The Official Newsletter for the Hamilton Mill Community Association September 2022 PRSRT STD US GAINESVILLE,GAPERMITPOSTAGEPAIDNO.92

STREET MAINTENANCE Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk.
Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to goodstanding residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted.
• Addresses of Distinction: 770.436.6198 areThesewww.aodmailboxes.comareresourcesonly,norecommendationsorassurancesmadebytheAssociation.
ON-SITE PROPERTY Ph: 1669678.546.3737HamiltonMill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Email: Propertymaureen@shabenandassociates.comManager:MaureenMurphy
All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K
• Mailbox Maven, Kathy Ramatowski: 678.551.8591
If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770.513.5100 to report your lost pet or if a dangerous pet is running loose.
HAMILTON MILL COUNTRY CLUB Ph: www.hamiltonmillcc.com770.945.4653
CORPORATE OFFICE (forafter-hourscommonareamaintenanceemergencies)ShabenMainOffice:770.271.2252AfterHoursEmergency:770.271.2252P.O.Box3189Suwanee,GA30024-0989
• Sign Kwik 770.623.1669
You are welcome to contact the Activities Office for information on planned events or to RSVP for an event. Activities Director, Angela Pavlichek 770.235.8627 TENNIS SHOP Ph: milltennis@bellsouth.net770.945.6452
GOVERNMENT SERVICES Emergency ............................................................... 911 Police Headquarters .................................. 770.513.5000 Non Emergency ......................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail .................................... 770.619.6500 County Courthouse .................................... 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall ......................................... 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office ..................................... 770.962.4390 Poison Control ............................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters....................................... 678.518.5018 Station 18 ................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office .................................................. 770.822.8801 Drivers License Services .............................. 770.995.6855 Property Tax ................................................ 770.822.8800 Voter Registration ....................................... 770.226.7210 Animal Control ........................................... 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services ............................ 770.822.8850 UTILITIES Gwinnett Co. Solid Waste Mgnt .................. 770.822.7141 Water Resources ........................................ 678.376.6700 Buford Gas ................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage .............. 770.963.6166 Charter Communications .......................... 678.410.9362 AT&T ........................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network ....................... 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit PUBLIC SCHOOLS Puckett’s Mill Elementary School 678.765.5110 Osbornewww.pmseonline.orgMiddleSchool ............................. DaculaMillcreekwww.gwinnett.k12/ PRIVATE SCHOOLS Hebron Christian Academy ........................ 770.962.9250 Dacula Classical Academy 678.377.0080 Oak Hill Classical School 770.338.7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy ..................... 678.745.4121 Greater Atlanta Christian ............................ 770.243.2258 HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Gwinnett Medical Center ........................... 678.312.1000 ChoiceOne Urgent Care - Hamilton Mill .............. 470.326.7300 Northeast Georgia Medical Center 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta .................. 404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care ................. 770.848.6195 SHABEN & ASSOCIATES
Hamilton Mill HOMETOWN HERALD Welcome
To advertise in the Hometown Herald, contact Jessica Shirley at The Times -
The Hometown Herald is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Hamilton Mill Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
Like Hamilton Mill, A Hometown on Facebook The Board of DIRECTORS Welcome to Our Newest Residents Get to Know Your Board Members President: Jerry Hanes Vice President: E’Lane Tullis Treasurer: Allison Heusel Secretary: Bill Jennings Member at Large: Sam Basquin Member at Large: Alan Tucker Member at Large: Jay Tinkoff ISSUEINSIDE THIS 4 2 Tennis 12-13News Jason Tyner Oceain L. Wallis Eun I NormanHongFinke Waldir Chacon Youn K. Rhee Samuel Miller CassPowersBenjamin September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 3


3855 Greenside Court Finished 5 5 0 2002 $879,000 918,000 5/18/2022 5,733 5 3600 GLENAIREVIEW Court Finished 5 5 0 2005 $879,000 914,000 7/11/2022 5,826 4 1978 Regalview Landing Unfinished 5 4 1 2003 $847,500 890,000 6/30/2022 4,640 2 2521 Floral Valley Drive Finished 5 5 0 2004 $825,000 880,000 6/17/2022 5,734 1 1598 Mulberry Lake Drive Finished 6 4 1 2000 $860,000 867,500 6/21/2022 5,645 4 1652 Woodbow Crossing Finished 6 5 0 2002 $819,900 840,000 5/31/2022 4,332 5 2148 Town Manor Court Unfinished 5 4 0 2000 $850,000 825,000 5/19/2022 4,204 40 3370 Greenside Court Finished 5 5 0 2000 $859,900 821,490 6/27/2022 5,615 54 3745 Greenside Court Finished 7 5 0 2002 $800,000 812,000 6/8/2022 6,439 12 1424 Millmoore Terrace Finished 5 4 0 1999 $775,000 800,000 7/8/2022 4,258 15 3980 Lantern Hill Drive Finished 6 5 0 2003 $650,000 700,000 5/27/2022 4,721 3 3495 Millwater Crossing Finished 5 4 1 2001 $658,900 680,000 6/22/2022 3,204 4 3465 Millwater Crossing Finished 5 3 0 2003 $630,000 670,000 6/10/2022 4,547 5 1588 AUTUMN SAGE Drive Unfinished 5 4 0 2004 $650,000 650,000 6/30/2022 3,198 9 2895 Millwater Crossing Finished 4 3 1 1996 $679,000 650,000 5/20/2022 5,316 6 1962 Bakers Mill Road Finished 5 4 1 1999 $640,000 640,000 6/3/2022 4,525 11 3585 Millwater Crossing Unfinished 5 4 0 2002 $630,000 640,000 5/26/2022 3,062 4 3365 FOREST TRACE Drive Finished 5 4 1 2001 $615,000 615,000 7/6/2022 4,158 7 2063 Hamilton Mill Parkway Unfinished 5 4 0 2005 $600,000 615,000 6/22/2022 3,093 11 1788 Crossvale Drive Unfinished 5 3 0 2004 $599,900 599,900 7/25/2022 3,032 28 4140 Lantern Hill Drive Unfinished 6 4 0 2003 $599,000 599,000 6/3/2022 3,321 17 1527 Grove Arbor Terrace Finished 5 4 0 2000 $525,000 585,000 5/13/2022 4,268 3 3687 Treybyrne Crossing None 6 3 0 2005 $520,000 563,000 5/16/2022 2,966 9 3187 Green Farm Trail Unfinished 4 3 1 1995 $490,000 515,000 5/25/2022 3,208 15 1615 Lake Heights Circle None 5 3 0 1998 $460,000 490,000 7/1/2022 2,571 4 $700,000 and Up 6 0 3 3 $500,000 - $700,000 11 0 6 5 $0-$500,000 3 3 0 0 TOTAL 20 3 9 8 *Only 10 Homes are currently UNDER CONTRACT Current Total Slab Unfinished Finished Listings Basement Basement Address Basement Bed Bath Half Year List Sales Closing SqFt Days on Built Price Price Date Market Data was reported on 8/8/2022 HAMILTON MILL’S “AGENT ON DUTY” HAMILTON MILL HOMES SOLD IN THE LAST 60 DAYS FOR 15 YEARSSELLING 770-722-5129 SCOTT@SCOTTLACYREALTY.COM Contact Scott to find out what your home is worth! HAMILTON MILL


It is also important to understand that quite often, people who look and feel healthy, eat healthily, and are even athletic, can have high cholesterol because of their genetics. High cholesterol can run in the family, because of genetic variants of proteins in the liver—and it is important to control the cholesterol with a combination of a heart-healthy diet and sometimes medications, in order to prevent the development of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), heart attacks, and strokes. So please make sure you know your cholesterol numbers and talk to your doctors and health care providers about how you can reduce your risk for developing heart disease.
September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 7
2) HDL or high-density lipoprotein (H is for “healthy” and the “higher” the better): This part of cholesterol helps remove LDL from the plaques in the arteries. Low HDL is a major risk factor for developing heart attacks. Cigarette smoking, being overweight, and being sedentary are 3 modifiable risk factors that lower the HDL and increase risk. Goal for HDL is at least 50 mg/dL, and ideally greater than 60.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US and worldwide. Over 600,000 Americans die from heart disease every year. However, there are many things that we can do to prevent developing heart disease. One of the major risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol, which leads to buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart, brain, and other organs. This plaque can obstruct flow to our vital organs, and when it suddenly clots and completely closes the heart or brain arteries, heart attacks and strokes
3) Triglycerides are fatty compounds that are elevated in people with poor diets that are high in saturated fats, overweight, or have diabetes. Ideally, triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL.
It is important for all adults > 20 years old to have their cholesterol measured.
Cholesterol: Just the facts
A l l i s o n Du p o n t , M D M a r k E L e i m b a ch , M D J . J ef f r ey M a rs h a l l , M D C i n d y L G r i n e s , M D H ea th er W es tm o rel an d , M D 404 962 northsidecvi.com6000 Braselton 1255 Friendship Rd. Ste. Braselton,240 GA 30517 13 Convenient Locations from Atlanta to North Georgia Gainesville 1276 Jesse Jewell Pkwy. Gainesville, GA 30501Pradyumna “Prad” Tummala MD, FSCAI, FACC
Cholesteroloccur. is a type of fat that is made by the liver and is absorbed by the body from the foods we eat. There are 3 important parts of cholesterol:
1) LDL or low-density lipoprotein (L is for “lousy” and the “lower” the better): This cholesterol is directly related to development of plaque in the arteries. LDL level less than 100 mg /dL is ideal for preventing heart disease.
Food that is high in saturated and trans fat, including meat, poultry, full-fat dairy products, and certain oils like coconut and palm oil, all increase the cholesterol in the body. In addition, there are other risk factors that affect cholesterol, including being overweight, being sedentary with no exercise, getting older, and smoking.
Total cholesterol has the 3 components above along with some others, and the typical goal for total cholesterol should be less than 200 or 160, depending on the levels of the above components.


Name: BOWERS, KAREN; Width: 7.5 in; Depth: 10 in; Color: Process color; Ad Number: 101087_11; External Reference: \\\ northgeorgia\AccountScout\Retail Images\2021\Oct\101087_11 We love you so much Mom, Chickie , Major, Nick and Al Let Pagodas & Peonies bring the party to you. A special Thank You to the community for choosing us as Best of Event Planning & Design for Gwinnett County 2021. We are now booking summer parties and fall/ winter weddings. We plan and execute events for picky people when the ordinary or same ole same ole is not going to do. Coming soon the Tasteful Bitch Wedding & Gift registry. Dishes and linens to die for, I can not wait to share with you. Xoxoxo , Tulip Muratore Happy BizzieBirthday18thtoBowers!

CH ASTAI N N IG HT Saturday, September 17 Lakeview Soccer Field Seating begins at 6pm Music starts at 7pm Table Seats ~ $20 / Lawn Seats ~ $10 Tickets on Sale https://hmillchastainnight2022.eventbrite.comat Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Hamilton Mill's Table Decorating Contest! ‘Return to Oz’ Details on UPCOMING EVENTS 10 | HOMETOWN HERALD | September 2022

Receive $100 off PDO Thread FaceLiftBoo k a F ac i a l g e t 20 % I M AG Esk i nca r e Only $89 for the Physical Weight LossKybellaProgramforonly $750 Receive $100 off PDO Thread Face OnlyLift $89 for the Physical Weight LossKybellaProgramforonly $750 Receive $100 off PDO Thread Face OnlyLift $89 for the Physical Weight LossKybellaProgramforonly $750 Receive $100 off PDO Thread Face OnlyLift $89 for the Physical Weight LossKybellaProgramforonly $750 Receive $100 off Lift ac i a l Only $89 for the Loss Program Call: 770 Text: 678 2720 Mall of Georgia Blvd Kybella for only Receive $100 off PDO Lift i a l g e Only $89 for the Physical Loss Program Call: 770 932 Text: 678 458 2720 Mall of Georgia Blvd Kybella for onlyOnly$89 for Loss Program 2720 Mall of September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 11

LiveBall Monday:Tennis9:00pm – 10:00pm Fast paced cardio-based doubles game. This game is a cross between Matchplay and Cardio Tennis. Tennis Monday:10110:00am – 11:00am Monday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Beginner tennis clinic that covers basic strokes and strategies Cardio Tuesday:Tennis9:00am – 10:00am Wednesday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm Fast paced tennis drills to keep your heart pumping. Strategy of the Week Wednesday: 9:00am – 10:00am This clinic focuses on one doubles strategy per week. Stroke of the Week Friday: 9:30am – 10:30am This clinic focuses on one stroke or idea per week. Pre-registration is required for all Drop-in Clinics. All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per clinic. We have groups and levels for all players!! All programs are billed monthly. Level 1: Little MondayAges:Tennis5–8&Wednesday4:00pm-5:00pm Level
MondayIntermediateNew/Beginner/2:Beginner-PlayersAges:9+&Wednesday5:00pm-6:30pm Tennis fundamentals • Stroke Movementproduction/footwork and balance Court Accuracyawareness&consistency • Ball control Level 3: TuesdayIntermediate-AdvancedBeginner-Intermediate/Ages:9+&Thursday5:30pm-7:00pm Accuracy and consistency Speed and power Agility, footwork and balance Ball control Stroke production Serve development Net game and strategy Top/under spin • Movement & court awareness development theContactShop to sign up!! FALL ADULT ROUND ROBIN AND COOK-OUT Saturday, September 3 9:30am – 11:00am: Round Robin Play 11:30am: Cook-out and Social Come out for a day of Tennis, Pickleball and Food!! 12 | HOMETOWN HERALD | September 2022
Hand-eye coordination Basic rules of the game Basic stroke production Racket maneuverability • Stroke production Ball control & direction Tennis rules & etiquette Movement & footwork Ball & racket contact point

Contact the shop to con nect with one of our highly experienced Tennis or Pickleball pros and work on those problem areas or develop a new shot!! THE BALL MACHINE IS A GREAT WAY TO GROOVE YOUR STROKES!!! The Ball Machine is here and available to rent!! Call or email the shop to reserve your time today!! TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL NEWS CONTACTS Hamilton Mill Tennis Milltennis@bellsouth.netShop (770) 945-6452 Tim Tim.hmilltennis@gmail.comTennisDuttonDirector (678) 887-4543 Grove Carmona Head Professional / Junior Grovo.hmiltennis@gmail.comProgramming (678) 982-1938 Chris Benzinger Staff Professional / Junior Chris.hmilltennis@gmail.comDevelopment (678) 362-9218 Michelle Milliman, Pickleball Instructor (585) 208-6913 Follow@TennisAtHamiltonMill@Hamiltonmill.Tennisus: MARK YOUR CALENDAR Aug. 6 Hits and Brews Round Robin Sept.3 Fall Adult Round Robin and Cook-out (Tennis and Pickleball) Sept. 6 Senior Day Women Fall play begins Sept. 8 Thursday Women Fall Play Begins Sept. 10 Men’s Fall Play Begins Sept. 10 Junior Fall Play Begins Sept. 11 Sunday Women Fall Play Begins September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 13
Thursday: 5:30pm – 6:30pm Pre-registration is required for all Drop-in Clinics. All Drop-in Clinics are $15.00 per LESSONSPRIVATEclinic.
This is a fun and successful way for students to learn to play pickleball. It is designed to bring kids to the game by developing important skills all tailored to the skill of the student. Students will learn basic technique, strategy, and tactics. It will prepare kids for match-play.
Thursday: 10:00am – 11:00am Thursday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Mixture of drills to improve your level of play!

Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta 770-963-9961CallTodayforFREEOnsiteEstimate $10 OFF Expires 3/31/19 WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta ALL FORMS OF FENCING: CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PICKET & WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE ALUMINUM & STEEL PVC & CHAIN LINK POOL GATEESTATEENCLOSURESGATES&AUTOMATION Previous Awards 2016 — 20102012, 900 M c Ev E r r oad Gain E svill E , G a 30504 770-531-0430 • “From windows to walls, we’ve got you covered!” coll E ction • Custom Window Treatments • Custom Bedding & Headboards • Shutters, Blinds & Shades • Wallpaper • Upholstery • DesignServingServicesNorth Georgia for 35 plus years WarbingtonWill e: p: 770-315-1155 SPLASHBROSPressureWashingService Call, text, or email to receive a quote! 14 | HOMETOWN HERALD | September 2022

Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may appy. Can not be combined with other offers. NOISY DOOR? GARAGE DOOR OR OPENER SERVICE FREE INSTALLATION! 10 WITHANYROLLERSREPAIRSAFETYTUNE-UP1/2HPBeltDriveOpener FREE ONLY $29 SAVE $110 $69 OFF470-248-1294TWO SHOWROOMS IN GEORGIA! NO TRIP CHARGE EVER! 24 Hour Garage Door Service, because you have a choice! September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 15


A Special Place, for Your Special Person. 2911 Hamilton Mill Road • Buford, GA 30519 Hamilton Mill Join the Founders’ Club for these incredible specials: - Community Fee Waived - $500 moving Credit - 24 months rate lock Assisted Living starts at $3,195 plus care. Memory Care is all-inclusive starting at $4,795. CALL TODAY FOR A 678-546-6245TOUR 2022OCTOPENING

EVENT RECAP Buford/Mall of GA • 678-714-6343 1905 Mall of Georgia Blvd Ste A Hamilton Mill • 678-318-3191 3625 Braselton Hwy Ste 103 Auburn • 770-867-6144 7 Carl-Midway Church Fillings,www.mallofgeorgiadentistry.comRdPreventativeCareCosmeticDentistryExtractions,ImplantsPediatricDentistryGumDisease•TMJ-TMDEmergencyDentalCareBotox•SleepApnea/Snoring ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS MAKING YOU SMILE FROM THE INSIDE OUT VISIT US ON FACEBOOK AND SEE HOW WE HAMILTONCANMILLAHOMETOWN Improve your life OfficialHamiltonMill 18 | HOMETOWN HERALD | September 2022

ContaCt us 770-378-8526 - Driveways Extensions/ - Patios - Sidewalks-RetainingWallsFirePits High LandscapeProfileServices 2500ConcreteInstallationServicesThompsonMillRd.Buford,GA30519 September 2022 | HOMETOWN HERALD | 19

You can find the Hamilton Mill Pool Rules and Regulations document by going to the Document Center at From the Document Center click on “HOA Governing Documents ” then “Amenity Rules and Policies ”. One important item to note is that “All Guards have the authority to dismiss any member or guest from the pools for the day or longer for misconduct or non-compliance with rules.”
Suspension of pool privileges for the day of the infraction.
As a reminder the Lakeview pool is closed to residents during swim team practices AND swim meets. All dates are on the calendar at and are also noted in the Hamilton Mill Weekly email. If you are not receiving the email, please contact the Property Management office.
Review of infractions by the Board of Directors and potential suspension of pool privileges for the remainder of the pool season. It is our desire that our homeowners have a safe and enjoyable experience using our pools. However, we also want our lifeguards to be able to help provide a safe and enjoyable experience by enforcing the rules and regulations. Thanks for your support and enjoy the summer.
Hamilton Mill Board of Directors
By the time you get this we will be well into the 2022 pool season so the Board of Directors felt it would be a good time to remind everyone of a few points to help make your trip as enjoyable as possible.
RULES 20 | HOMETOWN HERALD | September 2022
Homeowners are required to show their amenity ID to the guards upon arrival at the pool as well as scanning into the system. Scanning the card ensures that only homeowners in good standing access the pool and showing the card to the lifeguard ensures cards are not shared between people.
If an infraction occurs homeowners may be subject to the following:



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