South Hall Business Coalition Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Ribbon Cuttings page 14
Small Business of the Month page 11
Healthsmart Breakfast Wednesday, October 5 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Technical College Ramsey Conference Center organizations provide wellness, and fitness opportunities for employees.

page 7
Details: Page
Tuesday, September 13
Topic: Mental Health Awareness In Person at Chamber & via Zoom
Thursday, September 22 Business After Hours Sponsored by THRIVE Coworking Tap It in Downtown Gainesville
Chairman’s Column page 2
memberfeatured FREE Community Health Screenings (18 and older) • Carotid Artery, Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglycerides testing Blood Pressure Checks, Body Mass Index, Hearing • Flu Shots and COVID-19 Vaccines Available • Open to the Public • 60+ Wellness Exhibitors • No Entry Fee • No Appointment Needed • Exhibit Space Available HealthSmart Breakfast features Most Fit Compay Awards For HealthSmart Expo info or to register for the Breakfast featuring Gainesville-Hall County's Most Fit Companies: Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206 or eparker@ghcc.com Register Online: GHCC.com/EVENTS 15th Annual WellnessInteractiveExpo October 5 Expo & Screenings – 7:30 am-1:30 pm Kickoff Breakfast – 7:30 am-9:30 am Lanier Technical College

Meetings & Events
Small Business Seminar
Wednesday, September 14
HealthSmart Expo page 13
Economic Development page 3
Member News page 10
New Members page 15 date
Mike McGraw, Ranger Manufacturing
John Simpson, Lakeview Academy
Sam Hulsey, United Community Bank
Joe Thomas Mayor, City of Lula Kurt Ward Mayor, Town of Braselton Layna Weldon, State Farm Insurance
Fieldale Farms
Work-Based Learning was focus for Chamber Board

Dr. Jeremy Williams, Gainesville City Schools
Drew Echols Jaemor Farms
Chris Brown, Delta Community Credit Union Whitney Brown, Stewart, Melvin & Frost Dan Carey, TRUIST
Chairman William Bagwell Homestead Investments
The mission of the Greater Hall Chamber is to improve the overall business climate for member growth, promote community development, facilitate political action, and enhance the quality of life. Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Nikki Chandler, Vice President Existing Industry Savannah Garrick, Project Manager Abby Greenwood Intern Finance & Administration Mark VanTassel, Vice President Education & Leadership Jason Pruitt Vice President Membership Development Christen Wilbanks Vice President Membership Sales Ellie Parker Vice President Membership Events Lisa Schultz Membership Sales & Programs Government Affairs Kit Dunlap President & CEO Gerri Collins Executive Assistant South Hall Council Christen Wilbanks, Vice President Membership Sales Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Director Anna Hester Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager
Staff, Vision 2030 Elizabeth Higgins Anna Hester
Steve Naughton, Enterprise Solutions
Kevin Strada, The Atlanta Falcons
Immediate Past Chair
from the chairman
What drives us? Is it fear? A friend once told me, “Don’t live your life in fear because that is not true life.” That leads me to think that we all should live a life of inspiration and passion. What is your passion? What inspires you? That’s a deep question and one that only we, as individuals, can answer. Our collective answers, woven together, create the legacy for our community. It all starts with you and me.
Kit Charest Marel
I was fortunate to grow up in this community and have found much inspiration and passion here. Recently, I have been inspired by our healthcare workers who put the needs of fellow man over self. I have found inspiration and passion watching law enforcement and first respond ers do the same. Look at teachers, and the thousands who work manufacturing jobs – the list goes on and on. I have found inspiration and passion in observing people create and build houses, commercial buildings, and industrial parks. I have found inspiration and passion watching farmers feed our families. I have found inspiration in observing leaders, civic and elected, pray about and make
Chris Nish Cottrell
VOLUME 28 ISS UE 3 McKemie West, Editor Email: kwest@ghcc.com 230 E.E. Butler Pkwy • Gainesville GA 30501 • 770-532-6206 • GreaterHallChamber.com
Milton Martin Honda Lauren Armour Talley Lanier Technical College
Jessica Shirley, The Times
Ben Jarrard, University of North Georgia Carli Jones Jaemor Farms
Tim McDonald, Lanier Technical College
Vice Chairs, Education Andi Farmer
Greater Hall Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap
Sam Couvillon, Mayor, City of Gainesville Shanna Cronic, Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic S. Wade Dale, Mayor, City of Gillsville
Andrew Davenport, A New Veteran Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB
Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Investments
Neal Booth, Pinnacle Bank Chris Braswell, The Norton Agency
Ryan Owen, Kubota Manufacturing of America
Will Schofield Hall County School System
David Lee, Jackson EMC
Kay Cochran Cochran Brothers Electric Sean Couch, Northeast Georgia Health System
Vice Chair Government Affairs
Phil Sutton
Megan Martin, North GA Community Foundation
Terry Merck American Yazaki Corporation Sheri Millwood, Oakwood City Council
Margaret Spratlin Longstreet Clinic
Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy
Vice Chairs Membership
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com2
Philip Wilheit, Jr Wilheit Packaging
Ward McCamy, Bank of America

Ironically, I find passion in wrong choices and failure. We have all made mistakes. What we learn because of those mistakes, how we pivot and continue our progress, reveals our character. I believe our community has done that well. In addition, I believe we are called to work hard, make the most of the assets we have been entrusted with, pass it down and, along the way, help our fellow man. I believe our community has done that well too.
2022-2023 Board of Directors BUSINESS LINK
Vice Chair South Hall Council
Jessica Dudley, United Way of Hall County Cody Elder Coca-Cola Bottling Gainesville/United Michelle Moore Ellis, Moore's Wealth Management Joy Griffin, Gainesville City Schools
Robert Woody, Liberty John Wright
Dr. Kate Maine, University of North Georgia
Jay Kelly Signs by Tomorrow
difficult decisions which may not be popular at the time, but through the years have guided growth and our legacy.
Vice Chair DevelopmentCommunity
Matt Nix Duplicating Products
Dr. Jeff Payne Capstone Property Group Michele Piucci, Peach State Bank & Trust Stacey Poole McDonald's NEGA
One thing is for sure, we all make decisions that affect others. Healthcare leader Carol Burrell has said, “Everything touches everything.” She is spot on. Every choice we make is like a ripple in a pond. Choices have results and do make a difference. So, find something that inspires you, a passion. Strive for it. Remember, the life we live today creates the legacy for tomorrow.
Col. Stas Preczewski, Riverside Military Academy
Vanesa Sarazua, Hispanic Alliance Georgia
Mike Zeiler, Marel
Jay Kilroy, Willis Investment Counsel
Terry Spicer King’s Hawaiian Bakery
Tammy Caudell, Carroll Daniel Construction Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance
Edward Asbridge, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Norman Baggs, The Times
Brett Fowler Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance
Rick Humphrey, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Senior Advisor Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction
Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce 2022-2023 Executive Committee
Co-Chairs HALLmark Phil Bonelli Regions Bank
The path for us, as individuals and community, is not always clear. If we are stalled by fear, we may not make important decisions and stay in the status quo. Rest assured, if we are led by fear, other communities around us will capitalize on it, embrace progress and, ultimately, overtake the good work and foundation laid by those who came before us. The next generation deserves better. We are obligated to pray for wisdom, make decisions and move forward. Then, in hindsight, if we find we have made a wrong decision, we should revisit our choices and start the process of decision making again.
Chair Vision 2030 Tate O’Rouke Jackson EMC
Brian Barfield, AT&T
Britt Sawyer, Sawyer Media Group
Perry Barnett Rushton
Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Richard Higgins, Chair, Hall County Commission
Dr. Anne Skleder, Brenau University
Lila Westmoreland, Brenau University
Philip Wilheit, Sr., Wilheit Packaging
Jeff Williams Conditioned Air Systems
Christa Andrews, Corporate Storage
Hall Chamber Staff Phil Sutton, Kubota Manufacturing of America, with CTAE instructors from Gainesville City and Hall County Schools at the Chamber Board Meeting. An outstanding presentation on Work-Based Learning was given by Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) professionals, Rhonda Samples, Hall County Schools, and Natalie Smith, Gainesville City School System.
Jackie Walters Slaughter Walters Management Co
Mulham Shbeib, Mar-Jac Poultry
Beth Downs Northeast Georgia Health System
Vice Chair Marketing Missy Burgess Lanier Islands
Vice Chair DevelopmentEconomic
The Legacy for Tomorrow:
Mitch Clarke, AccessWDUN
James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont
Glennis Barnes Georgia Power
William Bagwell Homestead Investments Chamber Chairman
Kubota Manufacturing of America
Jordan Hussey J's Place Recovery Center
Upcoming South Hall Business Coalition Meetings
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com 3
Glennis Barnes, EDC Chair and Area Manager, Georgia Power; Toby Merchant, Chief Legal Officer, Fox Factory; Scott Humprey, Chief Financial Officer, Fox Factory; Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO; Tim McDonald, EDC Vice Chair and President, Lanier Technical College.
Chamber's EDC meets at Fox Factory
Meet us at the Track!
Thank you Fox Factory for hosting Chamber'sthe CouncilDevelopmentEconomic (EDC) for their August meeting (L-R) Tim Evans, VP Chamber;GreaterDevelopment,EconomicHall

economic development
Tuesday, October 25 (9-10am) at Legacy Lodge at Lanier Islands
The Chamber's South Hall Business Coalition met with Will Schofield, Superintendent, Hall County Schools, and Dr. Jeremy Williams, Superintendent, Gainesville City Schools, at Lanier Charter Career Academy in August for reports on all that's happening with our school systems. (L-R) Jay Kelly, Signs by Tomorrow ; Richonna Harrison, Nothing Bundt Cakes; Rhon da Samples, Hall County Schools; Dr. Jeremy Williams, Gainesville City Schools; Kit Dunlap, Greater Hall Chamber; Will Schofield, Hall County Schools; Daren Wayne, Wayne Capital.
South Hall Business Coalition
Get all the updates on what's happening at Lanier Islands. Thursday, November 3 (9-10am) at Houndstooth Grill in Braselton
Tim Evans, Chamber VP of Economic Development, will present the annual Economic Development Update. Sponsored by Tony Funari of Funari Realty
Expansion at Lake Lanier Olympic Park
City of Gainesville officials hosted a groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the Boathouse at Lake Lanier Olympic Park in August. Coming in spring 2024, the $21 million facility will honor the legacy of the Olympics and feature 17,000 square feet of meeting space, a cov ered outdoor terrace with a fireplace, ballroom with seating capacity for 400, boardroom, catering kitchen and patio seating overlooking the lake. The bottom level is designed for the Lake Lanier Rowing Club and the Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club, with a fitness center, lock er rooms and direct access to the docks. Gainesville Tourism Director Robyn Lynch noted that tourism generated a record-breaking $19 million in the past year – a third of which was based out of Lake Lanier Olympic Park. exploregainesville.org

Join the South Hall Business Coalition at the Michelin Tower at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta (MRRA) on Wednesday, September 14 (9-10am) and get all the info on the exciting 25th Annual Motul Petit Le Mans & Fox Factory 120 (September 28 - October 1). Voted One of America’s Best Road Courses, MRRA is utilized for a wide variety of events. Tickets & Info: RoadAtlanta.com. The South Hall Business Coalition is sponsored by AccessWDUN, Milton Martin Honda, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton, Signs by Tomorrow, South Hall Rotary and Store More Self Storage. Space Limited. Light breakfast included. Reservations required. $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Info: Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206, or email cwilbanks@ ghcc.com. Register Online: GHCC.com/EVENTS

The Georgia Department of Education, in part nership with the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) and Georgia Power, selected Hall County Schools as one of six school districts to receive Economic Development Partnership (EDP) designation for FY 2022. The designa tion recognizes districts participating in the EDP certification process. EDP elevates the capa bility of school systems to fulfill their role as an essential part of the community in business recruitment. Additionally, school districts are recognized as a catalyst for talent development in the community through an expansion of efforts and collaboration. The EDP program pro motes increased Work-Based Learning and Youth Apprenticeship opportunities, local busi ness and industry exposure, and career-relevant classroom content for students. Our local Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) professionals are Rhonda Samples, Hall County Schools, and Natalie Smith, Gainesville City School System
Sheriff Gerald Couch and the Hall County Sheriff's Office hosted the Chamber's Human Resource (HR) Council in August and presented an outstanding program. (L-R) Shannon George, pdblowers; Judy Turk, Hall County Government; Sheriff Gerald Couch and Lt. Greg Cochran, Hall County Sheriff's Office; Dr. Lisa Rae Jones, Hall County Government; Melissa Nolan, Harris Products Group. (In back) Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation. The HR Council has 70+ professional members and meets monthly to discuss industry issues.

Hall County receives state designation 1/4 Page Ad 4.91" x 4.75" – The TIMES –Serving Northeast Georgia Since 1993 770 - 287- 9605 info@ddsga.com WE HAVE A SOLUTION FOR EVERY DATA NEED! Business Link is your connectionBusiness-to-Business Digital version available on gainesvilletimes.com and ghcc.com. For more information, MARKETING@GAINESVILLETIMES.COMcontact:Business Link publishes the first Wednesday of each month in The Times, and is mailed to all chamber members.

State School Superintendent Richard Woods stated, “EDP designation signifies these dis tricts are engaged in close collaboration with local businesses, industries, trade associations and postsecondary partners to continually develop new pathways and courses to expand opportunities for all Georgia students and prepare them for successful futures."
Human Resource Councileconomic development

Info: Nikki Chandler, VP Existing Industry, 770-532-6206 or nchandler@ghcc.com
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com6

Ambassadors Council
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Economic Development Council
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, September 20
Chamber Board of Directors
Friday, September 9
HealthSmart Wellness Expo
3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday, September 22
Thursday, September 22
"Mental Health Awareness"
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Healthcare Committee
South Hall Business Coalition
Join us at the Michelin Tower, and get all the updates on the exciting 25th Annual Motul Petit Le Mans & Fox Factory 120 (Sept 28 - Oct 1). Voted One of America’s Best Road Courses, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta is utilized for a wide variety of events, including professional and amateur sports car and motorcycle races, racing and driving schools, corporate programs and testing for motorsports teams. Tickets: RoadAtlanta.com
Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center
200 E.E. Butler Parkway | Gainesville
Chattahoochee Golf Course Club House
Stay Up-to-Date
Friday, September 9
Wednesday, October 5
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or Zoom
Space Limited | $5 Members | $15 Non-Members | Register: GHCC.com/EVENTS
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
No Admission Fee • All Citizens Welcome • 60+ Exhibitors
Network Over Coffee
Business After Hours
Scotts Downtown | Gainesville
South Hall Business Coalition
Wednesday, September 14
Lanier College & Career Academy Bistro
Network Over Coffee
Wednesday, October 5
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Chamber Executive Committee
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com 7
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
5300 Winder Highway | Braselton 30517
Vision 2030 Board Meeting
7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Expo
7:30 am - 9:30 am Breakfast & Most Fit Company Awards
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 13
Thursday, September 15
Tap It Rooftop | Downtown Gainesville
Small Business Seminar
Lanier Islands | Buford
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Longstreet Cafe
Jay Parrish, Chief, Gainesville Police Dept.
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber
South Hall Business Coalition Legacy Lodge at Lanier Islands
Job Fair & Career Expo
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. | Gainesville Civic Center
Thursday, September 22
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Lanier Technical Collge Ramsey Conference Center
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Sponsored by Hasty Pope Davies
Prizes & Cash Drawing | $5 Members | $15 Non-Members | Register: GHCC.com/EVENTS
Meet us at the Track!
Human Resource Council
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Liberty
Issues Committee – Housing 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Wednesday, September 14
Sponsored by THRIVE Coworking
meetings events
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tap It Rooftop | Downtown Gainesville Square
Screenings: Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Carotid Artery, Blood Pressure, Hearing, Body Mass Index, Flu Shots & COVID-19 Vaccines Available, Fall Risk Assessment Breakfast Reservations & Exhibit Info: 770-532-6206
Wednesday, September 14
Wednesday, September 28
Friday, October 7
Business Before Hours at Hulsey Oliver & Mahar
Wednesday, September 7
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Business After Hours
Tuesday, October 25
Tuesday, October 11
Sponsored by THRIVE Coworking

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Chattahoochee Grill
Business After Hours
5300 Winder Highway | Braselton
Meet us on the rooftop at Tap It, and learn about Gainesville's newest workspace collabora tion! THRIVE is the place to get connected. It's a professional, inspiring, fun space with free bottomless coffee/tea and snacks, as well as monthly breakfasts, lunches, happy hours, and ongoing events and activities. THRIVE creates irresistible work environments while fostering a sense of community among coworking members. WorkatThrive.com/gainesville
7:30 am - 1:30 pm HealthSmart Wellness Expo
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Gainesville Civic Center
Friday, September 23
Free Community Health Screenings (7:30am-1:30pm)
Jackson EMC | Gainesville
11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, September 13
Tuesday, October 25
Small Business Resource Fair
Thursday, September 8
HealthSmart 2022

• United Way of Hall County's Campaign Kickoff is Thursday, September 15 (11:30am) at the Gainesville Civic Center. Come celebrate the work of United Way, its advocates and partners at this free community event. When employees struggle with mental health issues, they struggle with work as well, resulting in decreased job satisfaction and productivity. Learn how you can engage in efforts to help employees. Lunch included. Reservations required. Call 770-536-1121 to make your reservation. unitedwayhallcounty.org
Abby Greenwood EconomicInternDevelopment

• The Chamber's Annual Farm City Breakfast is Tuesday, November 15 (7:30am) at the North Hall Community Center. Guest speaker is Doug Britton, Georgia Tech's Program Manager for the Agricultural Technology Research Program. The Chamber's Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast is Thursday, December 8 (7:30am) at Lanier Technical College, Ramsey Conference Center, and will feature the Hall County Legislative Delegation. Get info and register online at GHCC.com/EVENTS.
• Randi Doveton, Director of Hall County Planning & Development, announces Ellis Still as Assistant Director. Still brings over 15 years of community and economic development experience, most recently serving as the Community Development Director for Union City. Hall County Planning & Development is responsible for major functions of land use, permits, business licenses and more. hallcounty.org
• The 5th Annual Good Samaritan Golf Classic is September 13 at the Country Land Golf Club in Cumming. The event raises funds for Good Samaritan Ministries of Northeast Georgia, a non-profit food pantry that served over 87,000 clients last year and provided the community with 1,103,697 pounds of food. The ministry is focused on distributing food to those in need as well as counseling and support services. gsfoodministries.com
Email: kwest@ghcc.com
Got news?
Ralston promoted at United Community Bank

• Georgia Skin Cancer & Aesthetic Dermatology in Gainesville announces that Dr. Misty Caudell of the Georgia Skin Center, has joined the practice. The firm focuses on three areas: general dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, and the effective treatment of skin cancer. georgiaderm.com
New Cottrell Center opens at UNG

September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com10
• Jacobs Media's Kickoff 2022, North Georgia’s premier high school football magazine, is available at their studios on Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville and dozens of locations in the community. It's 116 pages, packed with previews of 26 teams, player profiles, the season's top games, the best rivalries, schedules and more. Stop by to get your free copy. accesswdun.com
Chamber welcomes new team members
member news
• Interested in a chance to win $5,000 cash? The Northeast Georgia Health System Foundation is selling tickets for the 2022 Medical Center Golf Tournament. Tickets are $100 each, and only 300 tickets will be sold. Proceeds will support the Gainesville Police Department’s Mental Health Co-Responder Program. Drawing at the golf tournament on October 6. Do not need to be present to win. Tickets: Michele Piucci, 770-531-2749 or mpiucci@peachstatebank.com
• Nominate your company for a MOST FIT COMPANY AWARD! Judging criteria includes wellness, nutrition and fitness opportunities provided for employees and will be presented at the HealthSmart Breakfast on October 5 (7:30am) at Lanier Tech. Nominate your company online at SurveyMonkey.com/r/MostFitCompany
The University of North Georgia recently opened the state-of-the-art Cottrell Center for Business, Technology and Innovation at the Dahlonega Campus. The 90,000-squarefoot facility houses the Mike Cottrell College of Business and features five specialty computer labs for logistics, finance and data analytics, cyber range, cybersecurity and forensic and networking and hardware, along with 10 classrooms. The facility was funded with a $10 million gift from Mike and Lynn Cottrell and some $21.8 million in state funding. Naming gift opportunities are now available for corporate partners, alumni and friends to have their name(s) displayed in the Cottrell Center. Details: Kim Vickers at 706-864-1623 or kim.vickers@ung.edu.
• Lake Lanier Association’s 34th Annual Shore Sweep is Saturday, September 24. Come by land or water to this drop-in event! Pick up trash on your way to the site for drop off, gather your supplies first, then head out to clean, or do a combination of both. Last year, Shore Sweep was record breaking with over 1,200 volunteers and 85.08 tons of trash and debris collected. Details: lakelanier.org.
Mitch Ralston
Savannah Garrick Project Manager Economic Development
Lisa Schultz Membership Sales & Programs
• Jarrard Burch Foundation's 21st Annual Songwriters Show is Saturday, September 10 (6:00pm) at the Lawn at Midland Social, 908 Grove Street in Gainesville. The concert is an unforgettable night of storytelling and entertainment showcasing some of Nashville's Grammy Award-winning talents. Concert proceeds support local nonprofits, including the Georgia Mountain Food Bank, Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier, Good News at Noon and Good News Clinics. Tickets, $30. jarrardburchfoundation.com
Jack Keener, State President of United Community Bank Northeast Georgia announced Gainesville native and longtime banker Mitch Ralston as president of United Community Bank of Hall County (UCBHC) following the retirement of Will White. Ralston supervis es of all four United Community Bank branches in the Hall County area as part of his new role. White retired after a 43-year banking career in Gainesville, including 17 years with UCB. Ralston most recently led the Commercial Lending Division at UCBHC and has over 30 years of banking experience. He serves on multiple boards and is a current member and past president of the Gainesville Kiwanis Club. ucbi.com
The Greater Hall Chamber announces three new employees. Savannah Garrick joins the Chamber as a Project Manager for the Economic Development team. She previously worked as the Membership Director for a neighboring Chamber. Savannah is a graduate of Young Harris College and holds a degree in Media Communication Studies. Concord Georgia native Abby Greenwood is an intern assisting the Economic Development Division. Abby is a student at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega and will graduate in May 2023. She's studying General Marketing and has a passion for content creation. Lisa Schultz joins the Membership Division from a neighboring Chamber and brings a wealth of experience as both a small business owner and professional in the chamber industry – 10 years in event management. Lisa resides in South Hall and has two sons in the school district.
As one of the leading full-service printers in Northeast Georgia for nearly 75 years Tommy Downs and the team of craftsmen at Matthews Printing continue to carry on the legacy of founders W.E. “Eph” Matthews and Bill and Martha Lipscomb with "service that satisfies and customer-focused print solutions.” Located in the heart of Downtown Gainesville, Matthews provides design work, digital, offset, wide format and letter press printing, die cutting, embossing and foil stamping. They printing an across-the-board range of products from annual reports and business cards to banners, vinyl decals and wedding invitations. With over 190 years of combined experience, the staff is an integral part of the Hall County community supporting and donating to many local groups and charities. gomatthews1.com
Become a Chamber 2022
Small Business Success Seminar
No Charge for Chamber Members.
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
“Prioritizing Mental Health Wellness"
Tuesday, September 13
• Certified Small Business Door Decal
Info: Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206 • eparker@ghcc.com
Gainesville Eye Associates is a establishedophthalmologymulti-specialtypracticein1982by

Small Business Resource Fair

small business development
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | In Person at the Chamber or via Zoom 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville
Register for IN PERSON OR via Zoom at GHCC.com/events
Mental Health has become an increasingly important issue in today's society, and the business world is no exception. Jay Parrish, Chief of the Gainesville Police Department, and his team have prioritized mental health wellness in their orga nization while continually working towards making mental health treatment accessible to everyone in our community. Join us for this important presentation and discussion about prioritizing mental health wellness in our businesses and community as a whole.
Jack M. Chapman, M.D. and Stephen J. Farkas, M.D. In 2018 the firm merged with EyeSouth Partners and are staffed with top physicians who focus on providing comprehensive eye care to patients. The practice has grown to serve the greater Northeast Georgia and Western North Carolina regions, with primary clinics in Gainesville, Braselton and Cornelia. Satellite clinics for patient consultations are located in Blairsville, Clayton, Toccoa, and Hiawassee, as well Franklin and Hayesville, North Carolina. From vision correction to bladeless laser cataract surgery, Gainesville Eye Associates is the region’s largest multi-specialty eye care practice. They have built their reputation on expertise and caring service. Because each individual’s eyes change over time and circumstances, the doctors and medical professionals treat each patient with a personalized approach to achieve the best visual outcome. gainesvilleeye.com
Small Business Spotlight: Gainesville Eye Associates

• Announcement in the Business Link
CERTIFIED Small Business Partner by participating in six (6) Small Business Seminars this year.
CERTIFIED Partners Receive

Tuesday, October 11
– Thank You Small Business Seminar Sponsors –
Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Upcoming Event
• Certificate of Completion
Small Business programs are held monthly on topics of interest to small business. Check the Chamber's online calendar at GHCC.com/ EVENTS for up-to-date info, or contact Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206. eparker@ghcc.com

This annual event features 15+ exhibitors with the best and brightest local resources for small businesses. The Resource Fair is a great place to connect with organizations for free advice, strat egies and tips to help you succeed and grow your small business.
Jay Parrish Chief, Gainesville Police Department

September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com 11
Small Business Spotlight: Matthews Printing Company

• Recognition at a Chamber Board Meeting
Sponsored by AccessWDUN, Caldwell Electrical Contractors, Delta Community Credit Union, Gainesville Mechanical, Sawyer Media Group, Small Business Access Partners and The Times
Meet us at the Chamber's Small Business Resource Fair on October 11th for outstanding networking
education leadership
Leadership Hall Class took a tour around the Downtown Gainesville Square and learned about Mainstreet Gainesville as part of the History Day program in August.

Chick-fil-A Gainesville West Gainesville CVB Hacienda 787 INK
Lawson Air Conditioning & Plumbing

Leadership Hall's History Day kicked off at the Northeast Georgia History Center with a welcome from City of Gainesville Mayor Sam Couvillon followed by an overview of the history of Gainesville-Hall County and tours of the Historical Galleries. The class walked to the Downtown Gainesville Square and heard from Nicole Parham, Manager of Mainstreet Gainesville. Lunch was hosted at 787 Hacienda by owner Angel Retana. The history of Warren Featherbone, legacy of Gus Whalen, and team building activities were held at Interactive Neighborhood for Kids (INK). At Elachee Nature Science Center, Amy Bradford, Director of Operations, gave a Live Animal Show, oversaw owl pellet dissection and facilitated tshirt tye-dying activities. The day concluded at Liquid Nation Brewery ClassmatesHallLeadership.County
Dr. Deanne Collins, Lanier College,Technical and Garrett Hibbs, UGA County,ExtensionCooperativeHall dissect owl August.CenterNatureityduringpelletsanactivatElacheeSciencein

Leadership Hall County


September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com12
Thank You Program Sponsors

No Admission Fee
Free Community Health Screenings

HealthSmart Breakfast & Most Fit Company Awards
Breakfast Reservations & Exhibit Info: Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206. eparker@ghcc.com.

Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center
community development
Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
• Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglycerides
7:30am - 1:30pm
The Greater Hall Chamber and VISION 2030's 15th Annual HealthSmart Wellness Expo is Wednesday, October 5 (7:30 am - 1:30 pm) at Lanier Technical College, Ramsey Conference Center. Presented by Northeast Georgia Health System, the Expo is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and promotes wellness with free community health screenings and 60+ wellness exhibitors.

Wednesday, October 5
fruit of that belief, as we provide support to students pursuing their educational dreams.”
– Chris Hollifield, Rushton’s managingpartner
The Rushton Educational Scholarship is administered by the North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF). The endowed scholarship will make future awards through NGCF’s annual Spring scholarship cycle.
Open to the Public 60+ Interactive Exhibitors 770.287.7800 | rushton.cpa

• Carotid Artery
As part of the VISION 2030 HealthSmart Community Challenge, the Chamber is conducting its annual survey for “Most Fit Companies” in Gainesville-Hall County. Judging criteria includes wellness, nutrition and fitness opportunities provided for employees. Awards are presented in three categories: large companies (251+ employees), medium (51-250) and small (50 or less). Awards will be presented at the HealthSmart Breakfast. Nominate your company online at SurveyMonkey.com/r/MostFitCompany. The entry deadline is September 9. Breakfast reservations required.

• Hearing
pursuing a degree in accounting.
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
• Blood Pressure
• Body Mass Index
HealthSmart is October 5
7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
• Flu Shots & COVID-19 Vaccines Available

Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center

A hearty congratulations to Zachary Tyler Martin, a rising junior at UGA. Zachary was selected from a large pool of applicants to receive this $2,750 award because of his clear passion for accounting and commitment to the community.

• Fall Risk Assessment
Chamber Member Breakfast, $15; Non-Member Breakfast, $20 Chamber Member Booth, $350; Non-Member Booth, $550 Non-Profit Booth, $300
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com 13
Law Offices of David Burroughs
Centennial Joint Care
ribbon cuttings

The law office of David Burroughs provides legal services concentrating in the areas of family law and state court misdemeanor criminal matters. David has been practicing law for over 40 years and most recently served 14 years as a full-time magistrate in Hall County, 200 West Academy Street, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-530-1287. davidburroughslaw.com
(L-R) Dusty Benefield and Todd Gailey, Boost Transport; Craig Tankersley, Todd Robson and Thomas Jones, Freedom Trans USA; Tim Evans, Chamber. Boost Transport and Freedom Trans USA have partnered to bring a better solution to supply chain management in North Georgia with two new facilities. From the breakdown of the global supply chain during the pandem ic, both companies realized that they each held a different end of that supply chain rope and worked for a solution for the good of customers. The first of two facilities on Barber Road will house a fulfillment center as well as hyper cross dock and traditional warehouse services. The distribution and fulfillment center is 90,000 square feet with 56 foot ceilings and the capability to hold 15,000 pallets. The new facility will not only bring new employment oppor tunities to Hall County, but also help relieve warehousing constraints. For inquiries regarding new warehousing space, order fulfillment, supply chain management or logistics/transporta tion, contact Todd Gailey, 770-654-6268, or Thomas Jones, 770-561-2101.
September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com14
Boost Transport & Freedom Trans USA
(L-R) Julie Tiegs, Nurse Practitioner, Brooke Bates, Practice Manager, Jennifer Sapp, Marketing & Outreach, Todd Sapp, Managing Partner, cut ribbon at Centennial Joint Care, a medical clinic focused on non-surgical treatments for knee and shoulder joint pain. Patients with osteo arthritis, or who are “bone-on-bone”, can benefit greatly from treatments, which typically involve a series of hyaluronic acid injections. The clinic goes above and beyond to ensure the accuracy of these injections by performing them under fluoroscopy (x-ray guidance). There is little to no downtime, and services are covered by most insurances, including Medicare. 1235 Friendship Road, Suite 115, Braselton, Ga 30517. 770-904-9014. centennialjointcare.com

El Sombrero Mexican Grill & Cantina
Owners Oscar, Christian and Ernesto Aguirre cut a ribbon at El Sombrero Mexican Grill & Cantina on Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville. The family owned and operated business has proudly served our home state of Georgia and the City of Gainesville since 1984. The Aguirre family invite you to come out and try their new handcraft cocktails and new menu items at the new location on Browns Bridge. The family would like to take this opportunity to thank the City of Gainesville for becoming part of our family and showing us much support as well as our staff for working hard to give you all the best experience possible. 1705 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30501. 470-290-8449. elsombreromex.net
Chamber Member Networking
Stuart Richardson 3446 Winder Highway Suite FloweryM-339Branch GA 30542
- Janitorial & Cleaning (770) 530-7501 cleanfreaksenterprises.com
welcome new members
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton Sawyer Media Group
Chamber members recently gathered at the Georgia Mountain Food Bank for Business After Hours. Make plans to attend the next Business After Hours, sponsored by THRIVE Coworking, on Thursday, September 22 at the Rooftop at Tap It in Downtown Gainesville.

your business success by joining the Greater Hall Chamber.
HallCountyJobs.com Liz Gainesville5098RobbinsLeeRoadGA 30506
McAllister Tree Service Chesney McAllister 409 Baldwin Road Cornelia GA 30531 - Tree Service (706) 778-7527 mcallistertreeservice.com
North Georgia Aviation Carina Allen 1660 Palmour Drive Hangar AA 1 Gainesville GA 30501 - Aircraft Services (770) 800-8288 ng-av.com
- Office Supplies (770) 531-4465 cwnga.com
Frank Oorreel
Vice Chair Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance, chat at a recent Network Over Coffee event at McDonald's. Join the group at an upcoming Network Over Coffee on Friday, September 9 (9-10 am) at Longstreet Cafe or Friday, September 23 (9-10 am) at The Bistro at Lanier College & Career Academy. Details: Christen Wilbanks, 770532-6206 or cwilbanks@ ghcc.com

September 2022 | GreaterHallChamber.com 15
- Retail/Home Improvement (770) 869-3023 howardbrothers.com
SouthPartnersHall Rotary More Self Storage THRIVE Coworking
- Engineering Services (770) 883-8969 contoureng.com
PeopleCheck, Inc Al 319GaineyBradford Street Gainesville GA 30501
Dahlonega Wine Tours
- Vending Services (404) 789-1001 vendingpro.co
4350 W White Rd, Suite 300 Flowery Branch GA 30542
Northeast Georgia Health System
Milton Martin Honda
Katelyn Copeland Dahlonega, GA 30533
THRIVE | Coworking Luke Wills 100 Main Street SW Gainesville GA 30501
Cartridge World North GA Tavarvess Ware 3 Washington Avenue Gainesville GA 30501
Boplan USA Inc
Maximize Call now, 770-532-6206,
Clean Freaks Enterprises, LLC
Legion Mediation
Pilgrim's Claudia Castaneda PO Box Gainesville1810GA 30503 - Manufacturers & Processors (770) 533-4800 pilgrims.com
- Business Services (770) 917-3505 workatthrive.com/Gainesville
AC & Plumbing
Shane Lazenby 380 Green St NE Gainesville GA 30501(470)Mediation290-5117 legionmediation.com
- Tours and Transportation (770)Services561-0583
- Manufacturers & Processors (678) 890-5906 boplan.com
- Employment Agency (678) 712-5212 hallcountyjobs.com
by Tomorrow Small Business Access
Club Store
Contour Engineering David Knotts
- Dental Office (770) 965-2100 lemonsdental.com
Lemons Dental Dr. Terry Lemons 1235 Friendship Rd, Suite 200 Braselton GA 30517
- Fitness Center (817) 312-5965 townpilates.com
or join online at GreaterHallChamber.com
Chick-fil-A Gainesville Delta Community Credit Union Gainesville CVB Gainesville Mechanical Hacienda 787 Hall County Sheriff's Office
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Dujuana Stringer, Lanier Federal Credit Union, and Chamber Membership
The Phillips Team Johnny Phillips 6401 Germantown Drive Flowery Branch GA 30542 - Real Estate (678) 316-0638 phillipsteamrealty.com
2705 Faith Industrial Drive Suite Buford200GA 30518
Howard Brothers Lula John Howard 4336 Cornelia Highway Lula GA 30554
You Chamber Sponsors!
- Employment Screening (770) 535-6200 peoplecheckus.com
Town Pilates Kate Odell 114 Washington Street Suite Gainesville211 GA 30501
Sull Graphics Dorene Murray 2220 Airport Industrial Drive # Ballground900 GA 30107 - Printing & Graphics (770) 740-1134 sullgraphics.com
Vending Pro. April Scott 2721 Trebek McDonoughCtGA 30253
200 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville October
Promote your company at the 15th Annual HealthSmart Expo. Exhibit space limited. Chamber Member Booth, $350; Non-Member, $550; Non-Profit Booth, $300. Reserve your spot NOW!

60+ Wellness Exhibitors No Appointments Needed Prize Drawings

HealthSmart Wellness Expo
Tuesday, September 13
Business Before Hours
INFO Glucose • Cholesterol • Triglycerides • Hearing Blood Pressure Checks • Body Mass Index Carotid Artery • Fall Risk Assessment Flu Shots & COVID-19 Vaccines Available No Admission

Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center

Email: eparker@ghcc.com. Register online at
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206
In person at Chamber or via Zoom
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Gainesville Police Department

5300 Winder Hwy in Braselton
Business After Hours
Lanier Technical College
Presented by Chief Jay Parrish,
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
No Entry Fee • Open to the Public
Ramsey Conference Center
7:30 am - 1:30 pm Technical College Conference Center Health Screenings

Email: eparker@ghcc.com Fee ALL Welcome
Open to the Public
South Hall Business Coalition
Gainesville Civic Center
Job Fair & Career Expo
Thursday, September 22
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Business After Hours Thursday, September 22 5-7 pm | Rooftop at Tap It Sponsored by THRIVE Coworking Wednesday,
Tuesday, October 11

Friday, October 7
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, September 14
Small Business Seminar
Don't miss the Chamber's Small Business Resource Fair on October 11th at Lanier Tech. This annual event features 15+ exhibitors with the best and brightest local resources for small businesses. The Resource Fair is a great place to network and connect with organizations for free advice, strategies and tips to help you succeed and grow your small business. $5 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member. Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206.
GHCC.com/EVENTS.Presentedby U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT GAINESVILLE,#92GACAR-RTSORT This publication is printed on partially recycled paper.
Expo: 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Annual Small Business Resource Fair

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Space Limited • Registration Required
Thursday, September 8
"Mental Health Awareness"
Sponsored by THRIVE Coworking
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
No Entry Fee • Open to the Public
Sponsored by Hulsey Oliver & Mahar
Wednesday, October 5
Tap It Rooftop | Downtown Gainesville Square