Hometown Herald August 2016

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August 2016

News from the Hamilton Mill Community Association

Hamilton Mill Contact Information

FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL On-Site Property Management Ph: 678.546.3737 1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway, Dacula, GA 30019 Office Hours: M, W, F 9am-5pm; T & TH 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12pm Email: PropertyManager@Hmill.com Corporate Office

(for after-hours common area maintenance emergencies)

Welcome to Our Newest Residents!

Michael Hughes Brock and Darla Roberts Logan and Paula Roberts Jeffrey and Suzanne Brulotte Jay and Rachael Staples Weijun Ren Douglas and Patricia Meyer Connie Blake Henry and Larisa Joiner Elizabeth Ragland Patrick Burke Stephanie Moon Daniel and Jennifer Robinson David and Michelle Olson Jason Perry Cliff and Juli Thomas


DIRECTORS A Message from the Board Karen Taylor, President Kyle Shields, Vice President Chris Singleton, Secretary Megan Kaderli, Treasurer Jeff Timler , Member at Large Tony Hinnant, Member at Large We hope you are enjoying your summer! Your HOA Board of Directors 2 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Customer Care Center: 877.411.1165 After Hours Emergency: 678.624.9453 1235 Old Alpharetta Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Activities Department Email: hmillevents@gmail.com

You are welcome to contact the Activities Office via email at hmillevents@gmail.com for information on planned events, schedule an appointment to view or reserve the clubroom and/ or conference room, or to RSVP for an event. Tennis Shop Ph: 770.945.6452 Jeff Dudacek: On-Site Tennis Pro Gwinnett Police Non-Emergency Ph: 770.513.5700 Street Maintenance Contact Gwinnett County at 770.822.7474 to report a problem with street, curb or sidewalk. Mailbox Replacement/Repair All mailboxes must be the same as a Community-Wide Standard: STYLE 311K • Addresses of Distinction: Ph: 770.436.6198 www.aodmailboxes.com • Imperial Mailbox Systems: Ph: 800.647.0777 These are resources only, no recommendations or assurances are made by the Association.

Amenity Card Replacement Hamilton Mill Amenity Cards are available to good-standing residents. Please call 678.546.3737 or 678.546.1597 to set up an appointment. Replacement cards/tenant cards are $25 each. Check or money order ONLY. No cash or credit cards accepted. Lost Dog/Cats/Animal Disturbances If you have lost your pet, please email the On-Site Property Management and they will be happy to email the community. Please also contact the Gwinnett County Animal Control at 770-513-5100 to report your lost pet or a dangerous pet is running loose.

Inside This Issue


EVENTS Chastain Night August 20............................ Page 7 Pool Closing Party September 10 Do you have pictures of your friends and family hanging out in the community that you would like to see featured in a future newsletter? Catch a big fish at the lake? Playing a great game with friends on the field? Helping a neighbor with house work? Send it to hmillevents@gmail.com. We would love to see what you are up to!

We need advertisers! Do you enjoy receiving the monthly Hometown Herald? If so, please help promote the newsletter by telling businesses you support about a great opportunity to advertise to our community. Our newsletter is supported by advertisers, so please help spread the word.



Contact Information ................................................. Page 2 New Residents............................................................ Page 2 Helpful Numbers ....................................................... Page 4 A Message from the Board ................................... Page 5 Recipes........................................................................... Page 5 Independence Day Was a Blast........................... Page 6 Chastain Night............................................................. Page 7 Real Estate Update.................................................... Page 8 August Calendar......................................................Page 10 Swim Team News.....................................................Page 14

To advertise in the Hometown Herald, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times - 770.535.6344 - msizemore@gainesvilletimes.com The Hometown Herald is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Hamilton Mill Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

Tennis News...............................................................Page 16 Tennis Tips..................................................................Page 17 Tennis Camps & Workshops..............................Page 18 Events Around Town .............................................Page 19 Like Hamilton Mill, A Hometown on Facebook

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 3

Helpful Numbers Government Services

Emergency ............................................................................ 911 Police Headquarters............................................... 770.513.5000 Non Emergency...................................................... 770.513.5700 Gwinnett Sheriff/Jail................................................ 770.619.6500 County Courthouse................................................. 770.822.8000 Dacula City Hall...................................................... 770.963.7451 Dacula Post Office.................................................. 770.962.4390 Poison Control........................................................ 404.616.9000 Fire Headquarters................................................... 678.518.5018 Station 18............................................................... 678.518.5018 Tag Office............................................................... 770.822.8801 Drivers License Services........................................ 770.995.6855 Property Tax........................................................... 770.822.8800 Voter Registration................................................... 770.226.7210 Animal Control........................................................ 770.339.3200 Gwinnett Senior Services....................................... 770.822.8850

Public Schools

Puckett’s Mill Elementary School........................... 678.765.5110 www.pmseonline.org Osborne Middle School.......................................... 770.904.5400 www.gwinnett.k12/ha.us/OsborneMS.home.org Millcreek High School............................................. 678.714.5850 www.millcreekhighschool.org Dacula High School................................................ 770.963.6664 www.daculahs.org Private Schools

Hebron Christian Academy..................................... 770.962.5423 Dacula Classical Academy..................................... 678.377.0080 Dominion Classical Christian Academy..................770-338-7945 Sugar Hill Christian Academy.................................678-745-4121 Greater Atlanta Christian........................................770-243-2258 Hospitals/Urgent Care

Gwinnett Medical Center........................................678-312-1000 ChoiceOne Urgent Care - Hamilton Mill.................470-326-7300 Northeast Georgia Medical Center......................... 770.219.9000 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.............................404.150.KIDS Utilities BFI Waste Management......................................... 678.963.2800 Northeast Georgia Urgent Care.............................. 770.848.6195

Water Resources.................................................... 770.376.6800 Buford Gas............................................................. 770.945.6761 Jackson EMC/Street Light Outage......................... 770.963.6166 Charter Communications........................................ 678.410.9362 AT&T....................................................................... 800.436.8638 Direct Satellite/Dish Network.................................. 678.714.1495 For a complete listing of Gwinnett County Departments, please visit www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/Departments

4 | Hometown Herald | August 2016


Hamilton Mill Activities Office.................................... 77.546.1597 Community After Hours emergency........................ 404.835.9100 Millcreek Athletic Association................................ millcreekaa.net Dacula Soccer................................................. dscrevolution.com Bogan Park (for reservations at any park).............. 678.227.0850 Gwinnett County Public Library.............................. 770.978.5154 Gwinnett County Cultural Center............................ 770.813.7500 Lake Lanier Islands............................................... 800.840.LAKE Road Atlanta......................................................... 800.849.RACE

A Message from the Board

A Message from the Board

Friends & Neighbors of Hamilton Mill,

response to this issue. “Lap Swim” will remain in place but HMill will be adding FULL LIFEGUARD COVERAGE for the entire We, your Board of Directors, want to clarify the current pool hour to ensure the safety of all swimmers. Please understand, rules and explain why there has been a change from previous we have listened to the comments of many residents who want years. Due to the part of the Fair Housing Act of 1988 that to be able to swim laps, enjoy the water while it is calm, and states it is unlawful to discriminate against any person “in the allow their children to have uninterrupted swim lessons. We will provision of services or facilities because or race, color, religion, now have lifeguards in the stand at this time for the safety of all sex, familial status, or national origin…” we discussed and voted and for the implementation of the “lap Swim” and pool rules! to discontinue “Adult Swim” at our pools and here’s why: Please note the following provisions of this lap swim policy: Since the adoption of the FHA in 1988, a number of 1) Lap swim opportunity sessions cannot be restricted by age lawsuits have challenged swimming pool rules on the basis and therefore participation is open to anyone in attendance that they constitute discrimination against “familial status” at the pool. (against families with children). Several of these cases 2) Prior to the 10-minute break intervals, life guards will clear have held that rules requiring adult supervision adult only the pool of all residents and guests and then announce “lap swim times, and no-children areas, violate the Fair Housing swim time begins now”. Act. 3) “Lap Swim” is for the purpose of swimming laps, allowing for In an effort to protect our community from a potential lawsuit uninterrupted swim lessons, and a time for those individuals and financial burden arising from Hamilton Mill’s version of that prefer to swim in a calm environment the opportunity to “adult swim”, this decision was made. One thing we heard do so. loud and clear at the annual HOA Meeting this past January 4) At the conclusion of the 10-minute break interval, life guards was that residents do not want to see increases in association will blow their whistled and announce “the pool is now open dues. A lawsuit would complicate our efforts to keep increases to all swimmers”. in homeowner dues at a minimum. We understand because WE ARE RESIDENTS TOO! The Hamilton Mill Board of Directors thanks all residents and In response to great passion and concern demonstrated by a their guests for understanding and abiding by all pool policies in number of residents, we have sought and are currently receiving order to provide for a safe and enjoyable swim experience for the information we need to make what we believe is the BEST everyone at both of our community pools!

Creamy Cucumber and Dill Salad

Sparkling Cucumber-Basil Limeade

Salad Prep Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes • Servings: 4

Total Time: 1 Hour, 30 minutes • Servings: 4-6


• 1 cup sugar • 1 tablespoon lime zest, plus 1 cup fresh lime juice (4 to 6 limes) • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, lightly packed • 1 medium English cucumber, halved and thinly sliced • 2 cups chilled sparkling water


• 2 large cucumbers, sliced • 1/4 cup red onion, sliced • 1/4 cup greek yogurt (or sour cream or mayo or combo) • 1 lemon, juice and zest (or 1/4 cup white vinegar) • 2 tablespoons dill, chopped • Salt and pepper to taste • 1 clove garlic, grated (optional)


1. Mix everything and enjoy!

Option: Let the salad chill in the fridge for 30 minutes to let the flavours mingle. Option: Add a teaspoon or so of sugar or honey for a hint of sweetness!. Nutrition Facts: Calories 47, Fat 1g (Saturated 0, Trans 0), Cholesterol 2mg,Sodium 15mg, Carbs 8g (Fiber 1g, Sugars 3g), Protein 2g Recipe courtesy of Closet Cooking


1. In a small saucepan, bring the sugar, lime zest + 1 cup water to a simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves, about 6 minutes. Remove from the heat + stir in the basil leaves. Let cool for 30 minutes. 2. Strain the lime/basil syrup through a sieve into a pitcher. Add the cucumber + lime juice; refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 3. Just before serving, add the sparkling water. Serve over ice. Adapted from Every Day With Rachael Ray

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 5

Hamilton Mill Association News


Our annual Independence Day Celebration at the Lakeview Pool on June 25th was an all day, all night affair that left over 700 people in awe! The weather was perfect for a jammin’ pool party celebrating July 4th. The day began with the rockin’ sounds of the LUNASEA BAND poolside while the kids slid down the GIGANTIC WATER SLIDE and had BALLOON ANIMALS created while munching SNOW CONES! The fun did not stop there! We had a SILLY POOL GAME with beach balls for a laugh right before the VARSITY FOOD TRUCK came to ring the dinner bell. What is more American than hot dogs, hamburgers and greasy fries from The Varsity? What did you have?

Around 7 p.m., families and kids had their pictures taken with a LIVE PARROT! And then the BUBBLEMAN showed up and drove the kids wild with the biggest soap bubbles you have ever seen. Amazing! Right before dusk started to fall, the FORT YARGO ORCHESTRA rolled in with a 28-piece orchestra and played both patriotic and popular songs until we were ready for the big bang! That’s right, the FIREWORKS SHOW this year seemed like it was right on top of you, blasting huge fireworks right over our heads. It was a magical sight and one of the best events we have had at Hamilton Mill! THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!

PENNINGTON FENCE Lakeview Clubhouse 8/17/16 2:00-7:00pm redcrossblood.org | 1-800-RED-CROSS 6 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Quality Built Since 1972

770-963-9961 We Look Forward To Building Your New Fence Ask Us About Wood Fence Staining

Hamilton Mill CommunityHamilton presents Chastain Night 2016 Mill Association News FOR TICKETS AND MORE INFO, VISIT HMILL.COM





August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 7

Hamilton Mill Association News

Hamilton Mill Real Estate—Mid Year Review As we hit the halfway point of 2016, I wanted to take a look and see how Hamilton Mill real estate is performing in the first six months of 2016, compared to the first six months of 2015. Before we look at the numbers, lets keep in mind, there is also a real estate market outside of Hamilton Mill. New construction in the Mill Creek HS district is very strong. There has been a shortage of good listings overall keeping supply / demand a little in the sellers favor. Hamilton Mill sellers need to be aware that many of the homes in our neighborhood were built 11 to 19 years ago. So, buyers are taking age and features into consideration when making a buying decision. How old is the roof? How old are the HVAC units? Has the Hamilton Mill updated the kitchen, the bathrooms, the floors? New construction comes with unfinished basements in many cases. Today’s new construction is little higher priced, but sellers get brand new homes and in most cases they get to pick out granite, carpet and paint colors. So, how well a home is updated plays a major roll in how quickly it can sell and will almost always get a better offer. The great news is that Hamilton Mill is still a strongly desired community in the Mill Creek cluster. Our amenities and active lifestyle are still a great draw for many families moving into the area. The ClubCorp amenities and golf course are great draws as well, especially with the upgrades to the clubhouse and golf course that have made the last year or so. With that being said, 2016 has been a very active year and sales as a whole have gone up. At the time of this article being written July 9, there are currently 54 homes listed in FMLS as ACTIVE, with another 20 currently PENDING. Total sales for Hamilton Mill between Jan 1 - June 30 were up from 57 sales in 2015 to 68 in 2016. That is a 19.2% increase in number of homes sold. The average price went from $340,280 in 2015 to $359,836 in 2016.

A Note From

Grounds & Facilities Summer is a bit of a slow season for G&F since all of the amenities are in full use. The pools and tennis courts are in good shape. Bids are in for the refurbishment of the Millview pool deck and G&F will review and send recommendations to the board. Due to budget considerations, the exterior painting of Millview and Lakeview has been delayed but we hope to go forward with this project third quarter. Welcome to summer in Georgia! Last year we had record rains and this year… a drought. The irrigation system has been repaired and upgraded with rain sensors. Right now the ground is so dry that even when we get rain the irrigation system will still run. Hopefully the rains will come for the end of summer. As always if you see anything that needs attention please contact us through the hmill.com website. Go to committees, G&F page and there is a tab to report. Thanks!

That represents a 5.7% growth in price. As you can see in the chart below the strongest price category was between $300,000 and $400,000. This shows a 42% growth in number of homes sold and a 9.9% growth in sales price. So what does the back half of 2016 hold? Well, if I had a crystal ball it would be easier to predict, but I believe we will continue to see strong sales. I think the number of homes under $300,000 will be fewer and fewer as prices continue to move upward. I think the $450,000 and up price point will be continue to be challenged by much of the new construction in the market. Interest rates are still historically low and that should continue to fuel buyers into the market. Hopefully, the market will continue to move forward, as the real estate bust of previous years is now pretty far back in the rear view mirror. Written by: Scott Lacy - The Scott Lacy Realty Team, Optimus Real Estate Brokers

Gwinnett Swim

Infant & Youth Aquatic Survival Instruction

Ages 8 months to 8 years

Custom designed for each child’s needs

404-590-7946 * Year round facility with 2 indoor heated pools! * One-on-one instructor to student ratio, parents are not in the water

Flexible payment plans

* Flexible scheduling, including evening hours

Mention this ad for ONE FREE LESSON*

Don’t Waste Your Summer In Swim Lessons!! Start Now & Have Your Child Swimming Independently by Summer!

*must mention ad during registration and free lesson must be used after ASI course graduation

8 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Atlanta’s cardiovascular experts. While we’ve always been known for care and compassion, today, we’ve become one of the leading cardiovascular programs in Georgia. At our cutting edge Strickland Heart Center, we’re pushing the boundaries of technology and setting the pace of heart care in Atlanta. Because progress never stops, and neither do we.

This is Gwinnett Medical Center. This is now.

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 9

10 | Hometown Herald | August 2016







Blood Drive 2-7:00pm


















Chastain Night 6-11:00pm


Meetings Swim Team

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________





Join us for any of the listed events RSVP to Hmillevents@gmail.com!



Board Meeting 6:45pm



Back to School









August Fitness/Class Camps Social Events

Calendar Sponsored by: Gwinnett Medical Center See ad on page 9

Hamilton Mill Calendar

Hamilton Mill Association News






The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area.

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 • www.at-hamiltonmill.com

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12 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Hamilton Mill Association News

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 13

Swim team News

Hamilton Mill



The Hamilton Mill Hammerhead Swim Team had an UNDEFEATED season and had over 50 swimmers qualify for the Gwinnett County Swim League Championships!! The following swimmers were recognized at our end of season banquet: High Point Awards:

Most Improved Awards:

6 & Under: Abby Kate Chromek Nate Monjure

6 & Under: Emma Wallace Brady Walden

7&8: Megan Kelly Evan Smola

7&8: Kennedy Martin Kevin Cochran

9 & 10 : Grace Smith Preston Oys

9 & 10 : Annie Torres Jack Wallace

11 & 12: Tristen Thompson Ambrose Chabot 13 & 14: Halle Staples Jake Magahey 15 - 18: Bailey Williams Brian Smith Hammerhead Award: Rachel Fuhrmannek Pace Sclare

11 & 12: Katie Wallace Grant Beadles 13 & 14: Ashlyn Buick Grayson Vail 15 - 18: Rachel Fuhrmannek Dylan Hill

Coaches Award: Bella Casey Don Sams 14 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Hamilton Mill Association News

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 15

Tennis News

Tennis News Jeff Dudacek, Director of Tennis August is finally here. Or I should say, “I cannot believe it is August already”. As we all have seen this summer was a hot one for the tennis players. The matches were lasting longer because the strategy that started the match as turned to survival. The long stretch from spring to summer leagues turn into a grind but finally comes August. It is the down time for all the leagues before the fall session begins. It is time to catch our breath and get ready for the fall programing. The kids go back to school in the first week of August. That makes it a short summer. League tennis might be done but we still have plenty of tennis going on in August. July 4th round-robin We had over 26 people attend the round-robin. It was hot but everyone had a great time. Next round-robin is Labor Day. Mark your calenders. Private Lessons August is a good month to take a few private lessons to fix that bad stroke that you have been nursing all summer. Another popular lesson is 3 students and the pro. Learn strategy with your own group before the team practice. We have packages with buy 4 one hour lessons and get the 5th one free. Court Resurfacing Because of the down time, it is a great time to do court work. Millview courts 1-8 will be resurfaced and cracks repaired in the first week of August. It should take 7 days depending on the weather. Junior Academy News The Kemp junior academy will resume on August 8th. Remember the academy programs are 10 and under program, advanced 10 and under, pre-academy and advanced tournament programs. Check out all the flyers. Any questions contact Calvin or Martina.

16 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

Ball Machine Did you ever have a hitting partner that doesn’t make comments about your game? Try the ball machine. It is great work-out to fine toon your strokes. You need someone to hit with because you missed your league practice or nobody showed at your practice. The ball machine is perfect. It will not correct your bad stroke but it will give you a work out. It comes with the ball mower to pick up all 200 balls in 5 minutes. The cost 15.00 for the hour and we also have unlimited monthly and yearly rates. Call or email the pro-shop to reserve your time. It cannot be reserved on the court scheduler. Fall Alta Adult Camp It is time to get ready to play Fall Alta!! Our popular twice a year event has over 50 people attend over the weekend. Come join us for 1 ½ hours of drills followed by an hour of round robin organized by the pro. Groups will be set by ability and teams will stay together! Don’t get left out last year we had some camps fill up before the deadline. 9:30-12:00 Thursday, August 25th (Ladies) 9:30-12:00 Friday, August 26th (Ladies) 9:30-12:00 Saturday, August 27th (men & ladies in different groups) Cost is $20 per session Discount for multiple sessions: 2-10%, 3-20% You must have reserved spot to attend. Call the shop or email Milltennis@bellsouth.net

Tennis Tips

Tennis Tips - P laying Tennis in the Heat The summer Alta/USTA season is still in full swing in August and having fun (sometimes) competing in subdivisions all over Atlanta, it is very important that I constantly remind you about the importance of preparation for competing in Georgia. Most of the problems that arise due to heat, both from a safety and performance perspective, can be prevented or at least reduced with appropriate preparation and taking care of little things that when combined make a big difference when trying to be successful on the tennis court. Although children and adults regulate body temperature similarly, they use somewhat different mechanisms. However, in extreme environments, such as most summer days throughout much of Atlanta the ability for league players, to maintain a “normal” temperature range is challenged. Also, it is important that both children and adults attempt to acclimate to hot and humid conditions. Now I don’t want you to go out for a run at 2pm when it is 98 degrees. Although playing in hot and humid weather is physically and mentally draining, here are seven practical tips that can help you prepare for the fun but challenging summer league schedule.

a white residue is left on dark-colored clothing or hats. This white residue is salt deposits released from the sweat. The higher the athlete’s salt concentration in the sweat, the more this white residue will show up on their apparel during and after a long match or team practice in hot and humid conditions. Another important reason to consume enough sodium in the diet and fluids is that athletes who consume large amounts of plain water without enough sodium may experience a condition known as “water intoxication.” Make sure that rehydration is performed with sports drinks and water. Tip # 4. BALANCED DIET: A balanced diet is important for all players from a general performance standpoint and especially in regard to heat-related issues. A balanced diet with the needed carbohydrates, fats and protein. Now a balance diet does not start on match day. How what you are eating during the week is how you should play your match. If you went out the night before your match and celebrated your friends 5th marriage you better rely on your partner on the next day’s match. Tip # 5. COOLING: Use ice and other cooling mechanisms to keep the core body Tip #1. TRAIN HARD: temperature cool before, during and after practice and competition. Train hard, during the week at your team practice, will help you Players who go out and play there league matches with lower during the hot summer weekend match. Physically fit athletes core body temperatures to start with have been shown to perform handle the hot and humid conditions better because they are able better than when they go into situations with slightly higher core to consume and utilize more oxygen per breath. Their ability to temperatures. During the match, it is best to take out a cooler full handle mild increases in core temperature gives them a distinct of water (not beer) and ice with a towel submerged in the water on-court advantage over opponents who are not in the same on the court. Besides taking your drink during change over it is physical shape. We all have jobs, kids and mortgages do so some beneficial to take the towel and wipe your neck and wrist and kind of training when you have time. forehead. After the match find shade area and begin to cool down. Tip #2. HYDRATE: Tip # 6. CARBOHYDRATES: Drinking high volumes of carbohydrate & electrolyte-enhanced If an athlete does not consume enough carbohydrates before fluids will prepare the athlete and help limit the severe loss of and during the match, energy that can be used for the working fluids and electrolytes during play. Since tennis players can lose muscles is reduced, and this will result in the body using other between one-fourth of a gallon and three-fourths gallon per hour processes to generate fuel for the working muscles. These other it is important to make sure they do not go onto the court already processes are not as efficient and require more steps to produce dehydrated. We as coaches need to educate our players on the usable energy for the body. These extra steps require the body to importance of hydrating not only during the match, but also the work harder, resulting in greater core temperatures. Again you will night before and the morning of the match. For every 1 percent of not find enough carbohydrates in your beer. body weight that is lost due to sweating, the athlete’s heart rate Tip # 7. WEAR SUNSCREEN! rises approximately five to 10 beats per minute. This means that Sunburn increases skin temperature and makes the body less the athlete’s body will need to work much harder to produce the efficient at body cooling. Most of us have been sunburned and had same result. It is important to remember that the fluids consumed the feeling of heat dissipating from the skin. This process limits the need to have appropriate levels of electrolytes, specifically sodium. amount of heat that will be moved from the core to the periphery Tip # 3. SODIUM: (skin) and limits the ability to cool as efficiently as possible. Consume high-sodium food and drink. Now that might be a few salty chips but not the famous team salsa. Sodium is the major As you can see the body temperature is the key to battle those electrolyte lost in the sweat, and it is directly related to cramping. long summers in Atlanta. An easy way to tell if your players are “salty sweaters” is whether See ya on the courts!

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 17

Tennis Programs

10 & UNDER TENNIS AT HAMILTON MILL TENNIS CENTER Ages: Location: When: Cost: What to Bring:

4-10 Millview Courts, 2385 Hamilton Mill Pkwy, Dacula, GA 30019 Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm 1x a week/$60 per month or 2x a week/$110 per month Active wear, tennis shoes, tennis racquet

When kids are ready Saturday match-play will be offered! *tennis racquet will be provided if you don’t have your own

Please Register at www.kemptennis.com /HM academy sign up For more info or questions email Calvin Kemp at calvin@kemptennis.com or call at 404-747-1411


Junior Program at Hamilton Mill

OUR PHILOSOPHY Our players will train hard, have good attitudes, understand the game, and learn the importance of planning, organization, and commitment. OUR GOALS Teach each player fundamentals of tennis, principles of improving in tennis and its physical, mental and emotional aspects. Take the competitive junior/professional player to the next level by providing the total training package on and off the court. DAILY TRAINING SCHEDULE Fulltime Program: Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri: 1:00-3:30pm and 5:00-7:30pm Afterschool Programs: Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri: 5:00-7:30pm *Each session includes 30 minutes with a fitness trainer! Match Play: Saturday: 2:00-4:00pm *Open to all players 10 and Under Tennis: Mon/Weds: 4:30-5:30pm KPT Director: Calvin Kemp

For more information go to: www.kemptennis.com Phone: 404-747-1411 • Email: Martina@kemptennis.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/kemptennis

18 | Hometown Herald | August 2016

FEES KEMPTRAINING PERFORMANCE Fulltime Program: TENNIS Please call for more information Afterschool Program:

1x a week 2x a week 3x a week 4x a week 5x a week

$180/per month $330/per month $395/per month $465/per month $565/per month

10 and Under Tennis:

1x a week 2x a week

$60/per month $110/per month

Private Lesson: $70/per hour

PLEASE REGISTER AT www.kemptennis.com Hamilton Mill Tennis Center - Mill View 2385 Hamilton Mill Pkwy Dacula, GA 30019

Community News


HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND ATLANTA Tannery Row Artist Colony: Summer Showcase Now - August 26 On West Main Street in Buford Tannery Row Artist Colony is a thriving community of visual artists. Each artist maintains a studio and produces original art in her/his own unique style while creating in a variety of media. Centennial Olympic Games 20th Anniversary Exhibit Now - August 20 at the Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center What ever happened to the Centennial Olympic Stadium? Who is Izzy? Did any Olympic events take place in Gwinnett? Find out the answers to these questions and more as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Centennial Olympic Games. Suwanee Farmers Market Saturday, August 13, 20, 27 • 8-Noon Suwanee Town Center Park Get it fresh in Suwanee! The season of fresh produce, lovely flowers, and yummy baked goods.

Decatur BBQ, Blues & Bluegrass Festival Saturday, August 13 12pm – 8pm 630 East Lake Drive & Harmony Park in Oakhurst, south of downtown Decatur This festival brings some of the South’s best BBQ together with great live blues and bluegrass music from local and national artists. $12 General Admission Gwinnett Braves vs. Rochester Red Wings August 20- 22 Coolray Field Free Family Day Saturday, August 20 10am -5pm Hudgens Center for the Arts Hands On Activities 10am - 5pm Storytimes 11am & 12 noon Bring a brown bag lunch & picnic in the Garden.

Get out and enjoy all the community around you has to offer!

August 2016 | Hometown Herald | 19

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