Cresswind Waterfall March/April 2016

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March/April 2016


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The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area. 2016-0114 HM

Page 2 | The Waterfall | March/April

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 •

Frequently Used Numbers GUEST RELATIONS Maira DeLeon and Carolyn O’Camb 770-536-3300 EMC SECURITY SYSTEM 24 Hour Alarm Cancel 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service 770-963-0305

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER Diane Sexton 770-536-3300 HELPFUL HINTS: Please visit our website for the most updated information at

NEW HOME WARRANTY Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Construction: Matt Doyle Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 678-794-0496

HELPFUL NUMBERS: Emergency - 911

SUPERINTENDENT: Mark Findley Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 678-249-4651

Liberty Utilities 855-216-6305

JOB SITE SUPERINTENDENT: John Click Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 770-616-3082

Warranty 770-287-5693

KOLTER HOMES, LLC Vice President: Bob Rademacher 770-532-4926 THE CLUB 3300 Cresswind Marina Drive 770-536-3300 LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR Mark LaClaire 770-536-3300

Table of Contents

City of Gainesville Water 770-535-6878 Jackson EMC 770-536-2415

Charter 1-888-345-7139

First Service Residential (After Hours) 678-624-9453

3 | Numbers 4 | Lifestyles 5 | Resident News & Information 8 | Cresswind Scrapbook 11 | What’s Happening 20 | Club Updates 26 | Committee Corner 30 | Clubs & Activities 32 | Ongoing Weekly Activities 33 | January Calendar 34 | February Calendar

This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month. The content for The Waterfall is provided by the residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated contents about what is going on in their community. To advertise in The Waterfall please contact Bernadette Mastracchio at 770-535-6337 or ( • Cover photo courtesy of Paul Brown March/April | The Waterfall | Page 3


SPRING HAS SPRUNG AT CRESSWIND! Holy Cow! Is it really almost Spring! I am so ready to start seeing those flowers bloom and feeling a warm breeze blow through the neighborhood. It’s like a re-birth, and that is exactly what we are going to do with the Lifestyle here at Cresswind. Let’s see what is in store for you! First of all, let’s talk about the wonderful new option you all have to purchase tickets for Lifestyle Events and Fitness Classes. YES! You can now use credit cards at the front desk! No more writing out checks (unless you want to). Also, you can now purchase tickets online anytime, anywhere as long as you have internet access. All you have to do is go to and type in the code Marina3300 and you have access to all the available tickets on sale at that time. Yes, there is a nominal charge for this service that will be added to your card. However, if you do not want to pay a fee, come to the front desk as always and pay by check- your choice. This is terrific for all those folks who still work and cannot come to the front desk during business hours or those of you out of town who want to purchase tickets while you away. Go to the site and look around. That all said, what should you buy tickets for? Well, let me tell you! Of course, we start every month with the community favorite FIRST FRIDAY on March 4th at 7pm. This month we feature Betty Seni. Come dance, mingle, party with your friends & neighbors for only $5! Don’t party too hard, because the next morning on March 5th at 10am we host our first ever FITNESS DAY! The launch of our revamped Fitness Program has been a huge success. We now have over 10 instructors and new classes. Even nighttime and weekend classes now for those who work. Come meet and greet with our new instructors, enjoy healthy refreshments and even participate in some of the class demonstrations! How fun! Love movies? Well Cresswind is for you! March is “Oscar Month” where we not only feature the Oscar nominated movie “Steve Jobs” in our ballroom at 7pm on March 9th, but we bring you the CRESSWIND OSCAR FILM FESTIVAL on March 25th, 26th and 27th. We will feature some of the Oscar winners and nominees past and present! We follow up with one more Oscar movie on April 13th at 7pm. Free Popcorn! So good we had to bring it back! It’s TRIVIA NIGHT again on March 12th at 7pm. Get your team together or come solo and join in with a team. Only $5! Hurry, it sold out our very first time. So the BIG show this month is STEPHEN SKIPPER’S ROLLING STONES TRIBUTE! This 7 piece band has the best Mick Jagger you have ever seen or heard. This will easily sell out at $15, so get a ticket fast. We are having a little fun on FIRST FRIDAY on April 1st as we feature TWISTED HIPSTERS. This band was formed by none other than ROBERT CRITTENDEN, resident of Cresswind and all around great guy. He assures me his band is awesome, I believe him! If not… I just say “April Fools” Ha! On April 9th at 11am, you will see the BIGGEST VENDOR FAIR Cresswind has ever seen! We bring in over 70 vendors from all kinds of local businesses, services and even food! You can browse, shop or just socialize. You will not be disappointed! April 15th, as the weather warms up, we bring back FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY! This event features an awesome food truck out front at the clubhouse where you preorder and pay for your food, pick it up at the truck, and weather permitting, enjoy it on the front lawn in the sun! Yum! Not enough yet? Well, who can resist our event on Sunday, April 24th at 12 Noon. It’s an ICE CREAM SOCIAL and totally free! Join us for creamy treats out back! Last, and certainly not least, a VERY special treat to end the month. On April 29th at 7pm, live on our ballroom stage we welcome SIMPLY STREISAND! Woo Hoo! 2 hours of all the Streisand hits, costume changes, interaction with the audience and duets. Simply Amazing! You do NOT want to miss this show, I promise you! Only $15! What an incredible Spring you have in store! Please get out, meet new people and enjoy this wonderful place. You deserve it! Mark LaClaire, Lifestyle Director

Page 4 | The Waterfall | March/April

Resident News & Information

Please Welcome Our Newest Residents

Ritchy & Deborah Brown 3753 Cypresswood Point John & Robin Riegel 3732 Golden Leaf Point Lynnore Buersmeyer 3730 Cypresswood Point Larry & Margie Wood 3711 Majestic Oak Drive Philip & Zoretta Bowman 3746 Cypresswood Point Mary Mack & John Murphy 3589 Cresswind Parkway

Joseph Tracy 3739 Golden Leaf Point Shirley Wilson 3744 Golden Leaf Point Patricia DeGrow 3584 Cresswind Parkway Laurie Solomon 3714 Golden Leaf Point Jasper & Elizabeth Keith 3712 Red Maple Lane Lloyd & Karina Bardowell 3723 Golden Leaf Point

Vickie Lindsey 3525 Cresswind Parkway Joseph & Imy Rach 3699 Majestic Oak Drive George & Lucinda Corless 3780 Golden Leaf Point Lester Massey 3715 Majestic Oak Drive Lorelyn Homa 3748 Golden Leaf Point Nicholas & Nancy Rimedio 3663 Majestic Oak Drive

Dry Cleaning 2 You is a turn key door to door

dry cleaning service. We pick up at your door and deliver back to your door. All of this is done for the same price as if you took it yourself. There is no charge for the pick up or delivery. We do the work and you pay the same price.

Terry Helms - 770-983-1388

March/April | The Waterfall | Page 5

Resident News & Information

First Service Cresswinders, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new private community website FSRConnect. The launch is scheduled for April 1st, 2016. What is FSRConnect? FSRConnect- A Customized Web Portal Providing Instant Connections- Any Time, Any Place! Our new website is available online via a secure, password-protected connection. FSRConnect enables authorized users to instantly access your community’s information, documents and records at your convenience, enabling you to perform useful functions and activities through advanced, user-friendly management and documentation tools. And because members of the Board and management team have complete control over access – with the ability to designate which materials other users can view – your community’s confidential data always remains secure. For even more convenience, FSRConnect Mobile App, our related SmartPhone application, offers your management team many of FSRConnect’s key features, such as enabling them to instantly create and track violations and work orders – with embedded photos – as they tour Cresswind. COMING SOON - Our IT team is finalizing a Resident Mobile Application version! FSRConnect delivers the personalized data and capabilities you need to stay informed, solve problems quickly and increase productivity. In fact, we believe FSRConnect adds so much value for our Board members and residents that we provide it to you at no additional cost – another of the many ways we deliver on our service promise to you and your community. How does FSRConnect Benefit our Residents? • Communicate instantly with Community Association Manager, Board members, maintenance, security and front desk staffs, neighbors and other community members • Conveniently pay fees, schedule recurring payments, view checking balances, review account ledgers and update profiles • Initiate and track work orders for maintenance and repairs, with photo option • Review and print forms and documents, meeting minutes, special announcements and other community news and materials • Create and join social and special interest groups, such as golf, tennis, food and wine, literature, movies, poker, etc. • Learn about events and activities throughout community and local area through our calendar and eBlast features, which integrates with local sites sponsoring area art fairs, activities, music festivals, etc. • Access a secure “Community Classified” section where neighbors can buy, sell and donate goods and services • Book any community amenity or service, such as party rooms, fitness classes, tennis courts and more • Set-up preferred access for family, friends, housekeepers, nannies and other regular visitors to expedite admission and security • Access live community feeds to view real-time availability of amenities and recreational facilities, i.e. activity levels at pool or gym To learn more about FSRConnect you can simply sign up for our quarterly training sessions. Our first training session is scheduled for March 18, 2016. We will host two sessions for your convenience, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You can register for your preferred training session at the front desk. • • •

Friday, March 18: 10 am – Resident Training Session Friday, March 18: 2 pm - Resident Training Session Friday, April 1: Launch FSRConnect to Cresswind: homeowners will receive an email with log-in information

Best Regards, Diane Sexton Community Association Manager Page 6 | The Waterfall | March/April

Resident News & Information

Look What’s New! • Canasta, every Monday at 12 noon in the Crow’s Nest. For more information, please contact Bobbi Strauss. • A Genealogy Club has been formed and plan to meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. For more information, check out the article in this issue. • The Friday Line Dancing time has been changed from 7 pm to 2 pm. • Ladies Poker Night on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact Marilyn Maxson for details.

A Senior Moment I admire people with musical talent. A great vocal or instrumental performance can move me to tears. My singing has been known to bring people to tears. When I croon, grown men cry and gnash their teeth (I wonder what happens when teeth are gnashed) and women swoon. In fact, they are simply so overcome by my vocal gymnastics; they head for the exits to recover from their other-worldly experience. I haven’t checked to see if they returned.

Financial solutions are around the corner. Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, AAMS® 985 McEver Rd McEver Business Center Suite A5

Financial Advisor .

at Lake Lanier 958 MceverCresswind Road Ext Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504 770-533-9965

Our Cresswind Chorus is a great group, and I could add so much more to it, but I am afraid the envy and jealousy over my talent would cause friction among the singers. So, Maestro Bridwell, just do the best you can without me. I do have an idea that might work for me and others like me with a different sound. How about a vocal group who sing off-key, but in sync. Standards, easy listening, rock and roll, blues, country; all done off key would be a new sound sensation. I know there are others out there just like me--talented, but overlooked. Come join my off-key group. Off-key instrumentalists are welcome. I just cannot allow such musical talent to be wasted. If there are any agents out there looking for a new act that can’t miss, just call me. Don’t worry Chuck, you don’t have to call. The Chorus is not quite ready for our amazing off-key talent.

®, AAMS®

Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP Financial Advisor 958 McEver Rd. Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504 770-533-9965

Ron Mack March/April | The Waterfall | Page 7


Page 8 | The Waterfall | March/April


Waterfall | Page 9 Page 9 |March/April The Waterfall| The | March/April

Resident News & Information

Covey’s “7 Habits” Repeats this Fall at Cresswind by Ken Levine

In 2013 and 2014, twenty-three of our residents participated in two sessions of Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” at Cresswind, facilitated by Ken Levine. Another seven(7)week workshop is planned this year in October/November. This timeless material and perennial best-seller provides invaluable advice on setting personal goals, time management, and improving relationships with people we care about. Once it is determined who is interested, we will determine the best dates and times to plan the two hour sessions. In case you are unsure if this might be for you, check out these resident testimonials: “My first thought when I started this class was to wish I had taken it 20 years ago. I questioned what use it would be now. I sure found out!” Judy Canonico “Choices in retirement have been bewildering. We learned many helpful techniques for planning, prioritizing and scheduling, and heartily recommend this course to one and all.” Steve and Nancy Murray “We both feel that we gained more skills for discussions with each other and to be able to say ‘no’ when necessary to maintain our own priorities.” Deborah and John McGuidwin “This workshop helped clarify what I want to do for the rest of my life and helped put it in balance. Please consider committing the time to learn about Covey’s 7 Habits. You won’t be disappointed!” Pat Bursten “I got a clear picture of what I wanted in life and a path to achieve my goals.” Mark Johnson The workshop fee will be $10 per participant to defray the cost of materials. For more information, please contact Ken Levine at and send him your $10 as soon as possible to reserve your place. An introductory meeting/presentation is planned at the clubhouse from 5:30-6:30pm on March 24th.

Residents gathered for “Back the Badge”

Underpass completed - we are finally all connected! Page 10 | The Waterfall | March/April

Here are the winners from Trivia Night!

What’s Happening

St Patrick’s Bingo Night – March 17 by Chuck Bridwell

On Thursday evening, March 17 at 7:00pm, we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a night of bingo. Just for fun, we are encouraging those who choose to wear something green. There will be 15 games of bingo with at least one winner each game and as always tons of fabulous door prizes and a big grand prize. Tickets are $10 and this is a Sports and Games Club event.

Spring Field Day – April 30 by Chuck Bridwell

Saturday, April 30 from 11:00am to 2:00pm will be a fun and exciting Spring Field Day on the clubhouse back lawn. Cost is only $5 a person which will include a delicious lunch cooked on our outside grill. This event is sponsored by the Sports and Games Club. There will be lots of fun games including Pickleball, Bean bag toss, Bocce ball, Kayaking, Badminton, Ping pong, Fishing game in the pool and much more. A new game will be shuffleboard with our new portable shuffleboard court. A fun new feature this time will be a dunk tank. You will have the opportunity to dunk some of your favorite Cresswind neighbors. Sign up will begin mid-March, but put this date on your calendar.

Spring Music Spectacular – May 13-15 by Chuck Bridwell

Save the date on your calendar for the 2nd annual Spring Music Spectacular presented by our own Cresswind Community Chorus in four performances: Friday, May 13 at 7:30pm; Saturday, May 14, at 3:00pm and 7:30pm; and Sunday, May 15 at 3:00pm. Songs will include favorites such as “You Raise Me Up”, “Singin’ in the Rain”, “God Bless the “U.S.A.”, “Hey Look Me Over”, “What a Wonderful World”, and much more. Our guest artist will be high energy jazz saxophonist Nathan Woodward from Dallas, Texas. You will be amazed and inspired by this artistry on the saxophone. Tickets will be $10 and will go on sale mid-April.

March/April | The Waterfall | Page 11

What’s Happening

Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre Update by Bert Emma

Mark your calendars for April 21st through the 24th for our Spring Production of “You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running” by Robert Anderson. This Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre production will be a Stage Reading of the play which contains comedic views of various situations which we can all identify with and laugh about. The play has been cast with 11 Cresswind resident actors currently in rehearsal. The entire production team is working diligently to create a show for our audiences to enjoy. Come join us for a good time – April 21st through the 24th. The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre’s Production Design and Operation’s Forum has started which is an opportunity for those interested in various aspects of sound, lighting, costumes, sets and special effects to get together and learn the “secrets” behind the scene. There is no charge to attend these workshops which meet the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. In addition, an Actor’s Forum has been formed which allows experienced actors to get together and improve their acting skills. The Actor’s Forum meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm and works on various acting topics that help the actor grow. Our Cresswind “Playscript” Book Club is a book club where members read and discuss various plays (just like a Book Club that reads novels – instead book club members read plays). The next play to be discussed will be “The Philadelphia Story” by Philip Barry. Our discussion meetings are held every other month and the next one is scheduled for 2:00 pm Fine Furniture & Design in the Crow’s Nest on March 15th, 2016. If you are interested in participating in any aspect of the Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre, send a note to bemmajr@ Visit our website to obtain information about the Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre: com/site/cresswindperformingarts/cresswind-neighborhoodtheatre. We are looking forward to seeing you all at our 2016 theatre productions which promise to be another great year of theater here in our wonderful neighborhood of Cresswind.

Custom Window Treatments & Design Service Todays Traditions Furniture & Design

1210 Thompson Bridge Rd. Gainesville, GA • 770-297-0080 Page 12 | The Waterfall | March/April

What’s Happening

Fun With Food Group by Judy Brannan

During the past few months, the Fun With Food Group, part of the Cresswind Cooking Club, has been very busy offering one special event per month. These fun activities are continuing into 2016. We began the year in January with Teatime for the Ladies and then brought back Soup Night. In February, we held the last Soup Night of the Season and will follow with a Chili CookOff in March. Then in April, back by popular demand, will be It’s Not Your Kids Grilled Cheese Sandwich. In May, we plan to have Phong Li from Atlanta Seafood cater an event. If you have not eaten at Atlanta Seafood, this will be a great treat. In June, one of our Cresswind residents will lead an Italian Pasta Night. There will be a break in July and August, returning in September with our monthly schedule. Ideas are welcome as we continue through 2016. Come join the Cooking Club and participate with your friends and neighbors in these different activities. Thank you to all who have so willingly contributed time and talents to make these events so successful.

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COUPON TO EXPIRE WITHIN 30 DAYS March/April | The Waterfall | Page 13

What’s Happening

Cresswind Fishing Spring News By Toby Kelley

Lake Lanier experienced record high water levels this winter. Cresswind fishermen experienced record high fun levels. Striped bass, big crappie, spotted bass and even a few walleye pike have been harvested for the “taste of Lanier” upcoming event. Come sample some of the delicious fish that make Lake Lanier home. Three car loads of fishermen traveled to the boat show to attend fishing lectures and drool over new boats- big fun. We are organizing several “group fishes” this spring so come join us.

The Iron Rose

John Kelley doing his impersonation of Saint Peter (the fisherman)

Dave Cureton with a big crappie harvested for upcoming Taste of Lanier event.

Gifts • Home • Boutique

The Iron Rose, locally owned by Tracy Reeves Waggoner, offers shopping delights featuring current home accessories, affordable furniture and lighting. The store also features stylish jewelry, kitchen and bath items, garden treasures, gifts for men, women, & baby, wish list and wedding registry.

457 Dawsonville Hwy. • 678-617-2003 • Page 14 | The Waterfall | March/April

What’s Happening

Grill & Ale By Paula King

Grill & Ale started off the year with a great Super Bowl Party, thanks to Mary Ann & Ross Amick, Sue & Jim Smith, and Ron & Carol Stowe. And they’re off...Saturday, May 7th Kentucky Derby Party! Rose Micuch, Mickey Irvin, and Jan Cieply are planning a great get together with all the flair of the real thing. Then back by popular demand on May 28th, Tom & Lisa Brown will head up a group to throw our Second Annual Taste of the Lake with fish from our very own Lake Lanier. This was a hugely successful event last year and expect no less this year. June 11th is the Luau headed up by Marilyn Maxson, Nancy Kubiak, Heidi Anderson, Lisa Brown, Elaine Vetter, and JoAnn Mueller. Did I hear Roast Pig? What is a Dive-in Movie? Come August 6th for a BBQ, Beer, and Dive-In Movie to find out. Hal & Inge Flomerfelt are setting up the event and will be looking for volunteers to help -so much fun. Oktoberfest is next on September 24th. David and Cathy Jones will be coordinating this fun filled celebration. Grill and Ale is still looking for an overall coordinator. Since most of this year is planned, it would be great for someone to step up to oversee details and take over next year. Think about it. It is a lot of work but also a lot of fun.

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March/April | The Waterfall | Page 15

What’s Happening

Kayak Group By Ted Holbrook & Pete Lyons

The big news from the Kayak perspective is that all the approvals necessary are in place so that we can move forward with the proposal to add 12 horizontal racks stacked three high along the sidewalk near the kayak dock. Dave Pech is leading this effort and as progress is made, updates will be provided. With the assistance of Clair Langmaid, a License Agreement for the Horizontal Kayak Racks is in process which will be used, much like the Marina does, to provide those who are interested an opportunity to purchase a license to use one of the 12 racks. More details to follow on this and the improvements this effort will afford to our Kayaking experience! Upcoming activities this spring which impact the Kayak Group are as follows: *Spring Field Day scheduled for Saturday April 16 (rain date April 23rd) *Skogies Breakfast paddle scheduled for Saturday May 7 *Kayak Adventure Paddle scheduled for Wednesday May 25 to be hosted by Greg Hilger *Weekly paddles on Wednesday evenings & Saturday mornings in early spring We are also exploring the possibility of a Picnic/Beach group paddle at one of the local parks on Lake Lanier! Looking forward to an exciting year of Kayaking!

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Licensed, Bonded & Insured Page 16 | The Waterfall | March/April

Gourd painting Gourd painting on Friday at 1:00 pm in the Arts and Crafts room. This is a sample of what can be done with three gourds. If you cannot make Friday, we can paint on Tuesday at 1:00. Come join us for a new adventure.

What’s Happening

Genealogy Club by Dave Dittmeier

Since the last edition of The Waterfall, a new club has been formed. The first meeting of the Genealogy Club had over 60 residents in attendance. The initial presentation gave an overview of what genealogy is all about and some examples of what is to be found in making and tracing family history. The Genealogy Club is open to all Cresswind residents who are interested in tracing their family roots, whether it is for self-interest or leaving a legacy to their family. The Club meets the 4th Wednesday of the month in the ballroom at 7 pm. For more information, contact Howie Mueller or Dave Dittmeier .

Tennis Club by Pete Lyons

The Tennis Club is planning some great season kick off events. On Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 pm, there will be a fun Round Robin Mixed Tourney and Social. All skill levels and all Cresswind residents are welcome. There will be an inter-community play with Deaton Creek and others, as well as open play and some Mixed Doubles competition. The Cresswind Mixed Doubles Tournament Play will be a repeat of last year’s successful Night Time and Day Teams so the working folks can join in. Return to Tennis: For all of you who have not picked up a racket in a long time or maybe never, we will have set days that will give you some time to work on your strokes with the assistance of some of our resident ‘instructors’, combined with the use of our ball machine. The Ladies USTA team and Men’s Silver Ball team will be competing against neighboring communities. Contact Maya Fisher and Dan Skeels for more information. There are lots of new members on the courts these days, grab your racket, and come out to join them!

Miniature Golf

12 Months Interest Free Financing Available

by David Jones

The Miniature Golf (Putt-Putt) Group plans to resume play Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. Play is conducted at the Oaks Mini Golf, 3709 Whiting Rd. Gainesville, GA 30504. We have a shotgun start so all parties finish playing at approximately the same time. We play with teams of 4 participants (randomly selected upon arrival). Fee is only $5 per person for the 18 hole round. We have thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and ice cream, after a hard fought round of holes-in-one. Everyone is welcome. So mark your calendar and keep an eye on the Cresswind Daily Update schedule approximately a week before April 13th.



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770-534-9171 • Mon-Sat 10-6 March/April | The Waterfall | Page 17

What’s Happening

Pickleball Club by Jack Hollfelder

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States! It is estimated that there will be 8 million pickleballers playing by 2018 (up from 2.5 million in 2015)! Cresswind is a microcosm of what is happening across the country; we have 108 dues-paying members and growing daily. If anyone is interested in joining the Club, please contact any of the officers. Dues are $10 for the year. Here are just some of the activities/events we have planned this year: Training - now scheduled for every Tuesday 11:00am-1:00pm Open Play - We have expanded open play to include time slots for those who are just learning the game, providing an opportunity to get comfortable with this game without feeling intimidated or over-matched. Mon - 9:00am-11:00am Intermediate level, 11:00am-1:00pm Novice level Tue - 3:00pm-5:00pm General Wed - 10:00am-noon Women, 3:00pm-5:00pm Men Thur - 9:00am-11:00am Intermediate, 11:00am-1:00pm Novice Sunday - 1:00pm-3:00pm General Tournaments- We are planning on several tournaments throughout 2016. Our first tournament will be on March 12th. It will be called the Clay Myers Round Robin, named after the person who established pickleball at Cresswind and got everybody “hooked” on the sport. The Clay Myers Round Robin will be the first tournament of every Cresswind Pickleball Club season. League Play This spring/summer we will be having men’s, women’s, and mixed leagues that enables players of varying skill to participate and enjoy. Communication A number of communication vehicles are being used to help promote Cresswind pickleball: E-newsletter- monthly, intended to bring you all the information related to Cresswind pickleball “goings on”, playing tips, regional tournament info, etc. first issue be out in mid-February. Facebook - We have a Facebook page = Cresswind Pickleball Instagram - We have created an Instagram page = cresswind_pickleball Check out the Facebook and Instagram pages periodically and who knows, you may show up there! Pickleball Club officers for 2016: Jack Hollfelder - President Gary Kruse - Vice President Clay Myers - Treasurer Susan Chambers - Secretary Ted Holbrook - Member-at-large

Riverside Pharmacy Serving Our Community for Over 60 Years! 935 Green Street • Gainesville, GA 30501 770.532.6253 • Fax: 770.532.6592

FREE DELIVERY Page 18 | The Waterfall | March/April

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March/April | The Waterfall | Page 19

Club Updates

Bocce Ball by Curt Dockter

Bocce ball will resume play in early April. Our numbers have grown, and we welcome all residents to join us then. Play is very informal and players can come as often or as infrequently as they wish. Details of days and times of play will be in the Daily Update later in March. Anyone is welcome to use the equipment and courts at any time on those warm winter days. The equipment is located on the first floor of the clubhouse in the cabinets across from the Arts and Crafts Room. Contact Curt Dockter at for more information.

Cresswind Bowling Update! by Jim Selbitschka

Just four weeks into the second half of the season, team That’s How We Roll, is in first place. Team members are Cathy Jones, Paul Brown, John Stump, and Patricia Corkern. They have a 5 point lead over the team, The Spare Parts, comprised of Elaine Rogers, Michael Marsico, Pat Murphy, and Dan Koletsos. The team, Stars and Strikes, is holding up the rest of the league. The men’s high averages are Jim Selbitschka - 181, and Alan Olson - 160. Women’s high averages are Helen Mack - 144 and Elaine Rogers - 132. Men’s high games go to Ron Mack with a 226 and Phil Vinyard with a 222. For the ladies’ high game, it’s Dale Cowart with a 180 and Carolyn Snyder with a 178. High series for the men is 551 for Mike Murray, and for the ladies, a 460 by Elaine Rogers and Mary Joan Gogel. High game and series with handicap for the men is 284 by Dan Koletsos and a 793 by Dave Wilson. For the ladies, Patzy Rollins has a 274 game and Janice Miles has a 706 series. Congratulations to all the above for their good bowling! Please feel invited to come watch us on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am at the Funtastic Bowling Alleys on Browns Bridge Road.

Cresswind RV Club by Dave Dittmeier

Since the last Waterfall issue club members attended the Florida RV Super Show in January in Tampa. This show, which is the largest in the nation, offered everything RV, from pop-up campers to 35ft + motor homes. Several club members have taken individual trips, but the next club trip is planned for May to Riverbend RV Resort at Lake Toxaway, NC. If any Cresswind residents have or are interested in purchasing a Recreational Vehicle, our club would be excited to include you in our future road trips. Information about the club and/or forthcoming trips can be obtained from Dave Dittmeier,

Page 20 | The Waterfall | March/April

Club Updates

Travel Club News! by Phil Vinyard

The Cresswind Travel Club now has over 525 members making our club the largest in the community. With trips such as the Opryland at Christmas trip to Nashville and the upcoming trips to Callaway Gardens, the tour of antebellum homes in Madison, Georgia, and dinner and the Kinky Boots play at the Fox Theater, it is easy to see why the club has so many members in the community. We are also excited about the upcoming trip in June that will include white water rafting and a food and wine outing for the less adventurous on that trip. The trip to Nashville in December and stay at the Opryland Hotel was a terrific way to wrap up the 2015 agenda of trips. This 3000 room facility was decorated beautifully with a display of Christmas trees mingled in with the traditional landscaping throughout the interior. It was fun to take the river boat around the inside to see all the lights and decorations. This trip also included the play “The Grinch”, a show at the old Ryman Auditorium where the original ONFUSED ABOUT Grand Ole Opry started, a river boat cruise and show, and LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers show at the hotel. Types of plans: • Traditional Long Term Care



The cost to join the club is only $5 and each trip is reasonably priced with some day and overnight trips on the calendar for 2016. We have monthly meetings in the ballroom at 4 pm the first Thursday of every month and anyone in the community is welcome along with the CTC members. Please check out our website at:

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March/April | The Waterfall | Page 21

Club Updates

Men’s Bible Study by Ron Mack

Men of Cresswind, it is time to join our Men’s Bible Study. We have a great time learning and discussing the Holy Bible, as well as other topics of interest to men. There is not a better time to begin this journey than now, as we approach Easter. We are a non-denominational group that meets at 10 am on Fridays in the Cresswind Kitchen. Beware, participation in our Bible study can be transforming and life changing--for the better. Come join us and experience a great time of fellowship, learning, and perhaps transformation.

Ping Pong by Janis Cieply

If you enjoy paddle sports then come and join your fellow Cresswinders for some fun with Ping Pong. We play both Singles and Doubles and all levels of play are welcome. We have been having some terrific Doubles play with great shots, good competition, and wonderful camaraderie. So dust off your paddle, or use one provided by the Ping Pong SIG and join us on Mondays at 3 pm or Wednesdays at 6 pm on the lower level of the Club. For more information, contact Janis Cieply or Bruce Edginton.

Pottery Join us every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the craft room. Amateurs wanted.

Vickie Gassman


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Page 22 | The Waterfall | March/April

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Club Updates

Needleworkers Club by Lois Shoemaker

Cresswind Needleworkers toasted each other for over 40 years of completed projects. Many members modeled sweaters and scarves that they had completed. Others shared completed cross stitch or needlepoint. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month in the Arts & Craft Room from 10:00 am to noon. Bring your handwork and join us—or just stop in for a chat. For information contact Mary Emma or Lois Shoemaker

Singles & Solos Group by Christi Lazear

Singles & Solos! A great group of fine folks and we get together for TGI Saturday on the 2nd Saturday of each month. As a group, we have been to a haunted house, a shooting range, done some whitewater rafting, hiking, been on a BBQ quest, gone to the circus as well as the zoo, attended theaters here as well as in Dahlonega and Atlanta. Upcoming activities include more movie dates, a hockey game, and lots of lunches! You suggest it, we will make it happen. If you want to have fun and make treasured friends, come join us. Contact Christi Lazear to be added to our mailing list!

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770.718.9942 Seniors 65 & over, Veterans, Law Enforcement Officers, & Firemen Receive a 5% discount EVERY day March/April | The Waterfall | Page 23

Club Updates

Teatime for the Ladies by Judy Brannan

In January the Fun with Food Group introduced a new event to the Cresswind Cooking Club calendar, Teatime for the Ladies. It was a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all. Eight ladies hosted the tables, bringing their china and decorating their table. Tea, of course, was served in beautiful teapots. The menu included savory sandwiches and highlighted English scones. The ladies were dressed “to the nines” and many wore gorgeous hats. There was a contest for the best hat. This can be a new annual tradition. Thanks to all the women who helped set up and prepare the food for this event. It was certainly a memorable occasion.

Veterans Club by Roy Gogel

New Veterans Club officers are President Roy Gogel, Vice President Arnie Miesch, Secretary Rich Lynt, Treasurer Clay Myers, and Member at Large Doug Geganto. Save the dates! • On April 18th, Viet Nam Era Veterans will be honored in front of the Clubhouse (Ballroom if inclement weather). All residents are invited to attend to support the Veterans. Cresswind has a large number of former servicemen and women. Each Veteran will be individually recognized. State and federal dignitaries are invited. The Performing Arts Club is supporting this event - thank you Chorus and Theatre. • On Saturday, May 21st, we’re bringing back a great fun-filled evening for our Second Annual Veterans Jazz Picnic with many fantastic items in the Silent Auction which raises funds for needy Veterans. Weather permitting, the event is on the Back Lawn and seating is unlimited. It is great fun! Come and dance the night away. The semi-annual food drive will be held toward the end of April. Details will be published separately.

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The Veterans Club is supporting Veterans through various avenues to include Employment Search mentoring, Hospice Veteran Honor Presentations, Veterans Court and is now providing local assistance to disabled veterans through a service dog program and wounded warriors. We also have a Bicycles for Vets program. The Club’s service commitments typically respect our members’ lifestyles - so join us and give back to others. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month. Check us out at

Committee News

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FAST SERVICE March/April | The Waterfall | Page 25

Committee News

Landscape Committee By Meg Bohn

Spring is just around the corner and with the New Year, the Landscape Committee is announcing the “retirement” of its Chairman, Elbert Durden and a valued committee member, Ed Pallo, along with the naming of Sarah Galshack and Meg Bohn as the new team at the helm. A very big “Thank You” to Elbert and Ed for all the hours and dedicated service to our community. With spring will bring many new ideas for our neighborhood landscapes. Please keep in mind that whatever you plant or replace in your landscape becomes your responsibility to maintain, not the association’s or MTScapes’ responsibility. So think before you plant and please submit your plans as early as possible. This will prevent a long wait time for you to start. We also ask that you review our new acceptable plant lists before you consult a landscape company and let the office know by email or letter when the work is completed.

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Committee News

Education Committee News

Do you qualify for a Medicare Special Enrollment Period?

by Carol Zaremba

The Education Committee is off to a great start this year with an Elder Attorney to help us with Estate Planning and a fun author to talk about Creative Aging. Our officers for 2016 are Carol Zaremba, Chairperson, Tom Montgomery, Vice Chairperson, and Melanie Altman, Secretary. Members at large include Susan Decrescenzo, Cathy Hoskinson, Kevin Medley, Wayne Schrader and Karen Schultz. We will once again have a Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Cruise on Lake Lanier on May 26th. Ken Levine is planning to have the popular, Covey Program, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” in the fall. An informational meeting will be held on March 24th. The Education Committee is working on a number of other events including a Pet Fest, a historical speaker from Hall County, some technology support and a Medicare Update later in the year. We may have some other fun activities as well! Be sure to check the Daily Update to see what’s coming!

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March/April | The Waterfall | Page 27

Committee News

Social Committee by Wayne Blum

We are planning new and hopefully, even more exciting functions. By the time you read this the Winter Dance Party and Comedy night will have come and gone. March promises a Rolling Stones Tribute Band. You should get some “Satisfaction” from that! Additionally the First Fridays and Trivia Nights will continue throughout the year. To help us plan and coordinate these events we will need additional social committee members. We are currently interviewing residents for openings. Please keep an eye open for upcoming events. They will be listed in future Waterfall issues, Daily Updates, and the Quarterly Events Poster on display in the Club foyer.

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March/April | The Waterfall | Page 29

Cresswind Clubs & Activities Basketball Group Chuck Bridwell

Garden Boxes Group Chris Pointer Quarterly meetings

Bocce Ball Curt Dockter

Garden Club Sarah Galshack 4th Tues 3 pm

Bowling League Phil Vinyard Thurs 10 am Gainesville Bowling Center Bridge Bidding John Kelley Tues 10 am Canasta Bobbi Strauss Mon 12 pm Clay, Sculpture & Prints Angela Medley Tues 7 pm Community Chorus Chuck Bridwell

Genealogy Club Dave Dittmeier Howie Mueller 4th Wed 7 pm Golf Group Rod Quisenberry Tues, 9 am, Chicopee Woods Golf Course Gourd Painting Sheran Connolly Fri 1-4 pm Grill & Ale Group Ernie & Paula King

Dinner Group Karen Silverthorn

Hand & Foot Day Time Charlie Stotler 3rd Tues 1:30 pm

Drop-In Bridge Frank Kardian Thurs 1:30 pm

Hand & Foot Night Time Lucy Nutt Mon 7 pm

Duplicate Bridge/Daytime Dale Hoberg 2nd Tues 2 pm

Kayak Group Ted Holbrook Pete Lyons EDIT! Seasonal

Duplicate Bridge/Evening Ray Miller 1st Thurs/3rd Wed 6:30 pm

Ladies Bunco Eleanor Whalen Last Thurs 7 pm

Entrepreneurs Club 2nd Tues 4 pm Dan Gershkowitz

Line Dancing Eleanor Whalen Wed/Fri 2-3 pm

Exercise Class Judy Brannan Mon/Wed/Fri 10-11 am,

Mah Jongg Eleanor Whalen Mon/Thurs 1-4 pm, Wed/Sun 2-5 pm

Fishing Group John Kelley Fun with Food Judy Brannan

Men’s Bible Study Group David Rasche David Dittmeier Fri. 10 am

Page 30 | The Waterfall | March/April

Men’s Card Night Dan Gershkowitz Tues. 7 pm Mexican Train Eleanor Whalen 2nd Thurs. 7 pm Mini-Golf Group David Jones Mixed Poker Night Marilyn Glasser Thurs. 7 pm Needlework Group Lois Shoemaker Mary Emma 1st and 3rd Thurs. 10-12 Neighborhood Theatre Bert Emma

Railroad Group Paul Pormen Rubber Bridge Jean McLaughlin Fri. 1:30 pm RV Club David Dittmeier Scotch Lovers at Cresswind I Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 7 pm Scotch Lovers at Cresswind II Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 8 pm Scrapbooking Group Chris Pointer Mon. 1-6 pm Singles and Solos Group Christi Lazear

Photography Club Lisa Brown Jack Hollfelder

Stamps & Coin Collecting Stamps & Coin Collecting Jerry Whiteford

Pickleball Jack Hollfelder

Tennis Club Pete Lyons

Ping Pong Janis Cieply Bruce Edginton Mon 3 pm and Wed 6 pm

Travel Club Phil Vinyard 1st Thurs. 4 pm

Play Pool Steve Gould Wed. 4-6 pm and Thurs. 2-4 pm Playscript Book Club Bert Emma Pottery Sheran Connolly Tues 1-4 pm Quilters Group Jonnie Grimm Thurs. 1-5 pm

Veterans Group Roy Gogel 2nd Thurs. 7 pm Water Aerobics Barb Kardian Mon./Wed./Fri. 8:30-9:30 am Lynne Leibrecht lmleibrecht@ Tues./Thurs. 9:30-10:30 am Water Color Group Carolyn Hester Mon. 10-12:30 Women’s Bible Study Group Jami Dittmeier Thurs 4 pm

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1732 Cleveland Highway, Gainesville, GA 30501 Ph: 770-532-3819 • March/April | The Waterfall | Page 31

Activities March / April 2016 Ongoing Weekly Clubhouse Activities Monday


10am-Painting Watercolor Group 12pm-Canasta 1pm-Beginner Bridge 1pm-Mah Jongg 3pm-Cresswind Community Chorus 6pm-Spanish Class 7pm-Hand & Foot


9:30am2pm-Mah Jongg Acryllic 2pm-Line Painting Dancing 10am- Bridge Bidding Exercises 1pm Pottery 6pm-Spanish Class 7pm-Clay, Sculpture, Print Class



1pm-Quilting Club 1pm-Beginner Bridge 1pm-Mah Jongg 1:30pm-Drop-In Bridge 4pm-Ladies Bible Study 7pm-Mixed Poker

10am-Men’s Bible Study 1pm-Gourd Painting 1:30pm-Rubber Bridge 2pm- Line Dancing 5:30pm-TGIF

Fitness, Sports & Games Weekly Schedule Sunday 3pm-Pickleball open play




9am-Water 8:30am-Water Aerobics Aerobics 9am-FlexExpress 9am-Pickleball 9am-Yoga 9am-Gym Open Play 10am-Judy DVD Instruction 10am-Judy DVD 10am-Snickers Class Class Lite 10am-Ladies 10am-Ladies 11:30amPickleball Open Tennis FlexExpress Play 11am-Blast 3pm-Ping Pong 3pm-Men’s 12pm-Splash Pickleball Open 6pm-Dance 1pm-Creative Play Fitness Movement 6pm-Ping Pong 1pm-Gym Instruction 3pm-Pickleball Open Play 8:30am-Water Aerobics

Page 32 | The Waterfall | March/April

Thursday 9am-Water Aerobics

Friday 8:30am-Water Aerobics

9am-FlexEpress 9am-Blast 9am-Pickleball Open Play

10am-Judy DVD Class

10am-Men’s 10am-Mixed Tennis Open Play Tennis Open Play 10am-Zumba Gold 11am-Blast 12pm-Snickers Lite 1pm-Splash 6:30pm-Yoga

11am-Creative Movement

Saturday 9am-Blast


March 2016 March 2016 Sunday 28

Monday 29






3pm-sStamp & Coin Collectors

7pm-Kayak Club 10amGeneral Meeting Needleworkers 7pm-Ladies Poker


Friday 4

Saturday 5

7pm- First Friday 12pm-Fitness Day w/ Betty Seni 5pm-Dinner

4pm-Travel Club General Meeting


6pm-Veterans Club Party









3pm-Cresswind Investment Group

1pm-Duplicate Bridge

7pm-Cresswind at the Movies

7pm-Mexican Train

10am-New Homeowners Orientation

7pm-Trivia Night




3pm-Pickleball Open Play

7pmPhotography Group

2pm-Garden Club 7pm-Greeting Card Make & 4pmTake Entrepeneur Group

7pm-Falls Investment Group 13




2pm-Tennis Round Robin Tournament & Social

11am-Monday Book Group

1:30pm-Hand & Foot

3pm-Book Group 10amNeedleworkers 7pm-Ladies

7pm-Evening Book Group

2pm-Playscript Cook Group


9am-Connect 7pm-Stephen Website training Skipper’s Rolling Stones Tribute 7pm-St. Patrick’s for Residents Day Bingo Night 7pm-Stephen Skippers Rolling Stones Tribute





2pm-Mahjonng 3pm-Pickleball Open Play

20 2pm-Mahjonng

7pm Cresswind Genealogy Meeting

3pm-Pickleball Open Play



7pm-Cresswind Oscar Film Festival

7pm-Cresswind Oscar Film Festival



6:30pm-Fun with Food





3pm-Pickleball Open Play

8pm-SLACers II



31 7pm-Ladies Bunco

7pm-Cresswind Oscar Film Festival

Please note: At the time of the printing of this Waterfall, the above calendar was accurate. However, the calendar is constantly changing. Data provided 'as is' without warranty Please visit the community website at for the most accurate and updated information.


March/April | The Waterfall | Page 33


April April2016 2016 Sunday 27

Monday 28

Tuesday 29

Wednesday Thursday 30


Friday 1

Saturday 2

7pm-First Friday w/ Twisted Hipsters







3pm-Cresswind Investment Group

3pm-Stamp & Coin Collectors

7pm-Ladies Poker


10am-HUGE Vendor Fair

4pm-Cresswind Travel Club General Meeting

6:30pm-Singles & Solos

3pm-Pickleball Open Play

7pmPhotography Group



7pm-Falls Investment Group 10








11am-Monday Book Group

1pm-Duplicate Bridge

7pm-Cresswind At The Movies

3pm-Veterans Club Meeting

12pm-Food Truck Friday

11am-Book Club Luncheon

7pm-Evening Book Group

2pm-Cresswind Garden Club

3pm-Pickleball Open Play

7pm-Mexican Train

4pmEntrepeneur Group









1pm-Veteran Recognition Ceremony

1:30pm-Hand & Foot

3pm-Book Club

3pm-Pickleball Open Play


7:30pm-Spring Theatre Group Performance

12pm-Travel Club Cookout








7pmNeighborhood Theatre Actors Forum

7pm-Cresswind Genealogy Meeting

7pm-Ladies Bunco

7pm-Simply Streisand Concert

11m-Spring Field Day

12pm Ice Cream 7pm-Hand & Social Foot 2pm-Mahjonng


3pm-Pickleball Open Play

8pm-SLACers II

3pm-Spring Theatre Group Performance

7pm-Ladies Poker

7:30pm-Spring Theatre Group Performance

7pm-Theatre Production, Design & Operations Forum

7:30pm-Spring Theatre Group Performance

Please note: At the time of the printing of this Waterfall, the above calendar was accurate. However, the calendar is constantly changing. Please © visit the community website at for the most accurate and updated information. Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Page 34 | The Waterfall | March/April

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