Windermere Leaflet October 2020

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Windermere Leaflet

2020 Inside this Issue Annual Meeting Notice 10 Candidate Bios 10 Fall Festival 18 Garage Sale 18 Movie Night 19 Fall Shopping 20 Santa Photos 19 Tennis News 22

In-Classroom Instruction Starting Early August.* PreK3-12th Grade. Schedule a Tour: * Unless directed otherwise by the Governor

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Become a 2020 Sponsor Today!

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Craig Holmes | President | Maureen Brown | Vice President | George Aubrey | Treasurer | Amy Morrison | Secretary | Drew Cerruti | Member at Large | Monica Hachem | Member at Large | Richard Tidwell| Member at Large

Are you interested in advertising your business within your community? CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR NEW PROGRAM!

The earlier you sign up, the better the deal!

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Michèl Krahn | Tennis | Monica Hachem | ARC | Maria Carney | Social | Betty Aubrey | Pool | George Aubrey | Finance |

For more details, please contact Jennifer Goodin at or 678-480-4121. A special thank you to our 2020 Event Sponsors! Our sponsors help make our great events possible! Please support these businesses when you can!

OFFICE INFORMATION Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am – 5 pm Address: 4444 Front Nine Drive, Cumming GA 30041

HERE FOR YOU, Stacy MaguireHERE | Activities FOR Office YOUR 678-455-7708 ext. 2 | COMMUNITY. Josh Laskowski | Association Manager 678-455-7708 ext. 3 | After-Hours Emergency | 678-624-9453 ext. 2 TENNIS OFFICE Bobby Schindler | Tennis Director 770-598-8378 |

Liberty Mutual Insurance is proud to support Windermere HOA. OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS


STREET LIGHT OUTAGE Contact me for your free quote. Sawnee EMC | Nick Stevens, Sales Representative


STREET MAINTENANCE To report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk, contact Jessica Harkins:



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BOARD REMINDERS Coverage provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance and its affiliates, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston,

MA 02116 USA. Equal Housing Insurer. ©2018 Liberty AMENITY CARD REPLACEMENT Mutual Insurance 11514948 PERB10193 04/2018 Windermere Amenity Cards are available to residents in good standing. Please stop by the clubhouse during office hours. Replacement cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.

LOST PET/ANIMAL DISTURBANCES Please contact Forsyth County Animal Control at 770-781-2138 to report your lost pet or if you see animals roaming free and not on a leash, especially if you deem that animal to be aggressive in any way.

Windermere Leaflet

Nick Stevens, Sales Representative


4405 Front Nine Drive | Cumming, Georgia 30041

CALL/TEXT (470)239.2001 | FOLLOW US The Windermere Leaflet is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before Offer valid towards boarding, daycare or grooming services at PetSuites making Offer any decision in which a professional readily available. Cumming. valid for new customers only. Cannotis be combined with Advertisers responsibility forused the on content the ads placed invalue publication. Material any assume other offers. Cannot be retail of items. Promotional must published notNo becash reproduced without the December written permission be used at onemay time. value. Offer expires 31, 2020.of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Windermere Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services. Magazine design by Indigo Whatley.

October 2020



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October 2020

Windermere Leaflet


Thinking About Selling Your Home? Do you need a

Click here to like our facebook page!

closing letter?


What should the For Sale sign look like? How much are the fees? PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS. Amenity Cards: the amenity access cards should be given to the buyer at closing from seller. If not, the buyer or seller may purchase them from the association for $25 per card (maximum of 2 cards).

A FRIENDLY REMINDER We would like to remind everyone what the Windermere ARC Guidelines say regarding Political Signage. Please be sure to not place any signage out prior to October 13th. Political Signs: Up to three (3) professionally prepared political signs, not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in size, may be displayed from within a Unit or posted on a Unit. Page 20 of 37 (i) No hand- lettered, stenciled, or painted signs are permitted. (ii) No signs may be posted at the entrance to the community or to any neighborhood or on any common property of the Association. (iii) Signs may be posted or displayed no more than three (3) weeks prior to the election for which they are intended, and all signs must be removed within three (3) days after the date of the election, unless a run-off election is to be held and it will occur within three (3) weeks.

Windermere Leaflet



October 2020



Association Manager Fall is in the air What does that mean? It’s time for the 4 P’s of home ownership. It’s time to get outside and take a 360 walk around your home. What do you see? Is your Paint fading or peeling? Do you need a fresh coat? Is your driveway and sidewalk filthy and moldy? How about a good ole fashion Pressure washing? Let’s not forget landscaping. Now is the time to Prune trees and trim overgrown bushes. Additionally, it is time for that spring application of Pine straw (mulching material). As we head into fall these are a few areas we will be looking at during our covenant inspections. Make sure you don’t receive one of those pesky notices by being proactive and checking off those maintenance items now. • EXTERIOR PAINTING - IT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU MIGHT THINK You can save a lot on the extent of necessary painting and repairs by catching failure early. Keep a close eye out for spider cracks, fading, and on the overall health of your older paint in particular. (** Please remember all painting projects require prior approval/an ARC application must be submitted) • PRESSURE WASHING Did you know that routine pressure washing will increase the lifespan of your paint and stain? And, it can transform your exterior surfaces, washing away corrosive residues, mold, mildew, and more from your deck, patio, walkways, driveway, and siding. • Pine straw & Mulch Article I. Pine straw & Mulch –there are many benefits to using pine straw as natural garden mulch. First and foremost, pine straw is a natural by-product; meaning pine straw is discarded by pine trees naturally. Pine needles (straw) help provide excellent growing conditions for healthy trees, plants and shrubs.


October 2020



§ § §

Here are some benefits of pine straw and mulch installation besides the appearance. Pine straw and mulch installation are essential to the survival of your landscape during a drought. They will reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your soil, greatly reducing your need to water your plants. Pine straw and mulch improve the quality of your soil by breaking up clay and allowing better water and air movement through the soil. Also, mulch provides nutrients to sandy soil and improves its ability to hold water. Pine straw and mulch act as an insulating layer on top of soil, keeping it cooler in the summer. Pine straw and mulch keep weeds down, and the weeds that do grow are much easier to pull. They are also a great deterrent against weeds, insects, and rodent free.

• Pruning Landscape Trees Proper pruning of landscape trees improves their structural strength, maintains their health, enhances their beauty, and increases their value. Why Should Trees Be Pruned? Pruning is advisable if: • trees have crossing branches, weak branch unions, or other defects • branches are dead, dying, decayed, or hazardous • lower branches interfere with people or vehicles, or block visibility of signs • branches are growing into buildings or utility wires • limbs have been broken by storms • trees have grown too large and might injure people or damage property Landscape trees not only make homes and communities more beautiful, but they also improve our environment and can increase the value of a property up to 20 percent. Trees are truly assets that need to be enhanced and protected. Proper pruning is definitely a worthwhile investment!


Windermere Leaflet



Does your home need some work? Are you thinking about renovating? ...Not sure if your project needs approval? Most projects that are performed to a home or lot require prior approval from the Association. Contact us at • As a reminder, the ARC Request process is outlined below.

FOR A COMPLETE COPY OF THE ARC GUIDELINES PLEASE CLICK HERE. Section 1.01 Modifications Requiring Approval Every structure or thing which is placed, erected, or installed upon any Unit and all improvements or other work (including staking, clearing, excavation, grading, and other site work, exterior alterations of existing improvements, or planting or removal of landscaping) which takes place within Windermere, must be in compliance with the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines. New construction or any change or modification that is visible from the outside of a residence is subject to these guidelines and the authority and approval of the ARC. Section 1.02 Submittals (a) Process A three-step process as follows: (i)Complete online Application for Modification form (ii) Gather required supporting documentation (iii) Submit Application and supporting documentation to the Property Manager – PLEASE NOTE THE DATE RECEIVED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER MAY DIFFER FROM THE DATE PRINTED ON THE ONLINE APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION FORM

(b) Fee for the process There are no fees for the standard review process for ARC Applications. However, per the Financial Policies and Procedures Applications to the Architectural Review Committee for changes, alterations, additions, or deletions to property by delinquent homeowners will not be considered until all obligations for that individual property are resolved. Certain projects such as but not limited to, an addition to a residence, new construction and pool/courtyard

Windermere Leaflet

additions may require review from a licensed architect. These types of projects shall be subject to additional review fees as determined by the Board or their designee. The property owner will receive notification of additional fees once an application has been submitted and all fees must be paid prior to starting the review process. Fees are payable via check or money order. If you wish to expedite the standard review process for your ARC Application which would not require review by a licensed architect rush fees will be charged as follows: Approval in 2-4 Days once a complete form is submitted - $100 fee payable at the time of submission. Approval in 5-7 Days once a completed from is submitted - $50 fee payable at the time of submission. At the discretion of the Association Manager, certain projects may not be permitted to be rushed. Applications may be submitted at any time, with an average processing time of 14 business days. Please plan ahead for all projects, including holiday and birthday gifts. Failure to receive prior approval for any and all projects is subject to sanctions for violation including unapproved modification fines starting at $200. Please contact us at windermereactivities@ if you do not receive a decision letter. Ensure all required documentation including but not limited to: (paint samples, roof shingles, plat/survey site, materials lists, renderings, etc.) are included with your application. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in the application not being accepted or delays in the processing time.


October 2020


The Lodge at Windermere


Book your 2020 party today at the Lodge! Completed agreements and full payment is required at time of booking. No dates can be penciled in. CLICK HERE TO CHECK AVAILABILITY

LODGE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm | Closed Saturday and Sunday Gym Closed every Wednesday from 9am-11am for Deep Cleaning PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ACCESS CARD IS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO LODGE. We will be onsite Monday-Friday to assist you. Should you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Visit our website

SS ACCE ARE S CARD IRED REQU TRY N FOR E DGE TO LO The primary purpose of the Amenities within Windermere are to promote fellowship among property owners. The use of the facility is generally intended to be limited to owners, their families and their personal guests. The Lodge is generally available for rental for private events by Windermere owners Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) and Weekends (Friday-Sunday). For complete details regarding rental time slots and fees please see the Rental Contract on our website Reservations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. The reservation occurs upon the receipt of all fees and a signed contract agreement. Verbal holds will not be accepted under any circumstances. 8

October 2020

Windermere Leaflet


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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 7:00 P.M. VIA ZOOM The Board of Directors of Windermere Community Association, Inc. is calling an Annual meeting of the membership for the purpose of announcement of the Board of Director election results, presenting the 2021 budget and reviewing the highlights of the 2019-2020 Board year. The deadline for submission of online ballots and proxies is 11:59 PM (Eastern Time) on October 14, 2020. In order to incent residents to submit a vote or proxy, the Board is offering a $5 Starbucks Gift Card to the first 120 residents who submit their vote or proxy. In light of the current pandemic, this year’s annual meeting will have a virtual attendance component that will allow residents to attend the meeting online. Those interested in attending the meeting will need to indicate their interest by providing an email address. The Zoom information will then be sent to you. At the meeting, representatives for the Board will be present, virtually, to discuss all aspects of the Association. The Annual

Meeting will be held Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. The Zoom meeting will be activated at 6:45 p.m. Due to the nature of large Zoom meetings, we ask that if you have questions, you submit them before the meeting, or use the Chat feature to ask your question.


We look forward to “seeing” you at the Annual Meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Stacy Maguire at For any technical issues related to the online ballots and proxies, contact, or call 888-993-9801. The zoom meeting link will be sent out in a reminder e-mail. We invite you to learn more about your Association at our Annual Meeting. Thank you, Board of Directors Windermere Community Association, Inc.

Board Candidate Bios Amy Morrison | Southgate My family has lived in Windermere since 2007 and we have enjoyed many of the neighborhood amenities and activities over the years. I have served on the Windermere HOA for the last two years and have enjoyed working with my fellow board members. They are a very hard-working group who have the very best intentions for the neighborhood we all love. I have been a member of the Windermere Tennis 10

October 2020

Committee for many years and I currently serve as the treasurer. Our committee has been instrumental in several of the recent upgrades at the courts, including finally getting those new lights! We have not fully completed that task, as it is a large expense item that must be budgeted accordingly. But rest assured, we do have a plan in place and all of your courts will be much brighter within the next couple of years. We are also making repairs and upgrades to our tennis pavilions that should be completed in the next few months.

Windermere Leaflet

In my previous life, I worked in the Finance and Accounting department at UPS. After 11 years in the corporate world, I hung up my hat to become a stay-at-home mom/volunteer. I spent several years volunteering for the Haw Creek Elementary PTA on various committees, serving as PTA President for two years. Most recently, I’ve enjoyed volunteering at South Forsyth High School, working in the attendance office for the last four years. I also work part-time as an accountant for Admin America, a benefits administration company. I’m a Vanderbilt & UGA alum, and I’m a Clemson fan by marriage. I still play a little tennis when injuries allow it, but mostly I spend my free time taking walks all over the neighborhood. My husband Ian can be found at the courts every now and then, but more often than not you’ll find him on the golf course these days. We have two daughters; Ashton is a freshman at Georgia College & State University who is excited to play for the GCSU tennis team this year, and Ansley is a junior at SFHS who is just excited to finally be back in school. Craig Holmes | Edenham I doubt it’s any secret that I have been on this Board for a very long time. 2008-14 and 2016-2020, to be exact. For eight of those years, I have had the honor of serving as the President. While President, I have tried my best to balance the interests of the various constituencies that live in Windermere – from the retirees to the married w/ children at home to double-income-no-kids, etc. As you might imagine, it isn’t always easy, especially in this age of COVID. This past Board year was completely dominated by coronavirus concerns.

Windermere Leaflet

We as a Board made decisions based on benchmarking with other neighborhoods, our community association lawyer, and our neighbors. We listened to everyone. Everyone did not agree with all of our decisions, but we made the best decisions we could with the information available to us. I won’t bore you with our HOA’s accomplishments during my tenure. I ask that you consider two questions. Are you happy with how things are run in Windermere? Am I responsive when you reach out to me? In other words, if you like how things are going, vote for me. If you don’t, vote for someone else. UPS has been my employer for 36 years. Currently, I serve as the company’s Senior Labor Relations Counsel. In that role, I am responsible for managing the various dispute resolution mechanisms we have in place with our labor unions, which includes arbitrations of disputes and contract negotiations. I also manage the Company’s employment-related class actions. In my career at UPS, I have also worked in Risk Management, Public Affairs, HR, and Operations. I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice, an MBA, and a Law Degree. And most importantly, I have had the privilege to be married to Becky for the past 34 years, have 6 children, and 3 grandchildren Don Westcott | Landsdowne A Windermere homeowner, within the Landsdowne neighborhood, since 2015 and anticipates being a resident indefinitely. Don would like to serve the community, maintain the wonderful amenities, and protect our investments—home values. Don has been a board member of two (2) other HOAs that he was previously a member of. Currently he is a VP of Compliance within the FinTech industry. Prior to that role,


Don held operational, continuous improvement, and compliance leadership roles for large scale resort and entertainment corporations. donaldwestcott

George Aubrey | Arden Greens Hello, Windermere neighbors and homeowners. I am running for Treasurer of the Windermere HOA Board of Directors. My wife and I have been Windermere homeowners for 19 years and live in Arden Greens. We believe Windermere is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. The BOD is an important asset to ensure the community is managed properly and budgeted effectively, maintains and preserves our community assets, has a strong financial footing, and plans for the future. I am running for the BOD to contribute to our community. In January, 2020, I joined the Windermere Finance Committee and was appointed Treasurer in May, upon the resignation of my predecessor. The Finance Committee, which is chaired by the Treasurer, is a group of volunteers who provide strong financial oversight of our HOA’s funds and assets. Prior to moving to Windermere, I was HOA Treasurer for Secret Cove, in Sugar Hill for two years. In 2014, I retired from a career in sales and sales management, primarily in the health care sector where I put to use strong managerial, financial and analytical skills. I ran my own photography studio business for nine years and retired again in 2018. Prior to March, and the pandemic, I volunteered for three years with the AARP Tax Aide, a foundation program that provides free tax return counseling and preparation for seniors and low-moderate income taxpayers during the tax season. In October 2020



this role, I counseled taxpayers, prepared returns, as a Local Coordinator supervised 6-7 tax preparers and managed a site to assure compliance with IRS and AARP regulations. Currently, I volunteer with the Roswell/ Alpharetta Mountain Bike Organization (RAMBO) and serve on the Board of Directors as Forsyth County Coordinator. I enjoy mountain biking and am often riding and helping to maintain trails at Haw Creek Park and other parks in the area. If elected as Treasurer, I will continue to work together with the Finance Committee, Board of Directors and Property Management to foster sound fiscal management and to ensure the long term financial health of Windermere HOA. I ask that you place your confidence in me with your vote. Jonathan Lyman | Southgate While my wife, two daughters (13, 10) and son (5) and I have only lived in Windermere for a relatively short time, we have undeniably found our “forever home” and community. Windermere has been incredibly welcoming and we love it here – it’s a perfect fit. Because we’re so thankful; I am interested in a board position for our HOA because I’d like to give back to our neighborhood and help shape the today and tomorrow of Windermere. Especially during these trying times. Serving has always been a part of my and my family’s nature. We have extensive roots in the military and law enforcement. Personally, I served on active duty in the Navy for 9 years as a Naval Flight Officer and am still a Naval Reservist today. I support the Admissions Department of the United States Naval Academy in a leadership capacity as a Deputy Area Coordinator and Blue & Gold Officer. On the professional side, I have a decade’s worth of experience running multi-million-dollar businesses with P&L responsibility, managing budgets, and leading cross-functional teams with great success. I have a very strong business acumen and the ability to rally people to a common goal through a servant-leadership approach. I’ve served in community groups in the past before moving to Windermere and have always tried to bring a perspective that tends to be unique and different than you sometimes find on boards with long-tenured participants. I encourage respectful, lively, and healthy conversation on all topics. My motto when it comes to differing viewpoints is, “It’s OK to disagree without being disagreeable… But listening is key.” I feel that my educational accomplishments (BA, MBA), coupled with my experiences listed above would benefit this community. I also served as a Legal Officer in the 12

October 2020

Navy and have extensive (business) training in contract law. Via the challenges we’ve witnessed our HOA encounter since living in Windermere that may likely add some value to the board. Thank you for your time, attention, and for the opportunity to serve our great community. Rebecca Paterson | Grandview I have been a Windermere resident for 3 and a half years. Since 2003 I have worked in real estate in a broad and ever evolving capacity from buying and owning rentals, to working as a Realtor, to becoming a Broker. I believe that my Real Estate background has helped me to recognize not only what neighborhoods need to stay beautiful but also what buyers and homeowners desire, all while keeping standards at the point they need to be to maintain maximum property value. In early 2019 I helped organize a large group of neighbors to collectively work for the improvement of our community by proposing changes that helped make our neighborhood safer. As of early 2020 I have been an active member of the ARC for Windermere helping to make decisions on more difficult modification requests within the community as well as adjusting covenants so they remain current and relevant. I understand that being on the Windermere Board is a thankless job and is probably not always the easiest but I also understand the importance and want to do my part. Windermere is a fantastic community and I would love to help on a larger scale to keep this neighborhood as fantastic as it’s always been. I hope that you will consider me for this role! Richard Clark | Farrington As a former military fighter pilot and current airline captain, I have had my share of leadership positions. My graduate-level education has also allowed me to hold Executive positions, consult, and participate in other Boards in the past. I am qualified for this position on paper, but my friendly demeanor and positive work ethic are what should make me a natural choice. I am a bit of a “serial volunteer.” I continue to look for opportunities to help my friends, co-workers and my neighbors. I am an active mentor in the Cumming area, through the Mentor Me program. In our community, I created the Windermere Jiu Jitsu Club in 2019. With an “empty nest” at home, I have plenty of time to dedicate to this project. I also have the complete support of the most wonderful lady, with whom a man could hope to share his life. I look forward to this chance to give back to a community which has provided our family such a great life, for so many years. Thank you for your consideration.

Windermere Leaflet




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Windermere Leaflet

October 2020

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October 2020

Windermere Leaflet

Yard of the Month Congratulations to the Lafeyette Family for winning the Yard of the Month for October! The Sherry and Co Real Estate Team will be placing a sign in your yard that you can proudly display to your neighbors! They will also receive a Home Depot gift card courtesy from the Sherry and Co Real Estate Team! As one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Forsyth County, we are all dedicated to improving the quality of living and appearance of our community! We encourage everyone to take pride in their homes and neighborhood!

To anyone looking for a new dentist, Dr. Edwards and his staff are outstanding!! Everyone is so warm and friendly. Good job guys!! –Nancy Chirchirillo Windermere Leaflet

3860 Windermere Parkway, Suite 201 Cumming, GA 30041


October 2020



October S





T 1

F 2

3 Bridge






S Garage Sale










Fall Festival

Tennis Committee Meeting 6:00PM


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


October 2020

15 Bridge

Advanced Voting Facility

Annual Meeting 7:00PM

**( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)

Finance Committee Meeting 2:00PM


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Advanced Voting Facility **( Please check the Board of Elections website for specific days/hours)


Halloween Windermere Leaflet


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Windermere Leaflet

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Dr. Bharti Bathija-Lala, O.D.

October 2020



Fall Garage Sale SATURDAY ONLY! October 3rd (8:00am – 3:00pm) Do you have some things that you just don’t need or want anymore? If so, get ready for Windermere’s Annual Fall Garage Sale! Windermere will provide the Garage Sale signs at the main entrance monument of each neighborhood. We will advertise the neighborhood sale in the classified section of the AJC and Forsyth County News. Please do not place signs in your yard, however we do encourage those participating to place a balloon on your mailbox. We do not advertise specific addresses; therefore, we suggest that you place additional advertisement to draw traffic to your home.

Fall Festival

Sunday, October 11th from 3-5pm!

Don’t miss one of our most exciting events of the year! This event will take place in the Lodge and outdoor Lodge Courtyard. We are taking recommended safety precautions for this event to create a safe environment for everyone! Join us for: • DJ playing your favorite Music • Bubbles Over Georgia- if you missed her at the Fireworks event, you will want to be sure to check her out! • Haunted House & Character Meet & Greets- themes include: Batman, Frozen, Game of Thrones, Star Wars and a Pirate Zombie Ship! • Hay Rides • Petting Zoo And more! Participating Vendors: Xfinity- see ad on page 13 Premier Martial Arts- see ad on page4 18

October 2020

Windermere Leaflet

Haw Creek Movie Night! Friday, November 6th

ALL WINDERMERE RESIDENTS INVITED TO ATTEND! Join us on the Windermere field for the annual Haw Creek Movie Night! The movie will be Sonic the Hedgehog! The event will feature a variety of food trucks including: Patty Wagon, Fair on Wheels, and Best Ice Cream on Wheels! Click here to visit our website to view their menus and pricing!

Santa Photos

In and Out Photos will be back again this year to take Santa Photos at the Lodge. You will be provided a Professional Photo CD the day of your shoot. Mark your calendars because space is limited and these spots will fill up fast! Sign ups begin October 15. To sign up you must contact In and Out Photo directly at 770-889-7305. You will receive your CD of photos before you leave that day. You will be able to use the CD to print your own pictures. Total Cost: $80 paid to In and Out Photos. These are the dates that will be available here at the Lodge:

Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15

**Additional times can be added if there is a demand. Please contact In and Out for available times. Time slots are first come first serve so please sign up early!

In and Out will be implementing new safety measure for this year’s event. Santa’s suit will be sprayed with alcohol based cleaner between each session. For those that are not comfortable sitting on Santa’s lap, there will be some great options for you as well to still be able to capture a great photo with Santa! Windermere Leaflet

October 2020



Windermere FAL L Boutique Sip & Shop Sunday; November 8th 1pm-5pm Windermere Field (Outdoor only event)

One stop shop for handmade crafts and beautiful unique gifts just in time for the holidays! Contact Michelle Moore at for more information on how to become a vendor! More details to follow!

Check out these beautiful amenities photos taken by 10 year + Platinum Sponsor The Cole Team!


October 2020

Windermere Leaflet


Forsyth Chamber and UNG Partner to Support Local Businesses The Forsyth County Chamber and the University of North Georgia (UNG) have joined forces to provide pro bono consultations to Forsyth County businesses in a new initiative called Profs for FoCo. Profs for FoCo aims to help business owners and their management staff navigate the constant and changing challenges of doing business in this time. The program matches a UNG Mike Cottrell College of Business faculty member with a business leader for short consulting appointments. These conversations aim to address each business’ most critical needs- all at no charge. At this time, more than twenty professors have signed on to the program with areas of expertise ranging from digital communication to small business financing.

U.S. News & World Report. “Profs for FoCo clearly demonstrates the level of partnership that exists between Forsyth County’s educational institutions and the private business sector,” commented James McCoy, President & CEO of the Forsyth County Chamber. “We are excited to elevate this partnership to a new level with this program.” The Chamber’s mission is to advance positive business growth and community partnerships to promote a superior quality of life in Forsyth County. For more information about the Profs for FoCo program and/or to set up an appointment, please visit or e-mail the Forsyth County Chamber’s Vice President of Community Engagement, Laura Stewart, at

“The Mike Cottrell College of Business is uniquely positioned to serve as a resource for businesses in our region and beyond,” according to Dr. Mary Gowan, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Dean of the College. “In fact, in the midst of the uncertainty faced by so many for profit and not-for-profit organizations around us, we believe that it is our responsibility to share our expertise in ways that will help these organizations navigate their way forward. Doing so creates a win-win situation for our region and opens doors for further engagement with the college.” UNG is one of Georgia’s largest public universities. With more than 100 programs of study, it was ranked one of the top 25 public universities in the South by the

Windermere Leaflet

October 2020



Welcome to our new Pickleball Coordinator! The Tennis Committee would like to officially welcome Robin Wolfe as our new Pickleball Coordinator. The pickleball courts have seen A LOT of action over the last six months, even during this never-ending quarantine! But we realize many of you are still wondering what this game is all about and how to get involved. Even though we are limited in our social activities right now, Robin and Bobby will be working on creating some fun, socially distanced ways for you to enjoy this increasingly popular sport. If you have any questions about pickleball or how to get involved, please reach out to Bobby at or 770-598-8378 or our new Pickleball Coordinator Robin at

Cooler weather is on the way! Fall leagues have begun, and Bobby’s drills are in full swing. If you have any questions about any of the current drills or other activities at the courts, please contact Bobby at or 770-598-8378.

Drill Schedules Monday 9am-10:30 Lady’s Open Drills Friday 9am-10:30 Adult OPEN Drills Friday 10:45am-12:00 Adult Beginners Only Drills Saturday 9am-10:30 Adult OPEN Drills Please sign-up for all drills ahead of time on as space is limited for all drills to allow for proper social distancing. For up to date information on Junior and High School drills, please contact Bobby directly.


October 2020

Windermere Leaflet


Need Your Racquet Strung? Thad is offering discount stringing services to Windermere residents. Residents pay $36 for Wilson NXT that would normally cost $44 through other stringing services. Hybrid of NXT and Luxilon 4G Element Alu Power is also $36 compared to $44 other places. Contact Bobby at or 770-598-8378 for more information.

Need to Reserve a Court? All reservations can now be made on your phone at This new app will allow you to make court reservations, as well as reserving your spot and paying online for Bobby’s drill sessions. Please ensure that your contact information on the association website (www. is updated to include email addresses and cell phone numbers, as this is required information to register for the new Kourts app. We encourage you to go ahead and download the app and sign up. Here is a short video to help you get started: If you have any questions about the app or how to use it, please contact Bobby at schindlerb@ or 770-598-8378

Want to Stay Connected to Windermere Tennis? Contact Bobby at to be added to his weekly e-mail newsletter for timely updates on weekly drills, junior lessons and other events at the courts. Also, don’t forget to join the Windermere Tennis Facebook page!

Need your racquet strung? Thad is offering discount stringing services to Windermere residents. Residents pay $36 for Wilson NXT that would normally cost $44 through other stringing services. Hybrid of NXT and Luxilon 4G Element Alu Power is also $36 compared to $44 other places. Contact Bobby at schindlerb@ or 770-598-8378 for more information

Windermere Leaflet

October 2020



The Benefits of Choosing a Cat

I often hear people say they want a pet, but just not sure which one is best or easiest for them. I happen to have dogs but I dearly love cats, as well. And often, you can own both and live happily ever after ALL together! Many of the benefits of owning a cat are as follows: It’s hard to beat the relaxation of hearing and feeling the vibration of a purring cat. They are normally very quiet and even the loudest meows are not as loud as most barks! They may sit quietly in your lap while you read, watch TV or do work in your home-based office. Cats tend to be clean and spend much of their time grooming themselves, so you save money on grooming costs. Dogs often love to roll in the stuff that smells, get into garbage or simply get dirty walking the rain.

Cats require less attention when you travel, unlike a pup, so you also save money on pet sitting. Dogs require 3 visits a day while a cat is fine with once a day or every other day with dry food unless you simply want to give your baby extra loving attention or he consumes wet food. It is normally more affordable to own a cat per the vet visits, food quantity and toys (which they may destroy quickly). They are perfectly satisfied lounging around the house, napping or playing happily alone. No pet will ever pet be perfect, so decide for yourself which kind is best for your household!

While not all dogs need haircuts, many have hair that grows fast requiring frequent grooming appointments which also add up throughout the year. They don’t need to be taken outside to potty and normally go instantly to their litter box when you bring them home. No middle of the night or early morning potty breaks as dogs require. Cats do not take up much room. Unless you have a tiny dog, most pups require more space to run around and play and if they sleep in the bed with you, watch out for the stretching and shifting of positions. You will end up in a corner rolled into a ball like I often do!! Kittens tend to be easier than puppies when you first bring them home. Once kittens are weaned from their mothers and become accustomed to their litter box, they can be left alone unsupervised at home all day. Cats will keep your house and yard rodent-free. If you are not a fan of rats, chipmunks or mice, owning a cat will take care of that right away. He may even bring you the prize to make you proud!

Susan Hartsfield Tanner Windermere Pet Sitter 678-755-2931 24

October 2020

Windermere Leaflet

Lodge & Fitness Center The Fitness Center was re-opened in June on a limited basis. We are glad to announce that we have been able to open the gym back to its full operations. Please read all posted signs before entering the gym. Although we have increased gym cleaning by our professional cleaning company to 3 times per week, as a courtesy to other residents of your community, please remember to always clean equipment before/after usage, and employ social distancing. Lastly, please limit your work out to no more than 2 hours when others are wanting to use the facility.

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10% o up to $5000.00 total job cost with mention of this ad when scheduling.

Windermere Leaflet

October 2020


Home sweet Windermere. Proud resident, neighbor and sponsor since 2003. Over 200 Windermere homes sold to happy families. Your neighborhood experts.

What your neighbors are saying “Cole Team nails the presale process. Items include ideas around home prep and proper staging to maximize sell price. In addition their marketing skills blitzed the market with factual teasers to drive interest and demand. House sold in 1 day. Actually less than a day.” Hayes Family “Stephanie and Meriellen are unmatched with knowledge of the area. That expertise was crucial in us selling our home at the right price. Always responsive and insightful when questions arose. Completely satisfied with our experience with the Cole Team and would highly recommend.” Keller Family

2005 Granbury Court New Listing

3815 Sweeting Street Under Contract in less than 1 week

7465 Bronson Way Under Contract in less than 2 weeks

7023 Bennington Lane Under Contract before listed

2071 Windermere Crossing Under Contract in 1 day

2515 Goodrick Lane Under Contract in 9 days

5735 Kendrick Lane Under Contract | Multiple Offers

1623 Hutton Place Sold in 9 days

Stephanie Cole Patterson & Meriellen Cole Arenz M. 770.316.3110 | O. 404.668.6621

Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.

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