Hometown Herald May 2016

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May 2016

News from the Hamilton Mill Community Association


Hamilton Mill Contact Information On the Cover: Hamilton Mill’s Feature Mill Photo Credit: Chris Singleton


DIRECTORS A Message from the Board Karen Taylor, President Kyle Shields, Vice President Chris Singleton, Secretary Megan Kaderli, Treasurer Dale Robbins, Member at Large Tony Hinnant, Member at Large Liz Carter, Member at Large It’s May, which brings the onset of summer here at Hamilton Mill. Summer time is always a wonderful time with the pool opening, tennis in full swing, fast greens on the golf course, sand volleyball competitions, basketball pick up games, walks along the parkway or to the park, and so much more! Our community has so much to offer our residents and we are diligently working to keep our grounds and facilities in top shape for you to enjoy. Enjoy your summer! Your HOA Board of Directors

FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL On-Site Property Management Ph: 678.546.3737 1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: M, W, F 9am-5pm; T & TH 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12pm Email: PropertyManager@Hmill.com Corporate Office

(for after-hours common area maintenance emergencies)

Customer Care Center: 877.411.1165 After Hours Emergency: 678.624.9453 1235 Old Alpharetta Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Activities Department Email: hmillevents@gmail.com

You are welcome to contact the Activities Office via email at hmillevents@gmail.com for information on planned events, schedule an appointment to view or reserve the clubroom and/ or conference room, or to RSVP for an event. Tennis Shop Ph: 770.945.6452 Jeff Dudacek: On-Site Tennis Pro Gwinnett Police Non-Emergency Ph: 770.513.5700 Street Maintenance Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk. Mailbox Replacement/Repair All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K • Addresses of Distinction: Ph: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com • Imperial Mailbox Systems: Ph: 800.647.0777 These are resources only, no recommendations or assurances are made by the Association.

Amenity Card Replacement Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to good-standing residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. Lost Dog/Cats/Animal Disturbances If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770-513-5100 to report your lost pet or a dangerous pet is running loose.

2 | Hometown Herald | May 2016


Inside This Issue


EVENTS Pool Opening Party May 29 ............................................... Page 14 Annual Hamilton Mill Kids’ Triathlon (benefitting the Hamilton Mill Hammerheads)

June 11 ............................................... Page 18 Independence Day Party June 25



Contact Information ................................................. Page 2 Helpful Numbers ....................................................... Page 4 Recipes........................................................................... Page 5 New Residents............................................................ Page 7 May Calendar.............................................................Page 10 A Message from the Board..................................Page 11 Pool Grand Opening...............................................Page 14 Pool Rules & Regulations....................................Page 15 To advertise in the Hometown Herald, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times - 770.535.6344 - msizemore@gainesvilletimes.com The Hometown Herald is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Hamilton Mill Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

Swim Team News.....................................................Page 18 Tennis News...............................................................Page 20 Events Around Town .............................................Page 22 Like Hamilton Mill, A Hometown on Facebook

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 3


Helpful Numbers Government Services

Emergency ............................................................................ 911 Police Headquarters............................................... 770.513.5000 Non Emergency...................................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail................................................ 770.619.6500 County Courthouse................................................. 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall...................................................... 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office.................................................. 770.962.4390 Poison Control........................................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters................................................... 678.518.5018 Station 18............................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office............................................................... 770.822.8801 Drivers License Services........................................ 770.995.6855 Property Tax........................................................... 770.822.8800 Voter Registration................................................... 770.226.7210 Animal Control........................................................ 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services....................................... 770.822.8850 Utilities

BFI Waste Management......................................... 678.963.2800 Water Resources.................................................... 770.376.6800 Buford Gas............................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage......................... 770.963.6166 Charter Communications........................................ 678.410.9362 AT&T....................................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network.................................. 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/Departments

Calling All Entries

Do you have an interesting article or picture about Hamilton Mill? If so we would love to know about it! Please send resident articles or information to liz@cartuga.com for consideration for our next edition. 4 | Hometown Herald | May 2016

Public Schools

Puckett’s Mill Elementary School........................... 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org Osborne Middle School.......................................... 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org Millcreek High School............................................. 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org Dacula High School................................................ 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org Private Schools

Hebron Christian Academy..................................... 770.962.5423 Dacula Classical Academy..................................... 678.377.0080 Dominion Classical Christian Academy..................770-338-7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy.................................678-745-4121 Greater Atlanta Christian........................................770-243-2258 Hospitals/Urgent Care

Gwinnett Medical Center.......................................... 77.995.4321 Northeast Georgia Medical Center......................... 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.............................404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care.............................. 770.848.6195 Recreation

Hamilton Mill Activities Office.................................... 77.546.1597 Community After Hours emergency........................ 404.835.9100 Millcreek Athletic Association................................millcreekaa.net Dacula Soccer................................................. dscrevolution.com Bogan Park (for reservations at any park).............. 678.227.0850 Gwinnett County Public Library.............................. 770.978.5154 Gwinnett County Cultural Center............................ 770.813.7500 Lake Lanier Islands...............................................800.840.LAKE Road Atlanta......................................................... 800.849.RACE


Gwinnett Swim

Infant & Youth Aquatic Survival Instruction

Ages 8 months to 8 years

Custom designed for each child’s needs

404-590-7946 * Year round facility with 2 indoor heated pools! * One-on-one instructor to student ratio, parents are not in the water 4530 Nelson Brogdon Blvd, Ste A • Sugar Hill/Buford 2695 Old Winder Hwy, Ste 100 • Braselton

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* Flexible scheduling, including evening hours

Mention this ad for ONE FREE LESSON*

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Flexible payment plans

Don’t Waste Your Summer In Swim Lessons!! Start Now & Have Your Child Swimming Independently by Summer!

*must mention ad during registration and free lesson must be used after ASI course graduation

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 5


6 | Hometown Herald | May 2016


Hamilton Mill Association News A Tribute to a Mom & Neighbor

Welcome to Our Newest Residents!

Michael & Christy Allen Rodrigo & Monica Parra Henriette Bulambo Mark & Laurie Puckett Dan & Georgiana Fratiloiu Harold & Cindy Smith Keith & Tanya McDonald Boris Zimmerlin

Mary Russo celebrates her 87 years by working in her yard everyday. She loves living in Hamilton Mill and thrives to make her yard beautiful. We are so lucky she lives across the street from us and we get to see her beautiful flowers every morning from our front door. I am very proud of my mom for her kindness to everyone and her love of nature. Her energy and devout spirit and inner peace inspire me and I am blessed she is my mom.

Happy Mother’s Day to a wonderful mother and friend. Elizabeth and Jeff Howe

•Emergency patients seen same day •Zoom Whitening •Veneers, Bridges & crowns, •Cosmetic Dentistry •Nitrous Oxide

$89 Complete Exam, x-rays, and cleaning Free lifetime Whitening

(only for new patients with paid complete Exam and x-rays)

Call office for details!

Dr. Maurice Smith

3331 Hamilton Mill Rd Ste 2200 Buford, GA 30519 Call Us! (678) 541-0770


May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 7


Hamilton Mill Association News

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Steven Aceto.................................................Mill Creek HS Gabriela Acevedo..........................................Mill Creek HS Hayden Adams.........................................Hebron Christian Alex Ashwood...............................................Mill Creek HS Taylor Balentine............................................Mill Creek HS Sam Buchanan.............................................Mill Creek HS Rachel Buckley.............................................Mill Creek HS Daniel David Castillo.....................................Mill Creek HS Alyssa Eblen.................................................Mill Creek HS Elayna Falon.........................................Mountain View HS Jessica Fanczi..............................................Mill Creek HS Morgan Fields...............................................Mill Creek HS Tyler Fields....................................................Mill Creek HS David Friedman........................... Gwinnett School of Math Science, and Technology Thomas Godwin............................................Mill Creek HS Tyler Green...................................................Mill Creek HS Katie Hill........................................................Mill Creek HS Justin Jasnocha............................................Mill Creek HS Garrett Jordan.................................................... Buford HS Steven Lacy..................................................Mill Creek HS Dillon LeJeune..............................................Mill Creek HS Matthew Lewis..............................................Mill Creek HS Marie Lipski...................................................Mill Creek HS Sarah Lowry..................................................Mill Creek HS Will Lyman................................................Hebron Christian Morgan Merry................................................Mill Creek HS Imani Matos...................................................Mill Creek HS

8 | Hometown Herald | May 2016

Anastasia N. Monson....................................Mill Creek HS Hope Mumme.................................................... Buford HS Kayla Nichols................................................Mill Creek HS Kirsten Nichols..............................................Mill Creek HS Abigail M. Renner.........................................Mill Creek HS Kalyn Reynolds.............................................Mill Creek HS Emma Riley...........................................Mountain View HS Andrea C. Rivera..........................................Mill Creek HS Camelia V. Rivera.........................................Mill Creek HS Abbey Robertson..........................................Mill Creek HS Joanna Russell.............................................Mill Creek HS Brandon Sullins.............................................Mill Creek HS Chris Taddei..........................................Mountain View HS Nasir Thompson............................................Mill Creek HS Justin Thongsouk..........................................Mill Creek HS Rose Valentine......................................Mountain View HS Christian Youngblood....................................Mill Creek HS COLLEGE GRADUATES Brett Bailey.............................University of South Carolina Billy Beguhn...........................................Piedmont College Christopher Carter................Georgia Southern University Briana Corcoran................Georgia Institute of Technology Erin Corcoran................................. University of Delaware Justin Grimald........................University of North Georgia Rachel Perkins..................................University of Georgia Deborah D. Renner......................Columbus St. University Brittany Savoie..................................University of Georgia Ashley N. Seay............................. Ga Southern University Carla Timis-Balazsi...........................University of Georgia


May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 9

10 | Hometown Herald | May 2016





Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Pool Opening Party 2-5pm

Memorial Day

Lakeview Pool 11:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Board Meeting 6:45pm





26 Lakeview Pool Swim Meet 11:00AM - 3:30PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

4:30 Jazzercise

Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

4:30 Jazzercise

4:30 Jazzercise


27 Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

20 Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM



Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Mother’s Day






Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Armed Forces Day

Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

9:20 Jazzercise

Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

9:20 Jazzercise

Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

9:20 Jazzercise Pools Open


Meetings Swim Team

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM



Join us for any of the listed events RSVP to Hmillevents@gmail.com!

Lakeview Pool 11:00AM - 9:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM




Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM




Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 8:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 8:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM


Mother’s Day

Lakeview Pool 10:00AM - 8:00PM Millview Pool 10:00AM - 9:00PM

Tennis Committee Meeting 7:00pm Simply Streisand 7:00pm



may Fitness/Class Camps Social Events

Calendar Sponsored by: Gwinnett Medical Center See ad on page 9


Hamilton Mill Calendar


A Message from the Board

A Message from the Board Are the Residents Happy?

experience. Only 12 percent express dissatisfaction and 17 percent are neutral Do you know you are among the on the question. more than 60 million Americans who • 89 percent believe their association live in homeowners associations and board members strive to serve the best condominium communities? We think interests of the community, while 11 most residents are happy living in our percent say the opposite or they aren’t community—and we certainly hope you sure. are among them—but how do these 60 • 76 percent say their professional million residents feel about their own managers provide value to their associations? Are they happy with their communities, while 24 percent say the elected boards? How do they feel about opposite or they aren’t sure. the rules? • 70 percent believe their community The Foundation for Community association rules “protect and enhance” Association Research, an affiliate of property values. Only 2 percent say rules Community Associations Institute (CAI), harm property values, while about 29 sponsored a recent national public percent see no difference or didn’t know. opinion survey to answer these and other We’d like to think that we would do questions. Here are some of the key even better than the national averages. findings: If you feel differently, please let us know • 71 percent of residents say they are what you think we can do to make our satisfied with their community association community a better place to live. If you’re

especially pleased about our community, share that too! It’s always good to know we’re on the right track. We also want to thank all those who came out to the Town Hall meeting on the 30th of March. We had approximately 30 homeowners in attendance and would love to see that number grow. Areas of discussion covered HOA violation processes and enforcement, progress on the desilting of the lake, reports from each of our committees, security, and more. This is a great way for each of you to stay informed and have your voice heard by the HOA Board of Directors. We hope to see many more of you at the next Town Hall in June. Stay tuned for the date! Karen Taylor President, Hamilton Mill Board of Directors

Hamilton Mill Dental Associates


Whitening for life Get a complimentary whitening kit and custom trays with a completed new patient exam and complete x-rays. Call for additional Information


Kids Complementary Exam and X-rays (Set of two bitewings)

3611 Braselton Hwy Suite 104 Dacula, GA. 30019 (770) 945-2733 www.hamiltonmilldental.com

Mary K. Falletta-Swegman, D.D.S.

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 11


Hamilton Mill Association News

Spring Carnival Was A Hit! Did you make it to the SPRING CARNIVAL on March 12th? If not, you missed a great one, and it was all FREE! Our Social Committee and Activities Director put together another fabulous event for the residents of Hamilton Mill. The kids and adults had a fantastic day of rides, activities, treats and much more! Let’s recap the day! First off, the weather was perfect. Sunny and warm (for early March). There was so much to do that you needed the whole 3 hours just to fit it all in! The kids arrived and went bananas at the GIANT OBSTACLE COURSE INFLATABLE, taking breaks to play the many different CARNIVAL GAMES set up on the basketball court. Then, they headed over to get their FACES PAINTED and get a BALLOON ANIMAL. Fun! Not only did we have the PETTING ZOO stacked with baby chicks and cute bunnies, the EASTER BUNNY was there for photos with the kids and you could have PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS with the bunnies taken by Jodi Monaghan Photography. Adorable! We tried a few new things this year too! The young ones could take a ride around the whole carnival on the CHOO CHOO TRAIN and even get to play cowboy/cowgirl with PONY RIDES! Oh, did I mention there was FREE POPCORN, COTTON CANDY AND WATER for all! The Carnival finished with the best EASTER EGG HUNT ever! We had 2 sections for young and older kids on the back tiered lawn by the lake. We had over 2000 STUFFED EGGS and the kids gobbled them up like crazy. The Easter Bunny oversaw the whole event and BUBBA THE CLOWN brought his BIG BEAR PUPPET out to the lawn and talked to the kids. Great day! Special thanks to our sponsors: Nationwide Insurance (the Steve Marsh Agency), Dacula Karate, Hamilton Mill Karate, All Pro Carts and the Anglican Church of the Redeemer (Dacula). 12 | Hometown Herald | May 2016


Hamilton Mill Association News

graduation banners

Do You Have A Graduation Banner This Year? It’s May and time to Celebrate Graduations from High School and College! This also means it’s that time of year when parents get to celebrate and place banners at the entrances of their neighborhood. We ask that you please be mindful and follow the guidelines when placing your banners. When possible, we recommend creating one banner for all graduates of a neighborhood. If you are placing a banner this year, please remember the following: • Banners may go up on the 1st of May and must be removed by May 31st • Banners must not block the visibility of cars entering or exiting the street • Banners must not be placed in flower beds • Banners must not be placed where they damage irrigation lines • Violation of any of the above guidelines can and will result in fines

We simply ask that you take the upmost care when displaying your banners to protect the investment of your HOA monies in our community.

You are invited to Eagle Ranch’s first ever 5K and Fun Run. Run, walk or cheer on others. Bring family and friends out to the Ranch for a day of fun. Proceeds benefit the boys and girls of Eagle Ranch. Registration includes premium t-shirt and lunch.

register now at EagleRanch.org.

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 13


Hamilton Mill Association News

Last year’s POOL OPENING saw the debut of our giant water slide into the pool. Of course, that has to come back this year, right? Yes! The event was a HUGE success last year, but of course we are stepping it up a notch. This year will feature all the things you loved last year, BUT…we added a LATITUDE ADJUSTMENT STEEL DRUM BAND to rock us all afternoon with songs that make you think summer! Woo Hoo! Here is a reminder of what you can expect…oh…and it is all FREE! Yes! This event has it all! Food, fun, floating and FREE! That’s right, this free event will entertain both kids and adults. Take the first dip into the pool this season by sliding down a GIGANTIC INFLATABLE SLIDE! Sit back and listen to the music of LATITUDE ADJUSTMENT STEEL DRUM BAND. Bring the little ones over for GAMES AT THE KIDDIE POOL! Then, get ready for a HILARIOUS game of AQUA RODEO! What is Aqua Rodeo you ask? Well, come and find out! Be a kid again and challenge your friends and neighbors to join you in Aqua Rodeo or a trip down the slide. Aqua Rodeo winners receive special prizes! That’s not all! Food will be available and FREE! HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, CHIPS AND DRINKS for you, poolside. Cool! We also supply FREE ICE CREAM AND SNOW CONES! Come lounge in the sun, participate or just watch as the fun unfolds! I bet you’ll join in! We need your help to make this a huge success! Log in to hmill.com and click on the link to RSVP through our event vendor, Eventbrite. Your RSVP helps us make sure we have enough FREE to go around (hot dogs, ice cream, hamburgers, etc.)!! 14 | Hometown Herald | May 2016


Hamilton Mill Association News

Pool Rules & regulations Lifeguards, Pool Monitors/Guards, and Amenities Monitors have authority, from the HOA Board of Directors, to enforce pool rules and standard Red Cross safety rules at all times. All Guards have the authority to dismiss any member or guest from the pools for the day or longer for misconduct or non-compliance with pool rules. All Guards will report gross misconduct for repeat offenses to the HOA Board, which has the authority to revoke pool membership privileges for the season. Persons remaining in the fenced-in area after being directed to leave by the lifeguard shall thereafter be deemed to be trespassing, and reported accordingly. • Persons 18 years of age, or older, must be in the water with, and within arm’s reach of, any nonswimmer. • No one is allowed to be in the pool, or on the pool stairs, during the “Lifeguard Break”. This also includes all feature pools and slide. This rule applies to everyone and will be strictly enforced. • A “Lifeguard Break” will take place every hour, at ten minutes to the hour, lasting ten minutes. We recommend this as an excellent opportunity for everyone to use the restroom, get hydrated, or simply take a rest. • Absolutely no glass containers within the fenced-in pool area. • No diving into the pool. • PERSONS OF INCONTINENCE MUST WEAR PLASTIC SWIM DIAPERS Any person not toilet trained will be required to wear a plastic swim diaper. Disposable swim diapers may be worn underneath but MUST be covered in the plastic elastic band style of a reusable swim diaper. These can be purchased at Target, Walmart or other participating stores. Persons without appropriate swim attire will NOT be allowed in the pool. • Children under twelve (12) years of age must be accompanied by a person age 18 or older. • Maximum of six (6) guests per household are allowed. A valid Membership Card holder must accompany all guests. Residents under the age of 18 are limited to one (1) guest. • Residents, and their guests, are responsible for properly disposing of all their trash and garbage. • No running, boisterous or rough play, except water sports, shall be permitted in the pool enclosures, dressing rooms, shower rooms, or other areas. • No food, drink, gum, bottles, or wrappers shall be permitted within 5 feet of the swimming pool. • Persons having an infectious or communicable disease, which can be transmitted by water, shall be excluded from public swimming pools. Persons with open blisters or cuts shall be warned of infection and advised not to use the pool. • No abusive or foul language. • Animals are not permitted in the fenced-in pool area. • Smoking is not permitted inside the fenced-in pool area and deck. Smoking includes and activity in

which a vapor or cloud is omitted upon exhale. • Only customary and appropriate swimsuits are permitted for use in the pool. • No pool furniture or other equipment shall be removed from the pool area. • No large play equipment, shampoo or soap, are permitted in the pool area. • Music may only be played at a moderate level. Please be considerate of other residents and guests with respect to your noise level. • Personal items, such as floats, toy or chairs, must not be left at the pool at any time while the owner or user of such items is not at the pool. • Please keep pool restroom area tidy. • Intoxicated individuals will not be permitted within the fenced-in pool area. For the purpose of this rule, persons shall be considered “intoxicated” if they appear to be inebriated or have consumed sufficient alcoholic beverages such that they would be considered legally drunk if operating a motor vehicle. • Amenity ID tag must be shown whenever requested by lifeguard. Replacement tags are available for $25.00 at the management office. • Owners who have rented their residences may not use the pool except as a guest accompanied by a resident. • Homeowners will be liable and responsible for damage caused by their guests. • Residents and guests shall comply with all local codes and regulations applicable to pools use (including health and sanitation codes). No person may use the pool or pool area in a manner that, in the discretion of the Board, creates a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance to other pool users. • Pool use privileges may be suspended by the Board of Directors of the Hamilton Mill Association, Inc. (the Board) for non-payment of assessments or charges and for other violations of the Association’s legal documents. • The Board reserves the right to permit use of the pool for special community functions sponsored by the Hamilton Mill Community Association, or, to modify the opening and closing schedule for the pool. • The pools will be opened weather permitting and subject to a lifeguard being present. The pool is subject to earlier closing if the pool is not being utilized or if lifeguards are not present. Absolutely no use of the pool or entry into the pool area is permitted when the pool is closed. • Violation of these rules and regulations may result in the imposition of fines, suspension of pool privileges and/or the imposition of other legal sanctions. It is each resident’s responsibility to comply with the pool rules and regulations. • The swimming pool is our greatest liability and its use is limited to residents and guests accompanied by residents. Complete personal freedom is not possible. Limitations on music, guests, games and pool equipment are necessary to allow all residents at Hamilton Mill to enjoy the pool.

Slide Rules • No horseplay on entry walkway to slide – or on the side. • Use proper spacing – wait until the person ahead of you clears the chute before going down. • No going down the slide backwards. • The slide is to be used “feet first” only. One person at a time – no going down piggyback. • No stopping on the slide. • Exit the chute area immediately after ending your run – no sitting at the bottom of the chute waiting for the next person. Infraction Policy for Hamilton Mill Community Association, Inc. The following will take place for an infraction of the Hamilton Mill Community Association, Inc. Pool Rules and Regulations. First Infraction: • Pool privileges will be suspended for the day of the infraction. • The identification badge of the person violating the rules will be confiscated by the lifeguard. Badges may be claimed by the Homeowner at the opening of the pool on the next day following the day of the infraction. • Telephone call to Homeowner of the Lot in which the violator resides notifying Homeowner of the infraction. • Letter to the Homeowner of the Lot to document the infraction and explain the pool rules and the infraction policy. Second Infraction: • Pool privileges will be suspended for the day of the infraction. • The identification badge of the person violating the rules will be confiscated by the lifeguard. Badges may be claimed by the Homeowner at the opening of the pool on the next day following the day of the infraction. • Telephone call to Homeowner of the Lot in which the violator resides notifying Homeowner of the infraction. • Letter to the Homeowner of the Lot to document the infraction and explain the pool rules and the infraction policy. Third Infraction: • Pool privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the season. • The identification badge of the person violating the rules will be confiscated by the lifeguard. • Telephone call to Homeowner of the Lot in which the violator resides. • Letter to the Homeowner of the Lot to document the infraction and the loss of privileges for the season. For the purposes of this infraction policy, “Homeowner” refers to an Owner of the Lot or Tenant listed on the lease agreement for the Lot.

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 15


Hamilton Mill Association News


r making our first year remarkab o f u o Y k n le! Tha





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16 | Hometown Herald | May 2016

Emergency Department Visits


Hamilton Mill Association News

Fence Maintenance Hamilton Mill Homeowners,

With the weather warming up, you will notice our Management Team is driving the community on a consistent basis. One of the most noticed topics currently is fence repair. The Association wishes to remind owners that any fence on your property is your responsibility to maintain. This includes any builder installed fence. The Association is responsible for the white wooden fence that runs along Hog Mountain and Jim Moore Road, as well as, the white vinyl fence outlining the common area. Please refer to Article V under Maintenance of the covenants which is also listed below. 5.2 Owner’s Responsibility. Each Owner shall maintain his or her Unit and all structures, parking areas, and other improvements comprising the Unit in a manner consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and all applicable covenants, unless such maintenance responsibility is otherwise assumed by or assigned to the Association pursuant to any

agreement, Supplemental Declaration of other declaration of covenants applicable to such Unit. In addition to any other enforcement rights, if an Owner fails properly to perform his or her maintenance responsibility, the Association may perform such maintenance responsibilities and assess all costs incurred by the Association against the Unit and the Owner in accordance with Section 8.6. The Association shall afford the Owner reasonable notice and an opportunity to cure the problem prior to entry, except when entry is required due to an emergency situation. Any exterior repairs, modifications, or maintenance does require prior approval from the Modifications committee. Please log onto hmill.com for a current copy of Hamilton Mill design guidelines and request form

P lease feel free to contact the Management Office with any questions you may have.






The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area.

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 • www.at-hamiltonmill.com

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May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 17


Hamilton Mill Association News

Kids’ Triathlon

course, located in the community of Hamilton Mill, includes two bridges and a tunnel and some trail-type running. Registration and additional information can be found The 3rd Annual Hamilton Mill Kids’ at dirtyspokes.com. There you will Triathlon will be held on Saturday, find: course maps, registration fees June 11, 2016. Year three promises & links and a list of goodie bag to be as exciting and well organized items such as a ‘super-soft’ favorite as the first two. Participants tee, free kona ice, SwimAtlanta are broken into three overall Swim cap and free IHOP to name distances in two-year age groups a few! All proceeds benefit the to compete in a pool swim, out- Hamilton Mill Hammerheads Swim and-back bike and run course. The Team. We hope to see you there.

Hamilton Mill Hammerheads!

Swim Team News

May is here, and the swim team is ready for some fun in the sun! It’s time to pull out the goggles and suits and head back to the pool! After school practices start May 9th. The practice times during school are: High Schoolers 3:30-4:45pm Elementary Schoolers 4:45-5:30pm Middle Schoolers. 5:30-6:30pm Morning practices will start May 26th (the day of the first meet). The practice times during summer are:

For our mock meet and home meets there will be overflow parking in the neighborhoods surrounding the Lakeview pool. We greatly appreciate all of Hamilton Mill’s cooperation and understanding during these four nights of the year. Come on out and cheer on your neighbors at these exciting events!

Ages 13-14 and 15-18/advanced swimmers Ages 9-10 and 11-12 Ages 6&under and 7-8

Please check our website at hamiltonmill.swimtopia.com for further information or email us at hmsthammerheads@gmail.com with any questions.

8:00-9:15am 9:15-10:15am 10:15-11:00am

We have a great meet schedule this year! The meet schedule is as follows:

Like last year, the neighborhood Coaches will be offering swim lessons! Swim Coaches offering lessons this year are:

5/20 Mock Meet 5/26 Rivermoore Park AT Hamilton Mill 6/2 Hamilton Mill AT Maple Ridge 6/9 Hamilton Mill AT Steeple Station 6/13 Richland AT Hamilton Mill (Monday) 6/16 Hidden Falls AT Hamilton Mill 6/23 Hamilton Mill AT Rivershyre

Madison Gibson Danielle Brooks Beth Freeman Bailey Williams Halle Staples Brad Freeman Allie Vela Emily Engstrom Lilly Modly Schedules and rates are arranged individually with each coach. Contact information will be provided through neighborhood email. Thank you and Go Hammmerheads! HMST Board

18 | Hometown Herald | May 2016



Hamilton Mill Association News

Kid’s Corner

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May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 19


Tennis News

Tennis News Jeff Dudacek, Director of Tennis May used to be a down time for tennis but with all the flex leagues and playoffs, tennis never stops until December. This used to be a “catch your breath month” but not anymore. I like to consider May is our end of spring and the month to fix bad habits before the leagues get going this summer. We have plenty going on this month with Hamilton Mill for Hope 2016 (formally volley fest), Junior Summer tennis camp sign-up and Memorial Day Round-Robin. SUMMER LEAGUE Starting dates for summer league USTA and Alta mix-doubles. Alta-summer league Alta mix-doubles starting Saturday, June 4th @ 9:00am. Alta senior women starting Thursday, June 2nd @ 6:30pm. Alta senior men starting Friday, June 3rd @ 6:30pm. Usta-summer league Usta Thursday women starting Thursday, May 19th @ 9am. Usta Sunday women-deadline May 8th starting Sunday, June 5th @ 12 noon. Usta Men deadline May 8th starting Sunday, June 5th @ 4pm Tennis Tip: The 10 commandments in doubles Getting a victory in doubles, most of the time, comes down to simple strategies. Some matches are simple and some can turn out to be 3 hour marathon matches. Simplifying your matches is the key. Here are your 10 commandments for doubles strategy from your tennis pastor. COMMANDMENT 1: Though shall not say your sorry after a bad shot Saying your sorry does not give you any positive strategy. On the contrary, your opponents feed off the comment. If you throw up a weak shot and your partner gets hit, then you might want to say something. COMMANDMENT 2: Though shall not forget to bring the assigned snack. Ask your captain for that explanation. COMMANDMENT 3: Though shall come to the net when playing doubles In doubles, the best place for each player to be located is at the net prepared to volley and/or hit an overhead smash. You cannot expect to play winning doubles when one of the team members is constantly staying back at the baseline. I see this all too frequently among league players. The geometry of the doubles court does not favor baseline play! Yes there are times when both players play back or one up one back positIons, as we talked last month, but will find winning difficult. Rule of thumb: “The team that controls the net…controls the match.” 20 | Hometown Herald | May 2016

COMMANDMENT 4: Though shall not open your cooler of beer, during your match, unless you are losing. It really depends on what beer you bring. If you bring good beer your opponents might want one two or three and the game might change in your favor. If it is cheap beer then you might as well shake hands and hand them the new balls. COMMANDMENT 5: Though shall not covet your partner’s space. There are times to poach and times to cover the lob over your partners head. But taking your partners shot will not benefit your team. If it happens in mix-doubles you might have to walk home from the match. Doubles is two people who win the match. COMMANDMENT 6: Though shall not forget to thank your instructor for your winning strategy from clinic. Clinic was awesome this week and I used what was taught to beat the best player at Hamilton Mill. Someone taught you that strategy. COMMANDMENT 7: Though shall when in doubt, hit down the middle. Let’s be honest. In playing doubles, there are times when a player just doesn’t know where it is best to place the ball. The centered reply is a good, if not best, option. Even when all four doubles players are at the net, hitting a volley in between your opponent (in the middle) is a potentially winning shot. In addition, hitting between your opponents usually prevents them from hitting a severe angle against your team. COMMANDMENT 8: Though shall always communicate with your partner. If a doubles team is slow, methodical and communicative with each other as they compete; they are rarely out of a match. This is why it is so important that doubles partners maintain positive communication! Positive communication are essential in effective doubles play. In reality, each player is going to make errors, regardless of skill or experience. Having a partner that is supportive and does not become critical is absolutely necessary if a team is going to prevail. COMMANDMENT 9: Though shall not use the lob as a strategy. If you want to get your opponents off the net, then lob. If you want to get back in the court, then lob. If the sun is their face, then lob. Your opponents are about as tall as the net then lob. The lob has a purpose it is not a strategy. If you lob all the time then don’t plan on getting off the court any time soon. COMMANDMENT 10: Though shall not text your director of tennis at 2am because you are playing line 5 tomorrow. No, explanation. See ya on the courts!


Tennis News


at Hamilton Mill for Junior P layers

OUR PHILOSOPHY Our players will train hard, have good attitudes, understand the game, and learn the importance of planning, organization, and commitment. OUR GOALS Take the competitive junior / professional player to the next level by providing the total training package on and off the court. DAILY TRAINING SCHEDULE Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm Friday 9am- 12pm EACH DAY WILL CONSIST OF: 9.00am-11.30am: ONCOURT (Stroke Production, Adding Dimensions to your game, Tactical/Technical Development) 11.30am-12pm: CONDITIONING 12pm- 1pm: LUNCH (Bring your own lunch) 1pm-1.30pm: MENTAL TOUGHNESS 1.30pm-3.30pm: PRACTICE MATCHES AND SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING IN GROUPS 3.30pm-4pm: CONDITIONING For more information go to: www.kemptennis.com Phone: 404-747-1411 • Email: Martina@kemptennis.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/kemptennis

SUMMERPERFORMANCE TRAINING SCHEDULE KEMP Date Camp # Price per week TENNIS Full Day May 30-June 3 June 6-10 June 13-17 June 20-24 June 27-July 1 July 4-8 July 11-15 July 18-22 July 25-29

*Half Day Camp

Mon- Fri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329

9am- 12pm

Price per week


PLEASE REGISTER AT www.kemptennis.com Hamilton Mill Tennis Center - Mill View 2385 Hamilton Mill Pkwy Dacula, GA 30019

May 2016 | Hometown Herald | 21


Community News


HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND ATLANTA Baseball & Fireworks May 6 & 27 Watch the Atlanta Braves play a home game at Turner Field followed by a fireworks show. Woofstock 2016 May 7 Georgia’s “Pet Party in the Park” showcases everything for your pets! Take yur pet and enjoy the party located in the heart of Suwanee Town Center Park. Kentucky Derby Party May 7 Derby Day features a live broadcast of the Kentucky derby, food, beverages, live music, an auction, and games at Chastain Horse Park. Mother’s Day at the Zoo May 8 Mothers get free admission with anyone who pays during Mother’s Day at Zoo Atlanta.

Air Show May 14 Good Neighbor Day Airshow and Open House features airplanes up close and in air, aerobatics, vendors, and rides for sale at DeKalb Peachtree Airport. Free except parking. Get Painted as You Run May 21 Wear a white shirt and get bombarded by color as you run the Color in Motion 5K at Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers. Jazz Festival May 27-29 Atlanta Jazz Festival features local and national jazz greats on two stages, a youth jazzband competition, arts and crafts, food vendors, and a kids’ zone in Piedmont Park. Free.

Get out and enjoy all the community around you has to offer! 22 | Hometown Herald | May 2016

March 2016 | Hometown Herald | 22



New bar with media area

New family programming

New Mill House restaurant

Refreshed patio

YO U ’ R E I N V I T E D TO O U R O P E N H O U S E S AT U R D AY, J U N E 2 4 | 4 P. M . With a million-dollar reinvention complete, the Club is better than ever. From golf to dining and year-round social activities, there’s something for everyone at Hamilton Mill Golf Club. Plus, membership offerings include O.N.E. (Optimal Network Benefits), providing 50% off * Member dining and access to the ClubCorp Network of more than 300 private clubs.

S W I N G I N F O R G O L F, F O O D A N D F U N ! » Play nine holes of golf in a two-man scramble » Prizes for lowest score and closest to the pin on the par-3 holes » Enjoy a cookout after the tournament » Complimentary to all residents and current Members when you bring an invited guest *

RSVP for the Open House and golf tournament with Membership Director Steve Stonecypher. sstonecypher@canongategolf.com | 770.880.0788

*Reservations required. No cash value. The O.N.E. program and corresponding benefits are subject to certain restrictions and exclusions. Membership is contingent on successful completion of the Club’s enrollment process. Participating clubs are subject to change. Reservations must be made through ClubLine for My Community and My World benefits, and are subject to availability. Guest charges and limitations to complimentary cart fees may apply. No cash value. Alcohol, service charges and applicable taxes are excluded. All offers are subject to availability. Other restrictions and exclusions apply. Call for details. © ClubCorp USA, Inc. All rights reserved. 0416 EA

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