Ch  teau in the Know

Château Élan Reso R t
Gene R al n umbe R 678-425-0900
Gua R d Gate a dd R ess 2585 Autumn Maple Drive
l e G ends Club h ouse 770-932-8653
s po R ts Club 770-867-1760
Woodlands hoa
Community Management Associates, Inc. | 405-835-9100
e xe C utive e states hoa
Ron Eubanks | 770-310-9995 |
Count R y e states hoa
Ronald Patton | (540) 290-5999 |
l e G ends hoa Alan Kloor
Cove R ed bR id G e hoa
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
RF id Questions
Gate entrance tag for your vehicles
Gwen Gibson | 470-429-2017 |
$30 per sticker
Note: All resident vehicles, including golf carts, must be registered but RFID stickers are optional.
l e G ends m embe R ship Questions
Wanda Anderson |
Dave Zerfas |
The content of the newsletter is provided by the residents of the Château Élan neighborhood for no profit to ensure the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in and around the community.
The newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each resident from advertising revenue. We hope you do support the advertisers listed that make this publication possible.
All official HOA documents can be found on the Dwelling Live site.
If you would like to contribute to the contents of the newsletter or if you have ideas of content that should be included, please send an email to
responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times.
The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the residents of Château Élan as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
This is one of my favorite recipes that my Mom makes...
I have slightly changed it over the past two decades (she uses the white part of the green scallions, I prefer to use JUST the green part).
It’s so easy to make. I hope you try it. Log
INSTAGRAM: @julielinhmouret
TIK TOK: @julielinhmouret
If you did not receive your personalized welcome letter from CMA with your specific Portal Key, please follow these instructions: call Client Services One at (404) 835-9100, request to change your portal password and they will walk you through the rest.
Client Services
(404) 835-9100 or
On-Site Community Manager – Jenny Guess
Division Manager – Donald Olds
(404) 838-9149 or
Closing Letter requests can be made at
During the final phases of the transition, to reach the Woodlands at Chateau Elan Board of Directors, please send an email to:
The web version of the Dwelling Live portal is where you can find all recent communications and documents for the Woodlands at Chateau Elan.
Wildlife in your Attic - The first sign that most people will recognize when it comes to having wild animals in the attic will be the sound of scratching or gnawing coming down through the ceiling, although spotting animals on the roof can also be a common sign. This should be a call to action, as animals in the attic or roof space can be a significant problem, and the longer that they are allowed to remain, the greater the amount of damage that they are likely to cause. As well as the destruction of insulation material and the contamination of the space with urine and feces, animals are also known to gnaw on electrical cables and wires, which can cause a significant problem such as a power cut or the loss of signal from an aerial or satellite dish. Common animals in the attic are squirrels, mice, rats, racoons and bats.
Bats in particular need to be dealt with very specifically and would highly recommend a professional service. As guano breaks down, it releases harmful pathogens into the air. These spores can cause histoplasmosis if inhaled. Histoplasmosis is a respiratory infection that affects the lungs. Its symptoms vary widely, but can include: a mild cough and headache, difficulty breathing, fever, chest pain or blurred vision. Histoplasmosis does not have a high mortality rate in general, but it can be serious for those with compromised immune systems. That is why it is important to protect yourself by having the bat droppings removed. Additionally, the spores in bat guano are airborne. Your home’s ventilation system may spread these spores easily.
There are numerous Wildlife Control companies in the metro area that will inspect your home, remove any wildlife, clean up/disinfect any droppings, trap/remove any wildlife and seal up entry points. A Wildlife warranty (or bond) is highly suggested. It is very similar to a Termite Bond, you pay the most initially to have the work done and then a quarterly or yearly renewal to keep the service active.
It is quite common in Chateau Elan homes to have signs of wildlife in the attic due to the many mature trees.