Hometown Herald March 2016

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March 2016

News from the Hamilton Mill Community Association

Hamilton Mill Contact Information On the Cover: Hamilton Mill Golf Club

FirstService Residential On-Site Property Management Ph: 678.546.3737 1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: M, W, F 9am-5pm; T & TH 9am-7pm Email: PropertyManager@Hmill.com Corporate Office

(for after-hours common area maintenance emergencies)

Customer Care Center: 877.411.1165 After Hours Emergency: 678.624.9453 1235 Old Alpharetta Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30005

Above: Newly renovated Hamilton Mill Golf Club Club House

from the board of

directors A Message from the Board Karen Taylor, President Kyle Shields, Vice President Chris Singleton, Secretary Dale Robbins, Member at Large Tony Hinnant, Member at Large Liz Carter, Member at Large We appreciate all those who attended and participated at the Hamilton Mill Annual Meeting. We listened to your feedback and are looking forward to your ongoing participation. 2 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Activities Department Email: hmillevents@gmail.com You are welcome to contact the Activities Office via email at hmillevents@gmail.com for information on planned events, schedule an appointment to view or reserve the clubroom and/ or conference room, or to RSVP for an event. Tennis Shop Ph: 770.945.6452 Jeff Dudacek: On-Site Tennis Pro Gwinnett Police Non-Emergency Ph: 770.513.5700 Street Maintenance Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk. Mailbox Replacement/Repair All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K • Addresses of Distinction: Ph: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com • Imperial Mailbox Systems: Ph: 800.647.0777 These are resources only, no recommendations or assurances are made by the Association.

Amenity Card Replacement Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to good-standing residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. Lost Dog/Cats/Animal Disturbances If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770-513-5100 to report your lost pet or a dangerous pet is running loose.

Inside This Issue


Events Spring Carnival March 12th! ............................................... Page 11 Blood Drive April 13th! ............................................... Page 11 Spring Yard Sale April 22nd and 23rd! ............................................... Page 11 Simply Streisand May 1st! ............................................... Page 11

inside this


Contact Information ................................................. Page 2 Helpful Numbers ....................................................... Page 4 From the Property Manager.................................. Page 6 Recipes ......................................................................... Page 8 Community Calendar ............................................Page 10 Upcoming Events....................................................Page 11 Association News....................................................Page 14 Social News & Events............................................Page 19 Kids Corner ...............................................................Page 20 To advertise in the Hometown Herald, please contact Bobbie Gittens at The Times - 770.535.6332 - bgittens@gainesvilletimes.com The Hometown Herald is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Hamilton Mill Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

Real Estate Update..................................................Page 23 Swim Team News ....................................................Page 26 Tennis News ..............................................................Page 28 Community News ....................................................Page 32 Like Hamilton Mill, A Hometown on Facebook

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 3

Hamilton Helpful Numbers Mill Association News Government Services

Emergency ............................................................................ 911 Police Headquarters............................................... 770.513.5000 Non Emergency...................................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail................................................ 770.619.6500 County Courthouse................................................. 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall...................................................... 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office.................................................. 770.962.4390 Poison Control........................................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters................................................... 678.518.5018 Station 18............................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office............................................................... 770.822.8801 Drivers License Services........................................ 770.995.6855 Property Tax........................................................... 770.822.8800 Voter Registration................................................... 770.226.7210 Animal Control........................................................ 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services....................................... 770.822.8850 Utilities

BFI Waste Management......................................... 678.963.2800 Water Resources.................................................... 770.376.6800 Buford Gas............................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage......................... 770.963.6166 Charter Communications........................................ 678.410.9362 AT&T....................................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network.................................. 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/Departments

Calling All Entries

Do you have an interesting article or picture about Hamilton Mill? If so we would love to know about it! Please send resident articles or information to liz@cartuga.com for consideration for our next edition. 4 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Public Schools

Puckett’s Mill Elementary School........................... 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org Osborne Middle School.......................................... 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org Millcreek High School............................................. 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org Dacula High School................................................ 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org Private Schools

Hebron Christian Academy..................................... 770.962.5423 Dacula Classical Academy..................................... 678.377.0080 Dominion Classical Christian Academy..................770-338-7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy.................................678-745-4121 Greater Atlanta Christian........................................770-243-2258 Hospitals/Urgent Care

Gwinnett Medical Center.......................................... 77.995.4321 Northeast Georgia Medical Center......................... 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.............................404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care.............................. 770.848.6195 Recreation

Hamilton Mill Activities Office.................................... 77.546.1597 Community After Hours emergency........................ 404.835.9100 Millcreek Athletic Association................................millcreekaa.net Dacula Soccer................................................. dscrevolution.com Bogan Park (for reservations at any park).............. 678.227.0850 Gwinnett County Public Library.............................. 770.978.5154 Gwinnett County Cultural Center............................ 770.813.7500 Lake Lanier Islands...............................................800.840.LAKE Road Atlanta......................................................... 800.849.RACE


New bar with media area

New family programming

New Mill House restaurant

Refreshed patio


We want you to join in on the fun and experience club life for yourself — and we have special membership offers just for you!


Enjoy a $20 Initiation Fee with unlimited carts for $20 per month*


Pay no Initiation Fee and just $35 in monthly dues for one year*

To become a Member, or sponsor a new Member, contact Steve Stonecypher 770.880.0788 | sstonecypher@canongategolf.com | hamiltonmillgc.com

*Offer expires April 30, 2016. The Introductory Social Membership is only available to residents of Hamilton Mill and may not be combined with any other promotions or discounts. A loyalty agreement may be required and early resignation fees may apply. The Introductory Social membership does not include O.N.E. (Optimal Network Experiences) benefits. Reduced monthly dues rate for Introductory Membership is valid for twelve (12) months after successful completion of application and enrollment process. Automatic dues billing at the standard market rate for a Social membership will commence at the end of the Introductory time period, not to exceed 12 months. The unlimited carts offer is valid through 12/31/16 for those listed on the membership account and is subject to availability. A monthly food and beverage minimum of $20 applies to all membership categories. No cash value. Other restrictions and exclusions apply. Contact the Club for details. © ClubCorp USA, Inc. All rights reserved.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 5

Hamilton Mill From Your Property Manager

Purpose of Hamilton Mill’s Recorded Documents & Guidelines All owners in Hamilton Mill Community Association are subject to the rights and restrictions of our governing documents. Prior to your closing, or at the closing itself, you were given a number of documents related to Hamilton Mill, including a copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Community Design Guidelines for Hamilton Mill Community Association Inc. The Declaration establishes the property rights and restrictions in the community, and is recorded in the real estate records of Gwinnett County. While many sellers and realtors may provide these documents as a

Our Newest Residents My Linh Nguyen Barbara & George Bement Jr Julio Clavijo Amber & Dallas McDowell 6 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

courtesy, every buyer of a home in Hamilton Mill is responsible for obtaining, reviewing, and understanding the legal documents for the association. The Declaration of Covenants includes provisions concerning rights and responsibility of the homeowner and the association. The provisions of the Declaration can be enforced by the association or by an aggrieved owner in proper cases. The Bylaws contain most of the provisions for day-to-day operation of the association. They also outline the committees and roles of their members. In addition to the Declaration and Bylaws, Hamilton Mill has other community rules and regulations such as the Hamilton Mill Design Guidelines. These documents are not recorded in Gwinnett County, however, they are just as enforceable by Hamilton Mill as the recorded documents. All owners are required to comply with each provision of Hamilton Mill’s governing documents. If you do not have a copy, please contact the management office or visit www.hmill.com. PDF views are available under Community Association Information, or in public view under Public Documents. Your Property Manager

Hamilton Mill Association News

Board Briefs Happy New Year! It’s only been 2 short months but the volunteers are hard at work. The new Board Members are: Megan Kaderli, Kyle Shields, Chris Singleton, and Karen Taylor. A new contract has been signed with Russell Landscaping and we are looking forward to a productive year. The Grounds & Facilities Committee will be working closely with Russell to continue to address landscape challenges. Our neighborhood is at the age at which many landscaped areas have overgrown and are being remodeled to continue to look fresh. The Board of Directors has appointed a Finance Committee of accounting specialists to work closely with the Board and in particular the Treasurer, Megan Kaderli. They will closely monitor the budget, expenses and other financial consolidations to make observations and recommendations to the Board. Membership has increased on both the Grounds & Facilities, and the Tennis Committees along with the new Finance Committee. This is a positive for the Association and anyone wishing to be involved should contact a Committee Chair. The more eyes we have focused on maintaining our neighborhood the better it will be. Finally, we are responding to requests heard at the Annual Meeting for more frequent updates on Association matters. In an attempt to keep the members informed and give you an open forum for asking questions, we

will be implementing a Town Hall Meeting once a quarter. The first meeting will be held Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Lakeview Clubhouse. We will offer updates from the committees, financial reports and a board update. The meeting will be a chance for you to ask any questions and express any concerns. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. This article will be published each month to give you updates on projects that you might not otherwise notice. Current Projects Underway: Mulberry Lake de-silting: Permits have been the holdup but work is expected in the March-April timeframe. Storm Water Retention System: Gwinnett County Manages and HMCA must maintain 23 storm water retention ponds, one of which is Lake Mulberry. The Association has been instructed to “improve” several of these ponds that are either overgrown or congested with silt and/or weeds. Pools: Believe it or not, spring will soon be here and work is being done on both pools’ equipment and furniture to ensure a good startup. Lakeview Volleyball Court: The court has been refurbished with a safety border and new sand added.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 7

Hamilton Mill Recipes

Restaurant-Style Buffalo Chicken Wings Ingredients

1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 10 chicken wings oil for deep frying 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup hot sauce 1 dash ground black pepper 1 dash garlic powder Directions In a small bowl mix together the flour, paprika, cayenne pepper and salt. Place chicken wings in a large nonporous glass dish or bowl and sprinkle flour mixture over them until they are evenly coated. Cover dish or bowl and refrigerate for 60 to 90 minutes. Heat oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). The oil should be just enough to cover wings entirely, an inch or so deep. Combine the butter, hot sauce, pepper and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir together and heat until butter is melted and mixture is well blended. Remove from heat and reserve for serving. Fry coated wings in hot oil for 10 to 15 minutes, or until parts of wings begin to turn brown. Remove from heat, place wings in serving bowl, add hot sauce mixture and stir together. Serve.

Restaurant-Style Chicken Nachos Ingredients

2 cloves garlic, crushed 6 green onions, sliced, white parts and tops separated 3 tablespoons canola oil 1 shredded, cooked, whole chicken breast salt and pepper to taste 1 cup salsa 1/2 (12 ounce) package tortilla chips 1 (8 ounce) package shredded Cheddar/Monterey Jack cheese blend 1/2 large tomato, diced Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a 12 inch skillet over medium heat, cook and stir the garlic and white parts of the green onions in canola oil until tender. Mix in shredded chicken, salt and pepper. Toss until well coated with oil. Stir in the salsa. Arrange tortilla chips on a large baking sheet. Spoon the chicken mixture over tortilla chips. Top with Cheddar/Monterey Jack cheese blend and tomato. Bake in the preheated oven 10 minutes, or until cheese has melted. Remove from heat and sprinkle with green onion tops before serving. 8 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

“I wasn’t supposed to have any more kids but . . . surprise!” After Krista Ganley was treated for ovarian cancer at Gwinnett Medical Center, and then became pregnant again against all odds, choosing where to have her twins was easy. From maternity care to mammograms, from joint replacement to cancer care, we have the full range of women’s health services for every stage of your life. For more on how we are guiding women to better health, visit gwinnettmedicalcenter.org/women or call 678-312-4740 to make an appointment with a Women’s Health Navigator.

This is Gwinnett Medical Center. This is now.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 9

10 | Hometown Herald | March 2016












30 7:00PM Town Hall Meeting at the Lakeview Main Room












Join us for any of the listed events RSVP to Hmillevents@gmail.com!



Board Meeting 6:45pm



_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________




March Friday





Fitness/Class Camps Social Events

1:00PM Spring Carnival


Meetings Swim Team





Calendar Sponsored by: Gwinnett Medical Center See ad on page 9

Hamilton Mill Calendar

Hamilton Mill Upcoming Events/Save the Date

Upcoming Events Great opportunities for fun! march


Spring Carnival March 12th





YARD SALE Spring Yard Sale





Blood Drive April 13th

Simply Streisand May 1st

Yard Sale look for more upcoming events in the next issue! Watch for these event announcements, additional details and more exciting opportunities, including RSVP deadlines, via email blast, facebook and online at www.hmill.com

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 11






The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area. 2016-0114 HM

12 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 • www.at-hamiltonmill.com

Become a Friend of Hamilton Mill! Like the Official Hamilton Mill Facebook page to stay up to date on the latest news and events! www.facebook.com/OfficialHamiltonMill

•Emergency patients seen same day •Zoom Whitening •Veneers, Bridges & crowns, •Cosmetic Dentistry •Nitrous Oxide

$89 Complete Exam, x-rays, and cleaning Free lifetime Whitening

(only for new patients with paid complete Exam and x-rays)

Call office for details!

Dr. Maurice Smith

3331 Hamilton Mill Rd Ste 2200 Buford, GA 30519 Call Us! (678) 541-0770


March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 13

Hamilton Mill Association News

8 satisfying secrets of happy people Adding these simple habits to your day may help boost happiness Some people always seem to be cheerful and upbeat. So what's their secret?

It can also help ease stress and anxiety. Find activities you enjoy — that keep you coming back for more.*

Turns out, it isn't having loads of money or a perfect body, home or job. Instead, happy people tend to make time for healthy, fulfilling and feel-good activities.

And here's a happy little secret: Give yourself a quick mood booster with mini bursts of activity. Even a 10-minute walk or kitchen dance party can perk you up.

Here are eight simple but powerful ways to follow their lead — and cultivate more happiness in your life:

6. Create and play Pursuing creative and playful activities can make you feel good. Whether it's playing board games or air guitar, doodling or double Dutch, encouraging your silly side can bring you joy.

1. Nurture social ties Satisfying relationships help us feel fulfilled. But sometimes, time with others takes a backseat to the daily grind. A tip if you struggle with this: Make a point to connect with at least one friend or loved one each day. Do you rely on texts, social media and email to stay in touch? That can be good. But don't let technology entirely replace face-to-face time. 2. Give thanks — for joys big and small Noticing and appreciating what's good in your life can give you a happiness boost — even in rough times. So take moments to be grateful for a helpful co-worker, a cuddle from your pet or even just a really good hair day. Even better: Make it a practice. Writing in a gratitude journal gives you a place to record and reminisce about all that's right with your world. 3. Lend a hand People who help others tend to feel happier. Consider volunteering regularly for a cause that's important to you. And look for little ways every day to help out friends, family, colleagues or strangers — even if it's just a kind word or caring ear. 4. Talk nicer to yourself Do you tend to get down on yourself? Enjoy more happiness by questioning and countering your own negative thoughts. Research shows that by making positive shifts in thinking, over time, you can actually change your brain. 5. Find joy in moving Exercise floods your brain with feel-good hormones. 14 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

7. Get your pillow time It's no surprise we're happier when we're well-rested. In fact, getting quality sleep may help reduce the risk for anxiety and depression. Aim for a good seven to nine hours of slumber — for better health and happiness. 8. Look on the brighter side The next time you're faced with a negative situation, look for the silver lining. Did you manage it OK or learn something new? Nobody's life is perfect. But focusing on the good instead of the bad can help tough times seem more manageable. Remember, you have choices. You may find your bliss by choosing those that add more meaning to your life. And that's certainly something to be happy about. What to do next Try a simple morning mantra to help put you on track for a cheerful day.

Hamilton Mill Association News

7 Lovely Logics 1. Make Peace with your Past so it doesn’t spoil your Present. 2. What others think of You is None of Your Business. 3. Time heals almost everything, give the time some time. 4. No One is the reason of Your happiness except You Yourself. 5. Don’t compare your life with others, you have no idea what their journey is all about. 6. Stop thinking too much, its alright not to know all the answers. 7. Smile, you don’t own all the problems in the world.

Believe in Excellence

We are careful stewards of all that is entrusted to us: from the children we serve to the contributions of faithful supporters. That’s why Eagle Ranch believes in excellence for our program, our campus and our staff. We believe in leading by example, helping boys and girls see the value of striving for their best.

E a g l E R a n c h . o R g

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 15

Hamilton Mill Association News

March Madness Is Here! For all you NCAA fans, the madness is finally here. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Men's Division I Basketball Tournament is a single-elimination tournament played each spring in the United States, currently featuring 68 college basketball teams, to determine the national championship of the major college basketball teams. The tournament, organized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), was created during 1939 by the National Association of Basketball Coaches, and was the idea of Ohio State University coach Harold Olsen. Played mostly during March, it is known informally as March Madness or the Big Dance, and has become one of the most famous annual sporting events in the United States. The NCAA has credited Bob Walsh of the Seattle Organizing Committee for starting the March Madness celebration during 1984.

k c u L d o Go your with kets! c a r b 16 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

3/13 Selection Sunday 3/15-16 First Four 3/17-20 First-Second Rounds 3/24-25 Sweet 16 3/26-27 Elite 8 4/2 Final Four 4/4 Championship Game

Hamilton Mill Association News

COMEDY NIGHT A HOOT! The hits just keep coming! We started off the new year with something different. Boy…was it fun! On January 29th our very own Lakeview Clubhouse turned into a top notch Comedy Club! Our sold out show featured 3 top comedians that perform at the world famous Punchline in Atlanta. Our headliner, Jamie Bendall is even one of the co-owners of the club! We did not stop there…the ballroom itself was transformed into an actual club, complete with a comedy stage, sound system and stage lighting. Oh… and the entire ceiling was covered in red and green laser lights that gave it a club feel when the house lights went down for the show. It was a night to remember for sure. After some initial adjustments to the sound, the show was just that…a show! Big Hank had the room in stitches for almost an hour and then Headliner Jamie Bendall brought the house down. His brand of humor was something the whole room could relate to and the room was deafening with 2 hours of screeching, laughing and probably some snorts. Ha! The success of this night makes it a no brainer to host more than one of these comedy nights a year and Jamie promised to provide us with some of the best comedians that grace his Punchline stage, anytime we want! What a fantastic night for only $10! The Comedy Club came to you and did not disappoint! Mark LaClaire, Activities Director

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 17

Resident of Hamilton Mill

4530 Nelson Brogdon Blvd, Ste A • Sugar Hill/Buford 2695 Old Winder Hwy, Ste 100 • Braselton

We are located in the Veranda at Fort Daniel (Same as Dooley’s Pizza, Villiage Pediatrics and Holy Smokes) We are your Hamilton Mill Nationwide Agency, located at 1862 Auburn Rd. Protecting Your Business, Life, Home & Auto. Stop by or give us a call on 770-295-9013.

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Whitening for life Get a complimentary whitening kit and custom trays with a completed new patient exam and complete x-rays. Call for additional Information


Kids Complementary Exam and X-rays (Set of two bitewings)

3611 Braselton Hwy Suite 104 Dacula, GA. 30019 (770) 945-2733 www.hamiltonmilldental.com

Mary K. Falletta-Swegman, D.D.S. 18 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Hamilton Mill Social news & Events

SATURDAY, MARCH 12TH 1PM-4PM LAKEVIEW CLUBHOUSE That’s right folks, The Spring Carnival is back and better than ever! Bring the young ones out to the Lakeview Clubhouse and Playground for a day full of games, rides and fun! This year, we added a few new things to spice things up. But we also kept the things the kids all know and love! For starters, the little munchkins can take a TRAIN RIDE around the event and then hop off the train to snuggle with the BUNNIES and BABY CHICKS while photographer Jodi Monaghan takes photos! The EASTER BUNNY will also be in attendance, hopping through the event and meeting with the kids while you take photos. How fun! But that’s only the beginning! This year, we offer PONY RIDES for all the children as well as their favorite pastime…a BOUNCY HOUSE! BUBBA THE CLOWN will be there with his assistant doing FACE PAINTING, BALLOON ANIMALS and PUPPET SHOW! To top off the day we have CARNIVAL GAMES, COTTON CANDY and POPCORN! Yum! Oh wait…one more thing! At 3PM we will host our ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT for both the little ones AND the bigger kids. Now this sounds like a great way to kick off Spring! Please RSVP for this event on our NEW EVENTBRITE TICKET SITE so we know how many eggs to stuff. You can find the link to RSVP on the hmill.com homepage.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 19

Hamilton Mill Kids Corner

20 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Hamilton Mill Kids Corner

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 21

22 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Hamilton Mill Real Estate Update

10 best real estate tips for 2016 By Bankrate.com Sales of single-family homes will rise modestly again in 2016 and median sales prices should be up 3% to 5%, trade groups and researchers say. While rising mortgage rates and a shortage of first-time buyers may temper that outlook some, the coming year should be another seller's market for real estate. Despite an upsurge in construction, home inventories remain low and multiple offers are still common. While a 6-month home supply is considered a balanced housing market, most markets are well below that, some significantly. Moreover, supporting fundamentals are far more solid than about a decade ago in the pre-bust years of 2006-2007. With that as a backdrop, here are 10 tips for buying and selling real estate in a presumed up-market in 2016. 1. Buyers: Don’t overreach A bidding war might spur you to overspend, but paying an inflated price can make it tough to resell when prices stabilize or sink. A decision to pay a premium isn’t always an errant one, though, when you plan to live in the house long term. Rather than focus on overheated developments, look at comparable homes in neighboring areas with the same access to the schools and amenities that you value. Set a bid ceiling, and try to have a few other deals in the works so you’re less inclined to overbid. 2. Sellers: Exercise your clout, but don't overplay it If you set a price from 5% to 10% above the market, you're more apt to get an offer close to your home's

real value than if you start much higher and force your listing to go stale. However, if your home has better qualities than area comps, you have a bit more latitude. No need to pay closing costs or offer other incentives to the buyer, especially if it means keeping your indemand home off the real estate market. For example, a sale contingent on the buyers selling their home is reasonable but only with a contractual escape for you, often called a "kick-out" clause. That gives you the right to continue marketing your home. If a lessencumbered bid comes in, you then offer the initial buyers a set time of 48 or 72 hours to withdraw their contingency. 3. Buyers: Be ready, be early, be flexible Are the best houses still getting snapped up quickly? Then don't wait until you find a home to go loan shopping. Keep your pre-approval letter, as opposed to a basic pre-qualification letter, in tow. Winnow your neighborhood choices before you shop. Line up an action-ready inspector for an immediate property visit. Have your agent ask what the sellers would value most in the sale. If you can accommodate a fast settlement or short-term, rent-back condition or fewer contingencies and conditions, that can make you stand out when that dream home is hanging in the balance. 4. Sellers: Know your agent's commission split A heated market is causing sellers to question why they should pay the full 6% commission.

continues on next page March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 23

Hamilton Mill Real Estate Update Hence, sellers' agents are accepting less, then offering less of a split to buyers' agents in a practice known as "sell to the commission." When the co-op fee is low, buyers' agents tend to be less than enthusiastic in showing such houses, and yours will typically take longer to sell.

new hardware for cabinets, new faucets, new lighting fixtures and fresh (neutral) wallpaper are inexpensive touches that carry weight.

5. Buyers: Buying new? Get what you pay for. Builders are cranking production to pre-recession levels. But some are cutting corners by hiring untrained help, not waiting for concrete to cure, painting walls without primers or quietly substituting cheaper materials such as a lower grade of counter-top granite, or installing inadequate plumbing or HVAC units. Consider hiring an independent inspector to oversee construction (at $400-plus). Builders may tell you not to worry because they'll hire one. Ahem!

For bathrooms, always display a sparkling bathtub and commode. A new tub liner, or "shell," can make that marred tub look like new and save you from replacing it.

Thoroughly scour and depopulate the fridge and take magnets off it, please.

A new faucet, new lights, fresh caulking, a new towel rack or new mirror may be in order. Clean out the medicine cabinet. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't declutter, depersonalize, paint and scrub the rest of your space, too.

Because kitchens are the heart of the home, or the "new living room," make yours homey. Hide the coffee maker and toaster. Add simple decorative touches to the wall behind the sink.

7. Buyers: Beware hidden costs When is a $250,000 house not a $250,000 house? Answer: Always! Consider these and myriad other closing costs when buying: • Origination fee: On a $200,000 mortgage for a $250,000 home, assuming 3.5% interest and no points, you'd pay the lender about $1,800. • Home inspection: Even if the mortgage insurer doesn't require one, get one for peace of mind. • Property taxes: You'll usually pay a few months upfront. • Appraisal: The bank will need to determine how much the place is really worth. • Private mortgage insurance, or PMI: This depends on your down payment and credit rating.

Sure, new granite counter-tops and appliances are optimal, but

Other pre-occupancy costs should include home insurance,

And, be sure the builder is established and that you research online reviews, complaint pages and consumer ratings. Ask specific questions about the crew's experience and certifications. 6. Sellers: Know your influential rooms Upgrades rarely pay for themselves, but there are 2 spaces that can make or break a home sale: the kitchen and master bath.

24 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

Hamilton Mill Real Estate Update title insurance and deed-recording fee, and possibly title insurance, survey costs, credit report fees, flood insurance and homeowners association dues/ insurance. On that $250,000 home, allow an extra $5,000 or more atop the sale price. 8. Sellers: Consider the replacement You're getting multiple offers on your home, with several over asking price. Wow, that was fast! But can you find your next home in time to move once you sign? If not, one option would be to request a leaseback from the buyer, allowing you to remain in your old home for the time you need to shop for the replacement. This will be contingent on when the new owners need to occupy, and the period is usually limited to 60 days. The other option is to slow the selling process by asking for a longer period before closing. Whatever you do, get your prospects and finances lined up (see tip No. 3!). Yes, a seller's market swings 2 ways! 9. Buyers: Seek out an up-andcoming neighborhood Things to look for include proximity to a new or resurgent business center, the addition of a major employer, a light-rail station, a city cleanup initiative, young people moving there, crime watch and other neighborhood groups being formed, multiple renovations underway and other up-and-coming neighborhoods abutting it.

shows that homes in ZIP codes that have a Trader Joe's grocery store appreciated 40% on average since the homes were last purchased. Homes with a Whole Foods nearby appreciated 34% on average. 10. Sellers and buyers: Don't play the bubble game Thousands of would-be sellers and buyers are agonizing over how they can time their next sale or purchase to coincide with the "pop" of this housing bubble, either by selling soon for optimal profit or swooping in with cash to pounce on post-pop pricing. True, the bust of 2007-2008 was a loud and robust one, but don't look for anything catastrophic this time. The present froth is being fueled by narrow supply and widespread demand, not easy credit and "liars' loans." Most real estate cycles don't explode like the last one; they just deflate slowly. Real estate continues to be a reliable long-term investment prone to usually modest peaks and valleys, done on a deal-by-deal basis and subject to local economies. Good luck in the new year!

New retailers, restaurants and other commercial tenants are also a good sign. Research by RealtyTrac

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 25

Swim News

Swim Team News We are very excited that we have so many great swimmers returning and a bunch of wonderful new families joining the Hammerheads this year! Our registration started in late January, and our team may be full by the time this newsletter goes out. If you would like to register, check hamiltonmill.swimtopia.com to see if there are any spots available in your child’s age group. We have a few reminders for our registered families: • Please join us at Bogan Aquatic Center on March 25th from 6:008:00pm for new swimmer evaluations and the team pool party. All new swimmers are required to complete one length of the pool in order to be on the team. We have rented both the lap pool and leisure pool (complete with slides, lazy river, and play area) so we hope that all swim families come out to have some fun! ***Please note that Bogan requires that an adult in a swim suit be nearby each swimmer 7-10 and an adult in the water with all 6 and unders. If you have a 10 and under, please bring a swim suit. • If you still need to turn in a check for registration, a copy of a birth certificate, or signed Gwinnett County Swim League Waiver and the Concussion Form Waiver (please note that the child needs to sign the Concussion Form), you can bring them to the Bogan Aquatic Center for the pool party, or you can drop them off to Jenny Peeples at 1601 Woodbow Crossing Dacula, GA 30019. • There is a link on hamiltonmill.swimtopia.com to order swimsuits for this season. • Please check emails and hamiltonmill.swimtopia.com for updated information and instructions related to the swim team. You can always reach us at hmsthammerheads@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. See you soon! HMST 2016 Board 26 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

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Local vet creates support group Va ple LE, GEOR


dges after video change goes viral BY FRAN

freddy@gain K REDDY esvilletimes .com In battle their backs , soldiers have a unit that . watches The term drones, snipe“overwatch” refer tection tactic rs or air suppo s to the use of namesake . It’s this notio rt as a force pron that inspir for an onlin Since its ed the e veter Katie Harris watch Facecreation Monday, ans support group. the Warrior several seizuon joined the fight members. book page has gaine Overto chang re disord d nearly e Georgia’s ers. “No 2,000 matte cannabis served in, r what branch you oil law so Photos by it could help SCOTT ROGER said Chris you took an oath, her young S | The Times son Hawk ville nativ Dorsey, a Gaines-” , who suffer e who creat group. “The s from ed the BY JOSH watch. And, re’s always overjsilavent@ga UA SILAVENT about. It’s that’s what this inesvilletim is lettin Learn mor es.com g the warri know ... ors e some Hawk’s Visit Hawk out for them body’s looking ’s Facebook times changray eyes some page at www Dorsey .” green to ge from a light com/DoItFor .facebook. forum for said, in short, it’s Georgia’s Hawk. Katie Harr “a Dorsey reflecting a slate blue as if their story veterans who need his ison organizatioHope They shine mood. Hawk’s seiz discusses her a chance told. And, for those with a joy georgiasho n, visit www. to make s it son that pe.com. nizations link them with VA who need help, it’s cannabis ure disorder, adm out boy know seem the youn offici oil to him inist g Dorsey — there who are doing als and orga“So to see world has s some thing the and address ers med who suffe great ical him stress selfis rs from post-t stuff.” me and marijuan recog disor hly failed es remember a critics. raumatic media attender — recently to some acknowledge me nize . garnered thing that ... But they Tube. The tion for a video cannabis is he posted national shine. It took did not always given us that we has at the VA clip featured him on Youdidn’t have before,” Katie an extra being the mari tient ClinicOakwood Community turned away juana plant ct from And thank said. Hawk out Based Outpa to bring wasn’t accepby a staffer who s to said the ting new patie fog” that from the “zombie passed this year, a state law facility Since darkened Katie nts. Coun then, ,a ty resid like the sun’s the Atlan his world released a ent, can Hall , statement ta VA Medical Cente ting throu glowing rays cut- legally possess on behalf and admi now gh a summ cann of the local r has nister abis oil to cloud. er storm ‘Complete clinic. Hawk here Georgia. ly unaccept Only then in Provi able did his moth ded ’ Katie Harri er, the statem by Public Affairs Office son, know beloved son, that her Miracle drug r Paige Fluke encountere ent addresses the now r, going on years old, d situation Hawk exper 3 recognized Dorsey “The DepaJune 30 at the Oakw was, confi ood clinic who she resulting fromiences seizures rtmen cated to rming a moth caring for t of Veterans Affai . son bond er and orrhage when a brain hemrs is dedithat mean our natio he was just believing she never stopped weeks old. vide them s our employees aren’s veterans and in. 3 timely andwith courteous custo expected to proKatie Harris on meas ■ Please see time,” the useful information mer service, and OIL, 3A administer to her son ures a dose of and advic Dorsey wasstatement said. “The bottom lip e every slowly allowHawk. She will dripcannabis oil to message pletely unaccgiven, as seen on ing him time the oil into Mr. the eptab video his to swallow. le and , is comSome veter ans disag will not be tolera particular , Ray Chast ree with that. ted.” One in ain of Clerm ont, felt the ■ Please see GROUP, 3A

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March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 27


Tennis NEWS Jeff Dudacek, Director of Tennis Spring is here!!! Usually we come out of the Atlanta winter and have a nice spring. With this crazy winter weather we had this year, I am not sure what to expect. Whether it is nice or not, the spring season kicks off. Hamilton Mill tennis starts out with a bang and never stops until we get to November. March kicks off our events with the popular adult Alta Camp and the kid’s festival. Calling all beginners, March is a great time to start tennis. This month’s tips is all about defending the lobbers. If you play in the Atlanta Lawn (LOB) Tennis Association then you better read the article.

Spring League Play

Courts are going to get busy with the start of coaching, practice and matches for Spring Alta. With our 23 Alta teams, we average over 600 people a week at both tennis centers. Make sure you plan ahead for your flex league matches and social matches. Courts 15 and 16 are the walk on courts. These are the starting dates and times for the league. Tuesday Senior Women March 15th, 9:00-2:00 Thursday Women March 17th, 9:00-2:00 Saturday Men March 19th, 9:00-2:00 Junior Girls March 19th, 1:30-3:30

Winter USTA League results Congratulations to all the winter teams that had to fight, not only the

28 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

opponents but the nasty winter weather, to get victories in the league play. Hamilton Mill teams compete and win. Division Winners Women Cowe 4.0 (semifinal) Hilderhauf 3.0 Connor 3.5. Playoffs Men 3.5 Playoffs Women Sherruble 3.5 Tyson 3.5

Adults Get Ready for Alta Camp & Racket Demo Weekend The weather is getting warmer and there is no snow on the ground…It’s time to get ready for Spring 2016 Alta! We had over 50 attend.

Come join us for 1½ hours of drills followed by an hour of Round Robin Play to help you get back into top form! Groups will be set by ability and teams will stay together! 9:30-12:00 Thursday, March 3rd 9:30-12:00 Friday, March 4th 9:30-12:00 Saturday, March 5th Cost is $20 per session Discount for multiple sessions: 2-10% Prince, Babolat & Wilson will have all of their demos here. There will be special pricing. Reserve your spot by contacting the shop at milltennis@bellsouth.net or (770)945-6452. No walk-ins.



The team with the most players who attend Alta Camp will win a free clinic!

BEGINNER 101/102

Calling all adult beginner players/rusty players!!!! Have you never played? Does your neighbor play league tennis? This is the best way to get involved on a team or even start one yourself at Hamilton Mill. We started a brand new team of beginners for Spring Alta. Beginner 101/102 is for you. Tennis 101 is new players and 102 is players who have played. It is 5 one-hour group lessons for $65. The class will break for spring break in April. When you get done with this class, tennis will not be stranger to you anymore. If you do not have a racket or it is over 5 years old, we will let you use a demo with the new technology until you are ready for a racket. The classes will get you ready for summer league play. Send an email to the tennis shop at milltennis@bellsouth.net for class times and dates.

Staff News

In some cases, is extremely lower because the Shop is a neighborhood shop. The best thing is the money goes back to HAMILTON MILL TENNIS. Remember, Hamilton Mill residents can demo a racket for 3 days for FREE. Try the new Wilson Burn, Babolat, new Pure Drive and Prince Premier Series. The new spin technology is in the new rackets and the strings. Gives you more control with power on the court. Along with our demo program and the pros advice, that is the best way to find out what racket is good for you. We see you play and know the best racket.

Junior Event / Junior Spring Tennis Festival

Please join us for our annual spring tennis event. This FREE event will kick off the junior spring tennis season at Hamilton Mill. All the pros will be there to help with the kids. We will have games, short tennis courts, drills and lots of fun. Open to all levels. We had over 50 kids last year attend the festival. Send us an email, before Friday, March 4th at noon, at milltennis@bellsouth.net and let us know your child’s age. The spring HMETA classes will be forming after the spring festival. When: Saturday, March 5th, from 1-3pm Where: Millview Courts Who: Kids ages 4-13 year olds

Kristi Hanes has been promoted to Pro Shop Manager. Sarah Reagan has joined the staff. Besides her Pro Shop duties, she will also help in event promotion. Courtney will still be a Pro at Hamilton Mill but he was awarded the National Champion Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) Girls Assistant Coach position. He brings plenty of experience to Hamilton Mill and it shows with his new position.

Pro shop news-New rackets!

The Hamilton Mill Pro Shop is here to help you with all your tennis needs. If we do not have what you need in the shop, we will order it. Just like if you were doing it online. We fit you to the right racket, not what needs to sell. The racket or strings are guaranteed 100%. The pricing of the merchandise is the same as anyone else.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 29


How You Can Beat The Lobber By Jeff Dudacek Remember last season, Alta/USTA season, when you lost a match (you should have won) to those lobbers. You came off the court and said, “That is not real tennis, all they do is lob.” Hate to tell you but that was a strategy. Somehow they figured out you do not like lob tennis. Not a very popular strategy but it works well when needed or to change the pace of the game. Lobbers have a slow-paced, low-risk strategy involving consistent and constant lobbing, which requires minimal energy, and invites over-hitting from the opponent. Here are some key things you can do to turn the table on the “lobsters” and take them out of their comfort zones!

Hit Short

If they’re playing at the baseline then there’s a pretty good chance they don’t like the net. When the opportunity arises (not when returning a defensive lob at the baseline), hit a drop shot or short angle and make them come in,

30 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

and then make them volley. Continuing to do this will take them out of their comfort zone and wear them out, making their lobs less effective and easier to put away.

Play Mid Court

Rather than playing lobs from behind the baseline, after you return the lob with a lob, move in to the service line and hit a volley or overhead. Anticipate the high ball and be ready mid court to take it out of the air. This will allow you to be more aggressive and take time away from your opponent. Also as your position is closer to the net, it will enable you to hit more of an angle and take them off the baseline.

Lob Back

When all else fails, and if you have a good lob, send back the same high slow ball, the same direction the ball that came to you. They may be counting on you to make a mistake, but if you have patience and are willing to play the lob game with them, they may get frustrated that their game isn’t working, and that could take them out of their comfort zone. This strategy takes plenty of patience. But remember,


you doing this is to give you a better shot to change direction of the lob.

Lob Switch

Another fun strategy is when your partner sends the lob back over the net, you and your net partner switch sides. Your partner will be ready for a service line shot and take the lob another direction. If the opponent sends it back to you no harm done just return it back in play.

The lob Return of Server

If your opponent lobs the return of your serve of your partner, instead of always running the lob down and yelling switch. You and your partner need to play ‘Australian Strategy.’ Remember that is when your partner and you start on the same side of the court when you serve the ball. When they lob the court is cut in half and your run to lob is much shorter. It’s a given that if you play tennis, eventually you will run into someone who lobs. Whether you use these tips or just play for 4 hours. Remember you cannot stop the lobber but you can make them think of a different strategy. See ya on the courts.

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 31

Local Events


Happenings in and around Atlanta Sound of Music March 1-6 Fox Theatre The hills are alive! A brand new production of The Sound of Music, directed by Jack O’Brien, is coming to you. The spirited, romantic and beloved musical story of Maria and the Von Trapp Family will once again thrill audiences with its Tony, Grammy and Academy Award-winning Best Score, including “My Favorite Things,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Edelweiss” and the title song. Monster Jam March 5 The Georgia Dome Feld Motor Sports presents Monster Jam – the world’s premier truck series filled with action-packed competition fun for the whole family. Harlem Globetrotters March 5 Infinite Energy Center The Harlem Globetrotters are preparing for their most epic tour in history, as the world famous team celebrates its 90th anniversary world tour, with over 320 games in North America alone. Atlanta Jewish Music Festival March 10-27 Visit Atlantajmf.org for locations The 7th Annual Atlanta Jewish Music Festival (AJMF7) includes a diverse line-up of local, national and international Jewish musicians.

32 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

St. Patrick’s Day Parade March 12 Midtown south on Peachtree St from 15th ST NE to 5th St. NE Join us for the 2016 parade at noon on Saturday, March 12th, on Peachtree St. in Midtown. Easter at Governor’s Mansion March 19 Governor’s Mansion Reservations are extremely limited and can only be taken by e-mail on March 1st at exactly 8:00 a.m. Please email mansionevents@georgia.gov to reserve your spot. Taste of Athens March 20 160 Tracy Street in Athens Food from over 20 of the best local restaurants, beer from local breweries, live music, coffee, desserts and other baked goods. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra March 31 Atlanta Symphony Hall Sit on stage with the performers in this intimate experience moderated by ASO Insider and Program Notes Annotator Ken Meltzer.

Get out and enjoy all the community around you has to offer!

Margie Mack PhotograPhy High School Senior photoshoot sessions starting at $200... now booking Class of 2016

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Visit my web page at www.margiemackphotography.com

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March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 33

2 Days of Inspiration, Information and Interaction Friday, March 18

Saturday, March 19

presents: Women’s Leadership Colloquium, 1:30pm to 4:00pm. For more information, visit www.brenau.edu about/ leadershipcolloquium

The Times presents: 2nd Annual Women’s Expo, Brenau Downtown Center, 9:00am to 12:00pm, and 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

www.northgeorgiawomensexpo.com 34 | Hometown Herald | March 2016

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 35

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