O R S E L L I N G A H O M E .

Jon Lyman | President | jonathan.lyman@yahoo.com
Rebecca Paterson | Vice-President | rebeccapaterson2@hotmail.com
George Aubrey | Treasurer | gfaubrey@gmail.com
Travis Barrs | Secretary | tsbarrs@gmail.com
Scott Tanner | Member at Large | bulldawgscott@yahoo.com
John Q Vaughan | Member at Large | attorney@jqvlaw.com
Paul Valcheff | Member at Large | paul@valcheff.com

Michèl Krahn | Tennis | windermeretenniscmt@gmail.com
Rebecca Paterson | ARC | Rebeccapaterson2@hotmail.com
Kristin McAfee | Social | k@funsizeevents.com

Joey Leonardo | Pool | joey@kyle-maynard.com
George Aubrey | Finance | gfaubrey@gmail.com
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am 5 pm

Address: 4444 Front Nine Drive, Cumming GA 30041

Stacy Maguire | Activities Office 678-455-7708 ext. 2 | stacy.maguire@fsresidential.com
Seth Daugherty | Association Manager 678-455-7708 ext. 3 | seth.daugherty@fsresidential.com
After-Hours Emergency | 678-624-9453 ext. 2

Lexie Crowson | Compliance 678-455-7708 ext.1 | lexie.crowson@fsresidential.com

Bobby Schindler | Tennis Director 770-598-8378 | schindlerb@comcast.net

NON-EMERGENCY 770-781-2222 (24 hr)
STREET MAINTENANCE To report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk, contact Jessica Harkins: jmharkins@forsythco.com
Sawnee EMC | www.sawnee.com/report-streetlight
MAILBOX REPLACE/REPAIR Mailbox Project | 770-535-0036 www.mymailboxproject.com
FORSYTH CO. WATER DEPT. 770-781-2160
Windermere Amenity Cards are available to residents in good standing. Please stop by the clubhouse during office hours. Replacement cards are $10 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.

Please contact Forsyth County Animal Control at 770-781-2138 to report your lost pet or if you see animals roaming free and not on a leash, especially if you deem that animal to be aggressive in any way.
www.windermerecommunity.net www.facebook.com/windermerehoa
Jennifer Goodin
jgoodin.hoaevents@gmail.com or 678-480-4121.
Corners, GA 30092 678-389-4627 www.WindermereCommunity.net
The Windermere Leaflet is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Windermere Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services. Magazine design by Chelsea Sunshine.
Statements for the 2023 Association Dues were mailed out in November. If you have not received your statement please contact us right away so that we can assist you in making your payment. Failure to receive your statement or to notify us if you have not received it will not be considered a valid reason for making a late payment and late fees will still apply.
Again, this year, you have two options for payment of association dues: You may pay the entire amount of $1,400.00 at one time. Or, you can make two (2) pay ments of $700.00; the first payment is due January 1st and the second payment is due April 1st.
Please remember that assessments are due and payable on the 1st of the month. Payments received after the 1st of the month are considered late and are subject to a 10% late fee.* Please allow at least 1014 business days for receipt and processing of your payment. Payments are not posted instantly whether they are mailed to the lockbox, paid on-line via your personal bank, or the First Service on-line payment service.
When submitting your payment, please attach your statement. Additionally, please write your 14 digit account number on your payment. Your account number begins with Q113. If you use on-line bill pay please be sure that your bank has your complete ac count number and the correct P.O. Box information.
Payments should be made out to:
Windermere Community Association
C/o FirstService Residential P.O. Box 30348 Tampa, FL 33630-3348
As always, the management team is here to address any questions or concerns that you may have. Please
feel free to contact us at windermeremanager@com cast.net, windermereactivities@comcast.net or 678455-7708. We wish you a wonderful and safe Holiday Season and Happy New Year!
**Please note, if pre-paying account balances may reflect $0, as the assessments are not due until Jan uary 1st. The charge will be applied on or around this date. Also, payments are NO longer accepted at the Lodge office. Please use one of the above mentioned options for payment
Assessment Fees Made Easy!
Make Your Payments Online!
We invite you to set up one time or automatic payments online through ClickPay, our online pay ment provider:
Signing up is easy: Log onto fsresidential.com and click on Make a Payment
Or Call 1-888-354-0135 and press Option 1
You can
*Pay by e-check at no cost
*Pay by credit or debit card for a nominal fee
*Set up automatic payments
*Pay from your phone or tablet
Mail a check to :
Windermere Community Association
C/o FirstService Residential P.O. Box 30348 Tampa, FL 33630-3348
Any questions? Visit clickpay.com/gethelp or call 1-888-354-0135 and press Option 1

Monday 9:30am-11:00am Lady’s Open Drills
Friday 9:30am-11:00am Adult Open Drills
Friday 11:15am-12:30pm Reps, Reps and more Reps
Saturday 9:30am – 11:30am Adult Open Drills
Please contact Coach Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net for pricing and further details.
Classes are Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00-6:30 PM.
Players can attend one or two days a week.
Payments and commitment are requested at the beginning of each month. This will allow us to staff each class properly and assure all students are grouped with their appropriate level.
Looking for information about drills for your high school age player?
Please contact Coach Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net for pricing and further details.
We are pleased to announce that our tennis court reservations will now be handled by ReserveMyCourt.com. This service will allow you to check on court availability and make reserva tions from the internet, IPhone App, or Android App. All court reservations will be handled through this system going forward. Please follow the instructions in the link below to get started.

1. Go to www.reservemycourt.com and click on Create an ac count to setup a new player account.
Update your Address in formation under My Profile -> Ad dress.
2. Click on My Profile and then Click My Clubs
3. Click Connect to My Club and then select your club name and click Request Connection. The local administrator at your club may take some time to approve your connection request. This approval is handled by your club, not ReserveMyCourt.
1. Click on the Create New Reservation button from your Dash board.
1. Find the main navigation menu (left side of screen for large screens or click the ‘hamburger menu’ (thee stacked lines) in the upper right side of the screen for small screens. Click on your club name -> Club Schedule. You will not see the Club
Schedule until your connection is approved.
2. Click on the date on the calendar to select the day you would like to make the reservation.
3. Click and hold the mouse button on the time you would like the reservation to start, drag your mouse down to the time you would like the reservation to end and let go of the mouse but ton. For mobile devices touch and hold for a second and then drag down to place your reservation. You can also click the Click Here link near the top of the page to start the reservation wizard.
4. Complete the reservation wizard to make your reservation. Please be aware that all users may have reasonable limits on the length of reservations or on how far in advance they can reserve courts. If your reservation violates any of the reserva tion rules for your club, you will not be able to complete your reservation.
Once you have created your account from the website you can also download and user our mobile app to make and cancel reservations as well.
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rmc2020/ id1525027891
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...
If you have any questions on your club’s rules, you can reach out to your club’s admin directly. Your admin’s contact information can be found by navigating to My Profile > My Clubs and then clicking the information icon next to your club.


Please remember there are multiple tools at our courts to help dry your courts. They each serve a specific purpose, so in or der to extend the life of these tools, please use them accordingly. Upon arriving at your wet court, please use a roller or pull squeegee to spread out the large amounts of collected water. The BATT towels are to be used once the water has been dispersed to help dry the court in a more efficient manner. Please watch this quick video on the proper way to use the BATT towel here: https:// battowel.com/video
Please remember to hang the squeegees and BATT towels back up on the inside of the fence when you have finished using them.
Amy Weaver’s C8 Thursday Women, Katherine Mankin’s B7 Thursday Women, Amanda Ouzts’s C5 Sunday Women and Scott Arneson’s A6 Men all won their division.

Protect Yourself from PORCH PIRATES this Holiday Season

The Holiday season brings good cheer, chilly weather and, the dreaded porch pirates. Santa’s elves are not the only ones working hard this season as thieves are working overtime to steal packages from door steps! Don’t become one of the 11 million people who had pack ages stolen from outside their homes last year. In addition to home security systems with doorbell cameras, the major package shipping com panies offer options on how you can thwart porch pirates and ensure your packages are kept safe:
Use an Amazon Locker: The company has installed lock boxes in well-known locations like stores and other secure sites.
In-home delivery: By using the Amazon Key Smart Lock Kit, couriers can drop packages off inside Prime mem bers’ homes. The system works in tandem with an Inter net-connected door lock and camera. This is available in select cities.
In-car delivery: Prime members can have couriers put packages inside eligible vehicles with Amazon Key In-Car Delivery, which is also available only in select cities.
Send your package to a local FedEx store: Instead of having your package delivered to your door, you can opt to have it delivered to the nearest FedEx store. At no additional charge, the location can hold it for you for up to five business days. Find the nearest FedEx to you at fedex.com/locate.
Request a signature: As a shipper, you can request that packages you send require a signature before they’re released. That will help ensure that the box is never left unattended.
FedEx Delivery Manager: This free service at fedex.
com/delivery allows you to customize home deliveries to fit your schedule. You can opt for a vacation hold, re schedule delivery and more.
UPS My Choice: The company offers UPS My Choice lets members leave the driver instructions on where they want the package left, get delivery alerts, get confirmed deliv ery windows and more. The service is free but also comes with a premium option for $40 a year.
UPS Delivery Intercept: UPS also lets customers hold their packages at a UPS facility or reschedule a delivery via Delivery Intercept. A fee may apply.
Informed Delivery: The Postal Service offers Informed Delivery, an email notification service which lets home owners know what’s coming to their mailboxes while you’re away. Those who sign up get scans of all first-class mail that will be delivered to their address later that day.
Require a signature: To ensure safe delivery, USPS also allows signatures on the following: Priority Mail Express (if requested), Certified Mail, Collect on Delivery, Insured Mail (over $500), Registered Mail, Return Receipt, Signa ture Confirmation and Adult Signature.
Lodge & Fitness Center

Please read all posted signs before entering the gym. Although we have increased gym cleaning by our professional cleaning company to 3 times per week, as a courtesy to other residents of your community, please remember to always clean equipment before/after usage, and employ social distancing. Lastly, please limit your work out to no more than 2 hours when others are wanting to use the facility.
Homes in the neighborhood are getting older. If you want to sell for the most money possible, you need to update before you list. We can front you the money for things like painting, flooring, staging, and repairs through the Compass Concierge Program. You simply pay it back at closing. No fees. No interest.
Dozens of our sellers have used Compass Concierge - including some of your neighbors - and doubled the return on their investment.

What do you have to lose? Top 10 Team in North Atlanta 678.744.8206 | 404.668.6621 info@sherryandcorealestate.com sherryandcorealestate.com

Microchip Pet I.D.

Hopefully, we all have a microchip I.D. in our pets, but if not, here are the details to help you make the decision.
A microchip is a small, permanent identification chip about the size of a grain of rice and is injected with a sterile needle under the skin between the shoulder blades. It can be administered at any age and does not require surgery or anesthesia. It is recommended to NOT bathe him during the week following the proce dure.
A microchip is only active when scanned. It’s a specific one of a kind code. When your pet is lost and taken to a vet or animal clinic, they will scan him for a chip and it will appear on the scanner. This code is stored with your pet’s profile and linked to your contact information in the registration database online.

A study of more than 7,700 stray animals at shelters showed that dogs without microchips were returned to their owners 21.9% of the time whereas microchipped dogs were returned to their owners 52.2% of the time.
For microchipped animals that were not returned to the owners, most of the time it was because of incorrect or lack of information in the microchip registry database, so
it is very important to keep your information updated if it changes.
It’s still important to have a tag on your fur baby’s collar, but as we know this could possibly become loose and fall off whereas a microchip is permanent since it’s injected under the skin. It takes no longer than a vaccination and pets hardly react to the injection at all. Even if your pet rarely leaves your side, a door or gate can easily be left ajar or a natural disaster or fire may separate you from your pet.
Please take the step to ensure your pet will be easily identified if he escapes!
Reminder on

Section 1.01 Modifications Requiring Approval
Every structure or thing which is placed, erected, or installed upon any Unit and all improvements or other work (including staking, clearing, excavation, grading, and other site work, exterior alterations of existing improvements, or planting or removal of landscaping) which takes place within Windermere, must be in compliance with the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines. New construction or any change or modification that is visible from the outside of a residence is subject to these guidelines and the authority and approval of the ARC.
Section 1.02 Submittals
(a) Process
A three-step process as follows:
(i)Complete online Application for Modification form
(ii) Gather required supporting documentation
(b) Fee for the process
There are no fees for the standard review process for ARC Applications. However, per the Financial Policies and Procedures Applications to the Architectural Review Committee for changes, alterations, additions, or deletions to property by delinquent homeowners will not be considered until all obligations for that individual property are resolved.
Certain projects such as but not limited to, an addition to a residence, new construction and pool/courtyard
additions may require review from a licensed architect. These types of projects shall be subject to additional review fees as determined by the Board or their designee. The property owner will receive notification of additional fees once an application has been submitted and all fees must be paid prior to starting the review process. Fees are payable via check or money order. If you wish to expedite the standard review process for your ARC Application which would not require review by a licensed architect rush fees will be charged as follows: Approval in 2-4 Days once a complete form is submitted - $100 fee payable at the time of submission. Approval in 5-7 Days once a completed from is submitted - $50 fee payable at the time of submission. At the discretion of the Association Manager, certain projects may not be permitted to be rushed.
Applications may be submitted at any time, with an average processing time of 14 business days. Please plan ahead for all projects, including holiday and birthday gifts. Failure to receive prior approval for any and all projects is subject to sanctions for violation including unapproved modification fines starting at $200. Please contact us at windermereactivities@ comcast.net if you do not receive a decision letter.
Ensure all required documentation including but not limited to: (paint samples, roof shingles, plat/survey site, materials lists, renderings, etc.) are included with your application. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in the application not being accepted or delays in the processing time.
forget to submit an Application for Modification for Holiday Gifts!
All homeowners who wish to make any modifications to their property are required to submit an Application for Modification. Applications can be submitted at any time and you will receive a decision letter in approximately 15 business days. Please plan ahead for all projects, including Holiday gifts.

Once an Application is received it will be reviewed and decided on within 2 weeks. THE LAST DAY TO TURN IN YOUR APPLICATION TO BE REVIEWED FOR DECEMBER 25TH APPROVAL IS MONDAY, DECEMBER 5TH.
If you need to add a rush to your application, the deadline for rush applications is Monday, December 12th. *Rush fees apply.
Please note that the Office will be closed from Friday, December 23rd- Monday, January 2nd and will re-open at 9:00 AM on January 3rd.
The Lodge at Windermere

Please note that the 2023 rental calendar will be available for bookings after January 1, 2023. As in years past, dates cannot be penciled in. Completed agreements and full payment is required to schedule all dates. January (only) 2023 dates can be scheduled beginning December 1, 2022.
Book your party today at the Lodge! Completed agreements and full payment is required at time of booking. No dates can be penciled in.

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm | Closed Saturday and Sunday Gym Closed every Wednesday from 9am-10am for Deep Cleaning
PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ACCESS CARD IS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO LODGE. We will be onsite Monday-Friday to assist you. Should you have any questions or concerns please let us know.

Visit our website www.windermerecommunity.net
The primary purpose of the Amenities within Windermere are to promote fellowship among property owners. The use of the facility is generally intended to be limited to owners, their families and their personal guests. The Lodge is generally available for rental for private events by Windermere owners Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) and Weekends (Friday-Sunday). For complete details regarding rental time slots and fees please see the Rental Contract on our website www.windermerecommunity.net
Reservations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. The reservation occurs upon the receipt of all fees and a signed contract agreement. Verbal holds will not be accepted under any circumstances.