Business link may 2016

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Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m Chairman's Column Page 2 Chamber Chase Highlights Page 4 Small Business of the Month Month, Page 5 New Members Page 5 Meetings & Events Page 6 Member Announcements Page 10 Networking Events Page 12 New Youth Leadership Class Page 13 Ribbon Cuttings Page 15

Annual Meeting & Gala on May 19 Join Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Kit Dunlap, Chairman Brian Daniel, Carroll Daniel Construction Company, and Chair-Elect Lee Hemmer, The Simpson Company, for an exciting overview of the year's success at the 108th Annual Meeting & Gala on Thursday, May 19 at the Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville. The evening begins at 6:00 p.m. with an outdoor reception followed by the dinner program and annual award presentations including the 2015-2016 Small Business of the Year, Family Business of the Year, Silver Shovel Awards, the prestigious W.G. Mealor Chairman's Award, Distinguished Citizen Award, and the Community Service Award. Limited Table Sponsorships available, $1200 (seats 10). Individual tickets, $85 / $150 Couple. Reservations: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115 or Email:

Join hundreds of chamber members from the Cumming-Forsyth County, Gwinnett and Greater Hall Chambers as we unite for a unique after hours networking experience on Tuesday, June 7 from 5:00-7:30pm at Lanier Islands Legacy Pointe (Outdoors). Dress for our theme, or keep it professional, it’s your choice! Admission is $5 for Chamber Members; $15 for guests/non-members and includes food and two drinks (cash bar available). In addition to beer, wine and soda, each bar will also feature a specialty themed drink served in a Tri-Chamber Lake & Luau keepsake glass. Limited sponsorship opportunities are available. Registration and sponsor information: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:

Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

108th Annual

Meeting & Gala Thursday, May 19 6:00 p.m.

Chattahoochee Country Club Celebrating a Year of Success & Annual Business Awards Presented by Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap Chairman Brian Daniel Chair-Elect Lee Hemmer Outdoor Reception at 6:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner & Program 7:00 p.m. $85 per person • $150 couple $1200 Table Sponsorship (seats 10) Black Tie Optional Reservations Required 770-532-6206 • Email:

Sponsored by

AT&T • King's Hawaiian • Lanier Islands abAVIATION • Carroll Daniel Construction Anesthesia Associates of Gainesville Georgia Power • Jackson EMC • Liberty Utilities The Cook & Company

Save the Date Thursday, May 5 Business After Hours Tuesday, May 10 Small Business Seminar Tuesday, May 24 South Hall Business Coalition

M AY 2016

A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

From the Chairman

From the Classroom to the Community As a catalysts for business success, the Greater Hall Chamber takes pride in developing programs and initiatives that grow companies and create jobs. Last year, the Chamber implemented a Workforce Development Task Force. Chaired by Perry Burnett, CPA, the Task Force is made up of business leaders and educators and seeks to increase work-based learning and employer presence in schools.

Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Since creating this initiative last year, our community has seen the number of student work-based learning quadruple in manufacturing. As my year as Chairman draws to a close, I am most proud of this accomplishment and remain dedicated to making an impact by building a sustainable workforce that possesses the skills needed for employers today and in the future.

HabitatHigh is a joint venture between the Hall County School System, Habitat for Humanity of Hall County and the North Georgia Home Builders Association. The objective is to give advanced construction students in Hall County high schools the opportunity to obtain life job experience in the homebuilding industry and teach them the benefit of giving back to their community. Each year, students construct one to two site-built homes for Habitat for Humanity of Hall County and at the same time are exposed to the basic business systems involved in the homebuilding industry. Over 200 Hall County students have completed the program. Habitat for Humanity of Hall County's HabitatHigh is the only program of its kind in Georgia, the nation, and within Habitat International. The work-based learning program is an accredited course in the Hall County School system. HabitatHigh started in 2007 and is now in its ninth year. Juniors and Seniors from the Hall County high school system submit an application and go through an interview process. Students accepted attend the Habitat High Program which is based out of Lanier Charter Career Academy. Students work on a Habitat Hall County site four mornings a week from 7:30 am -10:30 a.m. gaining valuable on the job experience in all facets of home building.

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

"Students gain class credit, work experience and learn the importance of community service," said Rodney Presley, HabitatHigh Instructor. "This program has the potential to lower the drop-out rates by creating opportunities and careers for students. Most students who graduate from the program go into the construction field after graduation."


“The Hall County School District strongly believes that work-based learning provides incredible opportunities for our students," said Will Schofield, Superintendent, Hall County Schools. "Programs like Habitat High teach students the skills of the construction industry, and also allow young people to experience the satisfaction that is derived from living a life of service to your fellow man. We are blessed to live in a community that embraces the vibrant partnership that exists between our schools and our business community.” Hall County high school students and HabitatHigh participants at a house construction site. HabitatHigh creates opportunities for construction students to learn valuable home building and construction skills while contributing to the community. The program began in 2007, and students have assisted with the completion of 19 new homes.

Business Link VOLUME 21 ISSUE 11 McKemie West, Editor • Email: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

2015-2016 Executive Committee Vice Chair, Marketing and Chairman Communications Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Katie Dubnik Forum Communications Chairman Elect Vice Chair, Membership Lee Hemmer Development The Simpson Company Tony Paramore Gainesville Design Center Treasurer David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Vice Chair, Economic Conditioned Air Systems Development Brian Rochester Vice Chair, Community Rochester & Associates Development Lila Weaver, Brenau University Vice Chair, Education Deborah Mack, Volunteer Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White Vice Chair, Government LinkPoint Advantage John Breakfield Elizabeth Higgins, Exec Director Breakfield & Associates

Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Immediate Past Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC President & CEO Kit Dunlap Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors 2015-2016 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company Col. James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, Councilman, City of Oakwood Josh Everett, New Leaf Landscape Services Jimbo Floyd, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Tony Funari, Funari Realty Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Will Hicks, Stifel Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelley, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications

Steve McNeilly, Northeast GA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Jeff Reinhardt, MD, The Longstreet Clinic Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Carol Shirley, South State Bank Louis Smith, Northeast Georgia Health System Jody Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe’s Grier Todd, Lanier Islands Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging

Associate Directors 2015-2016 Andy Bangs, Alexander, Almand & Bangs Carolina Diaz, Georgia Power Craig Dowdy, SunTrust Anna Guzman, Jackson EMC Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions

Caroline Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Mike McGraw, PrideStaff Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda Elizabeth Thompson, House Dressing

Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Garrett Wiley, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President

Government Affairs Garrett Wiley, Project Manager South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

C o m m un ity D e ve lo pme n t



Small Business Development

Agribusiness Award Recipients

(L-R): Derrick Coggin, X-TRA Realty; Jim Grier, Champion Capital Alliance; Chris Reese (Presenter) & Suzanne Erickson, Brenau University; Lane Jones and Steve Naughton at the April Small Business Seminar – Creating a Sustainable Market Advantage. The upcoming seminar, Turning Millennials into Brand Advocates, is Tuesday, May 10 from 7:45-9:00 am at the Chamber and will be presented by Kem Henderson, Assistant VP of Product & Member Marketing at Delta Community Credit Union, Georgia’s largest credit union. Kem has supported and helped manage a broad range of advertising and marketing programs, including the launch and development of Quarterlife, Delta Community’s comprehensive program designed specifically for young adults. Much of the Credit Union’s success and growth among Gen Y is attributed to this program. Mark your calendar for the June 14th Seminar as Joe Beaulieu, a counselor with the Georgia Tech Procurement Assistance Center discusses how to identify, compete for, and win government contracts. Small Business Seminars are sponsored by Highland Mountain Beverage, Jacobs Media, Signs by Tomorrow and WSI Digital Rainmakers. No charge for Chamber members; $15 Nonmembers. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:

The Hall County Cooperative Extension and Chamber's Annual Agribusiness Recognition Awards were presented in April. Agribusiness Award Recipients (L-R): Scott Glover, Sewell Blackstock, Rex Farmer and Bob Williams. Outstanding Agribusiness Recipients Scott and Jennifer Glover are owners of GloCrest Dairy and Mountain Fresh Creamery in Clermont. They produce and sell dairy-related items (whole milk, chocolate milk, buttermilk, butter and ice cream) in their own store and several local markets throughout North Georgia. Agriculture Hall of Fame Recipient Sewell Blakstock is a fourth-generation farmer with a 300-acre farm. Over the years, he has worked to produce a wide variety of crops, including poultry, hay, beef cattle, timber, cotton and sheep. Friend of Agriculture Rex Farmer, Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, worked over 40 years in the dairy business until closing Farmers Dairy in 2004. Farmer of the Year Bob Williams, Wauka Mountain Farms, has been a grower for Mar-Jac Poultry for over 43 years on his farm near Clermont, where he has three broiler houses. His farm is on the Hall County and White County line and includes some 400 acres in Hall County and another 760 acres of certified pine forest in Banks County.

VISION 2030: Chamber Chase 2016 5K & Wellness Walk Highlights

Congressman Doug Collins starts the 5K Race! Chamber Chairman Brian Daniel (left), Carroll Daniel Construction, with Ryan Kyranakis, Fastest CEO Winner, Runner's Fit Team

Runner's Fit Team Members Juan Soto (16:36), was the Overall Top Male Winner and Nadia Davis (19:14) was the Overall Female Winner. Runner's Fit was the Deputy Jonathan Jackson Fastest Corporate Team. See the full list of winners performs the National Anthem. including individual times at

Over 1,500 people gathered at Riverside Military Academy on March 31 for the 9th Annual Chamber Chase. The 5K included awards in several areas. The Lanier Canoe and Kayak Team (left) won the Fastest Community Team Award. The ProCare RX Team (left) won the Most Team Spirit and The Most Creative T-Shirt Contest! Best Use of the Event Logo went to Lanier Color Company. The Most Creative Use of a Company Logo went to Anesthesia Associates of Gainesville and Mansfield Oil won the People's Choice Award. Over 15 organizations entered their team shirts in the T-Shirt Contest.

Lake Lanier Canopy Tours (LLCT) offers seven (7) zip line canopy tour options and operates every day, seven days a week, year round. LLCT operates on the property and in partnership with Lanier Islands. Owned and operated by Shane and Stephanie Sullards Guides at Lake Lanier Canopy Tours, Chamber Small of Hall County, they Business of the Month. attribute the company's nearly six years of success to their guides and the beautiful lake surroundings. LLCT guides are outstanding individuals that put safety first and are responsible for the canopy tour's 5-star ratings across the board. If you are between the ages of 8 and 118, weigh at least 50 pounds, but not over 250 pounds, then LLCT has an adventure waiting for you! LLCT is committed to safety, excellence and integrity. Lake Lanier Canopy Tours is located at 7000 Lanier Islands Parkway, Buford GA, 30518 (#zipllct). Make a reservation for this exciting adventure by calling 770828-7654 or 678-622-3990 or online at

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Welcome New Members Discover-E Strategies, LLC Adam Ross P.O. Box 1571 Oakwood, GA 30566 -Marketing & Website Design (229) 457-0756

Keller Williams Lanier Partners Shelley Shope 631 Dawsonville Highway Gainesville, GA 30501 -Real Estate (770) 540-6893 Mincey Marble Manufacturing, Inc. Donna Mincey 4321 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30504 - Manufacturer (770) 532-0451

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NIVERPLAST NA INC Richie Fearn 961 Chestnut Street Suite 105 Gainesville, GA30501 -Manufacturer (470) 290-8320

Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS®

Financial Advisor

3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 Gainesville, GA 30506 770-536-2031

ON Language Khalid Ibrahim 3rd Floor Pearce Building 500 Washington Street, SE Gainesville, GA 30501 -English Language Instruction (770) 297-5862 St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Catholic Church Fr. Jonah Bruce 1750 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501 -Church (678) 989-0006

First Sun Management Corporation DBA Wendy’s Marjorie Perez Mountain Education Charter High School 3825 Mundy Mill Road Oakwood, GA 30566 Tracy Sanford Restaurant & Catering 65 Kenimer Street (770) 503-9661 Cleveland, GA 30528 -School

Beth Baldwin

Financial Advisor

439 Green Street Northwest Gainesville, GA 30501 770-534-1220 Member SIPC

May 3, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Kenneth Washington 1755 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501 -Accommodations & Lodging (678) 971-4670

1/2 Page Ad

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Membership Development

Small Business of the Month Lake Lanier Canopy Tours


Meetings & Events

MAY 2016 Wednesday, May 4 Healthcare Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber

Wednesday, May 18 Lunch 'n Learn 12:00 p.m. - 1:-00 p.m. Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood

Thursday, May 5 Business After Hours 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. – Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville Tuesday, May 10 Small Business Seminar "Turning Millennials into Brand Advocates" presented by Kem Henderson, Delta Community Credit Union 7:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Chamber

Wednesday, May 11 Network Over Coffee 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. – Atlanta Bread Co. Thursday, May 12 New Member Orientation 8:00 a.m. – Chamber Thursday, May 12 Leadership Hall County Graduation 6:00 p.m. - Brenau Amphitheater Friday, May 13 Economic Development Council 7:30 a.m. – Chamber Friday, May 13 Business Before Hours Habitat for Humanity / New ReStore 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 975 Chestnut Street in Gainesville

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, May 19 Annual Meeting & Gala 6:00 p.m. Outdoor Reception 7:00 p.m. Dinner Program Chattahoochee Country Club Tuesday, May 24 South Hall Business Coalition "NGMC Braselton Year in Review" 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. NEGA Medical Center Braselton

Tuesday, May 10 Ambassadors Council 3:45 p.m. – 2 Dog Cafe

Tuesday, May 17 VISION 2030 Board of Directors 11:30 a.m. – Chamber Wednesday, May 18 Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber

Thursday, May 19 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Chamber

Wednesday, May 25 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Shoney's On the Go in Buford Thursday, May 26 Chamber Board of Directors 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Georgia Power Pavilion

Business After Hours on May 5 Join Greater Hall Chamber members and friends at Chattahoochee Country Club (CCC) on Thursday, May 5 from 5-7pm and enjoy food, beverage and great networking on the shores of Lake Lanier! As Gainesville’s premier family-focused, member owned private club, CCC is dedicated to enhancing the social, recreational and professional lives of members and their families by offering a uniquely superior experience while protecting the privilege and value of membership. CCC hosts private events for all occasions, from weddings and showers to celebrating the season and business meetings. With a rich history dating back to 1950, CCC offers an experience like no other with top quality cuisine, a variety of venues and complete turn-key planning services ( Business After Hours is $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Door Prizes and Cash Prize Drawing! Megan Martin, 770-5326206 x 115. Email:

Thank You Chamber Event Sponsors

abAVIATION AccessWDUN Anesthesia Associates of Gainesville AT&T Carroll Daniel Construction Chattahoochee Country Club Georgia Power Highland Mountain Water Jackson EMC Jacobs Media King's Hawaiian

Lanier Islands Lanier Technical College Liberty Utilities Milton Martin Honda Milton Martin Toyota Montara Farm Red Clay Interactive Signs by Tomorrow The Cook & Company University of North Georgia WSI Digital Rainmakers

JUNE 2016 Tuesday, June 7 Tri-Chamber Business After Hours Presented by the Forsyth, Greater Hall & Gwinnett Chambers of Commerce 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Legacy Pointe at Lanier Islands Tuesday, June 28 South Hall Business Coalition "Atlanta Falcons Season Preview" 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Falcons Headquarters in Flowery Branch Events Online:

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Emergency Department Visits



1400 River Place, Braselton, GA 30517 |

4,100 Inpatient Stays

Rotary Club of Gainesville

• We are 184 members strong. • We range in age from 20s to 80s. • We are 25 percent women and 75 percent men • We supported more than 20 community programs this year. • We have built more than 90 wheelchair ramps around the community. • We represent more than 60 different vocations. • We were recognized as District 6910’s 2015-16 Club of the Year for the Extra Large Club category. • Our club is part of a 1.2 million-member organization that started with the vision of Paul Harris. He envisioned a service organization where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful friendships. The name Rotary came from the club’s early practice of rotating meeting among the offices of each member.


We are among 73 Rotary Clubs in District 6910. At District Conference in April the Rotary Club of Gainesville received the following awards: Club of the Year, Gold Level Award, Rotary International Presidential Citation, Zone 34 Public Image Citation, Literacy Award, $100 Per Capita Club Award, and President Lee Highsmith received the R.L. Panyik Rotary Leadership Award.

4-WAY We are friends who enjoy fellowship, partnership and making a difference in our community and our world.

Rotary brings together leaders who step up to take on the toughest challenges, locally and globally


Of the things w

1. Is i 2. Is it fair 3. Will it and bett 4. Will it be bene

Rotary Club of Gainesville • www.rotaryclubofgaines



we think, say or do:

it the truth? to all concerned? t build goodwill ter friendships? eficial to all concerned?

Our club sponsors a student from another country to attend Brenau University as part of the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) to promote peace and understanding.


Our Rotary Club along with clubs around the world have committed themselves to ending polio and have engaged their communities in unique way to raise awareness for eradicating this devastating disease. Polio has been reduced by 99%. Rotary has raised over $200 million to match the $355 million in challenge grants received by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Alliance for Literacy, Boys & Girls Club, Community Public Safety Tribute, Elachee Nature Center, Gainesville City Schools and Hall County Schools, Gainesville Housing Authority, Georgia Mountain Food Bank, Georgia Mountains YMCA, Girl Scouts, Interact Clubs, Junior Achievement, Junior League of Gainesville-Hall Charity Ball, Laws of Life Essay Contest, Our Neighbor’s Place, Riverside Military Academy, Rotaract Club at Brenau University, Rotary Youth Leadership Camp, Salvation Army, Shelter Boxes, and Whispering Angels Youth Ranch. •

Member Announcements


• Lake Lanier Olympic Park in Gainesville will host the Pan American Championships, May 19-22. The Pan Am is the final Olympic qualifier for the 2016 Games in Rio for sprint canoe and kayak. VOLUNTEERS needed. To volunteer, visit • Boys & Girls Club of Hall County's Rubber Duck Derby is 11-3:00 pm on Saturday, May 14 at Clarks Bridge Park on Lake Lanier. Over 2,000 people are expected to watch 21,000 ducks race for Hall County’s kids. The all-day FREE family event features food trucks, live entertainment, bounce houses, face painting, and fun for the family. Ducks will drop at 2:30pm and race to the finish for a chance to win $10,000 plus many more awesome prizes! • A new SCORE Chapter is being established in Northeast Georgia! SCORE is America’s premier small business mentoring organization providing free and confidential advice. SCORE helps entrepreneurs achieve their dreams by building strong, life-long relationships through mentoring, workshops and resources. For details or to volunteer: Charles White, 770-380-9727 or email: • In collaboration with the Chamber, the Quinlan Visual Arts Center is part of the Partners in Education (PIE) program, providing free, incentive-based field trips to the class from each Gaines-

ville City elementary school that had the best attendance in the first semester of the year. The City of Gainesville in partnership with Vision 2030 is commissioning public art for GOGOArt!, a Gainesville Connection Bus Shelter Art Project. • Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton's new Labor and Delivery Unit will open October 2016 with modern labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum rooms, allowing mothers the comfort of staying in the same room throughout their visit, and a Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. 770-2193840. • Gainesville-Hall County Community Council on Aging will honor long serving Gainesville City Council members Robert Hamrick and Myrtle Figueras with its Quality of Life Awards at the Annual Dinner on May 12 at 6pm at the Gainesville Civic Center. Sponsor Opportunities & Tickets: Carol Williams, 678-482-5071. • Challenge your local competition at the 3rd Annual Gainesville-Hall Dragon Boat Challenge on Saturday June 4 at the lake Lanier Olympic Park, a fundraising event for the Hall County Special Olympics. Recruit a team (no experience or equipment required). All types of groups are welcome – small and large corporations, fire departments and law enforcement, youth sports organiza-

tions, schools, churches, neighborhoods. Sign up at • Hall County Farm Bureau is hosting a Member Appreciation Day on May 17, beginning with special guest Piedmont Tractor. Refreshments and doorprizes. 2405 Lighthouse Manor Drive in Gainesville. Details: 770-536-3461 • A Quickbooks Pro class is being offered at Lanier Technical College, Oakwood campus on Tuesdays, May 24 and 31. Classes are 6:00- 9:00 pm. The six hours training is $149 and includes a workbook. To register, call 770-533-6992 or email • Sheri Hooper founder of Interactive Neighborhood for Kids, was appointed a member of the state's Early Care and Learning Board. Sandi Gentry, a governmental resource analyst for Georgia Power, is getting a new term on the Georgia Commission for Service and Volunteerism. Both were appointed by Governor Nathan Deal. • Jamie Reynolds is the new Executive Director and CEO of Challenged Child & Friends, a non-profit early learning and intervention center for children with disabilities. Jamie most recently served as marketing director at Lakeview Academy. • Lee McMichael is the new manager of the Gainesville Convention & Visitors Bureau and has a strong background in tourism and served as a film commis-

sioner in Florida. • NEW updated Gainesville-Hall County Maps are now available at the Greater Hall Chamber, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Downtown Gainesville. Details: Robin Halstead, 770-532-6206 x 101. Email: • University of North Georgia (UNG) President Bonita Jacobs announced the appointment of Dr. Richard Oates as vice president of the Gainesville Campus. It is expected that most of the university’s enrollment growth will be at the Gainesville Campus. Richard has been a member of UNG’s faculty since 1982, serving as interim provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs and interim dean of the Mike Cottrell College of Business. • The Norton Agency announces Kara Scroggs as Chief Operations Officer of the Insurance Division. Kara has experience with Big Four accounting firms working in the areas of construction and real estate program management and fixed asset services for both public and private companies. One of Georgia’s largest independent insurance agencies, Norton represents over 75 insurance companies as well as a wide variety of specialty carriers.

GOT NEWS? Email:

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Highlands to Islands Trail Opens New Wendy's in Oakwood


VISION 2030 Highlands to Islands Trail Alliance (L-R): Allyson and Jason Everett, RK Whitehead, Phil Bonelli and Brooks Clay celebrated the grand opening of the Chicopee Section, the newest portion of the 11-foot wide trail that runs along Atlanta Highway through Chicopee Village from Palmour Drive in Gainesville to the Georgia Department of Labor near Oakwood, part of a network that will eventually connect Downtown Gainesville to UNG's Gainesville campus.

Ed Notebaert, General Manager, cuts ribbon along with Joe Turner, CEO of First Sun Management Corporation (Wendy's local franchisee), Jackson Turner, President, and Jeff Grace, District Manager. Wendy’s opened a new state-of-the-art restaurant at 3825 Mundy Mill Road in Oakwood last month. This restaurant takes the place of the Wendy’s previously located in Flowery Branch. The Wendy’s Company is the world’s third-largest quick-service hamburger company with over 6,500 franchise and company restaurants in the United States and worldwide.

Want to promote your company with a RIBBON CUTTING? This is a free service if you're a Chamber Member. Not a member? Join today and receive numerous benefits including business referrals, networking leads, exposure in Business Link, free seminars, and much more. Call Kara Tate, 770-532-6206 x 116.

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Membership Development

The Louver Shop Grand Opening Business After Hours


Chamber members enjoyed a fantastic Business After Hours and Grand Opening at The Louver Shop in April with some 180 people attending. (L-R): Tim Evans, Chamber VP Economic Development; Melanie Molton, XPO Logistics (winner of a 55" TV!); Jim Tortorelli, President/CEO of The Louver Shop; Nicole Columbo, The Norton Agency (Cash Prize winner). The Louver Shop is the largest shutter manufacturer in the U.S. Serving 71 territories in 39 states, The Louver Shop provides custom shutters, blinds and shades to homeowners. Newly relocated to 1215 Palmour Drive in Gainesville. Chattahoochee Country Club is hosting Business After Hours on the Lake on Thursday, May 5 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Cost: $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Door Prizes and Cash Prize Drawing! Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

Thank You Fidelity Bank Team (L-R): Fernando Minauro, Amy Brien, Christina Crain, Lien Le, Angela Standard, Jim Yantis and Hal Buck for sponsoring Business After Hours at Fidelity Bank Spout Springs Branch. Fidelity Bank has been serving the community for over 40 years with personable service, a full range of financial products and by lending money to help people and companies grow. Whether you are looking for a mortgage, commercial loan or a free checking account, call 404-553-2730, stop by the Spout Springs location, or visit them online at

South Hall Business Coalition

Celebrate the new location of Habitat for Humanity of Hall County’s ReStore at Business Before Hours from Meet us for Breakfast at the ReStore 7:30-9:00 am on Friday, Friday, May 13 • 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. May 13! Enjoy breakfast, New Location! 975 Chestnut Street in Gainesville networking and unique Networking & Coffee at Business Before Hours! shopping at the ReStore. Habitat Hall recently completed their 53rd home build in our community and are blazing the trail as leaders in ending poverty housing. Learn how you can get involved in supporting this mission by building, volunteering, shopping or donating. There is something for everyone to do regardless of skill level. Complimentary breakfast provided by McDonald’s. Door prizes and one lucky attendee will receive a Smart Watch! No charge. 975 Chestnut Street in Gainesville.

Lake Lanier Olympic Park in Gainesville will host the Pan American Championships, May 19-22. The Pan Am is the final Olympic qualifier for the 2016 Games in Rio for sprint canoe and kayak. Over 500 VOLUNTEERS needed to assist with this event.

To volunteer, visit

(L-R, Front): Andy Farmer and Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda (sponsor); Katie Parrish, Director, University of North Georgia (UNG) Center for Clinical Simulation; Linda Ingle, Center Point; Teresa Conner-Kerr, UNG Dean, College of Health Science and Professions. (L-R, Back): Andy Kalinauskas, Conditioned Air Systems; Dr. Richard Oates, UNG Interim Provost & Senior VPAA. The Chamber's South Hall Business Coalition recently toured UNG's College of Health, including the new Center for Clinical Simulation. The next South Hall Business Coalition meeting is Tuesday, May 24 at Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton from 8-:00 - 9:00 a.m. Come Celebrate the Milestones of Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton's 1st Anniversary! Cost: $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

New Youth Leadership Class

Chestatee High School Ismael Castaneda Megan Freeman Austin Gean Lindsey Grater Emma Grimsley Gabriela Martinez Noah Merck Anna-BryceTucker East Hall High School Gema Gomez Tucker Hardison Zaira Hernandez Kaylee Lee Summer Lindsey Tripp Rider Gali Rios Lesle Valentin Flowery Branch High Britney Bales Makensie Gorham Michael Herrington Reid Mock Allie-Grace Mock Gloria Smith Jonathan Walls Ali Winiesdorffer

Gainesville High School Areli Albarran Thomas Alexander Diana Bonilla Jessy Caudillo Sidney Cochran Pratyusha Karnati Ally Kimpling Meredith Pannek Vraj Patel Johnson High School Lauren Adams Mckenzie Carter Pilar Corso Lee Kinsey Emily Pena Sloane Sengson Cecelia Tatro Sydney Yancey Lakeview Academy Brannon Browner Gaur Dhruv Hayes Kennedy Ansley Rochester Sarah Schultz Carmen Wagner

Lanier Christian Academy Maggie Martin Lex Parker North Hall High School Jordan Battle Madeleine Cook Katherine Crocker Bartley Forrester Grace McNeilly Maggie Moore Maddox Turner Kaylee White Riverside Military Academy Wiley Burns Carlos Carrillo Derek Ferguson Ivan Pearson West Hall High School Katie Burchfield Karley Maynard Emma Miller Ashley Nelson Tyrese Osborne Selah Murawski Georgia Warnock

To conclude the year, Youth Leadership Hall students participated in team building games and a leadership assessment at Montara Farm. The class divided into teams and played to win! Pictured above is the Wining Team (Front, L-R): Ethan Cobb, Jordan Pruitt, Merrie Barnett, Morgan Burgess. (Back, L-R): Sterling Sykes, Maddie Hetzel,Tucker Buffington, Herndon Lee, Kevin Reale, Ashley Johnston, Julie Fowler. The day ended with a graduation ceremony. Thank you Montara Farm and Georgia Power for sponsoring the day's activities and facilitating the program.

is pleased to welcome�

Rebecca Bedingfield� Ando, M.D.� to the Center for Women’s Health!� Dr. Bedingfield Ando earned her medical degree� at the Medical College of Georgia. She then� completed her Obstetrics and Gynecology� residency at the University of Illinois in Chicago.� An experienced OB/GYN, Dr. Bedingfield Ando� joins us from private practice in Richmond.� Additionally, she is a graduate of the University� of Georgia and has close ties to Gainesville and� Hall County. Dr. Bedingfield Ando has medical� staff privileges at Northeast Georgia� Medical Center.�

1/2 Page Ad

To schedule an appointment with� Dr. Bedingfield Ando, please call (770) 297-2200.�

2 columns 4.4167 x10"

Comprehensive obstetric and� gynecological care for women� .�

770-297-2200�� Gainesville • Braselton • Dahlonega • Baldwin�

Welcoming new patients!�

Doctors You Know. Care You Trust.�

May 3, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Youth Leadership Graduation

The Longstreet Clinic, P.C.�

Education & Leadership

The Greater Hall Chamber announces the 11th class of Youth Leadership Hall (YLH). Initiated in 2005, the program now has 646 student graduates. A program for high school juniors and seniors, YLH seeks to provide an investment in the community’s future leadership by fostering interest in the community and inspiring students to become the leaders of tomorrow. The program begins with a kick-off program at the Gainesville Civic Center in August with educators, principals, superintendents, volunteers and parents. Students will participate in monthly programs on topics such as the judicial system, healthcare, servant leadership, and economic development. Students must have a satisfactory academic standing and be nominated by a teacher, administrator, coach, or extra curricular activity director. Congratulations to the 2016-2017 Class:


Key Economic Indicators

May 3, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce


Greater Hall County Area Jobless Employment Rates Hall County


Mar 2016


Free Range Art Project

The Hall County Government Center is home to the most recent piece of large-scale artwork installed as a part of the Free Range Art Project, a partnership between the Greater Hall Chamber VISION 2030 program and the North Georgia Community Foundation. The 8'x8' installation features local artist Sharon Farkas' piece "Wauka Wauka Mountain High by Sharon Farkas is housed at the Hall Mountain High." Three County Government Center. pieces have been installed in the Midtown District of Downtown Gainesville, on the exterior of Grove Street Station is "Revolutionary Halo" by Frances Byrd, and Fire Station #1 on Pine Street showcases "Golden Rain" by Ann Alexander and "Paroxysm" by Zoe Head. The final piece, "The Adventure Begins" by Clayton Santiago, will be installed soon. New selections will be placed temporarily at the Lake Lanier Olympic Park for the 2016 Pan American Championships this month.

New MAP Available NEW updated Gainesville-Hall County Maps are now available at the Greater Hall Chamber, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Downtown Gainesville. Details: Robin Halstead, 770-532-6206 x 101. Email: The new maps highlight the Lake Lanier Olympic Park and its Olympic heritage with the Pan American Championships May 19-22. The Pan Am is the final Olympic qualifier for the 2016 Games in Rio for sprint canoe and kayak. VOLUNTEERS needed, visit to sign up

Previous Month



Cherokee Dawson

4.4 4.8




Gwinnett Jackson Ga Mountains State of Georgia

4.9 4.5 4.9 5.4


Feb 2016



One Year Ago

Mar 2015

The Norton Agency Key Economic Retail Sales Indicators 2 columns $ 222,509,494 4.4167 x 10 M
















Updated 4/27


Hall County

Latest Mar. 2016


Previous Month (available)

One Year Ago

Feb. 2016

Mar. 2015

100’s millions of dollars

VISION 2030 Board Members (L-R): Jason Everett, Gainesville Design Center; Vision 2030 Chair Davis White, LinkPoint Advantage; Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director, Vision2030, and Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, New York Times best selling author, and the featured speaker at the Blue Zone Community Summit.

Gainesville City



Community Development

Blue Zone Community Summit






Hall County retail sales figures are estimated from the 1% sales tax collected for Hall. For example, $11 million in tax revenue represents M retail sales of approximately $100 million.











2016 Updated 4/27

Housing Permits Issued - Hall County


Mar. 2016 63 Previous Month

One Year Ago

2016 Total

Feb. 2016

Mar. 2015





2015 YTD

Area Permits County Barrow Dawson Gwinnett Forsyth Hall Jackson

Mar. 2016 23 16 241 289 63 21

Mar. 2015 26 9 163 195 66 23

Feb. 2016 14 12 199 195 70 30

Total 2015 308 119 1,901 2,140 689 192

2016 YTD 48 41 606 637 178 63

Avg Total Price 2016

Avg Price

Homes Sold and Closed and Average Price of Home Mar. 2016

Avg Price

Mar. 2015

Avg Price

Feb. 2016

Avg Price

Total 2015

























































Updated 4/27

Data compiled by the Norton Agency. For additional information or other data products, please call: Tommy Howard 770-718-5204

The Norton Agency

The Power To Perform

Unique Finds at Lemonade Makers

Ribbon Cuttings

Kelsey Bishop, Owner, cuts ribbon at Lemonade Makers, 1175 Thompson Bridge Road, Suite B in Gainesville. Lemonade Makers is a local goods market with a goal of spreading the love for local handcrafted items and unique finds. All goods are sourced within a 500-mile radius. Proceeds from sales support Kelsey's Cure, a 501c(3) nonprofit with a mission to help those affected by blood cancer. 470-228-3410.

Center Point Opens in South Hall

Executive Director David Smith cuts ribbon at the new Center Point facility, 3584 Atlanta Highway in Flowery Branch. In 1967, four Gainesville churches set out to establish a means to offer local students voluntary classes in religion. Since then, the Center has expanded its programs beyond religious education to include student and family counseling, mentoring, and substance abuse prevention programs. 770-535-1050.

Resource Property Management

Craddock Insurance Services

Chris Craddock, Owner, cuts ribbon at Craddock Insurance Services, 2206 Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville. Locally owned and operated, Craddock Insurance has worked with North Georgia communities since 2001. With extensive knowledge of the Georgia insurance markets, team members are able to tailor policies to meet their clients' exact needs. 678-450-6625.

2 columns 4.4167 x10"

May 3, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Leslie White, Owner, cuts ribbon for Resource Property Management at The Bradford, a renovated complex managed by the company, located at 535 Forrest Avenue in Gainesville. Resource is a full service management company with over 18 years experience in the industry. 770-540-7881.

1/2 Page Ad


Our Growth Is Fueled By Our Community’s Growth. It only makes sense that a true community bank would grow as the community does. Peach State Bank & Trust is pleased to welcome new members to our Community Development Board; local leaders who share our energy to enhance the quality of life we all share and to help define our mission of service and solutions.

Back Page Ad 10 x 7.5

L-R: John Melvin, Gary Funk, Susan Hosford, Nancy Norton, Jack Frost, John Wright, Tracy Vardeman and Abit Massey, Chairman

Gainesville • 770-536-1100

Upcoming Chamber Events Upcoming Chamber Events Thursday, May 5Marketing Workshop Small Business Business After Hours Tuesday, February 14 Marketing TrendsClub Chattahoochee Country by inGordon Sawyer 3000Presented Club Drive Gainesville - 10:00 5:008:00 p.m. - 7:00a.m. p.m.– The Oaks at

Wednesday, ArborMay Day 18 Celebration Lunch 'n Friday, Learn February 17 10:00p.m. a.m. 12:00 p.m. - 1:-00 Meadows Center Milton Frances Martin Toyota in Oakwood

Safe & Green Tuesday, May 24Regional Assembly Friday, February 24 Tuesday, May 10 South Hall Business Coalition Business After Hours 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Small Business Seminar "Northeast Georgia Medical Center Thursday, February 16 Georgia Mountains Center "Turning Millennials 5:00 - 7:00into p.m.Brand Ad- Braselton's 1st Year Milestones" vocates" by KemRestaurant Henderson, Delta 8:00Annual a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Luna's Transportation Forum Community200 Credit Northeast Georgia Medical Center MainUnion Street Wednesday, March 14 Hunta.m. Tower in Downtown Gainesville Braselton11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 7:45 – 9:00 a.m. – Chamber - Education Room Lanier Charter Career Academy

Gainesville State College


Thursday, 19 Career Expo Job May Fair and Annual Meeting & Gala Wednesday, March 28 6:00 p.m.10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Georgia Mountains Center Chattahoochee Country Club


Get Details Tuesday, June 7& Register Online: Tri-Chamber Business After Hours 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Legacy Pointe at Lanier Islands

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