NOV-DEC 2024
Chairman’s Column page 2
Economic Development page 4
Member News pages 8-9
Meetings & Events page 10
Small Business pages 14-15
Most Fit Companies & HealthSmart pages 16-17
Ribbon Cuttings & New Members pages 20-22

Friday, November 15
Business Before Hours
Hulsey Oliver & Mahar
Tuesday, November 19
Business After Hours
Boot Barn Hall
Thursday, December 12
Eggs & Issues
Lanier Technical College
(Seats 8)

HALLmark: Cornerstone for Growth
The Greater Hall Chamber continues to serve as the cornerstone for growth and development for Gainesville-Hall County. The Greater Hall Chamber’s mission is to support an aggressive business environment, serving as a resource for information, supporting member growth, and enhancing our community’s quality of life. One of the greatest strengths of our Chamber is its ability to bring elected officials, community leaders, and business leaders together to support the community’s future growth needs.
One of the greatest visions for the Gainesville-Hall County community was the creation of the Chamber’s HALLmark Initiative. Over 25 years ago, Gainesville-Hall County leaders had the insight and boldness to invest in a groundbreaking economic development initiative called HALLTogether, now called HALLmark.
HALLmark 2020-2025 follows the legacy of past initiatives with numerous accomplishments and great success. HALLmark has been the cornerstone of the county’s prosperity and quality of life. Economic development, workforce development, VISION 2030, education, leadership, small business growth, healthcare, and quality of life are the driving factors for success within our community.
Since 2020, 53 new and expanded businesses have announced 3,500 new jobs and $1.54 billion in capital investment. Business, industry, and government have made long-term investments in Gainesville-Hall County because of its stability, skilled workforce, visionary leadership and quality of life. It's no surprise that Gainesville-Hall County continues to rank as the top job producing metropolitan area in Georgia with Area Development and Site Selection magazines naming Gainesville-Hall County one of the “Top Small Metros in the Nation for Job Creation and Investment.”
As we look towards the future and embark on a new HALLmark campaign, I encourage our area businesses to continue investing in HALLmark’s aggressive goal of raising $2.5 million in the program to ensure the economic viability of our community. Investment in HALLmark ensures we maintain a vibrant economy, create new high-quality jobs, protect our existing investments, ensures a skilled workforce, supports our partnership with government entities, and continues improvement of our quality of life. Consider supporting the HALLmark campaign as we move forward for the greater good of the Gainesville-Hall County metropolitan area.

Phil Bonelli Roundtable Advisors Chamber Treasurer
Meet Chamber Treasurer Phil Bonelli
In addition to serving as Treasurer for the Greater Hall Chamber Board of Directors, Phil Bonelli is CEO of Roundtable Advisors, a consulting firm focused on helping small to medium sized businesses “Run it By the Numbers,” by providing fractional CFOs/ COOs and virtual bookkeeping. In 2019, Phil and his family started Hopewell Farms GA, a 43 acre regenerative farm, raising grass fed beef, and pastured chicken, eggs, turkeys, and pork. Hopewell sells directly to customers via their on farm store, offers deliveries, and has products at several local farmers markets. In 2024, they built the state’s only Department of Agriculture Certified Poultry Processing Abattoir in order to meet the demands of their poultry customers. The farm’s beef was recently spotlighted on Fox 5 News on “Burgers with Buck.” Phil was selected for Georgia Trend magazine’s 40 Under 40 in 2017 and Gainesville JayCee’s Young Man of the Year in 2020. He serves on many boards included Elachee Nature Science Center, Junior Achievement of Northeast Georgia, Hall County Farm Bureau, Jarrard-Burch Foundation, and is Vice President of the Hall County Farmers Market.
, Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance
Brad Gooch, Lawson Air Conditioning & Plumbing
Richard Higgins, Chairman, Hall County Commission
Sam Hulsey, United Community Bank
Rick Humphrey, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Jay Kelly, Signs By Tomorrow
Angie Kennedy, Carroll Daniel Construction
Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Investments
Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation
Sheri Millwood Oakwood City Council
Steve Naughton Enterprising Solutions
James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont
Matt Nix, Duplicating Products
Witt Nix Duplicating Products
Dr. Jeff Payne Capstone Property Group
Nicole Pleasant, First Citizens Bank
Vanesa Sarazua, Hispanic Alliance GA
Stacey Poole Sauer, McDonald’s NEGA
Britt Sawyer Sawyer Media Group
Will Schofield, Hall County School System
Jackie Walters Slaughter, Walters Management Co.
Dr. Steven Smith, University of North Georgia
Margaret Spratlin, Longstreet Clinic
Analiese Stopek, Northeast Georgia Health System
Kevin Strada The Atlanta Falcons
Joe Thomas, Mayor, City of Lula
Lori Thompson, Jacobs Media Corporation
Valentina Velasquez, Lanier Islands
Jody Wall, Brenau University
Kurt Ward Mayor, Town of Braselton
Hannah Warner, Georgia Power

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To learn more, scan the QR code, visit or call 770-219-9006.

economic development
Industry Appreciation Luncheon

Jeff Humphreys
UGA Director of the Selig Center for Economic Growth
The Greater Hall Chamber's Annual Industry Appreciation Luncheon is Wednesday, November 20 (11:30am-1:00pm) and will feature a 2025 Economic Forecast for Gainesville-Hall County presented by Jeffrey (Jeff) M. Humphreys. The 16th Annual Industry of the Year Awards will be presented recognizing outstanding local companies. Dr. Humphreys is the Director of the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business, an endowed economic forecasting and applied economic research center. He serves as a member of Governor Kemp’s Council of Economic Advisors and previously served on Governor Deal’s and Governor Perdue’s Council of Economic Advisors. For more than 25 years, Jeff’s written the “State of the Economy” column for Georgia Trend magazine. He has published over 300 applied and academic studies and is best known for his economic forecasts. Nationally, he is known for his estimates of the spending power of African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans. Dr. Humphreys grew up in Athens, attended the University of Georgia, and currently lives in Tucker.
$50 Chamber Member | $60 Guest | $500 Table (Seats 8) | Reservations Required Nikki Chandler, 770-532-6206 • • Online:
Commercial Real Estate Professionals

(L-R) Jimmy Adams, Adams Properties; Zach Propes, Hall County Administrator; Ryan Jackson Greater Hall Chamber; Taylor Worley, Georgia Ports Authority; Mayor Ed Asbridge, City of Flowery Branch; Chamber Chairman Glennis Barnes, Georgia Power; Tim Evans, Greater Hall Chamber. Commercial real estate professionals gathered at The Boathouse at Lake Lanier Olympic Park for a meeting on Transportation and Infrastructure hosted by the Chamber and sponsored by Georgia Power, Updates were presented by Hall County, City of Gainesville, Georgia Ports Authority and the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors.
HIRED! Over 1,000 attend Fall Job Fair

More than 70 companies that are hiring and 1,000 job seekers participated in the Chamber's Fall Job Fair in September at the Gainesville Civic Center. The event was presented by Express Employment Professionals. The Spring Job Fair is Thursday, April 3, 2025 (10am-2pm) at the Gainesville Civic Center. For information, contact Sarah Nolan, Project Manager, Economic Development, at 770-532-6206 x 111 or

Job seekers completed applications and met faceto-face with hiring managers. Janice Stevenson and Heather Neuschwanter of MP Equipment was one of 70 companies hiring at the event.
Athenee Pollard and Ileana Escobedo of King's Hawaiian, an event sponsor, prepare to meet job seekers. Other event sponsors included ACTS Retirement Life, BTD Manufacturing, Spherion Staffing & Recruiting, Performance Foodservice and Overdrive Logistics

economic development
Blue Ridge Connector

The Georgia Ports Authority’s Blue Ridge Connector (BRC), Northeast Georgia's inland port now under construction, will improve efficiency, and replace a 300 mile over-the-road haul with a 350 mile rail route. With 104 acres of terminal area on Highway 365 in Hall County, the BRC is a $127 million facility with tracks connecting with Norfolk Southern and capable of an annual lift capacity of 200,000 containers. When completed in 2026, the BRC will provide a door-to-door rail connection for container service between Gainesville-Hall County and the Port of Savannah's 36 global container ship services that call each week.

Farm City Breakfast is November 19
The 29th Annual Farm City Breakfast is Tuesday, November 19 (7:30am) at the North Hall Community Center and will recognize local farmers and those working in agriculture and agribusiness. The Keynote speaker is Georgia Farm Bureau President Tom McCall, a grain and livestock farmer and former State Representative from Elbert County. Since 1995, the UGA Extension Hall County, Hall County Farm Bureau and the Greater Hall Chamber have coordinated the event in observance of National Farm City Week. Sponsors include Jackson EMC (presenting sponsor), AgGeorgia Farm Credit, Bagwell Insurance, United Community Bank, Chandler Equipment, Green Box Mushroom, Mar-Jac Poultry, Hall County Parks & Leisure, Jaemor Farms, Mountain Fresh Creamery, McEver Meat, Wayne Sanderson Farms and Hall County Soil & Water Conservation Complimentary breakfast. Open to the public. Reservations required by November 11: Karen Davis, 770-535-8293, or email:

economic development
Carroll Daniel to construct new factory

Executives from CJ Foodville met in Gainesville to commemorate a new partnership with Carroll Daniel Construction to build the new factory in the Gainesville 85 Business Park. (L-R) Tony Ahn, CEO of CJ Foodville USA; Brian Daniel, Carroll Daniel Construction Company; Tim Evans, Greater Hall Chamber; Chihyung Lee, Tous Les Jours Brand Director, CJ Foodville; Chanho Kim, CEO of CJ Foodville. CJ Foodville is constructing a new $47 million food manufacturing headquarters to produce bakery items for the company’s growing Tous Les Jours branded café-bakeries across North America. The facility is expected to be complete in 2025 and will employ 285 new jobs.
NGMC's $7.5 billion economic impact

A recent study by the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) reported that in 2022, Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) generated $7.5 billion in local and state economic impact, with an additional $84 million donated to charity care. NGMC directly and indirectly sustained nearly 30,000 full-time jobs throughout the region and state. The sophisticated economic impact model that was used to calculate the $7.5 billion considers the effect of direct hospital expenditures on other sectors of the economy such as medical supplies, durable medical equipment and pharmaceuticals – as well as restaurants, computer services and accounting. The figures in the GHA study only reflect the economic impact of hospital expenditures and do not include the impact of other services, such as physician offices and long-term care facilities provided by Northeast Georgia Health System.
South Hall Business Coalition

(L-R) Jeremy Ewers, member, The Driving Club at Road Atlanta; Will Tally, IMSA Driver; Rick Humphrey, President & General Manager, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta (MRRA), and Chamber South Hall Council Chair Alex Wayne, Wayne Capital. MRRA hosted the breakfast meeting and discussed the 2024 Petit Le Mans at MRRA.

The Greater Hall Chamber's Annual Education Update was the program at the South Hall Business Coalition's August meeting. (L-R) Dr. Jeremy Williams, Superintendent, Gainesville City Schools; Kevin Bales, Deputy Superintendent, Hall County Schools; Chamber Chairman Glennis Barnes, Georgia Power; Mitch Murphy, Principal, Lanier College & Career Academy; South Hall Council Vice Chair Alex Wayne, Wayne Capital.
Upcoming Meeting
The South Hall Business Coalition will hear a presentation by Anthony Williamson, president of Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton on Tuesday, January 7 (9am). Learn about the exciting new expansion and additional services offered. Enjoy breakfast from the very popular Cafe 1400. The Coalition is sponsored by AccessWDUN, King's Hawaiian, Milton Martin Honda, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton, Signs By Tomorrow and South Hall Rotary. Info: Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206 x 115.

education leadership
meetings events
Youth Leadership Hall
Small Business Seminar
"Outsourcing Success"

Tuesday, May 16
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. | 605 Green Street
The 2024-2025 Class of Youth Leadership Hall includes 82 high school juniors and seniors from Gainesville-Hall County schools, public and private.
Join the SGL Wealth Management team as they celebrate 15 years of serving Gainesville -Hall County and helping clients achieve their financial goals. They invite you to the front lawn of their Historic Green Street home for food and fun. Enjoy tacos from the Super Tacos Food Truck, drinks, lawn games, music, prizes and more! $5 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member.
Small Business Seminar
"Building a Drug Free Workplace"
Tuesday, June 13
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Learn about the benefits and best practices of drug free workplaces. The Council on Alcohol and Drugs' will focus on small and medium sized businesses and provide awareness around specific drugs and discuss suicide prevention. No Charge for Chamber Members. Register at Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206.
The students recently gathered at Riverside Preparatory Academy (RPA) where they were divided into groups for team building activities as part of the Introduction Program sponsored by RPA.
Business After Hours
Five Thirty Nine Office Building
Tuesday, June 27
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Join us on the front lawn for food, drinks, and networking to celebrate the reopening of Thirty Nine, brokered and managed by Davenport Family suites with state-of-the-art technology and amenities. $5 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member. Register at
Chestatee High School's Samantha Martinez, Rylee Motes and Anahi Granado at Glo-Crest Dairy Farm during the Youth Leadership Agriculture Program.

Flowery Branch Celebrates 150 Years

Flowery Branch officials at the city's 150 Anniversary Celebration (L-R) Tonya Parrish, City Manager; William McDaniel, Council Member; Mayor Ed Asbridge; Oliver McClellan, Council Member; Joe Mezzanotte, Council Member. Established in 1874, Flowery Branch blossomed alongside the Richmond and Danville Air-Line Railroad, which connected Charlotte to Atlanta. Long before that, farmers had settled the area, originally called Anaguluskee, meaning "flowers on the branch." With its unique downtown nestled on the shores of Lake Lanier, Flowery Branch stands out as one of Georgia's historic gems. Now, 150 years later, the city continues to flourish, with vibrant businesses, a close-knit community, and endless opportunities for growth. Flowery Branch remains a place where history and progress are always blooming.

Quinn reelected to Community
Bank Board

Ron Quinn, president and CEO of Peach State Bank & Trust, was reelected to the Community Bankers Association Board of Directors, kicking off his fourth term on the board having served as chairman in 2019 and 2020. Quinn has 43 years of banking experience and sees it as a great honor to be reelected by his peers for a fourth term. The CBA was founded in 1969 by a group of community bankers from Georgia who hoped to protect the political interests of locally owned banks. Quinn was also installed as the 101st President of the Rotary Club of Gainesville, a dynamic organization that celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2023 and is dedicated to serving the community through various initiatives and programs. With a strong focus on leadership, service, and fellowship, the Rotary Club of Gainesville offers a wide range of resources and opportunities for individuals and clubs to make a positive impact.
• Stifel is proud to welcome Brooks Turner, a lifelong resident of Gainesville, as a new Financial Advisor in its Gainesville office. Brooks is a graduate of Gainesville High School and Troy University. He can be reached at 770-531-1103. Stifel, headquartered in St. Louis since 1890, opened its Gainesville office in 2010 and works with individuals, businesses, school systems and municipalities to help deliver the appropriate financial and planning solutions at the appropriate time.
• Brad Gooch, HVAC Division Manager at Lawson Air Conditioning & Plumbing, was named one of the nation's "Top 40 Under 40" in the HVAC industry by Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News. A longtime Chamber volunteer, Brad was recognized for his skills, professionalism and workforce development efforts to recruit young talent and guide them as they begin their careers. Founded in 1946, Lawson serves partners, customers, and vendors with the highest caliber of service for all their HVAC and plumbing needs.
• Chris Hollifield, Managing Partner at Rushton, announced the firm was named to INSIDE Public Accounting's prestigious 2024 Top 500 Firms list for the third consecutive year. The firm’s ranking demonstrates its strong financial performance and dedication to clients. The IPA 500, often referred to as the "Who's Who" of public accounting, evaluates and ranks firms based on their net revenues.
• Carol Burrell, president and CEO of Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS), is proud to announce that the organization was named one of the state’s best employers according to a recent ranking by Forbes magazine for the fifth year in a row. Forbes ranked 1,294 organizations across the nation and put NGHS among the top 5 healthcare organizations in Georgia.
• Experience a celestial adventure at Elachee Nature Science Center on Saturdays in December (7, 14, 21, 28) where the wonders of the night sky come alive with planetarium shows, astronomy activities, space science exploration and more. 10am-3pm. $10 General Admission. Don’t miss this stellar opportunity to connect with the cosmos and discover the magic of the night sky. Visit for details.
• Consider using Puzzle Piece Bakery for your next catered event. Their outstanding team will bake, deliver and organize a delicious variety of menu items. Drop by the bakery for fresh pastries, quiches and muffins, a full breakfast with biscuits and gravy or a lunch meal with everything from sandwiches to soups and salads. Puzzle Piece provides delicious sweets, great opportunities, and donations to programs that support children with disabilities. 1398 Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville.
• Scott Griggs, founder and chief engineer of, announced the company was ranked #17 by Forbes magazine on its list of small/medium size businesses to work for in 2024. Griggs has been developing a new operations/headquarters in Tanners Creek Business Park where he will relocate operations from three buildings in Gwinnett County into one new Hall County facility. is the nations largest seller and retailer of toy trains, RC hobbies and repair services through ebay and its online store.
• Nick Kastner announced that Forum Communications received a w3 Award from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for the newly designed redcloveradvisors. com website. The awards honors outstanding social media, website and online marketing, as well as online video, podcasts and more.
• Make the Holidays easy with HoneyBaked® this season. Treat your family and friends with a signature ham, turkey breast, delicious side dishes, desserts and more. HoneyBaked® gift cards also make the perfect gift for clients, employees, family and friends. 1237 Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville. 770-287-1773.
• Northeast Georgia Health System Foundation’s Annual Medical Center Open golf tournament at Chicopee Woods Golf Course raised more than $300,000 to benefit Bridging Hope, formerly known as Rape Response. Bridging Hope provides support, education and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and their families.
House Dressing's new outdoor endeavor

Elizabeth Thompson, owner of House Dressing Interiors, and husband Ryan Thompson, co-owner of Pro Touch Landscapes, cut a ribbon at newly opened House Dressing Outdoors House Dressing Interiors recently celebrated its 15th year in business with the grand opening of its outdoor showroom, located at 1850 Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville. The new endeavor for Elizabeth and her team stems from a desire to offer a custom, full-service design experience geared towards exteriors with a wide variety of outdoor furniture, lighting, rugs and accessories, as well as many lifestyle items geared towards outdoor living. “As someone who loves outdoor living, more specifically my back porch or my dock on Lake Lanier, it has always felt to me like there was an untapped market for outdoor furnishings in Gainesville," said Thompson. Founded in 2009, House Dressing is a full-service interior design studio and home furnishings shop located in Midland Gainesville.
Georgia Trend features Gainesville-Hall County

Pick up the October 2024 issue of Georgia Trend magazine featuring the annual spotlight on GainesvilleHall County. Georgia Trend covers state business, politics and economic development. A limited supply of the magazine, along with the newly published Georgia Grown magazine, is available at the Greater Hall Chamber, located at 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville. 770-532-6206.
New leadership at the Humane Society

Juan Cueto has joined the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia (HSNEGA) as President & Executive Director. With a career spanning over 30 years, Juan brings extensive experience in nonprofit leadership and fund raising. He most recently served as CEO of Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House and previously was CEO at The Alliance for Florida's National Parks, where he played a pivotal role in leading fund raising initiatives despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Gainesville native Erin Askounis, a seasoned marketing professional with a strong commitment to animal welfare, has joined HSNEGA as Senior Director of Marketing & Development and leads initiatives in fundraising, donor relations and community outreach. Prior to joining the Humane Society, Erin played a pivotal role at a design firm where she focused on marketing and project planning. Founded in 1913 by Hall County schoolteacher Bessie Bickers, the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia is one of the oldest animal welfare facilities in Georgia.
Hope For Hall

Friends and family joined Governor Nathan Deal the Filchak family and Hope For Hall to celebrate the opening of the inclusive playground at the new Sandra Dunagan Deal Elementary School, named in honor of the late First Lady of Georgia, wife of Governor Deal, and former Hall County School teacher. (L-R) Hope Filchak, Kristen Maxwell, Haley Bower, Stephanie Clark, Matt Cox, Brandi Keadle, Matt Alexander, Caroline Filchak (Founder of Hope for Hall), Thomas Filchak, Superintendent Will Schofield, Karen Filchak, Brenda Dunagan Sims, David Gibbs, Keri Smith, Ben Filchak, Governor Nathan Deal, Craig Herrington, Abigail Burle, Representative Matt Dubnik, Kristen Wong, Conner Poe. Hope for Hall is striving to normalize disability through play, education, and technology and is currently focused on the "play" piece. The organization believes that all kids, with all abilities, deserve the opportunity to play together. Hope for Hall builds playgrounds that are inclusive – not just accessible, showing children that they belong, and that they are worthy. To learn more about the organization or donate to the cause, visit
meetings events
Eggs & Issues Breakfast
Featuring the Hall County Legislative Delegation
Thursday, December 12
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center
The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce continues to assist local businesses and citizens in communicating concerns and discussing issues with the Hall County Legislative Delegation for the Georgia State Senate and House of Representatives.
$40 Chamber Member; $50 Guest; $400 Table (8); Reservations Required. Reservations & Information: Gerri Collins, 770-532-6206 x 106 or Reservations Online:
Marketing & Sales Workshop
Presented by Forum Communications
Wednesday, January 22
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Brenau Downtown Center
Learn the latest sales & marketing strategies, and stay on top of new trends. The workshop is presented by Forum Communications and will feature a panel of marketing and sales professionals equipped with tips to grow your business.
$20 Chamber Member; $30 Non-Member. Light Breakfast Included. Reservations & Information: Sarah Nolan, 770-532-6206 x 111 or Reservations Online:
Economic & Political Forecast
Discussion with a Panel of Experts
Tuesday, January 28
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Lanier Technical College | Ramsey Conference Center
Join us for a panel discussion with local business and political leaders Carol Burrell, Northeast Georgia Health System, Brian Daniel, Carroll Daniel Construction, and Frank Norton, Jr., The Norton Agency. This dynamic panel will cover the current economic and political climate and the effects on small business and our community.
$7 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member. Light Breakfast Included. Reservations & Information: Ryan Jackson, 770-532-6206 x 110 or Reservations Online:
calendar of events
Wednesday, November 6
Healthcare & Wellness Seminar
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber or via Zoom
Friday, November 8
Economic Development Council
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, November 12
Small Business Seminar
"Best Practices for Small Business Succession" 8:15 Networking | 8:30 a.m. Program Chamber or via Zoom
Wednesday, November 13
Human Resource Council
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 14
Chamber Executive Committee
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber
Friday, November 15
Business Before Hours
Hulsey Oliver & Mahar
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
200 E.E. Butler Pkwy | Gainesville
Tuesday, November 19
Farm City Breakfast
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
North Hall Community Center
Tuesday, November 19
Vision 2030 Board
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 19
Business After Hours
Boot Barn Hall
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
312 Jesse Jewell Pkwy | Gainesville
Wednesday, November 20
Issues Committee
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Wednesday, November 20
Industry Appreciation Luncheon
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Lanier Tech | Ramsey Conference Center
Thursday, November 21
Chamber Board of Directors
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Gainesville Civic Center
Wednesday, December 4
Healthcare & Wellness Seminar
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber or via Zoom
Friday, December 6
Industry Roundtable 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 10
Small Business Seminar
"Building a Strong Workplace: The Importance of a Drug-Free Georgia 8:15 Networking | 8:30 a.m. Program Chamber or via Zoom
Wednesday, December 11
Human Resource Council
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 12
Eggs & Issues Breakfast
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lanier Tech | Ramsey Conference Center
Wednesday, December 18
Issues Committee 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber
Thursday, December 19
Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber
Wednesday, January 22
Marketing Workshop
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Brenau Downtown Center
Tuesday, January 28
Economic & Political Forecast
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Lanier Tech | Ramsey Conference Center
Vision 2030 NextGen meetings events

Get ready for the Chamber's Annual Business EXPO on February 13 at Lanier Technical College (11 am-4 pm). The Business Expo is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and creates great business exposure! Over 60 exhibitors will participate with outstanding networking and lead development. Exhibit Space & Sponsorships: Ellie Parker, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

Vision 2030’s NextGen Hall Co hosted a Meet & Mingle event September 12th at Good News Clinics, sponsored by Riverside Roofing (photo). The event welcomed 50 attendees who enjoyed networking and had the opportunity to tour the new Northeast Georgia Health System Education Center at Good News Clinics. The committee’s next Meet & Mingle is November 14 (6:30pm) at Bourbon Brothers. NextGen provides free networking opportunities to the next generation of leaders in Gainesville and Hall County. These events are open to anyone aged 21-45 looking to make connections and learn about new ways to get involved in our community. If you are interested in learning more or being a sponsor for a NextGen event, please contact Anna Hester,

Powering Industry

small business
Small Business Spotlight Riverside Pharmacy

Katie Barton and the Riverside Pharmacy team. Locally owned and operated, Riverside Pharmacy celebrates its 70th Anniversary this year, serving Gainesville and the Northeast Georgia area since 1954. Their mission is to provide friendly and helpful service to help you get better and stay well. With concern for your health, the knowledgeable staff will take the time to answer your questions, get to know you and your family, and provide healthcare services customized to meet your needs. They offer free home delivery to those living in Hall County and a convenient a drive-thru window. The store features a gift shop – Gift Nook –that offers custom embroidery, balloons, gift wrapping, and a variety of specialty gift items and décor. Riverside Pharmacy is a recipient of the Chamber's Small Business of the Year Award. 935 Green Street NE in Gainesville. 770-532-6253.
Over 90% of Chamber Members are classified as a Small Businesses, according to the Small Business Administration. Chamber Small Business programs continue to grow with 1,000 total seminar participants and 21 businesses earning Certified Small Business Partner designation in 2023. It's no wonder Forbes magazine has rated Gainesville-Hall County as one of the “Best Small Places for Business & Careers” for the last nine years.
Tuesday, November 12
8:15 - 8:30 a.m. Networking | 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Program
In Person at the Chamber or via Zoom
"Best Practices for Small Business Succession"

As the partner at Rushton responsible for corporate audits and consulting, Nick Bruner manages financial statements for for-profit entities as well as audits of financial statements and employee benefit plans. When he is not performing audits and reviews, Nick assists clients with a wide array of consulting engagements from internal control and systems review to business plans and forecasted financial statements. Join Nick as he shares expert insights on 'Transitioning with Confidence: Best Practices for Business Succession.' Learn how to secure your company's future with effective strategies for seamless transitions and sustainable growth.
No Chamber for Chamber Members • Register Online: Sarah Nolan, 770-532-6206 x 111 •
Tuesday, December 10
8:15 - 8:30 a.m. Networking | 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Program
In Person at the Chamber or via Zoom
"Building a Strong Workplace: Importance of a Drug-Free Georgia"

Join Karen Tinker, Director, Drug Free Workplace Program, The Council on Alcohol and Drugs for this seminar on the benefits and best practices of drug free workplaces. She will focus on small/medium sized businesses and provide awareness around specific drugs and discuss suicide prevention. The Council on Alcohol and Drugs is a 50 year-old substance abuse prevention and education agency that develops programs based on the most current research on drug use and its impact on community.
Thank You, Small Business Seminar Sponsors!

Supercharging social media with A.I.

Robbie Parks, business consulttant, facilitator and nationally recognized speaker with the UGA Small Business Development Center, delved into innovative AI-driven strategies for content creation, engagement and marketing on social media platforms at the most recent Small Business Seminar. (L-R) Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions; Kit Dunlap, Greater Hall Chamber; Robbie Parks, UGA SBDC; Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation; Chris Arrington, Double Cakes by Chris; Margaret Ryder, UGA SBDC.
Small Business Resource Fair
(L-R) Jim Custer, ROI Performance Group; Phil Bonelli, Roundtable Advisors; Ciera Murray, Chickfil-a Gainesville; Sarah Nolan, Greater Hall Chamber, at the Small Business Resource Fair at Lanier Technical College in September. Keynote speaker Chamber Treasurer Phil Bonelli gave an inspirational presentation, and over a dozen businesses and services were on hand to provide resources and free advice on how to finance, brand and grow a small business. Save the date for the Small Business Economic & Political Forecast on Tuesday, January 28 (7:30am) at Lanier Technical College where a panel of business leaders will discuss our economic and political climate and the effects on small business. Details: Sarah Nolan, 770532-6206 x 111 or Register online:

community development
Large Employer Most Fit Company Award Mansfield Oil
Most Fit Company Awards

Bridget Creviston and Cole Carroll accept the Most Fit Company Award for Mansfield Oil from Dr. Dave Westfall. A leader in North American fuel supply and distribution, Mansfield offers employees a three-month wellness initiative campaign with preventative care and physical activity options. For mental health, Mansfield continually supports education through a mental health fair, annual employee expo, and onsite chaplains for care services and support. They support flexible work arrangements, wellness challenge events, wellness discounts, mental health app subscriptions, and a stress management program. At its headquarters in Gainesville, Mansfield offers a fitness room and personal trainer at no cost to the employees. Mansfield promotes financial well-being with education/tuition reimbursement programs, financial planning seminars, and identity theft resources. Through a variety of programs and a comprehensive coverage of healthcare, Mansfield has proven to be a leader in health and wellness.
Medium Employer Most Fit Company Award Peach State Bank & Trust
Rhonda Dellinger and Jason Guillorn accept the Most Fit Company Award for Peach State Bank & Trust from Anna Hester, Vision 2030. The largest community bank in Hall County, Peach State offers several medical plans that include life, dental, and vision insurance. The bank has participated in the Chamber Chase 5K every year along with other events, including the Peachtree Road Race. Bank President Ron Quinn has completed in the Peachtree for 36 years as well as several other employees who have made it an annual family event. They host an annual wellness visit each year where employees can receive free health services and education. As an incentive to attend, employees are paid $50 if they participate. Bottom line –employers are all encouraged to get out and stay physically active!
As part of the 17th Annual VISION 2030 HealthSmart Wellness Expo, the Greater Hall Chamber conducted an annual survey to seek the “Most Fit Companies” in Gainesville-Hall County. The goal is to encourage employer-sponsored wellness initiatives to improve the overall health of our community. Most Fit Company awards are presented in three categories: Small (Less than 50 employees), Medium (51-250 employees) and Large employers (251+ employees). This year's award recipients are Overdrive Logistics (small employer); Peach State Bank & Trust (medium employer), and Mansfield Oil (large employer). These companies join 40 other past Most Fit Company Award recipients.
Small Employer Most Fit Company Award Overdrive Logistics

Victor Covarrubias of Overdrive Logistics, receives Most Fit Company Award from Chamber Healthcare Chair Dr. Dave Westfall, Northeast Georgia Medical Center. Overdrive Logistics provides freight broker services specializing in refrigerated and dry truckload freight.

Overdrive Logistics consistently provides opportunities and benefits to keep their people healthy and active. They offer multiple health insurance options to team members with 100% employee paid option – providing employees with the ability to adjust for their personal and family needs. They distribute quarterly informational news blasts about the benefits or importance of wellness and offer CPR certification, a workout area, game room, and a reading space to encourage physical and mental wellness. Overdrive promotes and sponsors local walk and run events such as the American Heart Walk, Choices 5K, and the Chamber Chase 5k. Throughout the last 26 years, Overdrive Logistics has truly learned the importance and benefits of wellness for the whole body, mind, and soul.
Chamber Chase 5K is March 27
Encourage employee health and fitness by participating in the 17th Annual Chamber Chase 5K Run & 2 Mile Wellness Walk on Thursday, March 27 at the campus of Riverside Preparatory Academy in Gainesville. Sign up a company team an join the fun to compete for the Fastest Team, Fastest CEO or unite in a spirited 2 mile walk. The race features chip timing, commemorative t-shirts, refreshments and age group awards. Spectators and participants are invited to enjoy the beautiful lake-side venue during and after the race. For sponsorship info or race details, contact Ellie Parker, 770532-6206 x 115. Email:

Thursday, March 27. 2025 6pm | 5K Run | 2 Mile Walk Riverside Prep Academy
HealthSmart Expo Highlights

Carotid Artery screenings were done by the Northside Cardiovascular Institute. Heart Murmur and Atrial Fibrillation were done by the Georgia Heart Institute Fall Risk screenings were done by the Rehabilitation Institute of Northeast Georgia Medical Center

At the HealthSmart Breakfast, Northeast Georgia Physicians Group's (NGPG) Dr. April McDonald, Pulmonology & Critical Care, and Dr. Karen Gersch, Cardiothoracic Surgery, discussed advancements in lung cancer treatment. (L-R) April Radford, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation & Oncology, NGMC; John Kueven, President & CEO, NGMC Gainesville/NGHS; Melissa Tymchuk, chief strategy executive & chief of staff, NGHS; Amy Marsh, VP, Perioperative Services, NGMC; Tabitha Buffington, nurse manager; Dr. Karen Gersch, NGPG; Dr. April McDonald, NGPG; Cortez Stewart, endoscopy technician; Gardy Reid, RN; Junelle Etienne, RN; Lisa Hunnicutt, nurse manager, NGMC.

Longstreet Clinic administered over 300 free health screenings including blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and more.

Hundreds of people dropped by the Gainesville Civic Center and participated in the Greater Hall Chamber's 17th Annual HealthSmart Wellness Expo that featured 60 health and wellness providers and services. Northeast Georgia Health System was the presenting sponsor.

Health & Wellness

Helping Our Neighbors

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No matter your long-term business goals, the Business Advisory Services Team at SGL Wealth Management is positioned to be your strategic partner in helping align your business, personal, and financial goals to plan for your future.
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Syfan Logistics led efforts to collect essential goods and supplies to support the surrounding communities affected by Hurricane Helene. Together, we showed the strength of Gainesville-Hall County by helping our neighbors in need. Syfan partnered with Asbury Chapel to gather and send 40 tractor trailers filled with donations of items needed for survival across parts of Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and the Carolinas.
November • December 2024 | 18
member development
Networking at Elachee
Maranda Martin (right), director of education at Elachee Nature Science Center, shows tortoise to Christen Wilbanks, Greater Hall Chamber, and Joy Stringer (daughter of Dujuana Stringer, Lanier Federal Credit Union) at Business After Hours in October. Chamber members enjoyed Elachee exhibits, food, drink and outdoor networking at the gathering.

Duplicating Products celebrates 50 years

Members gathered for Business After Hours at Decoy in Downtown Gainesville to celebrate 50 years in business for Duplicating Products. (Front) Kim Jones, Syfan Logistics; Kit Dunlap, Chamber. (Back) Witt and Matt Nix, Duplicating Products.

Brooks Turner, Financial
Alan C. Crumley, Senior Vice President/Investments, Branch Manager; William E. Hicks, Jr., Vice President/Investments, Branch Manager; Judy Butler, Operations Coordinator; Andy W. Miller, First Vice President/Investments
Business After Hours at Boot Barn Hall
Join us on Tuesday, November 19 from 5-7 pm for an evening of food, drink, live music and connecting, co-hosted by Hall County’s best live music and event center, Boot Barn Hall, and Gainesville’s own, Syfan Logistics. Boot Barn Hall is a full-service event center and live music venue bringing you up close and personal with all your favorite artists like Josh Turner, Ricky Skaggs and Drake White. All while serving up American classics and Southern staples from sister restaurant, Bourbon Brothers Smokehouse & Tavern, right next door. Located in Gainesville, Syfan Logistics provides 24-7 logistics nationwide, with a diverse array of shipping services at the highest level of transparency and reliability. With nearly 40 years of experience, you can count on Syfan for dependable shipping and logistics. When they make a promise, they deliver.
Networking | Door Prizes | Cash Prize Drawing | Food & Drink
$8 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member.
Details: Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206 or

ribbon cuttings
Sizzling Spices

Min Tamang, Rojesh Sokya, Mabrur Rahman (Raju), Mayor Sam Couvillon, City of Gainesville, Aaron Rizvi and Madhav Rupakheti cut a ribbon at Sizzling Spices. Owner Raju Rahman noted the event was not just the launch of our new dining establishment, but also the beginning of a culinary journey in the city of Gainesville. They are proud to be part of this vibrant community and are committed to providing a unique dining experience that highlights Indian cuisine. The Sizzling Spices team has poured their passion and creativity into every aspect of this restaurant – from food selection to a warm and inviting atmosphere. 317 Spring Street SE, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-287-8384.
Hollis Stoneworks

Art Byers, Jonny Lozans, Tina Fry, Amy Hollis, David Laudono and Jim Brown cut a ribbon at Hollis Stoneworks in Downtown Gainesville. Hollis Stoneworks is a turnkey masonry company, in business since 1991. They supply, design, and install brick and stone for builders and custom projects. Hollis provides excellent service, quality workmanship, and warranty. 119 Washington Street NW, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-534-7225.
Groome Transportation Gainesville

Groome Transportation team cuts a ribbon to open the Gainesville location. Monica Wilson, Driver; Shannon Smith, Driver; Mike Hanson, Operations Manager; Matt Meerdo, Dispatcher; Wendy Pritchett, Athens Groome Manager; Darlene Bush, Macon Groome Manager; Carlos Robinson; Athens Assistant Manager and Chris Hardel, District Manager. Groome Transportation is a shared ride airport shuttle service. The Gainesville office currently operates 13 daily trips, 7 days a week to and from Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport. Passengers can experience a hassle-free, reliable trip, that will save you the stress of driving in traffic, the hassle and expense of parking at the airport. They offer an additional pick-up and drop-off location on Exit 8 off I-985 in a small parking area directly behind the McDonald’s property. Let Groome make traveling easier than ever before. 1810 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30501. 407-252-7887.
BRIO Med Spa

Owner Corina Bryant and Brio Med Spa Team cut a ribbon at the facility in Flowery Branch. BRIO Med Spa encompasses its name of liveliness by striving to restore your natural beauty and radiance through each of their services, including laser hair removal, medical facials and treatments, teeth whitening and more. The spa offers affordable prices at their two locations: Flowery Branch and Gainesville. 7419 Spout Springs Road, Suite 102, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. 678-717-9142.
Big Peach Running Co. Braselton

The Big Peach Running Co. Braselton crew celebrates with a ribbon cutting (L-R) Tina Vandiver, Susan Loggins, Owners Zack & Abigail Loggins (with sons, Gaines and Hank), Ryan Kyranakis, manager. Big Peach Running Co. is a specialty shoe store providing premium shoes, apparel, and gear to those who run, walk, or day hike. The fit process helps you find the right shoe so that running, walking or just being on your feet all day is enjoyable. No need to make an appointment, and the fit process is always free of charge. Big Peach Running Co. Braselton, 7419 Spout Springs Road, #103, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. 770-9679755.
Southern Magnolia

(L-R) Chris Craddock, Sheria O’Brien, Ricky and Joyce Ray (cutting ribbon), Cathy Black, Debbie Dover, Keri Holmes, Cynthia Hernandez and Dujuana Stringer cut a ribbon at Southern Magnolia, a woman’s boutique, loaded with class, style, comfort and fun. Though known for the more mature ladies in mind, Southern Magnolia has something for everyone. They listen to what customers want and try their best to bring it in. They are more than apparel – with an assortment of jewelry, accessories and shoes as well as trendy and traditional home décor to freshen up your home, business or office. 5608 Thompson Bridge Road, Murrayville, GA 30564. 330-987-5262.
Hall County Health Department

Hall County Commissioner Jeff Stowe, Representative Lee Hawkins, and Carol Burrell, Northeast Georgia Health System, cut a ribbon to celebrate the grand opening of the new medical office building adjacent to the Hall County Health Department. The facility, located on the Butler campus at 1290 Athens Street in Gainesville, is a new, 8,000 square foot state-of-the-art building that has been leased by Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG). "NGPG is relocating its primary care services that were formerly at the Hall County Health Department to the new building to help serve the growing population and provide citizens with the quality care they want, need and deserve," said Commissioner Stowe.
El Tepache Mexican Grill

Owners Salvador Barcenas and Fran Barcenas cut a ribbon at El Tepache Mexican Grill. Tepache is a traditional Mexican beverage made from the peel and the rind of pineapples. The pineapple symbolizes an expression of “welcome” in the South and the appreciation of friendship and hospitality. At El Tepache Mexican Grill, a family-owned and operated restaurant, the mission is to give the best welcome, hospitality, and friendship into every meal. They put heart and soul into every dish with a passion to make your dining experience fun…and want to return for more! 1210 Thompson Bridge Road, Suite F, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-534-7222.
Promote your company with a FREE Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. It's a free service if you're a member of the Chamber. Not a member? Join now, call 770-532-6206.
Welcome New Chamber Members! member development
Arbor One Tree Specialist
Alan Graham Flowery Branch, GA 30542
- Business Services (404) 309-9634
Artisan Built
Kathryn Braun 4900 Ivey Road Building 800, Suite 825 Acworth, GA 30101
- Real Estate Developer (678) 515-9526
BJG Tax Service
DBA Liberty Tax
Bethany Goodman 3715 Mundy Mill Road, Suite G Oakwood, GA 30566
- Financial / Accounting (352) 220-3885
Blanchard Insurance Inc.
Jamie Hoover
100 Main Street SW, Suite 118 Gainesville, GA 30501
- Insurance (407) 788-8640
Centro GVL Eatery
Abigail Guzman 130 Bradford Street Gainesville, GA 30501
- Restaurant & Catering (470) 290-5142
Cherney's Journeys
Adam Cherney Flowery Branch, GA 30542
- Non-Profit (470) 209-5656
City Park Pizza
Natasha McPhaul 990 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501
- Restaurant & Catering (678) 696-8081
CoolVu of North Atlanta
Luke Canup
5012 Bristol Industrial Way Buford, GA 30518
- Business Services (678) 855-7859 Creolepro
Constance Leys 115 E Main Street Buford, GA 30518
- Translation Services (800) 777-1123
Family Hospice
Von Stephens 736 Green Street Gainesville, GA 30501
- Medical / Hospice (800) 410-4663
Fortuna Supermercado Corp
Juan Betancur 5337 Thompson Bridge Road Murrayville, GA 30564
- Retail Grocery (470) 354-2176
GameDay Men's Health
Eric Pineiro 1239 Friendship Rd, Suite 300 Braselton, GA 30517
- Medical (706) 349-1500
Green Street Smiles
Jillian Rogers 615 Green Street, #101 Gainesville, GA 30501
- Dental (770)532-2336
Hugs for Harrison
Samantha Brinson Gainesville, GA 30501 Non-Profit (678) 521-0428
Magnolia Medspa on Green Street
Sonya Kennedy 616 Green Street Gainesville, GA 30501
- Spa & Salon (470) 691-8972
Mark Redman
Oakwood, GA 30566
- Art (770) 534-3503
NexGen Medical Centers
Amira Suljkanovic 4204 Mundy Mill Place Oakwood, GA 30566
- Medical (770) 685-0679
Nick Pruner / Edward Jones
7378 Friendship Springs Blvd Flowery Branch, GA 30542
- Financial Services (678) 469-4441 financial-advisor/nick-pruner
NuNova Health
Brooke Woodall 1475 Jesse Jewell Parkway Suite 300A Gainesville, GA 30501
- Spa & Salon (888) 742-1404
Premier Logistics Partners (PLP Logistics)
Martin Loden 9810A Medlock Bridge Road Johns Creek, GA 30097
- Transportation Services (404) 558-2552
November • December 2024 | 22
Ricoh Electronics
Victor Gonzalez 1735 Satellite Boulevard Buford, GA 30518
- Manufacturing (770) 338-7623
Silver Sheet Enterprises
Annalize Potgieter 2099 Peachtree Industrial Blvd Buford, GA 30518
- Manufacturing (678) 835-0626
Solis Gainesville
Samantha Summerville 1000 Rea Drive Gainesville, GA 30501
- Apartments (770) 686-7020
Southern Magnolia
Joyce Ray 5608 Thompson Bridge Road Murrayville, GA 30564
- Retail Boutique (470) 703-0229
Stifel / BrooksTurner 212 Green Street Gainesville, GA 30501
- Financial Services (678) 207-5010
Sully's Steamers
Amy Williams 311 Jesse Jewell Parkway Suite 103 Gainesville, GA 30501
- Restaurant & Catering (706) 968-2735
Work Source Georgia
Tammy Rauch
1800 Century Place NE #400 Atlanta, GA 30345
- Non-Profit (404) 548-5312
Maximize your business success by joining the Greater Hall Chamber. Call now, 770-532-6206, or join online at

education leadership

As part of the Lake Program, The Leadership Hall Class went to Margaritaville at Lanier Islands where they boarded the Landshark for a lunch cruise. These guys were “Fins Up” –Brad Lorenz, Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar; Brennan Garrison; Turnner, Wood & Smith Insurance; Eric Jackson, Rick Jackson State Farm Agency; Palmer Loggins, Industrial Properties Group.
Leadership Hall County

Amy Sutherland; The Norton Agency; Anjana Freeman, Gainesville Police; Sarah Crowe, Hall County; Arely Carrillo, Jackson EMC, on a fire truck as part of Leadership Hall's Police & Fire Services Program. The class visited the Hall County Fire Training Center and learned about fire response procedures. The program was sponsored by SmithHulsey Attorneys at Law, Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar and Smith Gilliam Williams & Miles


Economic & Political Forecast

Health System
Brian Daniel President & CEO Carroll Daniel Const.
Frank Norton, Jr. CEO & Chairman The Norton Agency
Marketing & Sales Workshop
Wednesday, January 22
8:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Brenau Downtown Center On the Square in Downtown Gainesville
Learn the latest sales & marketing strategies, and stay on top of new trends. Grow Your Business!

Reservations Required • $7 Chamber Member / $15 Non-Member • Light Breakfast Included Reservations & Info: Ryan Jackson, 770-532-6206 x 110 or Carol Burrell
Join us for a panel discussion with local business leaders on the current economic and political climate and the effects on small business and our community.
Business After Hours
$20 Chamber Member • $30 Non-Member • Registration Required • Light Breakfast Register online at Info: Sarah Nolan, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:

NEW Community Magazine Now Available
Published every two years, the Greater Hall Chamber’s Community Magazine is a guide to all that is happening in Gainesville-Hall County. The newly published magazine is packed with valuable information and distributed to new and prospective businesses, newcomers, visitors and business clients. Drop by the Chamber for your copy, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville. 770-532-6206.
Tuesday, November 12
Small Business Seminar
Nick Bruner, CPA, Rushton
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Chamber or via Zoom
Friday, November 15
Business Before Hours
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Hulsey Oliver & Mahar
200 E.E. Butler Parkway
Tuesday, November 19
Business After Hours
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Boot Barn Hall Downtown Gainesville
Wednesday, November 20
Industry Appreciation Lunch
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Lanier Technical College Ramsey Conference Center
Tuesday, December 10
Small Business Seminar
Karen Tinker, Georgia Council on Alcohol & Drugs
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Chamber or via Zoom
Thursday, December 12
Eggs & Issues Breakfast
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lanier Technical College