Presented byGUIDENEWCOMER’SDAWSON Awesome 2022 Dawson County’s

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4 Awesome Dawson 2022 MAPCOUNTYDAWSON ¯ Dawson County Precincts & Districts Map 0 2 14 Miles Dawson County, Georgia 2022 Dawsonville City Limits County Line District 4 District 3 District 2 District 1 Commission Districts East VotingStateRoadsWestCentralPrecinctPrecinctPrecinctRoutesLocationsStateDistricts:House 7 - West Precinct State House 9 - East and Central Precincts State Senate Congressional516 West Polling Location 2142 Hubbard Road Central Polling Location 96 Academy Avenue East Polling Location 146 Liberty Drive Lumpkin County Hall County Pickens County Gilmer County CountyFannin Forsyth County Cherokee County Produced By: Dawson County GIS Good Luck to all DAWSONSTUDENTSCOUNTY Daily & Extended - Stay boarding Light Grooming and Bathing Pet Taxi Services in Metro Atlanta & North Georgia Providing North Georgia with a peaceful place to STAY & 733lauramanner@happydogretreat.comPLAYElliottFamilyParkwayDawsonville,GA30534706-265-1002

Animal Control: (706) 265-7387 Department of Family and Children Services: (706) 265-6598 Elections and Voter Registration: (706) 344-3640 Extension Office: (706) 265-2442 Health Department: (706) 265-2611 Licenses and Permits: 706-344-3651 Tax Commissioner: (706) 344-3520 Transit: (706)
Emory Dooley District 4 district4@dawsoncountyga.govCommissioner Sheriff Jeff Johnson 706-344-3535 ext.
The Board of Commissioners holds meetings on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Work sessions begin at 4 p.m. and voting sessions immediately follow. Meetings are held in the second floor assembly room of the Dawson County Government Center. 344-3603 (706) 344-3730 Court: (706) 344-3580 County Law
Sharon Fausett District 1 district1@dawsoncountyga.govCommissioner
Board of Commissioners chairman@dawsoncountyga.govChair Kristen Cloud County 706-344-3500Clerkext. kcloud@dawsoncountyga.gov42235
Enforcement Center 19 Tucker,AvenueGA30534344-3535 DAWSON COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAWSON COUNTY, GEORGIA Dawson County Government Center 25 Justice Way (706) 344-3500 County ordinances can be found
Tim Satterfield District 3 district3@dawsoncountyga.govCommissioner
Dawson County has a five-member board with four district commissioners and a chairman who are all elected at-large. Commissioners serve four-year terms. The board appoints a county manager.
Clerk of Courts: (706) 344-3510 Superior Court: 706-344-3513 Magistrate Court:
David Headley County dheadley@dawsoncountyga.gov706-344-3500Managerext.42236
Chris Gaines District 2 district2@dawsoncountyga.govCommissioner
Laura Fulcher Public Affairs Officer 706-344-3500 ext. lfulcher@dawsoncountyga.gov42315
BOARD OF Commissioners
Sheriff’s Office, 5 COUNTY

6 Awesome Dawson 2022 Bob Bolz City citymanager@dawsonville-ga.govManager Caleb Phillips City Council Post caleb.phillips@dawsonville-ga.gov1 Mike Eason mike.eason@dawsonville-ga.govMayor William Illg City Council Post william.illg@dawsonville-ga.gov2 John Walden City Council Post john.walden@dawsonville-ga.gov3 Mark French City Council Post mark.french@dawsonville-ga.gov4 CITY OF Dawsonville DAWSONVILLE, GEORGIA 415 Highway 53 East, Suite 100 Dawsonville, GA 30543 (706) 265-3256 REPRESENTATIVESCITY 7 Capturing beautiful images & videography for families, children, couples and individuals throughout North Georgia. We also provide branding assistance for small business owners and realtors. We can’t wait to start developing your unique story. “TIMELESS PHOTOGRAPHY CAPTURING THE PURE BEAUTY OF MARRIAGE + LIFE...” ANY Media (678) 15% OFF COUPON CODE: DWN22 VALID UNTIL 12/31/22 706-974-1092 Thank you North Georgia for always supporting us. We look forward to continuing to serve you. -Tim & Lindsay WhiteElite Heating And Air is Dawsonville, Dahlonega, Gainesville and Cumming’s reliable Heating and Air company. We service ALL makes and models of HVAC equipment, such as Ruud, Lennox, Rheem, Trane, Carrier and York to name just a few. We install HVAC equipment in new residential construction, add systems to additions, and replace systems in existing home. New Installations - Equipment Sales Repair Existing Units Residential & Commercial - Duct Work Heating & Air Conditioning Installation Sales & Service Eco Friendly Puron Refrigerants Zoning design for efficiency and comfort Variable Speed Multistaged Units FREE Estimates FINANCINGAVAILABLENOWUPONAPPROVAL

8 Awesome Dawson 2022 IMPORTANT Phone Numbers Water and Sewer City of Dawsonville (706) Etowah265-3256Waterand Sewer (706) 216-8474 Natural Gas Atlanta Gas Light Electricity Georgia Power (888) (706)Amicalola(770)Sawnee660-5890EMC887-2363EMC253-5200 Propane Gas Amicalola Propane (706) Mark(706)Ferrellgas344-1427864-6151HeardFuel Co. (706) 265-2994 Mills Fuel Service (706) (706)Folger265-3394Gas632-7606 Phone/TV/internet (706)Windstream867-3333 North Georgia Network (706) 754-5323 Trash pickup City of Dawsonville (706) 265-3256 Evans Garbage (706) Dawson216-4232County Transfer Center (706) Wallace344-3645400Waste Disposal (706) 216-1485 Court Superior Court (706) 344-3513 GETTING SETTLED INTO A NEW HOME CAN TAKE TONS OF WORK. THIS LIST OF NUMBERS SHOULD MAKE GETTING THE WATER RUNNING AND THE CABLE GOING EASIER, EVEN IF IT CAN’T UNPACK THOSE BOXES.NUMBERSIMPORTANT C&W Hardware Dawsonville COME VISIT HOMETOWNYOUR Rakes, Leaf Bags, Wheelbarrows, Lawn Care & more! Serving Dawson County for all of your lawn and garden needs. Whether you’re outside or in, you will everythingfindyouneedforfall. Or maybe you need to keep your house warm this winter with some gap sealer or doorsstorm? C&WDawsonvilleHARDWARETrueValue® 16 Moonshiners Way • Dawsonville, GA 30534 706 525 5140 Mon - Fri 7 am - 7 pm | Sat 8 am - 6 pm | Sun 10 am - 5 pm Christine And Her Family Enjoy Being A Part Of The DawsonCommunity!County

 9 With this coupon. Not valid NEW Take Smile Consultation With this coupon. Not valid IMPLANT with Full Mouth 15% OFF for established With this coupon. Not validWith this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value)FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GAHorseMill CreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. IMPLANT CONSULTATION Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22.with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT Home Whitening Kit & Consultation by iTero ($250 value) 2/28/22. value) 2/28/22. CONSULTATION 6/30/22.6/30/22. • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505HorseMillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. One stop for all dentalyourneeds ServingDawsonCountyandNorthGeorgiaforover35Years! 754 HWY.706-265-2505 Serving Dawson HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid NEW Take Smile Consultation With this coupon. Not valid IMPLANT with Full Mouth 15% OFF for established With this coupon. Not validWith this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505HorseMillRd CreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 6/30/22. • B. Manzur, D.M.D. • 754 HWY. 53 WEST, DAWSONVILLE, GA 706-265-2505 Serving Dawson County for over 35 Years HwyHorse53MillRd RdCreekShoal With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. NEW PATIENT FREE Take Home Whitening Kit & Smile Consultation by iTero ($250 value) With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION with purchase of Full Mouth Set of X-rays ($125) 15% OFF VENEERS for established patients only With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Offer expires 2/28/22. General, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry

10 Awesome Dawson 2022 DAWSONDAWSONCOUNTYCOUNTY PRINCIPALS Board of Education Nicole LeCave Nathan Ingram Member at Teresa Conowal Kilough Elementary Chairperson Doris Cook District Cindy Kinney Black’s Mill Vice-Chairperson Karen Armstrong District Barry Slaton District Adam Maroney Riverview Linda Bearden Robinson Brody Hughes Dawson County Junior High Paige Galt Dawson County Elaine Wilson District Michael Negley Dawson County High SCHOOLSDAWSON

 11 DAWSON COUNTY SCHOOL Dawson County Schools’ Central Office To contact a member of the leadership team, call (706) 265-3246 or email as listed below: Nicole LeCave Dr. Janice Darnell Hershel Bennett Roman Gaddis Beth Covington Page Arnette Vikki Brannon Dr. Nathan Hand,Secondary P.J.Huggins Dr. Todd Langley Denise Reynolds Assessment,,andAccountability Scott Richardson Everett Burt Jenna Carpenter Tiffany Davis Brian DeRose Visit us on Facebook @Dawson County Sheriff’s Non-Emergencywww.dawsoncountysheriff.orgOffice706-344-3636TipLine-706-265-4744 A WORD FROM SHERIFF JOHNSON Welcome to the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office. We hope that you will take an opportunity to learn more about our desire and dedication to better serve our citizens, our businesses, and our visitors. We are proud to partner with our community in an effort to more effectively combat crime. We believe that a collective and concerted approach will produce greater success. We take great pride in our service and truly seek to make our county a safer place to live, to work, to worship and to play. Sheriff Jeff Johnson

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14 Awesome Dawson 2022 SCHOOLSDAWSON 2022 2023 STUDENT CALENDAR July 29 Flex Planning August 1 4 Pre Planning 5 First Day of School JULY 2022 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 AUGUST 2022 19 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 5 Labor Day (No School) 28 30 Fall Break October 19 20 Early Release / Parent Conf (K 8) 21 Prof Dev Day (Student Holiday) SEPTEMBER 2022 18 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 2022 20 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 November 11 Early Release / Veteran’s Day 21 25 Thanksgiving Holiday December 20 Early Release / Last Day 1st Sem 21 Flex Planning 21 30 Holiday Break NOVEMBER 2022 17 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER 2022 14 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 2 Flex Planning; Student Holiday 3 Prof Development 4 First Day 2nd Sem 16 MLK Day (No School) February 17 Early Release 20 21 Student/Staff Holiday JANUARY 2023 19 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 2023 18 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March 9 Early Release / Parent Conf (K 8) 10 Prof Dev Day (Student Holiday) April 3 7 Spring Break MARCH 2023 22 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 2023 15 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29 May 24 Early Release / Last Day 2nd Sem 25 26 Post Planning June MAY 2023 18 Days S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 2023 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 School Hours Begin End Early Release Elementary 8:10 a m 3:05 p m 12:30 p m Middle 7:45 a m 2:45 p m 12:15 p m Junior High 7:40 a m 2:30 p m 12:00 p m High 7:40 a m 2:30 p m 12:00 p m *Flex Planning Options for Staff (School Administration will pick one day): 7/29, 12/21, or 1/2 Approved 12/7/2021

SPLOSTSPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, a one percent sales tax that was adopted by the Dawson County Board of Commissioners as a resolution and approved by the citizens in a general election. It is a six-year collection that began in July 2021. Funds are allocated to both the county and city of Dawsonville. The county receives 88 percent of collections and the city of Dawsonville receives 12 percent. Each entity is responsible for programming and managing its own SPLOST funds. SPLOST VII dollars will fund projects including the construction of a new emergency 911 center and public health building, money for facility renovations and upgrades, equipment purchases, road repair projects and park improvement projects.
TheESPLOSTEducation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST) is a 1 percent sales tax that is utilized by Dawson County Schools to fund capital projects. Some of the projects that have been funded through the current ESPLOST include the Dawson County High School’s Performing Arts Center, JROTC facility and the College and Career Academy. Wireless networks, iPads, faculty laptops, smartboards, computer labs and Apple TVs across all campuses in Dawson County have been purchased and updated with ESPLOST funds. 15 SPLOST & ESPLOST

By Erica Jones,
Ruby’s Recipes
16 Awesome Dawson 2022
Mutt & Jeff’s Smokehouse
Now, just over two years later, Allen and his wife Julia are moving their restaurant from its original location on Memory Lane to a new downtown loca tion at 104 Ga. 9 North. The couple’s goal is to open Ruby’s at its new location on Sept. 1. Cerinetti said that he’d hoped to move his restaurant into this loc ation for several years, but that he believes that the space was meant to become available in God’s tim ing, not his own.
Local couple Jeff and Angie Cantrell started their barbecue food truck busi ness, “Mutt & Jeff’s Smoke house”, back in September of 2019. The pair started their food truck as a way to have fun and to cook good food for the local community in a way other than starting a storefront Dawson County Restaurants
“It’s definitely God’s hand because I think I had an opportunity to hone my skills in the current place,” Allen said. In its new location, Ruby’s will still operate as an Italian deli and cafe during the daytime, but hopes to begin staying open until 10 p.m. on Friday and Sat urday nights for pizza parlor hours.
Dawsonville Pool Room
Photos are by Erica Jones, Jacob Smith, Julia Fechter and Paige Sweany
arthritis had gotten so bad that she could no longer cut up the fresh vegetables she needed to cook with.
“I’m honoring my mother, keeping my childhood memories alive and following where God wants me to be,” Allen said. “So I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me this was the right decision.”
Julia Fechter contributed to this article.
burgersfrom-scratchservesPooldonbyMadeDawsonville.downtownoffamousownerGorPirkle,theRoommade-and freshly cut fries and is open daily for lunch and din ner.One of the things that makes the Pool Room truly unique is its large collection of history and memorab ilia from Bill Elliott’s NASCAR career, early moonshine runners and the origin of stock car racing.
From that day on, Cerinetti began to cook and learn from his mother until eventually he was cooking for his entire family at age 13. Over 40 years later in June of 2020, Cerinetti has finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of opening his own restaurant in Dawson County, named Ruby’s Recipes in honor of his late mother.
The Pool Room’s most well-known menu item is its “Bully Burger”, named after long-time late employee Bully Thurmond. The burger consists of slaw, onions, mustard, ketchup and pickles and is loved among Pool Room regulars and visitors alike. Since 1983, the Pool Room has sounded its “SIREEN” for every Elliott victory. Today, fans of Chase Elliott gather at the restaurant during NASCAR races to watch Elliott race and cheer him on together.
The Dawson ville Pool Room is a staple

Crumbl Cookies
restaurant.“Myfamily said they would give us a time frame until we have a storefront, but that’s just not on our list,” Cantrell told DCN in a 2020 interview. “It’s like a little mini-vacation. One weekend we might be in Braselton, but the next we’re at Loretta Lynn’s ranch for a week doing truck wagon races. Then, we could be in Myrtle Beach for bike week. It’s always a differ ent town and we meet so many new people.”
After working at fire and police stations for 27 years, Cantrell followed a calling from the Lord to start the food truck, and he and his wife began trav eling to festivals serving their menu of popular items, one of which is Cantrell’s great-grandfather’s Brun swick Stew recipe. Just as the business was about to hit six months in business, the COVID-19 outbreak hit. With festivals and other events canceled, the couple opened the truck in their front yard and came up with creative ways, like a month-long challenge to see what the menu’s most popular item was, to keep the custom ersNowadays,coming.
“The team here is based in Dawson and very fo cused on being in the Dawsonville community in this area, so we love to partner with other businesses and other community service organizations in whatever way,” Chief Marketing Officer Tom Carr said. “We have these amazing chicken salads made from scratch, but it’s that combined with the experience that we feel like sets us apart and that’s what we’re shooting for.”
Jacob Smith contributed to this article.
One of Crumbl’s biggest draws is its rotating menu of giant, handmade cookies that are baked fresh each day at the store. While the staple of milk chocolate chip stays the same each week, the other five flavors change, offering customers a new experience each week. The new menu posts each week on Sunday at 8 p.m., and Crumbl fans eagerly wait to see what flavors will be on each new menu.
Since opening in Dawson County, one of the goals the restaurant has had is to partner with local organ izations to give back to the local community. On the restaurant’s grand opening day, restaurant officials presented local food bank Georgia Mountain Food Bank with a check for $1840 that was raised through the restaurant’s friends and family days.
“We’ve been looking in this market for years try ing to find the right spot that would allow us be loc ated so that people can get to us, and we were able to work with the landlord, found a spot and the fact that we have a drive through, pick up station and all of this in this one area is really exciting,” CEO Scott Deviney said.
In Febru ary of antCounty.tionaciallyChickChickentaurantfast-casual2022,reschainSaladoffiopenednewlocainDawsonTherestauroffersovera dozen different flavors of made-from-scratch chicken salad, along with fresh salads, sides and soups. The Dawson location also includes a drive through and a revamped pickup area for customers or delivery drivers to pick up their orders.
“We’re both from small towns and grew up that way, and we both wanted to be here, because we love this community and we see the growth and po tential of it,” Jeffreys said, “and the people have been really great and really welcoming as well.”
Mutt & Jeff’s can be found at festivals, at local breweries like NoFo and Tantrums, and on the Dawsonville square selling their food to those passing by.
thebelovedhascookietheandofinDawsonopenedCookiesCrumblinCountythebeginningMarch2022,sincethenspecialtystorebecomeapartoflocalcom munity.Co-owners
Lance Jeffreys and James Griffin first learned about Crumbl when they stumbled across a location in Arizona in 2019, and they fell in love with the brand at first sight. The Dawson County location is the third one the pair has opened in Georgia, fol lowing a store in Cumming and one in Alpharetta.
Chicken Salad Chick
Jeffreys and Griffin worked for a long time to get the Dawson location open, so to see it finally open was incredibly rewarding, they said. Since the store opened, Crumbl has quickly become a go-to spot for sweets in the Dawson County community.
“The good Lord has blessed us to be able to do something we love every day,” Cantrell said. “Until I wake up and one of us looks at the other and says ‘this is what we need to do now,’ we’re sticking with this. We love it.”

gust, right before school started back in September. Since then, the camp meeting dates have shifted back to the last week in July, be fore school starts back in August. Today, both Methodist and Baptist preachers take turns preaching during camp meeting. Services are held twice a day, at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. When Pirkle and Taffar’s
Photo by Erica Jones By Erica ejones@dawsonnews.comJones
This year, Lumpkin Campground in Dawson County celebrated its 192nd consecutive year of camp meetings.Thisyear’s camp meeting kicked off on Monday July 25 and ran every day through Sunday July 31. The host pastor was David Sanders, ministers were Warren Lathem and Jason Hamby, and the song leader was Barry Slaton. The week began with congreg ants gathering and moving into their “tents” at the campground on Monday, where they stayed for the week. Gordon Pirkle, owner of local restaurant The Pool Room, and his family set up tables and provided hamburgers and hotdogs for all of the preachers and congregants who were there on Monday night.
18 Awesome Dawson 2022
Pirkle, whose
Campground was first started, camp meetings were always the last week of Au
ing off the camp meeting week by feeding the congregants began around 20 years ago when Pirkle decided to make it a little easier on all of the families moving in on Monday who may not have time to go get food before Monday night services
LumpkinCampground/.goCampgroundtheground,”words.canwayeachthatmakeground,childrenmeetingrettbringandinmeetingloveableandcongregateansusthetheitcampground,”istheitonlyanddollarontheeachbybegangreat-great-great-grandfathergreat-firstthecampground,hedidsogatheringtogether40menwhodonatedmoneytopurchaselandthecampgroundstillsitstothisday.“40menwentinandpaidaapieceandbought40acresthat’swhatthissitson;thethingthat’sbeencutoffofwaswhenweneededsomeforchurchbuteverythingelsestillunderthetrusteesoftheTaffarsaid.“Whenstartedin1830theybroughtinwagonsandeverythingandwayit’sbeenhandeddowntoistheysaidtheCherokeeIndiwouldsitoutinthewoodsandandlistenin.”Throughouttheyears,TaffarPirklesaidthatthey’vebeentoreallygettoknowandthefamilieswhoattendcampeachsummer.“We’veseenpeople’skidscomeandgetgrownandgetmarriedthenhavetheirownfamilyandthemback,”Taffarsaid.AspartofPirkle’sfamily,Garalsogrewupcomingtocampeveryyear.Bothofherweremarriedatthecampandhergrandchildren10generationsofherfamilyhaveattendedcampmeetingssummer.ToGarrett,thebesttodescribethecampgroundbesummedupinjustafew“Tomeit’ssacredhere;holyGarrettsaid.“That’sreallywaytodescribeit.”TolearnmoreaboutLumpkinandcampmeetings,to at Lumpkin Campground enjoy food from The Pool Room on the first day of camp meeting on Monday, July 25. LUMPKIN CAMPGROUND Celebrates 192 years OF CAMP MEETINGS
“Eachbegin.sideof the campground took turns and fed the preach ers; when it was our turn we fed the preachers and Daddy said ‘well if we’re feeding the preach ers we’re feeding everybody’ and we’ve done it ever since,” Garrett said. “It’s a great fellowship night; everybody gets together and gets to know each other; the ones that are new get to enjoy it and then we kick it off and start meeting.” Pirkle, along with his cousin Larry Taffar and the rest of their family, grew up coming to camp meeting each year. Taffar, who has attended every year for 82 years and who now serves as the chair of the campground’s trustees, said that it’s always been something he’s looked forward to each sum mer.“I grew up here; it’s just a good family get together,” Taffar said. “Camp meeting is something that, growing up, you look forward to it everyWhenyear.”Lumpkin 19 706-344-1431 • 647 Hwy 136 East, Dawsonville, GA Hours: M-F 8am-6pm • Sat. 8am-3pm • Closed Sunday Pine straw • Wheat straw • Garden Soils • Mulches • Grass seed • Fertilizers • Lime Variety of Hay • Wire • Gates • Wild Bird Feed • Vegetable Seeds • Potting Mixes • Flowers COME TO US FOR ALL OF YOUR DEER HUNTING NEEDS. We have Deer Food Plot Mixes, attractants, Deer feed, and trail cams.

MAIN STREET PARK Located just behind Dawson ville City Hall and the Dawsonville Food Lion, Main Street Park of fers a wide range of fun outdoor activities to visit ors of all ages. The park opened in April of 2020, and since then the City of Dawsonville has continued to add new amenities and activities. The park includes ample parking for visitors, as well as bike racks and side walks.The children’s playground offers a range of fun activities for children, as well as seating for the adults. A unique feature of the park is its wheelchair-access ible swing, which allows wheelchair-bound people a chance to participate in the fun.
20 Awesome Dawson 2022
In addition to the playground, Main Street Park includes over 1.1 miles of paved trails for runners and walkers, benches and 14 fitness stations loc ated along the trail. Pollinator gardens and blue bird houses allow visitors a chance to connect with nature, and three covered pavilions, charcoal grills and coal boxes allow ample space for families to picnic. Some of the newer additions to the park include a skate park, nine-hole disc golf course, cornhole boards, a dog park and an electric vehicle charging station in partnership with Indigo Energy.
Veterans Me morial Park has been a large part of Dawson County for years. Originally Dawson County Park, it was re named 2007.MemorialVeteransParkinTheparkin cludes a football field, walking trail, baseball/softball fields, multipurpose field, tennis courts, a gymnas ium, tennis courts, an outdoor basketball court and outdoor covered pavilions.
Located off of Highway 9, the Rock Creek Sports Complex includes dozens of activities for anyone to enjoy. The complex features soccer fields, baseball/ softball fields, tennis courts, outdoor basketball courts, a walking trail, weight room, gymnasium, covered pavilions and a com munityRockroom.Creek also houses several amenities that were installed by the Rotary Club of Dawson County, including Rotary Island Splash Pad. The splash pad is free for public use and open from Memorial Day through Labor Day. The park includes indoor and outdoor pickleball courts and an indoor basketball facility which fea tures two separate courts with six goals each. There are also batting cages, a playground and a hitting wall where people can either practice by themselves or challenge a friend.
Photos by Erica Jones By Erica Jones,

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Veterans Memorial Park is also home to Dawson County’s public pool. The pool is open from Memorial Day through Labor Day and includes lounge chairs, tables, chairs, umbrellas, restrooms and showers and a covered picnic area that is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Entry to the pool is just $3 for a daily pass, or sea son passes can be purchased online or at the main office at Rock Creek Park. The park also houses the Pauline Stevens Ivey Senior Center and the Mar gie Weaver Senior Center, which provide a number of activities and services to local senior citizens.
Located adjacent to Lake Lanier, War Hill Park offers visitors a chance to enjoy time in the sun and out on the water. The park features a small beach, 14 primitive campsites and a bath house with restrooms and showers, day-use areas and four boat ramps. The day-use areas and boat ramps are open all year round, and the campsites are open from March 1 through Oct. 31. Annual passes are available for boat ramp and day-use areas and can be purchased online or at the main office at Rock Creek Park. Campsite reserva tions are available online only at www. War Hill Park. The part of the lake where anyone can cast their lines and fish for a day is located on the other side of the park. War Hill Park also houses a “Little Lending Library”, installed by Dawson County Wee Books. The little library is located in the center of the park and is available for anyone in the community to borrow books from.

When: Oct. 1, 2022; Check-in at 7:30 a.m., 5K start at 8:30 a.m., Fun Run start at 8:35 a.m. Where: Fausett Farms Sunflowers, 11336 Ga. 136, Dawsonville More information: com/register.aspx?did=93599https://ultrasignup.
When: Saturday, Nov 19, 2022 from 4 to 8 Where:p.m.Downtown Dawsonville 4TH2023ANNUAL MOUNTAIN MADNESS
When: Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Where: Georgia Racing Hall of Fame, 415 Hwy. 53 East, Dawsonville FAUSETT FARMS SUNFLOWERS OPENING DAY
More information: GEORGIA RACING HALL OF FAME HAUNTED GHOST WALK When: Oct. 28 and 29, 2022 Where: Georgia Racing Hall of Fame, 415 Hwy. 53 East, Dawsonville DOWNTOWN DAWSONVILLE 9TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARADE, TREE LIGHTING AND JINGLE MARKET
Where: Uncle Shucks Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch, 125 Bannister Road, Dawsonville BURT’S PUMPKIN FARM When: Season starts on Sept. 1, 2022 Where: Burt’s Pumpkin Farm, 5 Burts Pumpkin Farm Road, Dawsonville FAUSETT FARMS SUNFLOWER 5K AND 1 MILE FUN RUN
When: Aug. 5, Sept. 9, Oct. 7 from 5 to 8
Where:p.m.Dawsonville Farmers Market Pavilion, 86 Allen Street, Dawsonville AMICALOLA REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET
When: Saturday, March 18, 2023; Check in at 8 a.m., 15K start at 9 a.m. Where: Fausett Farms Sunflowers, 11336 Ga. 136, Dawsonville More information: com/register.aspx?did=93786https://ultrasignup.
When: Sept. 10 through Nov. 13, 2022
When: September 2022 Where: Fausett Farms Sunflowers, 11336 Ga. 136, Dawsonville UNCLE SHUCKS CORN MAZE AND PUMPKIN PATCH 2022 SEASON
Awesome Dawson 2022 CALENDARCOMMUNITY your hometown propane company | AMICALOLA PROPANE 383 Highway 53 West, Dawsonville, GA 706-344-1GAS ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL PROPANE SERVICES IN NORTH GEORGIA. AMICALOLA Amicalola Propane provides propane sales, service, and repair to farms, homes, and businesses in North Georgia. Our current service areas include Dawson, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Pickens, and West Hall counties. Military&SeniorDiScountS
When: Every Saturday through Oct. 22, 2022, from 8 a.m. to noon or until sold out. Every Wednesday and Friday with select vendors from 2:30 to 7 p.m. Where: City of Dawsonville Farmers Market, 86 Allen Street, Dawsonville LABOR DAY CAR SHOW
When: Friday, Oct. 21 through Sunday, Oct. Where:23 Georgia Racing Hall of Fame and Main Street Park

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