The Official Newsletter of the Traditions of Braselton Community
March 2020 Vol. 7 Iss. 3
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MARCH 2020
Referral Offer
20 OFF
Receive $20 off for EACH referral you send Not valid with any other offers. $20 referral incentive may be combined for each new referral after services rendered.
Traditions of Braselton
PUBLIC SCHOOLS Gum Springs Elementary West Jackson Primary School West Jackson Intermediate School West Jackson Middle School Jackson County Comp. High School
706-654-5580 706-654-2243 706-654-2044 706-654-2775 706-367-5003
PRIVATE SCHOOLS Jackson Trail Christian School Lanier Christian Academy North Georgia Christian School
706-367-9418 678-828-8350 678-828-8350
CHILD CARE & PRESCHOOLS Elite Academy First Steps Childcare of Braselton Georgia Kids Academy
706-658-2343 706-658-4075 706-654-5437
COLLEGE & UNIVERSITIES Brenau Academy & University UGA Visitors Center Georgia Perimeter College University of North Georgia
770-534-6299 706-542-0842 678-407-5000 706-398-3000
MEDICAL FACILITIES Athens Regional Medical Center 706-475-7000 Northridge Medical Center 706-335-1000 Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton 770-848-8000 Gainesville 770-219-9000 Winder 770-867-3400 St. Mary’s Hospital 706-398-3000 RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Traditions Golf Club Chateau Elan Winery Jackson County Parks & Rec Winder-Barrow Community Theatre Tanger Factory Outlets
706-363-9963 678-425-0900 706-367-6350 770-867-1679 706-335-3354
GOVERMENT SERVICES Jackson County Fire Department Jackson County Sheriff’s Department Jackson County Animal Control Department of Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Registration Tax Commissioner Voter Registration Dept. of Driver Services (Athens) Dept. of Driver Services (Gainesville) Braselton Post Office Jefferson Post Office
706-367-1911 706-367-6000 706-367-5480 706-535-6940 706-367-6320 706-367-6325 706-367-6377 706-552-4427 770-532-5308 706-654-3301 800-275-8777
UTILITIES/SERVICES Jackson Electric Membership Corp. 706-367-5281 Windstream 866-445-5880 Xfinity/Comcast 678-859-9253 Jackson County Water/Sewer 706-367-1741 Direct TV 888-777-2454 Dish Network 800-333-3474 Country Boy Satellites 706-677-3394 Jackson EMC Security 706-367-5281 Garbage Hound Trash Service 706-658-2679 White Oak Sanitation 706-367-0628 HOA COMMUNITY WEBSITE To advertise in Traditions, contact Leah Nelson at The Times - 770.535.6330 Traditions is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Traditions of Braselton Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
Traditions of Braselton
4 5 8 10 11 16 18 20 23 24 26 28 29 30
Committee Member Listing From the Manager 2020 Events Community Calendar Community News News from the Social Committee Health & Fitness Empty Nesters News from the Courts News from the Course Events Voice, View & Opinion Recipes In the Spotlight
Community Association Office: 401 Delaperriere Loop: 706-654-9121 Monday - Friday: 10am to 6pm · Resident Key Card replacements for $25 Please email
· Notary Services available for $3 Lost Pet/Animal Disturbances: For lost pets, dangerous animals and/or unclaimed pets, please contact Jackson County Animal Control at 706-367-5480 Mailbox Replacement/Repair: Brett Schwartz: 918-605-4209 Traditions Golf Club Grille: 706-363-9963 x4 Hours of Operation: Monday: 9AM-5PM Friday: 7AM-7PM Tuesday : Closed Saturday: 7AM-7PM Wednesday: 9AM-5PM Sunday: 9AM-5PM Thurday: 9AM-5PM
e m o c l We Alexa & Mitchell Clarke Joseph M. & Beth A. Franklin Francesco Paolo Benvenuto Clark & Amber Heist David K. & Teresa L. Darnell John Michelena Katharina McDowell Glen G. Copponex Kristi Flowers
to our new residents David M. & Teresa R. Wyatt Sykes, Jonathan & Adavian Robert Stevenson Paul & Laurie Maloney James P. McShane Matthew & Emily Baker Donald & Linda Chambers Robert Torrey & Polly Herrin
MARCH 2020
boardofdirectors Whit Marshall Paul Thompson Bryan Allen
Architectural Review Board Hunter Bicknell (HOA Rep) David Hobbs (HOA Rep) Joan Cox (HOA Rep) Whit Marshall Michael Hart (Architect) Addison Wilson Bryan Allen
Finance Committee
finance Quarterly Meeting
Steve Morrell, Chair Wayne Davis Beth Grimes Donna Cowart Ralph NeSmith Keith Harbin
Capital Improvements & Special Projects capitalimprovements David Ehrhardt Beth Grimes Kenny Whitworth William Patterson Bret O’Steen, Chair Kyle Setzer
Recreation Area
recreation Brett Schwartz Daryl McCallum
Communication Committee
communications Lloyd Ocampo Cindy Hohman
Tennis Committee
tenniscommittee Ginger Reeves, Chair Bret O’Steen James Livingston Margaret Peterson Tracy Woodall
Grounds Committee
grounds Meets the 3rd Thursday of the Month at 5:00 pm
Jim Barbieri, Chair David Green Steve Morrell Cheryl Domineau Lane Thompson Jane Gladden Bill Cowart James Barry
Social Committee
socialcommittee Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm
Sheila Anderson, Chair Caroline Pergantus Heather Bennett Kelli Eureka Danielle Connor Ashley Cooper Annette McDonald Kelly Hannifin Blake Milner Karis White
Hospitality Committee hospitalitycommittee Carol Higbie, Chair Kathy Buffington Donna Thompson Sheree Whigham Connie Freeman Beverly Davis Helen Parsek Sherry Green Kay Costantino Portia Ocampo Suzanne Patterson Nancy Allen Lyn Coburn
Empty Nesters
emptynesters Beth Grimes, Chair Janice Barbieri Mary Ann Barry Beth Eggleston Nancy Bolen Cindy Hohman Margaret Hanson Lynn Kolb Helen Parsek Karin Waters Carol Higbie
Neighborhood Watch neighborhoodwatch Tom Badura Jay Cleveland Wayne Davis Cheryl & Jim Domineau Ralph NeSmith Richard & Tina Carlson Mauricio Cerri Robert Evans Michael Goodman Rich Doeding Larry Miller Sherry & Scott Davis
*Please email if you are interest in serving.
Traditions of Braselton Is Professionally Managed By: Community Management Associates, Inc. On-site Community On-site Administrative Assistant On-site Maintenance Technician Corporate Office Association Manager Jenny Guess Chance Reynolds 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 128 Jennifer M. Giacin, CAM 401 Delaperriere Loop 401 Delaperriere Loop Atlanta, GA 30318 On-site Management Office Jefferson, GA 30549 Jefferson, GA 30549 404-835-9100 401 Delaperriere Loop 706-654-9121 1-706-654-9121 Fax: 404-835-9200 Jefferson, GA 30549 Fax: 706-654-9127 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 706-654-9121 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM **To guarantee availability please schedule an appointment with the Community Manager
MARCH 2020
Traditions of Braselton
Quick Checklist:
❑ T rashcans must be stored out of view from the street or neighboring properties;
Graduates!! Is someone in your household graduating in 2020? Please let us know as we want to honor their achievements in Community announcement and banners. Email name, picture, school they are graduating from, what college they will be attending, their major and/or interests and a good contact number to Jenny Guess at: The deadline for submissions will be April 6, 2020. We are excited to celebrate the class of 2020!!
CHANGE IN GOLF CART POLICY Please note that as of March 1st, 2020 golf carts will no longer be permitted to drive on the sidewalk that goes around the main pond towards the front of Traditions Way. This change was made in consideration of pedestrians that utilize that sidewalk as well as safety concerns for golf cart drivers. Please refrain from driving your golf cart or other motorized vehicles on this sidewalk. Traditions of Braselton
❑ P lease submit a modification request for any changes to exterior of your home; ❑ P lease keep your property in a clean, well-kept manner (yard tools, debris etc. should be removed promptly). This is including the rear of your home when your yard is visible from the golf course, any street or neighboring property; ❑ P lease ensure that your lawn has been properly treated for weeds and fertilized; lawn maintenance should occur on a regular basis and your lawn and landscape beds should be free of weeds and grass and ample pine straw or mulch should be installed at least twice per year; ❑ A utomobiles, trucks and vans must be parked in garages or driveways and may not be parked elsewhere on the property. Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles are considered a nuisance and will be removed. No motorized vehicles are permitted on pathways or unpaved common areas. For example, golf carts should not be operated on sidewalks; ❑ R ecreational vehicles including but not limited to motor homes, boats, jet skis, trailers, motorcycles, minibikes, scooters, go carts, golf carts, campers, buses, commercial trucks and vans must be parked in garages or be subject to removal from the property. Recreational vehicles may be operated on the streets within the neighborhood by a licensed driver in accordance with Georgia law; ❑ Th e exterior of your home (to include the roof) should not have any rotting wood, missing shutters, peeling paint, mold or any other unsightly condition; ❑ Y ard signs are not permitted. If you have a contractor working on your home, please make sure they do not place a sign in your yard; ❑ A ll pets should be leashed or otherwise controlled by the owner when outside a Unit and shall not be allowed to become a nuisance by barking or other acts. Owners must clean up after their pets. ❑ Mailboxes should be properly maintained. You should have brass numbers on both sides of your mailbox, paint should not be faded or peeling, and post should be strait. MARCH 2020
CHAMBER Announcement
On behalf of the Chamber’s Tourism Development Committee, I want to share with you an exciting initiative that has come to fruition out of the committee. This Spring, we will be unveiling a brand new Geo-Cache Trail during the weekend of April 3-5. This trail is being designed with an agriculture theme that is timed to coincide with the new Jackson County Ag Facility that will also be opening this Spring. The first and original Geo-Cache Trail, having opened six years ago, is still in operation and very popular among Geocaching enthusiasts.
A Little More About the Weekend Event -
The planned weekend kick-off event has already been termed a “MEGA” event by Once a multi-day event receives at least 300 reservations on their website, it is considered a MEGA event. To have this many folks from all over the country already reserve a spot this far in advance is extremely exciting because that number is only going to grow as the event draws near. We expect to be well over 500 by kick-off!
• All day Saturday and Sunday, Geocachers will be driving all over Jackson County in search of the caches on the trail.
We are reaching out and telling you about this because we are recruiting partner sponsors for this event, so as to help offset the costs involved in attracting folks to visit us here in Jackson County to be a part of this fun and family-friendly event. If your business can benefit from 500 or more visitors coming to Jackson County, then we ask you to please consider partnering with us as a sponsor to support this event. There are a variety of sponsorship levels to accommodate your budget. Please look over the attached flyer and let us know which sponsorship level is right for your business. Your sponsorship can help insure that our visitors know about you. And the great thing about the new Geocache trail, as we learned from our first one, the opening weekend is just the start. The trail will continue to attract visitors to the county for years to come. We so greatly appreciate your consideration and support of this Tourism initiative.
• On Friday evening there will be a VIP dinner event and party. • The official kick-off will take place on Saturday morning, when participating geocachers will check in and get all the details and their trail passport. All day there will be fun activities, games and programs taking place, including the display of a special Adventure Maze exhibit that will be traveling here all the way from Texas. The exhibit, extremely popular in geocache circles, is an educational and interactive experience for all to enjoy.
• On Sunday the Adventure Maze exhibit and the fun activities will all be open again for a few hours. • All of these organized events will take place on property adjacent to the new Jackson County Ag Building on County Farm Rd. (across from Lamar Murphy Park). So our goal through our sponsor packages is to make sure that all of our out of town guests know about your business. Afterall, the purpose of our tourism initiatives is to drive visits and expenditures! Please consider partnering with us on this “AG-MEGAMAZING” event. We are very excited about it and would love to have you be a part of it! Thank you for your consideration, Melissa Britt, IOM VP Operations Call today for a free Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce 706-387-0300 on-site estimate!
10 OFF
If you have questions or need more information, feel free to give me a call, or contact$the following: Tourism Committee Chair – Mark Valentine (706-335-3354) Tourism Committee Member & Geocache Expert – Anne Poe (706-346-7648)
$25 OFF
$50 OFF
MARCH 2020
Previous Awards 2016 — 2012, 2010
Expires 3/31/19
Family Operated Fence Company North Metro Atlanta Family Operated Fence Company ServicingServicing North Metro Atlanta
WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Traditions of Braselton
At Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute, you’re at the heart of everything we do. Our team of Georgia’s leading doctors is with you from the very start. Powered by the Northside Network, we give you the expertise you need and the exceptional care you deserve. Trust your heart to Northside. Our team of experts– Dr. Grines, Dr. Liberman, and Dr. El Sakr–are now seeing patients at our Braselton office. Visit or call 404.962.6000 to schedule an appointment.
Traditions of Braselton
1255 Friendship Rd, Suite 120 Braselton, GA 30517
C O M M U N I T Y 2020 E V E N T S 6:30 Sign In/Meet & Greet; 7:00 pm Call to Order 21st: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 23rd: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 25th: Chastain Night at the Owners Clubhouse PLEASE RSVP Just a reminder, Traditions has grown so much that it is imperative that we RSVP for all Social Committee Events! MAY Look for Updates on our Community Facebook Page at https://www.facebook. com/pages/Traditions-of-Braselton/656536547767097 & our Community Website *** Traditions Celebrates Graduates*** at 1st: Pool Opens **(DATES AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, 2nd: Empty Nester’s Event at the Owners Clubhouse PLEASE CHECK BACK AND LOOK FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS) ** 2nd: Community Yard Sale & Shredding Day 5th: Cinco D’ Mayo Pitch Mark Party at the Golf Club MARCH 8th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 4th - 5th: Divot Fixing Party at Golf Club 10th: Mother’s Day 6th: Blood Drive at the Owners Clubhouse 15th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 7th: Empty Nester’s Event at the Owners Clubhouse 7th: MGA St. Patty’s Shamble Golf Tournament at Golf Club 19th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 20th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 9th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 20th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 13th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room Conference Room 14th: Casino Night (St. Patty’s Day Theme) at the 21st: Ground Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 17th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 22nd: Last Day of School for Jackson County 18th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 25th: Memorial Day – HOA Office is Closed 18th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 28th: Golf Club Invitational from 8:30am at the Golf Club Conference Room 28th: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 19th: Ground Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 29th – 30th: Golf Club Invitational from 8:30 am at the Golf Club Conference Room 19th: Committee Appreciation Dinner at the Owners Clubhouse JUNE 20th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse ***Empty Nesters Pool Party – TBD*** 25th: Resident Ambassador Kickoff Event 4:30 pm - 6pm. 6th: Blood Drive at the Owners Clubhouse 26th: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 12th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 28th Annual Traditions Easter Spring Fling and Cookout 14th: Sunday Funday at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee Social Committee 29th: Easter Spring Fling and Cookout Rain Date at the 14th: Welcome New Neighbors at the Owners Clubhouse Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee hosted by the Hospitality Committee 16th: Planning Chair Meeting at the at the Owners Clubhouse APRIL Conference Room 4th: Empty Nester’s Event at the Owners Clubhouse 16th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 6th - 10th: Jackson County Spring Break NO SCHOOL 17th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 9th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 17th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 10th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room Conference Room 12th: Easter Sunday 18th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 15th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 15th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 19th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 20th: MGA Red Tee Tournament at the Golf Club 16th: Ground Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 21st: Father’s Day Conference Room 25th: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 17th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 18th: MGA Team Match Play at Golf Club JULY 18th: Pinot and Paint at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Empty Nesters Pool Party – TBD Hospitality Committee 3rd: Independence Day – HOA Office is closed 19th: Welcome New Neighbors at the Owners Clubhouse 4th: July 4th Parade & Celebration hosted by the Social hosted by the Hospitality Committee Committee 20th: Quarterly Community Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse - 10th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room
Save the Date!
MARCH 2020
Traditions of Braselton
15th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 15th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 16th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 17th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 18th: MGA Red, White & Blue Tournament at the Golf Club 21st: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 23rd: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 31st: 1st Day of School for Jackson County 31st: Back to School Bash & Book Bag Drive (iServe Ministries) at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee AUGUST 1st: Empty Nesters Pool Party – TBD 11th: Ball Mark Party at the Golf Club 14th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 16th: Sunday Funday at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee 17th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 18th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 19th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 19th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 20th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 21st: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 22nd& 23rd: Ryder Cup at the Golf Club 26th: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 31st: Quarterly Community Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse - 6:30 Sign In/Meet & Greet; 7:00 pm call to order SEPTEMBER 4th: Empty Nester’s Event at the Owners Clubhouse 7th: Labor Day – HOA Office is Closed 7th: MGA Tournament at the Golf Club 10th: Divot Fixing Party at the Owners Clubhouse 11th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 12th: Hoedown and Country Boil/Summer Kick Off Party at the Owners Clubhouse 14th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 15th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 16th: Dessert Bunco at the Owners Clubhouse 16th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 17th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 18th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 24th: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 26th: Community Yard Sale & Shredding Day hosted by the Social Committee 26th: Pinot and Paint at the Owners Clubhouse 30th: Pool Closes for the Season Traditions of Braselton
C O M M U N I T Y 2020 E V E N T S OCTOBER 2nd: Empty Nester’s Event at the Owners Clubhouse 3rd & 4th: Senior Club Championship at the Golf Club 5th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 9th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 15th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 16th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 17th: Club Championship at the Golf Club 20th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 21st: Dessert Bunco Group at the Owners Clubhouse 21st: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 22nd: Sheila Fest Silent Auction Dinner Setup 22nd: Trivia Night at the Owners Clubhouse 23rd: Sheila Fest Golf Tournament at the Golf Club hosted by the Social Committee 23rd: Sheila Fest Silent Auction Dinner at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee 24th: Sheila Fest Music Festival at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee 29th: Kids Halloween Party Setup 30th: Kids Halloween Party at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee NOVEMBER 5th: Blood Drive 6th: Empty Nesters Event at the Owners Clubhouse 7th & 8th: MGA Cup at the Golf Club 9th: Empty Nesters Feb Planning Meeting 12th: Wine Tasting at the Owners Clubhouse - TBD 13th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 14th: Blood Drive at the Owners Clubhouse 15th: Welcome New Residents hosted by the Hospitality Committee 16th: Quarterly Community Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse - 6:30 Sign In/Meet & Greet; 7:00 pm Call to Order 17th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse 18th: Dessert Bunco Group at the Owners Clubhouse 18th: Social Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse 19th: Grounds Committee Meeting at the Owners Clubhouse Conference Room 20th: Pins & Needles Group at the Owners Clubhouse 26th & 27th: Thanksgiving Holiday – HOA Office is closed 27th – 29th: Christmas Decorating Committee to Decorate Traditions DECEMBER 4th: Empty Nesters Event at the Owners Clubhouse 5th: Pancakes with Santa at the Owners Clubhouse hosted by the Social Committee 11th: ARB Meeting the Sales/HOA Office Conference Room 12th: Toys for Tots Tournament at the Golf Club 13th: Golf Course Tour of Lights at the Golf Club 15th: Empty Nester’s Card Game at the Owners Clubhouse MARCH 2020
STra 1
8-9:30am: Yoga Class
8-9am: Cardio Kickboxing Class
8-9:30am: Yoga Class 6pm-9pm: Divot Fixing Party 6:30-8:30pm: Open Bible Study
8-9:30am: Yoga Class 1pm-2pm: Empty Nesters Planning Meeting
8-9:30am: Yoga Class
8-9:30am: Yoga Class
11am-1pm: Annual Traditions Easter/ Spring Fling Cookout
MARCH 2020
8-9:30am: Yoga Class
8-9am: Cardio Kickboxing Class
8-9am: Cardio Kickboxing Class 10am-12pm: Traditions Book Club 7pm-11pm: Blake’s of Braselton Saint Patrick’s Day Party - TBD 7:00pm-10:30pm: Empty Nester’s Card Game 8-9am: Cardio Kickboxing Class
8-9:30am: Yoga Class 6:30-8:30pm: Open Bible Study
8-9:30am: Yoga Class 12pm-5pm: Dessert Bunco Group 6:30-8:30pm: Open Bible Study 7pm-8pm: Grounds Committee Meeting 8-9:30am: Yoga Class 6:30-8:30pm: Open Bible Study 4:30 am - 6pm Resident Ambassador Kickoff Event
6pm-9pm: Divot Fixing Party
F 6
5pm-6pm: Grounds Committee Meeting 6pm-9pm: Committee Appreciation Dinner
7pm-9pm: Trivia Night
1pm-6pm: Blood Drive
10am-12pm: ARB Meeting
9:30 am - 3pm Pin’s & Needles Group
S 7
8am-12pm: MGA St. Patty’s Shamble Golf Tournament 6pm-11pm: Empty Nesters Event
7:30pm-11pm: Casino Night - St. Patty’s Theme
3pm-11pm: Private Event
11am-1pm: Annual Traditions Easter/ Spring Fling Cookout
8-9am: Cardio Kickboxing Class
Traditions of Braselton
Blood Drive on
Most everyone has known or have heard of our wonderful neighbor, Jerry Hohman who was very committed to the neighborhood and the community outreach programs. Among many other things, Jerry was dedicated to donating to the Red Cross. He routinely drove to Athens to donate platelets and was one of the first people to add his name to the donation list for our community Blood Drives. In recognition of Jerry’s commitment to the Red Cross, we as a community are honoring him by naming our community future blood drives “The Jerry Hohman Memorial Blood Drive”. This new year we will be having our community blood drives on MARCH 6TH, JUNE 6TH and NOVEMBER 5TH. We will be reaching out to the community to request their participation on our blood drives in order to increase our donation volume.
You may not have the time or resources to participate in several outside charity events, so donating blood in the community is an excellent way to give the greatest gift of all… The gift of saving someone’s life, which is priceless. Blood donation is a solidarity and lifesaving act. With your donation you could be saving the lives of infants, children, cancer patients, car accident victims, burn victims, sickle-cell patients, or at the very least improving the lives of these people. Please find it in your heart to contribute. It only takes about an hour and means more than you will ever know. It’s easy to rationalize that someone else will fill the need, but when more than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day, each and every donation helps ensure that when someone in our community needs blood in an emergency, we will have some to give them. YOUR hour in the donation chair matters to your community.
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170 John Randolph Drive, Hoschton, GA 30548 • 706-658-0064 Traditions of Braselton
Delivery to Traditions! MARCH 2020
Communities that Care 1st Jerry Hohman Memorial Blood Drive Traditions of Braselton Owner’s Clubhouse 1665 Traditions Way, Jefferson GA 30549
The Knights and members of the Traditions of Braselton community are having the 1st Jerry Hohman Memorial Blood Drive. Please schedule a time to give LIFE as Jerry did.
Friday, March 6, 2020 From 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM To make an appointment, please visit and enter sponsor keyword: Traditions OR call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Remember to eat a healthy meal, drink plenty of water and get a good night’s rest before donating blood.
Decrease your wait time at the blood drive by processing through RAPIDPASS! Log onto 1-800-RED CROSS | | Dpwnload the Blood Donor App ©2017 The American National Red Cross | 148601-15
MARCH 2020
Traditions of Braselton
You are invited to sew with us at the “Pins & Needles”. The group quilts, sews, embroiders, appliqués, knits, crochets, and any other type of handwork you enjoy. We meet at the Traditions of Braselton Owner’s Clubhouse at 1665 Traditions Way, Jefferson, GA 30549 every third Friday of the month from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Bring your projects, lunch, drinks, and other equipment like a sewing machine, additional lighting, a power strip, and extension cords. An iron, ironing board and cutting mat will be provided. If you plan to attend or any have questions, please call Pam Poppe at 706-654-4776 or email her at . We hope you join us!!! Pam Poppe Pins & Needles Group
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You deserve the delightful charm of a suburban neighborhood, the luxury of a five-star hotel, and the accommodations an independent lifestyle craves, all of which will leave you feeling like you’re on vacation every day! Our independent living, assisted living, and memory care options cater to your needs, regardless of where you are in the course of retirement.
Call 770-659-7658 to Visit Today 3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula
Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
KEEP YOUR DOG HAPPY WHILE YOU ARE AWAY Hi everyone! My name is Wyatt Cleveland and I’m a resident of Traditions! I’m currently a sophomore at the University of North Georgia. I am interested in dog sitting/house sitting while I study for my degree. Please call or text me for details and pricing.
CALL 1-636-357-1489
MARCH 2020
Traditions of Braselton
Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
A NOTE FROM THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE: I still hear stories of people that do not hear about our events here in the neighborhood! If you have new neighbors, introduce yourselves, and make sure they are signed up to receive emails, are on the Homeowners private Facebook page, the Traditions Community Facebook page, and that they are getting the newsletter! If everyone is on these 4 avenues there is no way of not knowing what is going on in the neighborhood!!! Also, Traditions has grown so much our events are RSVP! The only way we can plan is to have everyone RSVP even for free events (remember if you rsvp for free events…we plan on you being there). We purchase according to the rsvp…so if you don’t show up, it is money wasted). There also will be events that are for residents only so watch the details on each event!
Pinot and Paint Party
Our first event of the year was so much fun! A Pinot and Paint party!!! Everyone had such a good time…we have a bunch of artists in the neighborhood. Thank you to Kelly Hannifan for helping everyone with their masterpieces! Stay tuned for our next one!!!
MARCH 2020
Traditions of Braselton
Upcoming Future Events
May the luck of the Irish be with you!
Join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Casino Night Saturday March 14th, 7:30pm to 11pm Cost $25.00 per person to play and enjoy hor d’oeuvre’s (not dinner) This is a catered must rsvp no later than March 9th! BYOB/adults only please IF YOUR OR YOUR COMPANY WOULD LIKE TO DONATE PRIZES FOR THIS EVENT PLEASE CONTACT SHEILA ANDERSON AT SOCIALCOMMITTEE@ TRADITIONSOFBRASELTON.ORG
Easter Egg Hunt and Cookout SATURDAY MARCH 28TH • 1 PM – 3 PM EGG DROP AT 2 PM! DON’T BE LATE!
Come join the Easter Bunny for the Annual Traditions Easter Spring Fling and Cookout! The Social Committee with be serving up hamburgers and hot dogs, get your picture with the Easter Bunny and of course hunt Easter Eggs! We will have face painters, balloon artists, and a bounce house RSVP to Follow…watch your emails and Facebook!
GOLF TOURNAMENT AND CHARITY DINNER OCTOBER 23RD MUSIC FESTIVAL OCTOBER 24TH • STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS! The first year sheilafest happened this was just a festival for the neighborhood. It has grown into a community event and we are looking for your help! We are super excited that the mens golf association will be taking over the golf event this year. We are looking for a team of volunteers to handle the dinner and auction. If you are interested please contact sheila anderson @ or by phone @ 678283-8594. We will be having our first meeting sometime in February! I Serve Ministries will be our beneficiary again this year! We raised $10,100.00 For them last year…let’s see if we can double that this year! Thank you in advance!
Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
H E A LT H & F I T N E S S
SENIOR FUNCTIONAL (ACTIVE) Aging Fitness 1. Do you have a bucket list and not want to miss a single thing on it? 2. Do you want to make memories with and leave a legacy with you kids/grandkids? 3. Do you want to attend your kids and grandkids graduations, weddings, baby showers for Great Grandkids? 4. What is your quality of life right now? Have you seen changes in what you can do physically? 5. Are you finding it harder and harder to reach for things, get down or up from the floor, go up or down steps, etc.? Now, look at the diagram below. Where are you? Do you live independently and do whatever physical activity you want or are you anxious and worried because you can’t do what you used to do or won’t be in the future? Maybe you are in your 30’s or 40’s and have started noticing changes already and thinking about your quality of life in later years. With aging, things start getting worn out and tore up. Knees and hips might need replacing or shoulder rotator tears need mending. Maybe you struggle with plantar fasciitis, osteoporosis or arthritis. Despite most of these irritating challenges, we can usually work around these things (making sure we get proper care from our doctors and rehab first). The main thing is to keep moving and building strength in the good parts and listen to our body.
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Baby Boomers are living well into their 80’s and 90’s and beyond and this population will continue to grow. Used to be, if you made it to 60 or 70 you were doing good! However, I want to emphasize, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START ANY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY! It’s been proven that gains can be made well into our later years. We’re seeing less and less of the description “Senior Fitness.” It’s being replaced with “Active or Functional Aging Fitness” and that can be you. So, don’t wait. Start today by just taking a walk around the neighborhood. Or, go to your neighborhood gym (take a class) or sign up at a local one. Get a phone fitness app. Hire a personal trainer ( : Clean your own house, tend your own garden and yard, sit less, play with the kids, arrange that vacation, and on and on and on……just keep moving however you can. Remember, the MINIMUM required for an adult of modest cardiovascular exercise is 150 minutes and 2 – 3 days of strength training PER WEEK. Carol Osborne Personal Trainer 678-510-9573
Traditions of Braselton
Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
Saturday Feb 1, 2020, we enjoyed our first 2020 Empty Nesters event. Our theme Palentines- a Celebration of Friendships, was inspired for the love of our neighbors, an opportunity to celebrate everyone in our TOB family. It sure started our year off right with a night full of laughter and fun. Our magnificent committee of ladies set up the room with our theme to include a beautiful balloon arch for a photo op spot. We welcomed our newest TOB friends Bret and Theresa Rice, who moved here from Lawrenceville in November. Everybody gathered in our usual fashion with lots of great appetizers and a few drinks while we mingled and got caught up on life. As always, we have some amazing cooks and the food was plentiful. Then on to the games! Everyone has seen Minute to Win It games, but you have not seen the competitiveness of our group. We were giggling and snickering before we even started the games. Oh, and don’t forget the number of “clarifying questions” that were asked before each game. I am sure it was just to see how far teams could push the rules (note I didn’t say cheat looking at a certain table!). First game, Scattergories devising creative words using the letters in the word Palentines for the first letter of each word that relates to Valentines. As I read each groups list, we laughed even harder. A few didn’t listen to the rules and were off on a tangent to UMHHH! Not sure. And a few were very descriptive. Team One- you know who you are- won this round with the most creative words. Next game was to see who could stack a column of candy hearts the highest in one minute. The steadiest hands went to Suzanne Patterson, Team Four, with 23 candies (I think she may have run out of candies or probably would have gone higher). Now was the time to get up and moving with a game of Ping Pong Ball bounce. The object was to catch as many bounced balls in a metal bucket with each team member having to catch three balls before swapping out. People were using their bodies as backboards and chasing balls everywhere. Not sure
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about the counting process because I saw them chasing a lot of balls, but Team Five won with the most balls caught. Whew! We needed a break after this to refresh, re-group and let our stomach muscles relax from all the laughter. Thanks to Carol Higbie, we enjoyed Champagne jello shots. Cause that’s how we roll. Remember I said competitive earlier, well a few of us thought they were still playing games and wanted to know who consumed the most shots. Once again, Team One knows who they are! Now, with our heads together and spoons in our mouths, the object was to get as many candy hearts from bowl one to bowl four in a minute. I think there may have been a few knockings of heads and chasing scooting bowls across the table because some didn’t hear the rules about holding the bowl! Whatttt, not listening! Not our group! Group Four won by a few candies. But we saved the best game for last. Have you ever tied a Kleenex box around your waist filled with ping pong balls and tried to shake them out? Well, let me tell you, some of our guys and gals have some moves! Apparently, we also needed some policing of how to wear the Kleenex box to ensure everyone was legal and not playing below the belt! It came down to two, and who knows who won because we were all laughing too hard to be able to tell. We even had to watch video replay a few times, because competitive we are not!! Once again, I cannot say enough about our committee putting on another fabulous event. All in all, I think we started our year off right with plenty of merriment, fun and competitiveness enjoyed by all. Please plan to join us at our next event on March 7, 2020 for another night of fun. If you’d like to join us please email emptynesters@ with name(s), address, best phone number and best email address. Hope to see you soon. Beth Grimes, Empty Nesters Planning Committee Chair.
Traditions of Braselton
Courage Starts Here “There are still a lot of battles I’m going through. My focus is to try hard, control my anger and do everything I can. I want to be a better version of myself. I feel like Eagle Ranch is helping me find my future.” Read more about Symone at
Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
• Custom Window Treatments • Custom Bedding & Headboards • Shutters, Blinds & Shades • Wallpaper • Upholstery • Design Services COLLECTION
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Clayton G. Blehm, M.D., Stephen S. Ellison, O.D., Lori C. Lebow, M.D., Elizabeth F. Ellison, O.D., Jack M. Chapman, Jr., M.D., Jody L. Whisenant, O.D., Zach R. Balest, M.D.
Honored with Atlanta Magazine and Castle Connelly Top Docs Awards, Gainesville Eye proudly remains the first Georgia practice to perform advanced laser cataract surgery. Gainesville Eye Associates’ staff of top physicians is focused on providing comprehensive eye care to our patients. From vision correction to bladeless laser cataract surgery, Gainesville Eye Associates is the region’s largest multi-specialty eye care practice.
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MARCH 2020 7/22/19 1:24 PM
Traditions of Braselton
Over 35 years serving North Georgia
News From The Courts
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Heating & Air Conditioning Needs
APRIL 25TH, 2020
at the Owners Clubhouse!!! More details to come soon!
Ginger Reeves, Tennis Committee Chair
2410 Hilton Way Gainesville, GA 305014 Phone: 770.536.7509 • Fax: 770.535.8096
Plan • Invest • Protect
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Retirement Income Planning: Do you have a Written Income Plan? Are you at risk of running out of money? Social Security Maximization: When is the best time to turn on your Social Security benefits? Investment Planning: Do you have a plan to protect your money from another 2008 crash?
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Life and Disability Insurance: What is the right amount and type to protect my family? Long Term Care Strategies: Do I need Long Term Care? What new tools are available to protect my assets and avoid becoming a burden to my loved ones?
One Hour Complementary Consultation ($150 value) Present this coupon at visit. By appointments only.
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MARCH 2020
This group has three consecutive tee times every Sunday morning. In Spring, Summer and Fall, they begin play at 9:30AM More tee times can be added depending on how many couples wish to play. Please contact Lynn Kolb at 706-824-0247 or for more information. Every Tuesday, Lynn sends a text to interested parties asking for a response by Saturday morning. All are welcome to join in and they look forward to adding more couples as the weather warms up. *Couples on Sunday – Noon during winter.
Currently, the ladies have two standing tee times Monday thru Friday starting at 8:30 AM. If you are interested in joining the Ladies Golf Group (even occasionally), please email Pam Poppe at if you wish to be included. Each Friday, Pam sends an email to the group asking which days you are interested in golfing during the coming week. She only asks for a 48-hour notice so she can add or cancel tee times. Don’t worry about handicaps since the skill levels vary widely. These women golf for fun! If the morning times don’t work for you, please let Pam know if you are interested in playing 9 holes at other times of the day.
MARCH 2020
The senior men gather to play an organized format of stroke play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You never know who you will get paired with on these days, so it’s a great opportunity to meet your fellow neighbors and make new friends. On Thursdays, it’s just pair-up and play as you like. The course is closed on Tuesdays. Currently, our block of tee times starts at 10:00 AM. As the weather warms up, our standing tee tie will move to 9:00 AM. You can play as often or as little as you like; just show up at least 15 minutes before the first tee time. This is a social group with members of varying skill levels. Every spring and fall the men gather at the Club Grill for a fun evening with their significant others. For more information, contact Steve Morrell at 1-706-6546034 (H) or on his cell at 770-861-610. You can also email him at
Come out and meet your neighbors in a fun and welcoming group. The TOB men have weekly organized games on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM and Saturdays/Sundays starting at 8:00 AM. We also sponsor diverse and fun monthly tournaments throughout the year. The MGA has neighbors of all skill levels and ages. For additional information please contact Mike Brunson - 706-380-7031 or email- Traditions of Braselton
Traditions of Braselton: Wednesday through Sunday
Ages 7 – 18 will learn proper techniques while having fun in the process. Open to all skill levels.
Hamilton Mill: Tuesdays only
Sundays | 12 – 1 p.m. Golf Members | $25 Performance Center Members | $15 Guests and Social Members | $35
ASK ABOUT THE TRADITIONS PUTTING LEAGUE. FUN FOR ALL WITH WEEKLY COMPETITIONS! Contact Jeff Kaneko for more information or to register today. 706.338.2542 |
Some restrictions and exclusions may apply. See Club for details. © ClubCorp USA, Inc. All rights reserved. 47237 0220 MR
EVENTS IN & AROUND Atlanta March 1, 2020 (12 to 6 p.m.) AMERICAN MUSIC IN THE PARK Hear four bands playing country, rockabilly, and rock at Americana in the Park, with food and drink for sale outside the Park Tavern in Piedmont Park. Children under age 12 are free.
March 14, 2020 (noon) ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE The Atlanta St. Patrick’s Parade has 2,000 dancers, musicians, and Irish enthusiasts, plus giant balloons, floats, and marching bands in Midtown going south on Peachtree Street (from 15th St. NE to 5th St. NE).
March 7, 2020 (3 to 11:30 p.m.) ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY Irish Lights St. Patrick’s Day Festival is an all-day party featuring the band “Irish Lights” plus multiple areas of entertainment with DJs spinning “tropical house, EDM, deep house, progressive house, pop n rock, and open format music” outside Park Tavern for age 21+.
March 21 - 22, 2020 CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL - CONYERS Conyers Cherry Blossom Festival features 300 arts & crafts booths, international music and dance, food vendors, and a children’s area at the Georgia International Horse Park. Free except parking.
March 8, 2020 FAMILY OBSTACLE COURSE You and your kids age 3+ can take the KidFitStrong Fitness Challenge, which includes 10 fitness stations (sprinting, pushups, wall crawls, hurdles, jumping jacks, sit ups, climbing, tunnel crawls) in Piedmont Park. Free except for “Xtreme rides” like Bumper Balls.
March 28, 2020 (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) FAMILY FUN IN THE MUSEUM Meet baby animals, play games, and make seasonal crafts during Little Critters Day at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History.
EVENTS IN & AROUND Jefferson Saturday, March 21st, 2020 from 10:00am – 4 pm SPRING FOLIAGE FEST 302 Longview Dr, Jefferson, GA 30549, USA (map) The Jefferson Tree Council is pleased to host the 10th annual Spring Foliage Fest. Enjoy live musical performances, arts and craft vendors, food and drink vendors, as well as a large variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers for sale. Plus, special guest Walter Reeves will be on hand to answer your gardening questions. Free parking and entry. For more information, please contact
26 26
MARCH 2020
Sat, Mar 14, 2020, 12:00 PM – Sun, Mar 15, 2020, 7:00 PM HIPPIE FEST – GEORGIA Uncle Shucks Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch, 125 Bannister Rd, Dawsonville, GA 30534 Hippie Fest is a grassroots festival where free-spirited people from across the country gather to celebrate peace, love, and all things groovy! Coming to Uncle Shucks Farm in Dawsonville, GA March 14 & 15, 2020. Featuring live music, bohemian shopping, vintage hippie car show, DIY tie-dye, giant bubble garden, sideshow performers, kids activities, delicious food, and more. All ages welcome. Kids 10 and under free. It’s groovy baby! Admission: Single Day Admission - $10, Two-Day Admission (Without Camping) - $15, Two-Day Admission + Saturday Night Camping - SOLD OUT, Kids 10 & under free (no ticket necessary)
Traditions of Braselton
A Night of Gospel with
Michael Combs MARCH 21, 2020 7:30 PM The Venue at Friendship Springs 7340 Friendship Springs Blvd Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Purchase your Tickets at:
Baillie & The Boys APRIL 17, 2020 7:30 PM The Venue at Friendship Springs 7340 Friendship Springs Blvd Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Purchase your Tickets at:
Sponsored By: Traditions of Braselton
MARCH 2020
V O I C E, V I E W & O P I N I O N
ARE YOU ALIVE IN CHRIST? There are many different churches, doctrines, and denominations that have devastated the minds of many professed Christians around the world. Nowadays, those who have been impacted do not really know if they have even received salvation. Some questions that surface to their minds are: • How do I know if I am really (saved) or born again? • What is the evidence that I am a believer as the Bible describes? • How do I know for a fact that I am going to Heaven when I die? One thing for sure is that being saved or making it into Heaven is certainly not because we say so, nor is it because we give to the poor, study the Bible extensively, or that we consider ourselves to be good people. The deception of many is that they believe they are going to Heaven because they belong to a popular church or because they serve in their church faithfully. Jesus did not die in our place so that we can be lifted up in pride because of our church membership or religious duties. Your experience in church should be more than the association to the institution, the activities, grandeur of buildings, or the limitless opportunities for self-centered ambitions. Poof of salvation is absolutely not due to religious affiliations in society, much less a lifeless material building (Nee). We must understand that in all our doing in or for the church if it does not originate from God, it is simply not enough for you to inherit eternal life with Christ and go to Heaven. All too often, we assume that because we’re tied to a church membership or are involved in church-work, we are automatically doing it for God. Most people will not step foot into a church if the people there do not look like them, praise like them, or speak like them. Jeremiah 17:9-10 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” There are many reasons why we do what we do, but God knows the reality of each motive. In Mark 10:17, “And as He was setting out on His journey,
MARCH 2020
a man ran up and knelt before Him and asked Him, Teacher, [You are essentially and perfectly morally] good, what must I do to inherit eternal life [that is, to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]? The young man had kept the commandments of God but -idolized his self, possessions, and accomplishments. Many people in churches today will keep specific commandments based on their desires. Some even claim salvation but are slaves to ungodly living or addictions. Many people have never experienced the refreshing cleansing of the Word because they refuse to allow God to deal with that one thing that they lack. Do you know what you lack? What you lack can be the very thing that prevents you from receiving eternal life in Heaven. A stubborn heart will create agony of mind and lead you away from Jesus Christ. Consider this, on the day a person is saved by Jesus Christ their experience is as follows. The Holy Spirit, the reality of life, enters into believers to regenerate them, to bring their humanity into divinity, and to make them God's children (Nee). Any person claiming to be a child of God but lives his/her life through the flesh (passions, carnal desires, and animal appetites) should question their salvation experience. The church (believers) as the Body of Christ is an organism by which Christ moves and walks among mankind/humankind and through which He lives out His all-inclusive self (Nee). Romans 8:12 -13 teaches, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God” (New International Version). The transformation experience is real, and God will change your heart, desires, and lifestyle. The carnal or sin-filled life you lived before the power work by Jesus Christ on the cross should not be your life today-- if you claim salvation. The works of the flesh are listed in Galatians 5:19-21. The Bible teaches that those who live such lifestyles shall not inherit the kingdom of God. God’s grace is powerful enough to save and deliver. Join us on Wednesdays for Bible study taught by Bishop Lloyd Ocampo at 7 pm.
Traditions of Braselton
o d o r ouet xpo 2020
INGREDIENTS: 2 lbs baking potatoes
1 bunch watercress
1 (15 oz) canned no-saltadded sliced beets
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 large red onion
1 (6 oz) container plain yogurt, room temperature
2 cloves garlic
12 oz salmon fillets
DIRECTIONS: 1. Peel the potatoes and cut into quarters. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil and cook potatoes for 20 min., or until tender. Drain beets in a colander. While potatoes are cooking, halve the onion and slice. Coarsely chop the garlic and watercress. 2. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a skillet over medium low heat and sautĂŠ the onion and garlic for 10 min., stirring frequently. Set aside and wipe out the skillet with a paper towel. 3. Pat the salmon dry. Brush with the remaining oil and sprinkle with pepper and salt (in moderation). Heat the skillet (do not add oil or butter) over medium heat and sautĂŠ the salmon 4 min. per side, or until it is just done. 4. Drain the potatoes, put back in the pan, add the yogurt and coarsely mash with potato masher. Mix in the drained beets, onion, garlic and watercress and season with pepper and salt (in moderation). Divide salmon and mash among 4 plates and serve. Traditions of Braselton
HUNTING-FISHING CAMPING-HIKING-BIKING Saturday, March 14th 10am - 5pm Gainesville Civic Center
830 Green St NE, Gainesville, GA 30501
For more information, please contact Leah Nelson at 770-535-6330
MARCH 2020
How Lucky Are We?
Three is a powerful number in Ireland. In addition to its many ties to the ancient Celtic culture, the number three can be found in the shamrock – which traditionally features three leaves and serves as a symbol of The Emerald Isle. It is said that Saint Patrick himself would often use a shamrock to help illustrate the Holy Trinity to small children. Another example of the power of three can be found in the mythical leprechaun. If you’re quick enough to catch one, it is believed he will grant you three wishes. In keeping with St. Patrick’s Day, we are proud to announce that Traditions of Braselton now has THREE Community Concierges! Tasked with greeting prospective new neighbors, educating them on more than a dozen approved builders we now feature and introducing them to our wide array of homes, distinctive lifestyle, world-class amenity mix and the one-of-a-kind area where Traditions is set, our new Community Concierge program is on track to be a game-changer for our neighborhood. And with more than 80 new homes under construction throughout the neighborhood and an ever-increasing number of buyers discovering our
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community each week, that’s a very good thing. In last month’s issue of “Traditions,” we had the pleasure of introducing you to Karie Davis – our pioneering member of the Community Concierge program. She is joined by the following new additions: Cassi McCormack – This charismatic sports enthusiast and self-described “foodie” with a love for international cuisine is a Fisheries and Wildlife Preveterinary major at the University of Georgia. She loves helping people find a place that makes them happy. Paola Quirino – Compassionate, outgoing and determined, Paola is just 6 months away from being a registered nurse. She loves meeting new people, listening to what they really want in a home and connecting them to the right builder. Please feel free to stop by the Discovery Center, introduce yourself and welcome our new Community Concierges to the neighborhood! We think you’ll agree – we’re lucky to have them as the face of Traditions!
Traditions of Braselton
NASHVILLE Music City Adventure
April 20, 21, 22 2020 3 Day / 2 Night All Inclusive Repeat customers receive a gift! • General Jackson Show Boat & Dinner • Private City Tour • Grand Ole Opry Show • Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum Tour • Welcome Reception Proceeds to Fund Community Journalism
Payment Deadline: $100 Deposit Due: March 6, 2020 Final Payment Due: March 18, 2020
March 23, 24, 25
3 Day / 2 Night All Inclusive
CHARLESTON Exclusive Adventure All Inclusive Price Only:
$835*pp Double Occupancy $1,161*pp Single Occupancy
• Shopping & Music on Music Row • Shopping at Opry Mills Outlet Mall • 2 Night Accommodations • Luxury Motor Coach • 2 Dinners, 2 Breakfasts • Lunch in Chattanooga • All Gratuities
All Inclusive Price Only:
$835*pp Double Occupancy $1,161*pp Single Occupancy
May 18,19, 20, 21 4 Day / 3 Night All Inclusive
For additional details and to reserve your spot: Call Lori Maxim at 770-535-6323 or email
Home of the Blues, Soul & Rock ‘n’ Roll All Inclusive Price Only:
$1,115*pp Double Occupancy $1,441*pp Single Occupancy
A N D T H E B E AT G O E S O N .
We do a lot with our hearts, from running the neighborhood 5K to having them filled by those we love. The Heart Center of Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) stands ready to make sure your heart beats on. Whether it’s routine care that keeps you in tip-top shape or a complex procedure that may save your life, you can count on The Heart Center of NGMC for the expert care you need, close to home.
To learn more about The Heart Center of NGMC, or to request an appointment with a cardiologist, call 770-343-4239 or visit /beat