12 minute read
Committee News
from Cresswind July 2021
by The Times
Committee Corner Architectural Review Committee (ARC) by Louis McClure
Let’s be good neighbors and follow the approved Cresswind Rules & Regulations when developing our home projects.
If your project grows, the Landscape Committee is responsible for the approval. For all other items, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is responsible for the approval.
Are you planning some summer projects?
p Window Replacement p Roof Replacement p Landscape Edging p Exterior House Painting p Exterior Light Replacement p Driveway/Walkway Resurfacing p Standby Generators p Tankless Hot Water Heater p Installing Storm Door Help, I do not have my home plat? The ARC Committee has added the phase plats to the Cresswind Website for your convenience. Log into the Cresswind Website and select Lifestyle / Committees / ARC Committee / Street Plats; next select the Phase your home is in. The plat contains much needed information on your home, i.e., drainage and utility easements, Cresswind Common Property line, etc. Please note that some restrictions apply to what can be built and planted on easement property. If you have any questions about your project, please contact the ARC for assistance.

My project will require the use of a dumpster or PODS, what do I need to know?
Dumpsters and PODS must be approved by the ARC and requires a $1,500 damage deposit (ARC-2). The homeowner is responsible for any damage caused by the delivery and pick up of the dumpster. The deposit is returned once the project has been completed and ARC has closed the request. Reminder: The dumpster or PODS must be placed in your driveway on plywood surface and must not block the sidewalk.
Can I improve the Community Common Property around my home?
Cresswind Rules & Regulations Manual 5-3.1. General: (h) Under certain circumstances, improvements may be made to Community Common Property with approval of the Architectural Review Committee and/or the Landscape Committee and the Association Board of Directors. It is the intent of the Association to allow residents to landscape and hardscape (excluding fences) berms and slopes which are adjacent to certain lots in the Community. Before any improvements can be made, homeowners must submit requests to the Architectural Review Committee and/or the Landscape Committee for review and approval, and then final approval by the Board of Directors.
Do I need to ask for approval if I am painting my house exactly the same colors?
Yes, you do. The Cresswind Community Manager uses your request for approval as a means of tracking when you last painted your house, so it is important for you to submit this request. You will receive an approval letter from the Cresswind Community Manager, but you do not need to wait to receive the approval letter before you begin.
Driveway Resurfacing

Two important points to remember: all work must be approved by the ARC before and after the resurfacing process, and sidewalks are
common property and cannot be resurfaced or colored.
Committee Corner Covenants, Rules and Regulations Committee by Mario Russo
The CRRC is proud to announce the two newest members that have joined our team. John Saccomanno and John Peterson have stepped up to participate in the good work that is being done to support our community in alignment with the Rules & Regulations. Please join me in congratulating both Mr. Saccomanno and Mr. Peterson and thank them when you see them for volunteering! As previously reported, we have been collaborating with committees and clubs that wish to update the rules that apply to their group. This project should be complete about the time this Waterfall is delivered. Look for an announcement in the Daily Update for when the revision is implemented and available. As always, if we can answer any questions about Rules & Regulations, please feel free to contact a committee member. Our member’s roster and mission statement can be found on the Cresswind website. Go to the “INFO” tab, then “COMMITTEES”, select “Covenants and Rules and Regulations Committee.”
In this newsletter’s “Did You Know” section:
[Rules from the R&R you may not be award of] Summer, summer, summer 2021!!! Let’s roll with fun! 2-1.3. Code of Conduct [page 14] (b) A Resident or guest shall not discipline, correct, threaten, or abuse any of the Management Staff, other residents, guests, directors, officers, or committee persons. (d) Residents and guest must not conduct themselves so as not to infringe upon the rights and privileges of other residents and guest.

6-2.2. Prohibited Parking [page 90] (a) Parking is prohibited in the following areas: (1) Round-a-bouts or cul-de-sacs. (This allows emergency vehicles to quickly access homes and turn around as needed.) (3) Across the street from a resident’s driveway. (This allows the resident to easily back out of their driveway)

Summer 2021 has arrived! It is a time we have all been anticipating. Life at Cresswind including our fitness program has come alive again. With summertime comes the opportunity for residents and guests to utilize our pool and spa facilities. We have revamped the rules for both the indoor pool and spa as well as the outdoor pool area. They are concise and we request all residents be familiar with them and abide by them for the safety of the community.
We would like to welcome our new personal fitness trainer Kim McKenna. She has ACE certifications in both personal training and nutrition. Her belief is that the proper exercise and nutrition go hand in hand to accomplish a healthy lifestyle and attain your goals. Her programs are personalized based on an individual’s health concerns and limitations. You can sign up for a consultation with Kim in the Fitness Center.
Our health seminars have returned. The sign-up sheet can be found in the Fitness Center. The first one was presented in May on back health and was very informative. Northeast Georgia Health Systems will sponsor Laura Banner, FNP specializing in Neurology on July 19th at noon in the Ballroom. She will discuss Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, and memory loss issues. Sign up is limited to 100 people. In September, our seminar will be on Arthritis with a speaker from Northside Hospital. Further information regarding this event will be forthcoming.
We look forward to seeing everyone participating in what this Active Adult Community has to offer!
Education Committee by Lois Ehlers

The Cresswind Education Committee hopes you have been able to participate in the programs we have recently offered. In conjunction with the Community Emergency & Disaster Response Planning team, we hosted a presentation by Casey Ramsey, our Hall County Emergency Management Director. Casey talked about what we can do to be prepared in case of a tornado hitting our community. Sixty residents signed up to experience the Police Simulator. Take a look at photos of our residents while there. We all got a better understanding of the split-second decisions the police officers make. We hosted a Public Safety Appreciation event, with over 50 police, sheriffs, and firemen attending. Additionally, some of our local city officials joined us. Firemen won the corn hole tournament…and they say they will continue to win it every year! Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this event a success. Photos of this event courtesy of Howie Mueller. Topics for the next couple of months include Estate planning, Nutrition for Seniors, Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease, Navigating the Cresswind Website, and Emergency Preparedness. Watch for announcements in the Daily Update! Programs are open to the entire Cresswind Community.

Welcome New Residents!
Bill and Joan Gallagher 3314 Sweet Plum Trace
David and Danelle Hayward 3763 Golden Leaf Point
Richard Williams and Laurie Curran 3891 Sweet Magnolia Drive
Peter and Christine Cabrelli 3631 Majestic Oak Drive
Mark, Karen and Margie Galloway 3442 Locust Cove Road Allen and Tina Ferg 3734 Cypresswood Point
Eric and Nancy Dochnal 3627 Cresswind Parkway
Robert “Ted” Marble and Barbara Langhans 4000 Great Pine Drive
Jim and Marilyn Giambrone 3129 Willow Creek Drive
Karen Walters 3670 Cresswind Parkway
Barbara “Dianne” Wood 3385 Sweet Plum Trace Gale Farlow 3704 Cresswind Parkway
Elizabeth Jones 3135 White Magnolia Chase
Carl and Angela Walker 3539 Locust Cove Road
Carol Henly 3329 Sweet Plum Trace
Michael Mitchell 3409 Cresswind Parkway

Landscape Committee by Linda Furgerson
Summer is almost here, and that means everyone is out enjoying the beauty of North Georgia. It also means many of you are submitting Landscape Requests to modify or improve your own personal landscape. A few minor behind the scenes changes have been implemented to improve and optimize the Landscape Request process and response time. Below is a collection of various topics relevant to your current and future landscaping projects. Just as a reminder, when you receive approval from the Landscape Committee, unless otherwise noted on your approval letter, you are being approved to plant the materials you have requested in the locations you have identified. If there is a change in either plant materials, or location, you must resubmit an updated Landscape Request stating the changes. Unfortunately, we had some instances where planting materials have been changed and unapproved plantings have been installed or placed in different locations. This could result in homeowners being required to remove the plants at their expense. Please, if for some reason there are changes to the planting materials due to availability or other reason, submit a secondary Landscape Request to get them approved. While an annual application of pine straw is provided to homeowners, some have opted to remove the pine straw and replace it with bark or mulch at their own expense. The only approved mulch or bark are Pine or Cypress and must be natural in color. Once bark or mulch has been installed, MTS will not install pine straw in those areas going forward. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining and replenishing the bark and mulch as needed at their own expense. Installation of bark and mulch does not require a Landscape Request to be submitted. Under no circumstances is plastic or colored mulch or bark allowed. A few years back, a level of service program was implemented at the suggestion of several homeowners who wanted to do “self-gardening.” This level of service program allows homeowners to designate the level of service they want from MTS regarding their front, side, and back flower beds in regards to weeding, trimming, and other services. Here is a quick review of those service levels.
o Green-Level - MTS is responsible for pruning, and weeding all flower beds: front, side, and back o Yellow-Level - MTS is responsible for pruning, and weeding only the front flower beds. Homeowner is responsible for side and back beds. o Red-Level - Homeowner is responsible for pruning all flower beds: front, side, and back. MTS will weed front beds only. Homeowner is responsible for weeding side and back beds. Homeowners can select the level of desired service regarding bed maintenance in January. Once selected, the level of service cannot be changed for one calendar year. You will be provided the appropriate colored decal to indicate your selected level of service. This decal must be displayed either on the mailbox, or outside controller for the sprinkler system (for homes without a mailbox). Despite the identified level of service, homeowners are responsible for any additional treatments as required for the health specific to, or recommend for, their plants. This could include: special flower/ shrub fertilizer, fungicides or pesticides.
Homeowners are responsible for replacement of dead or diseased plants in all beds located on their property at their expense. If plants are replaced with identical or similar materials, no Landscape Request is required.

Welcome Committee News by Sue Joninas
The Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents with all being resales. Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering their support. We let the residents know they can call us and we will help them in any way we can. We also find that neighbors on their street are reaching out to make them feel welcome. We held a New Resident Orientation on April 29th at 4:00 pm. There were speakers on all aspects of living at Cresswind. It was well attended and the attendees enjoyed it immensely. We will be having another one in late November for new residents since April. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact me at sjoninas@gmail.com. We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind!
The Social Committee By Pam Scheuerman

The Social Committee is excited to be back presenting special events at the clubhouse and lawn. As we all know last year was a very unusual situation. We are thrilled to be bringing to Cresswind new performers as well as some old friends/performers. Working with Maggie Shay, our new Lifestyle Director, we have already hosted Pete and Pete on the lawn, staged several Trivia nights, and had a blast at the opening of the pool.
In late May, we had an outstanding time on the lawn with The Regulators, a classic rock band that had our Cresswinders up and dancing from the very first song. Then, on June’s First Friday, we hosted our first Ballroom event with our Cresswind resident band “Joyride”. It is starting to feel normal in Cresswind!
The Social Committee is composed of 15 members representing 9 members that have served for several years and 6 new members that are quickly learning how to stage events. It is our pleasure to work with Maggie to host our events. These events require lots of hard work and planning. We are delighted to be a part of these fun Cresswind activities.
Our Social Committee members are: Abby Saccomanno, Bev Peters, Pam Mauldin, Russ Schussler, Pam Scheuerman, Heidi Anderson, Carol Malarney, Pat Cohen, Marilyn Young, Gail Andrews, Diane Cope, Mark Nestle, Nancy Kubiak, Deena Demchak, Arlene Stevens and Mary McPherson