ON-SiTE PROPERTy MANAGEMENT Ph: 678.546.3737 1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Email: maureen@shabenandassociates.com Property Manager: Maureen Murphy
cORPORATE OfficE (forafter-hourscommonareamaintenanceemergencies) Shaben Main Office: 770.271.2252 After Hours Emergency: 770.271.2252 P.O. Box 3189 Suwanee, GA 30024-0989
Email: hmillevents@gmail.com You are welcome to contact the Activities Office for information on planned events or to RSVP for an event. Activities Director, Angela Pavlichek 770.235.8627
TENNiS SHOP Ph: 770.945.6452 milltennis@bellsouth.net
HAMiLTON MiLL cOUNTRy cLUb Ph: 770.945.4653 www.hamiltonmillcc.com
GWiNNETT POLicE NON-EMERGENcy Ph: 770.513.5700
Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk.
All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K
• Sign Kwik 770.623.1669
• Mailbox Maven, Kathy Ramatowski: 678.551.8591
• Addresses of Distinction: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com Theseareresourcesonly,norecommendationsorassurances aremadebytheAssociation.
Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to goodstanding residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.
Emergency 911 Police Headquarters .................................. 770.513.5000 Non Emergency ......................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail .................................... 770.619.6500 County Courthouse .................................... 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office ..................................... 770.962.4390 Poison Control ............................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters 678.518.5018 Station 18 ................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office .................................................. 770.822.8801
Drivers License Services .............................. 770.995.6855 Property Tax ................................................ 770.822.8800 Voter Registration 770.226.7210 Animal Control ........................................... 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services ............................ 770.822.8850
Gwinnett Co. Solid Waste Mgnt .................. 770.822.7141 Water Resources 678.376.6700 Buford Gas ................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage .............. 770.963.6166 Charter Communications .......................... 678.410.9362 AT&T ........................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/ Departments
Puckett’s Mill Elementary School ................. 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org Osborne Middle School ............................. 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org Millcreek High School ................................. 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org
Dacula High School ................................... 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org
Hebron Christian Academy ........................ 770.962.9250 Dacula Classical Academy ....................... 678.377.0080 Oak Hill Classical School ..................................... 770.338.7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy ..................... 678.745.4121
Greater Atlanta Christian ............................ 770.243.2258
Gwinnett Medical Center 678.312.1000 ChoiceOne Urgent Care - Hamilton Mill.............. 470.326.7300
Northeast Georgia Medical Center ........... 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta .................. 404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care ................. 770.848.6195
If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770.513.5100 to report your lost pet or if a dangerous pet is running loose.
It seems like we send these reminders out on a very regular basis, however, it also is quite apparent we don’t send them out frequently enough. When discussing job satisfaction with our Property Management team we consistently get the same response - “We love it here with the exception of having to deal with irate homeowners”. There are WAY too many instances where homeowners call the Property Manager’s office to complain about a violation letter that they received and feel is not warranted. Recently our Property Manager had to endure a profanitylaced tirade from a homeowner that felt they were being treated unfairly.
Our homeowners need to realize that violation letters sent to them are sent on behalf of, and in full support of, the Board of Directors. If you disagree with any violation, fine or other communication please feel free to reach out to the Board of Directors at hmillboard@gmail.com or ask to be added to the next Board of Directors meeting. DO NOT call the Property Manager’s office as they do not have the authority to cancel violations, reduce fines or take any other action on your behalf. These decisions are made at the Board level and therefore we ask againPlease do not kill the messenger!!!
If you are interested in running for the Hamilton Mill Board of Directors in 2023, we have three board positions for a two-year term. As a homeowner in the Hamilton Mill Community Association, you have an opportunity to provide leadership and advance the best interests of the community by running for a position on the Board of Directors. Serving on the Board will allow you to have direct involvement in “directing” the business of the Association and adopting policies that reflect the benefits and services provided to our neighborhood. If you are interested in running for the Board, you can request an application from our property manager via email at maureen@ shabenandassociates.com. All Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 11, 2022.
our app
$1,150,000 1,150,000 8/15/2022 6,463 3
$879,000 914,000 7/11/2022 5,826 4
$945,000 905,000 8/17/2022 7,246 1
$850,000 825,000 9/8/2022 4,891 44
$775,000 789,000 8/6/2022 4,687 13
$800,000 785,000 8/25/2022 5,293 14
$750,000 735,000 9/14/2022 5,951 80
710,000 8/18/2022 3,629 39
655,000 8/11/2022 3,879 29
630,000 9/19/2022 4,198 4
610,000 9/26/2022 3,933
602,000 9/30/2022
600,000 9/29/2022
599,900 7/25/2022 3,032
585,000 9/7/2022 3,742
565,000 8/12/2022
540,000 9/6/2022
535,000 9/2/2022
We wanted to thank all of our neighbors and friends that have shown us support since our house fire.
On Monday, May 16th our home on Ridgemill Terrace caught fire. We have been touched and humbled by the outpouring of support from our neighbors and community. We appreciate each and every one of you. The ladies who went to Walmart during the house fire and bought us essentials… we thank you. Having toiletries at the end of a day was such a blessing, more than we could ever express. We are grateful for all the gift cards and meals we received. Thank you to our neighbors who are keeping an eye on the property for us. Thank you all for the simple acts of kindness. Giving us some clothes, helping to move items and coordinating landscaping.
We were in shock for a while afterwards and did not properly capture everyone’s name or address so that we could thank you personally. We are sorry about that but we want each of you to know that every kindness you gave to us is remembered and cherished. We could feel your thoughts and prayers.
We were blessed to find a rental house just down the street from our home. We have made it through the demolition and hope to start rebuilding soon. We look forward to moving back into our home in 2023 and continuing to be a part of this wonderful community.
thaNk you aLL agaiN for everythiNg.
Mill really is a hometown!
— THe McKee FaMily —
Liveball Tennis Monday: 9:00pm – 10:00pm Fast-paced cardio-based doubles game. This game is a cross between Matchplay and Cardio Tennis.
Monday: 10:00am – 11:00am / 7:00pm – 8:00pm Beginner tennis clinic that covers basic strokes and strategies.
cardio Tennis Tuesday: 9:00am – 10:00am Fast-paced tennis drills to keep your heart pumping.
Wednesday: 9:00am – 10:00am
This clinic focuses on one doubles strategy per week.
Stroke of the Week friday: 9:30am – 10:30am This clinic focuses on one stroke or idea per week.
Pre-registration is required or all Drop-in clinics. All Drop-in clinics are $15.00 per clinic.
Mixture of drills to improve your level of play!
Thursday: 10:00am – 11:00am Thursday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
This is a fun and successful way for students to learn to play pickleball. It is designed to bring kids to the game by developing important skills all tailored to the skill of the student. Students will learn basic technique, strategy, and tactics. It will prepare kids for match-play.
Thursday: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
New to Pickleball? We’ve got the courses you need. Build court confidence, develop technique, and prepare for Social Play!
Intro to Pickleball classes is open to all first-time players, as well as players returning from a prolonged hiatus. Wear sneakers and comfortable clothes
Contact the shop to connect with
highly experienced Tennis or Pickleball
work on those problem areas
develop a new shot!!
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life?
Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help!
Give the Gift of Independence®
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help!
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help!
Our Care Services At A Glimpse
& Socialization
Meal Preparation