Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m Chairman's Column Page 2 Economic Development Pages 4-5 Upcoming Events Page 6 Member Announcements Page 10 VISION 2030 Page 11 Welcome New Members Page 12 Small Business of the Month Page 12 Partners in Education Pages 14 Ribbon Cuttings Page 15
BUY LOCAL Safe & Green EXPO Thursday, February 4
Space Exhibitvailable! Now A
Gainesville Civic Center 2:00-7:00 pm BUY LOCAL EXPO 5:00-7:00 pm Business After Hours & Taste of Gainesville
Free • Open to the Public • Networking • Giveaways The Greater Hall Chamber's Annual Buy Local Safe & Green Expo returns this year bigger than ever with 70+ exhibitors, no admission fee, great networking and valuable business exposure. The Buy Local Safe & Green Expo is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 at the Gainesville Civic Center from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Business After Hours with "A Taste of Gainesville" is 5:00-7:00 p.m. No Admission Fee and Free Shuttle Service! Buy Local showcases businesses in Greater Hall County and is Northeast Georgia's Largest Trade Show Experience. Safe & Green pulls together industry representatives for connection to environmentally friendly services and safety initiatives for the workplace. Exhibitors will be able to utilize business-tobusiness services, while exchanging leads and developing professional relationships. Exhibit space is now available on a first come, first serve basis. Chamber Member Exhibit, $250; Non-Member, $500; Non-Profit, $150. Exhibits include an 8'x10' space, table, cloth, skirt and chairs. Electricity is available for an additional fee. Great sponsorships at different levels are also available and include exhibit space, promotion and advertising. Download an Exhibitor Registration Form online at or contact Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
Small Business Workshop The Greater Hall Chamber's Small Business Council and Brenau University present "Lean Principles for Small Business" on Tuesday, January 26 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Brenau University (Jacobs Building, 340 Green Street in Gainesville). Sponsored by Small Business Access Partners and facilitated by Brenau's Dr. James Taylor, this workshop will cover ways to apply principles of continuous improvement to small business. Dr. Taylor will draw from such topics as Lean (based upon the Toyota Production System), Six Sigma, Quality and simple business analytics. Participants will gain knowledge that will help them improve their management approach, and more importantly, leave with some very specific actions in mind. Professor James Taylor is a 30 year veteran of the automotive industry. His fields of experience have included design engineering, sales, project management, quality and continuous improvement fields. He has been at Brenau since 2007 and is Assistant Professor of Management. Cost: $15 Chamber Members; $30 Non-Members; Includes Light Breakfast. Reservations: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
Lean Principles for Small Business Sponsored by Small Business Access Partners
Tuesday, January 26 8:30-11:30 am Brenau University Gainesville / Jacobs Bldg $15 Chamber Members • $30 Non-Members Breakfast • Door Prizes • Networking
Save the Date Thursday, January 14 Business After Hours Tuesday, January 19 South Hall Business Coalition Tuesday, January 26 Small Business Workshop
A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
From the Chairman
Providing a Voice for Business The Greater Hall Chamber's Government Affairs Division is responsible for developing and implementing business advocacy and political action for the Chamber. The Chamber's Board of Directors designates the strategic direction to advocate for pro-business and quality of life issues in the Greater Hall area and provide a voice for business.
Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber's Governmental Division is led by Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap, Vice Chair John Breakfield, attorney and owner of Breakfield & Associates, and staff member Garrett Wiley. Together with a dedicated group of volunteers, they work year-round to ensure that our city, county, state and federal representatives are aware of the issues which affect the Gainesville-Hall County business community. They are actively engaged in our efforts to make our area an even better place to live, work and do business and provide Chamber members with a valuable resource.
Locally, governmental issues are monitored by this division through the Issues Committee. The committee meets monthly to consider issues pertinent to business and makes recommendations to the Chamber’s Board of Directors on issues that require action and/or advocacy. Working closely with the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Hall Chamber is an active pro-business voice both in Gainesville-Hall County and Washington D.C., voicing the concerns of the business community that might otherwise go unnoticed. Recently, a Gainesville-Hall County delegation traveled to Washington and met with Georgia U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue, 9th District Congressman Doug Collins, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Chairman of the House Rules Committee, Pete Sessions. The Chamber Delegation made sure that transportation, healthcare, water and workforce development remain at the top of our elected officials' to-do lists.
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Hall Chamber recently held its 32nd Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast, where state and federal lawmakers are invited to meet and share their views with the business community. With the 2016 Georgia Legislature beginning, issues discussed at included the State budget, the recently passed transportation bill, healthcare, education, water and economic development. Over 400 people from the business community attended, eager to hear from the Gainesville-Hall Delegation.
The Greater Hall Chamber is an active pro-business voice both in Gainesville-Hall County and Washington D.C., voicing the concerns of the business community that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Chamber Board Nominations The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce 2016 Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for new three-year Directors. Serving with Chamber Chairman Brian Daniel on the Director Nominating Committee is Chairman-Elect Lee Hemmer, Immediate Past Chairman David Lee and Past Chairmen Dixie Truelove, Randall Frost, Jay Jacobs and Darrell Snyder. The committee will select new director nominees as stated in the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce By-Laws:
• Any member in good standing may submit one or more nominations. • The nominees will be named in February 2016. • The nominees are elected in March 2016. • Five to seven director positions will be elected. • Each new director will serve a three-year term beginning July 1, 2016. • Nominations must be submitted in writing. • Nominations must be received by Friday, January 29 at 5:00 p.m.
Send nominations, in writing, to: Brian Daniel, Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 374, Gainesville, GA 30503. Details: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Kit Dunlap, 770-532-6206. Email:
Business Link VOLUME 21 ISSUE 7 McKemie West, Editor • Email: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
2015-2016 Executive Committee Vice Chair, Marketing and Chairman Communications Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Katie Dubnik Forum Communications Chairman Elect Vice Chair, Membership Lee Hemmer Development The Simpson Company Tony Paramore Gainesville Design Center Treasurer David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Vice Chair, Economic Conditioned Air Systems Development Brian Rochester Vice Chair, Community Rochester & Associates Development Lila Weaver, Brenau University Vice Chair, Education Kristi Barker, Georgia Power Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White Vice Chair, Government LinkPoint Advantage John Breakfield Elizabeth Higgins, Exec Director Breakfield & Associates
Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Immediate Past Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC President & CEO Kit Dunlap Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors 2015-2016 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company Col. James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, Councilman, City of Oakwood Josh Everett, New Leaf Landscape Services Jimbo Floyd, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Tony Funari, Funari Realty Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Will Hicks, Stifel Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelley, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications
Steve McNeilly, Northeast GA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Jeff Reinhardt, MD, The Longstreet Clinic Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Carol Shirley, South State Bank Louis Smith, Northeast Georgia Health System Jody Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe’s Grier Todd, Lanier Islands Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging
Associate Directors 2015-2016 Andy Bangs, Alexander, Almand & Bangs Carolina Diaz, Georgia Power Craig Dowdy, SunTrust Anna Guzman, Jackson EMC Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions
Caroline Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Mike McGraw, PrideStaff Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda Elizabeth Thompson, House Dressing
Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Garrett Wiley, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President
Government Affairs Garrett Wiley, Project Manager South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development
Delegation discusses issues affecting business at annual breakfast The Chamber's 32nd Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast featured discussion with Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and the GainesvilleHall County Legislative Delegation. (L-R): Chamber Vice Chair Government Affairs John Breakfield, Breakfield & Associates; State Senator Butch Miller; Rep. Emory Dunahoo, Jr.; Rep. Lee Hawkins; Lt. Governor Casey Cagle; Chamber Chairman Brian Daniel, Carroll Daniel Construction; Kit Dunlap, Greater Hall Chamber; State Senator John Wilkinson; Rep. Carl Rogers; Rep. Timothy Barr; David Lee, Jackson EMC (event sponsor); Chamber Chair-Elect Lee Hemmer, The Simpson Company.
2015 Greater Hall Economic Development Year End Summary At the conclusion of 2015, the Greater Hall Chamber Economic Development Council reports the single best year of capital investment on record. Twentyfour (24) new and existing projects announced investment plans for over $320 million and more than 1,100 jobs. Some of the job creation and investment announced in 2015 has already taken place, but for many companies, like Kubota, those investment and job creation plans are multi-year commitments that will take place over the next several years. Additional business expansions in 2015 included Wrigley Manufacturing, ZF Industries, First Fresh Foods, PFG Miltons, Left Nut Brewing, Academy Sports, Marel Stork and The Louver Shop. The Chamber’s business activity for the period accounts for more than 1.7 million-square-feet of industrial and commercial space occupancy and over one million-square-feet of new construction. These capital investments do not include the anticipated development of the new Lanier Technical College Campus on Highway 365, expected to open in 2018. A surge in Downtown Development Activity in Gainesville, Flowery Branch and Lula followed a year of record-low vacancy rates in the downtown areas for the three cities. Downtown Gainesville is becoming an attractive location for high density workforce housing with its proximity to the growing healthcare sector, universities, professional services and amenities. 2015 saw developments in area attractions with the opening of the new Atlanta Botanical Gardens Gainesville, proposed program and facility additions
at the Don Carter State Park, additional investment in Lanier Islands and new investments at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue ahead of the 2016 Pan-Am Games and Continental Qualifier for Canoe/Kayak. “Our population is growing at almost 2% per year," said Tim Evans, Chamber Vice President of Economic Development. "In addition to job creation, investment and construction, our economy is benefiting from an increase in the home buying market and residential development. In 2015, building permits in Gainesville-Hall County hit an all-time high." Gainesville-Hall County’s economic growth is benefiting from many of the same factors recently cited in UGA’s Georgia Economic Outlook for 2016. Dr. Benjamin Ayers, Dean of UGA’s Terry College of Business, cited four factors contributing to a forecast of 3.3% expected growth in Georgia’s 2016 Gross State Product: 1) Georgia’s economic development pipeline of projects, 2) a robust housing construction market, 3) population growth, and 4) low oil and gas prices. “The success we are experiencing speaks to the broad participation in this community’s economic development effort from the business community, educators, our partners and elected leadership,” said Brian Rochester, Rochester & Associates, and Chamber Vice Chair of Economic Development. “Our Chamber provides a forum for participating and working together to support the growth of existing industries, small businesses, the healthcare community, retail and business recruitment.” With unemployment reaching a 10-year low for the Gainesville-Hall County Metropolitan Area (4.7%
Henry Kubota, President, Kubota Manufacturing of America (KMA), and Tim Evans, Chamber Vice President of Economic Development, with the Kubota RTV to be manufactured at KMA’s 502,000 square-foot manufacturing facility in Gainesville. The existing Gainesville KMA facility has been in production since 1988 and employs 1,300 people.
October 2015), workforce development is a high priority for the Chamber and the business community. The Chamber's Workforce Development Task Force is a partnership with Lanier Technical College, Hall County Schools, Gainesville City Schools, Brenau University, the University of North Georgia and private businesses. The mission is to ensure businesses can acquire the talent and skills they need for future growth and to replace an aging workforce. For more information on the Greater Hall Chamber's Economic Development Division, contact Vice President Tim Evans, 770-532-6206 x 107,, or Shelley Davis, Vice President of Existing Industry, 770-532-6206 x 108,
Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood
The Greater Hall Chamber's Healthcare Committee recently heard a presentation by Donald Palmisano Jr., Executive Director and CEO of the Medical Association of Georgia, on pressing issues in the healthcare industry. (L-R): Jack M. Chapman, Jr., MD, Gainesville Eye Associates; David J. Miller, PhD, Brenau University; Gale Starich, PhD, Brenau University; Healthcare Committee Chair Jullie King, The Longstreet Clinic, PC; Donald Palmisano Jr., Medical Association of Georgia; Deb Bailey, Northeast Georgia Health System. The Chamber's Healthcare Committee meets monthly. To learn more about this committee or how to get involved, contact Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
Ribbon Cutting at Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood (L-R): Mark Brown, CFO; Emily Hayes, Advertising & Public Relations; Tommy Martin, General Manager; Ricky Martin, Owner; Mike Martin, Owner; Jimmy Hernandez, Fixed Operations Director; Craig Pollock, Vice President of Southeast Toyota Distributors, LLC. Milton Martin Toyota has 160 employees at the newly opened 82,000-square-foot dealership in Oakwood. The company was founded by Milton Martin in 1961 as a used car dealership on Green Street, and today, 2nd and 3rd generation leadership own and operate the new store featuring a relaxed, welcoming showroom, a Chick-fil-A Café, an outdoor fireplace and lounge.
4 columns Turbo Truck Center – Northeast Georgia’s One-Stop 9" x5" Truck Stop Turbo Truck Center, Northeast Georgia’s homegrown commercial truck and trailer repair facility, provides full-service repair ranging from routine maintenance to 24/7 emergency service. A certified dealer of TICO terminal tractors, Turbo also houses one of Georgia’s largest independently owned paint and body collision centers with a state-of-the-art, down-draft paint booth. Based on a 63-acre campus near Candler Road and I-985 with its sister company Syfan Logistics, Turbo’s team of 45 ASE certified technicians and staff reflect the quality workforce of the Gainesville-Hall County region. “This is our workplace that we call home – and we’re proud to be a part of such a dynamic local economy and community.” -- Jim Syfan, Owner and CEO | 2037 Old Candler Road | Gainesville, Georgia
0168 Syfan_January Biz Link Ad.indd 1
12/29/15 12:27 PM
January 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
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Economic Development
Update on Healthcare Issues
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Meetings & Events
Northeast Georgia
Logistics Forum Friday, January 15
8-10 am
University of North Georgia
Gainesville Campus / Continuing Ed Building #10 TOPICS
Northeast Georgia Logistics Snapshot & Resources Deepening of the Harbor Update HB 170 Impacts PANEL
Jannine Miller, Director, Center of Innovation for Logistics Stacy Watson, General Manager, Georgia Ports Authority Meg Pirkle, Chief Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation Ben Hames, Deputy Commissioner, Georgia Workforce Division $5 per person • Includes Continental Breakfast To Register: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111 Email: Online:
1/4 Page Ad 2 columns 4.4167 x5"
January 2016 Wednesday, January 6 Healthcare Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber Friday, January 8 Economic Development Council 7:30 a.m. – Chamber
Tuesday, January 19 Youth Leadership Hall Trip to State Capitol / Government Program 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 20 Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. – Chamber
Tuesday, January 12 Wednesday, January 20 Small Business Seminar Lunch 'n Learn By Robert Mallon, Rusty Lion Academy 7:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Lanier Tech MDC 12:00 p.m. - 1:-00 p.m. Milton Martin Toyota in Oakwood Tuesday, January 12 Thursday, January 21 Ambassadors Council Chamber Executive Committee 3:45 p.m. – 2 Dog Cafe 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Chamber Wednesday, January 13 Tuesday, January 26 Network Over Coffee 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. – Bojangles' Gainesville Small Business Workshop "Lean Principles for Small Business" By Dr. James Taylor, Brenau University Thursday, January 14 Sponsored by Small Business Access Leadership Hall County Partners – 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Brenau University / Jacobs Building 340 Green Street in Gainesville Thursday, January 14 VISION 2030 Board of Directors Wednesday, January 27 Presentation by OneHall: Community Network Over Coffee of Inclusion Committee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. – Chamber Chick-fil-A of Oakwood Thursday, January 14 Thursday, January 28 Business After Hours Chamber Board of Directors Sponsored by Halski Systems 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3030 McEver Rd, Suite 330, Gainesville Gainesville Civic Center Friday, January 15 Northeast Georgia Logistics Forum 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. University of North Georgia Gainesville Continuing Ed Auditorium, Building 10 Tuesday, January 19 South Hall Business Coalition Lanier Technical Update by Dr. Ray Perren, President LTC 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Lanier Technical College in Oakwood Lecture Hall / Building 300, Room 301
FEBRUARY 2016 Thursday, February 4 Buy Local Expo / Safe & Green Expo: 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. Business After Hours and Taste of Gainesville: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Gainesville Civic Center Get all the details on these and other Upcoming Chamber Events Online:
Thank You Chamber Event Sponsors Brenau University • Halski Systems• Highland Mountain Beverage Jacobs Media Corporation • Jackson EMC • Lanier Technical College Lowe's Gainesville • McDonald's • Milton Martin Honda
Milton Martin Toyota • Peach State Bank • Red Clay Interactive Small Business Access Partners • Signs by Tomorrow • WSI Digital Rainmakers
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Member Announcements
• The Chamber is planning the Arbor Day 2016 Celebration and will sponsor, in partnership with the Hall County Master Gardeners, Georgia Power and Keep Hall Beautiful, an Arbor Day Art Contest for 3rd graders and Essay Contest for 5th graders. Cash prize! Educators, contact Robin Halstead, 770532-6206. Email: • Maggie Hodges is the newest member of the Forum Communications team. With a PR degree from the University of Tennessee Martin and her master's in Organizational Communication from the University of Arkansas, Maggie develops strategic, multi-channel marketing campaigns • Governor Deal launched Georgia WorkSmart, a work-based learning initiative, at King’s Hawaiian in Flowery Branch. The initiative seeks to meet workforce needs by developing and implementing customized training programs through apprenticeships, internships and cooperative education opportunities. King’s Hawaiian will hire 25 apprentices trained through the program. • Sponsored by Spherion Staffing Services, the Job Fair on Wednesday March 23, 10 am - 2 pm at the Gainesville Civic Center, provides the perfect forum for companies hiring to recruit new employees. Meet hundreds of job candidates face-to-face. Free and open to the public. Employer Booths: $300 ($325 w/electricity); $200 Non-Profits ($225 w/electricity). Reserve space NOW! Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:
• The Superior Court judges of the Northeastern Judicial Circuit announced the appointment of Joe Raymond Diaz as Juvenile Court Judge. Diaz has practiced law locally for over 23 years with bilingual representation, and specializing in domestic and criminal litigation. He has served as a mediator for the Ninth District since 1994 and on the Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board. • Since 1983, the Greater Hall Chamber's Leadership Hall County program has provided training and learning experience for existing and emerging leaders of Gainesville-Hall County. Nominations for the 2016-2017 Class are now being accepted. Individuals must be nominated for the program by March 15, 2016. Details: Dana Miller, Vice President of Education, 770-532-6206 x 113. Email: • Matt Slappey, owner of the Northeast Atlanta branch of Murphy Business & Financial Corporation, was the top seller for the Georgia Association of Business Brokers (GABB), the state’s only professional organization dedicated to buying and selling businesses and franchises. • David Smith, Executive Director of Center Point, a non-profit providing support and treatment services for local youth and families, announces Gainesville-native Dr. Marshall Bruner as new clinical director. Bruner oversees counseling services and holds a doctoral degree in clinical psychology specializing with children, adolescents and families on anger management,
Business Networking Events Tommy Martin, General Manager, Kit Dunlap and Ricky Martin, Co-Owner, at Milton Martin Toyota's new showroom in Oakwood. Thank you Milton Martin Toyota for sponsoring Business Before Hours in December. The upcoming Business After Hours is Thursday, January 14 from 5:007:00 pm at Halski Systems new headquarters at 3030 McEver Road, Suite 330 in Gainesville. Join Chamber members and friends for great networking with complimentary food and drink. Halski Systems provides Georgia IT network design, installation, administration, and consulting services to small, mid-size and enterprise level businesses in metro Atlanta and North Georgia. Halski offer a full range of customized, flexible IT solutions that each meet client’s individual needs.
depression, grief, parenting, social skills and conflict resolution. Bruner is also an ordained United Methodist minister. • Roger Grabman of Grab Innovations & Services in Flowery Branch recently became a North Carolina registered Professional Engineer (PE) and also has PE registration in Louisiana and Georgia. Grab Innovations is a professional engi-
neering firm specializing in production equipment, automation, fabrication and assembly in a number of industries. Roger is treasurer of the Southeast Inventors Association, and VP, Atlanta chapter of the Georgia Society of Professional Engineers.
GOT NEWS? Email:
New Chamber Community Guide The Greater Hall Chamber is gearing up for a new Community Guide. In partnership with Great Southern Publishing and 365 Degree Total Marketing, the guide includes valuable information for newcomers, as well as established businesses and residents. The 2016 Community Guide will feature “2 ADS in 1” with purchases to include print and online ads which link to your site. The online version can be changed quarterly or replaced with a video. Link to the current guide on the Chamber's homepage, greaterhallchamber. com. Secure your prime position now in the Official 2016 Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Community Guide. Contact Nelson Smith, 404-625-4153, or email:
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2015 Wisdom Project Graduates
Community Summit on April 21
Imagine if we followed the Blue Zone Common Denominators or 9 Power Approaches and learned to Move Naturally... Have A Purpose... Down Shift Stress... Followed the 80% Full Stomach Rule... Ate More Plants... Drank More Wine... Belonged to a Faith... Put Loved Ones First... and Joined the Right Tribe. We could take our personal and community longevity and success to a new level. The Blue Zone Community Summit is funded in part by a grant from the Healthcare Georgia Foundation and these sponsors: ProCare Rx (Purpose Sponsor $15,000); Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton (Tribe Sponsors $7500); The Longstreet Clinic and CIGNA (Wine@5 Sponsors $5000); North Georgia Community Foundation, The Norton Agency, United Way of Hall County (Belong Sponsors $2500); Brenau University and Georgia Power (Move Sponsors $1000). Tickets, $25 per person. Learn about opportunities available to help sponsor and participate in this important community event on April 21. Details: Elizabeth Higgins, VISION 2030, 770-532-6206 x 104. Email:
2 columns 4.4167 x10"
January 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
VISION 2030 will host a Blue Zone Community Summit on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 pm at the Brenau Downtown Center. The event titled "9 to THRIVE: Learn to Live Better & Longer" is open to the public and will feature Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, best selling author and nationally recognized speaker. Buettner has delivered over 3,000 speeches to audiences worldwide and traveled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity and happiness. He identifies Blue Zones ( as places that have the greatest life expectancy.
1/2 Page Ad
Community Development
2015 Wisdom Project Class (Seated L-R): Cathy Hartley, Kate Carlson, Janice Whiten, Caroline Grandy, Duncan Niven. (Standing L-R): Dick Osborne, Tom Jones, Kris Golden, Malvina Moffett, Allen Carlson, Louise Forrester, Carol Hanlon, Alison McElvery, Barbara Bostwick. Not Pictured: Carol Greene, Julie Ferguson, Beckie Smith. The senior leadership class participated in several programs and graduated in November. Next up for the group is involvement in The Wisdom Keepers, graduates of The Wisdom Project. Wisdom Keepers, now over 100+ strong, were recognized in March 2015 as a national leading model at the American Society on Aging as a visionary program which communities across the country should replicate. Wisdom Keepers are tapping into the skills/talents of their members who are former business professionals and community activists. Projects include initiating the new iTNLanier senior transportation program.
Small Business
Small Business of the Month F&M Imports F & M Imports, owned by Mark Bell, has been serving Gainesville and Northeast Georgia since 1980. The shop specializes in service and repair of import cars including Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen and Mini Cooper. The shop also repairs and services Asian cars. Mark began his career in automobile technology at the age of 12. His father owned the local Volkswagen dealership and sent him to his first Volkswagen school. Mark graduated with a business degree from Emory University in 1972. After college, Mark returned to Gainesville and worked for his father at the Volkswagen dealership until opening F & M. In addition to Mark, F & M employs Mark Bell, owner of F&M Imports, two other ASE certified techniChamber Small Business of the Month. cians. These two technicians have a combined 35 years of experience. Service and repair provided by F & M Imports satisfies factory warranty requirements. F & M Imports, 2350 Murphy Boulevard, Gainesville, GA 30504. 770-535-0123.
Welcome New Members!
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Ashton Senior Living Curtis McGill 1012 Enota Avenue Gainesville, GA 30501 -Senior Living Community
Chick-fil-A at Robson Crossing Andrew Farr 3405 Atlanta Highway Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 297-9045 -Restaurant & Catering Orizon IPE Jonas Motiejunas 6300 Powers Ferry Road
Suite 600-268 Atlanta, GA 30339 (678) 357-5739 -Environmental Consulting
PC & Cell M.D. Frances Martin 5900 Spout Springs Road Suite W1 Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 967-0011 -Electronics Repair Resource Property Management, LLC Leslie White P.O. Box 908073 Gainesville, GA 30501
South Hall Business Coalition
The Chamber's South Hall Business Coalition heard a program by non-profits in South Hall. (L-R): Cheryl Shippey, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Foundation; Kit Dunlap, Greater Hall Chamber; Sheri Hooper, INK; Kyle Ivey, ‘Just’ People, Inc; Terri Armour, Action Ministries; Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County; Tabitha McGowen, Goodwill; Steve Mueller, Georgia Mountain Food Bank; Coalition Chairman Andy Kalinauskas, Conditioned Air Systems; Don Colombero, Legacy Link; Andrea Timpone, Elachee Nature Science Center; Ann Gainey, Choices Pregnancy Care Center. The upcoming South Hall Business Coalition is Tuesday, January 19 with an update on Lanier Technical College by Dr. Ray Perren, LTC President. The meeting will be held at the Lanier Tech Oakwood Campus Lecture Hall, located in Building 300, First Floor, Room 301. Chamber South Hall Business Coalition meetings are sponsored by Milton Martin Honda and Red Clay Interactive. Light breakfast included. $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Details: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206. Email:
(770) 540-7881 -Property Management Mark Wilson 4677 Beacon Ridge Lane Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 757-5977 -Individual Member Join the Chamber online: Call Kara Tate, Vice President of Membership Sales at 770-532-6206 x 116. Email:
ADDING YEARS TO LIFE & LIFE TO YEARS 984 Thompson Bridge Rd • Gainesville, GA
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Small Business Seminar
Happy Happy New Year! New Year!
New Year’s is a time to reflect on the year past. New Year’s is a time to reflect on the year past. It is also a time to set goals for the future, and
It is also a time to set goals for the future, and Robert Mallon of the Rusty Lion Edward Jones can help you do just that. We’re Academy will present "How to Stop Edward Jones can help you do just that. We’re Robert Mallon of the Rusty Lion Academy Limping and Have Your Best Year is a nationally recognized, professional in your neighborhood and available to help you in your neighborhood and available to help you Ever!" This seminar will give you speaker, business coach, mentor, and steps now to help your long-term tools to help you structure your days, meeting facilitator with over 35 yearstake of take steps now meet to help meet your long-term experience working with nationally known weeks and life so that you get a lot financial goals. financial goals. corporations. Don't miss his presentation more done this year and in the future at the January 12th Small Business Seminar. with much less stress and a lot more focus, happiness and satisfaction. If Call today to set up a portfolio review. you feel like you have some unrealized potential, you owe it to yourself to attend. Robert is a professional speaker and co-founder of the Rusty Lion Academy. He helps people create outer wealth and inner significance so that they can have Reneigh Satterfield, Reneigh Satterfield, AAMS® AAMS® Beth Baldwin extraordinary lives. Check Robert out online at
Call today to set up a portfolio review.
Small Business
Are you happy with your present stage in life or do you feel you can achieve so much more? If you’re not living your dream life, do you know where to turn to achieve the success you’re capable of achieving? To answer these questions, attend the Small Business Seminar Tuesday, January 12 from 7:45 - 9:30 am at the Lanier Technical College Manufacturing Development Center at Featherbone Communiversity.
Beth Baldwin
Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Reneigh Satterfield,Financial AAMS® Financial Advisor Advisor .
1/2 Page Ad
. . No charge for Chamber members; $15 Non-members. Details: Amanda Lewis, . Advisor 3630Financial Thompson Bridge Ste 22 439 Green Street Northwest Rd Ste 22 Rd 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: Online: greaterhallchamber.com3630 Thompson Bridge 3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 22 439 Green Street Northwest Gainesville, GA 30506
Chamber Chase 2016
2 columns 4.4167 x10"
Rick Kimpling Rick Kimpling
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor .
64 North Brooks Street Unit B
64 North Brooks Street B Cleveland, GAUnit 30528 Beth Baldwin Cleveland, GA 30528 706-865-0933 Financial Advisor 706-865-0933 439 Green Street Northwest Gainesville, GA 30501 770-534-1220
Special Incentive Training Passes MKT-4592A-A-AD Take advantage of free training passes (limited quantity) by registering in person at the Greater Hall Chamber, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Downtown Gainesville. MKT-4592A-A-AD Fitness passes from a variety of local facilities are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Must register in person to be eligible. Rick Kimpling, AAMS® Registration Registration is $30, and $35 after March 17. Online registration is January 28 March 24. Participants can register at the Chamber office from March 25-31. 2016 Chamber Chase Important Dates Team Captains Drop-in Meeting: Thursday, January 21 - 2-5pm at the Chamber Registration: January 28 - March 24 (Online); March 25-31 (Chamber) Registration Fee: $30 per runner/walker; $35 after March 17 Race Day: Thursday, March 31 at Riverside Military Academy Race Times: 5K Run 6 pm / 2 Mile Wellness Walk 6:10 pm / Awards 7 pm Online Details: Contact: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:
Member SIPC
Member SIPC
Financial Advisor
64 North Brooks Street Unit B Cleveland, GA 30528 706-865-0933
Member SIPC
January 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
The 2016 Chamber Chase 5K Run & 2 Mile Wellness Walk is Thursday, March 31, 2016 at Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville. A Team Captains Drop-in Orientation is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the Chamber. This drop-in meeting will answer questions (registration, awards, t-shirt contest, day of activities, tent rentals) and provide details to help get your team together for the event. Event sponsorships now available!
Gainesville, GA 30506 Gainesville, GA 30501 Gainesville, GA 30506 Gainesville, GA 30501 770-536-2031 770-536-2031 770-536-2031 770-534-1220
Key Economic Indicators
January 5, 2016 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Greater Hall County Area Jobless Employment Rates Hall County
Nov. 2015
Kayla Young, a preschool student in Ms. Nickhol Thompson’s class at Challenged Child & Friends with Youth Leadership Hall's An Nguyen, Riverside Military Academy, and Ivan Martin, Chestatee High School. Youth Leadership's Community Service program began at the Gainesville Police Department with a presentation by Sgt. Dean Staples on the dangers of drinking and driving. The class participating in a simulated driving under the influence using “drunk” goggles while driving a golf cart. At Challenged Child & Friends, the students heard from the staff about the organization and had interactive time with the boys and girls in their classrooms. At Lakewood Baptist Church the class heard a presentation from Jessica Butler, Gateway Domestic Violence Center, on the dangers and signs of teen dating violence. Phil Boneli, Wells Fargo, talked with the class about Servant Leadership and Joy Griffin, United Way of Hall County, led the class on an interactive Poverty Simulation exercise. The day ended at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hall County with an overview of the organization and interaction with youth. Many thanks to McDonald’s for sponsoring the breakfast.
Previous Month
Gwinnett 5 Jackson 4.6 Ga Mountains 4.9 State of Georgia 5.7
Oct 2015
One Year Ago
The Norton Agency Key Economic Retail Sales Indicators 2 columns $ 238,317,122 4.4167 x 10 Nov. 2014
5 Updated 12/29
Hall County
Latest Nov. 2015
Previous Month (available)
One Year Ago
Oct 2015
Nov. 2014
100’s millions of dollars
Youth Leadership Hall
Cherokee 4.5 Dawson 4.9 Forsyth 4.4
(Standing, L-R): Dana Miller, Chamber VP Education, and North Hall Middle Students Lucas Pitts, Fenton Potter, Ella Smith, Ryder Pridgen, Kristen Dowdy, Walker Kidd and Ryan Balch. (Seated) Dr. Shane Rayburn, North Hall Middle Principal; David Griffin and Anissa Balch, Metro Appraisals. As Partners in Education, Metro Appraisals will be sponsoring North Hall Middle School’s Student of the Quarter Lunch, honoring 8-10 students that have been identified by the school as exemplary Trojans. Additionally, company employees will be serving as volunteers and program speakers and offer job shadowing opportunities for students. Founded in 1988, Metro Appraisals, is a long-time Chamber member. The commercial and residential real estate appraisal firm has 14 full-time appraisers and is located at 100 College Avenue in Downtown Gainesville.
Gainesville City 5.3
Education & Leadership
Partners in Education
Hall County retail sales figures are estimated from the 1% sales tax collected for Hall. For example, $11 million in tax revenue represents retail sales of approximately $100 million.
2015 Updated 12/29
Housing Permits Issued - Hall County
Nov 2015 38 Previous Month
One Year Ago
2015 Total
Oct 2015
Nov 2014
2014 YTD
Area Permits Nov. Nov. Oct Total 2015 County 2015 2014 2015 2014 YTD Barrow 11 25 22 286 308 Dawson 11 12 10 108 100 Gwinnett 138 89 229 2,531 1,772 Forsyth 179 157 172 2,662 1,947 Hall 38 34 60 581 638 Jackson 16 13 13 107 178
Homes Sold and Closed and Average Price of Home Area
Nov. 2015
Avg Nov Price 2014
Avg Aug Price 2015
Avg Total Price 2014
Avg Total Price 2015
Avg Price
15 145,457 15 181,928
26 199,763 239
199,763 255 176,590
24 295,023 41 219,237
51 228,907 555
243,134 466 271,402
15 137,567 14 124,861
14 130,829 192
119,719 183 130,697
22 175,009 15 220,918
26 250,931 184
235,989 409 216,206
15 188,068 48 229,999
71 262,683 638
236,685 675 224,767 Updated 12/29
Data compiled by the Norton Agency. For additional information or other data products, please call:
Tommy Howard 770-718-5204
The Norton Agency
The Power To Perform
Hig 12-Month
Sept 2014
Dr. Miriam Gentin, Medical Director, and Julie Bacon, Clinical Manager, cut ribbon for Fresenius Medical Care. Fresenius is the world’s only vertically integrated renal company offering dialysis, specialty pharmacy and laboratory services, as well as manufacturing and distributing the most comprehensive line of dialysis equipment, disposable products and renal pharmaceuticals. 1492 Jesse Jewell Parkway in Gainesville. 678-989-0231.
The Rooster's Perch
Founder Marty Owens of Randy & Friends and son, Randy cut a ribbon at The Rooster's Perch, a small gift shop and cafe in Downtown Gainesville. The Rooster's Perch is part of Randy and Friends, a local nonprofit that helps people with disabilities live satisfying and fulfilling lives by providing opportunities for socializing and job training. 210 Bradford Street, NE in Gainesville. 770-943-2400.
wisdom comes from experience At Morton Vardeman & Carlson, we know that every single communication is a unique and precious opportunity to make a positive impact on our clients’ behalf. So by blending the freshest approaches with tried and true tactics, we devise well-balanced, focused strategies that work. We do it with professionals like:
1/2 PageTABITHA Ad D. WEAVER Social Media Specialist
& Graphic Artist 2 columns • CAREER – Having grown 4.4167 x10" up with social media, Tabitha
Wrenched Bicycles Relocates
• EDUCATION – Tabitha graduated from the University of North Georgia in 2013 with a BA in English and minor in studio art. While in school, she was the editor-in-chief of the yearbook, managing editor of the literary magazine, and president and founder of the environmental awareness club.
PC & Cell M.D. in Flowery Branch
• COMMUNITY – Vice chair of the board of directors for Northern Star Transitional & Independent Living; national advocate for beekeeping.
January 5, 2016 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times
fully understands its power, intricacies and ever-changing landscape. She excels at developing and implementing effective strategies for a wide variety of our B to B and consumer clients. She joined MVC as a graphic artist in 2013.
Co-Owner Todd Berry and Business Partner Nathan O'Neill cut a ribbon at Wrenched Bicycles' new location. Specializing in re-builds and custom fits, they seek to increase cycling activity in the Hall County area and offer all types of bikes and a variety of brands such as Cannondale, Specialized and Colnago and a variety of quality biking accessories. Each week, they host rides for the community with levels from beginner to the more experienced. 302 Broad Street, Suite B, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-287-8842.
Frances Martin cuts ribbon for PC & Cell M.D., a computer and cell repair service with highly trained and certified technicians. PC & Cell M.D. believes in buying the best and only purchases A+ rated, quality parts from trusted suppliers and offers an ironclad 90day warranty on all parts and labor, 100% satisfaction guaranteed. 5900 Spout Springs Road, Suite W1, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. 770-967-0011.
Ribbon Cuttings
Fresenius Medical Care
0218 MVC 2016 Biz Link ads_Tabitha.indd 1
12/9/15 3:38 PM
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f your goal for 2016 is to start saving more, stop by Peach State Bank & Trust and let one of our knowledgeable employees find the best savings account for you! From Personal Savings to Certificates of Deposit, Money Market Accounts to IRAs, we’re bound to have an account to help jumpstart your savings in the New Year!
Upcoming ChamberEvents Events Upcoming Chamber Tuesday, January 12 Small Business Marketing Workshop Small Business Seminar Tuesday, February 14 Robert Mallon, Rusty Lion Academy Marketing Trends 7:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Presented by Gordon Sawyer Lanier Tech MDC at Featherbone 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. – The Oaks at Lanier Charter Thursday, JanuaryCareer 14 Academy Business After Hours Business After Hours Sponsored by Halski Systems Thursday, February 16 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3030 McEver Road in Gainesville 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Luna's Restaurant Friday, January 15 Street 200 Main Logistics Hunt TowerForum in Downtown Gainesville 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
University of North Gainesville Arbor DayGeorgia Celebration Continuing Education Building #10 Friday, February 17 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 19 Frances Meadows Center South Hall Business Coalition
Brenau University in Gainesville Job Fair and Career Expo Jacobs Building / Green Street Wednesday, March 28 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday, February 4 Georgia Center Buy Local Expo Mountains / Safe & Green
Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Expo: 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Safe & -Green Regional Assembly Business GetAfter Details & Register Online: Hours: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Friday,College February 24 Gainesville Civic Center Lanier Technical / Oakwood 8:00/ Building a.m. - 12:00 Lecture Hall 300 /p.m. Room 301 Georgia Mountains Center Tuesday, January 26 Small Business Workshop Forum Annual Transportation "Lean Principles for Small Business" Wednesday, March 14 Details & Register Online Dr. James11:30 Taylor, Brenau a.m. - 1:00University p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Gainesville State College
325 Washington street • gainesville, ga 770.536.1100 • w w w. p e a c h s t a t e b a n k . c o m
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