The Official Newsletter of the Cresswind Community
November/December 2019 Vol. L
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4324 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, GA 30566
Helpful Numbers FIRST SERVICES REGIONAL DIRECTOR Gary Hulion 770-536-3300 Gary.Hulion@fsresidential.com COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler 770-536-3300 Catherine.Kleinedler@fsresidential.com ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Darlene Carr 770-536-3300 Darlene.Carr@fsresidential.com LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR TBD
THE CLUB 770-536-3300 Carolyn O’Camb: Front Desk Supervisor Debbie Anderson: Guest Services Roland Sherwood: Maintenance NEW HOME WARRANTY Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Customer Service: Ryan Carroll Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 770-503-5418 gacustomercare@kolter.com KOLTER HOMES, LLC Vice President: Tony Adams 770-532-4926 TAdams@Kolter.com
The content for The Waterfall is provided by the residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents receive relevant and updated content about what is going
EMC SECURITY SYSTEM 24 Hour Alarm Cancel 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service 770-963-0305 HELPFUL NUMBERS: Emergency - 911 City of Gainesville Water 770-535-6878 Liberty Utilities 855-216-6305 Spectrum 1-888-345-7139 First Service Residential (After Hours) 1-877-411-1165
Table of Contents Helpful Numbers.................................... 3 Lifestyle Director.................................... 4
on in their community.
Kitti’s Corner.......................................... 5
This newsletter is provided at no cost to
Community Corner................................. 6
our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising profits. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a possibility for each resident every other month. If you would like to contribute
Scrapbook............................................... 8 What’s Happening................................ 16 Weekly Activities/Fitness Calendar....... 32 Please visit our website at www.cresswindatll.com
to its contents, please contact Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com) and Eleanor Whalen (efwhalen@gmail.com).
The Waterfall Cover Photo Courtesy of Leo Cortjens
To advertise in The Waterfall, contact Leah Nelson at The Times - 770.535-6330 - lnelson@gainesvilletimes.com. The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
From the Lifestyle Director
It is Holiday time! Get ready for the festivities! The fun never stops here at Cresswind and we finish out 2019 with Food, Music, Dancing, and a Grandchildren event. So mark those calendars!
WHAT’S HAPPENING EVERY MONTH? BREW HA HA: Every weekday morning 8:30am-10:30am in the Crow’s Nest T.G.I.F.: Every Friday 5:30pm in the Crow’s Nest, BYOB Mix & Mingle, FREE! $1 MOVIE NIGHTS: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday in the Ballroom FITNESS CLASSES: Check the Fitness Calendar for ways to get fit every day of the week
LIFESTYLE EVENTS IN NOVEMBER & DECEMBER NOV. 1: HALLOWEEN FIRST FRIDAY/COSTUME/DANCE PARTY, 7PM, BALLROOM, $7 Special Guest DJ “Retro Robbie and his Vintage Vinyl”, costume prizes awarded.
NOV. 9: TRIVIA NIGHT, 7PM, BALLROOM, $5 Put your thinking caps on!
NOV. 23: COMEDY/MAGIC NIGHT, 7PM, BALLROOM, $15 Laugh and prepare to be amazed!
DEC. 6: (FIRST FRIDAY CANCELLED) DEC. 13: HOLIDAY COCKTAIL PARTY! 7PM-10PM, ENTIRE CLUBHOUSE $25 The party everyone talks about is finally here! Join 600 of your closest friends as we party in the entire clubhouse! Roam from room to room, upstairs and downstairs while enjoying catered tasty delights and music throughout, with dancing in the ballroom. BYOB, Residents Only!
DEC. 17&18: “A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS WITH LISA, COREY AND JULIAN” 7PM, BALLROOM, $15 Enjoy 2 special nights of a holiday concert.
DEC. 21: BREAKFAST WITH SINGING SANTA! 9AM-11AM, BALLROOM, $10 Get all the grandkids together to meet, sing and take pictures with Santa and Mrs. Clause! We will serve a continental style breakfast with both healthy food and typical pastry items, fruit, juice, cereal, coffee etc. A perfect morning for the little ones. Under 3 is free! Friends & Family welcome!
DEC. 31: NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION, 9-MIDNIGHT, BALLROOM, $20 Dance in the New Year with the R&B, Inc. Band. Happy New Year! Remember, check the WEBSITE for most up to date calendar of events, things change!
Page 4 | The Waterfall | November/December
Kitti’s Corner
Kitti’s Corner By Kitti Kleinedler
Are you thankful or are you grateful? Although both words are used to express the benefits received in life, there is a subtle, but significant difference. Thankfulness often is an automatic, verbal response as in “thank you.” It is a good response, and it usually happens after someone has been on the receiving end of something positive. It is a polite reply when someone opens a door or a cashier gives a receipt ending a transaction. It is easy to say and lasts just a brief moment. Mother taught us to say “please” and “thank you” because it is the right thing to do. But are those just words we are conditioned to say? Gratefulness is also appreciation for benefits received. It may sound like “thank you”, but it is accompanied by a good feeling from within. And that is the significant difference. It isn’t automatic. Rather one stops and deliberately feels the appreciation one has for a person, an experience, or a thing that has been helpful. Feelings of gratitude can be spontaneous and random. They aren’t always in response to a positive action. Some studies suggest that being grateful can help improve sleep, eliminate stress, improve relationships, increase satisfaction in life, and even boost self -esteem. That’s a lot of good stuff for just a moment’s pause of deliberate appreciation. So, during this season of Thanksgiving, try pausing just a moment when asked to be thankful and give yourself the gift of gratefulness as you count your blessings.
Dr. Stephanie Greene, D.M.D. Dr. Sarah Miles, D.M.D
Cresswind Residents
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4235 Mundy Mill Rd., Oakwood, GA 30566 www.greenedentistry.com November/December | The Waterfall | Page 5
Committee Corner
Architectural Review Committee HOLIDAY DECORATIONS – this time of year is a favorite time for decorating one’s house for the holidays. You do not need to submit an ARC application for outdoor decorations, as long as you stay within the expected parameters, which are explained below Generally, wreaths, garlands and roping are routine, and lights on rooflines and trees or shrubs are all fine. Putting a spotlight on your Santa or your menorah is also okay. Those rotating projectors that shine a pattern of lights on the house have also been used and accepted in the past couple of years. Here is what to watch out for, lest the ARC Grinch call you to say there has been a complaint and you must take something down. • Timing – decorations may be installed within 30 days before the holiday and must be removed within 15 days after the holiday has ended. • Extent – please do not put up so many lights that your lot looks like a secondary landing field for Hartsfield-Jackson. Your lights should not keep neighbors awake. No lights
By Landy Johnson, ARC Chair should be on all night. Timers are a good idea. No, this is not in the rules, but this is the most frequent reason for calls to the ARC at this time of year, and we encourage everyone to be good neighbors. • Style – this is a tough area because our viewpoints differ. The rules specifically say that inflatable figures and blink-track racing lights are not allowed. Even though some may like them, this is what is written, so we have to follow it. • Size – the rules are a little vague about this. “Lighted reindeer of medium height” are allowed. There is no definition of “medium height.” Essentially, please try to avoid very large installations and anything that reaches the point of “clutter” (another subjective term). There is plenty of scope for a great variety of decorations. Some of us enjoy driving or walking around Cresswind and looking at all the displays. Best wishes for safe and happy holidays!
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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 7
Committee Corner
Education Committee By Doug Geganto
The Cresswind Education Committee has completed another successful year of programs for the community. To date we have had 1,767 residents attend Education Committee programs in 2019. We have just three more programs left to conclude our year: 1. Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nonsurgical Interventions of Low Back
2. Thursday, November 14, 2019
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
3. Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Individual Medicare Counseling
LOOKING TOWARD 2020 We are already working on our 2020 programs and have already confirmed the following:
BACK BY POPULAR 1. January 13 - AARP Safe Driving Course Part 1 2. January 15 – AARP Safe Driving Course Part 2 3. January 16 – Internet Fraud
I am in negotiations with the city to do another Mini Citizen’s Academy in the first quarter of 2020. As soon as we get the dates firmed up, we will get it on our schedule. As always, watch the Daily Update or check our webpage https://sites.google.com/site/cwlleducation/for complete details about our upcoming programs.
If you have a suggestion for a program, contact us and we will see if we can bring it to Cresswind.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Four of us, Pam Papciak, Carol Hanlon, Chuck Wharton and myself will be transitioning off the committee in December. Over the past three years, it has been our honor to have had the opportunity to serve our community. We hope that the programs we have brought to Cresswind have made a difference in at least one life. The committee has been working diligently to find residents who share the same passion for bringing quality programs into our community. If you have an interest in joining the Education Committee, please send me a note and we will ask you to come to one of our meetings to learn about how we work and what we do. If what we tell you seems like something you would like to get involved in, let us know.
Page 10 | The Waterfall | November/December
may be far off,
Committee Corner
but the April 15 deadline for IRA contributions isn’t.
Welcome to Our Newest Residents! Barbara & Normand Bourdua 3887 Sweet Magnolia Drive Michael & Patricia Cohen 3780 Cresswind Parkway Robert & Suzanne Edmond 3953 Sweet Magnolia Drive
You have only so many years to prepare for retirement. That’s why contributing to your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is so important. Fortunately, you still have time to maximize your 2015 IRA contribution before the April 15 deadline.
Ray & Judith Marchman 3016 Scarlet Oak Lane
By contributing now, your retirement savings can have more opportunity to grow. Even if you already have an IRA elsewhere, it’s easy to transfer it to an Edward Jones IRA and begin receiving the face-to-face guidance you deserve.
Donna Mincey 3520 Blue Spruce Court
CompareToOur CD Rates learn more about the advantages of an
Mary Clendeninn & Anthony Olinger Bank-issued, 3003 Scarlet Oak Lane
Ronald & Ava Evans 3615 Cresswind Parkway
6-month Roger & Lillian Pajak 3028 Scarlet Oak Lane
Ruth & Thomas Hall 3977 Sweet Magnolia Drive
1-year Pardo Willmer & Claudia 3947 Bloomfield Way
David & Jane Hanson 3008 Scarlet Oak Lane
2-year Brett & Susan Rayman 3638 Cresswind Parkway
Robert & Diane Holman 3895 Sweet Magnolia Drive Joy & Richard Johnson 3020 Scarlet Oak Lane Rachel Jones 3589 Cresswind Parkway Judson & Lynn & Lavonne Jones 3644 Cresswind Parkway Harry & Kathy Lewis 3726 Cresswind Parkway
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Financial Advisor
958 McEver Rd Ext Suite A5 Call or visit your local financial advisorGainesville, today. GA 30504 Malcolm & Linda Sutter 770-533-9965 Jeffrey A Sulka, CFP®, 3943 Great Pine Drive AAMS® Shufelt 3847 English Oak Drive
www.edwardjones.com Jack & Karen Williamson Financial Advisor Member SIPC . 3421 Locust Cove Road 958 Mcever Road Ext Suite A5 www.edwardjones.com Gainesville, GA 30504 Member SIPC 770-533-9965 IRT-2046G-A
Jay & Lenore Hirsch 4035 Lavender Point
% APY*
2.45 %
Gary, Gloria & Jacob Harrell 3607 Majestic Oak Drive
Edward Jones IRA, call or visit today. FDIC-insured
November/December | The Waterfall | Page 11
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Page 12 | The Waterfall | November/December
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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 13
Committee Corner
Welcome Committee News
Health & Fitness Committee
By Denise Skeels
By Laurie Solomon
Our Cresswind Welcome Committee of twelve members has been hard at work contacting new residents. We held the Newcomer’s Orientation in the Ballroom in August 2019 for those new residents closing on houses. Approximately 44 residents attended this presentation by MTScapes, First Service, various committees, and our HOA. They were also able to pick up information about Gainesville and surrounding Hall county. The next New Resident Orientation will be in December, 2019. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four weeks of closing, please contact me at skeelsdenise@gmail. com. We do not want to miss any new residents!! Welcome to Cresswind!
We all know that the aging process is inevitable and daunting. After the age of 50 we can lose between 1-2% of skeletal muscle mass per year with increases in loss the older we get. This is a natural process unless we do something about it. Loss of muscle mass and strength, known as sarcopenia affects balance, gait, and the overall ability to perform the tasks of daily living. Strength training benefits have too many scientific based advantages to be addressed in this article. When you exercise your muscles against resistance they thicken thereby becoming stronger and more efficient. You will be more resistant to injury and slow down the loss of muscle mass due to the aging process. Strength training is progressive and works on the overload principle. Of the 3 components of fitness(aerobics, strength, and flexibility) strength training usually produces the most visible results in the shortest amount of time. Consulting with a fitness professional before beginning is highly recommended. Resistance equipment can include machines,
free weights, elastic bands, kettlebells, and medicine balls. It is important to bring the overload principle into play, but not so difficult as to use poor form and cause injury. Too many people use resistant equipment indiscriminately and can do more harm then good. It is never too late to start and this is an ideal time to make an investment in yourself. On October 25 Dr. Wesley Head, Medical Director of NE Georgia Diagnostic Clinics Sleep Medicine Program spoke about pulmonary health and sleep disorders. As with all of our previous speakers he was informative and answered many of our questions. The Health and Fitness Committee would like to thank Sandy Burke for instituting our Lap Challenge at the indoor pool. Her beautiful chart allows swimmers to record their total laps(either swimming or walking) per day. At the end of the month the total laps and miles will be calculated for you. This is not a race, just a way for people to stay motivated to keep on going. We are looking forward to our Health Fair scheduled for January 18, 2020 from 10-1. Hope to see you there.
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Page 14 | The Waterfall | November/December
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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 15
What’s Happening
Clubs at Cresswind ABC Men’s Book Club
Investment Club
Advanced Pottery
Italian Club
Alive & Well
Kayak Club
Acrylic Painting
Ladies Bunco
Ladies Golf Club
Shalom Club
Bocce Club
Ladies Hand & Foot
Book Babes
Ladies Poker
Book Warms
Line Dance - Beginning
Bourbon Cabinet Club
Line Dance - Traditional
Small Band Club
Bourbon Tasting
Line Dance - Intermediate
Social Singles
Bowling league
Line Dance – Cardio(Advanced)
Bridge Education
Mah Jongg
Canine Club
Make & Take Crafts
Spanish Club
Men’s Bible Study
Sports & Games
Cooking Club
Men’s Card Club
Clogging. Beginner
Men’s Golf Club
Clogging - Intermediate
Men’s Softball Club
Community Flag Club
Mexican Train Club
Community Fund (501C·3)
Mixed Card Group
Couple’s Bible Study
Model Railroad Club
Cover to Cover Book Club
The Falls Investment Club
Cresswind Car Club
Neighborhood Theatre
The Way Bible Study
Cresswind Performing Arts Club
Oil Painting
Cribbage Club @ CLL
Performing Arts Technical Team
Duplicate Bridge
Travel Club
Fishing Club
Pickleball Club
Trail Club
French Club
Ping Pong Club
Friday Samba
Fun with Fashions
Playscript Readers Club
Ukulele Club
Genealogy Club
Variety Show Club
Glaucoma Support Club
Poker Club
Great Decisions
Pottery Club
Hand & Foot Canasta Club
Watercolor Painting
Reading Between the Wines
Wendy’s Contemporary Dance
Hyde Park Club
Rubber Bridge
International Explorers
International Missions Club
RV Club
In the Stacks
Samba Club
Page 16 | The Waterfall | November/December
2nd Monday Book Club Scene Actors Guild (SAG) Sequence
Slot Car Club
Stamp Club
Tennis Club
3rd Monday Afternoon Book Club
Tuesday Morning Book Club
Veterans Inc (501C-3)
Wine Tasting Writers in the Wind Women’s Bible Study
New Ownership Service Team
8660 Hwy 53 East | Dawsonville, GA 30534
NorthAtlantaGolfCarts.com *Restrictions apply. Offers expires 12/31/19.
Adventures in Dining By Karen Silverthorn Seven houses of Cresswind members kicked off the eighth dining season in October with a delicious fall themed menu – complete with Apple Cider Mimosa, Cider Roasted Chicken and Pumpkin-Orange Cake. November’s meal proved a delight to the palate with “Award winning” dishes from a Spanish Sangria; Tortellini Tapas, Beef Tenderloin with Balsamic sauce and Garlic-Gruyere Mashed Potatoes. Mark your calendars now for the two remaining sit-down dinners: February 1st, 2020 – President Day theme with pork; March 7th, 2020 – French Spring Flavors with Cornish hens. Anyone can join at any time during the year, but annual membership in the Cooking Club is required. Guidelines for Adventures in Dining are on the Cooking Club’s website. If you are interested in joining, email the coordinator directly (Karen Silverthorn, silk3349@charter.net) to be added to the dining group email list. For each meal, all recipes are provided and courses assigned to those attending. There are always a total of 4 couples/pairs of people at each host home. For each dinner, we average 6 - 8 houses on the same evening, each using the same recipes and making the same courses. All food and beverage costs (average $45 - $65 per pair/couple) are shared equally among participants at each house. Course leads are assigned to help answer ingredient and cooking questions. Our mission is a simple one - to enjoy delicious meals while meeting new neighbors around an elegant dinner table. Every meal is an adventure!
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What’s Happening
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What’s Happening
Cresswind Kayak Club
Genealogy Club
By Carol Ann Bell
By Dave Dittmeier
The Cresswind Kayak Club finished their summer adventures on the lake with a paddle to Skogies Restaurant in the Gainesville Marina in September. With great weather to paddle, thirty-seven members, accompanied by our chase boat provided by Chuck and Nancy Kelemen, made it over to Skogies for brunch and then a paddle back. Everyone who participated enjoyed the event.
While the Genealogy Club traditionally does not meet during November and December, before we took our hiatus, we covered such topics as How to Use Military Muster Roles, the 1870 Federal Census, and Genealogy Research Tips. The Genealogy Club is open to all residents regardless of their level of research and expertise. We volunteer to help each other. We will pick up again in January 2020 so watch the Daily Update for our next meeting time and date.
The next kayak meeting will be held in November to elect officers for 2020 and hold the lottery for the vertical kayak slots at the marina. New members are always welcome! Join us every Saturday morning at 8:30 for a paddle on the lake. Weather permitting, of course! Watch Cresswind LL Daily Updates for meeting dates and times! Happy paddling!
Page 20 | The Waterfall | November/December
You might be a genealogist if........“Another Brick in the Wall” is not a Pink Floyd song; it is your family research nemesis.
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What’s Happening
Holiday Music Celebration By Chuck Bridwell
will be Thursday through Sunday, December 5th-8th at 7:00 pm each evening. Tickets will go on sale on Monday, November 11th, at 10:00 am in the lobby of the Clubhouse. Last year’s four performances were a total sellout, so do not wait too late to purchase yours. This year’s chorus has almost 150 singers, the largest group ever. We will present holiday music that will include songs like “Jingle All the Way Medley”, “White Christmas”, “a Holly Jolly Christmas”, “African Noel”, “A Song for Hanukkah”, “The Little Drummer Boy”, “Mary, Did You Know?” and “O Holy Night.” The Women’s Chorus will sing “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” and the Men’s Chorus will sing an exciting salsa version of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.” Also, making a grand comeback will be the Silent Monks of Cresswind presenting their unique version of “Hallelujah Chorus.” Special guest artist will be high energy pop violinist from Atlanta, Michelle Winters. In addition, our own Lisa Phifer will sing the heart-touching song, “My Grown-Up Christmas List.” You will be delighted by a special presentation of the unique history of Santa Claus with elegant costuming representing Saint Nicholas through the ages. There will be a fantastic presentation by the Cresswind Chorale as they sing “Advent Adoration”, “Jingle Bells Rondo” and Fred Waring’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Our trio, Three’s a Charm, will sing a song made famous by the Andrews Sisters, “Jingle-a-Ling, Jingle-a-Ling.” Finally, the ever popular UpChucks will present “A Wacky Family Christmas.” This will be the best HOLIDAY MUSIC CELEBRATION yet.
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Page 22 | The Waterfall | November/December
What’s Happening
Investment Club
By Peter Bertasi
The Investment Club recently held two free community wide events. The first was held on October 1st in conjunction with the Education Committee, and a representative from UGA came to discuss How to Select a Financial Advisor. The information was timely for those with questions about this subject and focused much time on the qualifications of those in the field. The second was held on October 17th and conducted by Wealth Management, a local advisor firm, with information on tax changes and the economy in 2019. The Club hosts three or more of these per year covering subjects of interest to the general CW community. The club has expanded to 30 members, with just a few openings left. Meetings are lively and held on the first business Monday of the month at 1 pm in the Crow’s Nest, discussing the Club portfolio, possible changes, and potential additions. Guests are welcome for a few visits to hear what we are all about. Please contact Peter Bertasi at nascarn986a@ gmail.com if you would like to attend.
Bible Study Club By Dave Ditmeier
The Bible Study Clubs in Cresswind are alive and active! The Women’s Bible Study continued a study of “God’s Coming Kingdom.” The Friday morning Men’s Bible Study continued to unpack the Book of Acts and The Way completed a six-week study of the Book of Psalms. Several Couples Bible Studies continue to meet in private homes in the community. All of these various groups are open to all residents regardless of the levels of Bible knowledge as we read, teach, share, and learn. Plus, we have no dues!
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The Bible Study Club also continued its monthly Nondenominational Services with guest pastors from the Murrayville Baptist Church and Christ Lutheran Church in Oakwood. On Sunday, December 1st, we will hold Lessons and Carols in the lobby of the Clubhouse as the Nativity is put into place.
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770-884-8121 November/December | The Waterfall | Page 23
The Georgia HomeSales Team www.TheGeorgiaHomeSalesTeam.com
Monthly updated Home Resale Statistics and much more can now be found at: CresswindatLakeLanierLiving.com Resale Home Stats for Cresswind 2015-2019
Tips from HomeKeepr
$0 2014
Close Price, Median
Mortgage “ZeroPlus” Re-Finance (No lender fees)
Weekly News that’s of Interest to Seniors
News for Seniors Number of Resales by Year:
17 12 22 2016
20 19 YTD
37 26
If your property is currently listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.
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For more info, virtual tour and add’l photos:
3868 Sweet Magnolia Drive
For more info, virtual tour and add’l photos:
3868SweetMagnolia.info Each quarter we’ll be drawing names and hosting a group of Cresswind Residents for fun, fellowship, pizza, salad, beer and wine on the Square in Gainesville at:
Gene Bramblett
Associate Broker & ® Seniors Real Estate Specialist Cresswind Resident since 2017
(404) 939-2162 genebramblett@gmail.com Inspirational Thought:
The next party will be in January! Register for our quarterly pizza parties at
No need to re-register once you’ve done so.
“Don’t let Yesterday take up too much of Today!” Will Rogers Keller Williams® Realty Atlanta Perimeter 115 Perimeter Center Place, Suite 100 678-298-1600 Atlanta, GA 30346
What’s Happening
Cooking Club
By David Jones The Cooking Club has had several successful and fun events these past few months. Mike and Lisa Giblin hosted a red wine pairing event. Participants made appetizers while tasting the various wines. They were also given plenty to take home and enjoy. Judy Brannan and Mary Quisenberry did an excellent job supervising the Not Your Kids Grilled Cheese event which received raving comments. The Oktoberfest opened with a fantastic skit to remind everyone of the origin of the first Oktoberfest in 1810. Anna Steffl, playing the accordion, entertained an eating and drinking crowd. Winners were awarded Oktoberfest beer for the best male and female attire and the best beer stein. David Jones led this event. Soup Night, led by Hal Flomerfelt, is scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd, featuring approximately 25 varieties of soup. Cornbread will accompany your choice of these soups. A Gingerbread House Creation workshop hosted by Arlene Teare is scheduled for December 3rd. The club donated $1525 to the Gainesville Exploration Academy from the proceeds of the 50-60’s Charity Dance. This donation was possible because of members’ donations of salad and desserts along with many volunteered hours. Our donation will be equally divided among the elementary classrooms and will be used toward the purchase of books for their classroom libraries. Rob Plawecki was paid $150 for his Charity Dance entertainment. He donated this $150 to the Cresswind Flag Club. Thanks, Rob! The board wants to thank all of you for participating in the Bylaw election. We appreciate your submission of bios for new board ballot nominees and look forward to your participation in the new board election in November. Election results will be sent out via email to all members. The date for the Annual meeting will be announced after the Bylaw and board member elections are completed.
I can’t say enough wonderful things about the job Fockele Garden Company did with our yard. Their plan met our goals to soften the view with colorful plants and attract birds and butterflies. The sound and sparkle of the fountain especially attracts wildlife. Not only do we enjoy hearing the babbling brook from inside, but I find myself drawn to sitting outside to listen and watch. It’s very calming. Thanks for creating a wonderful retreat for us and a haven for wildlife. —Linda and Gordon Potter
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6/5/19 11:29 AM
What’s Happening
Make & Take
By Kathie Zeranski
Abby Soccomanno had another Floral Design Class this past October. This time the group made a low table arrangement. Wow, they were really beautiful! She has scheduled a new class for November, this time working with silk flowers. How about a beautiful silk flower wreath for the holidays? Be sure to watch for her class; I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Mary George taught a great Pop-Up Card Class in September and also had a group come to make cards for our Military. What a great idea! Jeanne Melson has a new mixed-media collage project for us. You will be seeing the information for this class soon. Also upcoming are the Calligraphy Classes, both an advanced class learning the Gothic Alphabet and a beginner class. I am always looking for new classes, so please if you can teach a class, contact me. I will help you set it up. (Our neighborhood loves these classes! To get on the email list (if you are not on it already) email me at ZKathie54@gmail.com.
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pthcleaning@aol.com • www.personaltouchcleaning.com November/December | The Waterfall | Page 27
What’s Happening
International Missions Club By Tom Flaim The International Missions Club invites you to join your neighbors to discuss and learn about various types of global missions and the great work they do. At our last meeting, we assembled “Welcome to the World” bags with newborn essentials that were distributed by our own John Kelly in Honduras during his medical mission there. Thanks to everyone that came out to support this effort! The accompanying picture is John Kelly distributing his bags.
In our next meeting, we will be assembling WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) bottles to hand out to the children of the ultra-poor rural villages of the Dominican Republic. These are bottles filled with essential toiletries and hygiene products, as well as coloring books and candies. They reinforce good hygiene and provide critically important clean bottles for children to use in school (children are not allowed to go to school unless they bring their own bottle to store clean drinking water).
We generally meet in the Kitchen after the Interdenominational Service at 4:00 pm on those Sundays. Our next meeting will be Sunday, October 20th from 5:00 to 6:00.
The Iron Rose Please contact Tom Flaim at CresswindIMC@gmail.com with any questions.
Gifts • Home • Boutique
We are now located downtown at 210 West Academy Street, Across from The Art Depot
210 W Academy St, SW • 678-617-2003 • theironrosestore@gmail.com Page 28 | The Waterfall | November/December
What’s Happening
Quilting Club
By Evelyne Palmer
The Quilting Club is so grateful to the Cresswind residents for so generously supporting our efforts with their donations for our 2019 quilt. We exceeded our goal allowing us to increase our donations within the community. The winner of the Quilting Club’s large quilting project featured at the Holiday Market was announced on October 5th. That lucky winner was Nancy Stockwell! The 2019 quilt measures 94 x 104 inches. The largest we have made for this event. We have delivered 49 quilts to Legacy Link for Seniors in need in the Hall County and surrounding areas so far this year and continue working on more along with the Quilts for Kids projects. 2019 has been a very productive year for us and we extend our best wishes for the upcoming holidays to all. The Quilting Club joined other Clubs in Cresswind to participate in the Community Gardens Scarecrow Contest and had a lot of fun working on our entry. We welcome any resident to stop by and share their favorite quilt or quilting project with us. Contact either Evelyne or Bonnie to make arrangements. If you are a quilter but not ready to be a Club Member, have a project, technique, or talent to share, please consider sharing with our group. We meet every Thursday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the Arts and Craft room. Stop by, meet us and see the work we do. We do many quilting related projects, big and small, work at individual levels, and have fun! Contact either Evelyne Palmer, hybiscus5@outlook.com or Bonnie May at Quilt.lady2@charter.net. The Club is available to offer assistance to our fellow residents if you have any quilting projects you started and now have the time to finish.
November/December | The Waterfall | Page 29
to Joint Pain? o Joint Pain? Millions Suffer Goodbye Say Goodbye rom Joint Pain oint Pain? toMillions Joint Pain? Suffer Cresswind Tennis World Millions Suffer
Maybe it’s time to think Stem Cell Therapy ybe it’s time to think about Stemabout Cell Therapy
Stem Cells Take Knee Treatment to the Next Level
Today’s Health
OU DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER FROM THE EBILITATING EFFECTS OF IT ANYMORE meMaybe to think Stem Cell Therapy it’sabout time to think about Stem Cell Therapy
By Say Sandy Barmak Goodbye Joint Pain romfrom Joint Pain DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER U DON’TYOU HAVE TO SUFFER FROM THE FROM THE DEBILITATING EFFECTS OF IT ANYMORE to Joint Pain? BILITATING EFFECTS OF IT ANYMORE Millions Suffer ons Suffer from Joint Pain Joint Pain The only thing you have to lose is your pain!
e invite you to our FREE STEM CELL SEMINAR to learn if it will We finally have condition a new updated to Mary Ann Amick, who created our first website, and Wendy Warder, lp. This chronic progressive affects website. everythingWe thatare yougrateful do, who is now maintaining and updating our website. Our website is https://cresswindll.wixsite.com/cwtennis Check it out and keep hether it be work or leisure. Ultimately it’s affecting your quality of life. themay clinics, socials, team We want youinformed to be pain about free! We be able to help you events, get youropen life play, and all that is happening for CLL Tennis. More good news is that the Maybe it’stotime to think about Stem Cell Therapy We invite our FREE STEM CELL SEMINAR to learn ifisitfinally will open which will make it easier for us to retrieve balls that fly over the gate between courts 3SEMINAR and 6 leading to nvite you toto our FREE STEM CELL to learn if itthe willmodels ck! Come our no you cost no obligation seminar!
We want you to help. This chronic progressive affects everything that you do, . This chronic progressive condition affectscondition everything that you do, fence. Yeah! start living your life whether it be work or leisure. Ultimately it’s affecting your quality of life. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER FROM ther it beTO work or leisure. Ultimately it’s affecting yourTHE quality of life. HAVE SUFFER FROM THE After a you hot tosummer and We fall,may cooler weather, perfect for a game of tennis, has arrived. Our men’s competitive teams, two ALTA want be pain be able to help want you to We be pain We may befree! able IT to help you get your lifeyou get your life EFFECTS OF ANYMORE GDEBILITATING EFFECTS OFfree! IT ANYMORE teams, and a Silverball team had an active season. Our two ladies’ USTA 55+ teams and new Silverball league began play in late back! Come to our no cost no obligation seminar! ! Come to our no cost no obligation seminar! We invite you to our FREE STEM CELL SEMINAR to learn if it will October. It is too early to announce how they FREE STEM SEMINAR to learn if itto will TheCELL only thing you have lose is your pain! Did you know that Millions of Americans suffer suffer from joint pain? euronly thing you have toHAVE lose is your pain! help. This chronic progressive condition affects that DON’T TOthat SUFFER FROM THEyou do, progressive condition affects do, did.YOU Watch foreverything the results inyou theeverything next issue. In fact, this pain accounts for many visits to primar y care physicians and many anti-inflammator y drug prescriptions. whether be work orit’s leisure. Ultimately it’s affecting your quality of life. DEBILITATING EFFECTS OFofITlife. ANYMORE or leisure.itUltimately affecting your quality Thank youfree!toWethe over 50helppeople wholife We want you to be pain may be able to you get your pain free! We may be able help you STEM get your life We invite youto our FREE CELL SEMINAR to learn if it will responded to tono our survey that gave us valuable back! tohelp. our This noseminar! cost obligation seminar! no costCome no obligation chronic progressive condition affects everything that you do,
Millions Suffer from Joint Pain
pain free!
information as to how we can better serve our
it behave work orto leisure. affecting your quality of life. The only thing you loseUltimately is yourit’spain! g you havetennis towhether lose is your pain! We want you to be pain free! We may be able to help you get your life community.
DULUTHDULUTH ROSWELL 770-623-9946 770-623-9946
back! Come to our no cost no obligation seminar!
Hopefully tennis clubto“rain not The onlythe thing you have lose curse” is your did pain! dampen our two fall events. October 11th was 678-682-8600 the date of our Friday Night Lights clinic and ROSWELL ROSWELL DULUTH social. After an hour of instruction, then free play, our participants went to the grill patio behind the clubhouse for a hamburger DULUTH 678-682-8600 and hot dog barbeque social. Thank you to Bill Papciak for facilitating the clinic and to Gerda Baitis, Judy Cox, Donna Fillmon, 678-682-8600 DULUTH 770-623-9946 and Sylvia Slovis for organizing the food and fun.770-623-9946 November 16th we have scheduled our Round Robin social with some friendly 770-623-9946 competition followed by nibbles and comradery. ROSWELL
3 33
Critical Critical Signs Critical ROSWELL
eck Pain
Shoulder Pain ROSWELL For more information on tennis, contact our president, Mary Hensien, hensienm@bellsouth.net or check out our website as listed 678-682-8600 Neck Pain above. 678-682-8600 678-682-8600
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain
3 3 3 Elbow Pain
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Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Signs Signs 1 Critical Critical 1 Critical 1 Signs Signs Signs
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that it’s time to take action!
are a candidate for knee
Is you yourbeen jointHave painyou keeping you been told you told 2Have 3 replacement surgery? your from excercising? Is your joint keeping are a candidate for knee 3 pain are a candidate for knee A lack of activity can lead to even more joint pain.
Knee Pain your from excercising? replacement surgery? A lack ofyou activity canyou leadavoid to We cansurgery? help replacement Have been told you even jointWe pain. A lack of activity can lead to more can help you avoid unnecessary surgery. are a candidate for knee We can help you avoid Knee Pain replacement surgery? even more joint pain. unnecessary surgery.unnecessary surgery.
Foot Pain
Knee Pain
Knee Pain Foot Pain
Knee pain
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Tendonitis Tendonitis Arthritis Arthritis Tendonitis Tendonitis KneeKnee pain Bursitis pain Bursitis Bursitis
We can help you avoid unnecessary surgery.
Consider these facts Consider these facts Consider these facts replacement surgery? are a candidate for knee We can help you avoid replacement surgery? before considering surgery.
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Consider these facts Considerbefore these facts surgery. considering Risk
No known side effects
Complications, poor outcome, Risk known side effects No knownComplications, side effectspoor outcome, Complications, poor outcome, Risk No knownNo side effects Complications, poor outcome, addiction to pain medications addiction to pain medications addiction to pain medications addiction to pain medications
Bursitis Pain Little to none Canfor bemonths severe months Pain Little to none Can be severe Pain Little to none Can befor severe for months Pain Little to none Can be severe for months Cartilage damageCartilage Crunching and popping sounds damage Crunching andand popping sounds damage Crunching popping sounds artilage damageCartilage Crunching and popping sounds Recovery Immediate before considering surgery. Recovery
Months/Years Months/Years
Recovery Immediate Months/Years Bone onFOLLOWING bone Meniscus tears DO YOU HAVE THE CONDITIONS? Bone on bone Meniscus tears Recovery Immediate Bone onMeniscus bone Vitality Healthcare Months/Years Surgery one on bone tears Meniscus tears THE Arthritis FOLLOWING CONDITIONS? Tendonitis Risk No known side effects Complications, poor outcome, Vitality Healthcare Surgery Treatment is safe effective and requires NO SURGERY. addiction to pain medications Knee pain Bursitis Tendonitis Risk No known side effects Complications, poor outcome, Treatment is safe effective and requires NO SURGERY . Extremely High Clinical success rates. eatment is safe effective and requires NO SURGERY.
tment is safe effective and requires NO SURGERY. Cartilage damage Crunching and popping Extremely High Clinical success rates. sounds Bursitis tremely High Clinical success rates. emely High Clinical success rates. Pain Bone on bone30 Crunching and| popping soundstears Page The Meniscus Waterfall |
Meniscus tears
Treatment is safe effective and requires NO SURGERY.
Duluth 770-623-9946 Roswell 678-682-8600
Visit us online at www.vitalityregenerativemedicine.com addiction to pain medications Little to none
Can be severe for months
Little to noneRecovery
Can be severe for months Months/Years Immediate
November/December Recovery
Maybe it’s time to think about stem cell therapy. The only thing you have to lose is your pain. Learn how to age healthier and live happier without surgery.
Have you been told you 3 told areyou a candidate for knee Have you been
We can help you avoid unnecessary surgery. before considering surgery. O YOU HAVE THE HAVE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS? unnecessary surgery.Vitality Healthcare Surgery DO YOU THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS? Vitality Healthcare Surgery YOU HAVE THE DOFOLLOWING YOU HAVE THECONDITIONS? FOLLOWING CONDITIONS? Vitality Healthcare Vitality HealthcareSurgery Surgery
Say Goodbye To Joint Pain!!!
What’s Happening
Poker Club By Jerry Worlock We play every Monday and Thursday at the Club at 6 pm. If interested in playing contact: jerryworlock@gmail. com.
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www.ConditionedAirSystems.com November/December | The Waterfall | Page 31
Ongoing Weekly Activities Schedule
November/December Ongoing Weekly Activities Schedule TIME
Wednesday Thursday
Painting Studio 9:30
Men’s Bible Study
Computer Bridge Play
12:30 Rummikub Samba
12:00 1:00 2:00
Mah Jongg
The Way Bible Study
Mah Jongg
Traditional Line Dance
Chorus 3:30 Italian Conversation
3:30 Beginner Clogging
Contemporary Dance 3:30
Quilting Mah Jongg Bridge Education
Rubber Bridge Pottery Workshop
Intermediate Line Dance
Traditional Line Dance
Ladies Bible Study
Beginner Line Dance
5:30 Pokeno
Hand & Foot 6:30 Adv. Cardio Line 6:30 Adv. Cardio 6:30 Men’s Cards Dance Line Dance
Poker Club 6:30 Cribbage
Mixed Poker
5:30 TGIF
5:30 Samba
Check www.cresswindatll.com for more details. Page 32 | The Waterfall | November/December
Ongoing Weekly Sports & Fitness Schedule
Ongoing Weekly Sports & Fitness
8:30 9:00
Water Aerobics
Men’s Golf
Water Aerobics Circuit Burn
Water Aerobics
Yoga Pickleball Open 9-11
Water Aerobics Pickleball Open 9-11 MixedTennis 9:30-11:30
Water Aerobics FlexExpress Pickleball 9-11 Ladies Tennis 9-11
Yoga Mixed Tennis 9:30-11:30
Yoga Pickleball Open 9-11
DVD Exercise
Pickleball Open 9-11 Men’s Competitive Tennis 9-11
DVD Exercise Ladies Golf
DVD Exercise
DVD Exercise
DVD Exercise
12:00 1:00
Creative Movement
Pickleball Open 1-3
Tai Chi Beginning
Progressive Tai Chi
Tai Chi Intermediate
5:00 6:00
Men’s Tennis 1-3
Billiards Ping Pong Open Play 3:00+6:00
Ping Pong Open Play 3:00-5:30
5:30 Yoga
Pickleball Mixed Doubles
7:00 Gym equipment instruction with Ava &JP 3-4pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. RSVP at Front Desk.
Paid Classes
Check www.cresswindatll.com for more details. November/December | The Waterfall | Page 33
What’s Happening
Page 34 | The Waterfall | March/April November/December
What’s Happening
Mundy Mill Rd.
Two Great Brands Under Once Roof Hallmark is now open at Oakwood Ace Hardware
A |G
Oakwood Ace Hardware
3446 Winder Hwy Flowery Branch 770-297-0010 Monday – Saturday 8 to 7 Sunday 11 to 5 Thanks to our awesome customers for voting us “Best of Hall” two years in a row. November/December | The Waterfall | Page 35
What’s Happening
RV Club
By Karen Silverthorn
We finally have a new updated website. We are grateful to Mary Ann Amick, who created our first website, and Wendy Warder, who is now maintaining and updating our website. Our website is https://cresswindll.wixsite.com/cwtennis Check it out and keep informed about the clinics, socials, team events, open play, and all that is happening for CLL Tennis. More good news is that the gate between courts 3 and 6 leading to the models is finally open which will make it easier for us to retrieve balls that fly over the fence. Yeah! After a hot summer and fall, cooler weather, perfect for a game of tennis, has arrived. Our men’s competitive teams, two ALTA teams, and a Silverball team had active season. Our two ladies’ USTA 55+ teams and new Silverball league began play in late October. It is too early to announce how they did. Watch for the results in the next issue.
Thank you to the over 50 people who responded to our survey that gave us valuable information as to how we can better serve our tennis community. Hopefully the tennis club “rain curse” did not dampen our two fall events. October 11th was the date of our Friday Night Lights clinic and social. After an hour of instruction, then free play, our participants went to the grill patio behind the clubhouse for a hamburger and hot dog barbeque social. Thank you to Bill Papciak for facilitating the clinic and to Gerda Baitis, Judy Cox, Donna Fillmon, and Sylvia Slovis for organizing the food and fun. November 16th we have scheduled our Round Robin social with some friendly competition followed by nibbles and comradery. For more information on tennis, contact our president, Mary Hensien, hensienm@bellsouth.net or check out our website as listed above.
Page 36 | The Waterfall | November/December
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What’s Happening
Pickleball News
by Rosemarie Bower
As we start to head into some cooler weather, let us take a few minutes to recap what has taken place on the pickleball courts and what we have planned in the upcoming months. Sit back, relax, and look over… The Northeast Georgia Medical Center Tournament was held Saturday, September 7th. Everyone did a fantastic job from the organizing - to all the players playing in some high temps - to capping the day off with a fun evening dinner. Congratulations to all! Our pickleball ladies hosted a fun day with the ladies from Deaton Creek on September 19. Great games and it was capped off with a delicious luncheon hosted by our ladies. Thank you, Jan Cieply, Kim Miller, DeeDee Johansen, and Robin Schick for organizing and getting us together!
straight and they all got along! More to follow in the next issue to see who the winners were. If that is not enough to keep us out of trouble… Fall Leagues begin Thursday, November 7th . We will have morning and evening play. Thank you, Linda Potter and Wendy Warder for being our codirectors! Mark your calendars! Monday, November 18th at 7 pm all pickleball members will elect new board members and have our year-end general meeting. We will be meeting in the clubhouse ballroom. A reminder to always check out our website: www. cresswindpickleball.com for upcoming events, pictures from our tournaments and other interesting information.
Not to be out done by the ladies… our men went over to Deaton Creek on September 24th. Thanks, Dave Binnix, for getting our guys organized. We look forward to hosting other events with the folks at Deaton Creek. Novice Training has begun. Training will continue through December. Come check it out on Monday evenings. HUNGER GAMES was held October 27th. Teams were selected, costumes were worn, colored wrist bands to keep them all
Shalom Club By Harriet Gershkowitz Rosh Hashana Holiday ( Jewish New Year) was celebrated at the beginning of the month. As in past years, we celebrated with our Annual Dessert Reception where we also welcomed several new members to the group. We will have celebrated Yom Yippur holiday on October 9th which completes the welcoming of the New Year 5780. We are currently finalizing trips to a number of venues in and around Atlanta which will be announced to our group shortly. For more information, contact Harriet Gershkowitz (hgersh03@gmail.com) or Sydell Kalnitz (sydellk@earthlink.net) November/December | The Waterfall | Page 39
What’s Happening
Travel Club
By Mary Hensien
The 100 degree drought conditions this summer have not stopped our Community Travel Club members from having fun. On one of the hottest days of the summer we were on the Atlanta Movie Tour finding out about all those movies our grandkids (and kids) have been talking about. We are now in “the know” and realize we live so close to where so many movies have been made over the years. Some of which we remember and our kids do not! Are you wondering why the Atlanta Braves are doing so well this season? It is because Cresswind has their backs- that’s why! Members of the Community Travel Club piled onto two motor coaches and headed to SunTrust Park to cheer them on. No wonder the Braves won! It was a very memorable September perfect baseball day for all to enjoy. Our weather has cooled off just in time for folks to look forward to enjoying two very popular trips in November. One is the showing of the musical Bright Star at the Holly Theater with a subsequent family-style dinner at the historic Smith House Restaurant. The second November attraction is an extraordinary tour of the Tate House made out of beautifully preserved pink marble mined in Tate, Georgia. The House features a 9,000 square foot mansion with a 4,000 square foot formal ballroom made into a lavish pre-holiday experience. Members will also enjoy a holiday design presentation along with a delightful luncheon. We are excited about our Beachfront Holiday in December with some great shows where friends can stroll along the ocean, enjoy great meals, and get in the holiday spirit enjoying a 3-night stay in a oceanfront condo right on the beach at Beach Cove Resort in beautiful North Myrtle Beach. Travel Club members are looking forward to wonderful shows, such as The Carolina Opry and Alabama Theater Christmas Shows
that are packed with talented and energetic performers! We cannot wait!
One of the best ways to meet your neighbors is to join your Community Travel Club for only $5 and join us on our trips. Our trips have been selling out quickly! Come to our November meeting so you do not miss out on our upcoming January adventure to Shen Yun- a New York-based performing-arts and entertainment company that tours the world, producing large-scale dance performances and symphony concerts.
You also won’t want to miss our February trip to The Booth Museum in Cartersville, Georgia, the second largest art museum in Georgia. This is the largest permanent exhibition space for Western America art in the country and is affiliated with the Smithsonian Institute.
Call today for a free estimate!of Our meetings are theon-site first Thursday
Come and join us! every month in the ballroom and we welcome you. Visit our website to get updates and availability on all of our trips, and Expires 3/31/19 to answer any questions you may have.
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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 41
What’s Happening
Ladies Fashion Show Followed by a Name Change! By Harriet Gershkowitz
Fun with Fashion Club continues to increases its membership and now has a total of well over 200 members. Any female resident may join by paying the required $5 dues. On September 27th, members enjoyed lunch at The Galloping Galette in Braselton followed by shopping in the area. The club’s main event of the year, The Ladies Fashion Show and Luncheon, was held on October 10th and attended by 128 members. Ten models presented fall attire from Bradford Pear on Thompson Bridge Road in Gainesville. Each Cresswind model wore two stunning outfits as Mistress of Ceremonies Mary Joan Gogel described the style and designer. Arlene Stevens, club Vice President, directed the show. The Annual Membership meeting will be held on November 6th to elect new officers for 2020. Lisa Giblin and Cathy Zeranski will be making a presentation on holiday entertainment tips and Mary Jo Smith will be decorating a mantel Also, the club has decided to rename itself to better reflect its wide variety of activities. All members were encouraged to submit a suggested “new name” and the winning name will be announced at this meeting. A November 12th trip to the Americas Mart is planned as well as other activities for 2020.
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What’s Happening
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What’s Happening
Let the Good Times Roll! By Susan Lahey The Social Singles have grown to 172 members, which means even more activities and more fun! The usual activities continue: bowling, Guy’s Lunch, Boating with Bob, Friday hikes, and the Saturday Night Live dinner group. Special events in September and October included a Labor Day barbeque, tubing in Helen, participation in the Empty Bowl Luncheon, a special visit to the Hindu Temple in Lilburn, a tour of the Yerkes Primate Institute at Emory University, and UGA vs. South Carolina volleyball in Athens. We are always looking for adventures, so please let us know if you have something new for us to try! Coming up in November and December will be a Social on November 10th, which will include a potluck and Texas Hold ‘em. Our holiday party is scheduled for December 20th in the Cresswind Clubhouse and will feature a catered dinner. If you are single and new to Cresswind or newly single, there is still time to join the fun! Please check us out on the Cresswind website for clubs.
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By Roy Gogel
Thank you to all who supported the recent coat, business attire, and blanket drive. These treasures will be put to very good uses. Planning for Casino Night on Saturday, February 22nd, has begun. If you want to join in the fun to make this magnificent event happen, let us know. On Thursday, December 12th, members will have a Christmas party. Details will be communicated separately.
What’s Happening
Guess What/Who is Coming to Town? By Wayne Blum We are getting close! The Neighborhood Theatre Group’s fall offering is taking shape. Over 19 characters are hard at work memorizing their lines and getting their blocking (stage movements) down. Behind the scenes, new stage platforms and scenery flats have been built. Props are in place and costumes have been begged, borrowed, and stolen. New programs unlike any you have seen before will make their debut. Combine all these activities with the magic of make-up, sound and lighting and “voila!” you have “Deadwood Dick or The Game of Gold” by Tom Taggart. It is a good old-fashioned shoot em’ up western that would make John Wayne proud! The performances are November 14th through November 17th. Tickets will go on sale October 21st. Look for details in your Daily Update within the upcoming weeks. These past and future productions are not possible without the combined efforts of actors, sound and lighting, costume designers, set decorators, chorus, dancers, house management, and many other volunteers. In fact, it took well over 100 volunteers for our last play, “You Can’t Take It with You!” If you are new to the neighborhood or have been around for some time and want to get involved with the theater, please contact Wayne Blum at theblums@charter. net. No experience is necessary. If you do not want to try acting, there is plenty to do “behind the scenes.”
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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 45
What’s Happening
Join Us!
New Year’s Eve Night!
Sports and Games Club By Pete Lyons Bingo nights continue to be sell-outs with a lot of crazies in attendance. Look for information concerning the Holiday Bingo and Winter Bingo nights in your Daily Updates as we get further into the fall and winter. Also watch out for announcements about Basketball, Bocce Ball, Miniature Golf, and Fantasy Football. The Sports and Games Club officers are looking for a few good
Crystal Vision It’s crystal clear...this is the best party of the year! MUSIC • FOOD • FUN Ticket includes party favors, hors d’oeuvres, full dinner, and champagne toast at midnight included with ticket. Entertainment by Satellite Blvd. Band.
Party hours: 8:00 p.m. December 31, 2019 - 1:00 a.m. January 1, 2020 See you at: The Venue at Friendship Springs 7340 Friendship Springs Blvd, Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Tickets on sale now! gainesvilletimes.com/nye2020 Early Bird Pricing - Tickets are $65.00/person Starting December 1 - $85.00/person Overnight stay at a local hotel and Limo package is available at special price. Ask for details! Cash bar is available for your favorite drinks served by awesome bartenders. Parking is free. You must be 21 years of age and No Admittance without valid photo ID. (ID’s will be checked at the door)
Contact Leah Nelson for more information at lnelson@gainesvilletimes.com Page 46 | The Waterfall | November/December
replacements for the current Board to serve for 2020. Primary responsibilities include managing six Bingo nights and helping smaller sports and games organize and advertise their activities. Proceeds from Bingo go to various clubs, activities, local community needs and to the Cresswind Community Fund. Come join the team. Contact Pete Lyons with questions about getting involved.
Writers in the Wind: Cresswind Creative Writing Group By Laurie Homa
Michelle Fronheiser presented a very interesting workshop at our October meeting. The topic, “Descriptive Writing-Show don’t Tell” was most helpful and enlightening to all the writers. Michelle showed us the importance of engaging our readers immediately so they will want to continue turning the pages. Michelle is a published author who writes under the name of Shelly Knox. Look for her latest publication “Betrayed.” While the heat appears to have wilted many of our creative juices, we are certain the workshop and some cooler weather will inspire all of us to pull out the pen, paper, and computer, sit by the fireplace and write creatively. We will not have meetings in November and December since our meeting days occur during Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year weeks. Instead the writers will have a Holiday get together in early December. A written assignment by all attending will be your entrance ticket. As always prizes will be awarded. We are looking forward to welcoming new members in January 2020. We meet the last Thursday of every month from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. For questions or more information, please contact Laurie Homa at m2old4this@aol.com.
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