2 minute read
from Cresswind July 2021
by The Times
… from the Desk of Kitti Kleinedler
At one time or another every resident has received a copy of the Cresswind LL Rules and Regulations booklet. The most current version can be found on the Cresswind at LL website. All residents are expected to be aware of the rules and guidelines and to abide by them. So, I thought it might be a good thing to highlight some of the lesser quoted rules.
Did you know that . . .
• Fireworks are not permitted anywhere within the Amenity Complex or the community. p.15 • After every event, the club, class, or individual resident sponsoring the event (point of contact) will assess the area and ensure the cleaning and restoration to its original condition. p.17 • No reptiles, animals, livestock or poultry of any kind may be raised, bred, kept or permitted on any lot, with the exception of dogs, cats or other usual and common household pets not to exceed two (2) of any one type in number. p.47 • Sports team flags are acceptable on weekend game days (Friday through Sunday.) p.58 • All radon mitigation installations require an ARC Application and written approval. p.65 • Holiday lighting displays may be installed within thirty days before the holiday and are to be re moved withing fifteen days after the holiday has ended. p.71 • Residents and guests may not swim or dive within, to or from the Cresswind Marina. p.81 • Golf cart or motorized vehicle operators must be at least sixteen years of age and have a valid state -issued driver’s license and be able to provide proof of insurance. p.91
Living in an HOA ensures a certain standard of lifestyle, but it requires that everyone abide by the “Law of the Land.” Here are a couple more “laws” that I have noticed people bending lately.
• The dumpster by the clubhouse is not for resident use. Any items placed on the ground inside the enclosure will not be picked up. • Dogs and pets (except service animals) are not allowed within the Amenity Complex which includes the back event lawn. • Golf carts are not to be driven or parked on sidewalks/walkways and turf throughout the community including those common areas adjacent to amenities unless permission is granted by the management staff.
Keeping Cresswind an extraordinary place to live takes cooperation and a little flexibility from all residents. Some rules may be contrary to one’s personal wishes, but they were made with the idea of what is best for most. Let’s work together to keep Cresswind Strong! and a wonderful, beautiful place to live.
Welcome to Cresswind!
Caleb Carr Traci Broccoli
Maintenance Support Guest Services