Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m Chairman's Column page 2 Newly Elected Officers and Board Members page 4 Upcoming Events page 5 Chamber Chase Highlights page 6 Member Announcements page 10 Small Business of the Month page 11 Welcome New Members page 12 Ribbon Cuttings page 14 Leadership Hall page 15
Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament is April 24 The Greater Hall Chamber's 36th Annual Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament presented by Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia is Friday, April 24 at Legacy on Lanier Golf Club at Lanier Islands. A shotgun start at 10 a.m. kicks off the tournament that includes fun, fellowship and great prizes for scratch golfers and hackers alike. Entry Fee includes green fee, cart, breakfast, box lunch, snacks and drinks, and a reception following the tournament with awards and great door prizes. Cost is $175 per player; $650 team of four. Register yourself as an individual or register a team. Awards will be presented in three flights, along with a Hole-In-One prize, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and much more. AT&T's 19th Hole Reception with delicious complimentary food and drink follows the tournament at the clubhouse. Great Sponsorship Opportunities Available including Golf Cart Sponsorships ($500); Par 5 Golf Hole Sponsorships ($350); and, Golf Hole Sponsorships ($250). Win a $1000 Golf Package! Lanier Islands Stay & Play Package includes Golf for a foursome at Legacy on Lanier Golf Club, a one night stay with two Double Queen Rooms at Legacy Lodge, and Breakfast for Four! (Value: $1,000) Tickets: $10 each; 3 for $20. Do NOT have to be present to win. To register as a team, individual or inquire about sponsorships and tickets, contact Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: Online:
Business Awards Nominations The Chamber is seeking nominations for both the 2014-2015 Small Business of the Year and the 2014-2015 Family Business of the Year. The small business award is presented to an outstanding business and Chamber member with 50 or less employees. The family business award is presented to a family-owned business that has operated for 25 or more years. Cotton Eyed Joe's received the 2013-2014 Small Business of the Year Award, and McGarity's Business Products was recognized as last year's Family Business of the Year. A member may nominate their business or another member. Nominations must be received by Friday, April 10. Award winners will be recognized at the Chamber's Annual Meeting & Gala on Thursday, May 14 at the Chattahoochee Country Club. Along with award presentations, the event will include an outdoor reception and an elegant dinner buffet. Other awards to be presented are the Community Service Award, the prestigious W.G. Mealor Award and Silver Shovel Awards. For more information on award nominations: Contact Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206. Email:
Chamber's Annual Meeting and Gala on May 14 Mark your calendar for the Greater Hall Chamber's 107th Annual Meeting & Gala on Thursday, May 14 at the Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville. Sponsored by AT&T and Jackson EMC, the evening begins at 6:00 p.m. with an outdoor reception. The dinner program begins at 7:00 p.m. and includes an overview of the year's success and annual award presentations including the 2014-2015 Small Business of the Year, Family Business of the Year, Silver Shovel Awards, the prestigious W.G. Mealor Chairman's Award, and the Community Service Award. Sponsorships are now available. Table Sponsorships $1200 (seats 10) and includes promotion and recognition during the awards program. Individual tickets are $85 / $150 Couple. Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115 or email: Online:
Save the Date Tuesday, April 14 Small Business Seminar Friday, April 24 Hackers Holiday Golf Tourney Thursday, April 30 Business After Hours
APRIL 2015
A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
From the Chairman
Focus: Workforce Development
Workforce Development is not just a local issue – it is a state and national issue effecting all business – from manufacturers and healthcare providers to retailers and small businesses. As the area's voice for business, the Greater Hall Chamber is addressing the needs of area employers and recently implemented a workforce initiative. The mission of GainesvilleHall County’s newly formed Workforce Development Task Force is to collaborate with area employers, educators and leaders to create new programs, market existing programs, remove barriers and influence perceptions. The group is dedicated to making an impact by building on a sustainable workforce that possesses the skills needed by today’s and tomorrow’s employers. Perry Barnett, CPA and partner with Rushton & Company, is chair of the Workforce Development Task Force (WDTF). David Lee Jackson EMC Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Earning and Learning
At a recent Industry Employer Forum hosted by the WDTF, Perry Barnett presented the results of a survey of 58 manufacturing employers. The most significant issue facing employers overall is under qualified job applicants, followed by lack of applicants and an aging workforce. Only 25% of the industries surveyed in our community employ high school students as part of a Work Based Learning Program. Currently, 800 students are participating in work based learning locally but only 2% of those are in manufacturing and 26% of Hall County’s workforce is employed in goods producing. The event included a panel discussion with Phil Sutton, Kubota Manufacturing of America, and Mike Holman, Baldor Electric. Kubota’s longterm plan is for all new hires to go through an apprentice program. Sutton discussed Kubota's student work program with 25 students participating and making $10.50 an hour. He stated that as a community we should do a better job of educating our students and future workforce by offering opportunities for careers in manufacturing. He noted that in our community only 30% of high school graduates are going to college. We must engage the other 70%. Baldor's Mike Holman is a graduate of Johnson High School and Georgia Tech. He is now plant manager and stated that the company's corporate plan nationally is to “grow their own employees.” Baldor's apprentices primarily come from the Johnson High's work based learning program with students pre-screened and interview-ready. The WDTF's Plan of Action for 2015 is to increase high school apprenticeships, increase employer presence in schools and investigate dual enrollment programs. Details: Shelley Davis at the Chamber, 770-532-6206 x 108. Email: Workforce Development Task Force members (L-R): Dr. Ray Perren, President, Lanier Technical College; Tyler Smith, Attorney, Smith, Gilliam, William & Miles, P.A.; Phil Sutton, Chief Administrative Officer, Kubota Manufacturing of America; Mike Holman, Plant Manager, Baldor Electric; Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company; Chair,Workforce Development Task Force. King's Hawaiian hosted a tour for Work Based Learning Coordinators and Counselors from area high schools. As a part of Workforce Development efforts, area educational professionals have been invited to get outside the classroom and tour area industries. So far they have toured Kubota, IMS Gear, SKF USA Inc. and King’s Hawaiian.
Business Link VOLUME 20 ISSUE 10 McKemie West, Editor • Email: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
2014-2015 Executive Committee Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC
Vice Chair, Marketing and Communications Katie Dubnik Forum Communications
Chairman Elect Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Vice Chair, Membership Development Tony Paramore Treasurer Gainesville Design Center David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, Economic Development Brian Rochester Rochester & Associates Vice Chair, Education Andi Farmer Milton Martin Honda Vice Chair, Government William Bagwell Homestead Investments
Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers, AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Senior Advisor R.K. Whitehead Whitehead Die Casting
Vice Chair, South Hall Council Immediate Past Chairman Andy Kalinauskas Dixie Truelove Conditioned Air Systems Truelove Dairy Vice Chair, Community President & CEO Development Kit Dunlap Deborah Mack, Volunteer Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White LinkPoint Advantage Meg Nivens, Executive Director
Board of Directors 2014-2015 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Karen Baston, Sperry Van Ness Col James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo John Breakfield, Breakfield & Associates Carol Burrell, NEGA Health System Jay Cooper, Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, City of Oakwood Tony Funari, City of Braselton Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons John Geyer, J Geyer Advertising Will Hicks, Stifel Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelly, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy
Jullie King, The Longstreet Clinic Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications Steve McNeilly, NEGA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Community Volunteer James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Ron Quinn, Peach State Bank Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Will Schofield, Hall County Schools Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Darrell Snyder, Georgia Power Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Gainesville Hall County Development Authority Mike Williams, Lanier Islands
Associate Directors 2014-2015 Michael Baldwin, Charter Business Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dawn Justus, United Community Bank Terry Merck, American Yazaki David Miller, Brenau University Debbie Morrin, ComCast Spotlight Ryan Owen, Kubota
Clay Pilgrim, Rushton & Company Carol Shirley, South State Bank Jeff Sims, Hamilton State Bank Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers Staci Tunkel, Center Point Spencer Walker, NGMT
Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Joy Sims, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President
Government Affairs Kit Dunlap, President & CEO South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Meg Nivens, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager
Board of Directors
Newly Elected Board Members
Chamber Officers 2015-2016
The following seven individuals have been elected to serve a three-year term on the Chamber's Board of Directors beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2018. For information, contact Greater Hall Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap, 770-532-6206.
The following individuals have been elected by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to serve as Officers, July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016:
JOSH EVERETT is Director of Business Development at New Leaf Landscape Services. A graduate of the University of Georgia, Josh has helped grow the commercial side of the business and develop the company's community involvement. His responsibilities include identifying new business, community outreach, sales training, and team development. Josh is an involved volunteer with the Chamber and a graduate of Leadership Hall County. He has served on the Hacker’s Holiday Golf Committee and is a top membership recruiter. A Florida native, TONY FUNARI was transferred to the Atlanta area in 1971 with Belk Department Store. Tony is now President of Funari Realty – a company well positioned in the heart of the fast growing "Four County" including South Hall. Tony has served on the Braselton zoning Board of Appeals, was elected to The Town Council of Braselton, and is currently Mayor Pro-Temp. Tony is an active member of the Chamber's South Hall Council and has served on many projects for local governments. MORGAN HOUSE is Manager of the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue. A Gainesville native, House is an Olympic-level kayaker and spent eight years on the USA National Team for Sprint Kayaking where he competed in many events around the world. Morgan served on the Advisory Board at the J.A. Walters YMCA and currently serves on the boards of the Gainesville CVB, the Lake Lanier CVB, and the Peach State Bank Youth Development Board. Morgan was the 2014 membership campaign top recruiter and is an active with VISION 2030 programs.
April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
TERRY MERCK is Plant Manager of American Yazaki Corporation/AYC Plastics with over 40 years of manufacturing management experience. Terry has helped numerous companies adopt best practices protocols, and under his management, both his current and previous employer were recognized by their customers as their top supplier. A life-time resident of Hall County, Terry has a photography business and is a member of the Chamber's Industry Roundtable, HR Council and a top membership recruiter.
Chairman Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction
Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Conditioned Air Systems
Chairman Elect Lee Hemmer The Simpson Company
Vice Chair, Community Development Lila Weaver Brenau University
Treasurer David Abee Regions Bank
Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White LinkPoint Advantage, LLC
Vice Chair, Economic Development Brian Rochester Rochester & Associates
Co-Chairs, HALLmark 2015-2020 Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System
Vice Chair, Education Kristi Barker Georgia Power Company Vice Chair, Government Affairs John Breakfield Breakfield & Associates Vice Chair, Marketing and Communications Katie Dubnik Forum Communications, Inc. Vice Chair, Membership Development Tony Paramore Gainesville Paint & Design
Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart Melvin & Frost, LLP Immediate Past Chairman David Lee Jackson EMC Greater Hall Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap
New Hospital Ribbon Cutting
CAROL SHIRLEY has been with South State Bank for 20 years and oversees the retail banking operations for three locations in Hall County and the bank’s office in Canton, Georgia. A Chicago native, Carol moved to Georgia in 1992 and began her banking career with The Citizens Bank. She started in banking as a lending expert for the Small Business/U.S. Small Business Administration and transitioned to her current position as Branch Manager/Retail Market Leader. Carol is a Leadership Hall graduate, participated in the 2014 Chamber membership campaign, and is a member of the Chamber’s Small Business Roundtable. A native of Gainesville, JODY SPAIN is President/CEO of Cotton Eyed Joe’s, provider of imprinted apparel, marketing items and large format digital printing. Prior to founding the family business with his brother and father, Jody spent six years as an economics teacher with the Hall County School System. Since 1998, Joe’s has grown from a small, part-time organization to a regional leader in marketing and printing strategies and was named 2014 Greater Hall Chamber Small Business of the Year. He serves on the Chamber's Marketing Committee. LILA WEAVER is Operations Manager for the College of Business & Mass Communication at Brenau University and focuses on external relations with community leaders, local business owners, non-profit organizations and other educational institutions in hopes of promoting internships and job opportunities for students. In addition to this position, Lila holds her real estate license with Keller Williams Realty Lanier Partners. Lila serves on the committee for the Chamber's Marketing Workshops held in partnership with Brenau University as well as Healthcare Reform Seminars.
Ribbon Cutting at Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton (L-R): Tony Herdener, CFO, Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS); Carol Burrell, President & CEO, NGHS; Anthony Williamson (with scissors), President, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton; Dr. Carroll Turner, Lanier Technical College; Sukai Crook, Senior Project Leader, NGHS Department of Operational Excellence; Melissa Tymchuk, Director of PR & Marketing, NGHS; Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers; Beth Downs, PR Manager, NGMC Braselton. On April 1, Northeast Georgia Health System officially opened Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton, the first net-new hospital in Georgia, and now offering South Hall County a broad range of advanced surgical and medical services, with a strong emphasis on outpatient surgery as well as emergency services and specialty care in many areas including cardiology, oncology, orthopedics and neurosciences. The 100-bed hospital is located at 1400 River Place in Braselton. For information, visit or call 770-219-3840.
Wednesday, April 8 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Panera Bread in Gainesville Tuesday, April 14 Small Business Seminar "Crash Course in Employee Embezzlement" Presented by Rushton & Company, LLC and Stewart, Melvin & Frost, LLP 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. MDC at Featherbone Communiversity Tuesday, April 14 Ambassadors Council 3:45 p.m. – 2 Dog Cafe in Gainesville Wednesday, April 15 Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber Wednesday, April 15 Lunch 'n Learn 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Peach State Bank Community Room Thursday, April 16 Chamber Executive Committee 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. – Chamber Thursday, April 16 Leadership Hall County Wrap Up Program 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Riverside Military Academy
Tuesday, April 21 Youth Leadership Hall Final Program - Team Building - Graduation 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Montara Farm in Clermont
Tuesday, April 21 VISION 2030 Board of Directors 11:30 a.m. – Chamber Wednesday, April 22 Agribusiness Awards Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – North Hall Community Center Wednesday, April 22 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Southern Smoq BBQ in Flowery Branch Thursday, April 23 Chamber Board of Directors 12:00 p.m. – Gainesville Civic Center Friday, April 24 36th Annual Hackers Golf Tournament 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Legacy on Lanier at Lanier Islands Thursday, April 30 Business After Hours Sponsor: Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 641 Spring Street SE in Gainesville
1/2 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x10"
MAY 2015 Thursday, May 14 107th Annual Meeting & Gala 6:00 p.m. Outdoor Reception 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Awards Program Chattahoochee Country Club
Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS® Financial Advisor
Thursday, May 28 Business After Hours Sponsor: Lake Lanier Olympic Venue 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3105 Clarks Bridge Road in Gainesville
3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Gainesville, GA 30506 770-536-2031
Beth Baldwin
Financial Advisor
Get details on these and other Chamber events online:
439 Green Street Northwest Gainesville, GA 30501 770-534-1220
Rick Kimpling, AAMS®
Thank You April Event Sponsors AT&T • • Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia Chattahoochee Country Club • Express Employment Solutions Gainesville Area Employers Committee • Gainesville Coca-Cola Highland Mountain Beverage • HTI Employment Solutions • Jackson EMC King's Hawaiian • Lanier Technical College • McDonald's • McGarity's Milton Martin Honda • Milton Martin Toyota • Peach State Bank Red Clay Interactive • Spherion • Signs by Tomorrow Sullivan & Schlieman • The Times • WSI Digital Rainmakers
Financial Advisor
64 North Brooks Street Unit B Cleveland, GA 30528 706-865-0933
April 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
Tuesday, April 21 South Hall Business Coalition "Update: New NGMC Braselton 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton
Meetings & Events
APRIL 2015
5 MKD-8652-A
Member SPIC
Meetings & Events
Small Business Seminar Tuesday, April 14
Hackers Holiday Golf Friday, April 24
7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. at Lanier Tech MDC No Charge for Chamber Members • $15 Non-Members
"Crash Course in Employee Embezzlement" Join Nicholas Bruner and Samuel Latimer of Rushton & Company as they discuss fraud, the red flags and techniques to detect when someone may be committing fraud, and practical policies and procedures for prevention. Rustin Smith and Ronny Hulsey of Stewart, Melvin & Frost will clarify the legal requirements for proving fraud and map out the different paths for relief so you will be ready to handle the situation should it occur. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
South Hall Business Coalition Tuesday, April 21
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton 1400 River Place, Braselton GA 30517 $5 Chamber Members • $15 Non-Members • Light Breakfast Come see Georgia's newest hospital! Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton President Anthony Williamson will highlight the hospital's unique features, including thoughtful sustainability initiatives, innovative patient care techniques and an intentional healing environment complete with an original local art collection. You'll also have a chance to sample food from the hospital's Cafe' 1400, tour public areas and see inside a patient room. RSVP: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Legacy on Lanier Golf Club at Lanier Islands $175 per player; $650 team of four Awards • Prizes • 19th Hole Reception Swing into Spring at the 36th Annual Hackers Holiday! Register as an individual or register a team for a day of golf at beautiful Lanier Islands. Awards will be presented in three flights, along with a Hole-In-One prize, closest to the pin, longest drive, and much more. AT&T's 19th Hole Reception with delicious complimentary food and drink follows the tournament at the clubhouse. To register or inquire about great sponsorship opportunities, contact Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
Business After Hours Thursday, April 30
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management 641 Spring Street SE in Gainesville $5 Chamber Members • $15 Non-Members • Cash Prize Drawing Join Chamber members and friends for BUSINESS & BLUEGRASS at Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management with entertainment provided by Front Porch Gliders. Tastings sponsored by Tap It, and delicious treats catered by 2 Dog, Buttermilk Pie Company and Jaemor Farms. Great Networking! Cash Prize Drawing! RSVP: Colette Hollifield at 678-780-3200 or Email:
April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
VISION 2030: Chamber Chase 5K & Wellness Walk Highlights
Meg Nivens, VISION 2030, with Dustin Woodall (left) and Kelley Walker (back) who model Mansfield Oil's "Hauling Gas" T-Shirt that took first place in the People's Choice Award Contest. 13 companies participated in the T-Shirt Contest. Runner's Fit Team Members Kenneth Slavik (16:50), the Overall Top Male Winner and 2nd Place Winner Juan Soto (16:53) at the Chamber Chase 5K Finish Line. Runner's Fit won the Fastest Corporate Team Award.
Meg Nivens with Fastest CEO Dr. Donald Jue (23:16) of Anesthesia Associates of Gainesville.
The Corporate Challenge 5K included awards in several age groups. Top 3 Females in the 40-49 age group were (L-R): Christy Elliot, Krys Crawford and Catherine Stribling. The Top Overall Female winner was Chelsea Clever (21:32), Wayne Farms Team. 2nd Place Overall Female was Kalen Lee Scholtz (21:59), Lanier Canoe and Kayak Team.
Congratulations to The Longstreet Clinic for winning the Most Team Spirit Award! Over 2,000 runners, walkers and team cheerleaders participated in the 8th Annual Chamber Chase 5K and 2 Mile Wellness Walk. Thank you presenting sponsor AEON Clinical Laboratories and Gold Sponsors: CIGNA, Free Chapel, Northeast Georgia Health System, Procare Rx, Riverside Military Academy and The Longstreet Clinic.
» award-winning health care, closer to home
N E P O OW As the newest hospital in Georgia, Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Braselton is dedicated to improving the health of our community in all we do. The 100-bed hospital is built upon the programs of excellence NGMC is known for, including: • • •
Emergency Services
Advanced Surgery & Medical Care Heart and Vascular Services
• • •
Cancer Treatment
At NGMC Braselton, you’ll find The Heart Center of NGMC, numerous specialty physicians and outpatient services. You can expect our staff members to work tirelessly, ensuring you receive exceptional and compassionate care. The right thing, for the right reason: you. 1400 River Place, Braselton, GA 30517 |
Member Announcements April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
• Scott McGarity, owner of McGarity's Business Products (Chamber 20142015 Family Business of the Year), was named the Top Sales Agent in the nation by the U.S. Channels Group Agent Partner for the Xerox Corporation. McGarity's has been an authorized Xerox sales agent for over 30 years. • Long-time Chamber member Lorry Schrage, owner of Saul's in Downtown Gainesville, was the 2015 recipient of the Gainesville Kiwanis Club's John W. Jacobs, Jr. Youth Service Award, the highest honor bestowed by the club. • Lanier Tent Rental celebrated its 25th Anniversary in March. Located at 534 Mill Street in Gainesville, the family owned rental and event planning company offers tents, stages, dance floors, flatware, linens and much more. • Registration is open for Hall County Government's 4th Annual Scholars Academy, April 14 - June 9. Each of the nine sessions will focus on a different aspect of local government and include tours of facilities. No cost to participants. Details: Katie Crumley at kcrumley@ or 770-297-5504. Registration form and syllabus are available online at • Oakwood Family YMCA's First Annual Healthy Kids Day Family Fun Fest is Saturday, May 2. Family Fun Run & Toddler Trot at 8:30 am; 5K at 9:00 am. Booths feature food, goods and services provided by businesses in the community with music and activities for the entire family. Proceeds benefit the YMCA Youth Swim Lesson program, which provided swim lessons to over 80 students last fall. Booths and sponsorships available. 678-622-3908. • The Gainesville-Hall County Community Council on Aging will honor Dr. Henry S. Jennings, Jr. with its first Quality of Life Award. Hall County Hospital's first board-certified internist, Dr. Jennings was a founding partner of the multi-specialty Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic, now consisting of 30 physicians and 10 mid-level providers. The awards ceremony is May 7 and benefits Meals on Wheels and Senior Life Center programs. Phillippa Lewis Moss, 770-503-3340. • The Gainesville Jaycees named the Young Man and Young Woman of the Year at their 70th Annual Awards Banquet in March. Heidi Ferguson, volunteer, and Trey Wood of Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance, were the 2014 recipients.
• Carol Pitts, Lead School Social Worker for the Hall County School System, was recognized as the State School Social Worker of the Year by the Georgia State School Social Workers Association and the Georgia Department of Education for her present and past contributions to students and families in Hall County. • A groundbreaking for the Quinlan Visual Arts Center's new Quinlan Sculpture Garden was held in March. Made possible by a donation from the Starlet Rhodes Jones Foundation, the garden will serve as an outdoor setting for sculptural works and provide expanded space for the center’s exhibitions, events and educational programs. • Boys &Girls Clubs of Hall County's 17th Annual Rubber Duck Derby is May 16 from 10 am - 4 pm at Clarks Bridge Park in Gainesville with a fun festival, live entertainment, food, games and activities for the entire family. Adopt a duck NOW! • Hall County Animal Shelter will offer a Rabies Clinic on Saturday, May 16 from 10 am - 1 pm at Jaemor Farms. $10 per rabies shot; $20 microchip; $25 for both. For details about the shelter, including donation opportunities and adoption services, call 678-450-1587. • The South Hall Business Coalition meeting at the new South Hall Sheriff's Office has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 19. Join us for an update from Sheriff Gerald Couch. This meeting was originally scheduled in February but canceled due to inclement weather. Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: • SS Revolution Ministries, a community outreach organization, will host its first Spring Dinner Banquet on May 2 at 6:00 pm at the Robson Event Center in Downtown Gainesville. The fundraiser features great food, music and a silent auction. SSR is also seeking out local businesses that would like to market their business by donating items for the silent auction. Tickets, $50/Table, $500. Details: Beau & Jennifer Robson, 678989-0255. • Dr. L. Jeffrey Payne and North Georgia Eye (NGE) welcome Dr. Sheetal M. Shah to the practice. Dr. Shah is a board certified corneal specialist offering a breakthrough dry eye treatment, FDA approved Lipiflow Thermal Pulsation. NGE is the only provider in North Georgia offering this new treatment. Dr. Shah formerly taught at Emory where her specialty was cornea and dry eye disease.
• Challenged Child & Friends Rock in the Spring Concert with Midlife Crisis is May 9 at the Brenau Amphitheater. Gates open at 6 pm; concert at 7:30 pm. Tickets $300/table of 6; $400/table of 8; $600 table of 10. Lawn seats $25. Sponsorships available. Details: email Cindy Wilson at • Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County Chief Professional Officer Steven Mickens was named Executive of the Year in the Southeast Region by the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The award honors successful leaders dedicated to serving the youth in their community. Under Mickens' leadership, the club has grown to three club locations, serving approximately 5,300 youth.
• Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is a new online farmers market and collaborative distribution network of sustainable, chemical-free farming, and locally sourced products. The website is open year-round, and customers can pick up and pay for products every Wednesday between 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the North Georgia History Center. To learn more visit • Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) is one of “Metro Atlanta’s Top 150 Workplaces” for a fifth consecutive year according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
GOT NEWS? Email:
Business Before Hours
Great networking at Business Before Hours at Cotton Eyed Joe's (L-R): David Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe's; Stacey Reece, Spherion; Dave Simpson, Simpson Custom Photography; Jody Spain and Joey Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe's; Joy Griffin, United Way of Hall County; Chamber Membership VP Tony Paramore, Gainesville Design Center.
Regional Transportation Update
Over 200 people attended the Chamber's Transportation Forum for updates and discussion by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the Gainesville-Hall County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). (L-R): Event Sponsors Terry Evans, Independence Bank of Georgia, and Brian Rochester, Rochester & Associates; Emily Dunn, 9th District GDOT Board Member; Srikanth Yamala, Director of Planning, Hall County Government; Russell McMurry, GDOT Commissioner; Chamber Chair David Lee, Jackson EMC; Brent Cook, GDOT District 1 Engineer; Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO; Dr. Al Panu, University of North Georgia.
Small Business of the Month The Gift Box
Small Business Seminar
Brand Your Business Seminar (L-R): Jim Grier, Champion Capital Alliance; Jay Kelly, Signs By Tomorrow; Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage; Program Presenters Tina Carlson and John Vardeman, Morton, Vardeman & Carlson; Amy McGuire, Aqualand Marina; Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers; Darla Eden, Hall County Tax Commissioner. The next seminar is Tuesday, April 14 at 7:45 a.m. at the Lanier Tech's Manufacturing Development Center at Featherbone Communiversity. A "Crash Course in Employee Embezzlement" will be presented by Rushton & Company, LLC and Stewart, Melvin & Frost, LLP. The typical organization loses 5% of revenues each year to fraud according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Learn the red flags and techniques to detect fraud and practical policies and procedures for prevention. No charge for Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Sponsored by Highland Mountain Beverage, Jacobs Media, Signs By Tomorrow and WSI Digital Rainmakers. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
4 columns 9" x5"
April 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
1/2 Page Ad
Small Business
Keith and Tracie Maxey, owners of The Gift Box. Located at The Ship Station in Gainesville, The Gift Box is a family-owned and operated local business that offers a friendly atmosphere to shop for a unique gift (or something for yourself) as well as take care of your business services and postal needs. They ship UPS, Fed Ex and Post Office. Whether you are looking for jewelry, purses, scarves, baby gifts, wedding gifts, collegiate items, spirit wear or greeting cards, The Gift Box is the place to go! Getting married or having a baby? The Gift Box offers registries for both. Specialty baskets and gifts can be created and personalized to suit your special occasion or corporate events. Recently added to The Gift Box is embroidery with a quick turnaround available. The Gift Box is conveniently located across from Gainesville High School, just around the corner from Lakeshore Mall and within minutes from downtown Gainesville. 250 John W. Morrow Parkway, Suite 121, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-287-3163. Facebook/The Gift Box
April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Membership Development
Business After Hours
Welcome New Members! AFLAC Ken Stewart 3300 Hamilton Mill Road Suite 102 - Box 136 Buford, GA 30519 (404) 780-8548 - Insurance Jewels of the Mine Susan Tamburino 75 Gold Nugget Lane Cleveland, GA 30528 (706) 865-4436 - Retail / Jewelry
Business After Hours at AEON Clinical Laboratories in February (L-R): Rusty Hopkins, CPA & Partner, BatesCarter; Alex Roy, AEON Business Development; Tim Evans, Chamber; Scott Thompson, AEON Sales; Billy Powell, Hall County Commission; Sonny Roshan, AEON CEO; Paul Suda, AEON COO & General Counsel; Phyllis Roshan, The AEON Foundation; Darryl Workman, The Brand Bank. As sponsor and host of Business After Hours, AEON provided great networking opportunities and tours of its state-of-the-art drug testing facility in Gainesville.
Pam Hilton Johns Creek, GA - Individual Member
Johnston & Associates, CPA Ann-Margaret Johnston 5034 Wallace Drive Cumming, GA 30041 (770) 205-2221 - Financial / Accounting Oxton Place of Gainesville Roslyn Jones 2030 Windward Lane Gainesville, GA30501 (770) 535-8181 - Senior Living Community T-Mobile Carla Wilson 890 Dawsonville Highway Suite B
Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 536-9100 - Cellular Phones Vibrant Living Stephanie Smith 531 Ridgewood Drive Pendergrass, GA30567 (678) 579-2929 - Health / Wellness Join the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce online at or call Kara Tate, Vice President of Membership Sales at 770532-6206 x 116.
Chamber Job Openings Project Manager in Economic Development: Research and prepare RFP's for prospective businesses. Manage Economic Development events and meetings. Coordinate prospect visits. Marketing and commercial real estate backgrounds helpful. Degree required. Executive Director for VISION 2030, an organization of the Greater Hall Chamber ( Degree required. Experience working with volunteers. Communication and organization skills a must. To apply, send resume to: Human Resource Manager, P.O. Box 374, Gainesville, GA 30503 or Email:
Business After Hours in March was sponsored by HTI Employment Solutions (L-R): Marsha Dickerson, Industrial Recruiter; Steven Sawyer, Business Development Manager; Erin Langford, Lead Recruiter; Nat Banks, Director of Sales & Marketing; Anna Messick, Manager of Marketing & Public Relations; Brian Buchanan, Director of Operations. The next Business After Hours is "Business & Bluegrass" sponsored by Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management on Thursday, April 30 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at 641 Springs Street in Gainesville with music by Front Porch Gliders, tastings by Tap It, and food catered by 2 Dog, Buttermilk Pie Company and Jaemor Farms. Great Networking! Cash Prize Drawing! RSVP: Colette Hollifield at 678-780-3200 or email:
ADDING YEARS TO LIFE & LIFE TO YEARS Serving Northeast Georgia Since 1967
Biz Card Ad
12 Dr. Denise Funk • Dr. Chris Potter
984 Thompson Bridge Rd • Gainesville, GA 30501 770-532-1217 •
1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"
The South Hall Business Coalition recently met at Elachee Nature Science Center (L-R): Elachee's Levon Callahan, Director of Development & Communications; Andrea Timpone, Executive Director; Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO.
The South Hall Business Coalition will meet on Tuesday, April 21 at 8:00 a.m. at Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton. Visit the state's "net new" hospital (not a replacement or relocation) in almost 20 years! Newly opened on April 1, NGMC Braselton now gives South Hall residents closer access to the award-winning services of the State's #1 Hospital. NGMC Braselton President Anthony Williamson will highlight the hospital's unique features, including thoughtful sustainability initiatives, innovative patient care techniques and an intentional healing environment complete with an original local art collection. You'll also have a chance to sample food from the hospital's Cafe' 1400, tour public areas and see inside a patient room. 1400 River Place, Braselton GA 30517. (Next to the Village at Deaton Creek on the new Lanier Islands Pkwy/SR 347). South Hall Business Coalition meetings are $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members and are sponsored by Milton Martin Honda and Red Clay Interactive. RSVP: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
New Hospital's Art Collection
Agribusiness Awards Breakfast The Greater Hall Chamber Agribusiness Committee awards program increases recognition and appreciation of the agribusiness and agricultural community in Hall County. Agribusiness Recognition Awards will be presented during the Annual Agribusiness Awards Breakfast on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:30 a.m. at the North Hall Community Center. Awards include Friend of Agribusiness (2014 Winner/Atlanta Falcons); Outstanding Agribusiness (2014 Winner/United Community Bank); Farmer of the Year (2014 Winner/Todd Clark) and Ag Hall of Fame (2014 Winner/Buddy Belflower). The awards breakfast is open to the public and sponsored by Jackson EMC. For details or breakfast reservations, call the Hall County Cooperative Extension, 770-535-8293.
2 columns 4.4167 x10"
April 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
Penny Stowe of Pendergrass inspects her unique spring daisy photograph displayed at Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Braselton. An expansive art collection is on display at the hospital to further enhance the intentional healing environment they have created for patients and includes numerous original works from local artists. “Local participation in our original art collection is a further extension of the hospital’s effort for community involvement,” said Anthony Williamson, president of NGMC Braselton. “This is the community’s hospital, and we want them to feel a part of it.”
1/2 Page Ad
Community Development
South Hall Business Coalition to meet at new Hospital in Braselton
Key Economic Indicators
Tap It Growlers in Gainesville With over 76 years of "Combined Beer Drinking Experience," Zack Thompson, Brad Sample and Ryan Thompson started Tap It Growlers as an expansion of their landscape company, Pro Touch Landscapes and their retail location, Pro Outdoor Living which features Kamado Joe Smokers and other barbecue supplies. Their passion and knowledge to share great craft beer with North Georgia is what drove them to open the first growler filling station in Gainesville. Tap It Growlers, 1850 Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville. 770-534-0041.
April 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Premier Branded Specialties
Wayne, Dana and Don Adams cut ribbon for Premier Branded Specialties in Gainesville. Premier helps brand businesses with the use of screen printed and embroidered shirts, hats and jackets, as well as a full line of promotional products. 2445 Hilton Drive, Gainesville, Georgia 30501. 855-550-5890.
In & Out Deli at Piedmont Tractor Penny Hollis cuts ribbon at In and Out Deli where fast, fresh and flavorful food is served. And the deli – located inside Piedmont Tractor and Equipment on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Gainesville – seems to succeed by streamlining its lunch service with house-made sandwiches, chips and sodas in glass bottles. In & Out Deli, 1780 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-912-7627.
Greater Hall County Area Jobless Employment Rates Hall County
10 8
Feb. 2015
5.2 Previous Month
Jan 2015
12-Month High
Sept 2014
One Year Ago
Feb 2014
Gainesville City
Cherokee Dawson
5 5.3
Gwinnett Jackson Ga Mountains State of Georgia
5.5 5.3 5.6 6.4
The Norton Agency Key Economic Retail Sales Indicators 2 columns $ 221,199,815 4.4167 x 10 F
Updated 04/01
Hall County
Latest Feb 2015
Previous Month (available)
One Year Ago
Jan 2015
Feb 2014
100’s millions of dollars
Owner Uriel Arellano cuts ribbon at Señor Fiesta Mexican Restaurant at the Kroger Marketplace off I-985 in Gainesville. Locally owned and operated, the restaurant takes pride in serving fresh food cooked to order. They seek to provide quality service with a fresh taste that will have you coming back for more! The restaurant joins a second location at 4110 Cleveland Highway in Gainesville. 1943 Jesse Jewell Parkway, Suite 900, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-534-1122.
Ribbon Cuttings
Señor Fiesta Mexican Restaurant
Hall County retail sales figures are estimated from the 1% sales tax collected for Hall. For example, $11 million in tax revenue represents F retail sales of approximately $100 million.
2015 Updated 04/01
Housing Permits Issued - Hall County
Feb. 2015 51 Previous Month
One Year Ago
2015 Total
Jan 2015
Feb 2014
2014 YTD
Area Permits County Barrow Dawson Gwinnett Forsyth Hall Jackson
Feb 2015 38 10 179 169 51 11
Feb 2014 21 4 163 165 63 17
Jan 2015 33 3 125 179 42 6
Total 2014 286 108 2,531 2,662 581 107
2015 YTD 71 13 304 340 93 17
Avg Total Price 2015
Avg Price
Homes Sold and Closed and Average Price of Home Feb 2015
Avg Price
Feb 2014
Avg Price
Jan 2015
Avg Price
Total 2014
Updated 04/01
Data compiled by the Norton Agency. For additional information or other data products, please call: Tommy Howard 770-718-5204
The Norton Agency
The Power To Perform
Youth Leadership Hall
Leadership Hall's Quality of Life program began at Elachee Nature Science Center with an overview and tour by volunteer RK Whitehead, Whitehead Die Casting, and Janice Jones. The class took a CPR class led by Jason Grady, Cardiac Cath Lab, Regional STEMI Coordinator, NGMC. At the Gainesville City Fire Department, Fire Chief Jerome Yarbrough led discussion and a tour. The class was treated to lunch at Peach State Bank where President & CEO Ron Quinn welcomed the group and spoke about banking in relation to quality of life in Hall County. Randy Knighton, Hall County Administrator, and Jessica Tullar, Gainesville City Planning Department, presented programs. Judge Lindsay Burton talked frankly to the class about the state of care for children in Department of Family and Children Services custody. At Rock Creek Parkway and Amphitheater, Johnathon Jackson, Hall County Sheriffs Department, gave a K-9 demonstration of law enforcement dog behavior and the tasks they perform, including narcotics searches. At Brenau University Downtown Center, Frank Norton, Jr., The Norton Agency, led an interactive presentation about the history and quality of life in Gainesville- Hall County followed by a tour of Brenau's Manhattan Gallery.
Morgan House (standing) guides Youth Leadership Hall's "Boys Boat" on a Dragon Boat Race at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue. The program began at Chattahoochee Country Club where the class participated in Effective Communication and Letter Writing by Juli Clay, Brenau University. Connie Davis, Tastefully Growing Up, gave instructions on proper etiquette skills, and Carla Walker, Whelchel, Dunlap, Jarrard & Walker, led Ball Room Dance class. At Clarks Bridge Park, Patrick O’Rouke, Georgia Department of DNR Fisheries Biology Division, spoke about his role in maintaining and overseeing Lake Lanier, rivers and streams and its fish population. Eric Isom, Georgia Department of DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, spoke on policing Lake Lanier and other areas, and his K-9 dog joined him for a demonstration. Johnathan Jackson, Hall County Sheriff’s Office, talked with the class about the dangers of drugs and how he and his K-9 partner work together to arrest illegal drug users. He also talked about his role on the SWAT team. Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Manager, took the class out on the lake to participate in Dragon Boat races! Thank you Chattahoochee County Club for sponsoring the morning programs and meals.
The 36th Annual Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament presented by Chattahoochee Bank of GA is Friday, April 24 at Legacy on Lanier Golf Club at Lanier Islands. $175 per player; $650 team (4-some) includes green and cart fee, box lunch and reception. Hole-InOne prize, along with closest to the pin, longest drive, and more. AT&T's 19th Hole Reception with free food and drink follows the tournament at the clubhouse. Sponsor Opportunities! Megan Martin, 770532-6206 x 115. Email:
We’ve got too many chairs & they to Ad go! 1/4need Page
Only 100 columns $ 24.4167 x5"
(or less - while they last) on all Executive, Task, Guest & Side Chairs lounge chairs, love seats & sofas excluded
Find your perfect fit in our office furniture showroom! 870 Grove Street, Gainesville Office Furniture Experts Since 1979 • 770-536-9852 • Monday- Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment
1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"
April 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
April Office Chair Sale!
Education • Leadership
Leadership Hall County
Back Page Ad 10 x 7.5
UpcomingChamber Chamber Events Upcoming Events Tuesday, AprilMarketing 14 Small Business Workshop Small Business Seminar Tuesday, February 14 "Employee Embezzlement" Marketing Trends Rushton & Company, and Presented by GordonLLC Sawyer Stewart, Melvin & –Frost, LLP at 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. The Oaks Lanier 7:45 a.m.Charter - 9:00Career a.m. Academy Lanier Tech MDC
Business After Hours
Thursday, February 16 Tuesday, April 21 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.Coalition South Hall Business Luna's Restaurant "New Hospital Update" Maina.m. Street 8:00 a.m.200 - 9:00 Hunt Tower in Downtown NEGAMC Braselton Gainesville
Friday, AprilDay 24 Celebration Arbor Hackers Holiday Golf17 Friday, February 10:00 a.m. Shotgun 10:00 a.m.Start Legacy on Lanier GolfCenter Club Frances Meadows Lanier Islands
Thursday, Job FairMay and14 Career Expo Gala &Wednesday, Annual Meeting March 28 6:00 p.m. Outdoor Reception 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:00 Georgia p.m. Dinner & Program Mountains Center Chattahoochee Country Club
Friday, 24 Thursday, AprilFebruary 30 8:00 After a.m. - Hours 12:00 p.m. Business Georgia& Mountains Center "Business Bluegrass" Sponsored by Sullivan & Annual Transportation Forum Schlieman Wealth Management Wednesday, March 14 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 11:30Street a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 641 Spring in Gainesville
Thursday, May 28 Business After Hours Sponsored by Lake Lanier Olympic Venue 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3105 Clarks Bridge Road in Gainesville
Safe & Green Regional Assembly
Gainesville State College
Get Details & Register Online:
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