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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Congrats, class of 2020!
Hunter Stansbury
Allie Blackburn
Griffin Neville
Macy Banks
Johnson High, 4
North Hall High, 6
Cherokee Bluff High, 8
East Hall High, 10
Journey Livingston
Matthew Jue
Ellie Clark
Rachael DeVall
Mountain Education Charter School, 12
Lakeview Academy, 14
Chestatee High, 16
West Hall High, 17
Luca Bandini
Avery Hammock
Rebekah Crozier
Pablo Yesaki Serrato
Gainesville High, 18
Flowery Branch High, 20
Lanier Christian Academy, 22 Riverside Military Academy, 24
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
A different kind of celebration Graduation this year isn’t what seniors were expecting. They’re supposed to be walking across a stage, moving a tassel from one side to the other in front of a crowd of cheering well-wishers including friends and family. It’s a right of passage and one of more than a few that COVID-19 stole from the class of 2020. Since mid-March, students have seen their teachers and classmates in Zoom video conferences instead of the classroom. Lessons have been completed online. Competitions in athletics, arts, music and more were canceled. Proms were canceled. But graduation isn’t canceled. A drive-through ceremony isn’t what they deserve, but we hope these seniors and their friends and families find ways to celebrate their
achievements in whatever ways they safely can. Their graduation story will be one for the history books. And they can move forward with the knowledge that this world needs their contributions perhaps now more than ever. The Times puts together this special senior recognition each year, highlighting a few standout stories from our local seniors, but this year we’ve added graduation lists from our local schools in an effort to honor as many graduates as we can. We hope you’re inspired by these stories and join us in celebrating the class of 2020.
Shannon Casas Editor in Chief
Metro Creative On the cover: Local high school logos portrayed in the now ubquitous Zoom video conferencing screen represents the shared experience of the class of 2020. Even as the coronavirus separates local students physically, they can move forward together. A logo from Mountain Education Charter School was not available.
Congratulations to all 2020 Seniors!
Sean Hall Banks County High School 2020 from your friends at
Laura Chastain
770-884-8121 Located on Pearl Nix Pkwy across from Lakeshore Mall
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Building a promising future through hard work HUNTER STANSBURY, JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL
Stansbury said he would just think of them and things would suddenly become more manageable. “To me, it feels really good, beHunter Stansbury figured out at a young age that he likes to work with cause I know that they’re proud of me,” he said. his hands. The stress of school and work As a kid, Stansbury would go over to his grandfather’s house and help were plenty to challenge Stansbury out with whatever odd job needed to throughout his high school career, be done. Sometimes, the pair would but his life was further complicated fix something that was broken, and in the middle of his senior year sometimes they would build some- when his mother, Robin, was diagnosed with breast cancer. thing new. “My first reaction was it was kind During one of those visits, Stansbury, a Johnson High senior, de- of shocking,” he said. “You never cided he would one day start his think it will happen to you.” Stansbury imown construction mediately took company. Now, over household rehe plans to pursue sponsibilities like that dream after grocery shopping, graduation. cleaning the house “I would be doand making sure ing that a lot, and his 14-year-old sisI kind of got used ter stayed on top to it and attached of her schoolwork. to stuff like that,” He even tried he said. “I was cooking on a few like, this might be occasions, though something nice admitted “that to do as a career didn’t go very when I’m a little well.” older, because I’m “I didn’t want a little familiar anything to be with it. I felt like hard on (my it would be a good mom), or stressthing to do.” ing her out over Stansbury knew me and my sister he would have doing anything to work hard to wrong or messachieve his goal, ing up in school or so he decided he anything, or her would start makhaving to clean ing it happen. the house or anyAs a junior, in Hunter Stansbury thing,” I wanted to addition to a job at Hardee’s, he picked up a second job make sure all the stress and everypainting houses for his girlfriend’s thing was off of her.” Stansbury remained focused on father. Working two jobs was difficult school and received enough credits but nothing Stansbury couldn’t to graduate in December, becomhandle. ing the first member of his family to “I’m still young, so there was a earn a high school diploma. He now lot I wanted to do, like go out, have paints houses full time while trying fun with friends and buy stuff,” he to earn enough money to start his said. “But I was like, do your job construction business. and school. I’ll give it a try and see It’s been a difficult journey for how things go.” Stansbury, but he said he is proud Much of Stansbury’s motivation of how far he’s come. came from his parents. “There were a couple times His mother and father both where I would get stressed out dropped out of high school to better and it was like, ‘oh, I don’t want take care of him, he said. Whenever to do this,’” he said. “But I pushed the pressures of school and work through it all and I made it. It just started to become overwhelming, feels good that I didn’t give up.”
‘There were a couple times where I would get stressed out and it was like, “oh, I don’t want to do this.” But I pushed through it all and I made it. It just feels good that I didn’t give up.’
Congratulations Seniors
From your Friends at
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
‘I like working, and I don’t like staying at home. ... I like dealing with the chaos of different places. I can see the stress, and it attracts me. I just like being in the rush.’ Allie Blackburn
Learning online, keeping busy amid car crash recovery BY KELSEY PODO Only a couple of months into her first semester of senior year, Allie Blackburn of North Hall High School woke up in an ambulance with a metal contraption around her head. “My body was in so much shock,” Blackburn said. “I couldn’t feel anything, and I could move everything except for my hips.” She doesn’t remember the October car accident, just what people have told her.
Blackburn was driving with a friend home from Howard E. Ivester Early College when a vehicle rear-ended them on Interstate 985. “My friend and I went up in the air and hit an F-150 in front of us and rolled onto the driver’s side,” Blackburn said. “A bunch of bystanders got me out. I don’t remember anything from exit 17 to 20.” Blackburn’s pelvis and two of her ribs broke, and she had concussion. She was sent home after spending a little more than 24 hours in the hospital.
At first, Blackburn said her doctor didn’t think surgery was necessary. That changed when her damaged pelvis continued to cause excruciating pain. She went back to the hospital to have screws placed in her hips. Throughout her senior year, Blackburn said her mother has been her biggest support. “She sat through everything in the hospital and drove me back and forth to every doctor’s appointment,” she said. While recovering, Blackburn took her classes online. She said she finished all of her school work
the day before public schools officially closed because of the pandemic. Before the crash, she worked two jobs, one at a Wendy’s in Cleveland and the other at Ingles on Thompson Bridge Road. She also took courses at Early College. Blackburn said she held two jobs not because she needed the money, but for the stimulation. “I just like staying busy,” she said. “I like working, and I don’t like staying at home.” When she recovered from her injuries, Blackburn said she tried to jump back into her two jobs.
Standing for long periods of time at Wendy’s proved challenging, so she switched to only working at Ingles. Now done with school, she has a nearly full-time job as an office worker with the grocery store. In the fall, she plans to study business management at Lanier Technical College. She dreams of becoming a store manager and later starting her own business. “I like dealing with the chaos of different places,” Blackburn said. “I can see the stress, and it attracts me. I just like being in the rush.”
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Missing his dad instills passion for basketball BY NATHAN BERG Cherokee Bluff senior Griffin Neville started playing basketball out of necessity, but it has grown into his greatest passion. As a kid, Neville preferred baseball, and he remembers spending hours playing catch in the front yard with his dad. But when his dad was called away for work at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, often for weeks at a time, Neville had to turn to other athletic pursuits. “We always had a basketball goal outside, so when I started missing him, I would just start going outside and playing basketball, and that would take my mind off of it a lot,” he said. “That’s really where I started falling in love with the game.” By the fourth grade, Neville started taking the sport seriously, “because I realized how bad I was.” By sixth grade, he had quit baseball to focus on his hoop dreams year round. Neville began his high school career at Gainesville but transitioned to Cherokee Bluff as a junior, the first year the South Hall school opened. He made the decision partly because his mom got a job teaching at Cherokee Bluff and partly because his former coach at Gainesville, Benjie Wood, made the switch to coach the Bears basketball team at the same time. “It wasn’t a hard decision,” Neville said. “It wasn’t that hard of a transition either. I had a ton of friends on the basketball team. It was fun.” Neville saw a heavy increase in play time at his new school, letting him catch the eye of college recruiters as his game developed.
Playing at the college level has always been a part of his plan. “It’s been a dream really, not even just a goal,” he said. “It’s been a dream since about when I started playing in rec league games and it was a real game — we were keeping score and the refs weren’t just teaching us not to travel and double dribble. It’s been a dream ever since then.” Neville attended a basketball camp at Young Harris College in the fall of his junior year, and the coaching staff there made an immediate impact on him. The Mountain Lions coaches saw something special in him, too. Young Harris assistant coach Andre Smith came to watch Neville play during a summer game when he was a rising senior. Smith called Neville after the game to deliver the good news: Neville would be receiving a scholarship to play basketball at Young Harris. He remembers getting the call while waiting in line to order a sandwich at Schlotzsky’s with his mom. “It just felt really emotional,” he said. “I didn’t want to cry about it, but I was like, all my dreams are coming true. Now I can’t wait to get up there.” Neville said he’s excited to get onto the Young Harris campus, where his dad went to school back when it was a two-year college. But even as he moves on to the next phase of his life, he will always remember his time at Cherokee Bluff and the positive impact the school made on him. “Cherokee Bluff has left a huge mark on me,” Neville said. “It’s taught me how to be a better person, and it’s taught me how to be a better basketball player. You walk in and it’s just an amazing atmosphere. I loved being at Cherokee Bluff.”
‘We always had a basketball goal outside, so when I started missing him, I would just start going outside and playing basketball, and that would take my mind off of it a lot. That’s really where I started falling in love with the game.’ Griffin Neville
San1rday, May 16th, 2020
To all of our graduating seniors, lt 1 s OK to be disappointed, to feel like you got robbed of a moment. We feel that way too. The truth is, we don•t understand why all this happened like it did either. God is still in control and your future isn•t canceled. As a matter of fact, it 1 s just getting started. We celebrate not only you, but your life ahead. We are with you in this season and all the ones to follow. Congratulations, Free Chapel
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Softball gives her chance to excel, then teach others MACY BANKS, EAST HALL HIGH SCHOOL
get the moments we’ve created and I’ve had there.” Banks said she has always apMacy Banks knew she wanted to preciated the support the team be a college softball player from a received from the East Hall community, and in her junior year she young age. She joined her first travel soft- found a way to use her softball skills ball team at 10 and quickly real- to give some of that support back. While she was working concesized she had a knack for the sport. Banks excelled at pitching and bat- sions at the East Hall Community ting, and by the eighth grade, she Center, parents of younger girls was already starting to see interest began asking if she would be interested in giving pitching lessons. from recruiters. “I had never really thought “At that point, I was like ‘OK, I think if I really stick with this and about giving lessons before, but I work really hard, I could be really was like, I’m always (at the East good at this,’” Banks said. “And Hall Community Center), so I might as well,” she said. eventually maybe “So I started giving play in college.” lessons to one or Once she had a two girls, and then I goal in mind, high made a few posts on school went pretty Facebook and I got a much as planned lot of feedback from for Banks — now a it.” senior at East Hall. Over the past two She started as a years, Banks has adpitcher for the Lady ministered classes Vikings softball to five or six girls at a team as a freshman, time, coaching them receiving immediup so they can one ate interest from day become impact Georgia State. players for the Lady She visited the Vikings themselves. Atlanta campus in “I enjoy teaching the spring of her other girls about sophomore year softball, because and received an ofaround the East Hall fer to continue her area, there’s not a softball career with lot of places you can the Panthers. get hitting and pitch“I really loved ing lessons,” Banks the coaches and the said. “I was like, I campus and everymight as well use thing about playing this opportunity to there,” Banks said. help other people.” “So when they ofIn addition to fered me, I was suplaying softball, per excited. I was Banks received a just super, super Macy Banks nursing assistant excited that the certification as coaches thought I was good enough and wanted a dual-enrollment student. She to give me an opportunity to play plans to study kinesiology or public health at Georgia State and eventuthere one day.” Banks received first-team all re- ally become a physician’s assistant. gion honors for Region 7-3A all four But no matter where her future years of high school, leading the takes her, Banks said she will alLady Vikings to four consecutive ways remember where it began. region championships and making “Just being able to have that opit all the way to the 3A state quarter- portunity to play a lot and receive finals as a senior. tons and tons of opportunities was “The softball program has made really special to me,” Banks said. so much history since I’ve been at “I’ll never forget all the things that East Hall,” she said. “I’ll never for- East Hall has given to me.”
‘I enjoy teaching other girls about softball, because around the East Hall area, there’s not a lot of places you can get hitting and pitching lessons. I was like, “I might as well use this opportunity to help other people.’”
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Flexible schedule, pace gives chance at academic success BY NATHAN BERG Journey Livingston hasn’t taken the straightest path to graduation, but three years later than expected, she’s made it to the finish line at 21 years old. Livingston will graduate this May from Mountain Education Charter School, but her high school career began at East Hall High School. She struggled with math in the more conventional setting, and after failing the same class in both her sophomore and junior years decided it was time for a change. “I had to find something where I could work on my own schedule, because I was already very far behind,” she said. “A friend of mine, her mom mentioned something about Mountain Ed. I looked into it and decided to give it a try.” Mountain Education is a school that allows students to work at their own pace and does not hand out failing grades. Instead, students can take as much time as they need to work their way into passing and eventually earning a high school diploma. Livingston said the lenient schedule was exactly what she needed to succeed. “You can do things at your own pace, so if you’re not understanding it, you can go back and look at it,” she said. “You don’t have to have it done by a certain time or a certain day. It’s really just what you can get done in the moment.” A flexible schedule also was important for Livingston, who has spent the last year and a half working full time as a server and bartender at Outback Steakhouse to support her father and fiance, who have both been living with her.
Livingston said her long hours often kept her at the restaurant late into the night, making it difficult to juggle work and school. “I’m usually there pretty late,” she said. “So being able to do schoolwork whenever I could fit it in was very helpful.” But whenever things got tough, knowing that her small family was depending on her was the ultimate motivation. Whether it was an extra long shift at work or a particularly difficult test, Livingston said thoughts of her father and fiance helped to power her through tough times as she worked toward her diploma. “When people depend on me, I can’t stop,” she said. “I can’t say I’ll do it later or I’ll get it done eventually. You have to do it, and you have to do it now. If you have the time to do it, you have to get it done. You can’t put it off and you can’t procrastinate.” After graduation, Livingston said her next plan is to become a surgical technician — a goal she has discussed at length with her aunt who is a surgeon. Livingston hopes to attend North Georgia Nursing Academy, where she said she can earn a certification for her dream job in 48 to 56 weeks. And while Livingston’s academic journey is far from over, she said she would never have made it this far without Mountain Education. “I’ve gotten really close with a bunch of the people that work there, a lot of the teachers,” Livingston said. “They know me. They know my family. They know what I’ve been through. They’re just very supportive. I think it’s people that I’ll talk to for a very long time. I don’t think I would have ever been able to graduate without Mountain Education.”
‘I’ve gotten really close with a bunch of the people that work there. ... They know what I’ve been through. They’re just very supportive. ... I don’t think I would have ever been able to graduate without Mountain Education.’ Journey Livingston
to our 2020 Graduates “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
North Hall Ace Hardware 5137 Cleveland Hwy Gainesville, GA 30506 (770) 983-3414
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Born blind but discovers strengths in music, science BY KELSEY PODO When his teacher writes a math problem on the board, Matthew Jue, a senior at Lakeview Academy, doesn’t bother looking up or writing on a piece of paper. Instead, he listens and solves the equation in his mind. Unlike most of his classmates, Jue was born blind. “It’s just an everyday thing,” Jue said. “I was never good at sports because I barely see the ball, but I always tried to do my best.” During his early childhood, he said his parents never gave up on helping him regain his eyesight. After meeting Dr. Richard Hertle, an ophthalmologist, Jue began to see little by little with each treatment. Right now Jue said he can see all colors and make out silhouettes. Unless a person is standing close within his line of sight, he can’t decipher faces. “The further away I am, my vision gets blurry real fast,” he said. “Other than that, I’m lucky enough to get my vision to where it is today.” In order to keep up in school, Jue said he has pushed himself to work harder and smarter. Despite his lacking eyesight, Jue threw himself into extracurricular activities like playing on the school’s varsity soccer team, running cross country and performing in multiple plays like “The Addams Family,” “The Wedding Singer,” and “Catch Me If You Can.” But at the end of the day, he finds solace in music. Jue said music is something his eyesight could never hinder. He enjoys escaping from the challenges of life and losing himself in his guitar. “It cheers up my day every time I play it,” Jue said. “I just feel like you can make anything you want on the guitar.” In the fall, Jue will begin studying chemical engineering at the University of Georgia. After earning his bachelor’s, he aims to pursue medical school. Jue said his teacher Marvin Clarke ignited a passion in him for chemistry. “On my own, I looked up differ-
‘Through whatever you’re going through, you’re never alone. There’s always people in your life you can turn to for help. As long as you have those people, there’s no reason to doubt yourself or get down.’ Matthew Jue
ent things and just enjoyed teaching myself chemistry,” he said. Jue said he has been blessed to have a group of supporters includ-
ing his parents, brother, teachers and friends. Jue encourages teenagers who face day-to-day challenges to “never
forget those people around you.” “Through whatever you’re going through, you’re never alone,” he said. “There’s always people in
your life you can turn to for help. As long as you have those people, there’s no reason to doubt yourself or get down.”
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
ELLIE CLARK, CHESTATEE HIGH SCHOOL ‘I wanted to be a (small animal) veterinarian, then I thought I’d be an agriculture teacher. Someone told me to write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser. We’re not in charge of what happens.’ Ellie Clark
Love of livestock leads to multiple career options BY KELSEY PODO It’s difficult to look elegant walking an 1,800-pound beef cow. However, Ellie Clark, a senior at Chestatee High School, leads her cattle with ease, letting nine years of showmanship flow into her every movement. Growing up on her family’s cattle farm, Clark said a passion for livestock was bred into her. She started showing beef cows in the third grade, and as she grew
older, competed in three to four shows a year through Hall County 4-H. “I’ve realized what amazing creatures cattle are,” Clark said. “I’ve honestly formed bonds with the cattle I’ve shown.” During her senior year, Clark became a full-time dual enrollment student, taking classes from Howard E. Ivester Early College in the morning, then completing Work-Based Learning hours during afternoons on her farm. Because Chestatee High
doesn’t have an agriculture program, Clark also spent part of her senior year interning at North Hall Middle to explore a potential career in that field. She helped the school’s agriculture teacher and started the school’s first beef cattle show team. “It was definitely rewarding to teach them and compete against them at shows,” Clark said. Each cattle show is divided into two categories: showmanship and class. Showmanship entails leading a cow into a ring with utter control. Depending on where
the judge is positioned, each cow must be shifted into a correct stance. Clark said the class category focuses more on the appearance of the cow. Judges look for favorable body shapes found in specific cow breeds. This fall, Clark plans to pursue a bachelor’s in animal and dairy science at the University of Georgia. Instead of entering the show ring, Clark said she intends to join the college’s livestock judging team. For now, she has set her sights
on pursuing a career as a large animal veterinarian. However, Clark said she is comfortable keeping her options open. If she could give one piece of advice to upcoming seniors, Clark would tell them to not stress over plans that don’t come to fruition. “I wanted to be a (small animal) veterinarian, then I thought I’d be an agriculture teacher,” she said. “Someone told me to write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser. We’re not in charge of what happens.”
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
Helping those with disabilities is a ‘huge honor’ RACHAEL DEVALL, WEST HALL HIGH SCHOOL
of goodies. “A lot of these kids are usually super shy and don’t interact much When Rachael DeVall, senior at with others,” she said. “It was pretty West Hall High School, was named cool seeing everyone together.” Although DeVall volunteers with the Georgia 2020 Unified Partner of the Year at the state Special Olym- those who have special needs on a regular basis, she said they help her pics, she was speechless. She tried to laugh to cover up her as much as she helps them. She has built strong friendships tears, but DeVall said she couldn’t with two special education students help but swell with emotion. For seven years, she has volun- from her school, and has even gotteered with the Special Olympics ten to cheer with both of them at Georgia, and as a unified partner, West Hall High. They’re not the sort she played sports alongside dozens of friends who only see each other of kids and teenagers with special at school, they meet up afterward to grab dinner needs. or spend time at “It was a huge their homes. honor that I will “Being around never forget,” them just brings she said. the good out in DeVall’s pasyou,” DeVall sion for helping said. “You want those with disto be someone abilities sparked they can look up as early as eleto. They’re almentary school. ways happy and She grew up smiling, and it with two cousins makes you want who have speto be always cial needs and happy and smilstarted helping ing. I don’t know with the local if they realize Special Olymthat, but they pics. definitely have During Deimpacted me.” cember of her When DeVall senior year, is not spending DeVall worked time with spewith another Rachael DeVall cial education student to found and raise $1,500 for Hall County students, she’s cheerleading or volSchools’ first Winter Ball. All of unteer coaching West Hall Youth the middle and high school special Cheer. She started cheerleading in the education students throughout the third grade and during high school district were invited. “When you go to state games, served on both the varsity cheer there are opening ceremonies, and and competition team. Next school year she will take they dance afterward,” DeVall said. “There’s nothing like that for over as the director for the West the county. We wanted something Hall Youth Cheer and attend Brethat would bring the students in our nau University under a competition county together.” cheer scholarship. Over 300 students arrived on She plans to study psychology buses during the school day to to pursue her dream of becoming dance, do activities and just hang a support coordinator for families out. DeVall said the Winter Ball who have children with disabilities. offered a chance for the kids and “I want others to know that teenagers to improve their social they’re no different than you and skills and have fun around a large I,” DeVall said. “Just because they group of peers. have a disability doesn’t mean you To thank the students for their need to treat them differently. participation, DeVall made sure That’s why I put so much effort in each class took away a basket full trying to be there for them.”
‘I want others to know that they’re no different than you and I. Just because they have a disability doesn’t mean you need to treat them differently. That’s why I put so much effort in trying to be there for them.’
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Service, science and music helped him flourish BY NATHAN BERG Luca Bandini has always felt the urge to give back. Bandini, a senior at Gainesville High School, has volunteered to build homes with Habitat for Humanity and give away food at the Georgia Mountain Food Bank. “I think it’s just the way my parents raised me,” he said. “They taught me good values, to help people.” Bandini’s giving nature, combined with his love for science, has led him to pursue a career in the medical field following his graduation from Gainesville. He said he’s not quite sure what specific career path he will take but believes he wants to start out as a physician assistant. Bandini was also a dual enrollment student at the University of North Georgia as a senior, and held a 3.71 GPA over the course of his high school career. He also has Asperger’s syndrome, a condition Bandini said has made staying focused in classes a challenge. He said a strong support system in high school is what has kept him on top of his grades and in pursuit of his dreams. “For me, it’s a lot of an attention disorder, so I will sometimes have trouble focusing,” he said. “But my parents and my teachers, really a lot of people in this school, have helped me out with overcoming that.” Bandini has always loved science, but he discovered a passion for music as well when he first picked up a trumpet in sixth grade. He joined the middle school band and had his first opportunity to play with the Big Red marching band on eighth grade night in his last fall before enrolling at Gainesville High. From the first moment he took the field, Bandini knew he wanted to continue playing with the band in high school. “You go out there with all of them for the first time, and you get to kind of experience a little bit of what they do,” he said. “It’s pretty exciting.” Bandini worked at the instrument throughout his high school career, improving his skills and
‘I think it’s just the way my parents raised me. They taught me good values, to help people.’ Luca Bandini
making lifelong friends along the way. By his senior year, he was ready to move to section leader. “I wanted to go further, and so I applied to be the section leader, and I got it,” he said. “As far as
responsibilities, you have to teach the rest of the section how to do the marching stuff, how to play the music.” Between his music, his academics and the relationships he built over four years at Gaines-
ville High, Bandini said the school played a major role in his formative years. No matter where he ends up, he said he’ll always be proud to be a Red Elephant and will never forget the people who made his high
school experience special. “Those high school years were really important for me to develop,” he said. “I’m going to have those friends forever. I’ll always remember the time I had there.”
RADUATES! GAINESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 Gainesville City School System salutes our graduates for their hard work, dedication, resilience, and remarkable achievements. Our graduates have earned over $8.4 million in merit-based scholarships and have been accepted into the following prestigious colleges and universities around the nation. We are excited to see what the future holds for our outstanding Red Elephants. Wake Forest University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Tulane University, University of Georgia, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, University of South Carolina, Louisiana State University, Mercer University, Montclair State University, Georgia State University, Mary Baldwin University, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, Delaware State University, Liberty University, Missouri State University, Valdosta State University, Wingate University, University of Virginia-Wise, Oglethorpe University, Appalachian State University, Butler University, Delta State University, South Carolina State University, Rider University, Trinity Washington University, Wheeling University, Winston Salem State University, Wellesley College, United States Air Force Academy, Emmanuel College, Spelman College, Agnes Scott College, Georgia College and State University, Toccoa Falls College, Brenau University, University of North Georgia, Piedmont College, Truett McConnell University, Georgia Gwinnett College, College of Coastal Georgia, Augusta University, Brewton Parker College, Fort Valley State University, Georgia Highlands College, Young Harris College, Savannah College of Art and Design, New York Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, Sae Institute, Greensboro College, Gwinnett Technical College, Lanier Technical College, Cape Fear Community College
Inspire • Nurture • Challenge • Prepare
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Fishing hooks him a scholarship, lifelong friendships BY NATHAN BERG Growing up, Avery Hammock was known as “that kid who goes fishing every day.” Starting in middle school, Hammock would spend all his free time hitching up a johnboat to the back of a golf cart and driving it down to one of the many lakes in the Sterling on the Lake community to go fishing. “It was just a pastime,” Hammock said. “Just something to do.” In the years since, it’s become so much more for Hammock, a senior at Flowery Branch High School. Hammock was in eighth grade when he hatched the idea of starting a bass fishing team at Flowery Branch. His cousin was a member of the Jefferson High School fishing team, and together, along with a few other friends, they put together the plans to start the Flowery Branch High School Anglers. “We got information on how to start a team and how to get kids to be a part of a team,” Hammock said. “It was something me and my buddies really enjoyed to do. We really loved to fish, and we wanted to open it up to everybody in my school.” At 14, Hammock secured sponsorships for the team, picking up financial support from local businesses like Nichols Bodyshop, Oakwood Bait and Tackle, AVC Marine, Marine Klean and Outdoor Depot, among others. He also had to contact and coordinate with boat captains, so each of the group’s 10 teams of two fishermen would have everything they needed to compete. Hammock said he connected with several boat owners on Facebook who were willing to take kids out fishing for free if the scheduling lined up. “We had a ton of support behind us in the community, and they were able to make this happen,” he said. Hammock’s love for fishing is even helping to pay for his higher education. Following a first-place outing with partner Brooks Anderson at the SAF Early Bird Open this
‘It was something me and my buddies really enjoyed to do. We really loved to fish, and we wanted to open it up to everybody in my school.’ Avery Hammock January, Hammock got a call from Erskine College head bass fishing coach Ryan Teems with a scholarship offer to join the team. Hammock said 75% of his college schooling is being paid for through the sport he has loved since his middle school days.
The news was overwhelming. “I was in shock at first,” he said. “I was just completely overjoyed and very thankful for the opportunity. It’s something that I’ve seen happen to people, but I never really thought it would be me in that situation.”
Hammock said his time with the FBHS Anglers has defined his high school experience. He’s learned lessons in leadership, time management and, of course, fishing. “It was one of the best experiences of my life,” he said. “I
learned how to connect with kids that have the same passion that I do. There’s not a ton of kids that love to fish, especially in Flowery Branch. But the ones that did, I learned how toconnect with them, and I’ve made lifelong friends with them.”
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
Opening up through service and theater
Rebekah Crozier has always been an introvert at heart. When she first enrolled at Lanier Christian Academy, Crozier remembers being shy, quiet and typically unwilling to move out of her comfort zone. But over the past four years, she has transformed. It started when she joined the school’s Beta Club in the ninth grade. Crozier said she enjoyed the charitable nature of the club, particularly liking the yearly Operation Christmas Child food drives. As a junior, Crozier decided she wanted to get more involved, so she ran and was elected as club secretary. As a senior, she moved up to the role of president. “Being secretary kind of helped me get a taste of what it would be like to actually be leading it,” she said. “I was really close with the president and vice president at the time. They kind of showed me the ropes.” As Beta Club president, Crozier said her organizational and communication skills were tested every day. Setting up events required reaching out and coordinating with many members of the Lanier Christian Academy community, activities that Crozier said have led to a great amount of personal growth. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff like that,” she said. “That experience has really helped me be able to do that in other areas of my life.” As Crozier grew to be more outgoing, she also made a mark on the arts at Lanier Christian Academy.
As a junior, she and a couple of her friends advocated for the start of a theater program at the school. Crozier has been integral to the program over the past two years, most recently starring as Jo in the school’s winter production of “Little Women.” “I’ve always loved musicals and theater,” she said. “My mom helped me get involved in all that, because she’s kind of the same way. I just love music, and I think the performing arts are so powerful and so important to our world today.” Crozier said that although social interaction was often stressful for her growing up, performing has always been a way for her to open up. “I’m able to find an outlet for myself when I’m on stage,” she said. “It’s a way to express myself that I’m not always able to do because I am more quiet.” Crozier plans on attending Samford University after graduation, where she has earned scholarships both for her academics and from Chick-fil-A, where she’s worked for the past three years. She will be studying English and hopes to one day get into the publishing or editing business. And while she has some nerves about moving on to college, Crozier said she feels fully prepared for the next step in life thanks to the influence that Lanier Christian Academy has had on her. “I’ve definitely grown in my leadership skills,” she said. “I’ve gotten lots of great friends there. I’ve learned how to talk to people, social skills, all that stuff. I’ve just been able to get really close to all my teachers and all my friends because it is a private school. They’ve all made such an impact on my life.”
‘Sometimes it’s hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff like that. ... I’m able to find an outlet for myself when I’m on stage. It’s a way to express myself that I’m not always able to do because I am more quiet.’ Rebekah Crozier
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia |
PABLO YESAKI SERRATO, RIVERSIDE MILITARY ACADEMY ‘I never really saw myself as someone people would follow. But now I have more selfrespect. I’m way more organized, both in my daily life and in my room physically. Riverside has played so many big roles in my life.’ Pablo Yesaki Serrato
Photo courtesy Pablo Yesaki Serrato
Learning about leadership from example, experience BY NATHAN BERG Pablo Yesaki Serrato never saw himself as a leader before enrolling at Riverside Military Academy. Yesaki Serrato grew up in Monterrey, Mexico — where he still lives with his parents when not attending the Gainesville boarding school — but he wanted to attend military school to follow in the steps of his grandfather and improve himself. When he first arrived at the school in eighth grade, Yesaki Serrato dedicated himself to being as loyal a follower as he could be, constantly obedient and responsive to orders. But the commanding of-
ficer of his company of seventh and eighth graders, known as Alpha company, made an impression on Yesaki Serrato and inspired him to strive for leadership. “He was kind,” Yesaki Serrato said. “He was direct. He knew when to give instructions. He knew when to be scary. I just saw him as a big brother figure, and I wanted to be that. I wanted to become that big brother figure that would care for others and that others would look up to as well.” Five years later, Yesaki Serrato has achieved that goal. He was commanding officer for Alpha company in his senior year and also will graduate as class vale-
dictorian with a 4.21 GPA. Along the way, Yesaki Serrato has learned a thing or two about leadership. As he rose through the ranks in the school, Yesaki Serrato figured out that being a good leader is all about striking the right balance between friend and mentor. Through trial and error, he learned that younger kids respect an officer who is kind but not overly lenient, friendly but also serious when he needs to be. Making personal connections with every member of his company was the best way Yesaki Serrato found to learn and grow. “I learned that leadership isn’t
just about sitting down and giving orders,” he said. Yesaki Serrato’s time in command of Alpha company has even had a major impact on his career goals. He will be attending the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education this fall, with plans to one day become a teacher. Yesaki Serrato said he now has a passion for being a role model for younger kids. He also has a commitment to learning that led him to his valedictorian status at the school. Yesaki Serrato said he plans on studying everything from math and science to music and philosophy at university.
“I never want to stop learning,” he said. After graduating from college, Yesaki Serrato said he may move back to the United States, but nothing is set in stone yet. He’s not sure exactly where his studies will take him, but Yesaki Serrato is certain the mark left on him by Riverside will be permanent. “Before I went to Riverside, I wasn’t too sure about what I did, why I did it,” he said. “I never really saw myself as someone people would follow. But now I have more self-respect. I’m way more organized, both in my daily life and in my room physically. Riverside has played so many big roles in my life.”
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Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
Class of 2020 The below graduation lists were provided by the respective schools. Hall County school lists are tentative.
Cherokee Bluff High School Bryanna Adams Charles Agot Danny Alcorn Chandler Allen Camden Bahn Ashton Balizet Heather Beck Alyssa Bedwell Chance Bennefield Abigail Bennett Bryce Bernitt Daniel Bescher Briana Bishop Lindi Branam Sydney Bray Christian Brown Ryan Brownlee Jenna Buffington Brittanne Burch Faith Burgamy Nicholas Butts Estefania Campos Elijah Cannon Jacob Carlson Gabrielle Carmosino Benjamin Caron Kristofer Carver Christopher Castillo Ivan Castillo Daniel Castro Avitia Majeli Caudillo Brandon Cheeks Emily Coles Chad Coley Violet Conway Christian Costabile Melissa Cuevas Christopher Davis Macie Dixon M. Caleb Dolan Chaela Dorton Daniela Duran Rachel Eck Kaitlyn Edwards Ivan Erazo Kimberly Esquivel Jason Evrett Sammaria Felton Zikeria Finley Allison Fletcher Kimberly Fowler Emily Galaviz Karla Gaona-Torres Andres Garcia Connor Gillespie Mykol Goins Ella Golub Katelyn Gomez Christian Gonzalez
Harrison Gragg Landon Green Zachary Haynes Joseph Hendrix Andrea Hernandez Jessica Hicks Mason Hill Parker Hollers Courtney Homer Jacob Hopper Molly Hulsey Rachel Johnson Jacob Jones Jackson Kemp Zachary Kendall Sophie Lamp Zoey Lhamon Cristian Lopez Matthew Maple Clay Marshall Brady McVey Andres Meza Lyla Migliore Dylan Miller Daysha Mills MaryQuinn Mills Brelynn Millwood Brody Millwood Mitchell Moore Christopher Morgan-Smith Tinomudaishe Mukono Davis Mundy Griffin Neville Kevoseay Norman Shelby Olenek Erica Perez Madison Phillips Peyton Pinckney Carsen Plumadore Lesly Quezada Ashlynne Radosta Michaela Ragone Quavi Rahman Elizabeth Ramey Emmanuel Rebollar Joshua Reed Monica Reyes Isaac Riddling Jeremy Ringleb Moriah Robinson Roberto Rodriguez Erin Rose Davon Ruffins Aaron Russell Christian Santiago Mary Scherer Kristina Schwab Jonathan Servin Garcia Andrew Seymour Michaela Shadburn Rachel Shaw Andrew Shires Kristen Simon Averi Skeggs Grant Smith Shane Smith Gabrielle Stanley Mihai State Madison Stinchcomb Kelly Stuart Jordan Taylor Jabriya Terrell
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Peyton Thomas Sean Thomas Jaylin Thornton Matthew Tingley Elizabeth Tuck Kennedy Turpin Hannah Vansickle Daniel Vath Sierra Wainer Noah Walksler Madelyn Waxter Mackenzie Wayne Palmer Weaver Shelby Wheat Victoria White Madison Williams Jesse Witt Cameron Wood Trenton Word Jonathan Yanes Neida Yebra Sonia Yoshida
Chestatee High School Jose Alexander Acosta Jesus Aguillares Stefany Albarran-Hurtado Laura Alcantar Anguiano Fedor Mikhailovich Alexandrov Brady Wayne Anderson Mayah Zipporah Wyoming Anderson Sarah Elizabeth Andrew Carson Tyler Arceneaux Gemma Marie Arthur BreAna DeShon Atkinson Briana Jatzel Avellaneda Fabian Ayala Katilyn May Babb Angel Gabriel BaezaLedesma Jaydon Zachary Bailey Julio Antonio Baltazar Caroline Dale Barber James Barcenas Hunter Robert Casey Barnas Ashley Barrientos Faith Marie Bater Devin Luke Beck Dayna Lourdes Belmarez Shelby Kay Benjamin Jade Nicole Blalock Makayla Jean Blocker Dorimar Bonilla Karen Nayeli Bonilla Lindsey Elaine Bornhorst Kyle Patrick Bowmar Maggie Louise Bowmar Sean Robert Branyon Elizabeth Grace Bravo Zane Michael Bresher Erick Briseno-Marquez Chandler Jay Brookshire Zakary Cole Bryant Jose Manuel Buendia Jesse Brian Buffington Trevor James Buffington Jonah Lee Bull Eduardo Camacho
Kristina Elizabeth Campbell Alma Yadira Cantu Hiedy Rosio Carreno Jamie Marie Carrillo Karina Carrillo Caleb Chance Carter Jennifer Casique Hasly Yamilec Castellon Juan Jose Castro Jose L. Caudillo Hunter Rhett Chambers Jennifer Joanna Chavez Alfredo Israel Cisneros Brian Cisneros-Romero Ellie Madeline Clark Lily Anna Coffey Manuel Conde Ciara Nicole Corbin Cristian Giovanni Corona Maria Nayeli Guadalupe Corona Angelina Catherine Corso Alejandro Cortez Ever Cortez Joseph Antonio Cortez Fernando Ruben Cortez-Elias Alivia Ann Criddle Kevin Daniel Cruz-Maldonado Xavier Estevan Cruz-Zamora Angelica Del Carmen Cuevas Preston Michael Cummings Alexis Maddison Dale Amber Marie Dale Garrett Blake Daniell Felipe Jose Darquea Haboud Sophie Marie Davis Thomas Dayton Maria Victoria Delgado Brittany Nicole Denmon Madalyn Rose Dollyhigh Elizabeth Dominguez-Cedillo Brisel Duarte Perla Duarte Vianey Montserrat Duenas Pasillas Andrew Spencer Duncan Ram Om Dutta Christopher Bryant Eddy Alexandria McKayla Edmonds Noah Ivan Elliott William Landrum English Yaxire Karela Esquivel Diego Arturo Esquivel Vicente Alejandro Estrada Miguel Angel Estrada Blanco Ava Claire Evans Jackson Hunter Farris John Dixon Fawcett Raina Beatrice Feanny Nicole Marian Felix Emerson Ismael Fernandez Campos Brisa Ruby Ferrel Andrea Filomeno Claudia Marie Fowler Dawson Brady Gaines Christopher Galvan Gabriela Heriberta Galvez Garcia Alexis Andres Garcia Jeyson Omar Garcia Victor Manuel Garcia
Grand Rhey Llenada Garland Jacob Ryan Gipson Braulio Godinez Erick Alonzo Godinez Dennis Marilin Gomez Guadalupe Jaquelin Gomez Jaime Gonzalez Macie Paige Goodsir Ashley Briana Granados Chasity Nicole Griffin Donald Alan Grimsley Crystal Guardado Jackelin Guerrero Simeon Alexander Gutsman Kalisha Faith Hale Connor Richard Hall Eythan Alexander Harbin Payton Mitchell Harkins Ryan Amery Harper Cassidy Lynne Hartog Joel Alfredo Hernandez Karen Hernandez Leslie Diane Hernandez Rene Lopez Hernandez Yarelit Ruby Hernandez Yiovany Hernandez Jacqueline Herrera Ivy Grace Hinchliffe Brandon Ho Ethan Jayden Holitzner Alanna Lashae Holmes Madisun Faith House Christopher Blake Hudson Ethan Ned Hulsey Alejandro Ibarra Salomon Ibarra Yadira Ibarra Jordan Nicole Jackson Robert Townsend James Tyler Ryan James Matthew Tanner Jarrard Mayko Daniel Juarez Nataleigh Kusum Khan Mary Danielle Kidd Rylie Madison King Skyler Destiny Kinsey Sterling Destin Klein Cody Austin Kowalske Keanu Shane LaCount Cloe Alyssa Larned Phillip Andrew Lemay Abisai Leon Joseph Landon LiBasci Haylee Elizabeth Lloyd Deneice Ivana Lopez Diana Gabriela Lopez Evelyn Rosario Lopez Jessica Verenise Lopez Mario Angel Lugo Yolanda Monserrat LugoLeon Sitlally Luna Castillo Ansley Brooke Lunsford Robert Drake Lyon Francisco Madrigal Carley Seymour Mancuso Steven Tyler Martin Berenice Martinez Cristian Martinez Joel Martinez Nicole Martinez Kennet Alexander Martinez
CLASS OF 2020 Duarte Maria Del Carmen MartinezValdez Lina Mariela Mateo Juan Sara Ansley Matson Sarah Nicole McCloud Ashton Phillip-Rose McCollum Camden Caroline McMahon Payton Makenna McMorrough Maggie Celeste McNair Ashley Natali MedinaRodriguez Karla Medrano Contreras Sara Noemi Mejia Benson Jack Miller Melodie Rose Missler Lela Grace Mize Maria Isabel Montanez Carragan Laurel Moody Edwin Morales Yuritzi Elizabeth Moreno Ximena Mosqueda Madison Quinn Mueller Brandon Jose MurilloGranados Ana Elyse Myers Daniela Navarro Jayson Brenton Nicholson Fernando Olivas Ismael Olivas Riley Cane Orr Andy Ortega Esmeralda Ortuno Aaliyah Lizeth Pacheco Jacob Maxwell Pair Andrea Lizeth Palacios Catherine Grace Palmieri Alejandra Paniagua-Guzman Isaac Walker Parlier Austin Levi Parrish Caitlyn Grace Patrick Christopher Adam Patterson Kassidy Aaren Payne Kyle Andrew Pearce Kayla Leigh Peck Austin Javier Perez Litzy Perez Austin Tyler Pilgrim Citlalli Pineda Tyler Lee Pittman Emma Diana-Fern Pollard Joesph Weber Pressley Seth Wayne Pressley Sara Rachell Pursley Jeanne Ramirez Jimmy Ramirez Brittney Leighann Randolph Ryiona Vantaj Raven Hailey Ann Ray Kayla Marie Reed Dayan Reyes-Gonzalez Tristan James Riddle Chloe Elisabeth Riley Julian Miguel Rivera Marisol Rizo Zoe Aaliyah Robertson Savannah Jade Robinson Aracely Rodriguez Tristan Stacy Rogers Yajaira Romero
Omaly Rosario Alexander Jesse Ross Destiny Kate Ross Victor Manuel Ruiz Veronica Alejandra Ruiz-Ayala Alexis Salazar Esmirna Salcido Heidi Giselle Sanchez Charles Edward Scott, Jr. Seth Taylor Sertain Diana Paola Servin Cade Alexander Sexton Corbin Davis Shaw Alicia Marie Simmons Joseph Daniel Sleister Andrew Joseph Smith Austin Hayden Smith Mason Cole Smith Matthew Parker Smith Trenton Cole Smith Gracie Kay Souther Camryn Rose Spence Christian William Steele Nolan Chase Stevens Gwyneth Leigh Thomas Jarrett Ryan Thompson Dylan Eric Carter Travis Chandler James Tucker Leydi Mayenci Turcios Yanes Katrina Hope Turk Lisandro Vaca Edgar Ismael VasquezMartinez Keiry Velasquez Pascual Enrique VelasquezPerez Jimena Ashley VillamorThompkins Hannah Bethany Walker Talia Czar Watkins Rayn Marie Welle Brittany Michelle West Jocelyn Elizabeth Wiley Jackson Giles Wood David Woodard Lana Catherine Woodward Reyes Antonio Yanez Carla Yebra Fernanda Zamarripa Nicolas Zamudio Londono
East Hall High School Claudia Acevedo Arely Adame Oscar Aguirre Milca Alarcon Christian Aldaco Megan Allen Nicollette Allen Juan Alvarez-Corona Emilie Amormino Dan Andrade Martin Aragon Selena Arellano Estefany Arevalo Cindy Argueta Chandler Arrowood Vanessa Arroyo Angel Arteaga Elizabeth Aviles
CLASS OF 2020 Christopher Ayala Joel Ayala Andrea Ayon Brisa Baez Jaden Bales Macy Banks Katie Baugh Kahmia Blackwell Osiris Bran Jacob Brewer Abigail Brown Destiny Bryant Shelby Burns Tysun Butler Joanna Calvillo Alejandra Camacho Samantha Camacho Stacy Camarillo Beverly Camp Anthony Campbell Nayeli Canales Damien Cano Elizabeth Cardoso Alejandra Carrillo Daniela Carrillo Merary Carrizales Gerardo Castillo Josue Castro Madelaine Chanon Austin Cook Lesli Cortes Carley Cox Adrian Cruz Josue Cruz Michelle Cruz Victor Cruz Madison Danner Marissa Davidson Luis Del Rio Raquel Diaz Turrubiates Melissa Dominguez Kariya Dowell Magaly Duarte Savannah Duckett Melody Dunagan Makenzie Duncan Diego Duran William Eldred Aaliyah Ellison Karli Emmett Luis Escobar Carlos Espinoza Gisselle Espinoza Roxana Espinoza Chris Estrada Ethan Evans Kenneth Fajardo Irving Flores Laura Flores Jodie Ford Quillan Free Daisy Fuentes Giselle Gallaga Melissa Galvez Pedro Galvez Alondra Garcia Hender Garcia Martin Garcia Saira Garcia Staci Garrison Jamarien Gaudlock Brayden Gillespie
Isaiah Goff Omar Gomez Karina Gonzalez Shinay Gonzalez Kaitlyn Graves Alysia Gray Andre Gray Darryl Gray Haley Grooms Yalletzi Guerrero Vega Mary Gutierrez DeAndre Harrison Keiunna Harrison Gerardo Hernandez Maritza Hernandez Omar Hernandez Drew Highfield James Hightower Zion Hill Daniel Hinshaw Laura Holguin Logan Howard Zamien Howell Miracle Hudson Josiah Irvin Alexis Jaramillo Alejandro Jasso Mayetta Jones Faila Kisebwe Shante Lanyon Janelly Lara Dylan Lee Kaymani Leiro Kallon Lewallen Jeff Linares Keylla Lira Alejandro Lopez Guerrero Pierre Lyles Kayla Madrigal Luis Magana Jocelyn Maldonado Othon Marban Tyler Martin Albert Martinez Gilbert Martinez Jason Martinez Luz Martinez Tyler Mayabb Jordan McCann Josue Medina Itzel Mejia Daniela Melendez Rodriguez Madison Melgar-Acosta Janet Mendoza Lizeth Mendoza Sofia Mendoza Alina Mendoza-Castrejon Guadalupe Mendoza-Duran William Merck Amberly Miller Jason Miller Destiny Mize Elizabeth Mojica Miguel Molina Miguel Mondragon Denci Murillo Micah Murray Nashali Nava-Munoz Christopher Nazworth Treveon Newson Arabella Nicholson Cassidy Nickerson
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Suzan Norman Julian Osborne Melvin Palomo-Campos Jose Pantoja-Ruelas Ronnie Passmore Logan Patterson Lauren Payne Alexis Pedraza Tynayia Peoples Mariano Perez Villanueva Tyler Pham Dakoata Phimmachack Eric Pineda Marilin Pineda Naxely Ponce Magdiel Portillo Monterious Prather Jaquelin Ramirez Lesley Ramirez Roman Ramirez Odaris Ramos Bryce Reeves Judith Reyes Nyah Reyes Luna-Alyssa Rhodes-Touchet Tessa Rider Cesar Rios Xavier Rivera Abigail Rodriguez Angela Rodriguez Daisy Rodriguez Jesse Rodriguez Julius Rodriguez Rashel Rodriguez Stephanie Rodriguez Yeinny Rodriguez Natalie Romero Miguel Romero Gomez Yairin Romero Gonzalez Galilea Rosas Guzman Ernesto Ruiz Jose Ruiz Abigail Salgado Teresa Salgado Maggie Sargent Sean Saunders Kayla Sellers Carolina Sesmas Bailey Seymour Andrea Silva Giselle Silva Ethan Skarda Annabelle Smith Nicole Smith Rondale Smith Taylor Smith Tristan Smith Leslie Sorto Abbey Stanley Hunter Sunderman Gabriel Taylor Alysia Teague Gavino Tello Aaron Thomas Britney Thomas Encosi Tilmon Dylan Timms Peyton Turner Destiny Turpin Rachel Tyre Helen Ulloa Ariel Urapo
Ruth Urizar Miguel Valentin Ashley Valladarez Malachi Vance Joana Vargas Gabriel Velazquez Ytsel Villagomez Albert Villatoro Kaitlin Vongsayadeth Breanna Walls Katherine White Malichi White Harley Wilbanks Vincent Wilkins Cody Woodard William Yizar Koltin Zona
Flowery Branch High School Melisa Aguirre Sophia Alexandra Ahumada Carlos Alba Bretta Lane Alexzulian Kaylee Jamileth Alvarado Gaberiel Merritt Anglin Nermeen Arif Andrew Mack Armstrong Kamryn Jayde Arzillo Adarius Germay Bailey Courtney Mae Bailey Dylan Wesley Bailey Courtney Taylor Baker Ethan Jo Baker Alexis Caroline Ball Alec James Baltus Guadalupe Alexandra Barajas Vincent Drake Barbee Austin Glynn Barge Joshua Tashad Barnette Ashton Jade Baxter Alejandra Yubisay Bayona Patino Gordon Hinckley Beals Isaiah Cai Beasley Elizabeth Nancy Ann Bell Elizabeth Benavides Kayla Marie Bettis Rachel Kathryn Biasi Briona Lyn Bierkamp Tessa Catherine Black Andrew Keith Blackwell Christopher Lee Blackwell Chavalya Alandra Blithe Edgar Bladimir Bonilla Gavin Alexander Boone Alexander Joseph Bourdage Liam Patrick Boylan Olivia Faith Bradford Alexa Jo Bradley Olivia Hope Braselton Morgan Ashton Brick Colby Bryant Brookshire Jasmine Alexandria Brown Sarah Elizabeth Brown William Alexander Brown Gabriella Lynn Bulford Judson Ty Burney Heaven Aaliyah Bush Tania Gisselle Caceres Uriel Flores Calderon Alejandro Jose Campo
Mariana Cardona Destinee Kierra Carley Ashley Nicole Carmical Julisa Carrillo Rafay Muhammad Choudhry Angel Choummanivong Brianna Gabrielle Clark Melanie Makenna Combs Brennan Rhodes Compton Joseph Allen James Cone Lewis Angelo Costales Megan Elizabeth Costello Amy Grace Cox Ricardo Antonio Cruz Stephen Benjamin Cuellar Anna-McKinley Dahlgren Mallory Paige Darbe Justin William Davis Dylan Richard Day Trevor Caleb Dayton Yared De Anda Jacqueline De La Cruz Lydia Jane DeGraaf Georgia Margaret Deitz Victoria Delacruz Nicholas Scott DeVeau Chandler Chance DialWatson Chezley Chase Dial-Watson Nyah Ray Dominguez Emma Renee Donham Karigan Rogue Dougherty Haley Sheree Driggers Kimmi Meigui Dulaney Kyleigh Breanne Dupree Lauren Elizabeth Durling Hannah June Easterday Cameron Jacob Eaton Idalys Naeily Elias Micaela Faith Escamilla Colby William Eskew Carlos Daniel Espinoza Samuel Benjamin Eubanks Sydney Grace Eubanks Halie Kadence Evans Samuel Richard Evans Andrea Holland Farmer Blake Edward Faulkner Diana Alexa Felix Elizabeth Ferrer-Jimenez Connor Owen Fishman Cristina Isabel Flores Karina Flores Steven Arrington Folkers Samuel David Foster Rebekah Abigail Fountain Olivia Leigh Fowler Alan Joseph Fredrick Elijah Andrew Gainey Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez Wilson Garcia Gonzalez Giana Marie Gelormino Sydney Grace Gerrin Carmen Isabella Gewin Hayden Samuel Gilbert Parker Griffin Girard Alessandro Giovanni Godina Geanpierre Gomez Denise Gonzalez Armando Gonzalez-Mireles Madison Delaney Gould Anna Katherine Grady
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020 Megan Elizabeth Green Kelsy Lynn Guardado Jose Juan Guerrero Jr. Joshua Gutierrez Angelica Guzman Grace Jameson Haag Wandriona Catheya Hale Kelley Marie Hamilton Christopher Avery Hammock Russell Daniel Hardy III Abigail Susanne Hartter Lisette Desiree Helton Brandt Isaac Henderson Kevin Wesley Herndon Jr. Gunnar Michael Hetzel Elise Suzanne Hiers John Mikel Hill Bradley Allen Hobgood Susana Holguin Andrew Spencer Holt Jessica Anne Houston Georgia Lee Howard Logan Garrett Hulsey Victoria Ruth Hunt Patrick Christopher Hutson Regan Ansley Hutton Austin Daniel Thomas Ingram Rebekah Paige Inman Jillian Irvine Julian James Issac Allison Nicole Ivory Dontavius Kentrell Jackson Justin Amaru Jackson Cameron Michael James Gonzalo Antonio Jimenez Jermaine Kenneth Johnson Trystan Matthew Johnston Angie Lenora Jones Anna Maria Jones Parker Thomas Jones Alexis Ismael Juarez James Karl Keat Chelsea Ross Keller Melanie Joy Keller Chandler James Kenny Justin Max Keopraseuth Isabella Sophia Kezios Avery Caroline Kiewert Devin Lee Kimball Lexus Paige King Brealyn Paige Kocjan Bella Vey Kronenberg Jonathon Czeslaw Kubiak Kenady Marie Kukowski Brandon Lee Lackey Steven Grant Lackey Michael Jeremy Lacy Ryan Edward Laplante Baonhi Le Coleigh Anastasia Lennox Gabriella Leon Yaroslava Pavlovna Leonova Courtney Jordan Linn McKenzie Lee Lively Tai William Lizdas Cameron James Locklear Alexis Lea Logan Karissa Marie Longo Kelsey Elizabeth Lopreste Brandon Evan Lord Jefferson Thomas Lovette Amelia Maclean Luciani
Arely Karime Luna Corina Lutenco Sierra Ann Lutz Madisyn Grace MacDougall Halle Marseille MacPherson Dashia Jeneigh Maddox Trevor Reese Majernik Jonathan Xavier Marin Maria Christina Martinez Ally Madison Massaro Drayton Carter Matus Connor Michael Mayfield Connor Jackson McCary Kirstin Michelle McLain Katie Grace McManus Jordan Hope McMillan Macy Claire Mealor Karen Mendez Morales Logan Nicholas Miklos Barry Kevin Mills Alexis Lesley Millwood Olivia Isabel Molina-Salas Lena Susanne Moller Matthew Wesley Moon Elise Marie Moorman Arsha Moorthy Andrea Sarai Morales Sofia Isabel Moreno Rylee Leah Motes Anna Leigh Mulhall Ashley Elizabeth Mulhall Colton Tyler Murphy Malakah Eve Myers Olivia Katherine Nance Isaiah Jazz Nazaire Melissa Nicole Neff Avery Madison Noble Alondra Noriega Cailee Balieu Norris Cole Alexander Norris Kylie Ann O’Donnell Mackenzie Reece OBrien Kevin Ortega-Quezada Stephanie Jocelyne Ortiz Dyllan Nicole Overstreet Emerald Rose Gatherer Owens Jonathan Pacheco Tiffany Bernadette Parrish Madeliene Lanay Parsons Parker William Pascoe Jerry David Passmore Liliana Paura Douglas Antonio Pena Jr. Adrianna Nicole Peppers David Perez Paul Edward Pettway Jr. Christopher Martin Plummer Viktoria Viktorovna Polegenko Riley Jess Poole Jacob Stuart Powers James Noah Price Caleb Aaron Pruitt Adam Daniel Pugh Jr. Trevor Robert Purser Elliot Spencer Purvis Joseph Maxon Quick Jayden Daniel Raatjes Ludmila Ramirez-Campos Alexander Nan Ramsell Lauren Janet Reed Sierra Janann Reed
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
Taylor Chadwick Reeves Rafaella Katherine Reilly Jean Paul Restrepo Karina Reyes Juan Giovanni Reyes-Cortes AnnaGrace Marie Richey Gabrielle Gray Riley Areej Muhammad Rizwan Ayman Muhammad Rizwan Genie Christina Robbins Madyson Kenadee Roberts Sir Thomas Shakur Robinson Juan Robles Jacob Thomas Rocamora Jessica Rodriguez Ryan Cohen Rolader Bryson Dante Ross Allison Elizabeth Rowlett Logan Anthony Russell Alexander Iley Salb Natalia Sanchez Barrero Zander Robert Sechrist Cecelia Grace Seeber Emma Grace Seibert Nathan Reed Shedd Mackenzie Sarah Shepard Abby Vera Sherwood Kaylee Brooke Shockley Madison Elizabeth Shubert Rachel Kathryn Sides Haley Alexis Lesley Simmons Caroline McHugh Sims Elle Elizabeth Sladek Olivia Faith Sorrells Zeah Azaleigh Stone Iyana Renee Stringer Susana Suarez-Sanchez Winston Russell Swarts Rylan Thomas Sweeney Ava Christabella Taggart Manuel Tapia-Garcia Ryann Olivia Taylor Dylan Michael Thomas Traci Joy Timmons Wyatt Joseph Timms Skylar Beth Tipton Jennifer Torres David Tran Anh Ha Trinh Steven Trinh Kaitlyn MacKenzie Turner Granten Anthony Underwood Diana Maria Vanegas Tommy Elijha Vargas Jacqueline Leigh Vas Miranda Elizabeth Vazquez Glorismel Velasquez Chavez Naia Tihitina Vincent Katelyn Tara Vinson Clayton Paul Walczuk Jordan Sheree Walker Madeline Rose Walker Matthew Braedon Waller Charles Owen Warbington Ryan Lee Watkins Holden Ray Watson Chandler Allen Kyler White Sydney Elizabeth Whitt Jarod Nolan Wille Aaliyah Antonay Williams Kathryn Breauna Williams Lamier Ra’saun Williams
Rachael Madison Williams Loganne Marie Wilson Dawson Gale Cummings Wise Tyler Jackson Wood Jacob Ray Woodruff Trent Octabious Young
Gainesville High School Angelica Abreu-Miranda Lily Marie Adamson Mireille Agbede Arlett Aguilar Evelyn Aguilar Giovany Aguilar Daisy Aguilera Jose Manuel Aguilera Abraham Aguirre Ruth Phuna Akamba Eddie Alarcon-Luna Erik Alarcon-Luna Saul Alba Roosbelia Albarran Yaneht Alberto Natasha Carolina Alcazar Anthony Alday Vanessa Alfaro Gustavo Alvarado Vanessa Alvarado Jacob Manuel Alvarez Jose Alexandro Amezcua Marcie Amezquita Grayson Jayne Anderson Alan Ulises Andrade Delgado Brian Andrade Isabella Mariah Appling David Armenta Karina M Arriaga Javier Alexis Avelar-Turcios Esbeydi Avellaneda Destiny Elizabeth Avila Lilibeth Ayala Luis Manuel Azpeitia Ashley Nayeli Baez Alejandro Jose Balbaneda Maritza Balcazar Fatima Banda Luca Bandini Camryn Stefan Banks Sarah Isabel Barrett Anahi Becerril Bailey Ann Becker Harris Price Bell Osvaldo Beltran Isis Galilea Benitez Jeremiah Jared Bennett Autumn Angelina Blackmon Beate Mbiya Bondo Douglas Yoel Bonilla Heidy Michelle Bonilla Kenia A Bonilla Lisceht Bonilla-Avelar Ques D Borders Brisa Paola Botello Josephine Sarah Boyd Stacey Bravo J’Dahkiz D Brooks Damon Joseph Brown Dezmond Lee Brown Datavian Treyshaad Buffington
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Cristal Burciaga Abraham Caballero Joshua Ezequiel Calderon Nayelly Janeth Calderon Camille Laign Calkins Demontae Antoine Cantrell Shariah Cantrell Kyah Alexia Danae Canty Leslie Cardenas Rony Bladimir CardenasGarcia Luis Adrian Cardona Martha Arianna Carrera Ana Patricia Carrion Amearez Marquis Carroll Marco Antonio Carvajal Michelle Casillas Caleigh Elizabeth Casper Hilda Marisol Castellanos Andy Castillo Rojas Jennifer Juliana Castillo Juan Carlos Cavazos Leandro Guadalupe ChavezRivera Hyun Joong Choi Elaine Co Antoine Lamar Coleman Martelle ToWayne Conner Francisco Contreras Maria Monzerath Contreras Vianney Contreras Angel Issac Cortes Cristian Jesus Cortes Alonso Cortez Molly Reeves Couvillon Jacques Jerman Cox Seth Grayson Cox Juan Jose Cruz Sandra Jazmin Cruz-Perez Valentin Cuevas Daisie Loota Daisie Dionte J Daniel Logan Revell Davis Jose Delgado Christian Thomas Diaz Tessa Marie Diaz Johnny Tim Dinh Walter Lee Dixon Jonathan Jason Dobbins Brian Don Hannah Marie Edwards Danna Z Elizondo Ali’cia Tonee Ellison Darius Ellison Sterling Price Embry Dravin Ryan-Scott Emmett Robert Enriquez Pedro Junior Espinoza Kevin Josue Euceda Diaz Jade Fajardo Abigail Felix Luis Roberto Fernandez Connor Evan Christian Fletcher Estefani Michell Flores Ortiz Gisel Flores Denisse Flores-Lucio Emma Marie Fockele Isabella Grace Folger Indira Noely Francia Constansa Donsha Tamek Gaither
Ricardo Guillermo Galaviz Jeynci Xiomara Galo Angeles DeJesus Galvan Jhexon Josue Galvez Andrea Juliana Garcia Anthony J Garcia Brandon Alfonso Garcia Jasmin Esmeralda Garcia Jessica Garcia Jose Ramiro Garcia Josue Eduardo Garcia Rashel Garcia David Abel Garcia-Aguilar Alicia Gabriela Garcilazo Martinez Alexander Garita Elizabeth I Garrido Emily R Gaydon Joshua Myron Gearing David W Gille Hailey Leighann Glasper Leah Natalia Godina Daniel Gomez Juan Ramon Gomez Adriana Paola Gonzalez Elias Gonzalez Luz Karina Gonzalez Nickolas Enrique Gonzalez Saul Uriel Gonzalez Jennifer Gordillo Teyana Niasia Shyveair Green Abigail Anne Griffin Bradley Luke Griffin Cheyenne Amber Gross Marcos Gabriel Guerrero Oziel Guevara Maria Esther Gutierrez Farah Sarah Haddad Laura Poleth Hernandez Garcia Irving Daniel Hernandez Roman Alex Hernandez Alexandra Michelle Hernandez Ashley Nohemi Hernandez Carlos Armando Hernandez Cristian Hernandez Jennifer Hernandez Lesly Hernandez Manuela Hernandez Natalie Hernandez Saira Hernandez Cynthia Michelle Herrera Thomas Jackson Hickerson Litzy Mariela Hilario Zayne Thomas Hilderbrand Asaiah Avionna Hill Lavoy Deshaun Hill Nolan Alexander Duong Hinshaw Shemar Nicolaas Hodge Margot Camille Holcomb Kamesha Nicole Howard Kaitlen Grace Hughes Sierra Hope Hyatt Blessing Ifeoma Ibekwe Imeyrani Gelsi Islas Kayla Danielle Jackson Trenton DeShawn Jackson Xithlalic Elizabeth Jaimes Yanin Yadira Jaimes
Corey Dean Jenrette Maria Guadalupe Jimenez Gama Sydni Tamia Johnson Jayme Ann Jones Jazmin Lizbeth Juarez Nancy Dennis Juarez Sandra Joselyn Juarez Lilian Tate Kempker Jhaischion King Samantha Autumn Rose Kinsey Benjamin Makanda Kwakombe Ashley Lagunas Beth YaaLartey Kaitlyn Thanh Lan Le Kha Que Minh Le Steven Quang Le Lindsey Nicole Ledford Erik Leon Oscar Leon Cathy Lin Rosa Arely Linares Anette Lopez Alvarado Juana Alexandra Lopez Rodriguez Bryan Roberto Lopez Ismael Lopez Jesus Lopez Ricardo Francisco Lopez Tiana Olivia Lord Victoire Luzolana Lukasi Angel Alberto Luna Grace Macauley Lucia Anna Machado Pugliese Kenneth Joashim Maldonado Galvez Narelyn Mariela Maldonado Zavala Alex Dadier Maldonado Daniela Maldonado Jonathan Marceleno Jennifer Marcos Marion Jane Marquis Adriana Idaly Marrufo Armando Martinez Christopher Martinez Jose Juan Martinez Karina Martinez Nathali Yaretzi Martinez Raul Martinez Beau Nicholas Mason Michael Cole Mcabee Madison Lee-Ann McKiddy Eudy Eduardo Medina Jacqueline Medina Ivan Medrano Jesus Medrano Cristian Josue Mejia Antunez Wilber Anderson Mejia Zuleyda Elizabeth Membreno Gerson Fernando Mendez Rodriguez Briana Lisbeth MendezVelasquez Luis Angel Mendiola Hunter Keith Mendizabal Erika Vanessa Mendoza John McKinley Mercer Lauren Bre’ella Elisabeth Merritt
CLASS OF 2020 Bailey Midkiff Karla Janet Molina Naydelin Mondragon Angel Barraza Montes Jaqiyya Ashonti Moore Itzel Zitlalli Moreno Madeline Elizabeth Morgan Fatima Del Rocio Mosqueda Jacob Moz Monica Mukala Mputu Love Nabatutsi Jennyfer Ahtizri Najera Dylan Jacob Nesbit Anna Marie Newkirk Hoang Oanh Nguyen Jasmine Nguyen Ryan Nguyen Salena Suong Nguyen Julissa Hannah Nix Reponse Niyonsenga Deborah Phuna Nsele Alex Nunez Dylan Nunez Isahi Enrique Nunez Joseline Nyabatoni Sarah Makolo Nyokoto Christina Sillaine Ewhomazino Obiaro Gabriel Angel Ocampo Cristian Olivas Ana M Orellana Josue Daniel Oropeza Aziel Abisai Orozco-Cisneros Daniel Enrique Ortez Keisy Lissbeth Ortiz Ramos Jenifer Stephania Ortiz Schyler Lark Ortiz Derek Vladimir Ortiz-Recinos Jesus Guadalupe Otero Courtney Simone Outler Isabel Grace Owens Domingo Alfredo Pablo Gerardo Junior Paniagua Hari Minesh Patel Purval Darshakbhai Patel Eric Pauda Amelia M Payne Sean Nicolas Payne Ashley Perdomo Hever Perez Leonardo Perez Matthew Perez Rebecca Perez Julia Breanne Perry Hien Thi Nhu Phan Emma Kate Phillips Lindsey Paige Phillips Dylan Pineda William Jackson Pollard Andrew Dwayne Pruitt Thomas Tyler Putman Abigail Ramirez Alexis Antonio Ramirez Angelie Zammyr Ramirez Brenda Nancy Ramirez Cristian Ramirez Jennifer Mariella Ramirez Miguel Angel Ramirez Jose Roberto RamirezSalazar Keylin Daniela Ramos Graciela Razo
Jesus Alexander Razo Johnny Razo Alex Rebollar Deondre Reed Josselyn Beatriz Reimundo Lopez Gabriela Renteria Jennifer Retana Angel Luis Reyes Guadalupe Reyes Jasmin Reyes Jayro Alexander Reyes Jennifer Jacqueline Reyes Sayuri Llamilet Reyes Jaylan T Rhodes Alexandra Annika Richemond Jhovany Rico Miguel Rivas Jakelin Rivera Yanes Juliana Elyse Rivera Richard Anthony Rivera Kimberly Robles-Acevedo Angie Rodriguez Cindy Maritza Rodriguez Ester Abigail Rodriguez Jezell Esperanza Rodriguez Lizandro Rodriguez Sergio Bladimir Rodriguez Yunior Yulian Rodriguez Justyn Reinaldo Rojas Gomez Jeffery Paul Roles Gemma Rostro Elan Antonio Rubi Handal Jada Kiara Rucker Anna Marissa Ruiz Oscar Uriel Salazar Gomez Jose Eduardo Salazar Alejandro Salcido Ashley Sanchez Cruz Daniel Sanchez Fatima Sanchez Ivana Sanchez Jesus Ignacio Sanchez Vanessa Belen Sanchez Brisa Guadalupe SanchezGuerrero Miguel Angel Santana Estefany Santiago Joseph A Santillan Anahi Santoyo Isabella Grace Scarlett Christopher Scott Makius Scott Robert Dell Scott Jack Leslie Scott-Thomson Pascual Juan Sebastian Jamel C Segar Jonathan Axel Segovia Geeson Senat Karla Fernanda Serrato Kevin Aurelio Serrato Kaamilah A Shark Makaya Sheats Charles Steven Silva Jourdyn Ashleigh Simpson Teriyah Aquayla Sims Ashyah Zyere Smith Jameson A Solis Cristian Soto Efren Soto Jr. Jesse Ashtin Stone-Kingsley Taylor Ashly Sturdivant
CLASS OF 2020 Jalen Lee Sumpter Jessica Ta Uyen My Ta Josquise Zyhir Tanner Kevin Tavira Gonzalez Daniela Tavira Princess Nicole Martin Teoxon Jacquisha Rozasia Thomas Datravis L Thompson Chandler Dean Thornton Laisha Tinoco Adrian Angel Torres Phuong An Tran Joel Mukala Tshimanga Ivan Turcios Keylin Nallely Turcios Kimberly Turcios Aydan Symone Turner Jose Luis Turrubiartes Garcia Zachary Reece Valentine Janet Vallin Joshua Emmanuel Van Putten Phat Tan Van Elisabel Estefani Vanegas Lillian Diana VanTassel Grady M Vardeman Bryan Andres Vargas Zayas Claritssa Vargas Daniela Vargas Sarah Nohemi Vasquez Alexis Taylor Vaughan Jennifer Michelle Vazquez Bautista Antonio Vazquez Mata Enrique Javier Vazquez Janette Vazquez Israel Vega Garrido Katherine Velasco Abril Andrea Velasquez Evelyn Velasquez Samantha A Velasquez Ivan Velazquez Bryan Velez Bryant Villagomez-Sierra Maria Villalobos Jose Fernando Villalta Quinteros Geovanny Villanueva Perla Villatoro Brian Ariel Vivaldo-Rivera Kimberlyna Catly Vo Karlesha Monique Walker Ashley Mariah Ward Ulric Michael-Kalle Watt Halie Elizabeth White Keshaun Dekarius White Daniel Keith Williams Jordan Asad Williams Jordan Marie Williams Kennedy Yvonne Williams Zarina Rashida Williams Nathaniel Elijah Willock Michael Wright Whitley Ashton Wright Darius Shamad Young Jack Haven Young Taijah Brenae Young Tyanna Kinina Young Jacob Yudho Mezly Zamarripa Bautista Edwin Alonso Zavala Andrade Itzel Zepeda
Shiqi Zheng
Johnson High School Juliza Abrego Christopher Acosta-Pineda Shaun Aaron Adams Dakota Louis Adway Cindy Aguilar Daniel Fernando Aleman Jaylen Elizabet Almendarez Andre Isaac Alonso Juan Alva Emilio Alejandro Alvarado Luis Alberto Alvarado Juan Leopoldo Alvarez Stacey Alvarez-Guel Angel Izael Amezcua Juan Antonio Alberto Alexander Arellano Adrian Arevalo Jr. Carla Cecilia Avalos Bryan Antoni Ayala Jaime Baeza Jr Adrian Barocio Oscar Baten Mejia Alfredo Bautista Jr. Ashley Estephania Beltran Amy Berry Najely Bonilla Paula Isabel Bonilla Ruth Cecibel Bonilla Acosta Carsen Wesley Bordelon Robert Benjamin Brady Andrea Joselin Brambila Silva Sara Harper Brandon Ashley Susan Brock Alexis Danielle Bryson Haylie Anne Bullock Nolan Seth Bullock Kayla Cabrera Mayra Lizbeth Cabrera Aguirre Maya Nicole Caler Enrique Filimon Camacho Melissa Camacho Corina Campa Michael Anthony Campbell Josue Abraham Campos Jose Angel Campos Lopez Brayden Daniel Carr Valentin Carrillo Brandon Casanova Rogelio Casas Vela Alex Casillas Isaias Castaneda Jennifer Castaneda Joshua Castillo Citlalli Castrejon Cruz Abigail Elizabeth Catledge Jazmin Cerda Karla Michelle Cerda Juan Jesus Cervantes-Robelo Marlene Chavez Skylin Chavez Diego Chavez Rodriguez Elmer Alexys Chavez-Ortiz Alonzo Chavez-Salcido Lauren Amanda Coker Gabriela Alexandra Contreras Ricky Contreras Cinthya Marilyn Contreras
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Madrigal Kiley Nichole Cook Jafet Guadalupe Coronel Almaguer Alexander Arturo Corso Alexis Shiane Cruz Adara Abigail Cuevas Benito De Leon Jr. James David Dean Cristina Del Rio Nigeria Shakina Demory Abigale Elizabeth Derusha Edwin Harrison Deshazo Kathryn Anne Dewhirst Jaime Eduardo Diaz Karen Melissa Diaz Katherine Michelle Diaz Lisbed Dominguez-Aguilar Dylan Chandler Dunham Lydia Marie Ebbs Joshua Wesley Edge Alfredo Elias Michelle Elias Gisselle Danielle Escalante Yanci Damaris Escobar Lopez Gage Daniel Escoe Andrea Espino-Diaz Steven Ray Eury II Alivia Mckenzie Farley Taylor Elizabeth Farmer Zachary Scott Fine Andrea Concepcion Flores Joshua Ray Flores Justin Erik Flores Raul Alberto Flores Jaime Flores Montano Edwin Kevin Flores-Aguilar Saul Abraham Fraile Pedro Jared Gaona-Carrizales Aaliyah Nikole Garcia Abigail Garcia Ithzell Athziry Garcia Jennifer Andrea Garcia Jorge Lizandro Garcia Jose Carlos Garcia Brianna Nicole Garrett Sergio Francisco Gaytan Jr. Einstein Godoy Claudia Belen Gomez Jose Luis Gomez Jr. Ashley Ximena Gomez Escamilla Jazmyn Aalaiyah Gooch Landon D. Willliam Gooch Keylly Anay Granados Emma Channing Grizzle Stacy Guerrero Eduardo Gutierrez Jesse Michael Harbin Alfredo Haros-Rodriguez Jr. Ellie Caroline Hayes Anahi Hernandez Araceli Hernandez Fernando Hernandez Hannah Isabel Hernandez Henry Josue Hernandez Jema Hernandez Jose Luis Hernandez Maritza Gesel Hernandez Roberto Hernandez Roxana Hernandez Tania Hernandez
Erik Edel Hernandez Acosta Daisy Maria HernandezPenaloza Damaris Jaqueline Herrera Venegas Audrey Ann Higgins Molly Rae Holcomb Johnathon David House Destiny Nicole Hudson Zachary Tyler Iona Caleb Tyrayus Jackson Sugei Jaramillo Nahomy Jazzyn Jimenez Da’mondre Dosean Monqueil Will Johnson Vashon Shamont Johnson Hannah Catherine Jones Kaitlyn Nicole Jordan Josue Cristian Juarez Karen Daniela Juarez Alvarado Nancy Juarez Antonio Deago Shavonte Kelly Jr. Hannah Louise Kelly Wynne Diane Kelly Joseph Robert Key Sarah Quinn Kudyba James Marshall Lancaster Denilson Dimetrio Landaverde Addisyn Mae Langley Anna Cristina Lara Caleb Anthony Laurie Thien Loc Le Noemi Leal-Lara Fernando Leon Arroyo Abbie Marie Lepkoske Ahmad Abdul Lewis-Johnson Diego Limon Thomas Bynum Loggins Hunter James Long Elias Enrique Lopez Felix Osvaldo Lopez Nanci Lopez Espinoza Jesus Lopez Pascual Jose Julian Lopez Perez Cristian Lopez-Barrietos Yeiri Lopez-Rubio Karina Lozano Veronica Madrigal Ethan Jacob Mann Alejandro Marceleno Daniel Marceleno Felipe Marin Lopez Spencer Devon Marsingill Joshua Akira Marti Mason Isaac Martin Cesar Adrian Martinez Yasmin Rubi Martinez Roxana Yamileth Martinez Rivas Mariana Elizabeth Mayo Gonzalez McKayla Antonia Marie McClain Emily Anne McConnell Moises Medina Viviana Medina-Mota Neida Medrano Jenny Lissette Medrano Espinoza Brittany Itzel Mendoza
Joahan Ivan Mendoza Johnathan Mendoza Johnny Merales Izly Xelex Meraz Kaitlyn Jade Miller Isabel Angela Miranda Janetzy Betzabe Mojica Oswaldo Molina Patrick Molina Garcia Samantha Molina Garcia Marcia Veronica Mora Lizbeth Morales Jorge Antonio Morfin-Minero Juan Diego Muniz Julissa Muniz Miguel Angel Muniz Judit Murillo Arely Navarro Jose Guadalupe Negrete Zavala Linda Thi Ngo Roberto Noriega Jr. Joshua Pierre Norman Abigail Olguin Jesus David Olivas Rodriguez Rudy Delfino Orosco Jesus Eduardo Orta Amelia Meili Paris Christopher Tyler Parker Kaylie Marie Patterson Megan Nichole Paul Cody Thomas Peck Daisy Perez Dayana Morelia Perez Elizabeth Perez Ruben Perez III Halley Mackenzie Pittman Juan Jesus Pizano Jared Oscar Portillo Clark Gabriel Quinton Esmeralda Alyssa Ramirez Odalis Graciela Ramirez Campos Lady Paola Ramirez Pina Fernando Elias Ramirez Vargas Alyssa D’Marie Ramos Christopher Antonio Rangel Ainsley Grace Ray Esmeralda Razo Rolando Razo Brittney Alexis Rebollar Jennifer Janet Rebollar Isaiah Tyree Reddick Maria Jose Rendon Vargas Joselyn Resendiz Ashley Reyes Cindy Stephanie Reyes Lisbeth Reyes Paola Vanesa Reyes Pedro Luis Reyes Macayla Marie Riddle Luis Carlos Rios Fernando Rivas Jr. Jessica Rivas Sandra Rivas Raina Faith Roberts Makayla Sheree Robinson John Axel Robles Jesus Alfredo Rocha Ramirez Ryan Rodas Cassandra Rodriguez
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020 Chloe Victoria Rodriguez Jazmin Isabel Rodriguez Adrian Rodriguez Espinoza Karina Rodriguez-Hernandez Ivan Rosales Dionicio Ruiz Jr. Anthony Sagrero Kimberly Alexa Salas Daniel Sanchez Jaime Lisette Sanchez Michael Giovanni Sanchez Tatenda Sangweme Liliana Marilu Santos Ivan Santoyo Alex Raymundo Saucedo Andrew Robert Scharmer Adrian Segovia Jessica Payton Shifflett Melissa Silva DeAaron Christopher Smith Victoria Nikol Smith Bishop Jaquan Spencer Hunter Allen Stansbury Donell Maruice Strickland Jawon Antonio Strickland Jackelyn Paola Sujuy Zamora Kyle Alexander Szabo Roberto Carlos TabaresGarcia Tytiana Aaliyah Teasley Kanaan Bryce Tenbroeck Catherine Grace Thompson Issac Sajid Tolentino Isidro Torres Sonia Janette Torres Trang Thanh Tran Huynh Sindy Trejo Delmy Josseline Turcios Perez Doris Nayely Turcios Velasquez Arturo Valdivia Arana Johane Steve Vargas Lizbet Vargas Maria Elvira Velasquez Turcios Carlos Velazquez Eduardo Velazquez Jose Velazquez-Robles Jesus Ignacio Vera Litzy Cassandra Vera Helen Thi Thi Viec Innis Evin Viera Liliana Marie Villegas Makayla Cepada Ware Alexander Roth Widstrom Abigail Grace Wilhite Heaven Quinntashia Wilkins Sarah Catherine Willard Sitlaly Yebra-Castillo Deshaun Jackson Young Salvador Omar Zuniga
Lakeview Academy Kaleb Adams Jackie Allen Andrew Baker Joe Ball Hannah Baumgardner William Beard Ashton Blehm
Adeline Bryant Bella Byrd Abigail Child Maddy Child Allison Coolidge Holden Cooper John Carter Cooper Andrew Estes Caleb Giles Trenton Glover Eliza Hamby Brock Harris Lily Harris Catherine Henderson Sam Highfield Adeline Horton Matthew Jue Lindy Kanaday Reagan Kilroy Sara Laine Louisa Leimbach Michael Lynden Ellie Kate Madonna Nicholas Mazzaferro Carter McCamy Sarah Miguel Kalen Oliveira Emma Kate Park Heer Patel Connor Pendarvis Max Pethel Chance Petraroi Anna Price Mani Reddy Elise Roark Maggie Scroggs Georgia Shipley Cole Smith Eliza Snyder Jessica Starke Sam Stewart Satchel Sumner Jordan Thomas Ryan Thompson Maddy Towles AnneRyan Waller Brandon Wilson Raelynn Zimmel
Lanier Christian Academy Thomas Avery Bennett Backman Lily Bourgeois Timothy Brent Isabella Cartisano Youngseo Cho Tommie Clack Rebekah Crozier Will Davidson Anna DeMersseman Will Dempsey Alex Foster Chason Harrison Madison Hughes Nina Jeong Dawson Jones-Fischer Kai Jorgensen Eun Jung Dong Lee Chloe Loden Luke McCoy
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
Maggie McNeilly Sierra Meyer Ray Montgomery Adelia Morris Sarah Nolan Landon Ogle Lexie Overman Joshua Padilla Jacob Reeves Spencer Sanderson AJ Simeone Gray Stephenson Macie Taylor Dylan Thomas Van Tran Charlie Vera
Lanier College & Career Academy Jazmin Aragon Fernando Arango Cristian Armenta Reese Bachelier Kinsley Brown Elissa Browning Nicholas Burell Amy Burtch Brenda Castaneda Giselle Castrejon Loreyna Clark Patience Clark Nicholas Constabile Cameron Cook Dennis Cowburn Emily Crosby Evely Cruz-Rodriguez Alexander Delgado-Sandoval William Dimattia Joshua Dobson Vanessa Donato Shelby Emerson Addison Ferguson Ileana Figueroa Modis Finks Dylan Foster Josue Frayle Joel Grace Devin Hardeman Daymon Haynie Khalil Henry Jada Hunter Jordan Hunter Omaria Kennedy Anslee King Jacob Kuchenmeister Deanna Lewis Bradley Lippert Ulises Medellin Tavania Menendez Jan Milian-Valdez Zachary Mullinax Abraham Muniz-Vega Mariana Munoz Jason Nave Monica Nogueras Denise Ortiz Austin Owens Jose Perez-Lopez Lucia Quinteros Claudia Ramirez Jonathan Rios
Ashleigh Rose Sahvana Sands Cody Sargent David Sigaran Esperanza Austin Stevens Melany Suarez-Hidalgo Levi Sullens Timothy Sullens Victoria Taylor Samantha Thaxton Ivan Ura Angelice Valles Cristhian Vanegas-Chavez Lidia Violantes-Rivas Ethan Wages Mason Wiley Shiquavious Williams Miriam Yanez Laila Young Makalya Young
Mountain Education Charter School Carla Alberto Rachel Aycock Mayra Cardenas Adrian Chavez Jacqueline Contreras Chris Cruz Andrew Davis Ashtyn Garner Olivia Gerrish Thanya Gonzalez Chloe Gray Elizabeth Grimaldo Journey Livingston Julio Maya Andre Negoi Diana Pulido Jason Quintero Angela Rivera Alex Rodriguez Daniela Sandoval Gutierrez Greyson Sims Cole Smith Ilene Torres Evelyn Vasquez
North Hall High School Holly Sierra Acrey Joshua Nathaniel Adams Kenya Meraris Aguilar Daisy Cheyenne McCall Alford Carson Garrett Alverson Elmer Jovanni Andrades Mckenzie Ellisa Andrews Charles Greyson Baker Caden David Bales Eric Ryan Yeong Kee Ballard Joseph Owen BarbourHoffman Gianna Marie Baugh Carsen Emily Baumgardner Noah William Beaty Damien Alexander Bell Alexandria Beth Blackburn William Hunter Blalock Daniela Blancarte
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Paulette Mary Brady Kealey Marie Bridges Jenna Naomi Brock Madison Bailey Brock Tyler Andrew Brooks Darin Michael Brown Ansley Rose Brownell Rachel Carolean Browning Alexandria Wirth Bryant Tanner Macray Buffington Carson Matthew Canada Seth Cooper Carlton Coby Zane Carpenter Debbie Carranza Raul Castaneda Guardado Emily Ann Ceculski Faith Taralyn Chandler Ethan Mathiah Chapman Dustin Neal Clark Hunter Charles Clark Robert Sawyer Cleveland David Reece Coker Michael Fischer Collins Ellie Margaret Congdon Neal Patrick Conner Brock Samuel Cooper Cailin Jordan Cooper Caleb Michael Copper Jesus Coronado Savannah Dawn Crafton Carmichael Joe Crawford Mackenzie Lauren Crisp William McDuffie Crumpton Yexon Osmary Cruz-Bonilla Robert Ian Damon-Pundt Carlos Eli De La Cruz Anne Lindsey Deming Darren James DeVane Zachary Bryan DeVincentis Julian Diaz Jacob Alvin Dickey Rebecca Grace Dillard Kody Dwayne Dills Christian Michael Duetemeyer Rachel Olivia Duff Kara Haley Dukes Maisy Durkin Jackson David Dyer Katelyn Leigh Eades Spencer Wilson Earnest Ethan Charles Eberenz Bowie Ward Eisenberg Jonathan Franklin Elder Charles Christopher Ellis Christopher Thomas England Natalie Antoinette Enzmann Wilson Pinkney Enzor Esmeralda Espinoza Ruby Espinoza Carly Malise Evans Joseph Tucker Fair Madison Elizabeth Farmer Kenneth Lee Faulkner Shannon Rebekah Fick Jacob Taylor Ford Joshua Brian Fraser Anna Lucille Frazier Claire Noelle Frederick Riley Madison Freeman Esmeralda Julissa Galvan Roberth Karim Gaspar
Autumn Louise Gibson Steven Walker Gilbert Maci Lauren Gillespie Isaac Thomas Godfrey Austin Nicholas Godoy Logan Greenly Graham Emilie Emmons Green Shania McKenna Green Brennan William Greene Erica Guadarrama Luke Wesley Gunter Matthew Grant Gunter Ian Edward Haack Zoey Lee Hall Brey Alan Harkins Hannah Leigh Harrison Madeline Ann Harrison Grace Renee Hartfield Bryce Dylan Hartis Matthew William Hawn Logan Michael Hawthorne Makayla Brooke Hayes Jesse Leno Helton Alexandria Jordan Henderson Josey Kayla Hess Ethan Stephen Hewell Virginia Willow Hill Madison Raine Hirt Mary Alexis Hogsed Lauren Alexandra Holland Grace Gailey Hollifield Micah Jon Holman Austin Jeffrey Hood Alora Faith Horne James Leon Hudson Samir Estiwar Huete Barry Kent Hulsey Kylee Grace Hulsey Emmaline Grace Ingle Peyton Physher Wiley James William Micah Jameson Samuel Dean Jaume Chloe Elisabeth Jeffery Madison Elain Jett Brianna Nicole Jones Raquel Maria Kallab Julia Lyn Kelly MaKayla Esperanza Kent Jackson Tanner Kilgore Hannah Danielle Killingsworth Jackson David Landis Olivia Clare Lattanzi Jackson Samuel Roy Lazenby Emma Kate Ledford Ashley Morgan Lee Ella Randall Lee Elijah Perry Ligon Alexander Presley Little Keylha Lomas Duncan James Long Dalia Lopez Landon Kenneth Lynn George William MacDonell Molly Elizabeth Maney Dylan Gaines Mann Saul Marin Madison Kate Marshall Jaci Hannah Martin Milton Ray Martin Molly Kathryn Martin Aldo Martinez
Hailey Brooke Martinez Shirley Martinez Anna Elizabeth Mattel Margaret Claire Mayfield Jolie Ann McCauley David Christopher McConnell Derick Foster McConnell Kathleen Helen McCormick Samuel Chase Metcalf Allyssa Candace Miles Cade Aaron Miller Caitlyn Taylor Miller Hope Leann Miller Anna Ruth Montgomery Jessica Lynn Moose Jayla Beth Morris Dillan Asher Morrison John Douglas Mundy Sarah Ashleigh Murphy Madelyn Catron Nash Trevor Thomas Navarro Connor Carleton Nichols Courtney Cheyenne Nicholson Michael Thomas Nierodzik Nathaniel Keith Nixon John Thomas Orr Mary Fabiola Orta Enriquez Vanessa Judith Osegueda Ella Marie Oxley Brisa Skye Page Tennessee William Pass Caleb Lanier Payne Hannah Nicole Payne Judson Walter Payton Christopher Walker Peck Catherine Dale Peets Jose Ruben Perez Elizabeth Georgia Perguson Dalton Wayne Pethel Madison Rose Phillips Karla Mitchell Piedra Galilea Thamara Pineda Jacob Earnhardt Puett Yaire Nayeli Quintanilla Isaac Isaias Ramirez Madison Louann Richards Jennet Kay Roberts Zenobia Elizabeth Robertson Catherine Jane Robinson Lance Marshall Robinson Ruby Lee Robinson Maggie Mahala Rogers Daniela Roman-Cabral Jackson Kent Roush Clara Roydes Octavia Bree’ Rucker Jose Guadalupe Sanchez Thomas Dewey Sanders Junior Armando Santana Eli Tate Saxton Grayson Michael Scroggs Gary Joe Sewell Noah Cade Shelton Austin Connor Simonton Isabella Catherine Sherretts Skinner Ansley Brooke Smallwood Bentley Brooke Smallwood Cody Wesley Smith Chasity Mae Smith Samantha Taylor Smith
CLASS OF 2020 Ty Harrington Smith Connor Liam Sosebee Tyler Jackson Souder Mason Kamden South Elysa Regan Spinks Kyler James Springer Kamen Nolan Michael Stephens Eden Angelika StinsonCumby Thelmon Austin Lee Sullens Andrew Aswell Surles Edward Anthony Surles Ethan Francis Surles Madison Grace Swan Lauren Bethany Swanson Wesley James Michael Tadman Lauren Madison Tanksley Joshua Steven Taylor John Forrester Terry Gracie Mae Tipton Kenyon David Tomlin Anthony Blake Tortorici Reagan Elizabeth Townley Jennifer Kristen Truelove Gabrielle Grace Tuggle Baylee Ann Turner Joseph Clay Turner Joshua Melvin Turner Heartley Dora Ann Twiggs Levi Carter Tyner Kayla Faith Unnold Jahayra Valdovinos Oscar Ezequiel Vazquez Luke Freeman Volle Tyler Washington Wages Noah Mitchell Wagner Caitlen Gail Waldrop-Yetter Faith Evelyn Walker Benjamin Landon Wallis Julianna Leigh Ware Zachary Glenn Warwick Taylor Louise Wells Logan Curtis West Conley Jarred Whisnant Adelynn Jane White Dylan Levi White Lauren Elizabeth White Nena Marie White Jackson Hudgins Wiley Dovie Eden Williams Parker Vaughn Williams Alecxander Carter Wilson Destiny Hope Wingo Hannah Paige Wright Noah James Young Evan Pierce Zimmerman
Riverside Military Academy Steven Abraham III Areeb Ahmad Abubakar Alasa Marco Rafael Aleman Mendoza Adamu Aliyu Scott Anderson Jr. Chad Andrews Jacob Baker Jack Bartlett
Hudson Baxley Abrahim Ben-Khalid Austin Berry Robert Binder Joseph Brockwell Christopher Brown David Burton Adrian Cabildo Jesse Crandall Austin Ericson Blake Espinall Michael Faber Jaysen Fernandez Rodricus Forrest Lamar Gordon Coby Grayeski William Greer Nicholas Haley Jermaine Harris Alexander Hasselbrack Chaoliang Hsu Jamaal Inu-Umoru Kayman Jeffley Jonathan Jeter Zhikang Jin Zion Johnson William Joiner Cade King Bryce Klacynski Steve Kloor Alan Larrondo William Lee V Brian Lewis Yaoxian Liang Robert Lindsey Jr. James Little Xiaozhan Liu Jaya Mallampati Eduardo Alexander Matos Santos Antonio Mccrary II Aveni Miguel Juan Pablo Nava Nicholas Newman Clay Newsom Philemon Nwosu Brendan Okeson Andrew Okingo Emmil Ortega Benjamin Petrella Mason Pond Nicolas Prutu Adam Ratcliff Stone Reilly Derek Roach McLin Sanders Corey Scheib Eduardo Scully Matthew Sherbondy Charles Shropshire Jr. Samuel Siethoff Kendall Sims Jonah Skipper Broadus Stooksbury James Coston Thigpen Ethan Trigg John Vannice Sean Whitley Pablo Yesaki Serrato Yaojie Zhang
CLASS OF 2020 West Hall High School Pratham Adajania Jasmine Adame Madison Adams Daniel Alba Christian Aldaco Juan Aldaco Ana Aldaco Otero Maricrus Aleman Zachary Allbright Alexandra AlmarazRomero Marilyn Alvarez Melena Appling Bryan Aramburo Alexis Arroyo Garcia Melanie Arteaga Julie Arzate Jireh Asumah Lola Atwell Yamilette Avila Eyby Aviles Samaria Badger Noah Bannister Azucena Bautista Joshua Bazzetta Dawson Beardshaw Eden Beardshaw Ignacio Becerra Erika Benitez Jeremy Berger Avery Bernadac Mikayla Blackwell Jannet Bonilla Jeslin Bonilla-Ramirez Alexis Bowen Rachel Brown Samantha Brown Makenna Bryan Nathan Buchanan Caitlyn Bulloch Sarah Burchfield Obed Bustos-Abonza Alyssa Cain Andrew Calderon Ximmenna Carcamo Brian Carden Charlize Carlisle Luis Carlos Mariela Cervantes Rachel Chacon Castaneda Brankyla Chatman Brittany Colee Jacob Coleman Caden Collins Matthew Craven Curtis Crawford Flor Cruz Jesus Cruz Noemi Cruz Bryan Cruz-Solorzano Denny Cuevas Cristian Davila Jayline Davila-Serrano Aaron Davis Nataly Delgado Danielle Derico Rachael DeVall Sebastian Edwards
John England Mckinzey English Jesus Espinoza Shaun Estrich Yannis Estrich Melissa Felix Jake Fernandez Rah’Daicia Finks Bryson Fitts Evelin Flores Ortiz Ashlyn Floyd Kinsey Foster Caleb Franklin Paulouis Fuchs Jonathan Gallaga Kassandra Galvan Gabriela Galvez Lesly Gama Elizabeth Gantt Andy Garcia Ashley Garcia Edgar Garcia Jacob Gault Jon Giron Noemi Godinez Gisselle Gonzalez Jose Gonzalez Ricardo Gonzalez Greyson Gotts Riley Grace Eduardo GuadarramaReyes Jamilet Gutierrez-Cesilio Daniel Guzman Dylan Hanes Gavin Hanville Sean Hatcher Trinity Haynes Jessica Hazelrig Aaron Hernandez Adrian Hernandez Alexis Hernandez Daniel Hernandez Limbeth Hernandez Nancy Hernandez Tania Hernandez Bedolla Ashley Hernandez Iraheta Karim Herrera Andres HerreraTownsend Quincy Holcomb Jakob Hoskeer Monia Hossain Sydney Hunt Katia Hunter Christopher Hussey Andrew Huth John-Luke Iodice Aaron Jackson Aaliyah James Destiny Johnson India Johnson Geu Ho Jung Cassidy Klekot Canaan Koger Ryan Kuhs Mayly Lao Zachary Lingle Paloma Loera Karina Lopez Nicholas Lopez
The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | Orlando Lopez Kyra Lynch Keishunn Marshall Zachary Martin Daniel Martinez Daniela Martinez Angelica Mata Dalnick Matos Gomez Katrina Mauldin Gabrielle Mauro Rosario Mayo Lopez Andrew McCain Elizabeth McGrew Devin Meeks Elizabeth Mejia-Marban Krystal Miller Avery Milligan Taylor Millsap Eric Miranda Rodney Miron-Dorantes Luis Molina Grace Monson Juan Montenegro Zamora Erick Morales Silus Morris Elian Mosqueda Daniel Moya Sonny Neal Thien Ngo Mariah Nunez Emma O’Neal Jesus Ochoa-Zavala Alejandra Olguin-Perez Alondra Olguin-Perez Logan Ormerod John Ososkalo Steven Ososkalo William Page III Slater Parker Gaylon Passmore Joseph Patten Cortasia Pegues Emmanuel Perdomo Cristal Perez Jonathan Perez Bailey Pike Kathryn Pittman Dillon Pollard Austin Pope Evelyn Portillo Isaiah Prather Jade Price Brooklyn Puckett Victor Pulido Yaretzy Quezada Dianna Quintero Amy Ramirez Estefany Ramirez Lizeth Ramirez Ali Ranjha Cali Reed Fatima Reyes Trinatee Richardson Angel Rico Solomon Riley Angela Rivera Brayan Rivera Jonathan Rivett Luz Robles Alexander Rodriguez Alma Rodriguez
Ivan Rodriguez Eric Rogers Ulises Romero Wendy Romero Jose Rubio Linda Ruelas Jonathan Ruiz Heather Sablock Hunter Samples Cesar Sanchez Jr. Juan Sanchez Jr. Justin Scroggs Jeffrey Serrato Gabriel Shideler Cadie Shirley Kaylee Smallwood Anthony Smith Haley Smith Leo Smith Elizabeth Soriano Christopher Sosebee Arturo Soto Jr. Carlos Soto Kenneth Soto-Jaimes Destiny Stainback Tyler Stauffer Anna Summerford Jackson Swafford William Sykes Victoria Teeples Thomas Tran Jaden Turk Mauricio Urquiza Esmeralda Valle Kimberly Valle Gisselle Vargas Julian Vazquez Jesus Vazquez-Fonseca Isaac Velazquez Moses Villatoro Nohemi Villatoro Dylan Voyles Mackenzie Wagner Kaitlynn Walker Bailey Weaver Aashyah White Joshua White Kristen Whitmire Hunter Wilkey William Willis Kinsey Wilson Zoey Wilson Emily Wood Jesse Wylie Charlotte Yarrington Jacob Young Alexis Zagwyn Emily Zhu
Weekend Edition - May 16-17, 2020
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! !
Congratulations Skyler
Love Granny, Poppa, Nana, Daddy and Beth
Congratulations Katie!! Your future’s so bright!! Love, Your Family
Congratulations Skyler! I am so proud of you! love, grandpa
Your Power. Your Community.
Education empowers people. That’s why Jackson EMC is proud to support education and youth development in our community. Congratulations Graduates, we wish you the power to make your dreams a reality.