Business Link GG rr ee aa tt ee rr H H aa ll ll CC hh aa mm bb ee rr .. cc oo mm
Chairman's Chairman'sColumn Column Page Page22 Newly Elected Economic Officers Development Page 2 4-5 Pages Newly Elected Upcoming Events Board Page 6Members Page 5 Member Meetings & Events Announcements Page Page610 New Members VISION 2030 Pages 8 & 12 Page 11 Member Welcome New Announcements Members Page Page1012 Small SmallBusiness Business ofofthe theMonth Month Page Page1012 VISION Partners2030 in Page 14 Education Pages 14 Ribbon Cuttings Page 15 Cuttings Ribbon Page 15
LOCAL BusinessisWorkshop 37th AnnualBUY Hackers Holiday Golf Small Tournament April 29 The Greater Hall Chamber's Small Business Council and Safe & The Green EXPO Greater Hall Chamber's 37th Annual Hackers Holiday Tournament by Chattahoochee BrenauGolf University presentpresented "Lean Principles for Small Bank of Georgia is Friday, April 29 at Legacy on Lanier Golf Club aton Lanier Islands. A shotgun at 10 a.m. kicks Business" Tuesday, January 26 fromstart 8:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday, February at Brenau University (Jacobsand Building, Green Street off the tournament that includes4 fun, fellowship and great prizes for scratch golfers hackers340 alike. Entry Fee Space Exhibitvailable! Now A
in Gainesville). Sponsoredfollowing by Smallthe Business Access includes green fee, cart, breakfast, box lunch, snacks and drinks, and a reception tournament with
facilitated by Brenau's Taylor, Gainesville Center awards Civic and great door prizes. Cost is $175 per player; Partners $650 teamand of four. Register yourself Dr. as anJames individual or this reg-
cover ways to apply principles continuous ister a team. Awards will be presented in three flights, workshop along withwill a Hole-In-One prize, Closest to theofPin, Longest
2:00-7:00 pm LOCAL small Dr.and Taylor will draw from DriveBUY and much more. EXPO AT&T's 19th Hole Receptionimprovement with delicioustocomplimentary drink follows the such topics as Lean (based upon the Toyota Production at the& clubhouse. Sponsorship Opportunities Available including Beverage Cart Sponsorships 5:00-7:00 pm Businesstournament After Hours Taste ofGreat Gainesville System), Six Sigma, Quality and simple business analytics.
($750); Par 5 Golf Hole Sponsorships ($400); and Golf Hole Sponsorships ($250). Win a $1000 Cash Drawing! Free • Open to the Public • Networking • Giveaways Participants gain knowledge will helporthem improve Tickets: $10 each; 3 for $20. Do NOT have to be present to win. will To register as a team,that individual inquire
management approach, and more importantly, leave The Greater Hall Chamber's Annual Buysponsorships Local Safe & Green Expo returns thisMartin,their about and tickets, contact Megan 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: with some very specific actions in mind. Professor James year bigger than ever with 70+ exhibitors, no admission fee, great networking and Taylor is a 30 year veteran of the automotive industry. His valuable business exposure. The Buy Local Safe & Green Expo is THURSDAY, fields of experience have included design engineering, sales, FEBRUARY 4 at the Gainesville Civic Center from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Business After project management, quality and continuous improvement Hours with "A Taste of Gainesville" is 5:00-7:00 p.m. No Admission Fee and Free fields. He hasnominations been at Brenau 2007 and is Assistant The Chamber is seeking for since both the 2015-2016 Small Shuttle Service! Buy Local showcases businesses Management. Business ofProfessor the Yearof and the 2015-2016 Family Business of the Year. in Greater Hall County and is Northeast The small business award is presented to an outstanding business and Georgia's Largest Trade Show Experience. Safe Cost: $15 Chamber Members; The Greater Hall Chamber's 108th Annual Meeting & Gala Chamber member with 50 or less employees. The family business & Green pulls together industry representatives $30 Non-Members; Includes Light is Thursday, May 19 at the Chattahoochee Country Club in to a family-owned business that has operated for for connection to environmentally friendlyaward is presented Breakfast. Reservations: Amanda Gainesville. The evening begins at 6:00 p.m. with an outdoor 25 or more years. A member may nominate their business or another services and safety initiatives for the workplace. Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: reception. The dinner program begins at 7:00 p.m. and includes member. Nominations must be received by Friday, April 15. Exhibitors will be able to utilize an overview of the year's success business and annual award presentations services, while exchanging leads and 2014-2015 Award Recipients included The Little Ladybug / Carole including the 2015-2016 Small Business of the Year, Family Business Exhibit developing professional relationships. Electrical Contractors / Daniel Caldwell, of the Year, Silver Shovel Awards, the prestigious W.G. Mealor space is now available on a first come, firstHudgins, Owner; Caldwell Sponsored by Small Business Access Partnersand President; Georgia Chair Company / Harry Bagwell, President; Chairman's Award, Distinguishedserve Citizen Award and the Community basis. Chamber Member Exhibit, $250; Duncan Exterminating / Floyd & Sherry Duncan, Owners. Service Award. The event is presented by AT&T andNon-Profit, Gold Sponsors: Non-Member, $500; $150. Exhibits abAVIATION, Carroll Daniel Construction, Jackson include an 8'x10' space,EMC table,and cloth, skirt and 8:30-11:30 am Award winners will be recognized at the Chamber's Annual Meeting Liberty Utilities.isAdditional sponsorships available, including chairs. Electricity available for an additional fee. Great sponsorships at different Brenau University Gainesville / Jacobs Bldg Tableare Sponsorships $1200 10). Individual are $85; levels also available and (seats include exhibit space, tickets promotion and $150 advertising.& Gala on Thursday, May 19 at the Chattahoochee Country Club. $15 Chamber Members • $30 Non-Members For more information on award nominations, contact Amanda Lewis, Couple. Megan Martin,Registration 770-532-6206 x 115 or Download an Exhibitor Form online at or Breakfast • Door Prizes • Networking 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: contact Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
108th Annual Meeting and Gala is May 19
Business Awards Nominations
Lean Principles for Small Business
Tuesday, January 26
Save Savethe theDate Date Tuesday, April 12 14 Thursday, January Small Business Business AfterSeminar Hours Thursday, 14 19 Tuesday, April January Business After Hours South Hall Business Coalition Friday, April 29 26 Tuesday, January Hackers HolidayWorkshop Golf Small Business
PU R IALR Y J AAN 22001166
AAPublication Publicationof ofthe theGreater GreaterHall HallChamber Chamberof ofCommerce Commerce
From the Chairman
Economic Impact of Tourism The economic impact of Gainesville-Hall County’s tourism industry reached a record high of $282.9 million in 2014, according to a report released earlier this year by the Georgia Department of Economic Development and U. S. Travel Association. Lake Lanier Olympic Park's (LLOP) had an area impact of $7.8 million for the 12 months ending May 2015. With a big boost from the Pan Am Championships for flatwater canoe and kayak coming to LLOP next month, over $10 million is expected to be generated in 2016 by this venue alone. Leading up to the Pan American event, venue officials have been working to prepare the site, which played host to flatwater canoe/kayak and rowing events for the 1996 Olympics. Phase 1 projects totaled $1.1 million and was funded Brian Daniel through SPLOST, an Appalachian Regional Commission grant and a corpoCarroll Daniel rate sponsorship from Springer Mountain Farms. Proposed Phase 2 projects Construction Co. Chairman, Greater Hall include work on the park side of the venue, and Phase 3 involves work on Chamber of Commerce the actual boathouse. Adding to economic impact numbers will be use of the venue for corporate functions, weddings, concerts and other events. "We are grateful to be strategically located in one of the top tourism regions in the state," said Lee McMichael, new Gainesville CVB Manager. "The Hotel Motel Tax in the City of Gainesville continues to exceed all expectations." McMichael brings a strong background in tourism sales and is committed to growing an already thriving program. The recent addition of the Linwood Nature Preserve and the soon to open Highlands to Islands Trail complement the City's momentum, as well as Atlanta Botanical Garden, Gainesville, a 168-acre preserve that opened in spring 2015. The $20 million project includes vast gardens, a visitor’s center, amphitheater and pavilions. “Hall County’s tourism economy continues to see annual growth and is ranked 12th out of Georgia’s 159 counties,” said Stacey Dickson, Director of the Lake Lanier CVB. The new, 1,500 Don Carter State Park opened in July 2013 in North Hall County, and a second development phase is currently under construction. Upon completion, the park will offer over 12 miles of horse trails, hiking trails, a visitor’s center, cabins, RV and camp sites, boat ramps, and a beach area/amenities on the shores of Lake Lanier. Lanier Islands kicks in a huge impact on our economy with Virgil Williams and his family taking over operations 10 years ago. The 1,100 acre resort has experienced tremendous growth with a complete overhaul of LanierWorld and the recent addition of SnowWorld, a winter adventure park. Road Atlanta and its 2.54-mile International Grand Prix course attracts 320,000 visitors annually. Road Atlanta will host the 18th Petit Le Mans in October 2016, drawing some 150,000 visitors from around the world.
April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Officers 2016-2017
The following individuals have been elected by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to serve as Officers, July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017: Chairman Lee Hemmer The Simpson Company
Vice Chair, Marketing Tate O'Rouke University of North Georgia
Chairman Elect Perry Barnett Rushton & Company
Vice Chair, Membership Katie Dubnik Forum Communications
Treasurer Jimbo Floyd Turner, Wood & Smith
Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Conditioned Air Systems
Vice Chair, Economic Development Brian Rochester Rochester & Associates
Vice Chair, Community Development Immediate Past Chairman Lila Weaver Brian Daniel Brenau University Caroll Daniel Construction Co.
Vice Chair, Education Deborah Mack Community Volunteer
Chair, VISION 2030 Greater Hall Chamber President & Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System CEO Kit Dunlap
Vice Chair, Government Affairs John Breakfield Breakfield & Associates
Executive Director, VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins
Co-Chairs, HALLmark 2015-2020 Paul Chambers AT&T Randall Frost Stewart Melvin & Frost David Lee Jackson EMC Senior Advisor Dixie Truelove Truelove Dairy
See newly elected Greater Hall Chamber Board Members on page 5.
Business Link VOLUME 21 ISSUE 10 McKemie West, Editor • Email: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
2015-2016 Executive Committee Vice Chair, Marketing and Chairman Communications Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Katie Dubnik Forum Communications Chairman Elect Vice Chair, Membership Lee Hemmer Development The Simpson Company Tony Paramore Gainesville Design Center Treasurer David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Vice Chair, Economic Conditioned Air Systems Development Brian Rochester Vice Chair, Community Rochester & Associates Development Lila Weaver, Brenau University Vice Chair, Education Debora Mack, Volunteer Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White Vice Chair, Government LinkPoint Advantage John Breakfield Elizabeth Higgins, Exec Director Breakfield & Associates
Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Immediate Past Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC President & CEO Kit Dunlap Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors 2015-2016 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company Col. James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, Councilman, City of Oakwood Josh Everett, New Leaf Landscape Services Jimbo Floyd, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Tony Funari, Funari Realty Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Will Hicks, Stifel Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelley, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications
Steve McNeilly, Northeast GA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Jeff Reinhardt, MD, The Longstreet Clinic Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Carol Shirley, South State Bank Louis Smith, Northeast Georgia Health System Jody Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe’s Grier Todd, Lanier Islands Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging
Associate Directors 2015-2016 Andy Bangs, Alexander, Almand & Bangs Carolina Diaz, Georgia Power Craig Dowdy, SunTrust Anna Guzman, Jackson EMC Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions
Caroline Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Mike McGraw, PrideStaff Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda Elizabeth Thompson, House Dressing
Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Garrett Wiley, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President
Government Affairs Garrett Wiley, Project Manager South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager
April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development
Annual Transportation Forum
Over 200 people attended the Chamber's Transportation Forum in March (Above, L-R): Srikanth Yamala, GHMPO; Brent Cook, GDOT District 1 Engineer; Emily Dunn, 9th District GDOT Board Member; Event Sponsors Terry Evans, Independence Bank of Georgia, and Brian Rochester, Rochester & Associates. Not pictured, Russell McMurry, Commissioner, GDOT. (Left): Kit Dunlap, President & CEO, Greater Hall Chamber, and Dr. Bonita Jacobs, President, University of North Georgia. For the full Transportation Report 2016, go to
1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"
King's Hawaiian Plant Tour
King’s Hawaiian recently hosted a tour for community leaders of the Oakwood bakery. The company employs 650 people and has three production lines running with infrastructure already prepared for a fourth line. 70% of King’s Hawaiian sweet roll volume is produced at the Oakwood facility.
Tri-Chamber Networking Event Join members of the Forsyth, Greater Hall and Gwinnett County Chambers of Commerce on Tuesday, June 7 from 5-7:30 pm for Northeast Georgia's Greatest Networking Experience – Business After Hours at Legacy Point at Lanier Islands. Enjoy delicious food and drink by Lanier Islands and drawings for outstanding door prizes. Cost: $5 chamber members; $15 non-members (includes 2 drink tickets per person). The Tri-Chamber event is expecting to draw a large crowd and offers FANTASTIC Sponsorship Opportunities. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"
Newly Elected Board Members Charlotte Atkins joined The Times as Publisher in 2014. Charlotte started working for newspapers at 13 as a sports stringer for her hometown newspaper in Alabama and for the next three-plus decades spent her career in newsrooms on both the East and West Coasts. A graduate of Auburn University, has added new magazines and events to The Times' slate of products as well as Advanced Media Solutions, a digital marketing agency. Charlotte serves on the boards of directors for United Way of Hall County, Habitat for Humanity, Gainesville-Hall ’96, and is a member of the Gainesville Rotary Club. Brett Fowler is a Vice President and Partner of Turner Wood & Smith Insurance, specializing in individual and group employee benefits. He joined the agency after graduating from the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Brett has served on Gainesville's Downtown Master Plan Steering Committee and many boards and committees including: Past President of the Gainesville Jaycees, current Campaign Chair of United Way of Hall County, current Chair of the Main Street Advisory Board, and the Georgia Mountain Food Bank. He is a Chamber Associate Director and a graduate of Leadership Hall County.
Our Business Is to Help Your Business We can help you gain a financial advantage with a strategy that fits your business. Together, we’ll explore solutions from retirement plans to insurance strategies to investment options and banking solutions. To learn more, call or visit your financial advisor
Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS® Financial Advisor
Joy Griffin is President and CPO of United Way of Hall County. Joy served as Vice President of Resource Development for United Way since 2010 and was named president in March 2015. Joy formerly served as the Community Manager for the American Cancer Society and is a graduate of Georgia State University with a bachelor of arts in communications and philosophy. She is currently serving as the president-elect for the Kiwanis Club of Gainesville and serves on the Chamber's Marketing Committee, VISION 2030 Wisdom Project and is a past Associate Director. She is a graduate of Leadership Hall County.
3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Gainesville, GA 30506 770-536-2031
1/2 Page Ad
Caroline Lewallen is Agritourism Coordinator for Jaemor Farms heading up marketing, farm education programs and special events. She is a graduate of UGA with a degree in Agricultural Education and received her Masters from Texas A&M. Caroline worked for the Georgia Peanut Commission, the University of Georgia Extension Service and completed a agricultural fellowship in Washington, D.C., with Congressman Jack Kingston. She is the Hall County Farm Bureau Young Farmer Chair, Vice President of the Georgia Agritourism Association and serves on the board for the Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia.
2 columns 4.4167 x10"
Beth Baldwin
Financial Advisor
439 Green Street Northwest Gainesville, GA 30501 770-534-1220
Josh Schlieman is a partner and wealth advisor for Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management and manages the Gainesville branch. Prior to forming Sullivan & Schlieman, he was vice president at SunTrust Investment Services. Josh graduated magna cum laude from The University of Georgia with a degree in finance and is a Certified Financial Planner. He is president of the board for Habitat for Humanity Hall County and is a member of United Way of Hall County's Young Leaders Society. He is a graduate of Leadership North Fulton, Leadership Hall County, and is a member of the Rotary Club of Gainesville.
Rick Kimpling, AAMS® Financial Advisor
64 North Brooks Street Unit B Cleveland, GA 30528 706-865-0933 Member SIPC
April 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
Tate Izlar O'Rouke graduated from the University of Georgia with degrees in Political Science and Telecommunication Arts. She began her career with the National Corn Growers Association before returned to Georgia and worked for UGA's Terry College of Business focusing on their annual fundraising efforts to alumni. She was most recently Regional Director for U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, and in 2015, became Director of Economic Development at the University of North Georgia focusing on advancing the college’s economic initiatives. Tate is a member of the Gainesville Rotary Club and a graduate of Leadership Hall County.
Philip Wilheit, Jr. is Partner/Management Sales with Wilheit Packaging, managing online marketing and sales. He is a licensed real estate agent with Don Carter Realty and owner of TargetMatz, a patented educational game that he designed. Philip has served on several political campaigns including the finance team for Governor Nathan Deal. He is a graduate of Mercer University and has a MBA from Georgia State. Philip is former chair of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the North Georgia Mountain Authority, United Way of Hall County, Leadership Georgia Board of Trustees, and the John Jarrard Foundation.
Board of Directors
The following seven individuals have been elected to serve a three-year term on the Chamber's Board of Directors beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2019.
Meetings & Events April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
APRIL 2016 Wednesday, April 6 Healthcare Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber
Thursday, April 21 Chamber Executive Committee 8:30 a.m. – Chamber
Tuesday, April 12 Small Business Seminar "Creating a Sustainable Market Advantage" Chris Reese, Cirrus Business Group and Adjunct Professor, Brenau MBA Program 7:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Chamber
Thursday, April 21 Blue Zone Community Summit 7:00 p.m. – Brenau Downtown Center
Tuesday, April 12 Ambassadors Council 3:45 p.m. – 2 Dog Cafe
Tuesday, April 26 South Hall Business Coalition "University of North Georgia Center for Clinical Simulation" 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. University of North Georgia Gainesville CE-PA Building
Wednesday, April 13 Network Over Coffee Wednesday, April 27 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. – Steak 'n Shake Oakwood Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. – Midland Station Thursday, April 14 Coffee Company in Gainesville Leadership Hall County 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 28 Chamber Board of Directors Thursday, April 14 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Business After Hours Gainesville Civic Center Sponsored by The Louver Shop 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 29 1215 Palmour Drive in Gainesville 37th Annual Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament Tuesday, April 19 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Youth Leadership Hall Graduation Lanier Islands - Legacy on Lanier 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. – Montara Farm MAY 2016 Tuesday, April 19 VISION 2030 Board of Directors Thursday, May 5 11:30 a.m. – Chamber Business After Hours 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. – Chattahoochee Wednesday, April 20 Country Club in Gainesville Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber Thursday, May 19 Annual Meeting & Gala Wednesday, April 20 6:00 p.m. – Chattahoochee Country Club Lunch 'n Learn 12:00 p.m. - 1:-00 p.m. Events Online: Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood
ADDING YEARS TO LIFE & LIFE TO YEARS 984 Thompson Bridge Rd • Gainesville, GA
Biz Card Ad
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2 columns 4.4167 x2.0"
Agribusiness Award Breakfast The Annual Agribusiness Awards Breakfast, presented by the Chamber and the Hall County Cooperative Extension, is Tuesday, April 19 at 7:30 a.m. at the North Hall Community Center. The breakfast is complimentary and open to the public. The program seeks to increase recognition and appreciation of agribusiness and the agricultural community in Hall County with awards including: Friend of Agribusiness (2015 Recipient: Sammy Smith); Outstanding Agribusiness (2015 Recipient: Lanny Welding); Farmer of the Year (2015 Recipient: Ann Jones); Ag Hall of Fame (2015 Recipient, inducted posthumously: Dr. Rick Hinton). The event is presented by Jackson EMC. Additional sponsors include AgGeorgia Farm Credit, Cargill, Carroll Daniel Construction, Crystal Farms, Fieldale Farms, Hall County Farm Bureau, Hall County Parks & Leisure, Hall County Soil & Water Conservation District, Jaemor Farms, Purina Animal Nutrition and United Community Bank. Breakfast Reservations: Hall County Cooperative Extension, 770-535-8293.
Thank You Chamber Event Sponsors Hall Co Parks & Leisure AgGeorgia Farm Credit Hall Co Soil & Water AT&T Halski Systems AccessWDUN Highland Mountain Water Cargill Jackson EMC Carroll Daniel Construct. Jacobs Media Chattahoochee Bank Jaemor Farms Crystal Farms Lanier Islands Fieldale Farms Liberty Utilities Georgia Power Milton Martin Honda Hall County Farm Bureau
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6 Dr. Denise Funk • Dr. Chris Potter
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April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Welcome New Members
The Chamber's 2016 Membership Recruitment Campaign exceeded its goal of 72 new members by 10 for a total of 82 new members. Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation, was top recruiter and won $1000 cash. Sarita Madera, Homestar Financial Corporation, was second top individual recruiter and led the winning team that brought in 22 new members. In second place was the team led by Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Park, with 18 new members. Other team captains included Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions, Cassidy Collier, Greater Hall Chamber, and Darryl Workman, BrandBank. Members of the winning HOMErunners Team included Sarita Madera, Homestar Financial; Dana Chapman, The Guest House; Kathy Fauscett, Keller Williams Realty; Kelsey Woodard, Marel and Robin Halstead and Kemie West, Greater Hall Chamber. These team members received two season passes to Lanier Islands Waterpark, two Gwinnett Braves Tickets, and night stay at the Legacy Lodge at Lanier Islands. Details: Kara Tate, 770-532-6206 x 111.
Cochran Brothers Electric Co., Inc. Kay Cochran P.O. Box 2956 Gainesville, GA 30503 (770) 534-2584 -Electrical Contractors
Hop's Kitchen Mark Hopkins 999 Chestnut St, SE Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 533-3807 -Restaurant & Catering
Hulsey's Hauling and Logistics Craddock Insurance Chase Hulsey Services 621 Washington Street Chris Craddock Suite A-4 2206 Browns Bridge Rd Gainesville, GA 30501 Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 936-4719 (678) 450-6625 -Transport & Trucking -Insurance Jack Clarke 3412 Red Tip Landing Easy B's Kitchen Gainesville, GA 30504 Timothy Broxton 678-696-8262 1547 Riverside Drive -Individual Member Gainesville, GA 30501 (404) 376-1879 Jeff Butler -Restaurant & Catering 999 Chestnut St, #30 Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 250-9994 Embroidered Impressions -Individual Member Lisa Powers 2721 Faith Industrial Dr Keller Williams Lanier Suite A Partners / Dani Brown Terry Merck Sarita Madera Morgan House Buford, GA 30518 4812 Pawnee Village American Yazaki Corp Homestar Financial Lake Lanier Olympic (770) 932-8000 Gainesville, GA 30506 Top Member Recruiter Top Team Captain Park - 2nd Top Recruiter -Promo / Embroidery (706) 455-3076 4 Aces Real Estate Benchmark Physical Candis Stephens -Real Estate Kathy Pilotti Therapy – North Hall 5330 Raintree Trail 310 Academy St. NW Corrie Cable Oakwood, GA 30566 Farmers Insurance Gainesville, GA 30501 1100 Sherwood Park (770) 287-7881 Chris Taylor Keller Williams Lanier (770) 530-4906 Dr. NE, Suite 140 -Individual Member 5749 Old Winder Hwy Partners / Erica Nassar -Real Estate Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite D 631 Dawsonville Hwy (770) 297-7750 Chef Kern, Inc. Braselton, GA 30517 Gainesville, GA 30501 -Physical Therapy Denise Chiasson (678) 888-5818 404-863-8941 Angle Automotive 3060 Keith Bridge Road -Insurance -Real Estate Vic Holiday Suite 8 101 Hillcrest Drive Benchmark Physical Cumming, GA 30041 Gainesville, GA 30501 Therapy – North Hall (770) 889-8800 Terry Humphrey Keller Williams Lanier (678) 971-5969 Darla Howard - Restaurant & Catering Plumbing Partners/Kristima Jaume -Auto Repair & Service 3319 Thompson Br Rd Terry Humphrey 631 Dawsonville Hwy Gainesville, GA 30506 2140 Hilton Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 207-1999 Chris Leming State Gainesville, GA 30501 (404) 375-4677 Atlas Business Center -Physical Therapy Farm (770) 718-1063 -Real Estate Chris Carter Chris Leming -Plumbing 2445 Hilton Dr., #100 3631 Explorer Trail Keller Williams Lanier Gainesville, GA 30501 Bo Hairston Suite A Partners / Laura Carter (770) 536-5355 P.O. Box 7931 Oakwood, GA 30566 Georgia Truss 631 Dawsonville Hwy -Moving & Storage Gainesville, GA 30504 (678) 707-7108 Brandon Dyer Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 776-1354 -Insurance 2323 Murphy Blvd (678) 316-8904 -Individual Member Gainesville, GA 30504 -Real Estate Benchmark Physical (770) 534-8164 Therapy – Braselton Clean-Way, Inc. -Mfg / Construction Megan Fusco Bridgeway Hospice Carlton Crawford Kytle Engineering & 5415 Thompson Mill Rd Meredith Marlowe 1610 Gibbs Drive Land Surveying, LLC Hoschton, GA 30548 1731 Meriweather Drive Gainesville, GA 30507 Hope West Mann Al Kytle (770) 965-3508 Suite 101 (770) 536-9258 430 Ridgewood Avenue 5367 Hwy 52 -Physical Therapy Watkinsville, GA 30677 -Disaster Recovery Gainesville, GA 30501 Gillsville, GA 30543 (706) 546-0286 (770) 561-9895 (404) 317-1544 -Healthcare -Individual Member - Engineers / Surveyors
Labor of Love Adult Care Karen Romaine Thomas 1000 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Suite 6143 Suwanee, GA 30024 (678) 613-1412 -Medical / Home Health Lee Darragh, DA, Northeast Judicial Circuit of Georgia 6017 Walden Pond Rd Gainesville, GA 30506 (770) 531-6965 -Individual Member Lemonade Makers Kelsey Bishop 1175 Thompson Bridge Road, Suite B Gainesville, GA 30501 (470) 228-3410 - Non-Profit, Retail
Gainesville, GA 30506 (706) 949-9682 -Educational Tutor North Georgia Heart Foundation Daniel Thompson 3820 Mundy Mill Road Oakwood, GA 30566 (678) 717-3648 -Non-Profit North Georgia Network Cooperative, Inc. Donna Unger 6135 Hwy 115, Suite 1A Clarkesville, GA 30523 (706) 754-5323 -Non-Profit
O'Charley's Chris Kline 1711 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 534-2455 Logo Surfing Promotional Items & Apparel -Restaurant & Catering Haruko Julie Watkins 30 S Broad Street Ora Salon & Blow Dry Winder, GA 30680 Bar (800) 728-7192 - Retail / Promo Items Kristen Wallace 4211 McEver Road Suite 205 Oakwood, GA 30566 Mark Atlanta (678) 971-1980 Brooks Clay 130 Krog Street, Suite C -Spa / Salon Atlanta, GA 30307 (404) 719-9825 Pig Tales Lake Lanier -Event Design Dale Ozaki 6598 Lights Ferry Road Midland Station Coffee Flowery Branch, 30542 (678) 828-7676 Company -Restaurant & Catering Tony Jonivitch 109 Green St, NE Gainesville, GA 30501 Poultry Times (678) 971-5330 - Restaurant & Catering 345 Green St, NW Gainesville, GA 30501 536-2476 stationcoffeeco -Trade Publication / Newspaper Mount Vernon Exploratory School Connie Daniels 4844 Jim Hood Road Pre K Preparatory Gainesville, GA 30506 Academy (770) 983-1759 Arbendette Van -School 3330 Ivey Ridge Road Buford, GA 30519 (707) 704-5169 My Brainy Tutor - School / Childcare Jill Putnam 4072 Hidden Hollow New Members Continued Dr. Apt B on page 12
April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Member Announcements
• Will White was named President and CEO of United Community Bank following the retirement of Dick Valentine, who served the banking industry locally for over 35 years. White will supervise operations of all five UCB branches in the Hall County area. • United Way of Hall County announces Joy Griffin as President & CPO and Rachel Spain as VP of Resource Development, Joy replaces Jackie Wallace who has served the organization since 2007. • The Adams Companies announced Debbie Cofer as General Manager of Adams Transfer & Storage, directing the household and commercial moving and warehousing divisions. She has been an executive level manager with the organization for 20 years. Adams Transfer & Storage was founded in 1903 and is among the oldest family-owned moving companies in the U.S., honored twice as Georgia’s Family Business of the Year. • Buffalo Wild Wing's Community Day is April 13 and will donate 10% of sales to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hall County. 1185 Dawsonville Highway in Gainesville. • Amanda Wilbanks, owner of Gainesville-based Southern Baked Pie Company (formerly Buttermilk Pie), received the University of Georgia's 2016 Flavor of Georgia Award with her caramel pecan pie! • Among metro areas of less than 200,000 in population, Site Selection ranked Gainesville-Hall County 3rd in the Nation and #1 in Georgia for the number of new and expanded economic development projects in 2015. • The North Georgia-based accounting firm Rushton & Company has launched Rushton Wealth Management (RWM), offering financial, investment and retirement planning. Chamber Workforce Development Task Force Chair Perry Barnett, CPA, a longtime partner with the company, is leading RWM and Dawn Parks, CFP®, CLU, is Director of Financial Services. RWM is partnering with 1st Global Capital Corporation, a broker-dealer that provides exclusive support to CPA, tax and estate planning firms. • Tim Broxton's Easy B’s Kitchen provides custom catering services throughout Northeast Georgia. Order a boxed lunch full of fresh ingredients delivered for your next meeting or pick up at their kitchen, located in the former Elks Lodge building on Riverside Drive in Gainesville.
• Lanier Islands hosts the popular 2016 In-Water Boat Show on the resort's shores on April 14-17. The event draws an average of 4,000 visitors each year to LanierWorld – the resort’s beach and boardwalk entertainment district – with new top-of-the-line boats, live entertainment, featured exhibitors, fun in the sun and so much more. • Governor Deal named Hall County District 1 Commissioner Kathy Cooper to the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) State Advisory Board, the agency responsible for protecting Georgia's children. Cooper and her husband John operate a cattle and chicken operation as well as Cooper's Christmas Tree Farm in Braselton. • Gainesville Theatre Alliance presents the comedy, The Philadelphia Story, April 5-16 at the University of North Georgia Gainesville’s Ed Cabell Theatre at 3850 Mundy Mill Road in Oakwood. For tickets, call 678-717-3624 or buy online: • Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) was ranked Georgia’s #1 Hospital for the third consecutive year, and among the top 10 in the nation according to a recent study by CareChex. The study also rated NGMC #1 in Georgia for Overall Hospital Care, Stroke Care, Women’s Health and Cardiac Care. NGMC is rated Georgia’s #1 Heart Hospital. • Plant Manager Mike Holman announced Baldor Electric Company in Flowery Branch was presented with the organization's 2015 President’s Safety Award. The Hall County location has 300 employees and was selected from over 15 Baldor manufacturing plants in North America for achieving zero days away, zero restricted cases, a zero DART rate and a zero incident rate in 2015 and 546 days without injury. The Flower Branch facility opened in 1977 and produces variable speed AC and DC industrial motors as well as other specially engineered motors. • The Gainesville Jaycees recognized Philip “Phip” Wilheit Jr., Wilheit Packaging, and Jessica Butler, Gateway Domestic Violence Center, as Young Man and Young Woman of the Year. • Road Atlanta announces #GRIDLIFE South as the newest addition to the 2016 lineup – a high-energy, highspeed weekend that brings music and motorsports together (August 26-28) for a totally immersive motorsports festival by day and an electronic music showcase by night, featuring some of the top artists in the country. roadatlanta/
• Boys & Girls Club of Hall County's Rubber Duck Derby is 11-3:00 pm on Saturday, May 14 at Clarks Bridge Park on Lake Lanier. Over 2,000 people are expected to watch 21,000 ducks race for Hall County’s kids. The all-day FREE family event will be featuring food trucks, live entertainment, bounce houses, face painting, and fun for the whole family. The ducks will drop at 2:30pm and race to the finish for a chance to win $10,000 plus many more awesome prizes! • Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia honored Julia w. Cromartie as the 2016 Gainesville Woman of Distinction for her example of excellence and accomplishments in the community. • Boy Scouts of America’s Northeast Georgia Council honored the Rev. Bill Coates, senior pastor at Gainesville First Baptist Church; Mike Giles, president of the Georgia Poultry Federation; and Dr. Dan Winston, heart surgeon at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. • Gainesville-Hall County Community Council on Aging will honor long serving Gainesville City Council members Robert Hamrick and Myrtle Figueras
with its Quality of Life Awards at the Annual Dinner on May 12 at 6pm at the Gainesville Civic Center. Figueras and Hamrick were chosen as recipients for their commitment to making life better for the residents and businesses of Gainesville-Hall County. Sponsor Opportunities & Tickets: Carol Williams, 678-482-5071. • Seth and Cathy Vining were named Georgia CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) State Volunteers of the Year and the Hall-Dawson CASA led by Connie Stephens was winner of the state Established Affiliate Award of Excellence. • Right at Home of Gainesville Franchisee Bill Youngblood received a Best of Home Care Provider Award, based on client satisfaction and is now ranked among the top home care providers in the U.S. Youngblood started Right at Home in 2009 and offers in-home personal care and assistance to seniors and disabled adults who want to continue to live independently.
GOT NEWS? Email:
Small Business of the Month Premier Georgia Printing Premier Printing was established in 1989, specializing in offset printing. The business has grown into a manufacturer printing plant that serves the Southeast. In 2009, Donna Free and her husband, Steve, acquired Georgia Printing Company, owned by Joe Biddy, Chamber Small Business of the Month Premier Georgia and formed Premier Printing (L-R): Joe Biddy, James Spears, Judy Fricks, Georgia Printing, Inc. Donna Free, Ted Jannakos and Linda Wright. The company provides single to full color printing both digital and offset for brochures, presentation folders, forms, catalogs, booklets, business cards, letterhead, envelopes and full line of labels. Services also include a design and graphics department and a copy service. In 1992, the company added Flexographic Label Division to serve the area's poultry industry. In 2010, Premier added a division for printing and finishing of folding carton packaging. Using full color Heidelberg printing presses, they are able to produce high quality wrap around sleeves, tray inserts, and folding cartons to showcase and protect a variety of products. Premier is Food Safety Certified for food service industries providing the highest level of sanitation and food safety. As part of their ongoing commitment to the community, Premier supports many local Individual non-profits as well as educational and athletic programs in area schools. Premier Georgia Printing, Inc., 5362 McEver Road, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. 770-287-1337.
April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Membership Development
New Members, Continued from page 8
Quantum Commodities Christopher Traylor 1250 Industrial Blvd Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 885-6887 -Wholesaler Restroom Stalls and All Jim Southard III 999 Chestnut St, Suite 16 Gainesville, GA 30501 (844) 817-8255 -Commercial Restroom Accessories Southeast Compliance Solutions Andy Holbrook 87 Nature Trail Road Dawsonville, GA 30534 (770) 900-7450 -Consulting Sperry Van Ness Heather Taylor 4433 Plum Frost Ct Oakwood, GA 30566 (678) 989-8830
-Commercial Real Estate Suzanne Willis Properties Suzanne Willis 631 Dawsonville Highway Gainesville, GA 30501 (706) 525-0912 -Real Estate The Buffaloe Group LLC Shawn Buffaloe 811 Washington St. SW Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 971-0090 - Financial Services The Cook & Company Tiffany Battle 3120 Frontage Road Gainesville, GA 30504 (678) 207-1509 -Real Estate/Construction The Dari Spot Cindy Rainwater 4841 Cleveland Hwy Gainesville, GA 30506 (770) 983-3321 -Restaurant & Catering
The Norton Agency Nicole Columbo 434 Green Street Gainesville, GA 30501 (727) 272-0832 -Real Estate The Venue at Friendship Springs Jon Wayne 7340 Friendship Springs Boulevard Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 316-1408 -Event Facility/Planning Wayne Stradley 3307 Marina View Way Gainesville, GA 30506 (770) 519-7057 -Individual Member Wheeler/Brand Scott Meadows 1960 Satellite Blvd. Suite 1300 Duluth, GA 30097 (770) 476-4801 -Real Estate / Developer
Networking at Hasty Pope (L-R): Tom Pope III, Marion T. Pope, Jr. and Jonathan A. Pope at Business After Hours at Hasty Pope's new office located at the historic and newly renovated Thurman House on Green Street in Gainesville.
Business After Hours on April 14 Come and celebrate the Grand Opening of The Louver Shop in Gainesville at Business After Hours on Thursday, April 14 from 5:00-7:00 pm. Enjoy live Jazz music, gift giveaways, great Cajun food, wine, beer and cocktails. The Louver Shop is the largest shutter manufacturer in the United States. Serving 71 territories in 39 states, The Louver Shop provides custom shutters, blinds and shades to homeowners. Located at 1215 Palmour Drive in Gainesville. Business After Hours is $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Door Prizes and Cash Prize Drawing! Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
1/2 Page Ad 4 columns x5"
Syfan Logistics Earns UPS Top Performance Award for Second Straight Year For the second year in a row, Syfan Logistics, a Gainesville-based, full-scale logistics management company, has been honored for its outstanding performance with the United Parcel Service’s (UPS) 2015 Peak Season Expedited Operations Power 5 Champion Award. Syfan Logistics earned the highest service-performance rating of all carriers in the national UPS network of logistics providers, as well as logging the second most total miles. This was the fourth peak season that Syfan Logistics has partnered with UPS, the world’s largest package delivery company.
0178 Syfan_Business Link ad/digital flyer.indd 1
Syfan Logistics employees, left to right, Justin Hood, Jon Couch, James Syfan, Brian Miller, and Josh Adam accepted the award from UPS.
“We enjoy a strong partnership with UPS,” Syfan Logistics President Greg Syfan said. “We know how important the peak holiday season is to UPS. It means a lot to our company that UPS trusts us with its logistics needs in that busy time.” | 855.287.8485 | 770.287.8485 | Gainesville, GA
2/26/16 10:34 AM
Small Business Seminar
Job Fair draws over 1,300
New Member Breakfast Over 75 businesses joined the Chamber during the recent drive. New Chamber Members at a breakfast sponsored by HTI Employment Solutions (L-R): Anne Catron, HTI Employment Solutions (event sponsor); Chamber Membership Chair Tony Paramore, Gainesville Paint; Kristen Wallace, Ora Salon and Blow Dry Bar; Brandon Dyer, Georgia Truss; Taylor Borgerding, Ora Salon and Blow Dry Bar.
A true team player. It’s what we do. 1/2 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x10"
As Firm Administrator of Rushton since January of this year, Cindy Campbell, CPA puts her vast experience to work for the firm and our clients every day. She is involved in all phases of administration, personnel, finances, facilities and marketing. Cindy works closely with the partners on firm-wide policysetting, problem-solving and decision-making while directing the day-to-day operations of the firm. Cindy came to Rushton after working in government as a county manager and chief financial officer and holding a staff accountant position with a local CPA firm. While Cindy has an impressive list of professional certifications, leadership roles and recognition, she is probably most proud of her other job as chief cheerleader for her teenaged daughter and son’s school teams at North Hall. An athlete herself, she always has a fully packed gym bag full of equipment in the trunk of her car. Rushton is proud to welcome Cindy Campbell to our team. Because it’s not only what we do, but why we do it.
April 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
Ashleigh Kovach (center), Client Service Manager, and Jess Odell (right) Recruiter, Spherion Staffing Professionals assist a job applicant at the Chamber's Job Fair on March 23 at the Gainesville Civic Center. The event was open to the public with 60+ employers and hiring agencies on site. Over 1,300 attended meeting HR professionals and completing job applications onsite.
Cindy Campbell, CPA
Small Business
(L-R): Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions; Jay Kelly, Signs by Tomorrow (sponsor); Attorneys David Dickerson and Madeline Wirt, Whelchel, Dunlap, Jarrard & Walker; Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers (sponsor). The next seminar – Creating a Sustainable Market Advantage is Tues., April 12 from 7:45-9:00 am at the Chamber and will be presented by Chris Reese, President of Cirrus Business Group and Adjunct Professor with Brenau University's Oxford Entrepreneurial MBA program. Chris has over 18 years of experience in organization development and leading teams to success. Join Chris as he shares the 4 keys that make the difference between companies playing catch up and those setting the pace. You will also walk away with tangible tools to implement in your organization immediately to start producing the results you want. Sponsored by Highland Mountain Beverage, Jacobs Media, Signs by Tomorrow and WSI Digital Rainmakers. No charge for Chamber members; $15 Non-members. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
770.287.7800 |
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3/29/16 10:36 AM
April 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Community Development
'96 Olympic Volunteer Leaders
Thursday, April 21 | 7:00 p.m. Brenau Downtown Center $25 per person (L-R): Philip Wilheit, Sr., Wilheit Packaging; Joe Biddy Biddy, Premier Georgia Printing; Steve Gilliam Gilliam, Smith, Gilliam, Williams & Miles; and Jim Mathis, Jr. were recognized as top leadership volunteers for the 1996 Olympics at the Chamber's March Board of Directors meeting. A presentation was given by Morgan House, Manager of the Lake Lanier Olympic Park, highlighting construction and renovation at the venue as well as the upcoming Pan Am Championships (May 19-22) and Rio on the Water (August 5), a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the '96 Olympics and the kickoff of the 2016 Summer Olympics.
9 to THRIVE: Learn to Live Better and Longer Presented by Dan Buettner – National Geographic Fellow & New York Times best selling author Join Vision 2030 as we learn from the world’s Vision for how a Healthier Community “Blue Zones” to move our community towards
better health and a thriving quality ofSummit life. to GainesBy bringing the Blue Zone Community
New Center for Clinical Simulation (L-R): Jullie King King, The Longstreet Clinic; Katie Parrish and Steven Kronenberg Kronenberg, University of North Georgia; Chad Bolton Bolton, Northeast Georgia Health System. The Chamber's Healthcare Committee recently heard an update on the University of North Georgia’s College of Health, including the new Center for Clinical Simulation, presented by Steven Kronenberg, Development Officer, College of Education & College of Health Sciences & Professions and Katie Parrish, Director, UNG’s Center for Clinical Simulation. The South Hall Business Coalition will visit the Center on Tuesday, April 26 from 8-:00 - 9:00 a.m. Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
Youth Leadership Hall The student's Etiquette and Quality of Life program began at Chattahoochee County Club where the class learned writing skills from Juli Clay Clay, Brenau University, and etiquette tips from Connie Davis, Tastefully Growing Up. Carla Walker Walker, Whelchel Dunlap Jarrard & Walker, taught a ball room dance class. At Clarks Bridge Park, the class heard from members of the Hall County Sheriff’s Office Dive Team. Corporal Jason Roberson Roberson, Nation’s Top Boating Officer of the Year with the Wildlife Resources Division, spoke about the DNR and its role it plays keeping Lake Lanier a safe place for recreation and fishing. Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Park, and Jim O’Dell, junior national team coach, US national dragon boat team, spoke to the class and gave a tour of the venue. The day ended with the students competing in Dragon Boat races. Thank you Chattahoochee County Club for your continued support!
Elizabeth Higgins Executive Director, VISION 2030
ville-Hall County on April 21, we hope to inspire individuals and the entire community to take action and engage in our health and wellness. The Chamber's VISION 2030 leadership is hosting the Blue Zone Community Summit on Thursday, April 21 at the Brenau Downtown Center. National Geographic Fellow and New York Times best selling author, Dan Buettner ( is the featured speaker and will help us understand how to live healthier, happier and longer. We invite you to join us as we work toward Vision 2030’s goal of an exceptional quality of life for Hall County – and in the meantime shed pounds, slash healthcare costs, and add years to your average life expectancy!
The Blue Zone Community Summit is Open to the Public. Tickets are $25 each. Limited seating. Visit now to reserve your spot!
Imagine the possibilities if we followed the Blue Zone 9 Leadership HallforCounty Power Approaches longevity and happiness: Move naturally Have a purpose Down shift stress Follow the 80% full stomach rule Eat more plants Drink wine Belong to a faith Put loved ones first Join the right tribe
Help Make the VISION a REALITY Stronger workforce. Exceptional quality of life. Thriving economy.
For more information or to register online, visit\blue-zone Funded in part by a grant from Healthcare Georgia Foundation and these sponsors: Purpose Sponsor: ProCare Rx Tribe Sponsors: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia | Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville | Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton As part of their Class Project,The Leadership Hall County class members Wine Service @ 5 Sponsors: Longstreet Clinic | CIGNA Sponsors: Communications | North Georgia volunteered Belong at Challenge ChildForum & Friends at Ada’s Playground, built in memory Community Foundation | The Norton Agency United Wayclass of Hall County of a former student at the nonprofit preschool. The|Leadership joined dozens Move Sponsors: AccessWDUN | Brenau University | Georgia Power
of other volunteers, and their efforts eliminated thousands in construction costs, making the project a reality.
Keller Williams Lanier Partners
SAFFT Adoption & Foster Families
Cry For Me... No More
Deana Martin-Owens, Founder, cuts ribbon for Cry For Me...No More (CFMNM), a nonprofit organization founded in 2014 to help families deal with loss after the death of a child. The organization's founders are certified grief recovery specialists and CFMNM's flagship program is a powerful, transformational Healing the Family Workshop where they teach adult family members affected by the loss of a child ways to cope with their grief to be able to once again live their lives. They offer a variety of incredible educational services that provide individualized, tailored support and ensure you are not alone in your journey and help you go on and once again live your life.
is pleased to welcome�
Rebecca Bedingfield� Ando, M.D.� to the Center for Women’s Health!� Dr. Bedingfield Ando earned her medical degree� at the Medical College of Georgia. She then� completed her Obstetrics and Gynecology� residency at the University of Illinois in Chicago.� An experienced OB/GYN, Dr. Bedingfield Ando� joins us from private practice in Richmond.� Additionally, she is a graduate of the University� of Georgia and has close ties to Gainesville and� Hall County. Dr. Bedingfield Ando has medical� staff privileges at Northeast Georgia� Medical Center.�
1/2 Page Ad
To schedule an appointment with� Dr. Bedingfield Ando, please call (770) 297-2200.�
2 columns 4.4167 x10"
Comprehensive obstetric and� gynecological care for women� .�
770-297-2200�� Gainesville • Braselton • Dahlonega • Baldwin�
Welcoming new patients!�
Doctors You Know. Care You Trust.�
April 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
Gainesville Mayor Danny Dunagan and SAFFT Executive Director Ashley Anderson cut ribbon for Supporting Adoption and Foster Families Together, Inc. (SAFFT), a organization that's mission is to protect children, rebuild families, and empower caregivers. SAFFT’s success and ability to serve families in crisis has grown to accommodate the need in Forsyth, Cherokee, Dawson, Hall, Gwinnett, and Fulton counties. SAFFT has created an environment like nowhere else in Georgia to protect society’s most neglected and abused children. These children are served through the Family Life Center that provides family and sibling visitations, a clothing and resource closet, scholarships, and a powerful life skills and mentoring program that builds them up. 430 Prior St, SW, Gainesville GA, 30501. 770-886-9505.
The Longstreet Clinic, P.C.�
Ribbon Cuttings
Dianne Hicks cuts the ribbon at Keller Williams Lanier Partners to celebrate their 2016 members of the Chamber, Pictured: Pam Prescott, Tanisha Cropper, Vickie Thomas, Dani Brown, Angie Smart, Kathy Fauscett, Pat Burke, Laura M. Carter, Brenda Burke, Dianne Hicks, Judy Paul, Suzanne Willis, Shelley Shope, Ana Campa and Judy Presley. With over 160 agents, Keller Williams Realty has a heart for their agents. KW gives their agents careers worth having, businesses worth owning, and lives worth living. KW Realty's Profit Share Program shared over $677 million among their agents as of 2015, and the KW Cares Program helps members when tragedy and disaster occur. KW Lanier Partners has been serving Gainesville since 2001 and launched a Commercial Division in 2008. KWLP also has an Exclusive Luxury Home Division and serves the community with agents that are Home Ownership Program Specialist in grants and programs offered in Georgia. 631 Dawsonville Hwy, Gainesville. 770-503-7070.
Back Page Ad 10 x 7.5
Upcoming Chamber Events Upcoming Chamber Events Tuesday, April 12 Small Business Marketing Workshop Small Business Seminar14 Tuesday, February "Creating Marketing a Market Advantage" Trends 7:45Presented a.m. – 9:00 – Chamber by a.m. Gordon Sawyer
Thursday, AprilDay 21Celebration Arbor Blue Zone Community Friday, FebruarySummit 17 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. BrenauFrances Downtown Center Meadows Center
Thursday, 5 Career Expo Job May Fair and BusinessWednesday, After Hours March 28 Chattahoochee Country Club 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00Mountains p.m. Georgia Center
Business After Hours The Louver Shop in Gainesville Business After Hours 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 16
Tuesday, April 26 Safe & Green Regional Assembly South Hall Business Coalition Friday, February 24 8:00 a.m.8:00 - 9:00 a.m.a.m. - 12:00 p.m. University of North Georgia Georgia Mountains Center
Thursday, May 19 Get Details & Register Online: Annual Meeting & Gala 6:00 p.m. Chattahoochee Country Club
Wednesday, April 20 Luna's Restaurant Lunch 'n Learn 200 Main Street 12:00 p.m. -in1:-00 p.m. Gainesville Hunt Tower Downtown Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood
Friday, AprilTransportation 29 Annual Forum HackersWednesday, Holiday Golf Tourney March 14 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Startp.m. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 Lanier Gainesville Islands State College
8:00 - 10:00 a.m. – The Oaks at Thursday, April 14Career Academy Lanier Charter
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Details & Register Online
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