Inspire Health January 2021

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n e e l h t a K Sh effer

Empowering Natural Living

Lose Weight Without Dieting The Lowdown on Food & Your Libido 7 Signs You Have a Healthy Dog

A Supplement To § #inspirehealthmag



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contents Winter/Spring 2021


The Lowdown on Food & Your Libido







Natural Remedies for Eczema Top Signs Your Clothes Don't Fit

Lose Weight Without Dieting Crispy Roasted Duck With Orange Glaze


Spinach and Lentil Soup

7Signs 14 YOU HAVE A HEALTHY DOG § #inspirehealthmag




By Sarah Kirckland

The Lowdown on Food & Your Libido YOUR KITCHEN MIGHT BE THE BEST PLACE TO SPICE UP YOUR SEX LIFE. THAT’S RIGHT–BY EATING THE RIGHT KINDS OF FOOD, YOU CAN GIVE YOUR LIBIDO A BOOST. THE FOLLOWING FIVE FOODS ARE PARTICULARLY PROFICIENT AT INCREASING YOUR SEX DRIVE: AVOCADOS are high in vitamin B6 which helps keep your energy and stamina up. They’re high in monounsaturated fats that are responsible for clearing cholesterol from blood vessels, ensuring smoother blood flow through the entire body. They are also high in potassium which aids nerve function and muscle performance. DARK CHOCOLATE increases the production of the feel-good chemical known as dopamine. Dopamine is associated with feelings of sexual desire and anticipation. Chocolate is also high in phenethylamine, a chemical produced in the brain when people are in love. The quintessential aphrodisiac, OYSTERS have been helping people increase their sex drive for centuries. The Romans clued into the fact that oysters can improve libido and Caligula is rumored to have eaten 50 oysters a day to this effect. Oysters work by increasing testosterone production and maintaining healthy sperm levels. WATERMELON is high in phytonutrients such as citrulline and lycopene, which help to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to sexual organs. It also helps you feel more relaxed and keeps you hydrated, which is great for those nights that go late into the evening. ASPARAGUS is high in vitamin E which helps to stimulate sex hormones. In addition, it has a diuretic effect which means that it helps to fight bloat and gives you a flatter tummy. Asparagus also prompts the production of histamine which has been shown to improve erectile function and increase the release of female sex hormones. If your libido isn't quite up to the level that you would like it to be at, you don't need to worry. By eating the foods outlined in this article, you can give your sex drive the boost it needs.



Winter § Spring 2021

natural beauty

Natural Remedies FOR ECZEMA

Aloe Vera Plant

By Amy Smith

Cover Yourself During Cold Weather When it’s cold outside, the wind can make your skin dry and create an eczema flare. Keep your skin covered when going out in cold weather. If you get eczema on your face, use a soft scarf to cover it and reduce cold exposure. Try to avoid thick clothing with wool as it may irritate your skin.Vitamin E

Apple Cider Vinegar When you have an eczema flare, the broken skin can be prone to infection. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar makes it useful in many home remedies including fighting bacteria. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water, dip gauze into the solution, then place the gauze on your skin and let it sit for a few hours. If you are experiencing itchy skin all over, pour two cups of vinegar into a warm bath and sit in the tub for about 20 minutes. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe vera gel is used to treat multiple skin ailments, from bug bites to sunburns. It can also soothe broken skin and prevent infections. To use aloe vera gel, apply it directly to your skin. If you have an

Eczema is an uncomfortable condition to deal with. Even though there is no cure, there are ways to treat the symptoms. Try one of these easy, natural remedies at home. If you develop an adverse reaction to any treatment, be sure to stop immediately and contact your doctor.

Not Only For Beauty

The aloe vera plant has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient Egypt. From relieving heartburn to slowing the spread of breast cancer, researchers are just beginng to unlock the benefits of this easy to grow plant. • Keeps Produce Fresh • Alternative to Mouthwash •L owers Blood Sugar • Potential to Fight Breast Cancer • Relieves Heartburn •R elieves Sunburn and Other Burns • A Natural Laxative

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Gentle Soaps Your body washes and detergents may dry out your skin and cause flareups. When you are shopping around for new soap, look for ones that are gentle and fragrance-free. When doing the laundry, do not put in fabric softener as it often contains chemicals that can irritate your skin.

Coconut Oil Using coconut oil can help bring moisture to your skin, which soothes eczema symptoms. Coconut oil is solid in the jar but turns to liquid when it comes into contact with skin. You can apply coconut oil directly to the skin after bathing and before bed. It can be purchased in grocery stores and drugstores.

aloe vera plant, cut a small part of it off and rub the gel on your skin.





Your Clothes Don't Fit By Liz Strand


There's a gap in your blouse buttons.

The most common sign that your shirt is too small for your frame is the button gap. It may fit your shoulder and the rest of your upper torso correctly, but your bust could be stretching the fabric in the middle. Looking for a shirt that fits in the all the right places can be tricky. Fashion experts recommend stocking up on flowing blouses to make it comfortable to wear a top that fits right.

Your belly sticks out.

If you need to suck in your gut constantly or you find it hard to breathe and relax, then your clothes are too tight. A muffin top is one sign that you are wearing jeans a couple of sizes too small. Your jeans should comfortably hug your waist and stay that way when you sit down. A good trick is to fit two fingers between the denim waistline and the hips. If lack of space forbids you to do so, then you need to get a bigger size.

Your shirt is too short when sitting down.

When you sit down, your shirt should be long enough to cover your waist. If the seam rides up and exposes your waist as you sit down, you need a longer shirt.

Your shorts ride up.

One way to know if your shorts are too short is if the front hem rides up while you are standing up. This is a tell-tale sign that your shorts are too tight around the waist and short in length. Obviously, if your rear end peaks out of your shorts, they are too short.

Your thighs bulge out.

If your thighs bulge out from under the seam of your shorts, they are too tight. If your denim-clad legs look like wrapped sausages and the fabric creases horizontally in some areas, you are wearing jeans that are a size too small for you. Avoiding clothes that do not fit right only requires some common sense. Remembering these tips can help ensure that the next piece of clothing you buy is a comfortable and flattering fit.



Winter § Spring 2021

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cover story

Picture This NEW HEART, NEW LUNGS, NEW LIFE By Patricia Danflous


hat’s the difference between blue and pink? Kathleen Sheffer can answer that question with exuberance and energy. It’s the difference between living a step away from death and having a second chance for living a full life. For most of her 27 years Sheffer’s complexion was tinged with blue. Now she is pink, rosy and occasionally celebrates when her skin breaks out–just like a normal, healthy young woman. The color of her life changed July 1, 2016, when she received a heart and double lung transplant. “I can’t say that I felt great when I came out of the transplant surgery,” the San Francisco native said. “But



Winter § Spring 2021

when my sister showed me a picture of my pink and healthy hand, I knew my life had changed.” A surgical patient at seven days old, Sheffer’s congenital heart defect would limit and sometimes restrict her life for more than 20 years as her heart worked overtime to keep blood flowing through her body. “Today, surgery can correct the congenital arterial problem I had,” she explained. “I had a repair procedure that had an impact on my lungs with the potential for a heart transplant always a concern.” You know how easy it is to jump in the shower after exercising or to get ready for a special event? For Sheffer, the process required 30 minutes of preparation and after care. “For 16 years I was on continuous

intravenous medications with a central line in my chest,” she noted, explaining that bandaging the area was a precise necessity. While sitting on the sidelines watching her sister’s success as a competitive swimmer could be disheartening, Sheffer didn’t take time to feel sorry for herself. “I could be competitive in a different way,” she stated. “I focused on academics and even though my parents were nervous and worried, I made my way to the University of California– Berkley, not too far away from home.” With a degree in Architecture, Sheffer took a detour from that field, turning her sharp appreciation for detail and creative vision toward photography. A highly respected

corporate event photographer, her first out-of-town assignment not only acknowledged her talent and reputation but also raised a red flag on her medical problems. “I flew to Seattle for that first corporate assignment and stayed with a friend from college,” she said. “I woke up in the middle of the night, couldn’t breathe and was soon coughing up blood. My friend called a Seattle hospital hotline and I experienced a 15-day stay in intensive care.” “This is not good,” she remembered her Stanford doctor explaining when she was able to transfer back home. Sheffer’s condition was rapidly progressing. It was transplant time. Twenty-eight days later, and sooner than anticipated, she got the call that one family’s loss and the generosity of an organ donation was her lifeline. “I spent the fourth of July holiday recovering from surgery to replace a heart that had worked so hard it was four times the normal size, and lungs that could no longer

function. It was a total remodel of my chest area,” she said smiling. “During the days after surgery I also celebrated and silently thanked those I didn’t know for helping me to live,” she emphasized. The color of her skin is not the only thing that changed posttransplant. “I never imagined how transformative good circulation can be,” Sheffer said. “I can exercise, do laundry and make dinner without stopping to rest every few minutes. I never learned how to exercise because I couldn’t. Now I have started to play tennis and the first Christmas after the transplant I went on a seven-mile hike with my parents in Sedona, Arizona.” Sheffer’s isn’t just exercising and adding sports to her repertoire of life experiences. She’s winning medals. Two years after her transplant she joined Team NorCal, a group of transplant recipients, living donors, donor families and caregivers, participating in the Transplant Games of America. The highly competitive event showcases

the impact of organ, eye, and tissue registration while celebrating life and remembering donors. A member of the badminton, cycling and table tennis teams, she brought home a gold medal in badminton and two gold medals in a cycling competition–racing through the high altitude of Salt Lake City, Utah. “The 2020 Games were canceled due to COVID-19, but I am looking forward to the upcoming games, especially 2022 when they will be in San Diego, close to home,” she said. “I would like to honor my donor by wearing their name on my team shirt, but I have yet to make contact with them. I have written letters of thanks, which the organ procurement agency passes on, but haven’t gotten a response. I may never hear from the donor family, but I do want them to know how grateful I am.” As an organ recipient, Sheffer fell into the high risk category when COVID-19 made its impact on the world. “Just a few days after we had finished remodeling my childhood home, now my home and studio, the country went into lockdown,” she said. “I am anxious to return to shooting corporate events and had to be a little creative while isolating. Taking photos of food and products is not as much fun as interacting with people, but it is a challenge that is sharpening my techniques.” Sheffer accepts the gift of life from her unknown donor seriously, making health a priority as well as compliance with COVID guidelines. “I have a responsibility to the donor and their family to take good care of the organs they generously donated,” she said. “I want to stay healthy for all of us.” To see more and learn more about Kathleen Sheffer, visit her website at or find her on Instagram § #inspirehealthmag



healthy body


Love Plants, Lose Meat. Lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish) can be an important component of a healthy diet. But red meat and processed meat, products like bacon or sausage, are less beneficial. Reduce these types of foods in your diet, and instead eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are lower in calories and higher in volume than other foods - meaning you can fill up on them without gaining weight as easily. Another advantage is that they are high in fiber, which is essential for anybody trying to lose weight. Viscous fiber, a substance only found in plant-based food, increases nutrient absorption and slows stomach emptying, so you'll feel full longer. Water, Water Everywhere. A simple yet effective strategy is to drink a large glass of water before every meal. You'll find that it helps fill you up so you eat less. You should also try replacing sugary drinks with water. Carbonated, sweetened beverages tend to be full of empty calories, so they don't contribute any vitamins or minerals to your diet. They won't do your health any good so give water a chance instead.



Winter § Spring 2021

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU? IT SOUNDS COUNTER-INTUITIVE, BUT THE BEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT IS TO FORGET ABOUT THE DIET. A DIET IMPLIES DRASTIC SHORT-TERM CHANGE - INSTEAD, YOU SHOULD FOCUS ON CREATING HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE AND LONG-TERM HABITS. INTRODUCE THESE SEVEN STRATEGIES INTO YOUR LIFE AND YOU'LL FIND YOURSELF LOSING WEIGHT IN THE HEALTHIEST WAY POSSIBLE. WHY NOT MAKE 2021 THE YEAR YOU DITCH THE DIET BY EMBRACING THESE EFFECTIVE AND TRANSFORMATIVE LIFESTYLE CHANGES? Don't Let Perfect be the Enemy of Good. This advice is usually applied to writing or studying, but it also holds true for weight loss. It's common to want to give up after making a mistake. Maybe you couldn't resist that hot chocolate and slice of cake on a cold rainy afternoon, or an extra helping of your mom's delicious potatoes at dinner. It helps to forget about dieting and think instead about how you want to live your life. You're making a long-term change for the benefit of your health, not a quick-fix. Slip-ups and the occasional unhealthy day are okay - treats can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't worry if this happens, and don't give in to the mindset that everything’s ruined so you may as well indulge more. Reset and start your healthy eating again at the next mealtime.

Think Like a Shark. Sharks must move forward at all times or else they'll die. Perhaps this is a drastic way to look at exercise, but try to avoid sitting still for any length of time. Last year researchers stated that sitting is more dangerous to your health than smoking. You don't need to be in the gym constantly in order to lose weight. Weight loss can be achieved by small tweaks to your amount of movement throughout the day. Take the stairs rather than the elevator, offer to make the coffee for everybody else, walk to the store instead of driving, or have a conversation in person at the office instead of email. These tiny modifications will add up.

Smaller Plates, Smaller Portions. If you already eat healthy and exercise often but you're not seeing any changes to your weight, portion size could be the culprit. If you typically serve your food on a large plate, you may be serving larger portions without realizing it. Switch to a smaller plate and you’ll find that you eat less - without missing the extra food.

Mind Over Matter. We've all heard of the buzz around mindfulness, which just means being present and aware in the moment. But how can this help you lose weight? By thinking about each bite rather than just automatically eating, you're more likely to stop when you feel full. Try to avoid electronic distractions such as the television while you're eating. You'll enjoy your food more and ultimately eat less. WEIGHT LOSS IS NEVER EASY, BUT THESE SIMPLE MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR LIFESTYLE CAN GO A LONG WAY TO HELPING YOU ACHIEVE GOOD HEALTH. A POSITIVE MINDSET AND A FOCUS ON NUTRITION CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR WELL-BEING.

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Crispy Roasted Duck WITH ORANGE GLAZE By Christian Dischler INGREDIENTS FOR GLAZE: •1/3 cup brown sugar • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice • 2 tbs apple cider vinegar • 2 sprigs thyme • 1 sprig rosemary Cook sugar in heavy saucepan until it begins to melt. Keep stirring until it becomes a smooth caramel. Add orange juice and vinegar slowly with caution, as mixture may bubble and sugar may harden. Cook on medium heat, stirring for several minutes until caramel is dissolved in mixture. Add herbs for final minutes of cooking then set aside. Before serving, warm sauce if necessary and remove herbs. FOR DUCK: • 1 whole duck (5-6 lbs) •C oarse salt and fresh cracked pepper • 2 oranges, sliced and seeded • 8 cloves peeled garlic • 1 onion, sliced • 1 carrot, peeled and sliced • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary



Winter § Spring 2021

• 2 sprigs fresh thyme • 1/2 cup orange liqueur • 1/2 cup water or stock DIRECTIONS •P reheat oven to 475. Rinse duck in cold water and pat dry. Using kitchen shears, trim excess fat off bird near base of neck and rear cavity. Clip wing tips off and set aside with neck bone. Prick duck skin with sharp fork all over, being careful not to make an incision into the meat. Paint duck with orange liqueur. Rest for 10 minutes. Season inside and outside of duck with salt and pepper. •P lace rack in roasting pan. Place half of vegetables and herbs, neck bone, wing tips and one sliced orange at base of pan. Pour ½ c water or stock into pan. Place whole duck breast side up on roasting rack. Fill cavity with remaining vegetables, herbs and orange slices. Score breast fat in crosshatch pattern without cutting into flesh. Place on middle oven rack and cook 30 minutes. •R emove entire pan from oven. Place

in safe spot. Tilt duck to drain juice from cavity into pan. Remove rack with duck and place over sink or towel to catch drippings. Skim fat off roasting pan liquid with spoon or baster (save fat in container for later use if desired). Place rack with duck back on pan. Lower temperature to 350 and place duck back in oven. • Cook duck until thermometer placed in thick part of thigh reaches 165. Remove duck and repeat skimming process. Set oven to high broil and place duck under broiler for 3-5 minutes while checking frequently. Remove duck and let rest for at least 10 minutes. Skin should be golden and crispy. • Carve duck and serve with orange glaze and chopped fresh rosemary. • Optional: Reduce 1/2 cup red wine in separate saucepan then strain pan drippings into saucepan. Reduce until thick for a quick sauce au jus. *Chicken can be substituted in recipe by skipping fat scoring step.


SPINACH & LENTIL SOUP By Christian Dischler INGREDIENTS  3 tbsp olive oil  1 onion, diced  1 carrot, peeled and diced  1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced  4 garlic gloves, minced  1 tbsp tomato paste  1 1/2 tsp ground cumin  1 1/2 tsp ground coriander  1/4 tsp cayenne or red pepper flakes  1/2 tsp salt  1/2 tsp black pepper  1 bay leaf  1 quart vegetable stock  1 1/2 cups green or red lentils  2 cups water, as needed  2 cups fresh spinach  1/4 cup chopped cilantro  1 lemon or lime, juiced

DIRECTIONS  In a large cast iron or ceramic pot, heat olive oil on medium high until shimmering. Add onion, pepper and carrots. Cook until onions begin to turn golden brown. Add garlic and cook for additional 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add spices, tomato paste and flour. Cook until fragrant.  Add vegetable stock to mixture and continue stirring until liquid comes to a boil and paste is incorporated. Add lentils to liquid and cook on high heat for 5 minutes. Lower to simmer, place lid on and cook for 20 minutes, or until lentils are tender.  Add spinach, cilantro and citrus juice. Cook until spinach is tender. Add water to the soup as needed to reach desired consistency. Season to taste and enjoy. § #inspirehealthmag



pets What are the signs of a healthy dog? Dogs don't come with an owner's manual and new dog owners sometimes don't know if their dogs need veterinary care. But dog owners can count on a healthy pup when they observe the following seven qualities.



By Liz McGehee


Attitude Although some dogs will always be more or less active than others, healthy dogs are active and playful. They wag their tails a lot and enjoy their food. But if they are adult dogs, they neither lose nor gain weight. They take interest in their people and their surroundings and get enough sleep, but not too much.


Coat and Skin Dogs let their people know they have skin and coat problems by biting and licking. Many dogs try to lick their skin problems away. The most common canine skin problem is flea bite allergy, which can continue for weeks after fleas have been eradicated.


Dental Health Many dogs have dental issues. Without having their teeth brushed several times a week and dental checkups at the vet at least once a year, many dogs, especially smaller ones, develop red gums and loose teeth. The only way to prevent the gingivitis that leads to canine periodontal disease is brushing your dog's teeth on a regular basis.


Movement Dogs need daily play time. They should have pain-free, fluid movements, although; many dogs will not be able to go up and down stairs.


Poop Your dog's poop should be firm and brown. Anytime either constipation or diarrhea continues for longer than 2 days, you should consult a veterinarian. Poop should also be parasite-free.


Smell Healthy dogs are odor-free. They do not have the malty or yeasty smell associated with skin and ear infections. They do not have the fecal odor caused by impacted anal glands (which should only be treated by your vet).


Temperature Normal body temperature for a dog is 101° to 102.5° F (38.3° to 39.2° C). When your notouch, infrared thermometer shows any higher or lower temperature, it is time to consult your vet..



Winter § Spring 2021

Introducing Signia Xperience Introducing Signia Xperience Introducing Signia Xperience

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HEAR WHAT MATTERS MOST. EVEN ON THE MOVE. Signia Nx hearing aids with natural own voice processing and direct streaming.

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The world around you is always in motion, just like you. Existing hearing aid technology is unable to factor in changes in both your movement and the sounds around you. This leaves you open to missing out on life’s most important sounds and conversations. technology is unable to is factor in changes in just bothlike your movement and theaid sounds The world around you always in motion, you. Existing hearing New closed-top charger with drying function. around you. This leaves open life’smovement most important sounds Introducing Signia Xperience themissing first hearing aidon platform that allows you to the technology is unable toyou factor in– to changes inout both your and sounds Charge at night for all day comfort and use. hear important sounds from any direction, in any situation – even when moving. and conversations.

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Winter § Spring 2021

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