2019 The
Windermere Leaflet
Inside this Issue Easter 10 Celebration Pet Health 14 Tennis News 16 ARC 19 Requests 2019 Events 23 Summer Camps 24 Annual Yard Sale 28
Contacts BOARD OF DIRECTORS Craig Holmes | President | cholmes@ups.com Maureen Brown | Vice President | moandmike89@comcast.net Jim Durgin | Treasurer | jimdurgin@gmail.com Amy Morrison | Secretary | adm1axt@yahoo.com Drew Cerruti | Member at Large | dcerruti22@gmail.com Monica Hachem | Member at Large | monhachem@yahoo.com Thomas Rockwood | Member at Large thomas.rockwood@gmail.com COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Michèl Krahn | Tennis | windermeretenniscmt@gmail.com Monica Hachem | ARC | monhachem@yahoo.com Jim Durgin | Finance | jimdurgin@gmail.com Maria Carney | Social | mariadcarney@gmail.com Skippy Welsh | Pool | welshskippy@aol.com OFFICE INFORMATION Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am – 5 pm Address: 4444 Front Nine Drive, Cumming GA 30041 Stacy Maguire and Brittany Hawkins | Activities Office 678-455-7708 ext. 2 | windermereactivities@comcast.net Aaron Cosson | Association Manager 678-455-7708 ext. 3 | windermeremanager@comcast.net After-Hours Emergency | 678-624-9453 ext. 2
Need to report a Street Light Outage? SIMPLY CLICK HERE
Street Light
TENNIS OFFICE Bobby Schindler | Tennis Director 770-598-8378 | schindlerb@comcast.net OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS FORSYTH CO. POLICE NON-EMERGENCY 770-781-3087 (24 hr)
STREET LIGHT OUTAGE Sawnee EMC | www.sawnee. com/content/storm-center
STREET MAINTENANCE To report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk, contact Forsyth County: 770-781-2155 dwburney@forsythco.com.
MAILBOX REPLACE/REPAIR Mailbox Project | 770-535-0036 www.mymailboxproject.com FORSYTH CO. WATER DEPT. 770-781-2160
BOARD REMINDERS AMENITY CARD REPLACEMENT Windermere Amenity Cards are available to residents in good standing. Please stop by the clubhouse during office hours. Replacement cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. LOST PET/ANIMAL DISTURBANCES Please contact Forsyth County Animal Control at 770-781-2138 to report your lost pet or if you see animals roaming free and not on a leash, especially if you deem that animal to be aggressive in any way. www.windermerecommunity.net www.facebook.com/windermerehoa
Windermere Leaflet
KEEPING OUR COMMUNITY LOOKING GOOD We need all of our resident’s help in keeping our community looking its’ best. Thank you for taking pride in the appearance of our community. Your cooperation is appreciated! Please do your part and remember to: • Pick up after your pet and dispose of waste properly. • Pick up litter you notice in the community and dispose of it. • Make sure household trash is bagged, secured and disposed of in a timely and appropriate manner. The Windermere Leaflet is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Windermere Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services. Magazine design by Kerri Ivie.
April 2019
The Lodge at Windermere
Please note that the 2019 rental calendar is now available for bookings. As in years past, dates cannot be penciled in. Completed agreements and full payment is required to schedule all dates.
April 2019
LODGE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm | Closed Saturday and Sunday Gym Closed every Wednesday from 9am-11am for Deep Cleaning PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ACCESS CARD IS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO LODGE. We will be onsite Monday-Friday to assist you. Should you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Visit our website www.windermerecommunity.net
The primary purpose of the Amenities within Windermere are to promote fellowship among property owners. The use of the facility is generally intended to be limited to owners, their families and their personal guests. The Lodge is generally available for rental for private events by Windermere owners Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) and Weekends (Friday-Sunday). For complete details regarding rental time slots and fees please see the Rental Contract on our website www.windermerecommunity.net Reservations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. The reservation occurs upon the receipt of all fees and a signed contract agreement. Verbal holds will not be accepted under any circumstances. www.WindermereCommunity.net
Windermere Leaflet
Quality Care When You Need It Most You can’t plan when an illness or injury will occur, but you can plan to go to a trusted urgent care center. We provide you and your family with cost-effective, immediate care for a variety of non-emergent illnesses and injuries. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Open every day 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., including weekends Walk-ins welcome Online, same day & next day reservations Digital x-ray & in-house labs Most major insurance plans accepted Kaiser In-Network Provider
Additional Services: ■ Vaccinations including flu shots ■ Travel Medicine Program ■ Occupational health needs ■ Sports physicals
Visit ChoiceOneUC.com for more information. ChoiceOne Urgent Care is accredited by the Urgent Care Association.
Two Convenient Locations to Serve You: Sugar Hill 5910 Suwanee Dam Road Sugar Hill, GA 30518 470-326-7600 Hamilton Mill 2690 Hamilton Mill Road Buford, GA 30519 470-326-7300
Past Event
Become a 2019 Sponsor!
Are you interested in advertising your business within your community?
Thank you to our residents who attended the Mix N Mingle at the Lodge. We had a great mix of residents who have been in Windermere for 2 decades and residents who have lived here less than a year! A special thank you to Bach to Rock for providing our background music! We hope everyone is looking forward to the next Mix N Mingle later this year!
The earlier you sign up, the better the deal! For more details, please contact Jennifer Goodin at jennosman@aol.com or 678-480-4121.
Visit their facebook page to check out the Summer Camps they will offer this summer! https://www.facebook. com/B2RJohnsCreekGA/
Dr. Michael Gorlovsky, DMD, MS
$350 6
April 2019
Full Treatment
*New Patients Only. Some exclusions apply.
Windermere Leaflet
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
Featured Listings
Proud Neighbor and Sponsor of Windermere for over 16 years. 150+ homes sold in Windermere.
3935 Stanford Drive | Active
2930 Grangehill Way | Just sold
Introducing Compass Concierge Redefining Real Estate one happy homeowner at a time. Compass covers the upfront cost of select services that can increase your home’s selling price. We’ll work together to elevate your home’s value and create a tailored plan to maximize its
3760 Sweeting Street | Active
potential on the market. Services may include: Staging | Deep-cleaning | Landscaping | Painting l Organizing Decluttering | Cosmetic Renovations
Moving this year? Let’s talk now! Stephanie Cole Patterson & Meriellen Cole Arenz c: 770.316.3110 | o: 404.668.6621 ColeTeamRealEstate.com
Named “Best of Forsyth” for the 5th year in a row by Forsyth County News
6340 Manningtree Court | Active
6220 Milton Drive | Active
Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Should you Love It or List It? By Stephanie Patterson | Cole Team Real Estate with Compass
That’s because parting with a home falls into the “major life change” category. Cue the second-guessing, polling all friends and family for opinions, obsessive list-making and mentally running through all scenarios as soon as your head hits the pillow. If you feel like this describes how you feel about parting with your home, it’s time to take a deep breath and consider the signs life has been throwing your way. Here’s how to know if it’s time to sell, refinance, or just stay put.
The Scenario: You’re Paying PMI It’s A Sign To: Refinance or Do Nothing — If your down payment was less than 20%, your loan likely came with private mortgage insurance that has added a little extra to your monthly payment. If you now have at least 20% equity in your home, you can refinance your loan in order to remove the PMI. If you don’t have at least 20% equity yet, it might be worth waiting a little bit longer.
The Scenario: You’ve Just Made A Big Investment It’s A Sign To: Stay Put — Whether you’ve put a lot of money into your home through renovations or upgrades, or you made another big investment in your life (you started a business, went back to school, bought a boat, etc.), you could be stretched a little too thin to sell your home right now. While renovations often add to the value of a home, they don’t guarantee a higher sales price and shouldn’t be the sole motivation for selling. This is especially true if you made highly personal choices in your improvements, like going for fire engine red kitchen cabinetry. Instead, enjoy the new scenery.
Ready to list? Call Cole Team today! Named “Best of Forsyth” for the 5th year in a row by Forsyth County News
The Scenario: You’ve Suddenly Noticed 100 Things You Dislike About Your Home It’s A Sign To: Stay Put and Update or Sell — After the honeymoon phase with your home is over, you may grow to dislike certain features about it that you once loved. However, who is to say that the pattern won’t repeat with a different property? If you’ve only just settled in a short while ago, you haven’t yet learned to live with the home you have. Fight that FOMO (fear of missing out) by making improvements like upgrading the kitchen or bath, fixing up the exterior for a little curb appeal, or even just trying simple fixes like repainting the rooms or adding new furniture.
The Scenario: You’ve Got Debt (But Also Equity) It’s A Sign To: Refinance — Sure, you might profit from the sale of your home, which could help you pay off lingering loans, credit card balances and other types of debt. But that’s not a guarantee. Plus, in order to get the highest offers, you could end up having to invest in making repairs and upgrades. If you’ve built equity, you can refinance to a lower interest rate and a lower monthly payment, thus freeing up more money in your budget. Another option to consider is a cash-out refinance to consolidate your debt. This pays off the balances up front, then you’d make fixed payments on the refinanced loan.
The Scenario: You’re Run Out Of Space It’s A Sign To: Sell — Maybe your family has expanded since you bought your one-bedroom, or you decluttered repeatedly but you’d need to become a minimalist to make your space work. Instead of drastically changing your lifestyle, change your home. If budget is a concern, prioritize space over other items on your real estate wish list like a specific neighborhood, high-end amenities, new construction or a newly-updated home.
Cole Team Real Estate Stephanie Cole Patterson & Meriellen Cole Arenz c: 770.316.3110 | o: 404.668.6621 ColeTeamRealEstate.com
Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.
Proud Neighbor and Sponsor of Windermere for over 16 years. 150+ homes sold in Windermere.
Despite what real estate reality shows might have led you to believe, the decision to sell your home isn’t simple — and it definitely isn’t a decision that you can reach in 30 minutes. This is true even if you never really loved your property in the first place, or it’s become a daily cause of stress. Maybe the commute is awful, your neighbors live to find new ways to annoy you, or the “fixer upper” kitchen is still an avocado-colored nightmare.
Mark your calendars for the always popular Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Lodge Courtyard and Clubhouse! What to look forward to: • EGG HUNT • PETTING ZOO • EASTER BUNNY (parents don’t forget your cameras!)
Eye Care For You
Dr. Bharti Bathija-Lala, O.D.
Quality eye care and personal attention are our focus at Eye Care For You. We are a family optometry practice that prides itself on the individual care and attention we provide to all of our patients. Your entire family is welcome at Eye Care For You. In addition to PREVENTATIVE and ROUTINE EYE EXAMS, WE OFFER A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF EYE CARE SERVICES: Treatment of Eye-Related Problems & Disorders • Allergies • Red Eyes • Vision Therapy • Dry Eye Syndrome • Diabetic Retinopathy Exams • Infections Contact Lens Evaluation, consultation and fitting: • Major Brands of contact lenses • Astigmatism (Toric), Multi-Focal, Extended Wear & Daily Disposables Eye Glasses: • Beautiful frames from the latest in fashionable eyewear • High-end to budget-friendly frames and lens packages • Low-cost frame packages starting at $75 • Transitions photochromic lenses • Single Vision Lenses, Varilux Progressives, Crizal, Transitions, etc. NEW PATIENT DISCOUNT
20% OFF Prescription Glasses (Exclusions Apply)
Participating Sponsors: Bach to Rock: Back Cover Choice One Urgent Care: Page 5 Claire Smith with Solid Source Realty: Page 29 Cole Team: Page 8 Sherry and Co Real Estate Team: Page 20 Xfinity: Page 21
770-887-1404 www.eyecareforyougeorgia.com
3830 Windermere Parkway, Suite 301, Cumming, GA 30041 (Located in Windermere Professional Park) Monday–Friday 8:30am–4:30pm • Saturday 9:00am–3:00pm Office is closed one Saturday per month.
We participate with VSP, Aetna, Bluecross (BCBS), Cigna, Coventry, Avesis, Superior Vision, VBA, EyeMed, Optum (Spectera), Medicare/Medicaid. Check with our staff if you have other types of coverage.
April 2019
Don’t Forget!
If your children will be participating in the egg hunt, please bring 12 candy or toy filled eggs per child to the activities office prior to the event.
Windermere Leaflet
NEW YEAR Treat yourself with
Join as a Golf Member and enjoy a 50% Initiation Fee and 50% dues discount until April 1, 2019.*
Saturday, February 23 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Windermere Golf Club 5000 Davis Love Drive | Cumming, GA
at Windermere Golf Club
you may purchase an unlimited cart plan valid until July 1, 2019 for only $200.*
470.266.8876 matt.nalley@clubcorp.com windermeregc.com
*Offer expires 2/28/19 and may not be combined with any other promotion or discount. Membership is contingent on successful completion of Club’s enrollment process. Initiation Fee offer requires a 24-month loyalty agreement and is not valid for certain membership categories. Dues and Initiation Fee will vary based on category and classification of membership selected. Dues and Range fee offers are valid through 4/01/19 and are contingent on Member maintaining his/her membership in good standing. Dues discount is calculated from base monthly dues amount. Cart plan may be redeemed at Windermere and Olde Atlanta clubs only and has no cash value. Other restrictions and exclusions may apply. Contact the Club for details. © ClupCorp USA Inc. All rights reserved. 43490 0119 EA
A Message from the Association Manager SPRING IS IN THE AIR
What does that mean? It’s time for the 4 P’s of home ownership. It’s time to get outside and take a 360 walk around your home. What do you see? Is your Paint fading or peeling? Do you need a fresh coat? Is your driveway and sidewalk filthy and moldy? How about a good ole fashion Pressure washing? Let’s not forget landscaping. Now is the time to Prune trees and trim overgrown bushes. Additionally, it is time for that spring application of Pine straw (mulching material). As we head into spring these are a few areas we will be looking at during our covenant inspections. Make sure you don’t receive one of those pesky notices by being proactive and checking off those maintenance items now. EXTERIOR PAINTING IT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU MIGHT THINK You can save a lot on the extent of necessary painting and repairs by catching failure early. Keep a close eye out for spider cracks, fading, and on the overall health of your older paint in particular. (** Please remember all painting projects require prior approval/an ARC application must be submitted) PRESSURE WASHING Did you know that routine pressure washing will increase the lifespan of your paint and stain? And, it can transform your exterior surfaces, washing away corrosive residues, mold, mildew, and more from your deck, patio, walkways, driveway, and siding. PINE STRAW & MULCH ARTICLE I. Pine straw & Mulch –there are many benefits to using pine straw as natural garden mulch. First and foremost, pine straw is a natural by-product; meaning pine straw is discarded by pine trees naturally. Pine needles (straw) help provide excellent growing conditions for healthy trees, plants and shrubs.
Here are some benefits of pine straw and mulch installation besides the appearance. • Pine straw and mulch installation are essential to the survival of your landscape during a drought. They will reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your soil, greatly reducing your need to water your plants. • Pine straw and mulch improve the quality of your soil by breaking up clay and allowing better water and air movement through the soil. Also, mulch provides nutrients to sandy soil and improves its ability to hold water. • Pine straw and mulch act as an insulating layer on top of soil, keeping it cooler in the summer. • Pine straw and mulch keep weeds down, and the weeds that do grow are much easier to pull. • They are also a great deterrent against weeds, insects, and rodent free. PRUNING LANDSCAPE TREES Proper pruning of landscape trees improves their structural strength, maintains their health, enhances their beauty, and increases their value. Why Should Trees Be Pruned? Pruning is advisable if: • trees have crossing branches, weak branch unions, or other defects • branches are dead, dying, decayed, or hazardous • lower branches interfere with people or vehicles, or block visibility of signs • branches are growing into buildings or utility wires • limbs have been broken by storms • trees have grown too large and might injure people or damage property Landscape trees not only make homes and communities more beautiful, but they also improve our environment and can increase the value of a property up to 20 percent. Trees are truly assets that need to be enhanced and protected. Proper pruning is definitely a worthwhile investment!
FREQUENT VIOLATION REMINDERS We understand that no one wants to receive those pesky violation letters! The most frequent violations that can be easily avoided are: TRASH CANS
They must be stored out of view from the street. They cannot be stored on the side of the house or by the garage.
Please make sure that mailboxes are not faded and that mailboxes numbers are easily visible.
We ask that pine straw and mulch are kept looking new and fresh. Your yard is one of the first things that is noticed about your home and an opportunity to enhance the look of your home and lot!
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Pool News
Reservations for private pool parties may be made in person at the Activities Office beginning May 1. The reserved party area is under the Lodge deck and there is also an adjacent indoor room available with refrigerator and tables. To make a reservation, complete the 2019 Rental Agreement which can be found on the Windermere website. Please drop off to the Activities Office along with a check for the rental fee and check for deposit (2 separate checks). No cash may be accepted. Pool Stickers For those of you who have already paid the full annual HOA assessment amount ($1100.00) and your account shows a zero balance, 2019 Pool stickers are currently available. Please read the pool rules document and sign the acknowledgement form located at the end of the document. You must bring the signed acknowledgement form and your access cards with you to the Lodge in order to receive the stickers.
Swim Lessons
2019 Swim Lessons with Michael Leary Cost is $140 per child per session; $135 for each additional sibling (cash or check payable on first day to Michael Leary) Each session includes (8) 30 minutes classes (Monday-Thursday) Available age groups: 3-4 year olds 5-6 year olds 7-9 year olds *children must meet age requirement by May 1 Please click here to view class schedules and more information: https://www.signupgenius. com/go/4090e49a9a62fa3fb6-2019
Offering private training, group classes, board and train, & more.
Get help with: Puppy Training Obedience + Manners Fear + Aggression Behavior Issues Service Dog Training
www.PeachOnALeash.com 404-272-2007
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
y p p u P g n u o Y
IS IT OKAY TO BATH YOUR By Susan Tanner, Windermere Pet Sitter
In general, puppies do not need to be bathed unless visibly dirty or smelly. Puppies and older dogs need the natural oils in their fur to keep their coats and skin healthy. Most dog shampoos are for dogs around 3 months old or older, but you can still bath younger puppies, if needed. DRY SHAMPOO Not all dog shampoos are suitable for all puppies; the label will indicate the age at which the product is safe to use. It’s best not to bathe puppies using most dog shampoos until they are 12 weeks old, but dry shampoos differ...similar to human shampoos. For instance, if your puppy gets into something stinky, you can use a deodorizing shampoo. Dogs have various skin types and many shampoos come in formulas for dry or sensitive skin among others. Choose the right shampoo for your puppy.
NEWBORN PUPPIES It is okay to GENTLY wash a newborn with a warm, moist washcloth if necessary. The mother generally licks her puppies to clean them, but a warm cloth over the body particularly the lower abdomen and rectum areas will accomplish the same thing. Other than that, newborns don’t usually get “dirty” as they are not moving around and playing. If you do wash them, keep them WARM during cleaning and afterward as chill can lead to illness or even death. COVERED IN DIRT! On occasion, a playful puppy who is still too young for shampoos may get so dirty that a bath is required. If you cannot find an age appropriate shampoo, use a very small amount of no tears baby shampoo.
Putting a puppy even in a shampoo-less bath can be beneficial to both him and you. Baths will be needed throughout their lives so it becomes much easier if they are already accustomed to it! Here’s to HAPPY BATHING!!
SUSAN TANNER Windermere Pet Sitter bulldawgsusan@yahoo.com 678-755-2931 14
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Dr. Michael Gorlovsky, DMD, MS
#IhaveOnelife to
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Visit onelifefitness.com or bring this to the club near you for a free visit for you and a friend.
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*Must be 18 years or older and local resident. Limit one.
*Must be 18 years or older and local resident. Limit one.
To anyone looking for a new dentist, Dr. Edwards and his staff are outstanding!! Everyone is so warm and friendly. Good job guys!! –Nancy Chirchirillo Windermere Leaflet
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April 2019
Summer Season is just around the corner ALTA registration for the Summer Mixed Doubles season opened on Monday, March 18 and closes on Monday, April 8. Captains, please be sure that you have added Windermere to your roster as a designee using ALTA# 103-591-985. All ALTA dates and deadlines for 2019 can be found here: www.altatennis.org/Public/Calendar/Calendar.aspx USTA registration for the Summer Mens and Womens leagues began Monday, March 4 and is set to close beginning Thursday, April 25 depending on the league. For information on your particular league, please check the USTA Atlanta calendar here: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/76f102_9802c7ae87a141679dacdb67dc12a93d.pdf Captains, your next step is to complete your online roster registration on the Windermere website and to collect any non-resident fees due. Beginning in 2019, the non-resident fee has increased to $35 for each team the player is registered per season. Please complete your online roster submission by Friday, April 19 http://www.windermerecommunity.net/Form/13899~246637/Tennis-Roster-Submission A friendly reminder, non-resident fees for all players on the roster are due before the season starts and before courts will be assigned. Captains, please make this easy on everyone involved and pay the fees on time. For more information regarding this fee, please see the current tennis rules found here: http://www.windermerecommunity.net/ResourceCenter/Download/13899/FINAL%20WINDERMERE%20TENNIS%20RULES?doc_ filename=%2FHOA%2Fassn13899%2Fimages%2FFINAL%20WINDERMERE%20TENNIS%20RULES.pdf&&print=1&view=1
Windermere Tennis is transitioning to a new court reservation system
Windermere has transitioned our court reservation to Kourts.com. This new app will allow you to make court reservations, as well as reserving your spot and paying online for Bobby’s drill sessions. Please ensure that your contact information on the association website (www.windermerecommunity.net) is updated to include email addresses and cell phone numbers, as this is required information to register for the new Kourts app. We encourage you to go ahead and download the app and sign up. Here is a short video to help you get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6LvdWNGOUw If you have any questions about the app or how to use it, please contact Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net or 770-598-8378
Interested in Adult Drills at Windermere? Get the most bang for your buck and join the Adult Academy. The cost to register is $95 per month and includes unlimited open drills. Please remember to RSVP for each drill in order to allow for the proper ratio of coaches to players. Here is the weekly drills schedule. Please contact Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net or 770-598-8378 if you would like to attend or have questions. Monday..................9-10:30am...............Ladies Open Drill Friday....................9-10:30am................Ladies/Mens Open Drill Saturday................9-10:30am................Ladies/Mens Open Drill
Junior Academy at Windermere Pee Wee Classes for our 5-7 year old hitters are held Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-5:15. Cost to attend one day per week is $48 or $96 for both days. 12 and Under and Junior Academy lasses are held Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30-7:00. Cost to attend one day per week is $84 or $168 for both days. Please contact Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net or 770-598-8378 with any questions.
April 2019
Want to stay connected to Windermere Tennis? Contact Bobby at schindlerb@comcast.net to be added to his weekly e-mail newsletter for timely updates on weekly drills, junior lessons and other events at the courts. Also, don’t forget to join the Windermere Tennis Facebook page!
Windermere Leaflet
If It’s All Green, It’s All Good!
Thanks to everyone who came out to the first tennis social of the year. Windermere players donned their best St. Paddy’s Day attire and enjoyed a yummy dinner catered by Zoe’s Kitchen courtesy of the Tennis Committee. Players participated in a casual round robin format. Claudine LeFrancois was the overall winner of the round robin, winning a close tie-breaker against Curt Dalton. Skeet Spillane won the lucky fistful of $2 bills for sporting the most spirited outfit. Make plans to join us for our next tennis social celebrating Cinco de Mayo! Check the Windermere Tennis Facebook page in the next few weeks to sign up.
NOW REGISTERING FOR WINTER 2019!!! Check out some of our new programs! We now have toddler birthday parties, and open gym events! Girls Gymnastics Boys Classes Parent’s Night Out Tumbling Classes Birthday Parties Gym/Dance Combo Classes Mom and Me 2-3yrs Pre-School Classes Ninja Xtreme Classes
Follow us on social media!
7230 McGinnis Ferry Rd Suwanee, GA 30024 Suite 100
Facebook: Gymnastics World of Georgia Instagram: @gymnasticsworldofga
770-751-9019 www.gymworldofga.com
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
M 1
Lodge Closed for Maintenance
Pool Committee Meeting 6pm
Lodge Closed for Maintenance
Newgate BOD 7pm
Lodge Closed for Maintenance
T 4
F 5
Lodge Closed for Maintenance
S 6
Lodge Closed for Maintenance
Bunco 7pm
Finance Committee Meeting 2pm
Tennis Committee Meeting 7pm
Board Meeting 7pm
Good Friday 21
Garage Sale; Electronic Recycling
Easter Sunday 28
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Does your home need some work? Are you thinking about renovating? ...Not sure if your project needs approval? Most projects that are performed to a home or lot require prior approval from the Association. Contact us at Windermereactivities@comcast.net • As a reminder, the ARC Request process is outlined below.
FOR A COMPLETE COPY OF THE ARC GUIDELINES PLEASE CLICK HERE. Section 1.01 Modifications Requiring Approval Every structure or thing which is placed, erected, or installed upon any Unit and all improvements or other work (including staking, clearing, excavation, grading, and other site work, exterior alterations of existing improvements, or planting or removal of landscaping) which takes place within Windermere, must be in compliance with the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines. New construction or any change or modification that is visible from the outside of a residence is subject to these guidelines and the authority and approval of the ARC. Section 1.02 Submittals (a) Process A three-step process as follows: (i)Complete online Application for Modification form (ii) Gather required supporting documentation (iii) Submit Application and supporting documentation to the Property Manager – PLEASE NOTE THE DATE RECEIVED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER MAY DIFFER FROM THE DATE PRINTED ON THE ONLINE APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION FORM
(b) Fee for the process There are no fees for the standard review process for ARC Applications. However, per the Financial Policies and Procedures Applications to the Architectural Review Committee for changes, alterations, additions, or deletions to property by delinquent homeowners will not be considered until all obligations for that individual property are resolved. Certain projects such as but not limited to, an addition to a residence, new construction and pool/courtyard additions may require review from a licensed architect. These types of projects shall be subject to additional review fees as determined by the Board or their designee. The property owner will receive notification of additional fees once an application has been submitted and all fees must be paid prior to starting the review process. Fees are payable via check or money order. If you wish to expedite the standard review process for your ARC Application which would not require review by a licensed architect rush fees will be charged as follows: Approval in 2-4 Days once a complete form is submitted - $100 fee payable at the time of submission. Approval in 5-7 Days once a completed from is submitted - $50 fee payable at the time of submission. At the discretion of the Association Manager, certain projects may not be permitted to be rushed. Applications may be submitted at any time, with an average processing time of 14 business days. Please plan ahead for all projects, including holiday and birthday gifts. Failure to receive prior approval for any and all projects is subject to sanctions for violation including unapproved modification fines starting at $200. Please contact us at windermereactivities@comcast.net if you do not receive a decision letter. Ensure all required documentation including but not limited to: (paint samples, roof shingles, plat/survey site, materials lists, renderings, etc.) are included with your application. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in the application not being accepted or delays in the processing time.
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
Swim Team News
Reminder to Register for Waves - Registration Closes May 1st
ONLY FOUR WEEKS LEFT TO REGISTER FOR OUR WINDERMERE WAVES SWIM TEAM!! We are planning some fun activities for the kids including Fun Fridays, Swimmer of the Week, Snow Cone days, and fun themes for each home meet. Practices will begin MONDAY, May 6th and continue through June 27th (see details below for practice times for each age group). Meets are held at 5:30pm on Thursdays, with the first meet on May 30TH and then each Thursday in June. We end the season with our biggest meet, the Forsyth County Meet, which will be held on Friday, June 28th at the GA Tech Natatorium. Please see our website (www.windermerewaves.com) for all registration information, volunteer positions, team suit info., and information about our Ripples program (4 to 5 year olds). PRACTICE SCHEDULE IN MAY: (last 3 weeks of May, begins May 6th)
SUMMER PRACTICE SCHEDULE: (Mornings, begins Tuesday, May 28th )
Monday-Thursday (Afternoons): 6 & Under – 4:30 to 5:00 7 & 8’s – 5:00 to 5:45 9 & 10’s – 5:45 to 6:30 11 & over – 6:30 to 7:30
Monday – Friday (no practice, Monday 27th/Memorial Day): 9 & 10’s – 8:00 to 9:00am 11 and over – 9:00 to 11:15am 7 & 8’s – 10:15 to 11:15 6 & under 11:15 to 12:00 (noon) Ripples (4+ year olds*) – 12:00 to 12:45 (*Monday-Wednesday and Friday, 4 days a week)
A Top 10 Real Estate Team in North Atlanta. On average, our listings sell for 99% of list price and are on the market for a median of 13 days. 2715 Grovewood Court $795,000
Sold In Six Days
2034 Grosmont Place compass.com
April 2019
Sold In Four Days
678.744.8206 sherryandcorealestate.com
All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. All measurements and square footagers are approximate. Exact dimensions can be obtained by retaining the services of an architect or engineer. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage. Compass is a licensed real estate broker. Equal Housing Opportunity.
***REGISTRATION CLOSES MAY 1ST*** Registration fees include: kickoff celebration, end of season banquet and a swimmer’s t-shirt. To be guaranteed a t-shirt, must register by April 30th.
Windermere Leaflet
Active Clubs
JIU JITSU CLUB We are starting the Windermere Jiu Jitsu club. Men and women can come train with us for the following reasons: · Effective self-defense · Increased physical fitness · Mentally stimulating and challenging · Relieve stress · Expand your comfort zone. You can learn more about it online, or just come join us and see how much fun you can have. Classes will be weekly, and free of charge. The schedule is still in development, but will start very soon. For information, call Richard Clark at 678-689-5171. You can also email me at juniordrums@hotmail.com COUPLES BRIDGE: Meets every 3rd Saturday of the month. Contact Marcia Tidwell at 770-330-5386. LADIES BRIDGE: Meets every Thursday at the Lodge and would love to welcome some new members! Contact Beryl Deal at 678-341-6848.
WINE CLUB: Meets monthly at the Lodge. RSVP required. For more information please contact Frances Page at francespage1002@gmail.com for more details! LADIES BUNCO: Meets the 1st Thursday of every month at the Lodge. Please contact Katherine Mankin at katandart@hotmail.com for more details! WINDERMERE LADIES’ BOOK CLUB: If you enjoy reading and if you would like to get to know some of the ladies in Windermere, we would love to have you join us at our April meeting, which is on April 11th at 7 PM in one of our members’ homes, where we will be discussing Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate. Even if you don’t have a chance to read this month’s book, please join us anyway for dinner, wine, and conversation. Any Windermere female adult resident is welcomed to attend if you love to read. Please email Sherry Seabrooke at stseabrooke@gmail.com if you are interested in attending this month or have any questions. LOOKING TO START A NEW CLUB? Contact windermereactivities@comcast.net
Hey Windermere,
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Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
News from the
Forsyth Chamber of Commerce BOULDER DASH 5K/10K NAMED TO SOUTHEAST TOURISM SOCIETY’S TOP 20 EVENTS IN THE SOUTHEAST The Southeast Tourism Society’s (STS) Top 20 Festival and Event Awards have highlighted programs around the Southeast since 1985, and Cumming’s own Boulder Dash 5k/10k is one of those programs for 2019! STS, founded in 1983, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting travel and tourism within 12 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Travel industry experts select twenty events per month, and STS publicizes them throughout the United States. Events considered for the STS Top 20 recognition must be at least three years old and have attendance of at least 1,000. The complete list is published on the Southeast Tourism Society and Travel Media Press Room’s websites. “The Top 20 Festival and Event Program is celebrating 34 years of spotlighting the best festivals and events in the Southeast. Our goal is to provide well-deserved accolades for the dedicated event organizers and additional media exposure for their events,” said Monica Smith, president and CEO of STS. “The Southeast offers so many unique, year-round, opportunities for attendees to create memories and support an industry that is an economic generator for its community.” Runners and walkers alike will be challenged by the 10th Annual Boulder Dash 5k/10k race as they wind their way into Martin Marietta Materials’, Cumming quarry. Organized by the Healthcare Association of Forsyth County, an initiative of the CummingForsyth County Chamber of Commerce, Northside Hospital Forsyth and Martin Marietta Materials’ Boulder Dash offers participants views of the working quarry face, ancient rock deposits, and massive equipment used to process, move and manage the rock. At the finish line, the Martin Marietta Spring Fling awaits, with lots of fun for racers and spectators alike. The 2019 Boulder Dash 5k/10k will take place on the morning of Saturday, April 27th. To find out more information and to register for the race please visit www.RunBoulderDash.com. CONCERNED WITH TRAFFIC? PLAN TO ATTEND THE 2019 TRANSPORTATION SUMMIT Transportation continues to be a hot-topic in Forsyth County. In an effort to encourage conversation and pre-planning the Chamber is once again partnering with the Forsyth County Government and the South Forsyth Rotary Club to host the 2019 Transportation Summit. To have your voice heard and your questions answered, mark your calendar for the 2019 Transportation Summit. This lunch event will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at the Forsyth Conference Center located at 3410 Ronald Reagan Boulevard, Cumming, GA 30041. The cost of this event is $15 and includes lunch and the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of invited guests and featured speakers including: GDOT Commissioner Russel McMurry, Chairman of the State House Transportation Committee Rep. Kevin Tanner, ATL Interim Director Chris Tomlinson, MMIP Program Manager Tim Matthews, Assistant Manager of Forsyth County Transportation Projects Garrin Coleman and Cumming Mayor Troy Brumbalow. All attendees must register with the Chamber with the exception of South Forsyth Rotary Club members. Limited seating will be available at no cost for those choosing to not partake in lunch. Tickets that include lunch are $15. The program will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will conclude at 1:00 p.m. To register to attend visit www. cummingforsythchamber.org or call 770-887-6461. 22
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Bleed Bleed Area Area(9” (9”xx6”/0.25” 6”/0.25” Bleed) Bleed) Final Final Trim TrimSize Size(8.5” (8.5” x 5.5”) 5.5”)
GARAGE GARAGESALE SALE Actual dimensions: 4.25” x 2.25”
May-Sept May-Sept SANTA Nov SANTA Nov PHOTOS PHOTOS 9-10 9-10
Jun Jun2828
**Events **Events and and Dates Datesmay maybe be subject subject to tochange change
W IW NID NE DREM RM EE RREECCO OM MM M UN NIITTY. Y.NNEETT Bleed Bleed Area Area(9” (9”xx6”/0.25” 6”/0.25” Bleed) Bleed) Final FinalTrim TrimSize Size(8.5” (8.5” x 5.5”) 5.5”)
WONDERLAND FIREWORKS FIREWORKS WONDERLAND Bleed Bleed Area Area (9” (9”x x6”/0.25” 6”/0.25” Bleed) Bleed)
3344 BUFORD HWY CUMMING, GA 30041 678-898-9670
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
Bleed Area (9” x 6”/0.25” Bleed)
SPRINGSept Sept 21 21 FALL FALL Apr Apr1414SPRING GARAGE GARAGE SALE SALE TRUNK Oct SPRING SPRING Oct1313 Apr Apr27 27 TRUNK OR OR TREAT TREAT ANNUAL ANNUAL POOL May May1818POOL Oct 19 19 Actual dimensions: 4.25” x 2.25” to bleed off right and bottom
GAINESVILLE,GA Postal Addressing Area (4” x 2” on final trim)
Postal Addressing Area 2” on final trim) to bleed off right(4” andxbottom
APRIL 14th
Mar Mar1515
Bleed x 6”/0.25” Bleed) FinalArea Trim(9”Size (8.5” x 5.5”) Final Trim Size (8.5” x 5.5”)
Jul Jul2727
Live Image Image Area Area (8” (8” xx 5”) 5”) Live
windermere lodge
Feb Feb 99
2019 2019
Calendar Calendar ofofEvents Events
Final Trim Size (8.5” x 5.5”)
Boutique & Gift Show
Final Trim Size (8.5” x 5.5”)
Summer Camps!
CAMP NAME: i9 Sports Multi-Sports Camps DATES: June 10-14 June 17-21 June 24-28 July 15-19 July 22-26 TIMES: 9am-12pm for half day 9am-3pm for full day AGES: 5-11 TO SIGN UP: Please call 678-731-9009 or click here www.i9sports.com
CAMP NAME: International Soccer Camp DATES: July 8-12 TIMES: Tiny Tykes 8-9am Half Day 9-12pm
AGES: Tiny Tykes 3-5 yrs Half Day 6-14 yrs
TO SIGN UP: https://challenger.configio.com/pd/185682/windermere-community?returncom=productlist CAMP INFO: Challenger Sports, the leading soccer camp company in North America, is combining the most popular elements of their two existing industry-leading camp programs, British Soccer and TetraBrazil, integrating them into a collection of the most effective soccer practices used by youth teams around the world. The new Challenger International Soccer Camp reflects the truly global nature of the sport today and provides young players with a wide variety of coaching styles, practices, and influences that will help them develop a well-rounded skill set. We have taken the best coaching methodologies and practices from England, Brazil, Spain, USA and France and have woven them together in a multi-faceted on and off-field coaching experience. Most camps will include a free soccer ball, T-shirt, Poster and Certificate, but please check your individual sessions on the next page to confirm this. Any camp or clinic participant will receive the iChallenge App and 20 free skill-building videos! 24 April 2019 www.WindermereCommunity.net Windermere Leaflet
Imagine That! Camps at Windermere
We make learning Fun!
CAMP NAME: RoboCode and Gaming DATES: July15-19 TIMES: 9-3 with optional early and late care AGES: 8-12 years old TO SIGN UP: Click here to register www.ImagineThatFun.com CAMP INFO: Introduction to Programming and Robotics using LEGO
MINDSTORMS™ NXT and EV3 Robots. Learn Gaming with Roblox Studio. The students will have a great time as they really get to understand what makes a robot operate. Click here to read more.
CAMP NAME: TechnoScience Fun DATES: July 15-19 TIMES: 9-3 with optional early and late care AGES: 5-7 years old TO SIGN UP: Click here to register www.ImagineThatFun.com CAMP INFO: What a great combination! We will combine the fun of
Mystery Science with LEGO® Education’s WeDo Robots, Simple Machines and Programming with Scratch! Click here to read more.
CAMP NAME: Code A Bot DATES: July 22-26 TIMES: 9-3 with optional early and late care AGES: 5-7 years old TO SIGN UP: Click here to register www.ImagineThatFun.com CAMP INFO: Exciting camp for our tech enthusiast! We will explore Boost Robots, Coding and Stop Motion Videos. Click here to read more.
CAMP NAME: Goo, Gas, Great Balls of Fire! DATES: July 22-26 TIMES: 9-3 with optional early and late care AGES: 7-11 years old TO SIGN UP: Click here to register www.ImagineThatFun.com CAMP INFO: This camp is an incredible combination of Science and Technology
where we will use the LEGO Crazy Contraptions and Technics, along with exciting chemistry science experiments! This is a great hands-on fun camp. What more could you want in one camp! Click here to read more.
Great camp all around. Of all the camps my 7 year old attended this Summer, this is the one he talks about constantly. The level of programming and circuit building was beyond anything expected. Extremely impressive for kids of this age. Would return again in a heartbeat. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen my son more passionate about anything that he was to attend the Imagine That Minecraft camp. He asked me to wake him up early so that he could get there first thing in the morning and get started. His instructor is amazing and he’s learning a ton. Very high recommendation for this camp. Well put together and organized. It was a first class experience. www.WindermereCommunity.net Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
ANNUAL SPRING YARD SALE SATURDAY ONLY! April 27th - 8:00am – 3:00pm
Do you have some things that you just don’t need or want anymore? If so, get ready for Windermere’s Annual Spring Garage Sale! Windermere will provide the Garage Sale signs at the main entrance monument of each neighborhood. We will advertise the neighborhood sale in the classified section of the AJC and Forsyth County News. Please do not place signs in your yard, however we do encourage those participating to place a balloon on your mailbox. We do not advertise specific addresses; therefore, we suggest that you place additional advertisement to draw traffic to your home. The following Forsyth County Thrift Stores are happy to offer free pickup of large items that are in good working order. For bags of clothes and smaller items, they request that you drop items off at their convenient, local locations. FORSYTH COUNTY FAMILY HAVEN Pick-ups on Saturdays. Please call 770-844-0842 to schedule a pick-up. Website: www.forsythcountyfamilyhaven.info HUMANE SOCIETY OF FORSYTH COUNTY Pick-ups on Thursdays. Please call 770-886-5806 at least a week or more in advance. They do not take toys, undergarments or mattresses. Website: www.forsythpets.org NO LONGER BOUND Please call 678-679-1172 or email them at thriftstore@nolongerbound.com to schedule your pick-up. They also accept car donations. (www.nolongerbound.com/ donate-a-car) Website: www.nolongerbound.com/industries/nlb-thrift-store CARRY ON YOUTH, INC Is a 501c3 non-profit that seeks to provide recreational and mentoring services to youth who have lost a parent. We accept all clothing and smaller household items including sports equipment. We do not accept large furniture, large appliances, tv’s, or mattresses. To schedule a pick-up please call 770.540.3170 or email at CarryOnYouth@gmail.com please include name, phone, and street address. Website: www.carryonyouth.org HUMANE SOCIETY RESALE SHOP AND BOUTIQUE A not-for profit located in Dawson County behind the North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall. They provide funding to the Dawson County Humane Society No Kill Shelter. They are an upscale resale and can schedule pickups for larger items. Please call 706-429-5400 to schedule a pickup. Donations are tax deductible.
ON: I T A LOC l Poo ut abo d n u ro
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet
Claire Smith & Sonja Bullard have hidden the
Golden Egg! Windermere Easter Egg Hunt April 13
One lucky child will receive the golden egg full of prizes! Stars & Strikes, Launch AMC Theaters, Fuzzywigs & more!
Windermere Leaflet
April 2019
K C O R O T H C BA S P M A C C I MUS for kids who love to play! ROCK BAND (AGES 7+) B2R GLEE (AGES 7+) ROCK CITY WORLD TOUR (AGES 4-7)
y& a d f l ps Ha m a c ay full d ilable! ava site b e w r See ou details. re for mo
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 678-771-8228 ï‚« BachtoRock.com 3130 Mathis Airport Parkway, Suwanee, GA 30024 (Publix Shopping Center) 28
April 2019
Windermere Leaflet