The Official Newsletter of the Cresswind Community
March/April 2016 Vol. XXIX
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Helpful Numbers GUEST RELATIONS Maira DeLeon, Carolyn O’Camb and Jennifer Nordstrom 770-536-3300 cwguestrelation@cresswindll.com EMC SECURITY SYSTEM 24 Hour Alarm Cancel 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service 770-963-0305 NEW HOME WARRANTY Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Construction: Matt Doyle Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 678-794-0496 mdoyle@kolter.com
SUPERINTENDENT: Mark Findley Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 678-249-4651 mfindley@kolter.com JOB SITE SUPERINTENDENT: John Click Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 770-616-3082 jclick@kolter.com KOLTER HOMES, LLC Vice President: Bob Rademacher 770-532-4926 rrademacher@kolter.com THE CLUB 3300 Cresswind Marina Drive 770-536-3300
The content for The Waterfall is provided by the residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated contents about what is going on in their community. This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month. If you have an idea for the newsletter or would like to contribute to its making, please contact Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com) or Eleanor Whalen (efwhalen@gmail.com) Cover photo courtesy of Paul Brown
LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR Mark LaClaire, 770-536-3300 cwlifestyle@cresswindll.com COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER Diane Sexton, 770-536-3300 Diane.sexton@fsresidential.com HELPFUL NUMBERS: Emergency - 911 City of Gainesville Water 770-535-6878 Jackson EMC 770-536-2415 Liberty Utilities 855-216-6305 Charter 1-888-345-7139 Warranty 770-287-5693 First Service Residential (After Hours) 678-624-9453
Table of Contents Helpful Numbers ..........................................................3 From the Lifestyle Director ..........................................4 Resident News & Information......................................5 Look What’s New.................................................... 6 Cresswind Scrapbook ....................................................8 What’s Happening.......................................................11 Cresswind Clubs & Activities Listing......................19 Club Updates................................................................20 Committee Corner ......................................................25 May Calendar.........................................................26
To advertise in The Waterfall, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times - 770.535.6344 msizemore@gainesvilletimes.com The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
June Calendar ..............................................................27 Ongoing Weekly Activities .........................................29 Helpful Hint!
Please visit our website for the most updated information at www.cresswindll.com May/June | The Waterfall | Page 3
From the Lifestyle Director
Are we having fun yet? Well, I certainly hope so! If not, I guess we will have to step things up a bit as we head into summer. And that is just what we are going to do! This time of year you start to see the amazing Groups and Clubs at Cresswind really pick up their game as well. Keep a close eye on the events calendar on the Cresswind Web Page and you will see a KENTUCKY DERBY PARTY in May, as well as the SPRING MUSIC SPECTACULAR, THE SECOND ANNUAL VETERANS DAY JAZZ PICNIC, KAYAK ADVENTURE PADDLE, RIVERKEEPER CRUISE and the TASTE OF THE LAKE FISH FRY! And that is just in May! In June, our fantastic Groups & Clubs host a GARDEN CLUB WALK, GRILL & ALE LUAU and SUMMER BINGO NIGHT. Way to go Cresswind Clubs! Before we get into all the Lifestyle and Social Committee events, let’s recap a few new things we started this year that you all may not know about. We hope these things have improved your Lifestyle here at Cresswind. First, we started a new LIFESTYLE FACEBOOK PAGE where you can go and post your own photos and comments of life here at Cresswind. Just join Facebook (free) and search for “MARK AT CRESSWIND” The page is FULL of Cresswind folks now, get to know them! Secondly, after an initial glitch on the first try (totally my fault) our new EVENTBRITE TICKETING SYSTEM is in full swing and making ticket buying a breeze! Just go to www.eventbrite.com and register (free) and you can purchase LIFESTYLE EVENT tickets from anywhere at any time from your computer. No more checks or waiting in line. Third, our new FITNESS PROGRAM & INSTRUCTORS are incredible and our gym and classes have never been busier. As a matter of fact, your participation is allowing us to add even more evening and weekend classes. Get your Fit Passes at the front desk. Woo Hoo! (I am only allowed one “Woo Hoo”. That was it) Lastly, have any of you noticed the water in the indoor pool tastes a little different? Ha! Well, we filled it with SALT WATER. How cool! There’s even more…The superhero Social Committee and Lifestyle have added a few zingers in May and June as well. As always, twice a month we host CRESSWIND AT THE MOVIES where you all get to see the latest blockbuster movies and eat popcorn, for FREE! Then, of course, we dance the night away at FIRST FRIDAY with CLASS ACT DUO on May 6th and then crank it right back up on Saturday, May 7th at 12pm with a rocking POOL OPENING PARTY featuring LATITUDE ADJUSTMEST STEEL DRUM BAND right on the outdoor pool deck. Fun! In June, we come back with another FIRST FRIDAY starring CHRIS HAMPTON on June 3rd at 7pm and bring back the popular FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY PICNIC ON THE LAWN on June 17th! Just come on down to the club, order off the food truck and enjoy your lunch at tables on the front lawn. OK, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. With the HUGE success of The Eagles Tribute concert on the lawn last fall, we decided to have TWO outdoor concerts per year. One in the late spring and one in the fall. This year’s spring concert will be on SATURDAY, JUNE 18TH, 3PM-6PM. Why in the middle of the afternoon you ask? Well, let me tell you. This will be a “Kick Off The Summer” concert and feature SONS OF SAILORS, JIMMY BUFFET TRIBUTE. In the theme of his music and the event, I wanted something different than the fall night concert. So, it will be a big, huge BEACH PARTY, during the day! This concert will have NO SEATING. Just bring a blanket or lawn chairs and find a great spot. You can also lounge in the outdoor pool or sun yourself on the pool deck and listen. We will have lawn activities (volleyball & beach ball games) and the back pavilion will be one giant MARGARITA BAR! Yes! You BYOB but we will supply the Margarita mix. Bring plenty of sun screen but I did check the Farmer’s Almanac and June 18th is typically sunny and in the low 80’s, but just in case, I will have shade and misting tents if you need them. We have a TON of space, so you can buy as many tickets as you like and even bring friends and family! Get tickets at the front desk or on EventBrite (Nobody under 21, we drink here at Cresswind.) Ha! Mark LaClaire, Lifestyle Director Page 4 | The Waterfall | May/June
Resident News & Information
Have you met Cresswind’s newest neighbors...
By: John Kelley Recently Cresswind boaters and kayakers have enjoyed watching a growing family of red foxes who have taken up residence about 100 yards to the left of the mouth of our cove. A mother fox and six cute babies live and play on the fresh dirt hillside created when a big tree fell last year. It is worth an early morning paddle or boat ride to catch a glimpse of our “wild” new neighbors before they grow up and leave the area.
St. Patrick’s Day Dog Parade By: Gisela George On Thursday, March 17th, two dozen Cresswinders and their pets turned out for a St. Patrick’s Day walk from the Dog Park to the Clubhouse. The dogs (and quite a few of the dog-walkers) were costumed in green for the occasion. Don Johnson and his bloodhounds Allie and Zoe were acclaimed “best in show.” A good time was enjoyed by all.
May/June | The Waterfall | Page 5
From the Community Manager April 1st was FirstService Residential’s 1 year anniversary at Cresswind! Wow, I can’t believe this year went by so fast! Our residents, our committee volunteers, and the Kolter Homes team are all so wonderful to work with! I want to thank you all for making this year so fantastic and smooth! With the spring months upon us and summer just around the corner, it is critical that we consider the freshening of our homes and prepare our yards for the upcoming season. Now is the time to start inspecting our roofs, siding, fences, porches, and windows for weathered paint, stain, and moss growth. Please remember, before you begin any major exterior modifications, an ACC Request form must be submitted. Forms can be found at the front desk or on our website at CresswindLL.com I want to welcome all new homeowners into the community! If
you are a new resident and would like to help with our community please reach out to the front desk and complete a committee volunteer form. Going forward the association will continue to take the right steps to ensure we preserve property values, maintain all common areas, and increase community involvement. We have many projects scheduled for 2016, including repairing the seating areas around the community, changing the indoor pool to a salt water system, color coating our tennis courts 1, 2,and 3, and the pickle ball court behind the Club. We have a lot planned for this year. By working together, we can achieve these objectives and enjoy a greater community to share! Thank you for all that you do! Best Regards, Diane Sexton, Community Association Manager
Look What’s
• A Creative Writer’s Group has been formed and plans to meet on the last Thursday of the month at 2 pm in the Computer Room. For more information, see Sue DeCrescenzo’s article in this issue. • The Cooking Club is adding another Special Interest Group to their roster, “Healthy Eating & Cooking”. Please see Paula King’s article for more details. • Gourd Painting is now on Tuesday at 1 pm in the Arts &Crafts Room. • Another hiking trail is under construction and it will be known as the Robin Trail. When it is completed, it will link the Cardinal Trail with the Bluebird Trail.
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Resident News & Information
Cooking Club: Really Sizzling By: Paula King The Cooking Club is thrilled to announce we are in the first stages of starting a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for Healthy Eating and Cooking. This will include, but not be limited to Low Fat Low Carb, Gluten Free, vegetarian and vegan. We will be using our State of the Art Kitchen, Patio Grills, and pot luck or soup night type of events where members will cook at home and bring the food to share. The vision of this group is to be active with demonstrations, recipe sharing, and much more. The initial response has been exciting. More information soon through the Cooking Club emails and Daily updates. Please note you must be a Cooking Club member to participate. Drop your checks for $5 per person at Guest Relations. Make checks out to Cresswind Cooking Club and write membership in
the memo line. Judy Brannan had very successful soup nights and a great Chili night. She and Fun with Food have more exciting events planned throughout the year. Karen Silverthorn and the Dinner Group enjoyed their wrap-up dinner at members’ homes then came together for a wonderful dessert Downton Abbey Style. Dinner group will be back in the fall. Grill and Ale has exciting events in the works. Rose Micuch will be leading a Kentucky Derby Party, followed by Tom Brown heading up a Taste of the Lake Fish Fry. Next Marilyn Maxson and her team are planning a Luau. Later, a Dive-in-Movie (Dive is not a typo) is on the calendar with Hal Flomerfelt “diving in” to organize it. Then comes the ever popular Beer Tasting BBQ in the fall. David Jones, with lots of help, will be giving us an OktoberfestCresswind style. More information will be coming about these events in the weeks ahead. We are happy to announce we have over 450 members and if you are not one, join now!
A New SIG in Town
By: Sue DeCrescenzo There is a new SIG in town and it is called the Creative Writer’s Group. The purpose of this group is to encourage members to write creatively while offering an educational and non-judgmental environment for members to share their work. It will be a chance to learn new methods of writing, how to (self )publish, organize, and motivate. And above all, while learning the craft of writing, have fun. The Creative Writer’s Group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 2pm in the Computer Room. Any questions, contact Sue DeCrescenzo sdecrescenzo1@yahoo.com
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1240 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, SE • Suite 500 • Gainesville, GA 30501 • www.ngdc.com May/June | The Waterfall | Page 7
Resident News & Information
A Senior Moment By: Ron Mack
Great Decisions
Cresswind residents participated weekly in a Great Decisions foreign policy discussion group during February and March. We learned and talked about eight interesting topics ranging from the Middle East to Cuba. Come and join us early next year, when the Foreign Policy Association releases their 2017 topics and discussion materials.
Have you experienced this? I’m doing 85 mph on an interstate and pickup trucks pass me like I’m standing still. You know, those testosterone fueled trucks mostly driven by aggressive young men who never met a speed limit they could obey. I know, I know, I was a little over the limit, but I could have been doing a 100 mph, and I still would have been passed. Lately though, I’ve noticed more young women behind the wheels of these vehicles; if not testosterone what is their fuel? C’mon ladies help me on this. And still on the driving subject, I’ve noticed that there are still some people who don’t believe Yield signs at the entrance to Cresswind roundabouts, mean the right of way belongs to the vehicle already in the circle. Folks, that’s a YIELD sign at the roundabout entrance! Do we need refresher courses in driving into, around, and out of roundabouts? And now on a lighter note; just some musings as the Vernal Equinox takes us into spring. Ahh, spring, when sneezing is heard everywhere, and the world takes on a yellow cast, covering the cars, flowers, patio furniture, kind of like a yellow “low” lighter. It’s still a great time of the year.
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Page 10 | The Waterfall | May/June
What’s Happening
NforewCresswind Customer Special Residents Shellac Manicure $25 with
Hot Stone Massage with Katie Basic Color with Cut $65 Full Color Foil with Cut $100 with Jeff, Margaret or Pam
By: Curt Dockter
Bocce Ball has resumed play. Our numbers have grown, and we welcome all residents to join us then. We will play from 12:00 noon to 2 pm. Play is very informal, and players can come as often or as infrequently as they wish. Also, anyone is welcome to use the equipment and courts at any time. The equipment is located on the first floor of the Club in the cabinets across from the Arts & Crafts room. Once the hot weather arrives, we will switch to evening hours. Contact Curt Dockter at cdockter@bellsouth.net for more information.
Gourd Painting
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Bocce Ball
Be creative; join us in the Arts & Crafts Room every Tuesday at 1 pm! You may work on your pottery project or transform an ordinary gourd into a work of art!
Jewelry Class
Arts & Crafts Club offered another fun and successful “make it, take it” class. Jewelry Group leader, Janice Miles, led 15 Cresswind ladies through the creative process to produce a one of a kind, beautiful, beaded necklace with decorative pendant. Become a member of the Arts & Crafts Club and take advantage of future make it, take it classes!
Pottery Come join us on Tuesday at 1:00pm in the Craft room for Pottery. Here is a project in the making. All supplies are available and the only purchase is your clay. May/June | The Waterfall | Page 11
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You are invited to Eagle Ranch’s first ever 5K and Fun Run. Run, walk or cheer on others. Bring family and friends out to the Ranch for a day of fun. Proceeds benefit the boys and girls of Eagle Ranch. Registration includes premium t-shirt and lunch.
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Page 12 | The Waterfall | May/June
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May/June | The Waterfall | Page 13
What’s Happening
Neighborhood Theatre Update By: Bert Emma Our Cresswind “Playscript” Book Club is a book club where members read and discuss various plays (just like a Book Club that reads novels – instead book club members read plays). The next play to be discussed will be Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. Our discussion meetings are held every other month and the next one is scheduled for 2:00pm in the Crow’s Nest on May 17th, 2016. There will be a summer Stage Reading of a patriotic play called We The People by Pat Cook. This will be part of Cresswind’s Fourth of July weekend celebration events. Auditions for this play will be in May – any Cresswind resident (with or without experience) is welcome to audition. Come join the fun! Watch the daily update for details on audition times and the schedule of performances.
If you are interested in participating in any aspect of the Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre, send a note to bemmajr@gmail. com. Visit our website to obtain information about the Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre: https://sites.google.com/site/cresswindperformingarts/cresswind-neighborhood-theatre. We are looking forward to seeing you all at our 2016 theatre productions which promise to be another great year of theater here in our wonderful neighborhood of Cresswind.
Left: The “Shock” of “Recognition” Doug Geganto, Ron Mack, Helen Mack, Rob Plawecki, Top: The “Footsteps of Doves” Joe Tellus, Kathy Stossel, Hal Flomerfelt, Carol Kruskamp Bottom: “I’m Herbert” Miriam Gilberg, Duncan Niven.
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What’s Happening
SPECTACULAR May 13-15th The CRESSWIND COMMUNITY CHORUS will present its second annual SPRING MUSIC SPECTACULAR in four performances May 13-15.
Cresswind Resident
Some of the songs you will hear include “You Raise Me Up”, “God Bless the USA”, “Singin’ in the Rain”, “Hey, Look Me Over”, “What a Wonderful World” and much more.
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In addition to the 95-voice chorus comprised entirely of your Cresswind neighbors, you will hear great music from the women’s chorus, the men’s chorus and the ladies ensemble.
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Guest artist for the concert will be high energy jazz saxophonist, Nathan Woodward, from Dallas, Texas. His incredible styling’s will delight you and lift you up. You’ve got to hear this guy.
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Performances are Friday night, May 13th at 7:30 pm; Saturday, May 14th at 3:00 and 7:30 pm; Sunday, May 15th at 3:00 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the Club for $10 each.
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What’s Happening
Grill & Ale Club By: Paula King What an exciting spring, summer, and fall Grill and Ale has planned for the members of the Cooking Club! One of the most exciting is the plans to have more than just “Eat and Go” parties. There will be fun games, entertainment, and other surprises in store for all the upcoming events. Mark your calendars for the events below. • Kentucky Derby Party - May 7th starting at 4:00pm - Rose Micuch and her stable have a great afternoon planned. So, get out your hats, ladies and gentlemen and be prepared for more than just a horse race. Even before the event, Sheran Connolly will host a hat decorating gettogether. Of course, the Big Race will be on the Big Screen in the Ballroom. • Taste of the Lake - May 28th - Tom Brown has reeled in many of our other Cresswind Fishermen to put on a Fish Fry featuring fish from our very own Lake
Lanier. This party was a great success last year and expect no less this time around. • Luau - Marilyn Maxson and the “Grass Skirts” will be roasting a PIG and have all the great trimmin’s that go with a NEW Traditional Cresswind Luau. Mark June 11th on your calendar - you’re not going to want to miss the fun. • Come August 6th and get ready for Hal Flomerfelt and his team for the Beer BBQ and Dive In Movie - YES I said Dive In! What’s that is what they say. Be sure to come and find out. • September 24 - Dave Jones and his bunch are planning what will be an EPIC Oktoberfest with more information to come. Watch your Cooking Club emails for more details, as always you need to be a member to attend - $5,00 per person per year - make check out to Cresswind Cooking Club and put Membership in the memo line.
Quilters Group By: Jonnie Grimm The Cresswind Quilters were very proud to present 28 “Comfort” quilts to the Gainesville Police Department. These quilts will be used to comfort victims in need. This will be a Cresswind Quilters ongoing project for 2016. We hope you will join us on the first and third Thursday of each month, 1:00-4:00pm in the craft room. All levels of sewing are encouraged to join. Contact Jonnie Grimm jonniegrimm@outlook. com or Marsha Low mtlow1@charter.net for more information or to make donations.
Will Grill and Ale Hibernate come Fall? ...We’ll see!
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Page 16 | The Waterfall | May/June
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May/June | The Waterfall | Page 17
What’s Happening
Kayak Club By: Ted Holbrook Exciting times as the Kayak Group has once again become the Kayak Club! By the time this article is printed, the new horizontal racks along the sidewalk near the kayak dock should be completed. The licensing of these racks and the funds collected will enable us to make major improvements to the kayak dock which will enhance the kayaking experience for our entire community. Just as he did for the horizontal racks, Dave Pech will be managing this project. As for upcoming activities, there is the Skogies Breakfast paddle on Saturday, May 7th, a Kayak Adventure Paddle on Wednesday May 25 to be hosted by Greg Hilger and weekly paddles on Wednesday evening and Saturday mornings. As our community continues to expand, our membership grows. We want to make kayaking accessible to all and encourage participation by anyone who may have an interest. For those of you who may be new to this activity, we have many experienced kayakers who are very willing to work with those who are just getting started. Have fun and be safe!
On Wednesday, May 11th, 2016 come to the clubhouse Ballroom between 7-9pm for our 1st Annual Ping Pong Round Robin Tournament. Partners will be randomly assigned and will change each game. Points will be tallied after each game and those 8 players with the highest scores will play in the Semi-Finals. Those winners will play in the Finals and the Winners and Runners Up will be determined. Please BYOB and a dish to share.
Sign up is required. Please reply to Jan Cieply @ jancieply16@gmail.com As a reminder and if you would like to practice before the Round Robin, OPEN PLAY Ping Pong is every Monday at 3pm and Wednesday at 6pm. You are also able to play (when the front desk is open) by obtaining the key to the Ping Pong area on the lower level. We are looking forward to this Round Robin and hope that it will bring out more players to enjoy this terrific sport.
C & A T
D D D 2
D E R 1 3 Page 18 | The Waterfall | May/June
Cresswind Clubs & Activities Basketball Group Chuck Bridwell Bocce Ball Curt Dockter Bowling League Phil Vinyard Thurs 10 am Gainesville Bowling Center Bridge Bidding John Kelley Tues 10 am Canasta Bobbi Strauss Tues 10:30 am Clay, Sculpture & Prints Angela Medley Tues 7 pm Community Chorus Chuck Bridwell Creative Writers Group Sue DeCrescenzo Last Thurs 2 pm Dinner Group Karen Silverthorn Drop-In Bridge Frank Kardian Thurs 1:30 pm Duplicate Bridge/ Daytime Dale Hoberg 2nd Tues 2 pm Duplicate Bridge/ Evening Ray Miller 1st Thurs/ 3rd Wed 6:30 pm
Entrepreneurs Club 2nd Tues 4 pm Dan Gershkowitz
Kayak Club Ted Holbrook Pete Lyons Seasonal
Exercise Class Judy Brannan Mon/Wed/ Fri 10-11 am,
Ladies Bunco Eleanor Whalen Last Thurs 7 pm
Fishing Group John Kelley Fun with Food Judy Brannan Garden Boxes Group Chris Pointer Quarterly meetings Garden Club Sarah Galshack 4th Tues 3 pm Genealogy Club Dave Dittmeier Howie Mueller 4th Wed 7 pm Golf Group Rod Quisenberry Tues, 9 am, Chicopee Woods Golf Course Gourd Painting Sheran Connolly Tues 1-4 pm Grill & Ale Group Ernie & Paula King Hand & Foot Day Time Charlie Stotler 3rd Tues 1:30 pm Hand & Foot Night Time Lucy Nutt Mon 7 pm
Ladies Poker Night Marilyn Maxson 1st and 3rd Wed 7 pm Line Dancing Eleanor Whalen Wed/Fri 2-3 pm Mah Jongg Eleanor Whalen Mon/Thurs 1-4 pm, Wed/Sun 2-5 pm Men’s Bible Study Group David Rasche David Dittmeier Fri. 10 am
Neighborhood Theatre Bert Emma Photography Club Angela Medley Steven Gould Pickleball Jack Hollfelder
Singles and Solos Group Christi Lazear 2nd Sat 6:30 pm
Ping Pong Janis Cieply Bruce Edginton Mon 3 pm and Wed 6 pm
Stamps & Coin Collecting Stamps & Coin Collecting Jerry Whiteford
Play Pool Steve Gould Wed. 4-6 pm and Thurs. 2-4 pm
Tennis Club Pete Lyons
Playscript Book Club Bert Emma Pottery Sheran Connolly Tues 1-4 pm
Men’s Card Night Dan Gershkowitz Tues. 7 pm
Quilters Group Jonnie Grimm Thurs. 1-5 pm Railroad Group Paul Pormen
Mexican Train Eleanor Whalen 2nd Thurs. 7 pm
Rubber Bridge Jean McLaughlin Fri. 1:30 pm
Mini-Golf Group David Jones Seasonal
RV Club David Dittmeier
Mixed Poker Night Marilyn Glasserm Thurs. 7 pm Needlework Group Lois Shoemaker Mary Emma 1st and 3rd Thurs. 10-12
Scrapbooking Group Chris Pointer Mon. 1-6 pm
Scotch Lovers at Cresswind I Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 7 pm
Travel Club Phil Vinyard 1st Thurs. 4 pm Veterans Club Roy Gogel 2nd Thurs. 7 pm Water Aerobics Barb Kardian Mon./Wed./Fri. 8:30-9:30 am Lynne Leibrecht Tues./Thurs. 9:30-10:30 am Watercolor Group Carolyn Hester Mon. 10-12:30 Women’s Bible Study Group Jami Dittmeier Thurs 4 pm
Scotch Lovers at Cresswind II Andy Hampton Last Monday of the Month, 8 pm May/June | The Waterfall | Page 19
Club Updates
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Veterans Club
By: Roy Gogel
Buy your tickets! The Second Annual Jazz Night and Silent Auction on the lawn will be at 6pm on Saturday, May 21st. Bring your lawn chairs and eats and drinks and dance to the Sentimental Journey Jazz Band conducted by Richard Petty. Bring your checkbooks. There will be many, many great items to purchase from restaurant coupons to big box items. Proceeds go to charity. Come, learn how you can give back to help those less fortunate, and have some fun.
Men’s Bible Study
By: Ron Mack
Men of Cresswind, come spend an hour with us on Friday mornings in the Teaching Kitchen as we dig deep into the Bible, the greatest story ever told. Spending time with God’s Word can be a life-changing experience as you learn more about what the scripture means. There is no preaching, no arm-twisting, just men in fellowship and with a mutual desire to learn what it means to be a Christian. Don’t forget, Friday mornings at 10 am. Bring your Bible and bring a friend.
An Introduction to Card Crafting
By: Dawn Davis
We have some very crafty people in Cresswind - not criminals, the good kind of crafty like arts and crafts kind of crafty. Card making uses techniques from both scrapbooking and stamping; it is creative, cute, and fun. At our Greeting Card “Make & Take” you will receive two kits to make two cards that you get to take home that night, hence the name “Make & Take”, clever, right?
®, AAMS®
Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP Financial Advisor 958 McEver Rd. Suite A5 Gainesville, GA 30504 770-533-9965 www.edwardjones.com
Page 20 | The Waterfall | May/June
Your family and friends will love receiving a handmade card instead of a dollar store card. So, are you ready to be creative, cute, and fun? Then all you need to do is join us on the first Thursday every other month (May, July, September, and November @ 7:00-9:00pm in the Arts & Crafts room at the Club). $5.00 reserves your spot. Just register at the office the minute registration opens because this event has sold out in previous months! Creatively yours, FSJ Coach, Dawn Davis www.funstampersjourney. com/dawn
Club Updates hood Marine S pec ghbor i e iali rN u sts Yo
Lakeside Marine Sales & Service
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Full Service Boat and PWC Repair Mobile Repairs Tune-Ups Winterization / De-Winterization Drive Servicing Fiberglass Repair Bottom Painting Detailing Storage Complete Engine Repair Inboard / Outboard Services
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Fishing SIG News
Sell, Buy, Consign, Trade Boats Jet Boats Sea Doo’s Yamaha Wave Runners Kawasaki Jet Ski’s Golf Carts
STRIPERS BEWARE! Cresswind fishermen are ready for you. 50 Cresswind fishermen and fisherwomen gathered in the ballroom for fish school to learn the secrets of catching Lake Lanier’s famous “big fish”- the striped bass. Our professors , Cresswind fishermen Tom Brown, Mike Dyer, Jim Cotturone, Brian Sturizone, and John Kelley discussed tackle, techniques, and bait. Many SIG members caught their first striper after school. The biggest fish was Bill Crawford’s 26+ pounder, and on the best day, Tom Brown’s boat caught 99 pounds of Stripers. We had a fun group fish last month where every boat but mine caught fish. Spring is here and the fish are ready! Come join us at our next school or group fish and get your picture in the “Cresswind Hall of Fishing Fame slide show.”
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Page 22 | The Waterfall | May/June
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Club Updates
Travel Club
By: Phil Vinyard
The Cresswind Travel Club recently enjoyed a fun and educational trip to Tennessee and Alabama. We spent our first day and night in Chattanooga and visited Lookout Mountain and Rock City, went up the Inclined Railway, and went almost 500 feet underground to see the famous Ruby Falls. That night we enjoyed a big band sound group with dinner at the Palm restaurant. The next day we left Chattanooga and arrived at the NASA Space Center in Huntsville. This is a terrific venue for people of all ages and we really enjoyed seeing all the rocketry, moon rocks, and the IMAX theater presentation of the repairs made in space to the Hubble telescope. We also visited the Redstone Arsenal which is a very active Army base employing 38,000 people. Lots of the initial rocket engine testing was done at this base including the testing of the Saturn V rockets that sent our astronauts to the moon. While there, we were allowed to see the control room for the International Space Station and the interaction between the astronauts and engineers on the ground. We were all very impressed with the history and beauty of Huntsville and learned so much about the city from a great on-bus guide and a dinner with a historian at the haunted pre-civil war train
depot. Our last stop on day three was at the unclaimed baggage center in Scottsboro, AL, where all lost airline luggage and contents ends up. Our folks bought several items ranging from clothes, tennis rackets, ammo, and of course, jewelry. We are planning great future trips such as the two in May. The first May trip is to Madison, GA, for a rare opportunity to visit five antebellum homes with lunch at the famous Blue Willow Inn. Two days later, we are taking a bus to Harrah’s Cherokee Casino and will also have golf at a beautiful mountain course close to the casino for non-gamblers. In June, we are having a very special trip to the North Georgia mountains. The entire bus will stop at the Tallulah Gorge Overlook but then part of the group will go white water rafting and the other part will go to the Rabun Manor for a cooking demo, gourmet lunch with wine pairing and later shopping in Clayton, GA. The group will then be reunited for a barbeque dinner before heading home. If this sounds like a fun club to you, it only costs $5 to join and you can go on great trips like the above. Please also check out our website at www.cresswindtravelclub. com.
Creating Pottery Wonders and Blunders at the Evening Class By: Angela Medley The Clay, Sculpture, & Print class has been obsessed with clay construction! We have learned how to made vessels using the pinch pot technique, slab construction, and are beginning to use coils for both construction and decoration. Using slabs of clay, we are creating plates, bowls, vases, and boxes with lids. We decorate our clay pottery by carving, appliqué, incised lines, and pressed textures. We are also experimenting with different types of clay.
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May/June | The Waterfall | Page 23
Tennis Club By: Pete Lyons
The Cresswind Tennis Club had our season opening Round Robin Fun Tournament March 13th. We had a great turnout using all 6 six courts and then rotating 6 other players in during play. Here are the runner ups and winners: Men’s and Ladies’ runner ups were Brad Chambers and Pat Biggard. Men’s and Ladies’ winners were Jim Snell and Mary Atwood. As a follow up to the Mixed Round Robin and with all the new players moving to the community, we have enough players to introduce a Men’s Round Robin and a Ladies Round Robin. Team Tennis in late April: We will have a total of 4 teams. Two of those will be made up of a lot of the players who work or cannot play during the day. The other two will consist mostly of players who are able to play during the week, daytime hours. You will get to see some “night tennis” with this event. After “Team” tennis, we will work
on some Mixed Doubles tournaments. As summer approaches, we will be scheduling more open play and hopefully some competitive Mixed Doubles with Dell Webb at Deaton Creek. The Ladies USTA team is in mid season form. The Men’s ‘intercommunity team’ will start up late April.
Bill Papciak is working closely with ALTA to get them to allow us to participate in the fall ALTA league. Lots of new players and events in 2016. Come and be a part of it. We are looking for players of all skill levels! See you on the courts!
The Arts & Crafts Club wants YOU! By: Angela Medley The members of the Arts & Crafts club have already hopped into spring and summer crafting. The only thing missing from the fun is you! Please consider this your personal invitation to join a SIG (special interest group) or two for the fun, flair, and friendships. So, which craft do you want to learn? Which craft have you done in the past? Which craft have you always been curious about? The SIGs available to choose from are: 1) Card Making meets every other month on the first Wednesday from 7:00-9:00pm. 2) Watercolor painting group meets every Monday from 10:00am to 12:30pm. 3) The Photography group meets the first Monday evening of every month from 7 to 9pm. 4) Acrylic painting class meets twice a week from 9:30am to 12:30pm on Tuesdays and from 10:00 to 11:00am on Friday. 5) Two pottery classes are offered each Tuesday: One is from 1 to 3pm. The second is from 7 to 9 pm. 6) Stamp and Coin collectors meet on Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5pm. 7) Needle workers meet the first and third Thursday from 10am to 12pm. 8) Quilting is held every other Thursday afternoon from 1 to 4pm. 9) Gourd Painting meets on Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 3pm. 10) Model Railroad group. For additional information on any of these SIGs check the Club section of the Cresswind website. There are also Make & Take sessions offered throughout the year. Keep an eye out for future jewelry sessions and hopefully, some fused glass sessions. The Arts & Crafts Club is looking for artisans/crafters to present Make & Take sessions. If you have a craft you would enjoy sharing, please contact Angela Medley, President of the Arts and Crafts Club. Page 24 | The Waterfall | May/June
Committee Corner
Advisory Committee Update By: Bob Rivers The Advisory Committee presently consists of Bob Rivers, Chair, Dave Binnix, Vice Chair, and Ron Micuch, Secretary, Debbie Ellis, Treasurer, and members Barbara Conley, Clair Langmaid, and David Uhler. Three new members will be appointed by the Board in June, to begin their terms on July 1st, 2016. Those members completing their terms are Clair Langmaid, Ron Micuch, and Bob Rivers. Clair and Ron are eligible for an additional term. Bob has served two terms and is not eligible to return to the Committee. The preference procedure for appointing new committee members that was followed in the fall of 2015 will be used with only minor changes. The Advisory Committee has been very active the first quarter of this year. The committee recommended that funds
Welcome Committee
be allocated for a renovation of the tennis courts including a repainting of the court surfaces. Thanks to Diane and First Service, the bids for the renovation came in under target, so there will be resources for other facility needs. Vice Chair Dave Binnix and Community Manager Diane Sexton worked on a proposal for a new method for treating the water in our indoor pool. Some residents were reacting to the chemicals presently being used in the pool. They were successful in proposing an alternative process that will handle that problem and, at the same time, make our pool less expensive to maintain. Past Advisory Committee Chairs John Morris and Jim Brannan along with Diane Sexton, Community Manager, and Mark LaClaire, Lifestyle Director, have been leading a task force to rewrite the club operating rules and manual to bring them into alignment with best practice in HOA’s in Georgia and across the nation. The Advisory Committee will work with club presidents to roll out the new guideBy: Sue Joninas
The Welcome Committee continues to welcome our new residents in Phases 2C and our new neighbors across Browns Bridge Road in Phase 3A. We have approximately three closings per week including resales. Our next Welcome Coffee will be held on May 14, 2016, at 10:00 am in the Crow’s Nest at the Club. All new residents since December 2015, that not have attended, will be invited. The Welcome Committee is working hard to WELCOME all new residents to Cresswind. If you have not heard from a Welcome Committee person within four weeks of officially moving in, please let me know (this includes Resales). We want all to feel welcome. We will soon be welcoming residents from 3B!
Education Committee
By: Carol Zaremba
Save the date! The Education Committee will once again sponsor the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Cruise on May 26th. The CRK is responsible for monitoring water quality, conservation programs, and enforcing environmental laws as well as clean-ups throughout the year. This is a fun and educational cruise on Lake Lanier. Our meet and greet with AARP in June will stress the importance of maintaining an accurate health history for you and your spouse. In July, our financial speaker will discuss current market conditions and how the political, economic, and cultural forces can affect you as an investor.
lines in May of this year. Debbie Ellis was recommended by the AC and appointed by the Board as Treasurer of the Association, as well as a voting member of the AC. In addition to working with Diane Sexton to provide monthly financial reports to the AC, she will work with an Ad Hoc Budget Committee to develop a 2017 budget for the Association. Ron Micuch is heading up an Amenities Study Committee for the Advisory Committee. The mission of that committee is to frame a master plan for the development of amenities in the common areas of the community. This group will be asking for input from residents as they do their work. Please respond to their requests as they are made. The Advisory Committee is planning two Community Information Meetings for Wednesday, June 15th, in the Clubhouse Ballroom. There will be two identical meetings; one at 4pm and another at 7pm. Please plan to attend.
Welcome to Our
Newest Residents! Susan Lahey 3492 Great Oak Drive Kim & Cathy Koenig 3528 Cresswind Parkway William & Sheila Anderton 3541 Cresswind Parkway Robert & Linda Wilkinson 3609 Cresswind Parkway
Be sure to check the Daily Update for more information on our upcoming events! May/June | The Waterfall | Page 25
Please note: At the time of the printing of this Waterfall, the above calendar was accurate. However, the calendar is constantly changing. Please visit the community website at www.cresswindll.com for the most accurate and updated information.
Page 26 | The Waterfall | May/June
Please note: At the time of the printing of this Waterfall, the above calendar was accurate. However, the calendar is constantly changing. Please visit the community website at www.cresswindll.com for the most accurate and updated information.
May/June | The Waterfall | Page 27
Club Updates
Dinner Group By: Karen Silverthorn Cresswind Dinner Group members experienced a magical evening at Downton Abbey in March! Participating residents enjoyed a fabulous Downton themed dinner at host homes. Everyone dressed up for the occasion with gowns, tuxedos, gloves, lovely hats, and tiaras! Then all came together in the ballroom for dessert and coffee served by three properly attired butlers. The ladies were greeted under the Clubhouse portico as a footman assisted them from their vehicles. Guests entered the Ballroom to the Downton Abbey theme music from the piano. Dessert was served at tables adorned with white linen and candelabras. Please view the Cresswind website for more pictures of the event. It’s really about the fellowship …not the food! Participants shared their comments: “I like to meet my neighbors in a small setting….and I like to eat!” (Lois Shoemaker); “We like that we get to meet new people that we normally would not meet. By the end of the evening, we really get to know them. (Dinner Group) is a great way to meet people and it’s fun! “(Georgia Myatt and Clay Myers); “Wonderful concept because we are given recipes that may be out of
my comfort zone and into something new. Particularly like to eat food from other cultures. I’ve never tasted something I did not like!” (Nancy Alexander); “ I like the idea of setting an elegant table and I love getting dressed up!” (Mary Quisenberry). “Really getting to know three other couples in an intimate setting while experiencing foods that I would never make myself!” (Dorothy Moore). Typically, the meals are “themed” as menus are chosen from a country or region of the world. All recipes are provided and participants at each house all make the same food courses. However due to the diverse menus offered to the group, food/beverage allergies and preferences cannot be accommodated. Members can decide prior to each dinner whether they wish to attend. Food and beverage costs are shared equally among the eight participants at each house. Total dinner costs average $35 - $50 per couple which includes wine and a multi course meal. The Dinner Group activities are wrapped up for the season, but will resume in the fall. If you are interested in participating in the Dinner Group, just email the coordinator (Karen Silverthorn, silk3349@charter.net) to request your name is added specifically to the Dinner Group email list.
Genealogy Club By: Dave Dittmeier The Genealogy Club is off and running since its initial meeting. Since the last issue of The Waterfall, two meetings have been held with over 40 Cresswind residents at each gathering. One meeting discussed “Building a Family Tree – Part I” and the second meeting included Part II, plus a discussion of using Social Media to do genealogical research. The Genealogy Club meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 7 pm. It is open to all Cresswind residents who are interested in tracing their family roots, whether it is for self-interest or leaving a legacy to their family
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Ongoing Weekly Activities
Arts & Crafts Event of the Season By: Dawn Davis Members of the Cresswind Arts & Crafts Club attended the “event of the season” in the Crow’s Nest on March 15th. The event was the Arts & Crafts Club Dessert Party. The attire was casual with white gloves being optional, the dessert divine, and expectations were indeed exceeded. Fifty members from the Arts & Crafts Club sipped extravagant
champagne (Andre’s $6/bottle) punch while dining on an assortment of confections. Much mingling and merriment was enjoyed. Each of the twelve Special Interest Groups were represented with impressive (impressive because I made them) one of a kind centerpieces. The twelve SIGs are Jewelry Making, Pottery, Gourd Painting, Scrapbooking, Quilting, Needlework, Painting, Photography, Railroad Group, Stamps & Coin Collecting, and Card Making. Our President Angela Medley, gave an eloquent discourse on proper art etiquette. Other officers pre-
siding were Vice President Janice Miles, and Treasurer Sheran Connolly. Membership to the Arts & Crafts Club is $5.00. May/June | The Waterfall | Page 29
Club Updates
Bridge Notes
RV Club
By: John Kelley
By: Dave Dittmeier
The Cresswind Bridge University is proud to announce two graduating classes. Dale Hoberg had 15 Cresswind students complete his introduction to Bridge Basics. They are now ready to join the informal open bridge sessions held each Thursday afternoon in the card room. Hal and Susie Griffith are proctoring a similar number of students for a Bridge Review course to refresh and tune up their bridge skills. They are ready to join the rest of the Cresswind bridge players in Friday rubber bridge or duplicate games. We are continuing our Tuesday morning sessions, which are evolving into a “play of the hand” puzzle solving exercise. All levels are welcome to come lend a hand figuring out how to make these challenging contracts. Thanks to our great teachers and congr atula tions to all the graduates.
Over 10 RVers made a trip to Riverbend RV Resort, Lake Toxaway, NC. A grand time was had by all. The trip included hiking, touring the local area, a trip through the Pisgah National Forest, up the Blue Ridge Parkway for a lunch with a view at the Pisgah Inn. Another trip in June will be to the Virginia Creeper Trail in Western Virginia/Eastern Tennessee. The main feature of this trip is biking a rails-to-trails bicycle trail from White Mountain to Damascus, Virginia. Although this trail is 19 miles long, it descends 1600 feet, so it is an easy downhill ride. Being a former railroad bed, this trails sports 75 trestles of varying lengths. Other trips in the planning stages include the Natchez Trace going from Nashville to New Orleans, Pensacola Florida and Eufaula Alabama. If any Cresswind residents have or are interested in purchasing a Recreational Vehicle, our club would be excited to include you in our future road trips. Information about the club and/or forthcoming trips can be obtained from Dave Dittmeier, DaDittmeier@ gmail.com.
Cresswind Pickleball By: Jack Hollfelder March was a busy and eventful month for the Cresswind Pickleball Club. We now have 143 dues paying members and growing. We typically have 12+ new people at our weekly training sessions and many of them become addicted and join. We completed our first Clay Myers Round Robin tournament and it was a rousing success. We had 32 men and 28 women compete with close to 100 spectators/fans watching! Congratulations to the gold medal winners: Brad Chambers/Randy Garcia for the men and Susan Chambers/Marsha Low for the women. This will become an annual event and kick-off our pickleball season. On March 20th, members of our Competitive Team hosted a challenge match vs. the White County YMCA. Four men’s and four women’s teams from each community played a round robin format that included every team playing 8 games. I am proud to say that we prevailed on what was a windy, blustery day. In the past, members of our Competitive Team have played against Del Webb Deaton Creek and the Golden Gherkins at Skidaway Island. We are always on the lookout for communities that have the same passion for pickleball as we do and continually look for ways to interact with them. This spring we will be starting men’s and women’s league play with mixed doubles league play starting in the summer. There Page 30 | The Waterfall | May/June
will be more tournaments, social activities, and of course - plenty of fun pickleballing every day!
Resident News & Information
The 3rd Annual Variety Show Extravaganza By: Ron Chiles WOW! The 3rd Annual Variety Show Extravaganza presented February 17, 18, and 19 was an enormous hit again this year. The show was made up of a women’s chorus, piano solos & duets, 3 vocal solos, 2 comedy skits, 3 groups of dancers (including ballet?!), a flute solo & duet, and a bluegrass band. Support was provided by a lighting, sound, and stage crew of 14 and a house management team of 9.
than the amount of time spent during your own personal preparation, the only group time involved is one tech rehearsal, one dress rehearsal, and the performances themselves. I know I speak for all involved when I say thank you to the entire community for the overwhelming support. Your appreciation and enthusiasm are what keeps us motivated. Do join us next year! Contact me at ronaldmchiles@gmail. com if interested.
A total of 470 members of the community and their guests were thrilled with an evening of song, skits, dancing, music, etc. You never know from year to year exactly what new and fun things to expect and absolutely no one was disappointed. The amazing variety of talent and skill on display led to such an entertaining evening. The show was originally scheduled for only 2 nights and they both sold out by the third day. When the waiting list exceeded more than 6o, the decision was made to add an additional performance. And that one sold out also! We are all looking forward to next year’s performance and several acts have already expressed an interest in participating. We enthusiastically encourage any and all of you who might consider joining us. All that is required is a willingness on your part to share your skill/talent with your friends and neighbors. Other
Snakes a Problem in North Georgia They say snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them — an easy claim to make when you’re not the one standing face to face with a venomous copperhead. TRAILBLAZERS… Please be cautious when walking the trails. Snakes have been seen and we wouldn’t want you or your furry friends to get hurt. Georgia is home to 41 different snake species, six of which are venomous. Contrary to popular belief, they do not chase people. It may be that a person corners one and the only way out is past you, but snakes typically don’t want anything to do with people. But occasionally, bites do happen. If this happens, the best thing to do in this scenario is immediately get to a hospital.
WHAT TO DO IF A SNAKE BITES Non-venomous Simply wash the affected area with soap and water. Venomous • Keep the bitten area below heart level, and remove rings, watches, and tight clothing. • Try to identify the offending snake if you can do so easily, without putting yourself at risk or wasting valuable time. • Go to the nearest hospital or emergency medical facility immediately, even if you suspect a dry bite. The universal treatment for a serious snakebite is the use of antivenin or snakebite serum, which should only be administered by a medical doctor. • If local doctors aren’t sure which antivenin to use, advise them to contact the American Association of Poison Control Centers, 800-222-1222. • Don’t eat or drink anything, including alcoholic beverages or medicines. • Don’t run or engage in strenuous activity. • Don’t cut into or incise bite marks with a blade. • Don’t apply a tourniquet after a pit viper bite, which includes most venomous snakes in Georgia. • Don’t use a stun gun or other electrical shock. • Don’t freeze or apply extreme cold to the area of the bite. From the Department of Natural Resources
May/June | The Waterfall | Page 31
Dawn Parks
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