6 minute read
Resident News
from Cresswind July 2021
by The Times
By John Stevens
“What Should You Do If…a Tornado is Coming” The Education Committee and the Cresswind Community Emergency & Disaster Response Planning work-group (EDRP-WG) provided an interactive presentation with Casey Ramsey, our Hall County Emergency Management Director on Wednesday, May 12th in the Ballroom. Roughly 40 residents attended this 2-hour event. EMD Ramsey talked about what we can do to be prepared for the possibility of a tornado hitting our community, and how to help ourselves and help each other if such an event should occur. EMD Ramsey showed some video footage of the aftermath from the March 26, 2021 tornado that hit Newnan, GA, which is located roughly 90 miles southwest of Gainesville as a reminder that tornados can and do happen here in Georgia, and that knowing what to do before and after a tornado strike will help us be ‘survivors’ rather than just victims in the event that our community incurs a tornado hit. To help our residents remain alert and vigilant to the possibility of severe and potentially damaging local weather events, EMD Ramsey provided each resident in attendance a complimentary Weather-Alert Radio pre-programmed for receiving Hall County weather alerts. EMD Ramsey’s presentation was recorded on video and is available on the CLL website.
This program was the first of several community disaster readiness and response programs being developed by the Cresswind Community Emergency & Disaster Response Planning work-group (EDRP-
WG), in partnership with the CLL Education
For more information about the CLL Emergency & Disaster Response Planning Work Group, and/ or to train as a response-ready resident-volunteer, please contact John Stevens and/or Mark Soss.

Our Cresswind Heritage
by Bruce Leibrecht
Venture back to 2008 for more notable moments in our early history …
➢ Jan 2008 – New year starts without a developer, thanks to Levitt and Sons’ bankruptcy ➢ Feb 2008 – The community forms eight committees to administer day-to-day functions ➢ Mar 2008 – Volunteer residents begin overseeing grounds-keeping in common areas ➢ Apr 2008 – Ad Hoc Committee begins monthly meetings with bankruptcy court’s rep – Social Committee hosts spring fiesta, its first event since initial formation ➢ May 2008 – Residents establish tax-exempt nonprofit aimed at educational resources ➢ Jun 2008 – Collective hopes dwindle at news of Levitt and Sons’ decision to liquidate ➢ July 2008 – Residents fume over sale of Seasons Promenade land for RaceTrac station – Bank-funded crew completes construction of initial Seasons-LL marina ➢ Aug 2008 – Reports of a new developer fizzle, ending in dismay and disappointment ➢ Sep 2008 – Residents construct bocce ball court behind Design Center on Scarlet Oak – Community Association holds first annual members meeting at local church ➢ Oct 2008 – Landscaping subcommittee plans major projects utilizing year-end funds – Ad Hoc Committee starts planning for future transition to new developer ➢ Nov 2008 – Landscaping projects bring new sod, permanent plantings, fresh look – Residents mark 1-year anniversary of life on Lake Lanier with no developer – Contractor ʺfracksʺ primary well to improve water flow to common areas ➢ Dec 2008 – Residents marvel at revitalized entrance, ending year of bankruptcy neglect – The community Call today for a free celebrates Holidays in the grip of continuing uncertainty – The nation’s on-site estimate! real estate crisis claims Wachovia Bank, forced into merger
Stay tuned for another round of notable moments in the next Waterfall. Want more information? Got memories, stories, photos, or other items to share? Please contact Our Cresswind Heritage
Workgroup, Bruce Leibrecht (bleibrecht@windstream.net) or Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com).
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From the CLL Traffic Safety & Road Use Work-Group
By John Stevens
A True Confession from an Anonymous Resident
(as told to a TSRU-WG member)
“I found myself running a little late the other day, trying to make ‘good time’ on my short drive to a Clubhouse Event. Probably from old habits, I felt a push to get around the slowpoke in front of me and was a bit annoyed that they were costing me more time. As I bit my lip in frustration, it hit me, “whose fault is it that I am running late?” In actuality, none of the pedestrians, bicyclists, or golf carts were at fault... they did not deserve any less consideration because I had gotten a late start. I grew up a little bit in that moment and realized that staying calm so that I could fully enjoy the ride through our serene and beautiful community while supporting neighborhood safety, is much more important than trying to ‘shave off’ 30-seconds here and there on my brief drive. If I am going to be annoyed at anyone, it should be me for not getting out of the house in a timely manner. One bad habit down, hopefully more to follow.”
Perhaps a wise message to us all…
The CLL Traffic Safety & Road Use Work-Group (TSRU-WG) is continuing its effort to bring residents into a conversation about how to further encourage safe and responsible road use while we are out and about in our community. Several key traffic safety concerns have been identified by residents, some of which were borne out of their own ‘not-so-pleasant’ experiences on our roads. These traffic safety concerns currently include:
a) unmarked cross-walks; b) lane drift on curves; c) wrong way in the round-a-bouts; d) speeding; e) obstructed/limited lines-of-sight. The TSRU-WG plans to hold brain-storming meetings with residents to help identify ideas and options for addressing these concerns. Be on the lookout for more information about this.
In addition, with help and support from the Cresswind Neighborhood Theater Group, the TSRU-WG will be producing several public service announcement videos promoting safe and responsible CLL road use. The videos will star our own CLL friends and neighbors in light-hearted vignettes that promote safe road use by all CLL user-groups (e.g., vehicles, golf carts, cyclists, walkers, etc.) …and who wouldn’t want that? Watch the Daily Update for more information.

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