Hometown Herald July 2016

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July 2016

News from the Hamilton Mill Community Association

Hamilton Mill Contact Information

FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL On-Site Property Management Ph: 678.546.3737 1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: M, W, F 9am-5pm; T & TH 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12pm Email: PropertyManager@Hmill.com Corporate Office

(for after-hours common area maintenance emergencies)

Welcome to Our Newest Residents!

Coye & Ashley Bishop Stephanie Dickerson Christopher & Heather Fletcher Samuel & Alyssa Harris Robert & Casandra Kelly Wanda Kiah Scott Morgan William & Treva Nolen

Rashelle Nugent-Smith Wesley & Christina Oberhansley Derek & Tassi Schroll Thomas Simpson Joey Smith Arthur White


DIRECTORS A Message from the Board Karen Taylor, President Kyle Shields, Vice President Chris Singleton, Secretary Megan Kaderli, Treasurer Dale Robbins, Member at Large Tony Hinnant, Member at Large We hope you are enjoying your summer! Your HOA Board of Directors 2 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

Customer Care Center: 877.411.1165 After Hours Emergency: 678.624.9453 1235 Old Alpharetta Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Activities Department Email: hmillevents@gmail.com

You are welcome to contact the Activities Office via email at hmillevents@gmail.com for information on planned events, schedule an appointment to view or reserve the clubroom and/ or conference room, or to RSVP for an event. Tennis Shop Ph: 770.945.6452 Jeff Dudacek: On-Site Tennis Pro Gwinnett Police Non-Emergency Ph: 770.513.5700 Street Maintenance Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk. Mailbox Replacement/Repair All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K • Addresses of Distinction: Ph: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com • Imperial Mailbox Systems: Ph: 800.647.0777 These are resources only, no recommendations or assurances are made by the Association.

Amenity Card Replacement Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to good-standing residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. Lost Dog/Cats/Animal Disturbances If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770-513-5100 to report your lost pet or a dangerous pet is running loose.

Inside This Issue


EVENTS Chastain Night August 20.......................... Page 11 Pool Closing Party September 10 On the Cover: Go Hammerheads! Right: Pool Opening Party

We need advertisers! Do you enjoy receiving the monthly Hometown Herald? If so, please help promote the newsletter by telling businesses you support about a great opportunity to advertise to our community. Our newsletter is supported by advertisers, so please help spread the word.



Contact Information ................................................. Page 2 New Residents............................................................ Page 2 Helpful Numbers ....................................................... Page 4 A Message from the Board ................................... Page 4 Make Your Voice Heard........................................... Page 6 Red Phoenix Theater................................................ Page 8 July Calendar.............................................................Page 10 Chastain Night...........................................................Page 11 Recipes.........................................................................Page 12 Celebrate America...................................................Page 14

To advertise in the Hometown Herald, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times - 770.535.6344 - msizemore@gainesvilletimes.com The Hometown Herald is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Hamilton Mill Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

Swim Team News.....................................................Page 16 Kid’s Corner...............................................................Page 17 Tennis News...............................................................Page 18 Events Around Town .............................................Page 26 Like Hamilton Mill, A Hometown on Facebook

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 3

Helpful Numbers Government Services

Emergency ............................................................................ 911 Police Headquarters............................................... 770.513.5000 Non Emergency...................................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail................................................ 770.619.6500 County Courthouse................................................. 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall...................................................... 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office.................................................. 770.962.4390 Poison Control........................................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters................................................... 678.518.5018 Station 18............................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office............................................................... 770.822.8801 Drivers License Services........................................ 770.995.6855 Property Tax........................................................... 770.822.8800 Voter Registration................................................... 770.226.7210 Animal Control........................................................ 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services....................................... 770.822.8850 Utilities

BFI Waste Management......................................... 678.963.2800 Water Resources.................................................... 770.376.6800 Buford Gas............................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage......................... 770.963.6166 Charter Communications........................................ 678.410.9362 AT&T....................................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network.................................. 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/Departments

Public Schools

Puckett’s Mill Elementary School........................... 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org Osborne Middle School.......................................... 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org Millcreek High School............................................. 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org Dacula High School................................................ 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org Private Schools

Hebron Christian Academy..................................... 770.962.5423 Dacula Classical Academy..................................... 678.377.0080 Dominion Classical Christian Academy..................770-338-7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy.................................678-745-4121 Greater Atlanta Christian........................................770-243-2258 Hospitals/Urgent Care

Gwinnett Medical Center.......................................... 77.995.4321 Northeast Georgia Medical Center......................... 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.............................404.150.KIDS Northeast Georgia Urgent Care.............................. 770.848.6195 Recreation

Hamilton Mill Activities Office.................................... 77.546.1597 Community After Hours emergency........................ 404.835.9100 Millcreek Athletic Association................................ millcreekaa.net Dacula Soccer................................................. dscrevolution.com Bogan Park (for reservations at any park).............. 678.227.0850 Gwinnett County Public Library.............................. 770.978.5154 Gwinnett County Cultural Center............................ 770.813.7500 Lake Lanier Islands............................................... 800.840.LAKE Road Atlanta......................................................... 800.849.RACE

A Message from the Board:

Communication to Residents for New Pool Policy Based on a request by a number of residents, the Hamilton Mill Board of Directors is instituting a pool policy to allow for lap swimming during the 10-minute break intervals by life guards throughout the day. Lap swimming during life guard breaks is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 13, 2016.

Please note the following provisions of this lap swim policy:

1) “Lap Swim” will have no lifeguard on duty. Those who choose to swim laps during these sessions will be in an environment of SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. 2) Lap swim sessions will NOT be monitored by Sweetwater Pool staff or by our HOA First Service Residential (FSR) property management staff. 3) Lap swim opportunity sessions cannot be restricted by age and therefore participation is open to anyone in attendance at the pool. 4) Prior to the 10-minute break intervals, life guards will clear the pool of all residents and guests and then announce “lap swim time begins now, no lifeguard on duty”. 5) At the conclusion of the 10-minute break interval, life guards will announce “the pool is now open to all swimmers”.

The Hamilton Mill Board of Directors thanks all residents and their guests for understanding and abiding by all pool policies in order to provide for a safe and enjoyable swim experience at both of our community pools. 4 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

A Message from the Board

Parking Dear Hamilton Mill Neighbors, As the weather is warming up and social activities start to increase, we want to take this opportunity to kindly remind everyone of the rules regarding parking in the neighborhood. Parking on the streets is governed by Gwinnett County, but discouraged in the Hamilton Mill covenants and guidelines. Many locations within the community are not wide enough for parking on the streets and safe travel both into and out of the subdivisions. Please remember that vehicles parked in the street can decrease visibility and cause a hazard for drivers, pedestrians, and children. To ensure proper school bus access to neighborhoods and bus stop locations we are asking that everyone observe county and community driving and parking guidelines. Please try to park in your garage and driveway at all times. If you have any guest requiring temporary over flow parking please keep the flowing in mind: 1) Parking within 50 feet of a stop sign, 15 feet of a fire hydrant or facing oncoming traffic are illegal and can result in fines for the Gwinnett County Police Department. 2) Parking on curbs and lawns are both violations of the Hamilton Mill covenants as well as city and county ordinances. 3) The post office will not deliver mail to blocked mailboxes. Please be courteous and do not block any mailbox. 4) Blocking the ingress or egress of a street entrance or driveway is prohibited and can be enforced by Gwinnett County law enforcement. 5) During community wide events ( ie Chastain Night , swim meets, or the July 4th celebration ) parking is allowed on the streets for homeowners and their guests as long as all the above rules are followed. We appreciate your cooperation and attention to this matter. This will help ensure we continue our efforts in making Hamilton Mill Community a great place to live.

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 5

Hamilton Mill Association News

Be the Best You

Whenever life acts we respond. If you win the lottery you might be happy. If you lose your job you may be angry. Whatever your reaction it will depend upon your attitude. Fortunately, we control our attitudes. In determining how we face life it is our attitude that is the key. See whether or not you agree with the following statement.

“You are responsible for all of your experiences of life.” This statement is absolutely true but it is somewhat of a trick. The trick is that it does not say “in life” but “of life.” You are not responsible for everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you react to what does happen to you. The formula is that, “Life acts. You react.” Your reaction is under your control. In any life situation you are always responsible for at least one thing. You are always responsible for the attitude towards the situation in which you find yourself. Your attitude is your reaction to what life hands you. You can have either a more positive or a more negative attitude. Your attitude is under your control and can be changed. With the right attitude you can be a resilient person.

Get Fast Relief from Cooling & Heating Headaches! 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR

Senior citizen and Veteran discounts. •Heating •Air Conditioning •Air Purifiers •Attic Insulation •Duct Cleaning •Replacement Systems •Zone Systems In business over 24 years Heating or cooling tune up $79 Phone # 770.932.1306 6 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

your voice how to make


We love Hamilton Mill and there are times when you many not like something happening in our community or you don’t understand a change in our community. If you are concerned about a situation or policy in our community, the most effective way to receive answers to your question is to call the property management office to be slotted a time during the upcoming HOA Board Meeting. You can also attend one of our quarterly town hall meetings. Board Members do not engage in communications on social media sites. Individual members are ethically bound not to discuss certain items pertaining to the over-all HOA and should not speak for the Board collectively or try to undermine a decision they may not have agreed with. It is important that if you have concerns, you follow the simple protocol Hamilton Mill has always had in place to make your voice heard and receive the appropriate response. That protocol is to first contact our property management office. Our property manager can typically share the right information you need. If you still have concerns, you should request that the property manager put the topic on the next Board Meeting agenda during the resident forum. Addressing the collective Board is the fastest way to have your voice heard. Please remember that Board Members are also residents of our community who give up their time on a volunteer basis to serve the community. They are not paid and must also live by the decisions the collective Board approves with a majority vote. No one on the Board is intent to cause any resident to not enjoy or have problems with our community and all it has to offer. However, there are times when the Board receives advise from third party experts to change policies or rules to protect the over all HOAs interest and ensure our community rules don’t violate local, State, and/or Federal laws. Please get involved, volunteer your time by joining one of our many committees, attend the Board Meetings and town halls or run for the Board to help protect and guide our wonderful community. Petitions, signs, marches, stand-ins, and other activities are not necessary, unless the above process falls apart. Liz Carter Former Board Member

Hamilton Mill Association News

Gwinnett Swim

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Infant & Youth Aquatic Survival Instruction

Ages 8 months to 8 years

- Dr. Suess

Custom designed for each child’s needs

404-590-7946 * Year round facility with 2 indoor heated pools!

PENNINGTON FENCE Quality Built Since 1972

* One-on-one instructor to student ratio, parents are not in the water * Flexible scheduling, including evening hours

Mention this ad for ONE FREE LESSON*

770-963-9961 We Look Forward To Building Your New Fence Ask Us About Wood Fence Staining

Flexible payment plans

Don’t Waste Your Summer In Swim Lessons!! Start Now & Have Your Child Swimming Independently by Summer!

*must mention ad during registration and free lesson must be used after ASI course graduation






The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area.

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 • www.at-hamiltonmill.com

2016-0114 HM

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 7

Hamilton Mill Association News

Catch A Red Phoenix Theatre Summer Production! James and the Giant Peach JR Based on one of Roald Dahl’s most poignantly quirky stories, Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach JR. is a brand new take on this “masterpeach” of a tale. Featuring a wickedly tuneful score and a witty and charming book, this adventurous musical about courage and selfdiscovery is destined to be a classic. When James is sent by his conniving aunts to chop down their old fruit tree, he discovers a magic potion that grows a tremendous peach, rolls into the ocean and launches a journey of enormous proportions. James befriends a collection of singing insects that ride the giant piece of fruit across the ocean, facing hunger, sharks and plenty of disagreements along the way. This show is part of the A.L.I.V.E. educational program. Performances will take place June 30 (8pm), July 2 (3pm), and July 3 (6pm) Catch Me If You Can Based on the hit film and the incredible true story, this is a high-flying musical comedy about chasing your dreams and not getting caught. Seeking fame and fortune, precocious teenager Frank Abignale, Jr. runs away from home to begin an unforgettable adventure. With nothing more than his boyish charm, a big imagination and millions of dollars in forged checks, Frank successfully poses as a pilot, a doctor and a lawyer - living the high life and winning the girl of his dreams. But when Frank’s lies catch the attention of FBI agent Carl Hanratty, Carl pursues Frank across the country to make him pay for his crimes. This show is part of the A.L.I.V.E. educational program. Performances will take place July 1-2 (8pm) & July 3 (1pm)


Tickets for James and the Giant Peach JR & Catch Me If You Can are now available! Shows are held at Buford Community Theatre located at 2200 Buford Hwy, Buford, GA 30518.

Tickets are available at www.redphoenix.org. Seating is reserved and limited, so don’t delay! 8 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

“They gave me a second chance at life.” Before he came to Gwinnett Medical Center, Stuart Bozeman was told his tumor was inoperable. Then he chose our unique approach to treating neuroscience patients—the only model of it’s kind in the state of Georgia. He will never forget hearing the words from his neurosurgeon, “We can take care of it.” Now, five brain surgeries and two tumor removals later, Stuart has a second chance at life. Call 678-312-4420 for a FREE guide to brain tumor treatment options.

This is Gwinnett Medical Center. This is now.

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 9

10 | Hometown Herald | July 2016





Tennis Committee Meeting 7:00pm









Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm





Join us for any of the listed events RSVP to Hmillevents@gmail.com!






Board Meeting 6:45pm


Independence Day




_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




July Friday






Fitness/Class Camps Social Events

Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm

Jazzercise 4:30pm


Meetings Swim Team






Calendar Sponsored by: Gwinnett Medical Center See ad on page 9

Hamilton Mill Calendar

Hamilton Mill Association News


August 20th, 6-11pm • Lakeview Soccer Field

Not One, Not Two, But Three Amazing Bands!

THE RETURN Rolling Stone magazine hails this band as “The Best Beatles Tribute on Earth.” You will see why. This band takes you back in time to some of the greatest songs ever written. Dance, sing along or just sit back and listen as The Return leads you on a journey, starting with the early Beatles and transforming into the psychedelic dust of the Sgt. Pepper years. Incredible! SAVED BY THE BAND We all love the *80’s”! Big Hair, Big Cars, Big Music! This band plays hit after hit of all the slick electronic dance tunes we all loved growing up. Get up close! This band loves to interact with the crowd! RODNEY APPLEBY Rodney will start the show and get you all ramped up! This seasoned pro can do it all! Rock, Pop, Dance, Funk and Groove, past and present. You will be dancing!

To purchase tickets, log in to hmill.com and look for the link on the home page! Hurry! Tickets are going fast!


•Emergency patients seen same day •Zoom Whitening •Veneers, Bridges & crowns, •Cosmetic Dentistry •Nitrous Oxide

$89 Complete Exam, x-rays, and cleaning Free lifetime Whitening

(only for new patients with paid complete Exam and x-rays)

Call office for details!

Dr. Maurice Smith

3331 Hamilton Mill Rd Ste 2200 Buford, GA 30519 Call Us! (678) 541-0770


July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 11

Hamilton Mill Recipes

Cool down and sweeten up the summer with these delicious and simple recipes... just in time for Backyard BBQ’s and hot summer nights!

Fourth of July Shortcake

Spectacular Fourth of July Dessert! Present at night with a couple of sparklers for the best effect. Can make with angel food cake mix, too. Ingredients • • • •

1 (18.25 ounce) package shortcake mix 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 pint blueberries, rinsed and drained 2 pints fresh strawberries, rinsed and sliced

Preparation 1. Prepare cake according to package directions and bake in a 9x13 inch pan. Cool completely. 2. Frost cake with whipped topping. Place blueberries in a square in the corner, and arrange sliced strawberries as 7 stripes to make an American flag. Chill until serving.

All Natural Strawberry Lemonade Ingredients • • • • •

8 large strawberries, halved 2 Tablespoons white sugar 7 cups water, divided 1 cup white sugar 2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice

Preparation 1. Place strawberries in a blender; top with 2 tablespoons sugar. Pour 1 cup water over sugar strawberries. Blend until strawberry chunks transform into juice. 2. Combine strawberry juice, 6 cups water, 1 cup sugar, and lemon juice in a large pitcher; stir until blended. Chill before serving. 12 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

Hamilton Mill Association News

Believe in Childhood

Eagle Ranch is deeply committed to the children entrusted to our care. We believe each boy and girl should have childhood experiences that include being outdoors, participating in group activities and nurturing their individual gifts and talents.

E a g l E R a n c h . o R g

Hamilton Mill Dental Associates


Whitening for life Get a complimentary whitening kit and custom trays with a completed new patient exam and complete x-rays. Call for additional Information


Kids Complementary Exam and X-rays (Set of two bitewings)

3611 Braselton Hwy Suite 104 Dacula, GA. 30019 (770) 945-2733 www.hamiltonmilldental.com

Mary K. Falletta-Swegman, D.D.S.

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 13

Hamilton Mill Association News


“Being an American is more than a matter of where you or your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal.” – Harry S. Truman Oct 26, 1948 In 1776, when America announced its independence as a nation, it was composed of thirteen colonies surrounded by hostile powers. Today, the United States is a country of fifty states covering a vast continent. Its military forces are the most powerful in the world. Its economy produces almost a quarter of the world’s wealth. The American people are among the most hard-working, church-going, affluent, and generous in the world. Is America exceptional? Every nation derives meaning and purpose from some unifying quality—an ethnic character, a common religion, a shared history. The United States is different. America was founded at a particular time, by a particular people, on the basis of particular principles about man, liberty, and constitutional government. The American Revolution drew on old ideas. The United States is the product of Western civilization, shaped by Judeo-Christian culture and the political liberties inherited from Great Britain. Yet the founding of the United States was also revolutionary. Not in the sense of replacing one set of rulers with another, or overthrowing the institutions of society, but in placing political authority in the hands of the people. As the English writer G. K. Chesterton famously observed, “America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed.” That creed is set forth most clearly in the Declaration of Independence, by which the American colonies announced their separation from Great Britain. The Declaration is a timeless statement of inherent rights, the proper purposes of government, and the limits on political authority. The American Founders appealed to self-evident truths, stemming from “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” to justify their liberty. This is a universal and permanent standard. These truths are not unique to America but apply to all men and women everywhere. They are as true today as they were in 1776. Working from the principle of equality, the American Founders asserted that men could govern themselves according to common beliefs and the rule of law. Throughout history, political power was—and still is—often held by the strongest. But if all are equal and have the same rights, then no one is fit by nature to rule or to be ruled. As Thomas Jefferson put it, “[T]he mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God.” The only source of the legitimate powers of government is the consent of the governed. This is the cornerstone principle of American government, society, and independence. America’s principles establish religious liberty as a fundamental right. It is in our nature to pursue our convictions of faith. Government must not establish an official religion, just as it must guarantee the free exercise of religion. Indeed, popular government requires a flourishing of religious faith. If a free people are to govern themselves politically, they must first govern themselves morally. These principles also mean that everyone has the right to the fruits of their own labor. This fundamental right to acquire, possess, and sell property is the backbone of opportunity and the most practical means to pursue human happiness. This right, along with the free enterprise system that stems from 14 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

it, is the source of prosperity and the foundation of economic liberty. Because people have rights, government has only the powers that the sovereign people have delegated to it. These powers are specified by a fundamental law called a constitution. Under the rule of law, all are protected by generally agreed-upon laws that apply, equally, to everyone. The United States Constitution defines the institutions of American government: three distinct branches of government that make the law, enforce the law, and judge the law in particular cases. This framework gives the American government the powers it needs to secure our fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The ultimate purpose of securing these rights and of limiting government is to protect human freedom. That freedom allows the institutions of civil society—family, school, church, and private associations—to thrive, forming the habits and virtues required for liberty. Liberty does not belong only to the United States. The Declaration of Independence holds that all men everywhere are endowed with a right to liberty. That liberty is a permanent aspect of human nature everywhere is central to understanding America’s first principles. Nevertheless, the primary responsibility of the United States is to defend the freedom and well-being of the American people. To do this, the United States must apply America’s universal principles to the challenges this nation faces in the world. This is not easy. America has not always been successful. But because of the principles to which it is dedicated, the United States always strives to uphold its highest ideals. More than any other nation, it has a special responsibility to defend the cause of liberty at home and abroad. As George Washington put it in his First Inaugural Address: “The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.” America’s role in the world is to preserve and to spread, by example and by action, the “sacred fire of liberty.” America is an exceptional nation, but not because of what it has achieved or accomplished. America is exceptional because, unlike any other nation, it is dedicated to the principles of human liberty, grounded on the truths that all men are created equal and endowed with equal rights. These permanent truths are “applicable to all men and all times,” as Abraham Lincoln once said. America’s principles have created a prosperous and just nation unlike any other nation in history. They explain why Americans strongly defend their country, look fondly to their nation’s origins, vigilantly assert their political rights and civic responsibilities, and remain convinced of the special meaning of their country and its role of the world. It is because of its principles, not despite them, that America has achieved greatness. To this day, so many years after the American Revolution, these principles— proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and promulgated by the United States Constitution—still define America as a nation and a people. Which is why friends of freedom the world over look to the United States not only as an ally against tyrants and despots but also as a powerful beacon to all those who strive to be free. Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.

Hamilton Mill Association News

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 15

Swim team News

Hamilton Mill


The Hammerhead swim team is having another awesome swim season!! We have almost 200 swimmers this year and everyone has been swimming fast, winning meets, and making friends and great memories!! The conclusion of our swim season is approaching soon and we will once again have quite a few neighborhood swimmers representing our team at the 2016 Gwinnett County Swim Championship Meet on July 9th and 10th at the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center. At this meet the fastest 50 swimmers in each age group and event get to race each other in the same pool where the 1996 Olympic swimming events took place. Good luck to all of our qualifiers!! We greatly appreciate all of our Hamilton Mill neighbors for your cooperation and support of our swimmers! GOOOO HAMMERHEADS!!!

16 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

Kid’s Corner

Kid’s Corner

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 17

Tennis News

Hamilton Mill Fourth of July Tennis Round Robin When: Monday, July 4th 10:00am-12:00pm Where: Millview Courts Cost: $10 single player/$15 for couples Water & Snacks will be provided - BYOB

RSVP by noon Friday, July 1st call shop at 770-945-6452 or email milltennis@bellsouth.net

Margie Mack PhotograPhy High School Senior photoshoot sessions starting at $200... now booking Class of 2016 Resident of Hamilton Mill

We are located in the Veranda at Fort Daniel (Same as Dooley’s Pizza, Villiage Pediatrics and Holy Smokes)

For details or to book your session email me at margiemack2@gmail.com

Visit my web page at www.margiemackphotography.com

18 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

We are your Hamilton Mill Nationwide Agency, located at 1862 Auburn Rd. Protecting Your Business, Life, Home & Auto. Stop by or give us a call on 770-295-9013.

Tennis News

Tennis News Jeff Dudacek, Director of Tennis

Hamilton Mill for Hope (formerly volley fest) The end of July brings the end of the summer season. Besides This past May forty amazing women gathered at the Lakeview the playoffs, the 27 league teams will wind up there league tennis courts for a two day tennis round-robin. For those of you season. Summer tennis at Hamilton Mill is the busiest of the year. who have never participated, this event brings friends, neighbors Even though the leagues will end the courts will be busy until and the surrounding community together to raise money to fight school starts. Our junior tennis camps have averaged over 40 kids breast cancer. Hamilton Mill for hope kicked off in early May with a week creating new players at Hamilton Mill. This month check the Pink Party at Buffalos. Over 8 vendors were present on the out the kids camp, 4th of July round-robin, Pro tennis tournament event. The event was capped off by a luncheon at the Hamilton and important league dates. Mill Clubhouse where we had time to reflect on the fun we had, the friends we made, and the wonderful work we did to support IMPORTANT FALL ALTA DATES a cause that has touched so many of us. This the 11th year of Yes, Fall Alta is right around the corner. The teams are normally the event witched raised close to 10,000 to donate to Gwinnett due two months prior to the start of the season. These are Alta Medical Center for breast cancer! So much of the success of deadlines. Contact me if you need a team or having problems this event was due to the generosity of our many sponsors and switching teams. volunteers who donated money, raffle prizes, hard work and so Sunday women July 6th much more. Thursday women July 8th Junior, men and senior women July 9th Senior men July 11th

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 19

Tennis News

Tennis News Pro Tennis Tournament BB&T Professional Tennis Tournament Held at Atlantic Station July 30th -August 7th is a great time to go see your returning pro tennis players and future pro players. • Singles main draw: 28-player draw with four players coming from qualifying • Doubles main draw: 16-team draw • Qualifying draw: 16-player singles draw • Emirates Airline US Open Series: Atlanta is the third event in the nine-tournament series leading up the US Open. 2016 will be the thirteenth year of the Series. Atlanta will also be the last ATP event prior to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro • Website: www.bbtatlantaopen.com • 2016 prize money: $618,030; total financial commitment: $693,435

20 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

Tennis News

Tennis Tips - Secrets of Becoming a Better Doubles P layer Thanks to Alta and Usta the game of doubles pretty much built Atlanta’s surrounding suburbs. Every new developer built at least two courts in the subdivision so the neighborhood could play doubles in the leagues. Over 70% of the homeowners at Hamilton Mill participate in doubles. You cannot go anywhere without bringing up your latest doubles match. Or even the match you play this coming week. It is time now to give you the secrets of playing good doubles. Don’t Facebook, email, tweet, text or the old fashion phone call the secrets to anyone outside the neighborhood because you might end up playing them in a match. Tip #1: Decide where to serve It’s one of the easiest and effective changes you can make to your doubles game. Before the point starts, decide where you’re going to serve. Do I serve to the backhand? Do I serve to the forehand? Do I serve to the body? Do I just aim for the box? Whatever it is, share your plans with your partner, which will help you anticipate the probable returns of your opposition. Your net player will have a better chance of ‘poaching’, ‘cutting off’ the return of serve. Remember if your partner plays great then your winning chances will increase. Tip #2: Talk not text I tell my kids that but they keep telling me texting is talking. As of now smart phones are not allowed, so you can only talk on the court. Talk to your partner on a regular basis to eliminate confusion on the court. All successful doubles pairs talk to each other after every point and even during points to tell each other where they are, where they are going this weekend and what they intend to do on the court. Tennis Rule: you can talk to your partner as long as the ball is on your side of the court. That might sound like a lot of communication. If you’re not ready for this amount of talk, try increasing the communication small amounts over time. Whatever you talk about on the doubles court, make sure it’s positive —even if you just lost the point. If your forgot I just said, “positive communication”. Tip #3: Use what works League players often have great intentions, but fail on the court because they try to execute everything they’ve learned at once. They also try to use the latest tip in ‘Tennis Magazine’. Don’t us the doubles strategy you saw last night on TV at 3am. A great doubles team understands what works best for them. Plan your game around your individual and team strength. Don’t fall into the trap of trying a technique or strategy just because you may have seen another pair do it. Work on developing your basic doubles skills first. Then develop a game that you can play

to the best of your abilities because it is built around you. Tip #4: Be one with your partner Does that sound like something out of Star Wars? Good movement on the tennis court is important at any time. It’s crucial on the double court if you want your team to be ready to attack and defend. Great doubles teams always seem to be in the right place at the right time, whether it’s to intercept a shot or to recover a volley from their opponents. Being at the right place, at the right time requires movement. Players miss shots because they don’t move until the ball has already passed over the net. Practice moving together forwards, backwards and side-to-side on the court. You and your partner should be 10 feet or less apart during points. Not only will you win more points, your improved coverage will frustrate your opponents and force them to try high risk, lower percentage shots. If you don’t move together the ‘dark side’ might appear. Tip #5: Less pace equals power Does your partner hit the ball to hard? When the hard shot goes then you are good but you could grow old waiting for that. Success in doubles requires a well- placed ball and team. Players often have to take pace off the shot in order to execute the better shot. Chipping the ball to an opponent’s feet or lobbing over the net players are common shots in doubles that have a high success rate even though they’re lacking in power. Your level of control also drops when you try to whack the ball instead of taking some pace off. Doing less your team becomes more powerful. Tip #6: Ease your way forward Best place for any doubles team is at the net. From there, you can carry out the volley -- the easiest technical shot to play -- which forces your opponents to try a passing shot. You also have the largest amount of court to aim when you’re both at the net, leaving your opponents with the high percentage shots. Aim for the court you can see above the net not below it. If you can’t see the court above the net then you need to move forward. Tip #7: Top secret If the 6 secrets do not work for you to improve your doubles game. Your next move is to find the best player in Hamilton Mill and ask them to be your doubles partner. If you get turned down then you can always play singles.

See ya on the courts! July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 21

Tennis News

10 & UNDER TENNIS AT HAMILTON MILL TENNIS CENTER Ages: Location: When: Cost: What to Bring:

4-10 Millview Courts, 2385 Hamilton Mill Pkwy, Dacula, GA 30019 Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm 1x a week/$60 per month or 2x a week/$110 per month Active wear, tennis shoes, tennis racquet

When kids are ready Saturday match-play will be offered! *tennis racquet will be provided if you don’t have your own

Please Register at www.kemptennis.com /HM academy sign up For more info or questions email Calvin Kemp at calvin@kemptennis.com or call at 404-747-1411


at Hamilton Mill for Junior P layers

OUR PHILOSOPHY Our players will train hard, have good attitudes, understand the game, and learn the importance of planning, organization, and commitment. OUR GOALS Take the competitive junior / professional player to the next level by providing the total training package on and off the court. DAILY TRAINING SCHEDULE Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm Friday 9am- 12pm EACH DAY WILL CONSIST OF: 9.00am-11.30am: ONCOURT (Stroke Production, Adding Dimensions to your game, Tactical/Technical Development) 11.30am-12pm: CONDITIONING 12pm- 1pm: LUNCH (Bring your own lunch) 1pm-1.30pm: MENTAL TOUGHNESS 1.30pm-3.30pm: PRACTICE MATCHES AND SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING IN GROUPS 3.30pm-4pm: CONDITIONING For more information go to: www.kemptennis.com Phone: 404-747-1411 • Email: Martina@kemptennis.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/kemptennis

22 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

SUMMERPERFORMANCE TRAINING SCHEDULE KEMP Date Camp # Price per week TENNIS Full Day May 30-June 3 June 6-10 June 13-17 June 20-24 June 27-July 1 July 4-8 July 11-15 July 18-22 July 25-29

*Half Day Camp

Mon- Fri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9am- 12pm

$329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329

Price per week


PLEASE REGISTER AT www.kemptennis.com Hamilton Mill Tennis Center - Mill View 2385 Hamilton Mill Pkwy Dacula, GA 30019

Hamilton Mill Association News

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 23

Hamilton Mill Association News


The opening of the Lakeview Pool is always one of the big events we all look forward to at Hamilton Mill and this year was bigger than ever! We easily had over 500 residents attend this year and everyone was completely entertained and the kids were thrilled! The biggest splash came from the GIANT INFLATABLE WATERSLIDE. The kids (and some brave adults) slid down the big wave right into our gorgeous pool! RUSSELL LANDSCAPING did a fabulous job keeping everyone fed, serving up over 500 hamburgers and 660 hot dogs. Yum! Of course, the mood was set with the gorgeous sunny and warm day, but the vibe was kept alive with the incredible sounds of LATITUDE ADJUSTMENT STEEL DRUM BAND! It was like you were basking in the Caribbean all day! Of course, how can you kick off Summer without SNOW CONES and ICE CREAM! (Thanks to Nestle for donating the ice cream!) The fun continued as all the kids line up around the pool for a GIANT CANNONBALL CONTEST and INFLATABLE POOL CREATURES RACE. How fun! The humor of the day was certainly the eight brave dads participating in the first ever BELLYFLOP CONTEST! Boy, did we have some red bellies at the pool (and it was not sunburn)! Ha! It was a wonderful day of music, food, fun and games.


24 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

Hamilton Mill Association News

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Discover what is different about us! /northgeorgiapediatricdentistry

July 2016 | Hometown Herald | 25

Community News


HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND ATLANTA Coca-Cola July 4th Fest July 2 – 4th Six Flags Over Georgia A weekend of spectacle to celebrate Independence Day! Gatheround: Stories of Atlanta July 2-31st Atlanta History Center The Atlanta History Center’s new cornerstone exhibition interpreting the history of Atlanta, is rooted in the past, but is created to capture Atlanta’s stories of the present and engages visitors to consider the evolution of the city’s path to the future.

Summer at the Rock Through July 31 Stone Mountain Park Stone Mountain Park’s Summer at the Rock features adventure for every member of the family. Atlanta Ice Cream Festival July 23rd Piedmont Park What treat could be better during the Southern summer heat than ice cream? Come chill out in Piedmont Park with ice cream vendors (including local artisans and national favorites) and live music.

Gwinnett Braves vs. Norfolk July 4th – 6th Coolray Field Gwinnett Braves vs. Scranton July 14th – 17th Coolray Field Gwinnett Braves vs. Indianapolis July 26th – 28th Coolray Field

Get out and enjoy all the community around you has to offer! 26 | Hometown Herald | July 2016

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