Ch  teau in the Know

Gua R d Gate a dd R ess 2585 Autumn Maple Drive
l e G ends Club h ouse 770-932-8653
s po R ts Club 770-867-1760
Woodlands hoa
Community Management Associates, Inc. | 404-835-9100
HOA payments should be mailed to:
Woodlands at Chateau Elan Owners Association
PO Box 65851 • Phownix, AZ 85082-5851
Community Association - Client Services 404-835-9100 |
Community Manager - Jenny Guess | 404-474-7465
* You must contact the Community Association for Login Information for their portal.
e xe C utive e states hoa
Ron Eubanks | 770-310-9995 |
Count R y e states hoa
Ronald Patton | (540) 290-5999 |
l e G ends hoa
Alan Klooralank |
Cove R ed bR id G e hoa
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
RF id Questions
Gate entrance tag for your vehicles
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
$30 per sticker
Note: All resident vehicles, including golf carts, must be registered but RFID stickers are optional.
l e G ends m embe R ship Questions
Wanda Anderson | 770-614-6929
Dave Zerfas |
The content of the newsletter is provided by the residents of the Château Élan neighborhood for no profit to ensure the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in and around the community.
The newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each resident from advertising revenue. We hope you do support the advertisers listed that make this publication possible.
All official HOA documents can be found on the Dwelling Live site.
If you would like to contribute to the contents of the newsletter or if you have ideas of content that should be included, please send an email to
responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times.
The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the residents of Château Élan as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
• The Legends 18 Hole Championship Golf Courses
• The Legends
• Three Tennis Courts at Sports Club
• Full-Service Golf Shop
• PGA Golf Instruction
• 12,000 Square Foot Sports Club
• Driving Range and Practice Facility
• Junior Olympic Sized Swimming Pool
• Ball Field / Soccer Field
• Dining
• Complete Men’s and Women’s Locker Rooms
• Family Activities, fitness classes, kid’s programs
• On-site Cottages for Rent
• Social Activities
• Premier Legends Golf - $15,000 non-refundable Note: Price & availability is subject to change
• Elite Sports Membership - $6,0000, non-refundable
• Full Family Privileges (Dependent children under the age of 26)
• No Capital or Operating Assessments
• Preferred Pricing on Golf Shop Merchandise
• Junior
• Member Golf & Social Events
• Membership to the Sports Club Fitness Facility (see Sports Club Membership)
eLite sPorts memBershiP $6,000 initiation fee monthly dues $210 f&B minimum $75
• Limited Access to The Legends with Reduced Green Fees (12 rounds per year on Legends)
• Advance Golf Reservations
• Junior Olympic Sized Swimming Pool
• 10 Day Advance Tennis Reservations
• Legends Clubhouse Facilities
• Membership to the Sports Club Fitness Facility (see Sports Club Membership)
sPorts CLuB memBershiP $1,500 initiation fee mandatory Lots $2,000.00non-mandatory monthly dues $105
• Complimentary fitness classes
• Junior Olympic Sized Swimming Pool with a Double-Loop Slide & Kid’s Splash & Play Area
• 4,500 Sq Ft Multi-Purpose Basketball Gym with Indoor Walking Track
• Large Fitness Room with Equipment for both Cardio and Strength Training
• Full Sized Grille for Summertime Dining & Special Events • Locker Rooms with Showers, Steam and Sauna
■ All prices effective 1/2020 Pricing subject to change without notice
Juke N Jive ice cream truck has offered to come back this summer.
T ue S day S
July 11th and 25th
They will park at the playground area near the Sports Club.
If parking becomes an issue we will move future events to the Village Green.
Mark your calendars!
This is a sunshine only event - if it rains they will reschedule.
Join fellow neighbors every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm on the front lawn of the winery for Bocce ball. Play or just come and enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail from the bar at the Marc. Resident discount does apply, but the best deal is just sharing a bottle of wine with friends.
july 7 a night in havana
C uban theme D s P e C ials an D COC ktails
july 13
musi C bing O
july 20
margarita ma D ness s P e C ialty margaritas an D flights
july 25
family trivia night
july 29
live musi C with mi C hael magn O
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in comfort of their own home without sacrifictheir independence.
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in the comfort of their own home without sacrificing their independence.
When like-minded seniors are able to share their mutual experiences of aging, the care that they give and receive can feel more compassionate because there is a deeper level of understanding.
as possible, with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring seniors to help each other.
When like-minded seniors are able to share their mutual experiences of aging, the care that they give and receive can feel more compassionate because there is a deeper level of understanding.
It is easy to provide seniors with their basic needs, but we’re going above and beyond to make seniors feel valued, happy, and loved. The difference this makes in lives is immeasurable.
It is easy to provide seniors with their basic needs, but we’re going above and beyond to make seniors feel valued, happy, and loved. The difference this makes in lives is immeasurable.
Loved ones can feel comforted by the fact that our trusted Caregivers are thoroughly vetted and qualified to provide compassionate care.
Loved ones can feel comforted by the fact that our trusted Caregivers are thoroughly vetted and qualified to provide compassionate care.
To provide our independent lifestyle as possible, with deserve by finding
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in comfort of their own home without sacrifictheir independence.
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in the comfort of their own home without sacrificing their independence.
To provide our seniors with the ability to choose an independent lifestyle in their own homes, for as long as possible, with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring seniors to help each other.
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in the comfort of their own home without sacrificing their independence.
With a compassionate companion providing assistance, seniors can continue to live happily and age gracefully in the comfort of their own home without sacrificing their independence.
When like-minded seniors are able to share their mutual experiences of aging, the care that they give and receive can feel more compassionate because there is a deeper level of understanding.
To provide our seniors with the ability to choose an independent lifestyle in their own homes, for as long as possible, with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring seniors to help each other.
It is easy to provide seniors with their basic needs, but we’re going above and beyond to make seniors feel valued, happy, and loved. The difference this makes in lives is immeasurable.
When like-minded seniors are able to share their mutual experiences of aging, the care that they give and receive can feel more compassionate because there is a deeper level of understanding.
When like-minded seniors are able to share their mutual experiences of aging, the care that they give and receive can feel more compassionate because there is a deeper level of understanding.
It is easy to provide seniors with their basic needs, but we’re going above and beyond to make seniors feel valued, happy, and loved. The difference this makes in lives is immeasurable.
It is easy to provide seniors with their basic needs, but we’re going above and beyond to make seniors feel valued, happy, and loved. The difference this makes in lives is immeasurable.
Loved ones can feel comforted by the fact that our trusted Caregivers are thoroughly vetted and qualified to provide compassionate care.
To provide our seniors with the ability to choose an independent lifestyle in their own homes, for as long as possible, with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring seniors to help each other. How
Loved ones can feel comforted by the fact that our trusted Caregivers are thoroughly vetted and qualified to provide compassionate care.
Loved ones can feel comforted by the fact that our trusted Caregivers are thoroughly vetted and qualified to provide compassionate care.
Did you know that there is a great private Facebook group for residents only, it is called Chateau in the Know? Even if you don’t normally like social media, this is a great resource to have at your fingertips. Ask fellow residents about vendors, learn about events taking place and so much more.
Agents Karen Tatro and Parker Tatro
Homes listed/marketed by fellow Chateau Elan resident Karen Tatro.
“We recently sold our home in Chateau Elan and had worked with Karen for over a year in preparing for the right time to sell and getting our home market ready. Karen had a third party inspection done of our home so we would know of anything that needed to be addressed. This proved to be very helpful as we found out that our roof had hail damage and Karen put us in touch with a company that was able to get it replaced through an insurance claim. Having an inspection done on the front end also made it much easier to negotiate with our buyers on a contract. Karen personally handled all the calls for our house and verified buyers were qualified, she was available during the showings to answer questions and was able to showcase the amenities of the neighborhood. We also used Karen for the purchase of our new home and hghly recommend her services.”