
We all recognize that we live in a great community, though I believe many of us may take this for granted. I am thankful there are many who recognize that it takes constant work to maintain the heritage we enjoy here in Gainesville and Hall County.
Most of us were raised to say, “thank you,” and that is a good trait. When someone does something for you or gives you something, show ing appreciation should happen out of habit. There is a downside to that, however – saying "thank you" out of habit may occur without true appreciation.
We should not act like we are deserving of anything because, truthfully, we are not. We should work hard because that is the best way for us to complete our goals and maintain our community. When something good is done on our behalf, or when we complete a difficult task, we should give thanks to God for His blessings.
One of the best ways to show thankfulness and gratitude is to provide grace to others as it has been provided to us.
We should accept each other and show kindness despite our own individual shortcomings. We all make mistakes and fall short of our personal expectations as well as the expectations of others. Accepting that fact, continuing to move forward, living our daily lives, and doing what we believe to be right, is the best any of us can do.
We appreciate those who give of their time, talents, and resources to our community. This is where the rubber meets the road. We should not be concerned with who gives what. Rather, we should all work together for the common good and always remember that how we live our lives today creates the legacy we pass on to our fami lies and each other.
If you have extra money, donate some of it to those less fortunate. If you have spare time, spend it with someone who needs a friend. If you have a talent, share it. The point is that we all should give something back. If you have a special gift that God has blessed you with, then use it for the benefit of others. Write a check, go sing, play a musical instrument, teach someone something useful, lis ten to others who need company, spend time, share faith, hope, and love. Build community.
Be thankful, and show your gratitude to others. It only takes a spark. Watch it spread to those around you.
The Chamber's 15th Annual HealthSmart Expo on October 5 was a tremendous success with dozens of people receiving free health screenings provided by Longstreet Clinic, Northeast Georgia Health System, Public Health District 2, and other healthcare professionals. Over 50 exhibitors participated in the Wellness Expo. A Kickoff Breakfast featured the presentation of Most Fit Company Awards to outstanding employers. See highlights on page 3.
Chairman William Bagwell Homestead Investments Chairman-Elect Brett Fowler Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance
Treasurer Perry Barnett Rushton
Vice Chair Economic Development Glennis Barnes Georgia Power
Vice Chair Marketing Missy Burgess Lanier Islands
Vice Chair Government Affairs
Drew Echols Jaemor Farms
Vice Chairs, Education Andi Farmer Milton Martin Honda Lauren Armour Talley Lanier Technical College
Vice Chair South Hall Council Mike Zeiler, Marel
Vice Chair Community Development Margaret Spratlin Longstreet Clinic
Chair Vision 2030 Tate O’Rouke Jackson EMC Staff, Vision 2030 Elizabeth Higgins Anna Hester
Vice Chairs Membership Tammy Caudell, Carroll Daniel Construction Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance Co-Chairs HALLmark Phil Bonelli Regions Bank Philip Wilheit, Jr Wilheit Packaging
Christa Andrews, Corporate Storage
Edward Asbridge, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch
Norman Baggs, The Times Brian Barfield, AT&T
Neal Booth, Pinnacle Bank Chris Braswell, The Norton Agency
Chris Brown, Delta Community Credit Union Whitney Brown, Stewart, Melvin & Frost Dan Carey, TRUIST Kit Charest Marel Mitch Clarke, AccessWDUN
Kay Cochran Cochran Brothers Electric
Sean Couch, Northeast Georgia Health System
Sam Couvillon, Mayor, City of Gainesville
Shanna Cronic, Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic
S. Wade Dale, Mayor, City of Gillsville
Andrew Davenport, A New Veteran Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB
Beth Downs Northeast Georgia Health System
Jessica Dudley, United Way of Hall County
Cody Elder Coca-Cola Bottling Gainesville/United Michelle Moore Ellis, Moore's Wealth Management
Joy Griffin, Gainesville City Schools
Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Richard Higgins, Chair, Hall County Commission
Sam Hulsey, United Community Bank
Rick Humphrey, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Jordan Hussey J's Place Recovery Center
Ben Jarrard, University of North Georgia
Carli Jones Jaemor Farms
Jay Kelly Signs by Tomorrow
Jay Kilroy, Willis Investment Counsel
Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Investments
David Lee, Jackson EMC
Dr. Kate Maine, University of North Georgia
Senior Advisor Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction
Immediate Past Chair Phil Sutton Kubota Manufacturing of America
Greater Hall Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap
Megan Martin, North GA Community Foundation
Ward McCamy, Bank of America
Tim McDonald, Lanier Technical College
Mike McGraw, Ranger Manufacturing
Terry Merck American Yazaki Corporation
Sheri Millwood, Oakwood City Council
Steve Naughton, Enterprise Solutions
Chris Nish Cottrell
James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont
Matt Nix Duplicating Products
Ryan Owen, Kubota Manufacturing of America
Dr. Jeff Payne Capstone Property Group
Michele Piucci, Peach State Bank & Trust
Stacey Poole McDonald's NEGA
Col. Stas Preczewski, Riverside Military Academy
Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy
Vanesa Sarazua, Hispanic Alliance Georgia
Britt Sawyer, Sawyer Media Group
Will Schofield Hall County School System
Mulham Shbeib, Mar-Jac Poultry
Jessica Shirley, The Times
John Simpson, Lakeview Academy
Dr. Anne Skleder, Brenau University
Jackie Walters Slaughter Walters Management Co
Terry Spicer King’s Hawaiian Bakery
Kevin Strada, The Atlanta Falcons
Joe Thomas Mayor, City of Lula
Kurt Ward Mayor, Town of Braselton
Layna Weldon, State Farm Insurance
Lila Westmoreland, Brenau University
Philip Wilheit, Sr., Wilheit Packaging
Jeff Williams Conditioned Air Systems
Dr. Jeremy Williams, Gainesville City Schools
John Wright Fieldale Farms
economic development
King’s Hawaiian (KH) officials cut a ribbon at their new "storefront" at the Mike & Lynn Cottrell Junior Achievement (JA) Discovery Center at North Georgia in Cumming. (L-R) Ben White, Director, JA Discovery Center North GA; Dan Raatjes, Senior VP & Chief of Operations (KH); Terry Spicer, Community Relations & Development Leader (KH); Julian Arias, VP, JA Discovery Center; Mark Taira, CEO, King’s Hawaiian; Dana Miller, Director, JA Northeast Georgia; Liz Bondor, Creative Manager (KH); Amanda Higgins, Director of Plant Management (KH); Robert Hathy, VP Manufacturing (KH). At JA Finance Park, the King’s Hawaiian space will give over 15,000 students a year an authentic, hands-on experience. The center is an environment where middle school students connect knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world concepts. Students work alongside their peers and adult volunteers to develop a greater understanding of finance, build 21st century skills, and foster their entrepreneurial spirit.
“Since opening our Oakwood facility in 2011, we’ve worked to build a strong connection with students in our community by helping them explore future career opportunities in manufac turing and partnering with local schools to offer tours of our facility,” said Mark Taira, CEO of King’s Hawaiian. “We are so excited to open our storefront window in partnership with the JA BizTown and continue our focus on supporting local youth.”
Based in Italy, FAE USA has been doing business in Georgia for 20 years. The company located its North American headquarters to Oakwood in 2006, and under the leadership of CEO Giorgio Carera, manufactures brush clearing equipment at the Hall County facility. "Giorgio Carera and his team are great brand ambassadors for their products and the business community," said Tim Evans, Chamber VP of Economic Development. "We are so proud to have this Italian company growing its U.S. business in Hall County.
Local Partner in Education, Kubota Corporation of America, recently donated an excavator to the Hall County School System
The equipment, valued at over $100,000, is used by the Trades in Training Large Equipment Program. High school students gain hands-on experience operating large farm and construc tion equipment. Kubota has long been a support er and partner of Hall County Schools, providing internships to many students through Work-Based Learning. The company played a crucial role in the development of the new Agribusiness Center by providing financial support and equipment donations.
Chris Pruitt, a WBL student in the Trades in Training program at Chestatee High School, tests out the new excavator donated by Kubota to the Hall County School System.
Phil Sutton, Vice President, Kubota Manufacturing of America, said. “As one of the county’s top employers, Kubota is proud to work with Hall County to provide reciprocal work-based learning programs that aim to attract and train high school students with hands-on, realworld opportunities. We’re proud to work alongside the Agribusiness Center as they grow the next generation of business owners and farmers to help them learn the skills needed to pursue occupations in construction and agriculture fields.”
Good News Clinics (GNC) was host for the Chamber's Human Resource (HR) Council in October. (L-R) Emily Gaddy and Liz Coates, GNC; Nikki Chandler, Chamber; Terry Merck, American Yazaki; Cadie Cooper, Board Member GNC GNC is a Christian nonprofit providing free medical and dental care to uninsured residents of Hall County who cannot afford to purchase health care services. The HR Council has 70+ professional members and meets monthly to discuss industry issues. Nikki Chandler, 770-532-6206.
The 27th Annual Farm City Breakfast on Tuesday, November 15 (7:30am) at the North Hall Community Center will recognize local farmers and those working in agricul ture and agribusiness. Since 1995, the UGA Extension Hall County, Hall County Farm Bureau and the Greater Hall Chamber have coordinated the event in obser vance of National Farm City Week. Sponsors include Jackson EMC (presenting sponsor), Bagwell Insurance, Cargill, Jaemor Farms, Hall County Parks & Leisure, Hall County Soil & Water and Mountain Fresh Creamery. The keynote speaker is Dr. Doug Britton, a principal research engineer with the Georgia Tech Research Institute and program manager for the Agricultural Technology Research Program. This program is highly focused on driving transformational innovation in advanced technologies for poultry, agribusiness and food processing. Complimentary breakfast. Open to the public. Reservations required: Karen Davis, 770-535-8293, or email:
Chamber Board Member Phil Bonelli is a unique individual. He's a banking executive and a seasoned rapper. He's co-chair of the Chamber's HALLmark Initiative and runs Hopewell Farms GA in North Hall County. Phil's daytime job as Senior Vice President at Regions keeps him busy during the week. After work and on weekends, you'll find him raising cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys on the 43-acre family farm. Bryan Duran was a senior at Chestatee High School when he began a Work-Based Learning (WBL) position at the farm. Bryan graduated in May and is now pursuing a degree in Construction Management at Lanier Technical College. He is also an intern with a con struction company. With a busy schedule, Bryan's hours at the farm have decreased, thought he still works there as much as possible. "This was my first experience hav
Stewart Melvin & Frost, one of northeast Georgia’s preeminent law firms, is led by the Management Team of Brook Davidson, Scotty Ball and Steve Cornelison.
Chairing the leadership group is Brook Davidson, the first female managing partner in the firm. She has a trust and estate practice, focusing on fiduciary litigation, estate planning, and trust, probate and guardianship administration. Scotty Ball is an expert in residential and commercial real estate transactions. Steve Cornelison is widely known for his experience in federal tax and business transactions.
Brook, Scotty and Steve have years of specialized experience as well as a strong commitment to being actively involved in our local and regional communities. They will be at the forefront of guiding the firm into the future.
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
This event recognizes local farmers and those working in agriculture and agribusiness. Since 1995, area partners have hosted the event in observance of National Farm City Week. Sponsors include Jackson EMC, Bagwell Insurance, Cargill, Jaemor Farms, Hall County Parks & Leisure, Hall County Soil & Water and Mountain Fresh Creamery. The keynote speaker is Dr. Doug Britton, a principal research engineer with the Georgia Tech Research Institute. Reservations required: Karen Davis, 770-535-8293, or
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Pinnacle Bank Building | 340 Jesse Jewell Pkwy SE | Suite 605
Come meet the NGCF team, tour their new office space and the new NGCF Community Room. Learn how they carry out their mission of “helping people and nonprofits invest generously in the lives of those who call our community home.” As a leader in philanthropy, NGCF has distributed over $122.5 million in grants and scholarships since their inception in 1985. In 2021, they managed 480 charitable funds, totaling $121.3 million in assets.
Cash Drawing | $5 Members | $15 Non-Members | Register:
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lanier Technical College
Ramsey Conference Center
Presented by
The Greater Hall Chamber continues to assist local businesses and citizens in communicat ing their concerns and discussing issues with our legislative delegation at the Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast. The program will feature discussion with the Hall County Legislative Delegation for the Georgia House of Representatives and State Senate and Newly Elected Hall County Legislators from the November 8th General Election.
$40 Member | $50 Guest | $400 Table (seats 6) | Register:
Wednesday, November 2
Healthcare Committee
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Thursday, November 3
South Hall Business Coalition Sponsored by Funari Realty "Economic Development Update" Tim Evans, Greater Hall Chamber 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Houndstooth Grill | Braselton
Tuesday, November 8
Small Business Seminar "Small Business, Big Impact"
Jessica Dudley & Meghan Fernandez United Way of Hall County 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or Zoom
Tuesday, November 8 Ambassadors Council 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Scott's Downtown | Gainesville
Wednesday, November 9 Human Resource Council 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 10 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber
Friday, November 11 Economic Development Council 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Jackson EMC 1000 Dawsonville Highway | Gainesville
Friday, November 11
Network Over Coffee 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Royal Lakes Country Club Flowery Branch
Tuesday, November 15
Farm City Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. North Hall Community Center Nopone Road | Gainesville
Tuesday, November 15
Vision 2030 Board Meeting 11:30 a.m. | Chamber
Wednesday, November 16 Issues Committee
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Thursday, November 17 Chamber Board of Directors
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. | Gainesville Civic Center
Note: The Chamber will be closed November 24-25 for Thanksgiving Holiday.
Tuesday, December 6
Business After Hours
DecemberNorth Georgia Community Foundation
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
340 Jesse Jewell Parkway SE Suite 605 | Gainesville
Wednesday, December 7 Healthcare Committee
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Thursday, December 8
Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast
Hall County Legislative Delegation 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Tuesday, December 13
Small Business Seminar
"The Art of Sales" by Molly Knight, UGA Small Business Development Center
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or Zoom
Thursday, December 15 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber
Note: No Board of Directors Meeting in December. The Greater Hall Chamber will be closed December 23-26 for Christmas Holiday.
Northeast Georgia Physicians Group is proud to now offer Concierge Medicine—a more personal type of care that offers unhurried office visits and 24/7 access to your doctor.
Timely responses from staff
Unhurried office visits
Easy email communication
Coordinated hospital care
Hall County Government announces Sarah Crowe as the new Public Information Officer. Crowe most recently served as Career Services and Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership Coordinator with Lanier Technical College and was formerly an advisor for the University of North Georgia. She fills the role vacated by Katie Crumley, who now serves as Hall County’s Communications and Strategic Engagement Manager. Crowe graduated summa cum laude from University of North Georgia. She is a United States Air Force Veteran and received the “Distinguished Female Leader” award in 2017 by Women of UNG.
Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) was recently named to Forbes magazine’s list of America’s Best Employers By State. The list ranked 1,382 employers across the nation with NGHS among the top 15 organizations in Georgia. Carol Burrell, CEO for NGHS states, "Our employees and patients come first. NGHS continuously strives to provide fair pay, safe working conditions, inclusive culture, diversity initiatives and more. We have learned to work together through the challenges and difficulties of the past few years, which is why I am so proud to see us recognized as one of America’s Best Employers.” For career opportunities at NGHS, visit
• Hall County Government Administrator Jock Connell announces his retirement, effective March 31, and Zach Propes, Assistant Hall County Administrator, has been named as Connell’s replacement. Connell retired in 2009 from Gwinnett County, where he was employed for 23 years. Following his retirement, he served as interim Hall County administrator in 2011 and as a special projects manager for the County in subsequent years. He was hired as Hall County Administrator in 2017.
• Northeast Georgia Health System Auxiliary's Marketplace, the premier holiday market in Gainesville, returns November 10-12 to the Ramsey Conference Center at Lanier Technical College. The presenting sponsor is Willis Investment Counsel With more than 4,000 visitors and nearly 70 unique merchants, Marketplace is a great way to shop for a cause. Proceeds will go directly to Safe Kids Northeast Georgia.
• Longstreet Clinic (LC) recently welcomed five new physicians across five different specialties. Four of the doctors joined LC after completing residency training or fellowships earlier this year, while the fifth recently relocated to Georgia after practicing for more than a decade: Kelly Anderson, MD, Medical Oncology & Hematology; Ryan Berry, MD, Internal Medicine; Sonali Ganguly, MD, Endocrinology/Weight Management; Will Perry, MD, Vascular & Vein; Al Prioleau, DO, Family Medicine. Founded in 1995, Longstreet Clinic is a primary care and multispecialty practice with 200 providers and 20 specialties at nine convenient locations across Northeast Georgia.
WomenSource held its 15th Annual Power of Purse event on September 27 at Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center. The theme was “Women of Philanthropy,” showcasing women in the community who understand the value of giving and the true power of the purse. Over 400 attended Power of the Purse featuring a fashion show, raffles, silent auction, and dinner – raising over $40,000 to support educational programming to empower women and girls from all walks of life. WomenSource was founded in 2007, in collabo ration with United Way of Hall County, Junior League of Gainesville-Hall County and North Georgia Community Foundation, as a way for women in Northeast Georgia to discover what resources are available and how they can best utilize those resources to gain success and thrive in their lives.
Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps you identify, understand and respond to signs of addiction and mental illnesses.
Just as CPR certification helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone in a mental crisis. You’ll learn risk factors and warning signs, strategies to help people in crisis and non-crisis situations, and how to connect people to help. Take the course in person on November 11 at United Way of Hall County, learn more, or register at
• Stanley Preczewski, president of Riverside Military Academy, announced the name change for the all-boys school to Riverside Preparatory Academy. The name was changed in order to adapt to the post-COVID market for domestic and international families interested in a private or boarding school education for their sons. The new name will more accurately describe the school's focus on college preparations. The institution will continue to use the military model of education, including required uniforms, earned leadership responsibilities, and codes of conduct, as they have for more than one hundred years.
• Zechariah Pierce, associate director of the newly established School of Communication, Film and Theatre at the University of North Georgia (UNG), was named artistic director of the Gainesville Theatre Alliance’s (GTA). An alumnus of the nationally-recognized collaborative program between UNG and Brenau University, Pierce assumes the role with hopes to bring back GTA's season subscription model, a revitalized Theatre Wings organization, more student engagement in production leadership, and continued growth for the theatrical season. gainesvilletheatrealliance. org
• Kickoff the Holidays on the Downtown Gainesville Square with Jingle Mingle on Saturday, November 19 (4-6pm) featuring open houses at shops, refreshments, live music, carriage rides, kiddie train rides, face painting, Santa and his arrival on a Gainesville Fire Engine, photos with Santa, the Coca-Cola bear, and the grand LIGHTING OF THE CHICKEN! Christmas on Green Street returns Sunday, December 4 (4-7pm) with a parade followed by open house visits to historic homes, musical groups, magicians, face painters, balloon artists, storyteller, jugglers, Santa Claus, miniature train rides and food trucks.
• Pennsylvania-based CleanSpace Modular, an industry-leading clean room design builder, recently opened its new 59,000 square foot manufacturing facility and warehouse located at 4350 West White Road in Flowery Branch. This is the company’s first U.S. based manufacturing site. CleanSpace serves the life sciences, healthcare, electronics and battery manufacturing, and industrial market sectors.
• The City of Flowery Branch Christmas Season begins downtown on Saturday, November 19 (2-7pm) with holiday vendors, Santa, food trucks, Selfie World and the new Christmas Lantern Parade led by the Flowery Branch High School Band. Info: Renee Carden at
Juan Uribe is owner and operator of family-run Lakeside Car Wash in Gainesville. They offer a one-stop shop for most of your car needs including oil changes, tune-ups, brakes, tires, tire rotation, tire repair, alignments, both self-service and full service car washes, full details including steam cleaning of carpets, seats, engines, as well as waxes, paint restoration and paint correction. Uribe opened the business in 2017 and will celebrate its 5th anniversary in November. The Lakeside team supports the community by providing donations and frequently contributes to the schools and community events. 950 McEver Road, Gainesville, GA 30504.
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
In Person at the Chamber OR Attend via Zoom
Join us for this seminar presented by Jessica Dudley and Meghan Fernandez of United Way of Hall County. Learn all the ways your business can get involved and GIVE BACK to our local community with United Way of Hall County!
Register for IN PERSON or ZOOM:
No Charge for Chamber Members Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206 x 110 Email:
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
In Person at the Chamber OR via Zoom
Molly Knight, Continuing Education Specialist, UGA Small Business Development Center, will discuss the foundations of the sales process and the art of “getting to yes.” Sales may be a science, but the art of sales will make you and your business more effective and effi cient as you pursue your goals. We'll cover how to stand out in a crowd, attract customers, and transform your sales tactics to get great results in your business!
Small Business Seminars are held monthly on topics of interest to small business. Visit EVENTS for up-to-date info, or contact Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206. Email:
Become a Chamber 2022 CERTIFIED Small Business Partner by participating in six (6) Small Business Seminars this year.
CERTIFIED Partners Receive
• Certificate of Completion
• Certified Small Business Door Decal
• Recognition at a Chamber Board Meeting
• Announcement in the Business Link
(L-R) Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance; Jared Bostrom, Burnette Insurance; Betsy Pruitt, Chick-fil-A Gainesville; Chad Holloway, Brenau University, at the Chamber's Small Business Resource Fair on October 11 at Lanier Technical College. Some 75 Chamber members gathered for the event that included a business brand building presentation by Casey Ryals, agency manager of Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance, co-owner of Ryals Brothers paving, and co-chair of the Chamber's Membership Development Division. Over a dozen resource exhibitors were on hand with free advice on growing a business. Thank you sponsors: Small Business Access Parters and Chick-fil-A Gainesville.
Leadership Hall County class members prepare to get out on the lake in Dragon Boats at Lake Lanier Olympic Park as part of Lake Day. The Lanier Canoe and Kayak Club did a great job coaching the group as they experienced the thrill of Dragon Boat racing. The program also included presentations from the Hall County Sheriff's Office Dive Team, Gainesville Convention & Visitors Bureau and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as spending the afternoon at Margaritaville at Lanier Islands. Thank you program sponsors – Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance, Rushton, McDonald’s of NE Georgia and Margaritaville at Lanier Islands.
Students heard from Dr. Juli Clay, Assistant Vice President for Executive Programs and Department Chair for Communications at Brenau University, regarding effective communication and correspondence at the Quality of Life program in October. Students visited My Sister’s Place Resale Boutique and learned how to “shop with a purpose” to help those in need as part of the program. Proceeds from the Resale Boutique benefit My Sister’s Place, a local shelter for homeless women and children. Thank you program sponsor – Chattahoochee Country Club.
Since Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial began its partnership with Gainesville High School, the company has given support to the school in a variety of ways. They attend open house events at the beginning of each school year and have provided fundraising opportuni ties for clubs, academic teams, honor societies, and career technical student organizations. They also continually provide incentives for faculty and staff."
"We appreciate all that Modern Woodmen do for our school and are looking to expand our partnership with the company's team assisting as an outside instructional resource for our financial literacy classes and economics classes," said Adrian A. Cromwell, Assistant Principal, Gainesville High School. "Evan Davis does an awesome job reaching out to the school com munity to provide support."
Modern Woodmen also supports Gainesville City's elementary and middle schools. At New Holland Leadership Academy, they support teachers by providing them with financial advice, as well as meals and incentives. They also support the school by matching monies raised in school fundraisers. "Modern Woodmen has been a much appreciated asset to our school and community," said Marie Phillips, ESOL/EIP and Partners in Education Coordinator.
Coordinated by the Greater Hall Chamber, the Partners in Education (PIE) program supports education partnerships in Gainesville-Hall County, including all 44 public elementary, middle and high schools and over 350 partnering organizations. Info: Jason Pruitt, 770-532-6206 or
(L-R) Kay Ivester; Alli Roberts, Principal, Lanier Elementary School; Hall County School District Teacher of the Year Susan Howard, Lanier Elementary. An awards lun cheon was held at the Oaks at Lanier College and Career Academy where both teachers received a $10,000 check from the Ivester Foundation. Partners for the program were the Greater Hall Chamber, University of North Georgia, Brenau University and Lanier Technical College
The 2022-23 teachers of the year from the Hall County School District and Gainesville City Schools were honored at an annual luncheon sponsored by the Melvin Douglas and Victoria Kay Ivester Foundation (L-R) Kay Ivester; Andreka Blackwell, Principal, New Holland Knowledge Academy; Gainesville Schools Teacher of the Year Cynthia Kinsey, New Holland Knowledge Academy; and Doug Ivester
"I think everybody in America is molded by a teacher, positively or negatively, you can be molded both ways," Doug Ivester said. "And I think the teachers of Hall County and the Gainesville School System mold people in a good way. They mold people to be equipped for their future, and we're just glad to be a part of it."
Gainesville’s Downtown is a cen tral business district for 40,000 city residents and an estimated 150,000 commuters who work, study, dine and shop in town. Some 1,200 high end apart ments are under development in Downtown Gainesville creating a need for more restaurants, enter tainment and retail services. All are connected by new pedestri an walkways and the Midtown Greenway. Nearing completion, Gainesville Renaissance is a mixed-use development located on the Downtown Square and is filling with new tenants. The three-story project includes 20,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space and will include a new Italian restaurant, Taqueria Tsunami restaurant, Kilwins chocolates and ice cream, Onward Reserve menswear and eight condominiums. Additionally, the second floor is the new home to Brenau University’s Lynn J. Darby School of Psychology and Adolescent Counseling. Adjacent to Gainesville Renaissance is the Brenau Downtown Center, home to the University's physical therapy doctoral program and is a hub of advanced technology for the university. The facility comprises classrooms and clinical spaces for the PT program,
as well as online classrooms and studios to enhance delivery of digital information and online classes to students in multiple locations. The technology infra structure within the Downtown Center maximizes a hybrid delivery of graduate and undergraduate courses and helps foster an interdisciplinary approach across health sciences education. A seven-story, 130-room Courtyard by Marriott hotel is under construction for Downtown Gainesville with the centerpiece of The National, a $72 million new mixed-use project on Green Street. The four-building development will also include convention and meeting space, apartments, an outdoor plaza and dining areas. Across the pedes trian bridge is Solis Gainesville, a $48 million mixeduse development that has recently been completed. The project includes 10,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space along with 220 apartments. Just off the Gainesville Square, Bourbon Brothers is under construction and will include a 15,000-square-foot music and event venue, a 9,000-square-foot Bourbon Brothers Smokehouse and Tavern, and an accompanying 8,000-square-foot outdoor patio. Grubbs Market has opened in Downtown Gainesville on Main Street in a 6,400 square foot former warehouse. The Market offers patrons premium quality meat, locally sourced food, prepared foods, an in-house baker and specialty goods.
Good News at Noon (GNN) Director Ken Gossage (scissors), Board members, staff and dignitaries celebrated the opening of a newly constructed homeless shelter on October 8. GNN has provided a community ministry and services for our homeless neighbors since its founding by Gene and Marjorie Beckstein in 1987. GNN provides our neighbors with a foothold out of homelessness to a pathway of growth and restoration. To address the grow ing need of homelessness in our community, GNN expanded its footprint with the new, 12,000+ square foot, $3.5 million facility that doubles past capacity. The new shelter will house and serve 40 men, and through a newly implemented program, house and serve 20 women. Along with housing, GNN also provides meals 365 days a year and distributes gro ceries to those in need. 844 Dorsey Street, Gainesville GA 30501.
Officials from Flowery Branch joined a ribbon cutting at family owned Break Water Grill with Erick Castrejon, Grill Manager, Victor Chavarria, Operating Partner, and Napoleon Espinal, General Manager. Break Water proudly serves the Flowery Branch community with delicious food, friendly service, and a fun atmo sphere for the whole family. Come for lunch or dinner, pick up a meal to go, or just hang out and watch the game with friends. They offer a full bar and an outside patio that’s great for groups. 4856 Hog Mountain Rd, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. 470-778-9230.
Owners Rodolfo Quiroz and Francisco Montellano cut a ribbon at Power to Strokes Diesel, a small automobile service business specializing in diesel Ford trucks. The shop is committed to providing Gainesville-Hall County with great customer service and the best care for your power stroke needs. "Every customer is our best customer, and every job is our important duty!" Power To Strokes Diesel, 2140 Hilton Drive, Suite A, Gainesville, GA 30501. 678-936-0279.
Bark Camp Farm
Megan Patrick 4294 Hunter Road Gainesville GA 30506 - Animal Boarding Services 770-530-5647
Davies Hothem Injury Law
Kristy Davies Jennifer Hothem 973 Enota Avenue NE Gainesville GA 30501 - Attorneys 678-780-7817
FD Stonewater Martin Yarnall 1001 19th Street N, Unit 1401 Arlington VA 22209 - Real Estate 949-402-4669
Gainesville Ballet Company
Cindy Barrett 971 Riverside Drive Gainesville GA 30501 - Non-Profit 770-866-5353
IntegriCom, Inc. Joel Thain 1148 Satellite Blvd NW Suite 201 Suwanee GA 30024 - IT Services 678-501-0100
Marco’s Pizza Jignasha Patel 1294 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville GA 30501 - Restaurant 908-249-2961
Rick Jackson State Farm Agency Eric Jackson 3816 Old Flowery Branch Rd Oakwood GA 30566 - Insurance 770-536-7701
The UPS Store #7592
Himanshu Amin 1210 Thompson Bridge Road Suite A Gainesville GA 30501 - Shipping/Mailing Services 678-971-4848
Maximize your business success by joining the Greater Hall Chamber. Call now, 770-5326206, or join online at
Bagwell Insurance Caldwell Electrical Contractors
Chattahoochee Country Club
Clipper Petroleum Delta Community Credit Union Tony Funari / Funari Realty
Many thanks to the attorneys at Hulsey Oliver & Mahar for hosting Business Before Hours on October 7. (Front, top down) Jane Range, Amanda Ward, Jessica Lund. (Back, top down) Abb Hayes, Tom Calkins, Wes Robinson, Spencer Price, Jason Dean, Bradford Lorenz.
Gainesville Mechanical
Hall County Parks & Leisure Hall County Soil & Water Jackson EMC
Jaemor Farms
Milton Martin Honda
Mountain Fresh Creamery NEGA Health System
Business Before Hours at Hulsey, Oliver and Mahar prize winners were Dujuana Stringer (left), Lanier Federal Credit Union, and Janice Ramirez, Cadence Bank. Don't miss Business After Hours at North Georgia Community Foundation on Tuesday, December 6 (5-7pm) at their new offices at the Pinnacle Bank Building, 340 Jesse Jewell Parkway in Gainesville.
NEGAMC Braselton Sawyer Media Group Scott's Downtown Signs by Tomorrow South Hall Rotary Club Store More Self Storage
The Greater Hall Chamber’s new Gainesville-Hall County COMMUNITY GUIDE is now available! The publication has 100 pages of information and is distributed to prospective new businesses, newcomers, visitors and business clients. Valuable information is included for those new to the community, as well as lifelong residents. Pick up a free copy at the Chamber, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville. The Guide is published in partner ship with The Times. For more on this publication or other Chamber resources and mate rials: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, 770-532-6206.
Thursday, November 3
South Hall Business Coalition
Economic Development Update Sponsored by Funari Realty 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Houndstood Grill | Braselton
Tuesday, November 8
Small Business Seminar "Small Business, Big Impact" United Way of Hall County 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
In Person/Chamber or via Zoom
Tuesday, November 15
Farm City Breakfast
Presented by Jackson EMC 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
North Hall Community Center
Tuesday, December 6
Business After Hours
North Georgia Community Foundation 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 340 Jesse Jewell Pkwy SE Suite 605 | Gainesville
Thursday, December 8
Eggs & Issues Breakfast
Presented by Jackson EMC 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Tuesday, December 13
Small Business Seminar "The Art of Sales" Molly Knight, UGA SBDC 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
In Person/Chamber or via Zoom
Marketing Workshop Wednesday, January 25 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Brenau Downtown Center
Industry Appreciation Luncheon & Awards Friday, February 3 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Business EXPO
Thursday, February 16 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Healthy Hall Awards Wednesday, March 15 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Chamber Chase 5K & 2 Mile Wellness Walk Thursday, March 23 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Riverside Military Academy
Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament Friday, April 28 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Legacy on Lanier Golf Club
Event Sponsor Opportunities! Learn about sponsorships available for these events and others. Ellie Parker, VP Membership Sales & Events, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: