The Official Newsletter of the Cresswind Community
July/August 2016 Vol. XXX
TOP DOG GOLF CARTS IS A FULL SERVICE GOLF CART DISTRIBUTOR BASED IN CUMMING, GEORGIA Top quality golf carts at affordable prices to Residential and Commercial Clients in:
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Helpful Numbers COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER Diane Sexton, 770-536-3300 LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR Mark LaClaire 770-536-3300 THE CLUB 770-536-3300
NEW HOME WARRANTY Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Construction: Matt Doyle Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 678-794-0496 KOLTER HOMES, LLC Vice President: Bob Rademacher 770-532-4926
The content for The Waterfall is provided by the residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going on in their community. This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month. If you have an idea for the newsletter or would like to contribute to its making, please contact Sue Garcia ( or Eleanor Whalen ( Cover photo courtesy of Paul Brown
To advertise in The Waterfall, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times 770.535.6344 - The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
EMC SECURITY SYSTEM 24 Hour Alarm Cancel 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service 770-963-0305 HELPFUL NUMBERS: Emergency - 911 City of Gainesville Water 770-535-6878 Liberty Utilities 855-216-6305 Charter 1-888-345-7139 First Service Residential (After Hours) 877-411-1165
Table of Contents Helpful Numbers..................................................... 3 Lifestyle Director/Community Manager................ 4-5 Resident News......................................................... 8 Scrapbook................................................................ 9 What’s Happening..................................................10 Clubs & Activities Listing.......................................19 Weekly Calendars...................................................30
Please visit our website at
Welcome to Our
Newest Residents! Alexander & Susan Ford 3728 Golden Leaf Point
Christina Chamberlain 3723 Cypresswood Point
Kurt & Barbara Frank 3684 Majestic Oak Drive
Robert & Sarah Hardy 3620 Majestic Oak Drive
Alfred & Sonya Pileggi 3588 Cresswind Parkway
Lawrence & Jeanne Melsen 3504 Cresswind Parkway
Nelta Jones 3552 Cresswind Parkway
Robert & Karen Polinsky 3485 Great Oak Drive
Buddy & Pamela Mauldin 3508 Cresswind Parkway
Kathryn Reis 3758 Cypresswood Point
Paul & Sharman Pope 3468 Great Oak Drive
Susan Paris 3489 Great Oak Drive July/August | The Waterfall | Page 3
From the Lifestyle Director
LIFESTYLE AT A GLANCE The Lifestyle options at Cresswind are simply astounding! Every month, week, and day you have dozens of opportunities to get involved with so many different activities, clubs, classes, events, seminars, and fitness and health programs. Below is just a small sample of some of the main LIFESTYLE events coming up in July and August. For a full listing of everything happening at Cresswind, check your Daily Update email every day and the main calendar on the Cresswind website at Enjoy every day!
WHAT’S HAPPENING EVERY MONTH BREW HA HA: Every weekday morning 8:30am-10:30am in the Crow’s nest T.G.I.F.: Every Friday 5:30pm in the Crow’s Nest CRESSWIND AT THE MOVIES: Every two weeks at 7pm (Wednesdays) in the Ballroom FIRST FRIDAY MINGLE & DANCE: Every first Friday of the month, 7pm, Clubhouse
LIFESTYLE EVENTS IN JULY & AUGUST JULY 4TH: INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE & PICNIC: Parade at 10am, Food Truck 12pm. Event is free but you will have to pay if you order at the food truck. Register & decorate your cart for the Golf Cart parade at the front desk! JULY 9TH: TRIVIA NIGHT: $5, Get your team of 8 together and win fabulous prizes! JULY 16TH: OPEN MIC/RESIDENT JAM NIGHT: Free event! Sign up at the front desk and enter your talents. Be part of the show! Music? Singing? Comedy? Magic? Impressions? JULY 23RD: MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS PARTY: $5, Just a big mix & mingle to meet new residents. Expect music, dancing and snacks! JULY 30TH: MAGICIAN & ILLUSIONIST, DAVID GARRARD: $10, Master magician and illusionist will entertain and amaze you! Get your ticket before it sells out! AUGUST 13TH: WESTERN NIGHT W/ JOE OLDS BAND: $15, A boot scootin’ good time with live music, a fantastic Country meal and square dance lessons! How fun! AUGUST 19TH: FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY: $8 or less, RSVP for your time to come and order off the truck! Check the Daily Updates for what we have on the menu this time! AUGUST 19th, 20TH, 21ST: CRESSWIND FILM FESTIVAL: FREE! Yet another great film festival put on by our Movie Group featuring current movies in all genres. Free popcorn! Mark LaClaire, Lifestyle Director
Page 4 | The Waterfall | July/August
From the Community Manager
Strength Through Engagement: Three Ways Homeowners Can Get Involved
By: Diane Sexton
After you’ve moved to Cresswind, you’ve become a part of a unique group of people with a shared purpose: keeping property values high, enjoying a good quality of life, and working to make Cresswind a better place to live! This takes homeowner involvement to create a vibrant, healthy community. That’s what makes volunteering so important. So now that you know involvement is crucial to a healthy community, here are three ways to get you plugged in at Cresswind! 1. Don’t miss the Annual Meeting. You’ll get the chance to meet your neighbors, our current board of directors, along with our management company. 2. Be part of a committee. Committees are groups of volunteers that get things done. You can choose one of our many committees that align with your personal passions and interests. Eyeing a spot on our Advisory Committee? Get started by seeing what it takes to be an effective committee member. 3. Join the Advisory Committee. As an AC member, you are part of our leadership team that defines the future of our owners and our association. You will fulfill a host of duties, including assisting in creating the policies that make our community a great place to live. The stability and fiscal strength of your association will also rest on your shoulders. Committees in Cresswind are: Advisory Committee, Architectural Review, Communications, Covenants, Education, Landscape, Marina, Social, and Welcome Committee.
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July/August | The Waterfall | Page 5
Resident News & Information
2016 Gainesville Citizens Academy By: Bob Fuller Cresswind Residents Regina Fuller, Bob Fuller, and Sue Joninas graduated from the 2016 Gainesville Citizens Academy. The Academy consists of nine consecutive Monday night learning sessions visiting different departments and touring within the City of Gainesville. The sessions included visits with the Mayor, the City Council, the Village Manager, Administrative Services and the Community Service Center. We also visited Community Development, with a bus tour including the Midtown Area, the Department of Water Resources, the Police Department, Public Works, Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport, Alta Vista Cemetery, Parks and Recreation Department and the city Fire Department.
Author Karen White Comes to Cresswind By: Judy Pallo On April 16th, book club members enjoyed a successful Author Event and we plan to do this about every six months. 87 attended a luncheon followed by our guest speaker, renowned author Karen White (Sound of Glass, the Tradd Street Series and about 20 other books.) Karen was a delightful speaker, funny, casual, and informative, who was open to all questions. The tables were adorned with white tablecloths, napkins, and gorgeous centerpieces created by Dawn Davis and her team.
The City of Gainesville has the most dedicated, fiscally prudent and caring employees one could wish for. What a team! We highly recommend that other Cresswind residents take advantage of this program when it is offered again.
Since 1990, The Fockele Garden Company has been designing, installing and managing some of the Southeast’s most beautiful and sustainable gardens. We provide custom garden design, installation and maintenance services including: Fountains and ponds | Patios and walkways | Fences and privacy plantings | Arbors and trellises Planting design with expert plant selection | Planters & Pots | Landscape lighting | Gazebos Seasonal color design and installation | Horticultural detail maintenance Call us to schedule your free consultation.
770.532.7117 | Page 6 | The Waterfall | July/August
Resident News & Information
Dawn Parks
Perry Barnett
Tax-Centric Financial Planning for Cresswind Residents Rushton Wealth Management, based in Gainesville, provides tax-centric financial planning for individuals and businesses. OUR SPECIALIZED SERVICES INCLUDE: • Financial planning • Investment planning • Retirement planning • Education investment planning • Cash flow analysis • Accumulation strategies • Risk planning (such as life insurance, long-term care insurance, and disability insurance) Founded by Rushton, LLC, a well-respected certified public accounting and business consulting firm, Rushton Wealth Management partners with 1st Global Capital Corporation to provide expert counsel and a wide range of financial products from securities to life insurance. Rushton Wealth Management is led by Dawn Parks, CFP®, CLU, Director of Financial Services, and Perry Barnett, CPA, an experienced tax specialist and longtime partner with the Rushton accounting firm.
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July/August | The Waterfall | Page 7 3/9/16 4:47 PM
Resident News & Information
Red Oak Sanitation Recycle Changes
Education Committee By: Carol Zaremba
Cresswind residents enjoyed a beautiful morning on Lake Lanier on the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Cruise. The CRK is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving our rivers and lakes in order to restore and preserve their ecological health. In June, we had an opportunity to meet with representatives from the City of Gainesville and Hall County and learn more about local government. In July, our financial speaker will discuss current market conditions and how the political, economic and cultural forces can affect you as an investor. The Education Committee recently purchased a 65” TV, DVD Player and cart for all to use throughout the Clubhouse. Funding came from our 501-3C Technology budget. Please see the front desk to make arrangements to use the new equipment.
The Recycle Centers that Red Oak uses are no longer accepting glass. Please remember, NO GLASS in your recycle barrel! Feel free to contact Ron Cowart at 770-536-7868 if you have any questions.
Remember to slow down and stop at our newly installed stop signs at Locust Cove and Cresswind Parkway!
Welcome Committee By: Sue Joninas The Welcome Committee has approximately three closings per week including resales. Our next Welcome Coffee will be held on August 13, 2016, at 10:00am in the Crow’s Nest. All new residents since January 2016, that have not attended, will be invited. If you have not heard from a Welcome Committee person within four weeks of officially moving in, please let me know (this includes Resales). We want all to feel welcome.
We strive to create “customers for life” and believe that each patient deserves the extra care and attention that we would want for our own family members.
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Healthy Smiles for a Lifetime 770-534-3350 • 4328 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, GA 30566 • Find Us On Facebook Page 8 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening
Cooking Club News
Bowling Wrap Up
By: Paula King
By: Jim Selbitschka
The Cresswind Cooking Club is one of the largest and most active clubs in the community. It consists of four separate Special Interest Groups: *Fun with Food led by Judy Brannan- In July, they will be having a picnic basket exchange and music on August 27th. September 11th will be “It’s Not Your Kid’s Grilled Cheese Sandwich”. Soup nights, cooking demos, and Cookie Swap will be held later in the year. *Dinner Group led by Karen Silverthorn- Groups of eight people meet at resident homes, all follow the same menus, and this will start again this fall. *Grill and Ale events- SIG led by different club members for events like the Kentucky Derby, Super Bowl, Fish Fry, Luau, upcoming Dive In Movie, and Oktoberfest. *Healthy Eating and Cooking is our newest SIG led by Lucy Nutt. They meet for a healthy lunch and discussion the second Friday of every month in the Crow’s Nest. MUST be a Cooking Club member to participate. Pay $5 at the front desk.
Congratulations to Scared Spitless comprised of Roy Wood, Carol Weiss, Vence and Patsy Rollins, as the overall champs. They won the rolloff against the first half champs, team Ten Pins make up of Cheryl Dizard, Lydia Girolami, Nancy Kubiak, and Maria Blankenship. Team award of high game with handicap: 955, goes to Big Dogs and High series of 2646, to Stars and Strikes. Team high game actual: The Rockers 686 Series actual: The Kingpins 1825. High game with handicap: women Cheryl Dizard 280, men O J Gonzales 292. High series with handicap: women Lydia Girolami 717, men David Wilson 793. High game actual: women Jean Metzger 191, men Paul Brown 235. High series actual: women Carolyn Snyder 464, men Mike Murray 579. High average: women Helen Mack 143, men Jim Selbitschka 182. Most improved average: women Lydia Girolami +15.5, men Paul Brown +25.5. Thank you to all the subs for filing in,plus a big thanks to Phil Vinyard for all his hard work in rounding up new people and teams to join! See you all next August!
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July/August | The Waterfall | Page 11
What’s Happening
Kayak Club By: Ted Holbrook The most recent event sponsored by the Kayak Club was the Skogies Paddle on May 7th. We had 36 people sign up for the paddle. Not all make the paddle but everyone met at Skogies for a great breakfast and fellowship. The fun paddles on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm and Saturday mornings at 9:00 am will continue through July & August. The big news is that we have approval from the Corps for the modification of the kayak dock. Dave Pech will be working with the contractor on these improvements which we believe will make the kayak experience even more accessible to all who want to participate in this great activity. As of this writing we now have 136 members and we continue to add members almost every week which makes us one of the larger clubs in the Cresswind community.
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Licensed, Bonded & Insured Page 12 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening
RV Club By: Dave Dittmeier The RV Club had such a good time the first time at Riverbend RV Resort in Lake Toxaway, NC and the fact that Clay and Georgia Myers missed the trip, the group decided to make a return visit. The weather cooperated, and the hiking and sightseeing was only surpassed by the fellowship. A club trip in June was made to the Virginia Creeper Trail in Western Virginia/Eastern Tennessee. The main feature of this trip is biking a rails-to-trails bicycle trail from White Mountain to Damascus, Virginia.
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What’s Happening
The Arts & Crafts Club: Cresswind Women are Hot By: Dawn Davis
Cool off at the Clubhouse with our late summer, early fall, Arts & Crafts Classes! When it is too hot to play outside join us inside to play in the air conditioned Arts & Crafts room. Our cool classes include: 1. Dawn Davis’ Card Making Classes in July, September, & November. 2. Learn how to make a pinch pot, a vase, a box, anything you want using clay and sculpting techniques taught by Angela Medley. 3. Whit Adams makes adorable gift boxes using photo paper of favorite family members. She will be teaching how to make these gift boxes.
Our 1st Annual Ping Pong Tournament was a terrific success. We had 8 players. It was a fun evening and the competition was excellent.
4. Back by popular request, Janice Miles will host another Jewelry Making class.
The First Place winner was Greg Pike with Ken Levine as the Runner Up. Bruce Edginton in Third Place and Dave Pech in Fourth Place.
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Page 14 | The Waterfall | July/August
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What’s Happening
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July/August | The Waterfall | Page 15
What’s Happening
Tennis News By: Pete Lyons
The Cresswind Tennis Club recently concluded three competitive events. Ladies USTA, Men’s Silverball vs local communities and the Cresswind “Team Tennis” competition. A large number of players formed the four Team Tennis groups and the winning group, Ted Holbrook’s night team, is pictured below. All of our teams were much more competitive this spring and we look forward to more competition and open play with other local communities as well as our own Cresswind events. The ladies have been working with a local instructor to polish up of their games. The men are looking into doing the same over the next several months. Check out the Cresswind Tennis Club Web Site for all that’s going on. You can find that in the club section on the Cresswind site.
I’ve Fallen for Cresswind at Lake Lanier If you are thinking about selling your home, let me help you I love my new community and want potential buyers to love it too. • • • •
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770-331-6855 • Page 16 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening
Fletcher Senior Services
Genealogy Club By: Dave Dittmeier The Genealogy Club continued its outstanding selection of topics for our monthly meetings. Since the last issue of The Waterfall, topics have included “Building Your Family Tree”, using social media for genealogical research, interviewing and recording relatives, and archiving research. The Genealogy Club also created a Facebook page where members can share information, seek advice, and assistance in their research. The Genealogy Club meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 7 pm and is open to all Cresswind residents who are interested in tracing their family roots, whether it is for self-interest or leaving a legacy to their family.
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678.521.2747 July/August | The Waterfall | Page 17
What’s Happening
Women’s Bible Study By: Jami Dittmeier
Women’s Bible Study, consisting of more than 20 multidenominational women, recently completed a study of the Middle East. The tentative summer schedule includes prayer and sharing as well as studies of the books of Colossians, Philippians and Ephesians. Please join us each Thursday from 4 to 5:15 pm in the Computer Conference room. For further information, contact Jami Dittmeier (SJDittmeier@gmail. com) or Brenda Uhler (
Men’s Bible Study By: Dave Dittmeier
Since the last Waterfall issue, the Men’s Bible Study has been delving into an in-depth study of the Book of Romans. Cresswind men meet every Friday at 10 am in the Fitness Lounge for study and fellowship. All are welcome to join us!
C & A T
D D D 2
D E R 1 3
770 l 536 l 4247 AMERICANSALONSPA.COM Page 18 | The Waterfall | July/August
E C 2 D
Cresswind Clubs & Activities Basketball Group Chuck Bridwell Bocce Ball Curt Dockter Bowling League Phil Vinyard Thurs 10 am Gainesville Bowling Center Clay, Sculpture & Prints Angela Medley Tues 7 pm Community Chorus Chuck Bridwell Creative Writers Group Sue DeCrescenzo Last Thurs 2 pm Dinner Group Karen Silverthorn Drop-In Bridge Frank Kardian Thurs 1:30 pm Duplicate Bridge/ Daytime Dale Hoberg 2nd Tues 2 pm Duplicate Bridge/ Evening Ray Miller 1st Thurs/ 3rd Wed 6:30 pm Entrepreneurs Club 2nd Tues 4 pm Dan Gershkowitz
Exercise Class Judy Brannan Mon/Wed/ Fri 10-11 am,
Healthy Eating & Cooking Lucy Nutt 2nd Fri 12 pm
Fishing Group John Kelley
Ladies Bunco Eleanor Whalen Last Thurs 7 pm
Fun with Food Judy Brannan Garden Boxes Group Chris Pointer Quarterly meetings Garden Club Mary Quisenberry 2nd Tues 2 pm Genealogy Club Dave Dittmeier Howie Mueller 4th Wed 7 pm
Ladies Poker Night Marilyn Maxson 1st and 3rd Wed 7 pm Line Dancing Eleanor Whalen Wed/Fri 2-3 pm Mah Jongg Eleanor Whalen Mon/Thurs 1-4 pm, Wed/Sun 2-5 pm
Neighborhood Theatre Bert Emma Photography Club Angela Medley Steven Gould 1st Mon 7 pm Pickleball Jack Hollfelder Ping Pong Janis Cieply Bruce Edginton Mon 3 pm and Wed 6 pm
Scotch Lovers at Cresswind II Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 8 pm Scrapbooking Group Chris Pointer Mon. 1-6 pm Singles and Solos Group Christi Lazear 2nd Sat 6:30 pm
Play Pool Steve Gould Wed. 4-6 pm and Thurs. 2-4 pm
Stamps & Coin Collecting Stamps & Coin Collecting Jerry Whiteford 1st Tues 3pm
Playscript Book Club Bert Emma
Tennis Club Pete Lyons
Pottery Sheran Connolly Tues 1-4 pm
Travel Club Phil Vinyard 1st Thurs. 4 pm
Golf Group Rod Quisenberry Tues, 9 am, Chicopee Woods Golf Course
Men’s Bible Study Group David Rasche David Dittmeier Fri. 10 am
Gourd Painting Sheran Connolly Tues 1-4 pm
Men’s Card Night Dan Gershkowitz Tues. 7 pm
Quilters Group Jonnie Grimm Thurs. 1-5 pm
Veterans Club Roy Gogel 2nd Thurs. 7 pm
Grill & Ale Group Ernie & Paula King
Mexican Train Eleanor Whalen 2nd Thurs. 7 pm
Railroad Group Paul Pormen
Water Aerobics Barb Kardian Mon./Wed./Fri. 8:30-9:30 am Lynne Leibrecht Tues./Thurs. 9:30-10:30 am
Hand & Foot Day Time Charlie Stotler 3rd Tues 1:30 pm Hand & Foot Night Time Lucy Nutt Mon 7 pm Kayak Club Ted Holbrook Pete Lyons Seasonal
Mini-Golf Group David Jones Seasonal Mixed Poker Night Marilyn Glasserm Thurs. 7 pm Needlework Group Lois Shoemaker Mary Emma 1st and 3rd Thurs. 10-12
Rubber Bridge Jean McLaughlin Fri. 1:30 pm RV Club David Dittmeier Scotch Lovers at Cresswind I Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 7 pm
Watercolor Group Carolyn Hester Mon. 10-12:30 Women’s Bible Study Group Jami Dittmeier Thurs 4 pm
July/August | The Waterfall | Page 19
What’s Happening
Couples Special
What’s Grilling?
for Cresswind Residents
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By: Paula King “The Taste of the Lake” event was a huge success, led by Tom and Lisa Brown. Our own Lake Lanier fish was served deep fried and grilled, and provided by our very own Cresswind Anglers. The Rubber Ducky races were a hoot. This was our largest Cooking Club event to date. June 11th, a genuine Hawaiian Luau headed by Sheran Connelly included a whole PIG, traditional sides, hula dancers and fire dancers. This memorable party was enjoyed by many. August 6th will bring a Dive In Movie led by Hal Flomerfelt. Following will be a chance to dive in the pool and enjoy a poolside movie. September 24th is Oktoberfest led by David Jones where traditional German food will be the Star of the Show. Participants are encouraged to bring a favorite beer or beverage of choice.
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Cleaning Services:
• Carpet • Organizing
Page 20 | The Waterfall | July/August
• Car/Truck Detailing • Power Washing • Inquire about other services
What’s Happening
Veterans Club By: Roy Gogel
Band at Dance & Auction
A great night was enjoyed by all on what turned out to be perfect weather conditions for the Veterans’ Second Annual Dance, Picnic, and Silent Auction. VIPs in attendance included Veterans with service dogs and the State Court Judge, Judge Roberts. Dollars raised support Paws4Vets, Veterans Court, UNG ROTC scholarships, food baskets, and bicycles for Veterans. Additionally, Club members assist unemployed Veterans, conduct honor services for veteran Hospice patients, and coordinate the Community food drives and the coat drive as well as furniture donations as homeowners downsize or change furniture. At August’s meeting (Thursday, August 11), the Club will host an extremely informative and interesting speaker who was a combat fighter pilot and will recount his post-war experiences in meeting and dealing with his prior enemy… different, intriguing. Will include excerpts from national television. This is one presentation you won’t want to miss.
The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area.
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July/August | The Waterfall | Page 21
What’s Happening
Pickleball By: Jack Hollfelder
The Power of
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Jimmy Wallace
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Cresswinders participated in the recent Georgia Mountain Spring Classic. We won 4 medals! Brad and Susan Chambers won Gold, Tom and Marsha Low won Silver, Jack Hollfelder and Brad Chambers won Bronze, and Kay Hollfelder and Susan Chambers won Bronze. On June 1st, members of the men’s competitive team played the Village at Deaton Creek in a challenge match. The good news - we persevered by winning 21 games to 15 and extended our winning streak. We are in the midst of the men’s and women’s league play. 32 men and 48 women are competing and having a lot of fun. A Novice league will start soon and will enable some of our newer players to interact with like-skilled players in a structured environment. Later this summer we will have a mixed doubles league and that is sure to generate interest.
FAST SERVICE Page 22 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening
Millie’s Drapery & Decorating, Inc. CUSTOM DRAPERIES, BLINDS, WINDOW TREATMENTS & UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM DRAPERIES, BLINDS, WINDOW TREATMENTS & FLOORING Serving Northeast Georgia since 1968. We have been devoted to providing quality interior design with an emphasis on customer service for nearly 50 years. What We Do We are a full service interior design company serving both commercial and residential clients. Our designers have over 50 years combined experience, and specialize in helping you achieve your unique look. Contact us for more information on how Millie’s Drapery and Decorating, Inc. can help you design the perfect look for your home or business.
Original Owners since 1980 1732 Cleveland Highway, Gainesville, GA 30501
770-532-3819 July/August | The Waterfall | Page 23
What’s Happening
Travel Club By: Phil Vinyard
Our latest Travel Club member waiting to board the bus.
The Cresswind Travel Club now has over 560 members. We continue to sponsor great trips for our members and since the last Waterfall issue we have enjoyed trips to the Fox Theater for “Kinky Boots”, The Wild Animal Safari Park and Callaway Gardens, Madison, Georgia for a tour of Antebellum homes, and Harrah’s Cherokee Casino. Upcoming trips include White Water Rafting on the Chattooga River or Wine and Culinary experience at Rabun Manor, a pontoon flotilla on Lake Lanier, a tour of Gainesville, and a four day, three night stay in Charleston, SC. We also have been using excess club funds to hold a monthly raffle and thus far have given away a beautiful ladies watch, $100 in gift cards to the Bonefish Grill, a Coach ladies handbag, and a home portable phone system. We have other great prizes ready to give but you must be a member of the club and be present at the meeting to win. Check out our web site at
Basements • driveways • pool decks • garages • walkways • patios • Porches
We Make Concrete Beautiful
770-614-5444 References available
Page 24 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening Summer iS here!
Let Duncan’s Auto Care inspect your AC for Free!! COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR
Our Newly landscaped “underpass”!
Free 10% Free Brake AC Performance Check expires: 9/10/16
PENNINGTON FENCE Quality Built Since 1972
770-963-9961 We Look Forward To Building Your New Fence Ask Us About Wood Fence Staining
Approved Auto Repair
expires: 9/10/16
Any Service over $100
expires: 9/10/16
ThAnk you For 12 GreAT yeArS! 3720 McEver Road • Oakwood, GA 30566 • 770.718.9942 Seniors 65 & over, Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers, & Firemen Receive a 5% discount EVERY day
Believe in Childhood
Eagle Ranch is deeply committed to the children entrusted to our care. We believe each boy and girl should have childhood experiences that include being outdoors, participating in group activities and nurturing their individual gifts and talents.
E a g l E R a n c h . o R g July/August | The Waterfall | Page 25
What’s Happening
Neighborhood Theatre Update
Dinner Group
By: Bert Emma
By: Karen Silverthorn
The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre (CNT) will be performing a full production of that uplifting holiday classic “A Christmas Carol” for its 2016 Fall Production. Save the dates: November 10th through the 13th. This full production will include innovative costumes, lighting, sound, make-up, music, and set design as well as lively characters all for the audience members to enjoy. Based on the heartwarming story from Charles Dickens, CNT’s version will transport you back to 1846 Victorian England and remind us all of the power of redemption and the love that can exist between everyone. Watch as four ghosts help Scrooge understand the true meaning of Christmas and listen to how his past, present, and future impact him powerfully. Join us November 10th through the 13th for a fantastic journey and wonderful experience!
This fall marks the 5th year of the Dinner Group. We have enjoyed the adventures of international as well as regional recipes. Last year, we had enough members participating in the sit-down meals to run five to seven houses with the same meal on the same night. Dinner Group members, please mark these dates for the four sit-down meals: October 1st, November 5th, February 4, 2017, and March 4, 2017. Menu submissions are due by August 15th. Typically, the sit-down meals are “themed” as menus are chosen from a country or region of the world. Members can decide prior to each dinner whether they wish to attend. Food and beverage costs are shared equally among the eight participants at each house. Total dinner costs average $35 - $50 per couple which includes wine and a multi course meal. If interested in participating, email coordinator Karen Silverthorn at silk3349@charter. net . There are no fees for Dinner Group, but you must be a paid member of the Cooking Club.
HAWKINS Family Dentistry Since 1978
Dr. Lee Hawkins • Dr. Ben Hawkins Dr. Sara Dyer • 770-536-1229 Page 26 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening Hours: 9-5 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-1 Wednesday, Saturday
We specialize in reconditioned golf carts.
2240 Friendship Rd #100, Buford, GA 30519 • 678-960-4542
pickup & delivery in your neighborhood “Wow! Fantastic Service. Family owned company committed to quality. And our cart rides like a dream!” —Ryan Jones “5 stars” —Lindsey Dodrill “At no point you feel like you are being taken advantage of like you do at some other places. Honest people, family operated and well priced services.” —Pablo Gras
Inside Premier Storage
USB outlet with your next golf cart service!
Spring Cleaning...
The ReStore is on the move! Habitat Hall County has relocated our home improvement store and donation center. We sell new and gently used appliances, home décor and building materials to the public at bargain prices. Proceeds help Habitat build homes and hope. So we need your couch … plus any furniture, appliances, household items and building materials to fill our new larger location. Help us and help hard-working families. Your donation is tax-deductible!
Call our donation hotline at 770-718-1070 and schedule your FREE PICKUP!
Visit our new location at 975 Chestnut St., just off I-985, Exit 22.
nut S
July/August | The Waterfall | Page 27
What’s Happening
Nature Trails Update Have you walked the new Robin Trail, yet? It winds along the creek we have dubbed “Beechtree Creek” between Bluebird and Cardinal Trails. There are several very old beech trees and native azaleas near the creek and trail. It adds about 1/3 mile to our trail total of almost 2 miles. The Trailblazer crew has also built 3 new benches along the creek. So you can rest and enjoy listening to nature. Two more benches will be added to Swallow Trail in the fall. Bird and owl houses are planned as well as plant and tree labels. Thanks to all that contributed to the “trail fund” in the spring. Remember, you are in the woods, so be especially aware of the “critters” this time of year. Though rare, a snake or two have been spotted. If you see one, do not approach or agitate- just go around or avoid- you are in their territory. (Probably not advisable to walk your dogs on the trail when snakes may be out.) Review the trail guidelines. If you encounter any problems on the trail – downed trees or tall weeds etc.- notify the front desk. ENJOY YOUR WALK IN THE WOODS ! The Trailblazer Group
Trailblazers Rolf Grimm, Bill Dickey, Daryl Goetz, and Ed Proctor, inspect bridge on new Robin Trail.
• Custom Window Treatments • Custom Bedding & Headboards • shutters, Blinds & shades • Wallpaper • Upholstery • design services
“From windows to walls, we’ve got you covered!” serving north Georgia for 29 years collection
900 McEvEr road • GainEsvillE, Ga 30504 770-531-0430 • Page 28 | The Waterfall | July/August
What’s Happening Do you qualify for a Medicare Special Enrollment Period? You may qualify to enroll or change your Medicare health plan if you: • Are newly eligible for Medicare • Drop employer/union health and/ or drug coverage, including a retiree plan • Recently moved into the area • Moved into, reside in, or moved out of a qualified institutional facility such as a nursing home You may also qualify under other circumstances.
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HealthMarkets Insurance Agency is the d/b/a/, or assumed name, of Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc., which is licensed as an insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. HMIAO00430
Financial solutions are around the corner. Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, AAMS® 985 McEver Rd McEver Business Center Suite A5
Financial Advisor .
at Lake Lanier 958 MceverCresswind Road Ext Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504 770-533-9965
Cresswind Resident
®, AAMS®
Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP
Riverside Pharmacy Serving Our Community for Over 60 Years! 935 Green Street • Gainesville, GA 30501 770.532.6253 • Fax: 770.532.6592
Financial Advisor 958 McEver Rd. Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504 770-533-9965
FREE DELIVERY July/August | The Waterfall | Page 29
Ongoing Weekly Activities JULY/AUGUST 2016 ONGOING WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Monday
10am Watercolor Group
10am Bridge Bidding
2pm Mah Jongg
1pm Quilting
10am Men’s Bible Study
1 pm Scrapbooking
1pm Pottery & Gourd Painting
2pm Line Dance
1pm Beginner Bridge
1:30pm Rubber Bridge
1pm Mah Jongg
2 pm Line Dance
1pm Mah Jongg
1:30pm Drop-In Bridge
5:30pm TGIF
7pm Hand & Foot
4pm Ladies Bible Study
1pm Beginner Bridge
7pm Mixed Poker
The T he Iron Rose Gifts • Home • Boutique
The Iron Rose offers shopping delights featuring current home accessories, affordable furniture and lighting, stylish jewelry, garden treasures, gifts for men and women, baby and wedding.
Page 30 | The Waterfall | July/August
Fitness, Sports & Games Schedule FITNESS, SPORTS & GAMES WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday
5:30-7:30pm Pickleball open play
8:30am-Water Aerobics
9am-Water Aerobics
8:30am-Water Aerobics
9am-Water Aerobics
8:30am-Water Aerobics
8:30amPickleball Intermediate Play
9am-Women’s Tennis Practice
9am-Men’s Tennis Open Play
10am-Judy DVD Class
9:30am-Pickleball Training (Every other Tues)
10am-Judy DVD Class
8:30amPickleball Intermediate Play
10:30amNovice to Low Intermediate Pickleball
10amZumba Gold
10am-Judy DVD Class
8:30am-Ladies Pickleball Open Play
1pm-Creative Movement
3pm-Ping Pong
3pm Gym Instruction
5:30pm-Men’s Pickleball Open Play
12pm-Snickers Lite
6pm-Ping Pong
5:30pm-Pickleball Open Play
6pm-Kayak Club Paddles
6pm-Dance Fitness
Make appointment
10am-Snickers Lite
Sports & Games
11am-Blast 10:30amNovice to Low Intermediate Pickleball
9am-Kayak Club Paddles
9am-Mixed Tennis Open Play 11am-Creative Movement
Fit Pass Required, Purchase at Club
Free Class
It’s the Season when our days are hot! Home sales at award-winning Cresswind at Lake Lanier are heating up too. 3371 Indian Hawthorne Ridge 3228 Black Gum Lane Richard & Kim Miller Carl & LeeAnn Lambrecht Shannon Heft Nikki Andrews Marty Prah & Debbie Causey-Prah
RE/MAX Hall of Fame CRS, ABR, SRES, e-PRO Certified 2700 Braselton Hwy, #1 Dacula, GA 30019 770-891-1108 CELL 770-932-1234 OFFICE
$595,000 Coming Soon New New New New New
Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction
This year Cresswind made the prestigious list of the 100 Most Popular Active Adult Communities in the country!
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated I’m never too busy for YOU or YOUR REFERRALS
It’s a PERFECT time to sell your home. I have Buyers waiting to become Cresswind neighbors!
July/August | The Waterfall | Page 31