and make the sweltering
and pumpkin
of a Georgia summer a distant memory.
There’s nothing like fall in the North Georgia mountains step days From small town festivals to stands patches, leaves of hills,
roadside apple
eating the food, buying the crafts or listening to the music, this guide will help you find where, when and how you can best enjoy the season. It’s fall, y’all, so have fun. Norman Baggs General Manager The Times • Forsyth County News Dawson County News www.LongHornSteakhouse.com Bring your appetite to LongHorn Steakhouse®. We believe in doing things the right way, the LongHorn® way, serving steaks, chicken and fish that are always fresh, never frozen. And our steaks are legendary, perfectly seasoned and expertly grilled to your liking. We’re fired up about bringing you a better steakhouse experience. 795 Hwy 400 South Dawsonville, GA 30534 (706) 265-2007 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-10pm Fri & Sat 11am-11pm LongHorn Steakhouse®, LongHorn® and You Can’t Fake Steaktm are owned by RARE Hospitality Management, Inc. 2013 All About Fall IN NORTH GEORGIA ALL ABOUT FALL 20224
autumn bring with them a season of natural beauty and fun family experiences. Whether your interest is hiking the
to put a spring in your
the brightly colored

We are Dedicated to ServiceExcellent , Quality Work & SatisfactionCustomer 678-771-5372 www.hopewell-roofing.com GAF Certification #ME23664 T TIMES|GAINESVILLETIMESCOM SERVICESOUR ■ Roof Inspections ■ Free EstimatesReplacement ■ General Roofing & Installation ■ Additions ■ Storm Restoration ■ Inspections ■ Consultations ■ Insurance SpecialistsClaims ■ Repairs Restoration& ■ Ventilation ■ Chimney Caps ■ Siding and Painting ■ Gutters, Downspouts ■ Leaf Protection ■ Soffit FasciaandRepair ■ Attic Insulation ■ Storm assessmentdamage ■ Quick relatedweather-response ■ Debris removal and related repair ■ Extended warranties ■ Fully bonded and insured ■ Standing Seam Metal Roofing

The Rodeo will be at the Cumming Fairgrounds Covered Arena on at 8 p.m., Friday, Sept. 2 and Saturday, Sept. 3; and at 7 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 4. The Cumming Fairgrounds is at 235 Castleberry Road in Cumming. Visit cummingfair.squarespace.com for more information.
SEPTEMBER 17-18 Cumming Art Fest
2-4 IPRA Rodeo
17-182-4 Quick Reference NatureFood/DrinksMusic GamesCarnivalArts/CraftsRides/ Description and highlights of
The IPRA Rodeo is an annual Labor Day weekend event. The show features bull riding, bare back riding, barrel racing, cowgirl breakaway roping, calf roping, steer wrestling, team roping and saddle bronc riding.
Event Location, City Hours Contact information and website Date(s) of Event Green
September Orange for November/ USING YOUR GUIDE ALL ABOUT FALL 20226
The Cumming Art Fest, a two-day art-lovers extravaganza, is planned for Sept. 17-18 at the Cumming City Center. 423 Canton Rd, Cumming, GA 30040. For more information, andandwww.cummingcitycenter.comvisit@cummingcitycenteronFacebookInstagram. the event. for


Cumming City Center Fall Market
The City Center is partnering with tenant, Pieces and Peaches, to offer a seasonal fall pop-up market at the City Center. Presented every fall, winter and spring, the City Center Market will allow up to 100 local businesses and artisans the chance to bring in unique and highquality items in a range of categories, such as home wares and décor, fashion and accessories, and gift and food items. The family-friendly market will be set in a festival-like atmosphere with live music and other entertainment, as well as games and activities for kids, in addition to the various vendor booths. The market opens at 10 a.m. 423 Canton Rd, Cumming, GA 30040.
We’re back and better than ever! With free on-site parking, a new festival layout, expanded hours, and updated dining service offerings, we hope you’ll come dance, eat, and shout “Opa!” with us once again on our 16-acre property off Bethelview Road in Cumming. Visit the festival for a unique opportunity to experience the rich Greek culture. There will be live entertainment, including traditional bouzouki and other live music, and energetic performances from a Greek dance troupe, Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene Greek Orthodox Church, 3074 Bethelview Road, Cumming, GA 30040.

CALL 470-695-7444 OR www.bigdsbbq.comVISIT BIG D’S BBQ & BREW 212 Atlanta Rd Cumming, Ga. 30040 (justDAWSONVILLEDOWNTOWN:Hwy.53Wwestofsquare ) DAWSONVILLEOUTLETMALL:GA400&Hwy.53EIntersection LAKEWOOD / 400 ANTIQUE MALL 132130040HwyAtlanta FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: 1-POUND OF PORK OR CHICKEN 41-BBQBUNSSAUCEQUARTOF COLE SLAW OR POTATO SALAD 1- QUART BBQ BAKED BEANS 36 FOROTHERSIDESAVAILABLEADDITIONALCHARGE pakparty forTailgating 770-772-6223 • uncleshucks.com 125 Bannister Rd, Dawsonville, GA 30534 We offer special programs for groups & schools. Call for more information. 15-Acre Corn Maze · Haunted Trail Pumpkin Patch · Corn Cannon · Gem Mining Towering Goat Walk · Kiddie Maze Tire Mountain · Jumpy Pad · Gift Shop Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch Sept. 11 - Nov. 13 Saturdays:Fridays:September4pm10pm10am10 pm Sundays: 10 am 6 pm OctO ber Sun - t hurs: 10 am 6 pm Friday & Sat: 10 am 10 pm N Fridays:Ovember4pm10pmSaturdays:10am10 pm Sundays: 10 am 6 pm O pe 10SeptNS Fall Ac t i v i t i e s ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 9


ALL ABOUT FALL 2021 11 THE MEGEL FAMILY invite you to make the short scenic drive to Dawsonville or Cleveland to experience why we’ve been successful in North Georgia FOR OVER 25 YEARS NOW OPEN CLEVELANDIN 706-865-21682742GEORGIAUS-129Cleveland,GA30528 megelford.com DAWSONVILLE 1392 HWY 400 DAWSONVILLE,SOUTHGA30534 706-265-5400 megelchevycom BEST PRICES – BEST SERVICE NO NEED TO BUY ANYWHERE ELSE COME CHECK OUT WHY JOHN MEGEL CHEVROLET HAS BEEN VOTED THE BEST NEW & USED CAR DEALER IN DAWSON COUNTY FOR THE PAST 7 YEARS! SHOP OUR NEW DEALERSHIP WITH CONFIDENCE.

The Cumming Country Fair & Festival is back for 2022 at the Cumming Fairgrounds. It will run from Oct. 6 and continue through Oct. 16. The Cumming Fairground is at 235 Castleberry Road. Pets, coolers, alcohol and outside food or drinks are not allowed in the Fairgrounds. Fair patrons are welcome to bring strollers, wheelchairs, and chairs for concerts. Hours are 4-10 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 4 p.m. to midnight, Friday; 10 a.m. to midnight, Saturday; 12:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday. This year’s concert performers will be Sawyer Brown on Friday, Oct. 7, Tyler Farr on Tuesday, Oct. 11 and Joe Nichols on Thursday, Oct. 13. All concerts will begin at 8 p.m. and will have no fees other than admission to the fair. 235 Castleberry Rd, Cumming, GA 30040. For more information, call 770-781-3491, visit Cummingfair.net or follow the City of Cumming on Facebook.
House of Four Scythes Haunted Attraction
Benefitting the American Cancer Society, The House of Four Scythes Haunted House will be open for 15 nights this fall. We will be open for all 11 nights of the Cumming Country Fair & Festival along with the last 2 weekends of Oct. The last 2 weekends will feature our famous Clown Maze the Carnival of Screams! The last 2 weekends will also feature the American Cancer Society’s midway and festival which will include vendors, food trucks, music, and much more. 7-10 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 7 p.m. to midnight, Friday and Saturday; 6-9 p.m., Sunday. 235 Castleberry Rd, Cumming, GA 30040. For more information visit: www. fourscytheshaunt.com Make sure to Like or Follow our Facebook or Instagram page for all the updates on the Haunted House.
6-296-16 12 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022
Cumming Country Fair & Festival

ALL ABOUT FALL 2021 13 Each office is independently owned and operated. Check out my Reviews!FollowUs! 678-524-8573 www.LookWithCook.com THE JOHN COOK GROUP #1 Selling Team at KWCP! AlexanderNickRealtor®RealtorCookJohn®/Owner JenniferWestRealtor® ChristopherFrancisRealtor® Admin.StanleyMaryAssistantHendleySharonRealtor® Over 20 years experience selling in Forsyth County!

3 14 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022
Cumming Christmas Parade
The City of Cumming will hold its fourth annual Cumming Christmas Parade on Saturday, Dec. 3. The parade features musical performances, floats and vehicles ranging from Jeeps to firetrucks to SWAT vehicles used by Forsyth County’s Sheriff’s Office leading to the festival at the Cumming Fairgrounds at 235 Castleberry Rd, Cumming, GA 30040. For more information, call 770-781-3491, visit Cummingfair.net or follow the City of Cumming on Facebook.

Your first day of daycare is FREE 15ALL ABOUT FALL 2022

Kinsey Family Farm: 7170 Jot Em Down Road, Gainesville, GA, 770-887-6028. www.kinseyfamilyfarm.com
Sure, farms are fewer and farther between than they used to be in Forsyth County, but several of the ones left are more family-friendly than ever.
Warbington Farms: 5555 Crow Road, Cumming, GA, 770-889-1515 www.warbingtonfarms.com
Visit a Farm
Looking to pick fruit in the spring or pumpkin in the fall? Go to Warbington Farms, where there’s also a corn maze, petting zoo and a family fun park. Never cut down your own Christmas tree? Then head to Bottoms Tree Farm or Kinsey Family Farm where you can chop down the tree of your choosing, as well go on a hayride or see a variety of farm animals. Each offer plenty for families to do year-round.
Tree Farm: 5880 John Burruss Road, Cumming, GA, 770-887-2728. Bottomstreefarm.com

Excludes special orders, optics, DSC Memberships, gift cards, previous purchases, online orders and sale items. Can not be combined with any other offers. Dawsonville location only. Expires Oct. 31st, 2022. (AAF) $7 off a $35 purchase or more Wild Birds Unlimited - (706) 429-0077 425 Quill Drive, Suite 100, Dawsonville GA www.wbu.com/dawsonville Introducing Our New Line Of Quality Hair Products 706 - 482 - 0541 2375 Burnt Stand Road (between Dawsonville & Dahlonega) Gives strength that’s flexible, manageable and virtually invisible. Flex Paste provides a matte finish for a natural untreated look that you can sculpt, mold, shape and twist. Pumpkin Seed Protein: provides flexible strength and manageability to hair and Bentonite Clay allows for move-able hold and protection. ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 17

Sock Hop Block Party September 1 3:30-10 p.m. Main Street, Flowery Branch. renee@flowerybranchga.org Atlanta Dragon Boat Festival September 10 - 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lake Lanier Olympic Park 3105 Clarks Bridge Road, Gainesville tracybarth@dragonboatatlanta.com Wildlife Festival September 10 - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Elachee Nature Science Center 2125 Elachee Drive, Gainesville Hall County Master FallGardeners’Garden Expo September 23 - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. September 24 - 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center 1855 Calvary Church Road, Gainesville mastergardener@hallcounty.org.770-535-8293 $2 All About Fall IN HALL COUNTY 23-2411010 ALL ABOUT FALL 202218

Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds Fall Events Appalachian Brew, Que Festival ober 22nd Saturday, October 22nd Other Fun Events! 38 Special September 1 The BEST o winning tra Country, Blu Gospel m GeorgiaMountainFairgrounds com G e o r g i a M o u n t a i n F a i r g r o u n d s . c o m For more information and a list of our other events, visit our website! Two days of Country, Bluegrass, Gospel & all the Christmas music you can handle! December 2nd & 3rd Coming This CWinter oming This Winter An American Bluegrass Music Group Arts & Craft s, Carnival Rides, Fun Demonstrations, and Music Performances! Georgia Mountain Fall Festival The Oak Ridge Boys Saturday, October 8th Ashley McBryde Saturday, October 15th Featuring October 7th - 15th Brings you great craft breweries from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina & Alabama!

September 10 - 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 126 Harrison St., Braselton Motul Petit Le Mans September 28 - October 1 Michele Raceway Road Atlanta 5300 Winder Highway, Braselton 386-310-6500, info@IMSA.com Local Author Fair September 29 - 3:00 to 8 p.m.
10th Annual Swim Across America Atlanta Open Water Swim
October 1 - 9:00 a.m. Midland Greenway, 682 Grove St., Gainesville. abscott@alz.org404-728-6042, Flowery Branch Fall Festival October 1 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 5302 Railroad Ave, Flowery Branch 770-828-6228, eventsby228@gmail.com FREE 30302928101011 2022
September 10 - 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Lake Lanier Olympic Park 3105 Clarks Bridge Road, Gainesville alisonmillsaps@swimacrossamerica.org770-401-9247 FREE Pooches in the Park
Hall County Library System Gainesville Branch, 127 Main St. NW, Gainesville. 770-532-3311, jcline@hallcountylibrary.org.ext.4011; FREE Georgia Watercolor Society Member Exhibition September 30 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Quinlan Visual Arts Center 514 Green St. NE, Gainesville 770-536-2575, qartscenter@gmail.com FREE “The Pirate Queen” September 30 - 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Brenau University Pearce Auditorium 202 Boulevard NE, Gainesville 678-717-3721, gainesvilletheatrealliance.org.wonderquest@ $8-$15 Walk to End Alzheimer’s

A Little Night(hawk) Music Concert Series Oct. 3 and Nov. 7 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. UNG-Gainesville Performing Arts Building, 3040 Landrum Education Drive, Oakwood. connie.esford@ung.edu.678-717-3930, FREE University of North Georgia Sinfonietta Concert October 5 - 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nix Fine Art Center, 238 Georgia Circle, Dahlonega. 678-717-3930, connie. esford@ung.edu. FREE Mule Camp Market October 7 - 8 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. October 9 - Noon to 5 p.m. Midland Greenway, 682 Grove St., Gainesville. Fall Art Fest October 8 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2454 Ga. Highway 17, Sautee Nacoochee 706-781-5969, mssheila@icloud.com. FREE 7-93758 ServicesLawn Landscape Design & Installation Pine Straw and Mulch Coloring Let Nature’s Color make your pinestraw Look better than new...& we can Color MulchYourToo! Commercial & Residential Irrigation & Landscape Lighting Pinestraw & Mulch Installation & Coloring Grading & Excavation - Retaining Wall Installation Landscape Design, Installation, & Maintenance 404-597-9955 www.naturescolor.net ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 21

Call for FREE Quote! AUTO TINTIN G AVAILABLE, TOO! Professional Installation We provide professional installation, with most jobs being completed in one day. Lifetime Warranty on all our work. WINDOW TINTIN G can : Block 99% of UV rays protecting your floors, windows, furniture, but most importantly you and your family. Block 85% of infra-red heat providing insulation to your windows and lowering your energy bills. PROTECT YOURWITHINVESTMENT WINDOW TINTING 770-888-3939 SOLARCONTROLGLASSTINTING.COM 105 ENTERPRISE DR • CUMMING, GA 10% OFF Residential Tinting Good until 10/31/2022. Minimum $350 order. “TIMELESS PHOTOGRAPHY CAPTURING THE PURE BEAUTY OF MARRIAGE + LIFE...” 22 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022

BonfireRentals•FieldTrips•BirthdayParties SEASONS ON THE FARM Fall Pumpkins & Corn Maze Spring Strawberry Picking Summer Fresh Produce 770-889-1515 www.WarbingtonFarms.com 5555 Crow GeorgiaCumming,Road,30041 SPECIAL EVENT EVERY SATURDAY IN OCTOBER 23ALL ABOUT FALL 2022

Elementary School Art Classes (Grades 1-5) October 19, 26 - 4 to 6:00 p.m. November 2, 9, 16, 30 - 4 to 6:00 p.m. Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 514 Green St. NE, Gainesville. 770-536-2575, info@ qvac.org. $265 Gainesville Theater Alliance New Works Festival October 20 - 23 - 5 to 11 p.m. UNG-Gainesville Performing Arts Center 3040 Landrum Education Drive, Oakwood 678-717-3606, leslie.beaman@ung.edu. $6 Middle and High School Art Classes (Grades 6-12) October 20, 27 - to 7:00 p.m. November 3, 10, 17 - 5 to 7:00 p.m. Quinlan Visual Arts Center 514 Green St. NE, Gainesville 770-536-2575, info@qvac.org. $265 Gainesville Chicken Festival October 22 - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lake Lanier Olympic Park 3105 Clarks Bridge Road, Gainesville 19, 26 2, 9 16, 20222030,273,1017 24 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022

All About Fall IN DAWSON COUNTY SEP18-30
Burt’s Farm will open for its 2022 season beginning on Sept. 1. Hours vary by month; full hours are listed on the website. Come experience the fall season at Burt’s Farm in the secluded North Georgia mountains! The only thing more beautiful than the fall foliage is the sea of orange created by thousands of Burt’s pumpkins. Hay rides, pumpkin patch, fresh-baked goodies and fall decor.
11336 Highway 136 West, Dawsonville Fausett Farms’ 2022 sunflower season will open this September. After opening day, the farm is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week. For 60 years, the farm’s main business was poultry farming, which ended in 2011. Now the farm offers 900,000+ flowers or 30+- acres of beautiful sunflowers for everyone to come out and experience God’s beauty.
SEPTEMBER Fausett Farms Sunflowers
52nd Annual Oktoberfest
Helen Festhalle, Helen Weekends from Sept. 8 through 25 and every day from Sept. 29 through Oct. 30; hours vary Beer, brats, bands and Lederhosenthe Helen Oktoberfest has them all. Join the longest running Oktoberfest in the United States, which runs from September 8 through October 30. helenchamber.com/oktoberfest-menu/oktoberfest-info
Burt’s Pumpkin Farm 5 Burts Pumpkin Farm Road, Dawsonville

Accounting & Bookkeeping for Small Business Don’t get blind-sided by a tax bill that could have been avoided. Don’t hesitate to call on us to help you develop a strategy for dealing with your taxes. We specialize in several levels of accounting & bookkeeping suited to your specific needs. Call:Email:info@bmaplecpa.com (706) 216-2362 Fax: (706) 216-2363 2390 Thompson Rd, Dawsonville BRADLEY CPAMAPLEM Tax Planning and Preparation maplecpa.com — WEST STREETMAPLE—EVENTS BirthdayCapacityPerson100includingparties,Graduation,Corporateeventsandothersocialgatherings. Make Reservations now for this seasons Holiday Parties! westmaplestreet.com (470 ) 238.0886 OPENNOW 513CUMMINGDOWNTOWNWMAPLE ST CUMMING, GA 27ALL ABOUT FALL 2022

Dawson Crossroads 145 Forest www.TrippandCompanyJewelers.com706-265-1030Blvd, Tripp & Company JEWELERS Fine jewelry Store • Custom Design Thank You Dawson For Voting Us Best Jewelry Bring this coupon in for $2.oo off watch battery replacement Must Present Coupon for Offer. COMe VISIt ShOwROOM.... HARLEY-DAVIDSONbyBulova

Crossroads Shopping Center Suite 310 Dawsonville, Ga www.TrippandCompanyJewelers.com706-265-1030 Company JEWELERS Design Studio • Full Service Jeweler Dawson County Store Five Years In A Row! US At OUR New exPANded we hAVe dOUBled OUR SPACe

ALL ABOUT FALL 202230 Family Owned & Operated Open 5 days a week: Tues-Thurs 9 - 5:30 • Fri 9 - 6 • Sat 9 - 4 VOTED BEST GUN STORE AND BEST SPORTING GOODS RETAIL STORE IN DAWSON COUNTY! BUY – SELL – TRADE Class III/NFA Firearms & Located706-216-2113AccessoriesinDowntownDawsonville,onthesquare40Hwy9North,Dawsonville,GA30534 BREATHE WELL - LOOK WELL - FEEL WELL Want that fresh, dewy look again? DO YOU ORALLERGIES,EXPERIENCESINUSEARINFECTIONS? TRY RELAXING - HALOTHERAPY- SALT THERAPYHelps with: Asthma • Allergies • COPD • Cough • Snoring Depression • Acne • Stress • Fatigue Sinus Infections • Ear Infections • much more 78 Dawson Village Way N, Ste 150 Dawsonville, GA 30534 678-835-SALT www.saltmedspa.com/Dawsonville(7258) Long recognized in Europe, Halotherapy is a natural therapy using salt particles for improving breathing ailments, skin conditions, and promoting relaxation. MAKE APPOINTMENTYOURTODAY Treatment1stFREE! Try HydraFacial MD The signature HydraFacial is a 4 step process that detoxifies, rehydrates and protects skin. You will love how you look and feel! ($20 Value) Mention code 1Dawson for a FREE Salt Treatment!

ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 31 THANKYOU! ¡Gracias! MEXICAN RESTAURANT & MARGARITAS www.SenorFiesta.com 770-534-1122 1943 Jesse Jewell Pkwy. SE Ste. Gainesville,900,GA 30501 706-216-5000 12 Dawson Market Way Ste. Dawsonville,300,GA 30534 Come see us in Gainesville or Dawsonville the great emotion and satisfaction we feel for receiving this thanks to all of you. health, strength and leading us on the right path. I also want to supported us for these 2 years of service, without your support or vote, your coworkers,fav thanks to the great team we have achieved starting runners, chip takers, busboys , hostesses, bartenders and managers. work and dedication. ONCE AGAIN THANKS FOR CHOOSING US. Atte: www.SenorFiesta.com Thank You North Georgia for your continued support and for making us your Favorite Mexican Restaurant 4 Years in a Row. NEW & USED RV SALES, SERVICE AND MORE Mark Tuggle Rv Center is a RVGeorgiacompanyfull-serviceinNorthern(justminutesfromAtlanta),providingthebestinsales,service,parks,andmore.Wetreateverycustomerlikefamilyandreallycareabouttheircampingexperience.ThereArePlenty Of Places To See... in a MARK TUGGLE RV 5410 Chattahoochee Ind Park • Cumming, GA 30041 (770) 205-0242 • Toll-Free: (855) 820-4555 www.marktugglervcenter.com

Lee Newton Park, Jasper Saturday Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday Oct. 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come out and enjoy arts, crafts, music and performances on the Headliner Stage, fine art gallery, parade, road race, quarry tours, kids zone, live demonstrations of marble & granite sculpting, pottery, chainsaw carving and more along with an array of festival food.
ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 SEPTEMBER 10 - NOVEMBER 13 Uncle Shucks Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch 125 Bannister Road, Dawsonville Hours vary by month; full hours are listed on website Explore the corn maze, pick up your pumpkin, enjoy the goat walk and shoot off the corn cannon! Uncle Shucks’ 2022 season will run from Sept. 10 through Nov. 13, and “The Dark Rows” haunted corn trail will be open Friday and Saturday nights in October.
Georgia Marble Festival
Dahlonega Trail Fest Dahlonega, Ga Trail Fest, a project of Yahoola Outdoors, is a festival of outdoor enthusiasts revolving around all aspects of non-motorized recreation: hiking, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, mountain biking, orienteeering, and more! The festival features authors, speakers, workshops, music, vendors, and non-profit groups.
Arts in the Park
Downtown City Park, Blue Ridge 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. With over 170+ artists, exhibitors, and vendors booths, our visitors enjoy a variety of fine arts and fine crafts, demonstrations, food, and much more during the Arts in the Park festivals. www.blueridgeartsinthepark.com/2022-fall-arts-in-the-park

JobServiceCustomerisOne (Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six.) All Exterminating Believes: AllExterminatingGA.com

Printable gift certificates available online at BlissMama.com MASSAGE FACIALS SPA SERVICES 110 Samaritan Dr. • Suite 202 • Cumming, GA 30040 (770) 722-2711 HOLISTIC HEALING FOR WOMEN Family-Owned Business in Cumming 525 Lakeland Plaza yonl Shop Local FFa Bam usiness in Cumming akeland Plaza https://www.shoegalleryonline.com/ op Local Family Owned Business in Cumming 525 Lakeland Plaza https://www shoegalleryonline com/ Shop Local Cannot be combined with any other offer, nor used on prior purchases. Excludes GREEN, RED, and YELLOW ticked items, Brighton, Peepers, Goodrs, Hoka One, Brooks, Bogg Bags, Odds-N-Ends, and Gift Cards. Other mfg. exclusions apply. See store for details. Expires 12/24/22.

COME VISIT HOMETOWNYOUR C&WDawsonvilleHARDWARETrueValue 16 Moonshiners Way • Dawsonville, GA 30534 706 525 5140 Mon - Fri 7 am - 7 pm | Sat 8 am - 6 pm | Sun 10 am - 5 pm facebook.com/cwhardware Whether you’re outside or in, you will everythingfindyouneedforfall. Or maybe you need to keep your house warm this winter with some gap sealer or doorsstorm? We have all the FALL supplies for your Seasonal CLEANUP Rakes, Leaf Bags, Wheelbarrows, Lawn Care & more! modern event venue perfect spaces for any size party 16family-friendly706.809.2888taproombeertapwallweekly food trucks indoor & outdoor Oktoberfesttantrumbeer.comseatingkickoffSeptember9th ALL ABOUT FALL 202236

Tax Preparation & Planning Small Business Accounting Payroll Part-Time CFO Services Personal Financial Planning Serving DAWSON, FORSYTH and HALL COUNTIES Christine Hinton CPA Owner C: 706-522-3025 F: 678-550-7765 Christine@ChristineHintonCPA.com ChristineHintonCPA.com Family owned and operated since 1981 At Duncan Exterminating, we are grateful that God has blessed us so richly with a wonderful staff and customers. We hope to be of better service to our fellow man in the years to come. We also offer Wildlife and Mosquito Control 256 Beartooth Pkwy Dawsonville, GA 30534 706-216-1906 3510 Thompson Bridge Rd Gainesville,30506GA 770-536-6734 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 37

INSURANCEINTOFALLLOWERRATES and join the fastest growingNorthagencyinsuranceinGeorgia! chad@chadloganinsurance.com706-867-8888DahlonegaPOINSURANCEADAMSAgentLoganChadwick/Owner&LOGANBOX98GA30533

470-354-0299 proliftdoors.com/gainesville $9 TUNE UP ProLift Garage Doors of Gainesville Ensure your garage door is safe and reliable this holiday ScheduleseasonyourFREE Estimate Schedule your FREE Estimate 678-943-6505 proliftdoors.com/gainesville $ 50 OFF New Opener $ 200 OFF New Door 15% OFF Any service of $200 or more Mention this ad to get discountsthese ALL ABOUT FALL 202240

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auto home life business www.dawson-insurance.com 706.216.3296 PRoteCtinGthoseWho liVe anD loVe. Proudly Serving North Georgia for Over 50 Years. ALL ABOUT FALL 202242

AllStarsChildrensDentist.com Call today and schedule your child’s dental visit 770.292.9441 We’re Close to Home Base. Located just a mile from GA 400 and Exit #17 in the Publix Shopping Center. Intersection of Keith Bridge Road and Brown’s Bridge Road. Taking interest in each patient, their personalities and preferences, is an important part of any dental visit. Dr. John Haffner and his professional pediatric dental staff believe your visit to the dentist should be fun and educational. Our all star team members have been specially trained to treat your child from their early years until they graduate college. risingWherestars growShining Smiles. Voted #1 Children’s Dentist 8 Years in a Row!

Hours M-F 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-4pm 706.216.1468 • dawsonvillegunandpawn.com 5711 Hwy 53 East, Dawsonville THE PLACE TO SHOP IN NORTH GEORGIA! BUY / SELL / TRADE Rifles/Optics • Handguns • Shotguns • Ammunition Visit our Pawn shoP located in rear of store! Great section of Jewelry, Power Tools, Guitars, & Much More!!! www.abbottcreeknursery.com Come see our colorful array of annuals and perennials! We also have vegetable plants, herbs, and beautiful hanging baskets. 844 Thompson Road • Dawsonville, GA 30534 706-265-1607 HOURS: Oct. - Nov. Mon-Sat 9-3, Sun 10-2 Closed Sunday in November ALL ABOUT FALL 202244

These clean, modern, 5 star cottages rest in quiet seclusion between historic Dahlonega and Cleveland. They are lo cated minutes from 10 local wineries, multiple wedding venues and other family activities. Large windows pro vide lots of natural light. Enjoy a fire using the gas fireplace or a private fire pit, and we provide the wood! Relax on the back deck with the gas grill or watch wildlife from the comfort of the front porch rocking chairs. Fully equipped kitchen provides all you need if you want to cook. 1478 ROY GRINDLE ROAD | DAHLONEGA, GA 30533 lonebearcottages.com LONE BEAR COTTAGES USE QR Code FOR INFORBOOKINGMATION Antiques Market September 16-17-18 October November14-15-1618-19-20December2-3-4Friday9-5Saturday9-6Sunday10-5Tickets$3. Children Under 12 Free. Good All Weekend. “The Market for Classic Antiques & Collectibles, Unique Home & Garden Decor, Art & CheckFollowJewelry”Us!OutOurFacebookCommunityPage! ONE OF THE TOP TEN ANTIQUES MARKETS IN LAKEWOODANTIQUES.COMAMERICA!1321 Atlanta Highway Cumming, GA 770-889-340030040 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 45

706-344-1431 • 647 Hwy 136 East, Dawsonville, GA Hours: M-F 8am-6pm • Sat. 8am-3pm • Closed Sunday Pine straw • Wheat straw • Garden Soils Mulches • Grass seed • Fertilizers • Lime Variety of Hay • Wire • Gates •Wild Bird Feed Vegetable Seeds • Potting Mixes • Flowers COME TO US FOR ALL OF YOUR DEER HUNTING NEEDS. We have Deer Food Plot Mixes, attractants, Deer feed, and trail cams. Shop over 75 vendors offering a wide variety of homemade crafts, art, gourmet foods, demonstrations, and classes ALL ABOUT FALL 202246

A C C E S S O R I E S W H A T W E O F F E R SHORELINE STAIRS CUSTOM DOCK DESIGNS MOBILE WELDING SERVICES BOAT LIFT REPAIRS DOCK MAINTENANCE & REPAIR REDECKING & REMODELING REANCHORING PWC PORTS PRESSURE WASHING VINYL AND WOOD SEAWALLS D o c k F l o a t s P W C P o r t s D o c k B o x E c o n o L i f t B o a t L i f t B o a t L i f t s M o i s t u r e S h i e l d D e c k i n g A q u a S t a i r s D o c k E d g i n g B u m p e r s R a m p s R a m p W h e e l S y s t e m K a y a k L a u n c h e s 678-450-4212 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 47

I know life doesn’t come with a schedule. That’s why at State Farm you can always count on me for whatever you need -24/7, 365. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CALL ME TODAY. MarshallAgentBlair, 3125 Dahlonega Highway Cumming, GA 30040 Bus: marshallblairinsurance.com770-781-6550 Thank you for voting us Best Insurance Agent for 3 Years - Individual -

HAVE YOU HSCHEDULED AVE YOU HSCHEDULED AVE YOU SCHEDULED YOUR FALL YMAINTENANCE? OUR FALL YMAINTENANCE? OUR FALL MAINTENANCE? Our Signature DUCT OCLEANING ur Signature DUCT OCLEANING ur Signature DUCT CLEANING Service Will Have You SBreathing ervice Will Have You SBreathing ervice Will Have You Breathing Clean Air In No CTime lean Air In No CTime lean Air In No Time Decreases your energy Dbills ecreases your energy Dbills ecreases your energy bills. Provides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy Pissues. rovides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy Pissues rovides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy issues Improves your home's air Iquality mproves your home's air Iquality. mproves your home's air quality Reduces the number of contaminants in your Rsystem educes the number of contaminants in your Rsystem educes the number of contaminants in your system. Removes obstructions that minimize Rairflow. emoves obstructions that minimize Rairflow emoves obstructions that minimize airflow Increases your HVAC system's Iefficiency ncreases your HVAC system's Iefficiency ncreases your HVAC system's efficiency. What Are The Benefits Of Air Duct WCleaning? hat Are The Benefits Of Air Duct WCleaning? hat Are The Benefits Of Air Duct Cleaning? Industry Leaders In HVAC IServices ndustry Leaders In HVAC IServices ndustry Leaders In HVAC Services Serving North Georgia & Metro SAtlanta erving North Georgia & Metro SAtlanta erving North Georgia & Metro Atlanta BOOK NOW: (770) B233-7855 OOK NOW: (770) B233-7855 OOK NOW: (770) 233-7855 Other HVAC OServices ther HVAC OServices ther HVAC Services *FINANCING *AVAILABLE* FINANCING *AVAILABLE* FINANCING AVAILABLE* 410 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 30040 HVAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY HSAVE VAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY HSAVE VAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A YSIMPLE OU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A YSIMPLE OU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A SIMPLE 46 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT INSPECTION HAVE YOU HSCHEDULED AVE YOU HSCHEDULED AVE YOU SCHEDULED YOUR FALL YMAINTENANCE? OUR FALL YMAINTENANCE? OUR FALL MAINTENANCE? Other HVAC OServices ther HVAC OServices ther HVAC Services *FINANCING *AVAILABLE* FINANCING *AVAILABLE* FINANCING AVAILABLE* 410 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 30040 HVAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY HSAVE VAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY HSAVE VAC MAINTENANCE CAN POTENTIALLY SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A YSIMPLE OU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A YSIMPLE OU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WITH A SIMPLE 46 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT INSPECTION 410 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 30040 Wha Wha Wha * * * HVAC HVAC HVAC YOU YOU YT OU T Provides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy Pissues. rovides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy Pissues. rovides relief for residents with respiratory or allergy issues. Improves your home's air Iquality. mproves your home's air Iquality. mproves your home's air quality. Reduces the number of contaminants in your Rsystem. educes the number of contaminants in your Rsystem. educes the number of contaminants in your system. Removes obstructions that minimize Rairflow. emoves obstructions that minimize Rairflow. emoves obstructions that minimize airflow. Increases your HVAC system's Iefficiency. ncreases your HVAC system's Iefficiency. ncreases your HVAC system's efficiency. BOOK NOW: (770) B233-7855 OOK NOW: (770) B233-7855 OOK NOW: (770) 233-7855 410 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 430040 10 ATLANTA RD. CUMMING GA. 30040 46 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT 4INSPECTION 6 POINT INSPECTION

55th Annual Mountain Moonshine Festival and Car Show Dawsonville, Ga See the parade of moonshine and revenuer cars to kick off festivities at 9 a.m. on Saturday. May great vendors — something for everyone. Live entertainment, car show, legendary race car drivers, vintage race cars and more authentic moonshine-hauling cars than you’ll ever see gathered in one place anywhere in the U.S.! CruiseIn and Swap Meet held at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. A portion of proceeds benefit K.A.R.E. for Kids, Inc.
22-2321-2315-16 ALL ABOUT FALL 202250
Arts and Crafts Festival Helen Arts and Heritage Center, Helen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The family friendly event includes artists and fine craftsmen from across Northeast Georgia, as well as mountain music, face painting, baked goods and more. www.helenarts.org/festivals
OCTOBER 15-16 Rush Days Dahlonega, Ga Festival booths will open at 9 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. both days Over 200 art and craft exhibitors and food vendors gather around the Public Square and Historic District in support of this annual event. It is estimated that a crowd of over 200,000 visits over the weekend to join in the fun and excitement! The Gold Rush Days Festival has been voted one of the Top 20 Events in the Southeast by the Southeast Tourism Society.

We keep you safe while you are visiting North Georgia. It is the mission of the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office to protect the lives and property of our people through professional, progressive, and proactive service. We shall serve with compassion and respect while seeking solutions to improve quality of life, liberty, and safety for all. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve you! Sheriff Jeff Johnson Visit us on Facebook @ Dawson County Sheriff’s Office Dawsonville, Non-Emergencywww.dawsoncountysheriff.orgGa706-344-3636TipLine-706-265-4744 ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 51

(770) 889-6564 211 Atlanta Road | Cumming, GA 30040 www.ForsythGunandPawn.com OCTOBER 28-30 BOO at the Zoo North Georgia Wildlife and Safari Park, Cleveland Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The perfect Halloween Alternative Event for those wanting to bring their kids to a fun and safe place to get some treats and just have loads of fun! You may even find a pig with wings, a goat dressed like a cowboy and a unicorn! OCTOBERwww.northgeorgiazoo.com/boo-at-the-zoo31 Trunk or Treat Rock Creek Park, Dawsonville 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this event is to provide the children in the community with a safe place to trick-or-treat. Admission is free and so are most of the activities. Candy, treats, toys, promotional items, carnival games, bounce house, hay rides and more. parksrec/page/trunk-or-treatwww.dawsoncountyga.gov/ 28-3031 ALL ABOUT FALL 202252

HWY 53 | 1 MILE WEST OF HWY 400 DAWSONVILLE, GEORGIA MON-SAT770-871-16313053410-5/SUN1-5OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SOUL SISTERS Antiques, Vintage, Eclectic Finds - Over 30 Quality Dealers 8,000 Sq Ft- Primitives Cottage Mid-Century BoutiqueBring your inspiration and ideas so we can help you with your in home staging, styling, or remodeling projects. Call to book your appointment with our decorator. Become a part of ourSoul Sisters community (706) 216-7223 Catering Info: georiaracinghof.com/venue-rental/caterers Discounted Group Rates Available During Business Hours Non-Profit Discounts Available Cancellation within 10 days of event will result in lost deposit Options For Your Next Event: Full Museum Venue • Prices start at $2,0005 Hours • 200+ Table Seating Capacity • Set Up $250 • Clean Up $350 • Date Confirmation Deposit $500 Gordon Pirkle Room • Prices start at $3502 Hours • 200+ Theatre Seating Capacity • 100+ Table Seating Capacity • Set Up $75 • Clean Up $150 • Date Confirmation Deposit $200 GEORGIA RACING HALL OF FAME A COMPLETELY UNIQUE VENUE YOUR IMAGINATION AWAITS! OR ALL ABOUT FALL 2022 53

706 - 974 - 1092 EliteHeatingandAirGA.com Tim@EliteHeatingandAirGA.com Thank you to our community for always supporting us and voting us the best heating and air company four years in a row. As a lifelong resident of Dawson County, this recognition is such an honor. We look forward to continuing to serve you. ~Tim & Lindsay White FINANCINGAVAILABLENOWUPONAPPROVAL

Get Ready for Fall! *Sawnee EMC is not a certified natural gas marketer in the state of Georgia, but actively promotes the natural gas services of True Natural Gas, the certified natural gas marketer, as a value-added service to its members. Rate above is a 12 month fixed residential rate and is valid until November 5, 2020. R R Sawnee EMC’s gas partner since 2007 770-887-2363 | truenaturalgas.com $0.398 / therm* *Sawnee EMC is not a certified natural gas marketer in promotes the natural gas services of True Natural Gas, as a value-added service to its members. Rate above is valid until November 5, 2020. R R Sawnee 770-887-2363 | truenaturalgas.com $0.398 / therm natural gas marketer in the state of Georgia, but actively of True Natural Gas, the certified natural gas marketer, members. Rate above is a 12 month fixed residential rate and R Sawnee EMC’s gas partner since 2007 770-887-2363 | truenaturalgas.com $0.398 / therm* Now is the perfect time to make sure you have everything ready for winter warmth. CALL US TODAY! *Sawnee EMC is not a certified natural gas marketer in the state of Georgia, but actively promotes the natural gas services of True Natural Gas, the certi fied natural gas marketer, as a value-added service to its members.

OCTOBER 6-16 Cumming Country Fair and Festival Mon-Thurs 4 pm - 10 pm Friday 4 pm - Midnight Saturday 10 am - Midnight Sunday 12:30 - 9:00 pm Fair Admission: 11 & up - $10.00, 10 & under - FREE Advance Tickets Available through October 5th - $7 Free Parking Friday & Saturday 8 PM • Sunday 7 PM Admission (Advance Tickets Available): 13 & up - $15.00, 5 - 12 - $10.00 4 & under - FREE, Seniors 65+ $10.00 8 EVENT RODEO INCLUDES: Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, Steer Wrestling, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bareback Riding, Calf & Team Roping, Cowgirls Breakaway Roping WWW.CUMMINGFAIR.NET • 770-781-3491 235 CASTLEBERRY ROAD • CUMMING, GA SEPTEMBER 2-4 IPRA (International Professional Rodeo Association) World Championship Rodeo