2003 $630,000 670,000 6/10/2022 4,547 5 3467 Forest Vista Drive Unfinished 5
1588 AUTUMN SAGE Drive Unfinished
3365 FOREST TRACE Drive Finished
2063 Hamilton Mill Parkway Unfinished
2007 $685,000 655,000 8/11/2022 3,879 29
2004 $650,000 650,000 6/30/2022 3,198 9
2001 $615,000 615,000 7/6/2022 4,158 7
2005 $600,000 615,000 6/22/2022 3,093
2004 $599,900 599,900 7/25/2022 3,032
1995 $575,000 565,000 8/12/2022 4,607
$520,000 520,000 8/31/2022 4,674
7/1/2022 2,571
The Board is evaluating all and will choose a winner in the next few weeks.
We have groups and levels for all players!!
All programs are billed monthly.
Level 1: Little Tennis Ages: 5 –8
Monday & Wednesday
Hand-eye coordination
Basic rules of the game
Basic stroke production
Racket maneuverability
• Stroke production
Ball control & direction
Tennis rules & etiquette
Movement & footwork
Ball & racket contact point
Level 2: New/Beginner/ BeginnerIntermediate Players Ages: 9+
Monday & Wednesday 5:00pm-6:30pm
Tennis fundamentals
• Stroke production Movement / footwork and balance
Court awareness
Accuracy & consistency
• Ball control
Level 3: Beginner-Intermediate/ Intermediate-Advanced Ages: 9+ Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm
Accuracy and consistency Speed and power
Agility, footwork and balance Ball control
Stroke production Serve development
Net game and strategy Top/under spin
• Movement & court awareness development
LiveBall Tennis
Monday: 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Fast-paced cardio-based doubles game. This game is a cross between Matchplay and Cardio Tennis.
Tennis 101
Monday: 10:00am – 11:00am Monday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Beginner tennis clinic that covers basic strokes and strategies.
Cardio Tennis
Tuesday: 9:00am – 10:00am
Fast-paced tennis drills to keep your heart pumping.
Wednesday: 9:00am – 10:00am
This clinic focuses on one doubles strategy per week.
Stroke of the Week
Friday: 9:30am – 10:30am This clinic focuses on one stroke or idea per week.
Pre-registration is required or all Drop-in Clinics.
All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per clinic.
Mixture of drills to improve your level of play!
Thursday: 10:00am – 11:00am
Thursday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
This is a fun and successful way for students to learn to play pickleball. It is designed to bring kids to the game by developing important skills all tailored to the skill of the student. Students will learn basic technique, strategy, and tactics. It will prepare kids for match-play.
Thursday: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Pre-registration is required for all Drop-in Clinics.
All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per clinic.
Contact the shop to connect with one of our highly experienced Tennis or Pickleball pros and work on those problem areas or develop a new shot!!
Aug. 6 Hits and Brews Round Robin
Sept.3 Fall Adult Round Robin and Cook-out (Tennis and Pickleball)
Sept. 6 Senior Day Women Fall play begins
Sept. 8 Thursday Women Fall play begins
Sept. 10 Men’s Fall play begins
Sept. 10 Junior Fall play begins Sept. 11 Sunday Women Fall play begins
The Ball Machine is here and available to rent!! Call or email the shop to reserve your time today!!
Hamilton Mill Tennis Shop
(770) 945-6452
Tim Dutton
Tennis Director
Tim.hmilltennis@gmail.com (678) 887-4543
Grove Carmona
Head Professional / Junior Programming
(678) 982-1938
Chris Benzinger
Staff Professional / Junior Development
(678) 362-9218
Kim Hoang, Pickleball Instructor (502) 544-7977
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